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Laura Valentina Martinez Medina


¿What superhero would you like to be?

The superhero that i chose is Iron Man, because he has proven to be a person with a great
capacity for leadership, he cultivates teamwork, this is demonstrated by the fact that in the
movies you can see that he always looks for the team to be united, to work together and in
the same way to complement each decision and action they take. He is a very empathetic
person; therefore he has developed an ability to adapt to the problems that arise

In the story Iron Man will be named Andres as a sales manager in a multinational company.
Andres is the sales manager of a very important multinational company with a large market
share, however this was not always so, because just Andres entered the company, the
organization did not have an effective strategic organization, so they did not get the
objectives set, so after his arrival he decided to review and analyze the plans, strategies and
results raised and obtained previous years.

Being an entrepreneurial person was always a characteristic that highlighted him a lot, so
he began to investigate on his own what could have been the mistake that the company
made previously and with the help of his work group managed to define what their
weaknesses were in the past strategies proposed, over time the company began to have
higher sales, higher cash flow and greater market share, becoming a recognized company.
This was not only achieved by Andres, this was structured by him because he was a great
leader who had great team skills, he could listen to all members of this and from there to
analyze what could be the most viable strategy to implement, all from a good leadership
and empathy with his team.

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