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Graft and Corruption in the Government

As the elections come close, many issues are being brought up, like graft and corruption,

one of the Philippines' biggest problems since the 1980s. Corruption is an act where authorities

abuse their power for their gains. At the same time, graft is gaining finance in an abusive and

deceitful way. 

This issue has been deep-rooted in our country that it does not even surprise people to

hear other news about it. It just enrages them more. Even now that we are amidst the pandemic,

corruption and graft continued and even worsened. During the pandemic's onset, the government

has promised a P5,000-P8,000 'ayuda' to help low-income families. This money would be

handed out to each city and district authority. As the residents waited, much to their expectations,

they only received a package of relief goods, instant food, and rice. This event greatly enraged

the residents as it was not enough to help them survive throughout the pandemic situation they

were in. Some families are too big that the relief goods do not even last them a day, and the next

they receive is in a week. 

The government also continued to borrow vast amounts of money for funds supposedly

for Covid-19 response. Now, the Philippines is in enormous debt, but there is still no proper

response to aid the pandemic situation, which questions the government on where the funds had

gone if it was not spent on controlling the pandemic. 

These are only a few examples of the most recent events of graft and corruption that

occurred in the Philippines. If we go back to the older years and even decades, there are many

more to list. The given examples only apply during the current president's term, but this event

dates back to the former presidents' terms. 

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