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Referring to the part 2 question, The Entrepreneurs Dilemma: Alibaba, Tencent, and Amazon Case

Study Solutions & Analysis, discuss a suitable digital business branding plan for Karz. Present your
ideas with six key types of digital media channels in a minimum of one A4 page.

1. Seach engine marketing

Karz, which is a business that focuses on women clothing (coats, skirts, upper
garments, trousers, and accessories) can use SEM as a marketing strategy or digital
promotion. When customers are looking for women clothing or more specific ones such
as coats, skirts or other products sold by Karz, then Karz’s products that will appear at
the top of the list. This strategy is called SEM because Taobao Marketplace charges
sellers for this type of promotion.

2. Online PR

Most of the social media that we know today such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook,
and Twitter are blocked in China. So, using the platform as an online PR strategy is
certainly not the right decision because it violates the law.
However, China also has legal social media and can be used to connect with
customers. These social media include Weibo, Renren, and Youku. Karz can use these
three social media to connect with customers, such as answering customer question,
accepting critics and discuss with customers for the solution, and introducing Karz as a
women clothing brand.
In addition, this social media can also be used as a place to give announcements to
customers, such as discounts, promos, new product launches, even the most important
thing for now is the announcement of the transfer of Karz from Tmall to Taobao
This will increase the brand awareness of Karz as a women clothing brand. It also
serves to show what kind of brand Karz is, what are their values, what are Karz’s
priorities as a women’s clothing brand, and how Karz as a brand treats its customers.
Thus, creating the image that Karz wants as a company in public.

3. Online Partnerships

If Karz still wants to stay on Tmall by complying with their new policies, then Karz must
work extra hard by implementing new policies to increase sales so that there is no
collapse. One way to attract people's attention is to do online partnerships. By doing
partnerships, for example, Karz collaborates with third-party websites to promote their
products, so many people will see Karz's products. However, keep in mind, that it is not
easy to do an online partnership, so making an invitation to do partnership’s must be
done convincingly to a third party
4. Interactive Advertising

As we know that Karz sells products about women's clothing such as coats, skirts, tops,
trousers, and accessories, so doing interactive advertising, is also one of Karz's ways to
increase sales. The tips are by placing these interactive advertisements in places where
prospective customers, especially women, are looking for information about the
similarity of products that sold by Karz on the Internet, so that, if the interactive
advertisement that Karz displays appears, then if the customer is interested, they can
directly click on it and go to the Karz website.

5. Opt-in Email Marketing

Doing opt-in email marketing doesn't always work, and it has to be right for people who
want to buy and are interested in the products that Karz sells. Because, for example,
renting email lists to random people will only be considered spam, so not everyone can
be given such e-mails.

6. Social Media Marketing

As we know before that most of the social media such as YouTube, Instagram,
Facebook, and Twitter are blocked in China. So, the only way to do social media
marketing is only through Chinese social media, namely Weibo, Renren, and Youku.
Although the social media is not used worldwide like Instagram, but to increase sales
specifically in China, this can be done. On doing social media marketing, there must be
goals. What is the purpose of karz through social media? Is it to increase brand
awareness, generate leads, provide customer support, or increase brand engagement
and reach?

The next step is to define an audience persona that represents user characteristics
such as their industry as it relates to the products sold on Karz. Competitor analysis will
also help to understand the platforms of the audience prefers to spend time on. For
example, if a competitor has a significant following on social media A compared to other
platforms, Karz can assume that the audience is more active on social media A.

Mandatory content strategy based in Karz goals & target market. Identify the primary
challenges of Karz audience & prospects & seek to understand how Karz can solve
them through Karz content. This creates the basis for the content tactics. To increase
the reach of Karz content organically, they need to find a way to find out the breakdown
procedure based on the social media where their content is published. They should
know at the point when it's exclusive, each social media platform prefers exclusive
content formats over others. For example, currently photo and video content on
Instagram has a better audience reach based on other content. So, to thrive on this
platform, Karz need to create video content as it will receive better reach than using text
or links.

