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As Envisaged in the Amrut Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban

transformation (AMRUT), Service Level Improvement Plan (SLIPS) are submitted

by respective Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). Accordingly State Annual Action Plan

(SAAP) is prepared and under final stage of approval process.

In view of above, General Guidelines for preparation of detailed project

report are issued to facilitate the preparation of accurate and complete detailed

project report.

However for sake of preparation of technical designs of various

components of the scheme, following technical guidelines are being issued.

1) The design of scheme shall be in accordance with provisions in CPHEEO

manual (May-1999) and various circulars issued by Maharashtra Jeevan

Pradhikaran and G.R. issued for AMRUT from time to time.

2) The handbook on service level benchmarks issued by GOI shall be

referred for arriving at current status of parameters defined in service

level benchmarks for water sector.

3) Guidelines issued under Amrut Mission shall be strictly adhered and

followed for preparation of D.P.R s.

4) Rate of water supply : 135 lpcd at consumer’s end.

5) Losses in the system : 15% (as per CPHEEO norms)

6) Design period of project components

Sr. Components Designs

No. period in
1. Storage dams 50
2. Infiltration works 30
3. Pumping
a) Pump House 30
b) Electric motors and pumps 15
4. Water treatment plant. 15
5. Pipe connection to several treatment units and other 30
small appurtenances
6. Raw and pure water transmission mains 30
7. Clear water reservoirs,balancing and service reservoirs 15
8. Distribution system 30
7) Population forecast :-
a) Population forecast shall be done as per General Guidelines issued
by CPDM Cell under Amrut Mission.
b) Floating population shall be got certified by Chief Officer/Deputy
Commissioner. However rate of supply shall be as follows :
i) Bathing facilities provided : 45 lpcd
ii) Bathing facilities not provided : 25 lpcd.
c) Industrial demand shall be ascertained from respective authorities.
d) Commercial and Institutional demand shall be ascertained by
looking into available records of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs).

e) Fire Demand :-
i) For population larger than 50,000 : 100 √ p where P is
population in thousands.
ii) One third of fire demand shall be provided as a part of service
8) Pressure requirements :-
a) Minimum at stand posts (if necessary) :5m
b) Single storeyed buildings are common :7m
c) 2 storeyed buildings are common : 12 m
d) 3 storeyed buildings are common : 17 m
e) Maximum in distribution system : 22 m
9) Water Quality :- (Refer CPHEEO Manual Table 2.2 & 2.3)
a) Quality of water entering the distribution shall be
- Faecal coliforms : 0 per 100 ml
- Total coliforms : 0 per l00 ml
- Water should have turbidity less than 1 NTU and free chlorine of
≥ 0.5 mg/l after contact period of 30 minutes at pH below 8.
10) Source :-
a) As far as possible water shall be lifted from Impoundment
b) In case of canal as source of supply
- 2 months balancing storage in case of perennial canals.
- 5 months balancing storage in case of non-perennial canals.
c) In case of river/notified stream adopted as a source : Min.4
months storage or as per requirement by construction of K.T.Weir.
d) Pumping should be design for 20 hrs.
11) River intake works :-
a) Construction should be in RCC.
b) Minimum dia should be 2 m.
c) Bottom of intake well should be taken to a level below maximum
scour depth.
d) Top of intake well should be at normal water level.
12) Connecting pipe :-
a) It should be designed in such a way that its slope should be enough
to meet requirement of twice the ultimate demand.
b) Velocity of 60 to 90 cm/sec. should be adopted.
c) D.I. Pipes should be normally be used.
d) If PSC/PCCP/RCC pipes are used, structural stability should be
13) Transmission Mains :-
a) Should be designed considering 20 working hours.
b) Choice of material should be decided as per CPHEEO manual,
Government/ Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran’s latest circular.
c) Hazen William’s Co-efficient ‘C’ value to be adopted as per CPHEEO
d) Testing of Pressure Pipes.
Field test pressure shall be maximum of
a) 1.5 times maximum sustained operating pressure.
b) l.5 times maximum pipelines static pressure.
c) Maximum sustained operating pressure plus maximum
surge pressure.
d) Maximum pipeline static pressure plus maximum surge
pressure, subject to a maximum equal to the work test
pressure for any pipe fitting incorporate.
e) Air valves shall be installed at summits in the lines and at changes
in grade to steeper slopes in line. Otherwise in long horizontal
streches it should be installed at optimum interval of 500 meters.
f) Maximum waters hammer pressure to be calculated shall be :
Hmax = C V0
Hmax = Maximum pressure rise in the close conduct above
normal pressure in metre.
C = Velocity of pressure wave travel in m/sec.
g = Acceleration due to gravity in m/sec².
V0 = Normal velocity in pipeline, before sudden closure in
C = 1425
1 + kd
k = Bulk modulus of water (2.07 x 10 kg/m²),
d = Diameter of pipe in m,
Ct = Wall thickness of pipe in m.
E = Modulus of Elasticity of pipe material in Kg/m²
14) Control Measures:-
The internal design pressure for any section of a pipeline
should not be less than the maximum operating pressure or the pipeline
static pressure obtaining at the lowest portion of the pipeline considered
including any allowance required for surge pressure. The maximum surge
pressure should be calculated and the following allowances made.
a) If the sum of the maximum operating pressure or the maximum
pipeline static pressure whichever is higher and the calculated surge
pressure does not exceed 1.1 times the internal design pressure, no
allowance for surge pressure is required,
b) If the sum exceeds 1.1 times the internal design pressure, then
protective devices should be installed and
c) In no case the sum of the maximum operating pressure and the
calculated surge pressure should exceed the field hydrostatic test
15) Break Pressure Tank: BPT shall be designed for l/2 hour capacity of
ultimate stage population and 1 hour capacity for intermediate stage
16) Water Treatment Plant :-
Designs should be based on following :-
a) Standards IS 7090 – 85 for rapid mixing devices.
IS 7205 – 74 for flocculator devices.
IS 10313 – 82 for settling tanks.
b) IS 8419 for filtration equipments.
i) Part – I - 77 filtration media sand and gravel.
ii) Part – II – 84 under drainage system.
d) IS 10553 for chlorinator requirement
i) Part I–83–for chlorination plants handling storage and safety
ii) Part II – 83 – Vacuum feed chlorinators.
iii) Part III – 83 – Pressure feed chlorinators,
iv) Part IV- 83 – Gravity feed gaseous chlorinators.
v) Part V – 87 – Bleaching powder solution feeder.
e) IS – 9222 – Part – I – 1990 handling and dosing devices.
f) Facilities for reclamation of filter back wash should be proposed
for Plants above 30 MLD and in special cases where disposal of
water poses problems.
g) Minimum contact time of 30 minutes should be provided for
disinfection by chlorine.
h) All the structures in water treatment plant should have
gravity draining facility for sake of maintenance and repairs.
i) For filtration plants, a continuous approach from aeration
fountain upto filters should be provided.
17) Service Reservoirs :-
a) Minimum 8 hour requirement if population served is less than
b) Minimum 6 hour requirement plus one third of 100 √p KL for fire
storage if population is more than 50,000.
c) Location of E.S.Rs. should be ideally in central place of distribution
system. Zone of influence of reservoir should be within radius of 2
d) Minimum two outlets (one for high level and another for low level
zone) should be provided. In case of more than 2 zones, additional
outlets should be provided.
e) The elevation of the service reservoir should be such as to maintain
the minimum residual pressure in the distribution system.

