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[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Professor]

[Course Title]


Unit 2—Adult Learner Assessment Introduction Draft

` Evaluation is an essential element of teaching and learning. It must be done

according to specific goals, helping the student progress and provide targeted support measures

and excellence. For this the instructor should provide a positive experience for students and

encourage personal growth. The implementation of evaluation practices should support

continuous learning and progress.

Purpose of the Assessment

Evaluation will be the objectives set for this lesson. The teacher will assess through

direct questioning and a test at the end of the class. Test scores will determine their

understanding of the topic and show whether the lesson was effective for the students.

The test instrument will skim through the basic concepts the lesson aimed to teach the

learners and evaluate their response on it while the essay question will determine the specific

concepts taught in the class. The primary purpose of the instrument is to provide for learner-

centered curriculum management, assessment, and evaluation.

The functions of assessment

The evaluation is always value judgments statement from information gathered by an

observer. When it relates to people what value judgments reflect may be very different from

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There are three main functions of assessment. We can assign grades to students to certify

that they have reached a certain level of training (summative evaluation) to predict their

adaptation to particular forms of instruction (prognostic assessment), or to gather information

that will allow some regulating the training process (formative evaluation).

Learner Assessment

The classroom involved attendance was 50 first year adult college students for an

Introduction to Business Enterprise course. The ratio of male female students in the class was more

or less equal with most of them in their late teens or early twenties. The students show enthusiasm

as it is their first year in college life. All students demonstrated knowing and speaking the English

language well enough to understand what was being taught. The class has a diverse learner

population and in order for the instructor to be able to address cultural diversity, the instructor must

first be able to have self-awareness of his/her cultural heritage, be knowledgeable of various

cultural groups, and be able to teach (Gay, 2003). The instructor also needs to be consciously

aware of the uniqueness of each student in the classroom (Bradshaw, 2007). “Diversity can have a

positive impact on teaching and learning” (p. 24).

These adult learners get easily distracted therefore the teacher must keep the tone of the

voice loud and questioning must be continuous so they can be attentive. The students became

more interested in hearing life experiences and incidents of the business world. Many

environmental factors including how the instructor teaches, and how actively engaged the

student is in the learning process positively or negatively influence how much and what students

learn (Lambert & McCombs, 2000). Most of the students are visual learners prefer to see the text

as well as hear me speak. Assessment during instruction offers teachers an analysis of teaching

strategies and methods (Stiggins, 2004).

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Asking questions about the subjects is always a good motivating factor for the students to

answer and get a good laugh. Breaking the tension with a few funny stories about nursing and

clients is a great start. According to Granitz, Koening and Harich (2009), students typically

decide what kind of teacher you are and what kind of class this will be within the first 15 minutes

of the first class.

Learning Outcomes

The students will be assessed on their immediate reception of the knowledge on Business

Enterprise and will seek to have immediate feedback on the effectiveness of teaching strategies

employed by the instructor. Furthermore the assessment which will use a minute paper will ask

the students to answer briefly to some distinction on the following two questions: "What was the

most important thing you learned during this class?" and "What important question remains

unanswered?" this will tell whether the students have grasped the basic idea of the lesson and can

understand the various specialties needed to excel in the workplace.

Unit 5—Adult Learner Assessment Section Draft


Even though as mentioned earlier that the participants or the inquirers of the research

include all important people that need to be interviewed comprising educationists and students

from different areas of studies, but an overwhelming majority of the participants in the research

mainly included students that actually play a pivotal role in providing authentic information

about the research that has been conducted.

A total of 50 participants were included in the research for obtaining baseline results. The

sample characteristics included participants' age, gender, race/ethnicity, and family structure. To
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be eligible for inclusion in the current analyses, participants were required to have an experience

of studying in groups with the teachers as well as individual learning.


The instrument used in this study consisted of a well-prepared assessment test using

either direct questions or questions related to the field. Most of the questions are direct and most

of the questions are in the form of multiple choice questions; however the assessment test

contains some detailed questions also.

The available questions that have been designed will shed light and will try to outline a

relationship between the business and money. A question has been added regarding the meaning

of the outsourcing to assess the understanding of the students.


The following questions were developed for the assessment:

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is any activity that seeks to provide goods and services to others while operating at

a profit?

a) Profit

b) Business

c) Revenue

d) Quality of Life

2. What is the total amount of money a business takes in during a given period by selling

goods and services?

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a) Gross pay

b) Sales

c) Profit

d) Revenue

3. Who are all the people who stand to gain or lose by the policies and activities of a


a) Shareholders

b) Stakeholders

c) Managers

d) Employees

4. _________ is assigning various functions, such as accounting, production, security,

maintenance, and legal work, to outside organizations.

a) Managing

b) Contracting

c) Outsourcing

d) Telemarketing

5. An ____________ is a person who risks time and money to start and manage a business.

a) Entrepreneur

b) Profit person

c) Goal getter

d) Risk taker

True or False Questions:

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1. Entrepreneurs PROVIDE EMPLOYMENT for other people. They also PAY TAXES

that are used for schools, hospitals, and other facilities. T / F

2. PROFIT: revenue minus expenses = Profit T / F

Essay Questions

1. What is outsourcing?

Answer: Outsourcing is assigning various functions, such as accounting, production, security,

maintenance, and legal work, to outside organizations. Outsourcing may cause more harm to the

country than good for the company. Many companies have set up design and production

facilities here in the United States, a practice known as in sourcing. The decision whether to

outsource or to in source is based on what is best for all the stakeholders.

