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3/14/22, 8:32 PM weekly note 27

March Learning Themes:

Community Helpers (week of 2/28-4/1)

students will explore learning centers based around different community
puzzle center includes feed the bunny, Dr. Seuss puzzles, connect four,
crocodile dentist game, community helper pattern strips, construction worker
10 frames, and a variety of community helper puzzles
letters and mail at the science center (students match upper case letters to
envelopes and mail them in a mailbox)
dramatic play center is set up like a veterinarian clinic 
the block center includes cars, ambulance and fire trucks, people, gears, and a
variety of building blocks and manipulatives
songs: Jobs song (../iframe?
v=fZTY3OTUwMGMyMjNkZTg2OTlmYzk0OTQyNzFjZGQxMTc), Hurry Hurry
Drive the Police Car (../iframe?
v=fNGZiODg0ZDA4NzJiYzAzNGNlYzgzYTIyNjM1YjU2MTM), Hurry Hurry Drive
the Firetruck (../iframe?
v=fN2Q4MzViNDVjNTg2MzU4MDEyYmMzYTRlZWYyMjY5MWU), The Wheels
on the Bus, (../iframe?
Count (../iframe?v=fY2Q0ODYzZTBlYTBhYzcyODY2M2I3MjdhODk0Nzg2M2U) 1/20
3/14/22, 8:32 PM weekly note 27

Last week recap: We enjoyed celebrating Dr. Seuss, dressing up

for Dr. Seuss spirit days and reading Dr. Seuss books! We learned
about community helpers and explored the new toys.

This week: We will learn more about community helpers, more

specifically doctors. We will learn a new letter and complete
multiple art projects. 

Circle Time Songs/Music Links:

Hello (../iframe?v=fOWU5NzlmYmViNWE0OThmZmFkYmFiM2ZkZWQxNGViN2M)
Friends (../iframe?v=fMzMxNGYzODJjMzU5Nzc2MmNlMjZjZDIxNGMwMGRlNGY)
What's the Weather (../iframe?v=fNGY3MjhkZmI5ODRmZjZiYjc0OWVlY2Q2MzU2MjIxNzI)
Days of the Week (../iframe?v=fNDBiNzYwOWNjOGFiNTc3YTMxYTRiZDU3NjRkMTM0MmY)
ABCs (../iframe?v=fZDRlYWUzMWYxYWQ5MjExYjQzNDZiZTc3ZTE3MDkxYjc)
Mat Man (../iframe?v=fMjZiNjJjOGUyNDdlYjVkOTAxMWJkOTljMmY1ZjAxODY)

Letter of the Week: N

HWT letter formation: "start at the top, big line down, jump to the top, big line slides
down the bottom corner, big line back to the top"
Zoo Phonics: Nigel Night Owl (Circle your eyes with the thumb and finger of each
hand, give the sound for "N") 4/20
3/14/22, 8:32 PM weekly note 27

Pete the Kitty Goes to the Doctor by James Dean
Splat the Cat Goes to the Doctor by Rob Scotton and Catherine Hapka

Small Groups

phonics group (/N/ sound and things that start with the letter N) 5/20
3/14/22, 8:32 PM weekly note 27

HWT group (trace the letter N, write the letter N, and form the letter N with
sticks and magnets)
language group for AM class (learning 4 commands paired with sign language
- go, finished, more, and help)
Buildings study - unifex cubes, cards and building towers

Adult-Led Art Projects

x ray hand (students trace their hands and make the bones with q-tips)
doctor kit (students will learn doctor vocabulary words and build their own
doctor kit with the tools they use)
teeth and marshmallow craft (students will count and glue marshmallows to
make teeth in a mouth)
Letter N art work 

Reading challenge - March 4th-27th

*Logs were sent home Friday

Spring Break - March 21st-25th
Class/Individual pictures - Tuesday March 29th
Book fair - April 4th-7th
No school - Friday April 15th and Monday April 18th ( (
970-686-8400 ext. 2123 6/20

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