18) Distribution System :-

a) Peak factors :- The peak factor in the Hydraulic design of
distribution system shall be as follows :-
Sr.No. Contributory population Peak factor
(For Hydraulic Zone)
1 Upto 50,000 3.0
2 Above 50,000 to 2,00,000 2.5
3 Above 2,00,000 2.0

b) Zoning :- If there is an average elevation difference of 15 to 25 m

between zones, then each zone should be served by separate zonal
The zonal layout should be such that the difference in
pressure between the same zone or same system does not exceed 3
to 5 meter.
c) Minimum dia. for population below 50,000 : 100 mm
d) Minimum dia. for population above 50,000 : 150 mm
e) Hydraulic gradient shall be between 1 to 4 m/100 m at peak flow.
f) For roads exceeding 25 m in width, distribution pipes should be
provided on both sides of road by running rider mains suitably
linked with trunk mains.
19) In case of surface source as a source, sanitary survey for 10 km upstream
and 2 km downstream of proposed works to locate source of any pollution
shall be taken.
a) Plan of river course 3 km upstream and 2 km downstream of
proposed intake shall be attached.
b) Cross section of river upto and above MFL on either bank.
c) All levels of source such as Normal level, L.F.L., H.F.L., etc. shall be
d) L – section of transmission mains shall be taken at interval of 150
metres. However the interval of 30 metres shall generally be
adopted when variations in ground levels are more.
e) Safe bearing capacity of soil at pipe supports shall be worked out.

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†ÃÖÖê †Ö¾Ö¿µÖú †ÖÆêü.