Part 4. Short answer questions

Referring to the part 2 question, The Entrepreneurs Dilemma: Alibaba, Tencent, and Amazon Case
Study Solutions & Analysis, answer the following questions:

1. Understanding your goals keeps you on track and allows you to focus all of your efforts on achieving
real business objectives. Effective goals follow the SMART framework. Create SMART goals for
Answer :
SMART is short for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound.
- Spesific : Karz must have a specific target. Make targets in detail, clear and can be explained well. This
means a specific target, not a target that can be determined in general. In this case, for example, the
specific target for Karz is to increase their growth and selling to survive in Tmall.
- Measurable : If karz have determined specific goals, then the next step is to measure the progress of the
specific goals . Whether Karz can see that they are getting closer to the goal or not. The purpose of the
Measurable is also to see and determine the next steps from the facts that already exist. In this case, by
increasing sales, Karz must pay an annual service fee in addition to the company's net profit. In this
"measurable", Karz needs to calculate the minimum required income in order to achieve the company's net
profit and pay the annual service fee.
- Achievable : At this point, Karz needs to know that the target that has been set is achievable (Achievable),
meaning that this target should not be too easy, but also not too difficult. With this Achievable, Karz can
assess whether the goals that have been made can be achieved or not. In this case, Tmall has 110,46
million monthly covered users, So, of all the internet explorers, it is likely that there will be many
customers who can buy products from Karz and meet sales targets on Karz
- Relevant : When Karz makes a target, Karz needs to choose a target that is relevant meaning that if the
target is achieved, that target will certainly have an impact on others. Karz gets big profits and meets sales
targets, and can pay an annual service fee, so in order to innovate, from these profits, Karz can innovate to
create new products.
- Timebound : If Karz has a goal, of course, they must set a time limit for achieving that goal. This realistic
time limit is needed in order to focus and be able to prepare the necessary funding sources as early as
possible. For example, Karz wants to increase sales as quickly as possible and in order to survive in Tmall,
Karz must set a strategy by doing promotions or advertisements in order to meet sales targets with a
predetermined time limit.

2. Using the SMART goals in question number 1, define the right Instagram performance metrics for
Answer :
Karz is a company based in China, and Instagram is one of the social media that is blocked in China.
However, if Karz can be promoted worldwide outside of China with Instagram, then there are seven Instagram
metrics that Karz should track to measure their performance, there are follower growth rate, engagement per
follower, website traffic, link clicks, comments per post, Instagram stories engagement, and reach.
3. Using the Instagram performance metrics in question number 2, explain each performance metrics!

Answer :
- Follower growth rate :
A high number of followers can add to the credibility of a brand, Karz's rate of follower growth, on the
other hand, can let Karz know if his business is expanding its reach and attracting new people. For
example, Karz gets 40 new followers in a month. If Karz started out with 400 followers, that means your
growth rate was 10%—which is excellent. However, if Karz started out with 4000 followers and got 40
new followers that month, Karz's follower growth rate would be only 1%. This metric indicates that Karz's
Instagram marketing is stagnating, and it may be time to try a new strategy.

- Engagement per follower : Tracking Karz's engagement per follower makes it possible to monitor how
interested Karz's audience is. This metric is especially important if Karz is evaluating a partnership with
an influencer because Karz doesn't want to pay for sponsored posts on an account without real
engagement. Just like follower count and growth rate, karz doesn't want to just look at the raw numbers. It
is important to compare the number of likes and comments to the size of the audience. Karz can calculate
Karz engagement metrics on a monthly or weekly basis. Don't try to track it every day, as normal day-to-
day fluctuations will likely waste data. For example, if Karz’s got 50 likes and comments last week and
you had 500 followers, your follower engagement rate was 10% for the week.

- Website traffic : Instagram is very influential to be a powerful driver of traffic to Karz's website. Karz's
can track the number of website visitors from Instagram with the help of Google Analytics.

- Link clicks : The next step is to determine which specific links and stories were clicked. Karz's can take
your Instagram analytics to the next level by creating URLs with UTM parameters that tell Karz's
analytics platform where a particular visitor came from.

- Comments per post : Likes on Instagram are tempting, but comments on Instagram are more meaningful
when it comes to engagement. It's easy to tap the “like” button, but typing out a comment requires time.
When someone leaves a comment, it shows that Karz's really caught their interest and connected with
them in some way. It's a good idea to make note of which of Karz's individual posts get the most
comments to see if a pattern emerges over time. For instance, if Karz's audience really likes a particular
type of product photo, create more posts like that to keep engagement high.
- Reach : If we have an Instagram business account, we can view reach with Instagram insights. This is
different from impressions. If the same person sees your post 5 times, that will count as 5 impressions.
However, that person only counts as 1 towards reach, making it an important metric to measure brand
awareness and how many people are actually seeing your post.

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