Directions for the Assessment Administrator and Adult Learners

Following are the strategies that can be adopted to help adult learners who are taking the

assessment and the supervisor who is supervising the assessment. According to the researchers,

adult learners see themselves as victims. It is very important to know and understand that the

learner who is taking the assessment should adopt a very positive attitude. A positive attitude can

increase self-confidence and pick up test performance.

Adult learners should take the assessment as an ability to prove themselves, not evidence

that they are victims of a system that cares little about them. As a patient who is positive gets

better soon the same way an adult learner can be assesses better with a positive attitude.

An adult student, who gets there late for an assessment, in a rush, is not psychologically

ready for the confronts or difficulties of a test. If the learner is failed, the assessment criteria or
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format is often held responsible, but the actual problem might be that the adult learner was not

emotionally ready to perform to his/ her capabilities. The adult learner should try hard to put the

mental stress or the tiredness of the work place behind and focus on at hand assessment and put

the best efforts to perform. Understanding a question before answering it and reviewing the

choices for the best answer can help learners to successfully attempt the assessment paper.

Administrators of the adult learning test must know that many adult learners are the victims

of stress from their families or from the work place so the administrator has to keep in the view

that Adult learners also need some quiet time right before taking a test. An hour or two to clear

their heads of life's stresses, away from family and job: time to think about the challenges

associated with the upcoming test. They need some extra time to get an ease with the assessment

procedure and to make learning easier. While assessing the adult educators, the administrators

need to be flexible for the timings.

Handling the Learners with Special Needs During Assessment

An adult learner with special needs are a special part of all areas of adult education, higher

education, training programs and community education programs and is indispensible for the

educators to get acquainted with the needs of the adult learners with special needs and to learn

how to assess these learners.

Adult education has a long tradition of giving special attention and respect to the diversity

of learners and the uniqueness of each learner.

The following strategies can be adopted to work with adult learners with special needs:

 The first strategy is to make the adult learner feel to be a master and share what-

ever comes in his/ her mind. Ideas from the adult learner with any special need can some-
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times be helpful for educators. Recently I met a student who has severe back pain from

an accident. These ideas actually help assessing the learner’s understanding. However the

administrator needs to recognize that different groups of adult learners should be assessed

a bit differently. If the answer of the question available in the test is answered to some ex-

tent and the ideas of adult learner are mixed, the educationist must regard the ideas. This

is how an adult learner with special needs or with disabilities can be properly dealt.

 Some students with special needs do not know what difficulty they are having in

the learning and what the thing they actually do not know is. Principally in the ground of

assistive technology, they often do not know there are many recently developed technolo-

gies and enhancements that can assist and support learning: speech recognition evalua-

tion programs, screen readers and other assessment technologies related to computers

that allow students with different disabilities in order to access to information and "write"

documents. However, appropriate training and support services are essential if the indi-

vidual must be able to use these new assessment technologies successfully.

 Having knowledge about the community or state or the contact person for your in-

stitution that has the information is very useful when working with adult learners. With

this knowledge the facilitator will be in a better position to assess the adult learner with

special needs individually.

Advantages of Assessment Test

Assessment Test is a very efficient, simple and cost effective tool of assessing the adult

learners, especially when the questions are relevant and assessment test is large in size. It is

also lot less costly as compared to semi-structured, face –to – face interviews or focus group
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interviews. Along with the manual checking by the facilitators, numerous software tools are

available to make the assessment result, which is an added advantage.

Assessment test is a common and effective way of assessing the basic understanding of the

adult learners. As assessment test provides an opportunity to the adult learners to prove

themselves and to show their learning, so, there are neither any middle-man biases in

assessment test nor the facilitators’ point of view is discourages.

Unit 7—Interpretation of Results Draft

Interpretation of Results

The assessment should be comprehensive evaluation of the students and should

incorporate various strategies into account for both the outcomes and learning needs of various

students. It should be:

• Developmentally appropriate, for the age and sex of the student and reflect their practical and

special needs;

• be constructive and focused on students' strengths and encourage further learning by creating

an atmosphere and a positive self-image;

• enable students to demonstrate their skills in Business Enterprise by providing the means to

gather evidence about what students know and can do, classroom assessment can help teachers

identify students’ strengths and weaknesses.