8) ¿ÖÆü¸üÖŸÖᯙ ›Òêü−Öê•Ö ( Storm Water drainage ) þ֟ÖÓ¡Ö †ÖÆêü úÖµÖ? µÖÖ“Öß ´ÖÖ×ÆüŸÖß ¬ÖÖ׸üêúŸÖ
ÃÖ´ÖÖ×¾Öšü ú¸üÖ¾Öß.
9) ¿ÖÆü¸üÖŸÖᯙ ´Ö»Ö¾µÖ¾ÖãÖêŸÖ Septic tank †ÃÖ»µÖÖÃÖ ŸµÖÖŸÖæ−Ö ´Ö»Ö ú¿ÖÖ ¯ÖύúÖ¸êü ÷ÖÖêôûÖ ¾Ö ¿Ö㬤ü
ú¸üµÖÖŸÖ µÖêŸÖÖê ¾Ö ŸµÖÖ“Öß frequency úÖµÖ †ÖÆêü µÖÖ“Öß ´ÖÖ×ÆüŸÖß ¬ÖÖ׸üêúŸÖ −Ö´Öæ¤ü ú¸üÖ¾Öß.
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12) µÖÖê•Ö−Öê´Ö¬µÖê ¯ÖÏßÖÖ×¾ÖŸÖ ´Ö»Ö¾ÖÖ×Æü−µÖÖÓ“Öß »ÖÖÓ²Öß / ´ÖÖ»Ö´Ö¢ÖÖ •ÖÖê›üµÖÖ, ´Ö»Ö¿Ö㬤üߍú¸üÖ ëú¦üÖ“Öß Ö´ÖŸÖÖ
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1) ´Ö»Ö¾ÖÖ×Æü−µÖÖ - 30 ¾ÖÂÖì
2) ÃÖÓ¯Ö ¾Ö ¯ÖÓ¯Ö ÆüÖ‰úÃÖ - 30 ¾ÖÂÖì
3) ´Ö»Ö¿Ö㬤üߍú¸üÖ ëú¦ü - 15 ¾ÖÂÖì
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Contents of Detailed Project Report
2. Certificate by C.E.
3. Certificate by S.E.
4. Certificate by E.E.
5. Checklist of AMRUT
6. General Report :-
i) Detail information of town with household details,coverage,road length.
ii) Existing water supply infrastructure with information of previously
executed schemes.
iii) Source investigation and its recommended by competent authority.
iv) Information of schemes in progress.
v) Details of house service connections, rate of supply at source & at
consumer end, NRW, % recovery, metering, % cost recovery and other
components of service level benchmarks.
vi) Problem faced by ULB.
vii) GAP Analysis study of source/treatment/storage/distribution as per
annexure - I
viii) Necessity of scheme.
ix) Details of proposed scheme.
7. Main features of scheme
8. Principal features showing technical information of scheme.
9. Annual M & R statement.
10. Population forecast (Total and Zone Wise)
11. Water demand (Total and Zone Wise)
12. Designs of components of scheme showing detailed inputs and outputs.
13. Recapitulation sheet.
14. Estimation of all subworks of proposed scheme along with rate analysis
& supporting quotations.
15. Detailed Estimation of O & M with cost recovery mechanism upto 2020
with signature of competent authority of ULB.

Page 1
16. Annexures
i) Statement of GAP
ii) Resolution of General body.
iii) Water reservation/water lifting permission for ultimate stage demand.
iv) Report of raw water quality samples.
v) City Development Plan / City sanction plan.
vi) Detailed calculations of NRW
vii) Proposed PERT/CPM charts.
viii) Present and proposed tariff structure.
ix) Details of last 5 year O & M assessment, recovery of scheme.
x) Expected improvement plan of service level benchmarks.
xi) Details of self sustainability of scheme with financial health of ULB.
xii) Internal rate of return (IRR)/Economic rate of return (ERR) calculations.
xiii) Certificate about availability of lands for various components.
xiv) Railway permission letter.
xv) National / State highway crossing approval letter.
xvi) River /Nalla crossing permission
17. Drawings
i) Key plan
ii) Google map showing all components. (existing and proposed)
iii) Flow diagram with levels & lengths.
iv) Head work details with excavation profile.
v) Layout diagram of WTP/ESR with counter profile.
vi) L- section of Rising main/Gravity main with air valves, scour valves
vii) Detail zone wise distribution drawings with nodal diagram showing
node no.,link no. GL,FSL,LSL, of ESRs, reference node no.details &
extracting points demands.
viii) Trial pit results drawing.

