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Bnha Light Novel Volume 1 Translations Chapter 3 Part 3

Soo, it’s been a long time, but I finally have the motivation to continue. Hope ya’ll had a wonderful Christmas this year or just holiday, cause I didn’t
celebrate shit, expect for shopping with a good friend.

Well, without wasting any room, let’s continue

“Hello, U.A. High School.”

“Hello? I am Todoroki Shouto’s family from Class 1A, I’m looking for Class A’s supervisor Aizawa- sensei.”

The voice from the receiver sound’s like a young woman, Aizawa keeps searching for Todoroki’s family members in his mind.

(Family…… I remember in Todoroki’s residence……)

“Hello, I am Aizawa, please to meet you. I beg your pardon, but you are……”

“Ah, sorry, I’m his sister.I’m the one who should thanking you for taking care of our Shouto.”(precious Fuyumi)

“This call came in the right time, I just contacted your home.”

“Really? Sorry, I just came home. The teachers meeting was really prolonged ……”

Those familiar words made Aizawa slightly shock.

“Teachers meeting?…… Aah, I remember that you seems to be an elementary school teacher right?”

“Ah, yes…… two teachers having a conversation like this seems weird.”

Even though they’re from the same family, but the sister was different than Todoroki, her voice coming from the phone has a  caring and talkative

(But, for a hard to get along and cold type of person probably wouldn’t be an elementary school teacher.) (like you Aizawa)

“What did you call for…… did anything happened to Shouto……?”

“As she thought of what Aizawa just said, her voice became worried.

“No, I’m just informing you about parents day.”

“Is that so.”

Hearing Aizawa’s simplistic answer, she lets out a sigh of relief.

Aizawa thinks back to Todoroki’s first appearance when he first entered high school. Even though he’s strong, but he refuses to involve with
anyone. From his looks, when Todoroki was in middle school and elementary school, the school must’ve reported some bad news. (poor boy)

“May I ask who is going to the event on that day?”

“Ah, that would be me. I wanted to actually ask you something about parents day…….”


“Can I record on that day? I definitely won’t interfere the teacher’s class.”

(Recording? To keep as a memento? That’s pretty caring.)

That rare request made Aizawa puzzled a bit.

“Really sorry, for safety purposes, the school prohibits bringing any recording devices.”

“Is that so……”

Her voice originally sounded regretful, but as Aizawa started to concisely explain, her voice then changes back to her usual voice.

“——and that is all, please to meet you.”

“It’s okay, I’m the one who should be saying that.”

When Aizawa was hanging up the phone, and ticking the name on the list that’s on his hand, he suddenly thought of something.
(What is it’s not for memento——)

Present Mic’s smug voice reached to Aizawa as he was thinking that thought.

“If it was me, I’ll seize the TV station!! Sending my voice as a signal to all the people’s ears on their evening time! And during that time when
they’re unconscious, I’ll steal all the jewels and women’s heart~! How’s is it, just like a pro right?”

“Why do want to be a jewel thief, it’s not a comic, and the jewel store’s security is pretty strong wouldn’t it?”

“Under the attack of my voice, even if it’s reinforced glass can break you know? It’ll shatter!” (earrape)

“Sigh, that’s not important, you guys want to hear my bad idea? If you wanna hear it, kneel down and lick my shoe!” (i already felt uncomfortable
typing it down, but they seem to be used to it)

“No need, thanks.”

Midnight is showing a coquettish smile, Cementoss then uses a flat answer just his body to answer.

“Cementoss, don’t be so stiff. All right, I’ll make this as an exception and tell you guys! Precisely, I’ll make everyone fall asleep first, then I’ll take
that chance to use their weakness to threaten them.” (happy new year to the people that’s at my time zone, cause the fireworks just got launched)
(it was already over cause i’m hecking late)

“That’s pretty despicable.”

“Even though it’s not eye- catching, but it feels like the authentic ones are pretty bad too.”

Thirteen shaking his head with antipathy.

“But, what will you do if you can’t find any weakness?”

“If it’s under that kind of condition then……. just make one up is fine! I’ll do something to them while they’re sleeping.”

Hearing Cementoss’s doubt, Midnight then shamelessly throws amorous glances.

“That’s a pretty careless plan.”

“It’s so realistic that it’s scary!”

“Vicious and sexy…… just like a bitch.” (I made this up cause I couldn’t really translate the word)

Looking at the time that Aizawa’s busy calling, the teachers’ conversation turned into a boasting about their quirks to do bad things.

(What the hell are they doing……)

Specially retort is pretty idiotic, Aizawa decides to call finish the rest of the calls. He first uses his eyedrop on his dry eyes, gather back his
thoughts and takes up the receiver again.

And yet the heroes doesn’t know his thoughts, as they keep chatting on.

“But, why do you guys feel so happy when you’re talking about bad stuff? I feel like I’ve done something that I shouldn’t have, I feel painful deep
inside my body.

“Human’s vile spawn.”