The degree of success should depend on demonstrating results expected rather than a

comparison of students’ achievement with one another. Compare student skills to those of

another does not motivate him to try to do better. This often has the reverse effect. For cons, the
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use of realistic evaluation criteria, relevant and valid may encourage students to take their own

learning in hand and acquire the will to use technology wisely throughout their life. These

assessments are not only helpful in monitoring student learning and progress but also helps in

lesson planning for the future as it is thought to be a bond that holds teaching and learning

together. Moreover assessment enables the educators to examine teaching success and student

learning and helps to encourage and form learning and instruction. It also helps teachers estimate

student proficiency in required skills; establish whether students are ready for tests that are used

for high-stakes resolutions and facilitate students make their own performances better.

Grading criteria

Grade Assessment Remarks

4 The student meets the Keep it up

standard of excellence for
Excellent year of studies, demonstrates
an understanding
exceptional or gives a yield
higher demonstrates
3 The student meets the Well done
standard of acceptability for
Good year of studies showing good
understanding or giving a
2 The student just meets the Needs improvement
Satisfactory acceptable for the academic
year. His performance and
understanding to begin has
developed, but he still makes
mistakes. It
does not control everything.
1 The student does not yet meet
Low the standard acceptable for the
academic year. There are
serious errors, omissions or
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No score is attributed to a No verdict can be given

fault sufficient indication of The teacher must decide:
Poor student achievement • if the student must repeat the
according to the requirements task;
of the task. • whether to give him more
time to complete the task;
• whether to assign a
different task, given capacity;
• whether to education
Additional Preparatory a new
• if the job does not fit
student and must be rejected

The rubric provides details on what is expected of students describing the evaluation

criteria and performance levels. There are usually two descriptive scales for each assessment.

One sets out criteria for assessing compulsory learning material, the other criteria for assessing

learning the specific course. These scales can also be combined into one; this assessing rubric is

mainly for measuring learning.

The given scale endeavors to assess the learning outcomes of the compulsory subject

which are related to this course and the criteria of expectation are included in the given rubric.

Before using descriptive scales provided in the rubric the instructor should ensure that students

understand the statements. It is essential to discuss the rubric with students to the make them

understandable. It also offers an excellent opportunity to enrich their vocabulary and clarify what

is expected them.

When a student's work is weak or inadequate, it is for the teacher to decide on appropriate

interventions to help students improve. One possibility is to define him learning objectives. All

students can benefit from establishing learning goals.

Steps in Developing Assessment Plans

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 As the instructor began the process of developing the program's plan for the above

formative assessment, the following suggested steps were followed:

1. Meetings were conducted with academic and educational faculty to talk about the

requirement to develop a determining assessment plan.

2. Specific individuals were identified who were involved in developing the assessment

plan, with the classification of the individuals accountable for each part.

3. The college administrators were informed of the assessment plan as according to the

curriculum changes, required resources and needs of the college policy.

4. The technique/model for course review was settled on. It must be kept in mind that, for

purposes of certification, course-specific semester credit hours and specific seminar clock hours

will be utilized and added with the outcomes or achievement of competencies

The graded assessment will be summative Assessment that is complete appraisal of

learning outcomes at the conclusion of educational training. Summative assessment gives way to

critical information for evaluating an individual's achievement of knowledge and skills. This is a

criterion-referenced assessment. In this criterion-referenced assessment the learner is not

compared to others but is instead assessed by reference to criteria, if, having achieved the goals

the student is able to pass for later learning.

During their professional trainers, teachers assess students frequently. It may be an

implicit valuation that is manifested by remarks or gestures by an appreciation of the ways of

being or student productions. It can also be evaluated explained fully in the form of a note.

It takes place usually after a period of training and aims to verify whether students have

acquired or not the totality of knowledge, namely theoretical, methodological or practical

training subject. It takes the form of a balance sheet rather general and, in the case of final
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examinations of the cycle is conducted for a social and professional certification. A simple note,

though it claims to identify a fairly high level of acquisition is the summative evaluation. And

the assessment criteria I used follow this type of evaluation.


Scoring rubric

The reasons for the use of scoring rubrics include being able to supply timely feedback and

providing a way for adult learners to know how to use the critical comments or feedback

provided. Rubrics also help encouraging critical thinking among adult learners, improve their

communicational skills and boost fairness in scoring practices.

There is a great deal of hypothetical support for the use of scoring rubrics in adult

education. Educationists are keen on connecting assessment techniques to the characteristics of

adult learners.

Based upon what research is available, I am prepared to use scoring rubrics in a

University course that I teach as a method to outline expectations and provide fair scoring. The

process of interpreting assessments can have an impact on your teaching as I can see benefits of

using rubrics in adult education programs where students are learning complex skills over time

such as adult literacy programs. I am less certain of the helpfulness of rubrics in other areas of

adult education.
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Bradshaw, M. J., & Lowenstein, A. J. (2007). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and

related health professions. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Granitz, L., Koening, M. & Harich, E. (2009), Journal of marketing education, 31(1). Retrieved


Lambert, N., & McCombs, B. (2000). Introduction: Learner-centered schools and classrooms as

direction for school reform. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Stiggins, R. (2004). Framework for quality learning. Assessment analysis. Retrieved from


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