 DPR should be in Arial font with 12 size with all pages


Page 2
1.0 Instructions
2.0 Certificate issued by the Competent Authority
3.0 General Competents
3.1 Name of the scheme and geographic details
3.2 Appraisal report by State Level Apex Committee .
3.3 Administrative Approval of the scheme
3.4 Project formulation justification
3.5 Linkage of the schemes with other on-going schemes
3.6 Maps of adminstrative and political jurisdiction of the project area
3.7 Land use pattern as per approved Master Plan
3.8 Technical and financial verification certificate by the State Government
3.9 Index map
3.10 Intra-departmental clearance certificate
3.11 Agreement between electricity department and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) for separate electric feeder
3.12 Commitment from electricity department for un-interrupted power supply
3.13 Topographic map of the proejct area
3.14 Soil investigation report in a grid of 1km x 1km
3.15 Contour map of the project area
3.16 Resolution from Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) for implementation of proposed tariff structure
3.17 Existing and proposed source of water
3.18 House hold details.
4.0 Engineering Components
4.1 Existing and projected population and their distribution in the project area.
4.2 Existing details of Water Supply System
4.3 Details of water demand and their availability
4.4 Details of existing water supply infrastructure
4.5 Proposed project components and their estimated cost
4.6 Design details of proposed water supply infrastructure
4.7 House Service Connection
4.8 Proposal for Supervisory Con trol and Data Acquisting Systerm (SCADA)
4.9 Modular approach for WTP
4.10 Computer Aided Design and Simulation of Water Supplu Infrastructure
4.11 Raw Water quality certificate by the competent authority
4.12 Conformation to BIS:10500 for trreated water
4.13 Surge analysis report for transmission main
4.14 Hydraulic flow diagram and layout plan for WTP
4.15 Maps of proposed distribution system and L-section of pumping main and transmission main
4.16 Allocation of site for WTP as per Master Plan
4.17 Provision for land acquistion of water supply infrastructure
4.18 Bill of quan tities and cost estimates of individual components by lates schedule of rates
4.19 Detailed drawings and cost estimates for ancillary works
4.20 Provision for road restoration
4.21 Proposed PERT/CPM network
4.22 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) /Economic Rate of Return (ERR)
4.23 Traffic diversion/control management plan
4.24 Institutional and financial status of project executing agency
4.25 Operation and Maintenance cost and revenue generation for existing and proposed infrastructure
4.26 Project implementatioon period
4.27 Service level benchmarking of the system
4.28 Environmental and social provblems
4.29 Public Private Partnership involvement
4.3 Rehabilitation and resettlement plan
4.31 Hard and soft copies of the DPR
4.32 Poposed completion period of project
5.0 Verification by the Ministry of Urban Development

(to be filled in and certified by the higher city level officials, both technical and administrative, such as Chief Engineer/Municipal


1 The DPR shall be formulated as per the manual on water supply and treatment published by the Ministry and as per the
department procedures.
2 DPR shall be technically sanctioned by the Competent Authority the State Government/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
forwarding it the Ministry.
3 Each and every page has to be signed at the bottom by the officials
4 Each field has to be filled in appropriately as 'yes', 'no', 'not required', 'not done', 'not used' etc. No field has to be left
blank. Give explanatory comments wherever 'no' is indicated.
5 Non-definite entries such as 'will be done later', will be furnished later' etc. will not be accepted.


This is to certify that the undersigned have read the contents of the check list fully and have responsibly made the entries
true to the best of knowledge and undedrstanding. In case the information furnished in the check list enclosed is found to
be incorrect for any reason, whatsoever, the undersigned may be held liable for disciplinary action as per application
Government rules.

Certified that

i) The designs and drawing hav been approved by the Competent Authority
ii) The detailed estimates and cost estimates are as per the current schedule of rate and/or rate analysis and latest pro-forma
invoices (current market rates).
iii) The DPR has been technically sanctioned by the Competent Authority in the State Government/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs).



Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the

Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
3.1 Name of the town/City/District/State for which scheme has been formulated with name of
the scheme
a) Name of the City/Town
b) Name of the District
c) Name of the State
d) Name of the Scheme
3.2 The cost and date of approved by Apex Committee of Govt. of India as per SAAP

1) Date of Approval

2) Cost as per approved SAAP

3) Estimated cost of DPR

4) Major comments/observations

3.3 Whether the commitment to launch the scheme immediately after approval of Govt. of
Maharashtra Administrative approval of the scheme is appended in DPR. (whether
administrative approval of state Government is obtained to implement the scheme
immediately after approval of Govt. of India and enclosed in DPR)
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
3.4 a) Whether Project formulation justification (need for the project) has been furnished in
DPR. Please justify the need of the project.


b) Whether executive summary of the project is furnished in the DPR.

3.5 Whether linkages of this scheme have been established with othe ongoing water supply
schemes being funded by the Central/State Govt./Other agencies, if any. Please furnish
relevant information alongwith quantum and cost of the works in the ongoing projects.

3.6 Whethe the map showing administrative and political jusrisdiction of the project area has
been given in the DPR.

Area within Municipal limt : ___________ Sq.Km.

Extent of area considered in the DPR : ___________ Sq.Km

Additional area (beyond Municipal limit) considered in the DPR: _________Sq.Km.

3.7 Whether the land use parttern of the city/town/project area as per the approved Master
Plan has been given in DPR
3.8 Whether the DPR including the design, drawings, cost estimates, analysis of rates has been
authenticated by competent authority of the State Govt./ULB and Quasi-Technical sanction
of DPR/Technical and Financial Verification Certificate has been attached with DPR.