“Can’t do, we’re heroes you know!”

“Thirteen, don’t think about it, it’s just a conversation after all! It’s just a delusion of 100% fresh orange juice!”

“Present Mic pats Thirteen’s shoulder with a frivolous tone, Cementoss at his side was a bit curious and opened his mouth:

“Now that we think about it, we wanted to be heroes since we were young, and that’s pretty upright, hard to say that we naturally suppressed
ourselves inside, warning ourselves to never do bad things.”

“Unsatisfied wishes is the perfect spices for achieving happiness, but accumulating too much is a no no! Letting yourself breathe out once for a
while is needed. If you want, I can help you to relax. It’s really easy? Just throw away that heavy burden that is your self- esteem, and become my

“No need.”

Cementoss indifferently continues to smile.

“People like us thinking how to do bad things, doesn’t really count as a bad thing, it helps us to know villain’s thoughts.

“That makes sense.”

Present Mic suddenly says “Oh yeah!” Then say:

“If we’re talking about letting ourselves to breathe, you guys used your quirks to do pranks before right? Most people do that alright!”

“I never did any pranks.”

Thirteen shakes his head.

(That’s not possible right?)

The conversation slips in by accident, and it made Aizawa thinks, while still calling. At that time, Present Mic yells in surprise:

“That can’t be!! You go as far as be methodical since you were born! That’s just the embodiment of buddha!” (the original meaning of the word is
theory of the original goodness of human nature, but i don’t know how to put it in)

(I surprisingly had the same thought as that guy……)

“……Ah, sorry, so that day——”

Even though Aizawa is having a straight face, he still uses the same tone as usual to continue explaining.

“Then did Present Mic- sensei did any pranks before?”

As Thirteen asked, Present Mic slightly thought for a while, then pridefully answers:

“When it was recess time, I did a rap contest beside my sleepy friend’s ear or something like that!” (earrape x2)

“Suddenly woke up Present Mic’s voice, feels like it’s not good for the heart.”

“And while that guy is sleeping, I’ll use 100% effect of a live and send over a hundred songs non- stop something like that!” (earrape x3)

“Being your friend sure is pitiful~”

“That guy must be me right.”

Hearing those past events that couldn’t slip through, Aizawa can’t help but put down the receiver, and dejectedly speaks in a low voice.

“Oh——yeah, MY FRIEND! Sorry sorry, just flushed those past events down to the drain!”

“Are the things you did were shit?” (the original one didn’t sound mean enough, so i added a bit of flavor text)

Aizawa was thinking that if it’s like that, then just let the memories go down the drain as well. He ignores his class,ate who’s having sympathy in
his eyes, his voice sounded not caring at all again, as he continues to contact the students’ parents.

“……Hello, Miss Midoriya, pardon me. The signal was cut off a bit…… as I was saying……”

Present Mic who is faster than Aizawa to flush down his faults down continues to say:

“Oh yeah, did Midnight ever did some pranks before? It’s not possible for you to do 18+ stuff since back then right!?

“If it’s obscene stories then there’s no need.”

“Don’t be so mean, I’m was a cute little girl back then! But, if we’re talking about pranks, when me and my first boyfriend played house together,
we played a doctor’s game”

“Ooh, using the examine tool to hear different places like that!?”

Seeing that Present Mic obviously got hooked by it and got exited, Midnight gave him a coquettish smile.

“Feel free to imagine! However, the doctor’s play got more realistic, it turn into a surgery play afterwards…….”

“Eh? Where did you did that surgery……?”

The expressive male heroes turned more stiff.

“Uhhehe, I’ll let everybody Imagine. It. By. Yourself. Maybe because of the surgery? That guy really hate girls after that, and walks down another
path……” (oof, press f for that guy)

“What did you do to there!? What the heck did you do!”

Present Mic yells as he guards the thing that’s between his legs. As Midnight flashes back to the distant memory, she chuckles a bit, as she
smiles.“Maybe the stimulation was a bit too much……”

“Don’t you show such a happy face while thinking back that memory! Thirteen also feels the same way right!?”

“……this doesn’t even relate to quirks, that’s just purely a prank right?”

“Oh my, it seems so! Don’t need to linger on me, tell me what kind of pranks you guys did before! Ectoplasm did too right?”

Being asked by Midnight like that, Ectoplasm opens his mouth to answer:

“I never used my quirk to do pranks…… but I just regret that one thing I did in my whole life……”

The heroes were all attracted by Ectoplasm’s extremely heavy atmosphere.“A confession on sins!? This makes it even more exciting——! If you
want, I can diligently help you to censor it!”

“The celibacy Ectoplasm did something wrong, It’s hard to imagine!” (celibacy’s meaning is state of living unmarried, especially for religious

“That’s right, I want to hear it!”


Ectoplasm uses his own rights to keep silent about it.

“Hey hey, you said it yourself, you can’t do that! Don’t just leave the audience be! HOLD ON ME!”