3.9 Index map to scale of 1 cm = 2 Kms showing all components of existing and proposed
scheme. It shall also shown existing and proposed sources.
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
3.10 In case proposed transmission main/water supply line is crossing Railway line/Highway and
their bridge (whichever applicable), whether the clearance from concerned authority such as
State Pollution Control Board (SPCB), Highways, PWD, Railways has been obtained and
copies of the permission and their estimate for the same has been provided in DPR. Please

If not, the present status of action initiated may be furnished below:

3.11 Whether the provision for separate electric feeder line for water treatment plant and service
reservoir (to take care of frequent power failure and voltage fluctuation problem) from HT
line and an agreement between Electricity Department and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) has
been furnished in the DPR,
3.12 Whether the commitment from Electricity Department for un-interrupted power supply is

3.13 Whether the Topographic map of the city/town/project area to the scale has been given in
DPR/Zonewise maps to scale showing all streets.
3.14 a) Wheher soil investigation report- bore hole logs at least at a grid of 1 Km x 1 Km or
Geological survey data has been appended with DPR.

b) Whether drawings of the test reports attached

3.15 Whether contour map of the project area has been annexed with the DPT and Google map

3.16 Whether resolution from the ULB for implementation of proposed tariff structure to ensure
self-sustainable of the scheme is enclosed in DPR.
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
3.17 Existing Source : Ground Water / Surface Water
Proposed Source : Ground Water / Surface Water

Surface Water : Whethert the proposed source of water has been identified. If yes, then a
certificate from the concerned authority mentioning water availibility / yield / reservation
etc. for next 30 years has been appended in the DPR. (Reliability of source based on flow
measurement data for last 10/15 years need to be appended duly certified by Department
responsible for allocation / water use of river / stream).

Whether recommendation of source proposed for this scheme is attached along with

Ground Water : Whether opinion of the SWGB / CGWB has been obtained with respect to
quantity and quality of water and certificate / report furnished permitting extraction of
Ground Water.
3.18 a) No. of house hold in the town.

b) No. of house hold with service connection

c) No. of house hold without service connection

d) Whether zone wise detail are attached.

Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
4.1 Please furnish the details of city/project area,

a) Area of town/city(municipal limit):………………………

b) Extent of the project area are considered in the DPR : …………

c) Additional Area (beyond municipal limit) considered in the DPR : …………

d) No. of households (as per 2001 and 2011 census):

Whether the population project has been made as per CPHEEO Manual and given in DPR

A) City Population

As per 2001 census : …………….. lakhs

As per 2011 census : …………….. lakhs

Initial stage (year 2018) ……… lakhs + floating populqation (if any) ………. Lakh (Year in which
project is likely to be commissioned)

Intermediate stage (year 2033) ……… lakhs + floating populqation (if any) ………. Lakh

Ultimate stage (year 2048) ……… lakhs + floating populqation (if any) ………. Lakh
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
Population growth rate adopted …….. %year (based on the past 4 decadal growth rate)

Whether population forecasted, their methods and

justifications ae attached. Whether any certificate for floating/tourist population has
been obtained from tourist department and furnished in the DPR. Please justify.

B) Whether the population project has been made in consonance with the Development
Master Plan

C) Project Area (part of the City)

Initial stage (year 2018) : ……… lakhs

Intermediate stage (year 2033) : ……… lakhs

Ultimate stage (year 2048) : ……… lakhs

Population growth rate adopted …….. %year (based on the past 4 decadal growth rate)

d) Zone wise population (separately) …… (On Shet No.2)

4.2 Whether existing details of water supply for urba/urban agglomeration has been furnished in
DPR. Please furnish the details
a )Name of the sources and No. Of locations
b)Total availability of water : ………..mld
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
c) Surface water : __________ MLD
d) Ground water : __________ MLD
e) Existing capacity of WTP and Nos : __________ MLD (Nos)
f) Capacity utilization : __________ MLD
g) No. of tubewells and total abstraction and yield of each tube well : ________ (Nos)
_________ MLD ______________ lpm (range)

No. of borewells / tube wells (operational/inoperational) : ________ Nos.

h) Total supply in the town/city (capacity of WTP/Tubewell separately

Surface water ___________ MLD

Ground water ___________ MLD

i) Total water supply in town (residential/commercial/institutions) : _______ MLD
j) Total supply to the industries : _______ MLD
k) %of populationcoverage of the town/city/% of area covered : ____%/_____%
l % of population coverage in project area/.% of area covered : ____%/_____%
m) % population coverage of various zones zone wise
zones % coverage
Zone - I
Zone - II
Zone - III
Zone - IV
Zone - V
Zone - VI
Zone - VII, etc.
n) Average per capita water supply level (existing) in city : ________ lpcd
o) Average per capita water supply level (existing in the project : ________lpcd
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
p) Whether statement showing details of lpcd calculation (Gross and net) are appended in
q) Existing UfW : _____%

(please specity any study was conducted

r) Existing No. of house service connections: ________ Nos.
s) Existing No. of HSCs with meters : ________ nos.

4.3 Design demand and availability of water

a) Proposed per capita water supply and system losses
b) Gross water demand (city/town)
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
c) Demand of commercial. If any
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
d) Industrial demand
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
e) Institutional demand
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
f) Fire demand
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
g) Floating population
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
h) Gross water demand project area
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
i) Existing water availability : …………. MLD

j) Net Water demand - City/Town

Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
k) Net Water demand - Project area
Initial stage : ………… MLD
Intemediate stage : ………… MLD
Ultimate stage : …………. MLD
l) Whether zonewise water demand statement is enclosed

4.4 Whethr the existing water supply infrastructure has been taken into consideration in DPR.
Please furnish the details of various components of the existing system.
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
I) Intake well and water Treatment Plant
a) Design capacity of Intake well (year of construction) : …….. MLD
b) Design capacity of WTP (year of construction) : ……… MLD
c) Quantity of water treated : ……… MLD
d) No. of tubewells/ground water sources : ……… MLD
e) Quantity of water abstracted from tube well : ……. MLD
f) Total (c & e) : …….. MLD
g) Shortfall in capacity : …….. MLD
h) Justification for upgradation, if any
II) Pumping main (Raw and Clear Water)
Size and length of material …………. mm (………. Km) (GI/PVC/AC/PSC/MS/DI etc.)
Static head ……. m, Water hammer head : …………… m
Year o instllation …………….
Justification for upgradation/deletion, if any
III) Service Reservoir
a) Total No. of service reservoir and capacity : …………….. ML
year of construction of each
b) Height of service reservoir (please specify No.s and capacity and age)
c) Justification for upgradation, if any
IV) Pumping Machinery (Raw and Clear water)
a) Type of pumps
b) Discharge ………… Head ……. HP ………………
c) Year of installations
d) justification for replacement, if any
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
V) Distribution System
a) Total length of road of City/Town : …………. Km.

b) Total length of road in project area : …………. Km.

c) Type of roads and their length : ………… Km.

d) Total length of distribution network in the town : ………… Km.

e) Total length of distribution network in the project area : …………. Km.

f) Material and age of the existing pipe (GI/PVC/AC/PSC/MS/DI etc: ………….. Km.

g) Size and length of material of existing pipes (sizewise: ……mm (dia) .. Km. (length)

h) Pipe length to be retained in the system : ………… Km.

i) Pipe length to be replaced (to be discarded from the existing system) (with reason)

VI) Bulk Meters

a) Total Nos.

b) Locations

Types and diameter ,

VII) Connection (diawise)

a) Domestic Nos.
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
b) Industrial Nos.

c) Institutional Nos.

d) Others Nos.

VIII) Details of Meters (dia wise retail meters details

a) Domestic Nos.

b) Working Nos

c) Non-working Nos.

Industrial Nos

Working Nos

Non-working Nos.

Institutional Nos.

Working Nos

Non-working Nos.


Working Nos

Non-working Nos.
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
4.5 Please furnish the proposed major components and component-wise estimated cost

4.6 Whether the design of Intake, WTP, Pumping main, Service reservoir and distribution system
of proposed water suppy infrastructure has been provided in DPR. Please furnish the details

I) Intake Structure with facilities

a) design period (30 years as per CPHEEO Manual) : ……… Year
b) Capacity of Intake : ……… MLD
c) Total quantity of withdrawal of water : …….. MLD
II) Water Treatment Plant
a) Design period (15 years as per CPHEEO Manual) : …………. Year
b) Capacity of WTP
Existing : …………… MLD
Proposed : ………….. MLD
a) Shortfall in capacity, if any, to meet the intermediate demand : ………….. MLD
c) Whether Life-cycle cost assessment of treatment technologies has been furnished:

c) Whether a detailed note on performance of existing WTP (If considered in the proposal)
has been furnished
d) Whether temperature, elevation and location of the town has been taken into account
while designing the process of the WTP, whether required and furnished
e) Whether reasons for inadequate performance of existing WTP (If considered in the
proposal) have been furnished
f) Whether provision has been made for sludge treatment facilities in WTP
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
III) Total No. of tube wells proposed and total drawal
Existing : …………… MLD
Proposed : ………….. MLD
Yield of each tubewell (new) : ………….. lpm
IV) Pumping main/rising mains and feeder main:
Pumping Main/Rising mains
a) design period (30 years as per CPHEEO Manual) : ……… Year
b) i) Whether design of economic size of pumping main has been done using computer
software for the purpose (no manual design should be enclosed)
ii) Whether water hammer is considered in design

iii) Whether design of pumping machinery is enclosed

c) Standby for pump sets (please specify50% or 100%)

d) Total No. of pumping/Rising mains

e) Average flow considered in different pumping mans : ………… MLD

f) Availability of powr supply : ………… kWh

g) Pumping hours considered (20 to 22 hrs) : …………Hrs.