“I hope you guys can forget about it.”

Seeing as the teachers won’t let him off the hook that easily, Ectoplasm can’t help but regrets slipping those words out. Cementoss said to
Ectoplasm  who is full of regrets:

“Don’t need to force yourself, but saying things out sometimes, maybe you’ll feel better? As teachers, we just want to help you.

”Seeing Cementoss’s small eyes full of concern, Ectoplasm was moved by it.

“——that happened when I was in elementary school.”

As Ectoplasm was talking about his past, Present Mic and the the others’ eyes began to light up, holding their breathe in excitement.

(Never thought it was that easy that easy to make him talk about it……)

“……Ah, hello, is this Mineta’s residence? I’m Minoru- san’s teacher Aizawa…… yes, thank you for your care. I’m calling today is to tell you about
parents day——”

Aizawa disses them during the space between two calls, as he makes sure to finish his job. Ectoplasm completely doesn’t know that Aizawa was
dissing him internally, as he opens that seems to be tight, but dishonest mouth to say:

“One morning, my body was constantly on my bedding for a long time, as time moves fast as light……”

“Eh? What does that mean?”

Cementoss answers the confused Present Mic:“He seems to be talking about being overslept.”

“I felt despair. But I haven’t gave up, I ran at full speed to the school…… However, the bell ruthlessly rings in front of me, I then used my clone to
appear at the classroom……”

“…… So you’re saying, you used your clone to go to school because you were late right?”“Aah, even though it was for the perfect attendance
award, but, but I feel like my sins are too deep……”

Ectoplasm’s confession made the heroes look at each other, as they disappointingly let out their sighs.
“That’s just disappointing! You go as far as to exploit that, isn’t that just shameless! And it’s the perfect attendance award too!”

“Because you said this was sin, it made me imagine things that are a lot more worse. Like a life and death situation, some emotional ties mingling
love and hate or something like that.”

“It’s because everybody was having their own expectations, I only narrated the truth.”

Maybe because it was everybody’s reaction affected their mood, Ectoplasm seems slightly snubbed and sips his tea. Hearing Ectoplasm’s story,
Thirteen seems to be thinking back something and say:

“If it’s this kind of story, I did it before too. Even though it’s a bit embarrassing, but I once used my black hole to suck up my wet futon, to get rid of
evidence …….”

“You sure do know how to use your quirk! I wish to have that kind of power too——!”

“Nah, I still got caught in the end, got scolded a lot afterwards.”

Thirteen shyly scratches his helmet, Cementoss then say to him:“Wetting the bed huh? That’ really makes people smile when they think about it.”

“What about Cementoss? Ever did any pranks before?”

“Me? Let me think…… mostly when I was nearly caught during hide and seek, I made a wall, and did some modifications to it—— I can only say it
until here.”

Cementoss’s calm smile made the other heroes stiffen.

“…… are there parts you can’t say…..?”

“Don’t ask, it’s scary! My grandfather once said, the worst persons are usually the most normal ones!!”

“But you wanted me to confess my secret first, and you didn’t truthfully say it, that’s just mean.”

“I want to hear it too. Knowing other’s secrets, that’s just makes me want to expose it.”

Thirteen and Present Mic were so scared that they started to overelaborate, while Ectoplasmm and Midnight got closer to Cementoss.

Cementoss then smiled to the teachers.

“Don’t take it seriously, I’m just joking.”

“……Eh, it’s just a joke~ Don’t scare us~”

“A joke that doesn’t make people laugh, doesn’t count as a joke.”

“Cementoss’s jokes doesn’t seems like it’s good for the heart——!“

“Sorry about that, say hi to your grandfather for me.”

“Ah, you’re holding a grudge!”

“Let it flow, let it flow! And flush it down the drain——!”

(This guy’s drain get’s clogged pretty fast won’t it?)

“—— Well then, that is all. Please to meet you.”

As Aizawa hangs up the phone, he ticks yaoyoruzu’s name on the paper that’s on his hand. As a result, the job of contacting the parents is done.

Maybe it was the fatigue and the accomplishment of the job done, Aizawa let’s out his breathe. The others didn’t even batted an eyelash at him, as
they continue their chit- chat.

(But, they sure are pretty talkative, they can talk until there’s no end on this boring kind of subject……)

Aizawa stares at bewilderment at the teachers’ as they discuss.

“However, if we use our quirks together, perhaps we can become a strong villain in a certain degree, wouldn’t it!? We can do whatever bad things
whenever , wherever we want!”

At the same time that Present Mic yells loudly, a sound came from a low place.
Well, that is done, took quite some time to actually finish typing it, it’s really interesting to see the heroes old self but it seems pretty enjoyable, but
new year is over it seems and school is already starting for me. So there will be no translations until October or November, or just in the holidays I
hope, if I have the motivation. Nonetheless, Happy New Year anyway!Check out my art if you guys are interested!

this is part 3.

please tell me if there are any errors, i’ll correct them if i have time

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