h) Pumping efficiency considered (60 to 80%) : ………….%

i) Capacity of pum set proposed for various pumping mains : ……….. HP

j) whether genset/express feeder has been proposed : ……….. kVA

Please specify Nos. and capacity
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
Feeder Mains
k) Design period (30 years as per manual) (please specify the actual)
l) Whether design of economic size of pumping main has been done using computer
software for the purpose (no manual design should be enclosed)
m) Standby for pump sets (please specify 50% or 100%)
n) Total No. of feeder mains
o) Average flow considered in different pumping mains : ………..MLD
p) Availability of power supply : ………. kWh
q) Pumping hours considered : ……… Hrs.
r) Pumping efficiency considered : ………%
s) Capacity of pump sets proposed for various pumping mains :
t) Whether genset has been proposed (please specify Nos. and capacity):
V) Service Reservoirs
a) Design period (15 years as per manual) : ………. Years
b) Total No of service reservoir and capacity : ……….(ML).. Nos

c) Height of servoir reservoir (please specify No.s and capacity and age
d) Capacity calculations of the MBR/ESR/GSR atttached
e) Justification for upgradation, if any.
f) No. of service reservoir to be utilised in the proposed system (Please specify Nos.
and capacity
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
g) Whether total proposed capacity is based on the 1/3rd requirement of intermediate
demand (please speify the total capacity of service reservoir and intermediate demand)

i) 1/3rd of intermediate demand : ……….. ML

ii) Total capacity of reservoirs : ………. ML
h) If not, please justify
VI) Distribution network
a) design period (30 years as per CPHEEO Manual) : ……… Year
b) Total length of road of city/town : …………Km.
c) Total length of road in the project area : ……….Km.
d) Total length of distribution network : ………. .Km
e) Total length of distribution network in the project area : …………. Km.
f) Material of the proposed pipe : ………….
g) Size of distribution network in the town : ………… mm
h) Total length of proposed line accounted for : ………… Km.
i) Additional length of pipe network proposed : ……….. Km.
j) Peak factor adopted (2 to 3) as per manual : ………….
k) 'C' Value of the proposed pipe material (100 to 145) as per manual:
l) 'C' value of existing pipe material and age of pipe ………………. (……………..years)
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
m) Residual head in distribution network (minimum residual head and range of
available pressure (7 m, 12m, 17m & 22 m,) (to be adopted as per manual
depending on nature of town and its requirement) and justify the reasons ………m

n) Maximum velocity in distribution network ……….m/s (<3m/s)

o) Head loss considered in the design (m/s) …………m/Km.
p) total No. of layouts (network) ……….Nos/………..Nos
r) Total length of distribution lines (zonewise) : ……………. Km.
s) Proposed pipe sizes : ………….mm
t) Please flow from the outlet of service reservoirs as per the design (layout wise / DMS
wise/Zonewise) and total peak flow from all the service reservoirs…………………
(zonewise and …………….MLD (Total)

u) Whether hydraulic zone wise population and demand statement is enclosed

v) Whether the average flow from all the service reservoirs is matching the ultimate
demand of the city/town/project area (please specify the total average outflow
from all service reservoir
w) Whether the provision thrust blocks, anchor blocks, expansion joints, scour /
drain valves air / vacuum releases valve and surge protection devices, wherever
needed has been proposed
x) Whether distribution system has been done based on convention approach
y) Whether design details with input and outputs statement is attached in soft and
hard copies
aa) % of population coverage (including existing and proposed …………%................Nos
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
bb) % of rea coverage (including existing and proposed ……………% (…………

4.7 House service connection (please specify

Existing ……………………Nos
Proposed …………………. Nos
4.8 Whether the proposed scheme envisges supervisory control and data acquisition
SCADA aggangemnt
4.9 Whether modular approach has been adopted to facilitate "addition" units to WTP at a
future date, whenever required.
4.10 Whether computer Aided Design (both design and simulation) for water treatment plant,
pumping station, distribution network has been furnished in DPR.
4.11 a) Whether the raw water characteristics of source have been tested by State
Public Health Engineering Dept./Pollution Control Board MOEF authorised laboratory
State Govt. authorised laboratory and furnish in DPR

b) Whether water supplied to consumers is tested and its latest report are attached
in DPR
4.12 Whether treated water shall conform to the standard drinking water as per BIS:10500 and its
latest amendments?
4.13 Whether surge analysis using computer software for transmission main has been done and
furnished in the DPR
4.14 a) Whether key plan of the scheme is enclosed.
b) Whether hydraulic flow diagram (HFD) with head loss calculation
for WTP and layout plan of WTP with other components has been furnished in DPR

4.15 i) Whether maps of proposed distribution system indicating RL, Node No., Link No.,
available head etc. for all the zones (project area) are enclosed with the DPR
existing pipe ines (scale 1:200) and alingment map.
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
ii) Whether L section of internal of 150 m of the proposed pumping main/transmission main
have been furnished in DPR (30 m in case of undulations)
iii) Whether detailed drawing of all structures considered in scheme are enclosed

4.16 Whether the site of the proposed WTP has been located as per that earmarked in the Master
plan of the town.
4.17 Whether the provision of the land for the land acquisition for the water treatment plant,
serice reservoirs water supply network, if any, has been made as per 30 years requirement
and future expansion in the DPR?
a) Total requirement of land for:
WTP : …………………….Hectars
Tubewell : ……………………. Hectars
OHSR/GLR : …………………….. Hectars
Laying pumping mains : ……………………. Hectars
Distribution mains : ……………………. Hectars
Transmission mains : …………………….. Hectars
Total : ……………………. Hectars
b) Whether land in possession with Implemnting agency …………. Hectars

c) Whether govt. land is yet to be transferred to the Implementing agency and

specify time required for transfer : ………………Hectars ………….month
d) Whether private land under acquisition and time required for acquisition.
: ………………Hectars/ ……… Months

e) Status of action initiated for transfer of Govt. land and acquisition of private land
please specify
4.18 Whether Bill of Quantity (BOQ) and cost estimates of individual components of water supply
sstem prepared as per latest SOR and copy of latest Schedule of Rates (SOR) and proforma
invoices have been annexed with DPR
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
a) Schedule of Rates adopted (Please specify the year)
b) In case of SOR adopted is old, please specify the cost index

c) Any price escalation proposed in cost estimates (no escalation shall be proposed
in DPR)
d) Whether analysis of rate alongwith minimum required quotation has been worked
out for all the items and appended with DPR
e) Whether Bill of Quantities of individual component has been furnished in DPR

f) Whether lump-sum provision for any item has been proposed, please specify the
maximum amount supported by reasons and documents.
4.19 Whether detailed drawing, estimation and detailed BOQ for ancillary works such as boundary
wall/fencing, approach and internal road, external electrification, buildings, water supply and
drainage, site development/landscape etc. has been provided in the DPR

4.20 Whether provision for road restoration, if any has been made as per PWD/State PWD/ Urban
local body norms.
4.21 Whether detailed PERT/CPM network showing implementation schedule has been furnished
in DPR
4.22 Whether internal Rate of Return (IRR)/Ecpmp,oc Rate of return (ERR) has been furnished in
4.23 Whether traffic diversion/control management for public and workers' safety, arising out of
construction phase of water supply works have been furnished in DPR
4.24 Whether Institutional and Financial status of project Executing Agency (PEA) has been
reported in DPR
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
4.25 Whether Operation and Maintenance cost and revenue generation details (O & M Frame
Work - existing and proposed) has been furnished in DPR
a) Existing water tariff/cess/charges (in Rs.)
b) Proposed water tariff/cost/charges (in Rs.)
c) Annual O & M cost (Rs. In lakhs (Headwise)
i) Existing (last 5 years)

ii) Proposed
d) Annual assessment
i) Last 5 years

e) Annual Revenue (Rs. In lakhs)

i) Existing (last 5 years)

ii) Proposed
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
4.26 Whether project implementation period of project has been furnished in DPR specify the
implementation period ………….year
4.27 Whether service level benchmarking has been furnished in DPR, Please furnish SLBs

Indicators Benchmark After implementation

of proposed project
Coverage of water supply 100%

Per Capita supply of water 135%

Extent of Non-Revenue water 20%

Extent of metering 100%

Quanlity of water supplied 100%

Cost Recovery 100%

Efficiency in collection of 90%

water charges
4.28 Whether envoronmental and social problem (if applicable) has been furnished in DPR

4.29 Whether PPP involved in the project, Please specify the PPPcomponents and funding patter
by the Govt. and Private sector
Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
4.30 Whether Rehabilitation and Resettlement plant (if applicable) has been given in DPR

4.31 Whether all the hard copies of the DPR furnished alongwith soft copies

4.32 Period of completion of project


Name Name

Write "Yes" or "No" etc. in the
Sr.No. Description
If yes, give page No./DPR Volume
reference. If No , reasons thereof
d) Zone wise population (separately)
Intermediate Ultimate
Zones Initial lakhs Density (Pop-
lakhs lakhs
Zone I
Zone II
Zone III
Zone IV
Zone V
Zone VI
Zone VII
Zones IX
Zones X etc.
f) No. of wards (within municipal limit) :-

g) Total projectedpopulation to be accommodated in the existing municipal area : …… lakhs (should be inconsonance with
master plan and based on saturation density
h) Remaining population to be accommodated in the area beyond municipal limit :…….lakhs (should be inconsonance with
master plan and based on saturation density
i) Whether population distribution in the municipal area and the area beyond municipal limit has been done in consultation
with Town and Country Planning Authority
j) If yes, whether document is enclosed.
This part to be filled in by the Govt.

Sr. Description Remarks

1 Detils of project atea (State/District/City/Town
2 Whether the Apex Committee recommendation is attached with DPR
3 Project cost recommended by Apex Committee
4 Period of Project implementation
5 Date of receipt of first DPR
6 Date of final acceptance of DPR
7 Date of Checklist confirmation
8 Date of first informationsent to the State Govt. on scrutiny of check list
9 Date of receipt of DPR after reformulation (revision), if applicable
10 Date of comments/appraisal report of appraisal agency
11 Date of comments conveyed by the Admn. Division to the State Govt. & ULBs for revision of
DPR, if any
12 Date of receipt of Revised DPR for appraisal

Signature of verifying officer

Note: The DPR should be forwarded to the Government along with the complete checklist duly filled
in without which DPR shall not be processed and shall be retutned to the ULBs.

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