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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

First of all the writer's deepest thank To Allah SWT, the lord of the universe an to our
prophet Muhammad SAW, may peace and blessing be upon him, his family and his followers.

I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved mother Suzana and my father Johan for
eternal pray, love, patience an all supports.

To my supervisor, Eva Laila M.Hum thank you for the great patient and contributions in
finishing this thesis. Maay Allah always bless her and her family.

I also would like to express my deepest gratidude to all of my friends especially; Agung,
Jeni, Aries, Suryo, Nurul etc. Thank you for always giving inspiration an motivating me to finish
this thesis may Allah blesses them all.

Bogor, 25 Januari 2022

KATA PENGANTAR .......................................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 3
1.1 BACKROUND .................................................................................................... 3
1.2 QUESTIONS OF THE PROBLEMS ................................................................. 3
1.3 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL STUDY .............................................................................
A. CONCEP OF THE TEXT.............................................................................................
2.1 NARRATIVE TEXT .............................................................................................
CHAPTER III CLOSING ..................................................................................................... 11
3.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 11
3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................... 11


Because the various types of texts that exist in English may indicate that many know
about the text itself.

There are various types of text in English, such as:

 Teks narrative
 Teks recouny
 Teks procedure


 What are the types of text in English?
 What is the meaning of the type of text itself?
 What is the structure in the text?
 What are the provisions in each of these texts?


a. To know types from text

b. To know meaning from text
c. To know structure from text
d. To know provisions from text



Text can be classified into several types. The term of type is sometime stated as genre.
Thesetypes of text are1;
1. Narrative text
2. Recount text
3. Procedure text

These classification on type of text are based on analysis of three main elements of text.These
elements of the text are:
1. The purpose of the text; why is the text made? Why is the text made for by its writer.
2. The generic structure of the text; analyzing the used structure in composing the text, in
whatway is the text constructed by its writer.
3. The language feature; taking a look at the linguistic characterizations of the text, what
kind oflanguage feature is used to build the text by its writer.

2.1 Narrative text

a. Definition of Narrative
Narrative is the text focusing specific participants. Its social function is its tell stories or
pastevents and entertain the readers.

b. Generic structure of Narrative

A narrative text consists if the following structure:
Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place.
Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with.
Resolution: showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse.

c. Language feature of Narrative

Using processes verbs
Using simple past tense
Using temporal conjunction
d. Example of the text

Thirsty wolf arrived at the edge a lake. When about to drink saw a goat was drinking also in that

Place. But unlike the other goats that will blurred when the saw, one goat this remains calmcarry
on drinking.With astonishment, the wolf approached goat.

"Hello goat! How are you doing? "She said"Oh, good news wolves. Howwith you? "Said the
goat."Well well," replied the wolf. "By the say why you're not afraid to see me? Are not your
friends will usually blurred when the see me? ""Ah, did you forget me?" Said the goat. "Why do
not you notice I'm fine and remember, youmust know me!" Wolves tried to rememberwhere he
had met with goats this one. Then suddenly heremember, "O yes I remember! Did not you goat
ever save me? "Wolves recall, at that time he was busy prey when eating beefsuddenly heard the
sound of a gun blast and screams goats.Apparently goats butting hunter so wolf shot missed and
survived."I'm sorry my friend," said the wolf. "That was I almost did not recognize you. Accept
love because you have save me! ""You're welcome friend!" Said the goat. Then goat and took his
leave. In the heart goat gratefulnot to be predation by wolves.


Once upon a time, there was a kind girl named Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother
and two stepsisters. The stepmother and sisters did not treat her well. She had to do all the
housework from cooking the meals, cleaning the house, and watering the flowers. This poor girl
did not have time for a rest. Once she had free time, the stepsisters would complain to the mother
so Cinderella got scolded by her stepmother.

“Cinderella!!!! Go back to work!!! Can’t you see that our house is a total mess?” shouted the
stepmother from the living room.
One day, the King and Queen held a ball. The purpose was to find a bride for the prince. It was
big news for people in the town. They were all excited to be the part of the ball.

The two stepsisters and the mother had prepared pretty gowns to wear. Cinderella wanted to
come, but they did not let her. They told her to stay at home and did the work as usual.

“Why do you need to come? The price won’t even realize you were there,” said the stepmother to

“Mother, do I look great? My prince would melt to see me,” said the stepsister.

“That is my prince. He would choose me and marry me,” replied the other stepsister.

It’s time for the stepfamily to leave for the party. They were laughing and happy, “Bye,

“Bye…,” replied Cinderella sadly, “I wish I could go….,” she continued.

Not so long after she said that, a fairy appeared in front of her. Poof!

“Who are you?” asked Cinderella

“I am your Fairy Godmother, and here I am to grant your wish,” said the fairy.

The Fairy Godmother explained that she heard Cinderella’s wish. She had something nice for
Cinderella to wear and would take her to the party with one condition. She had to go back to the
house before 12 a.m. It is because after 12, she would turn into the ordinary Cinderella.

Cinderella promised to be home before 12, and she went off to the party by a carriage the fairy

At the party, Cinderella got all eyes on her.

“Who is her? She is so beautiful,” murmured people.

“Oh my God. I love her dress,” said other people.

The prince straight away came to her and asked her for dance, “I have not seen you before. Where
do you live?”

“I live in the town,” Cinderella replied and smiled.

The prince fell in love with Cinderella. He was so happy to meet her. Cinderella enjoyed the
moment that she forgot to look at the clock.

It was 12 a.m. when Cinderella remembered her promise. She ran as soon as she heard the sound
of the clock, “Dong.”

“I must go,” said Cinderella to the prince.

“But the party is not over yet,” shouted the prince

“I can’t stay. Good bye,” replied Cinderella while running.

“What? I cannot hear you. Hey……..” the prince followed her from the back.

Cinderella ran as fast as possible that she left one of her glass shoes. The prince picked it up. He
planned to look for the girl using this shoe because he did not have the time to ask her name.

The next day, the prince came to the town. He visited the house one by one. He asked the girl to
try the glass shoe. The one who fitted in that shoe would be the girl he asked to dance last night,
and he would ask her to be his bride.

After searching for a moment, the prince arrived at Cinderella’s house. The two stepsisters were
excited to see the prince. They tried to place their foot in the glass shoe, but it did not fit. The
prince asked the mother if there was anyone else in this house to try the shoe. The mother said no
when Cinderella came out from her room.

“Maybe I should try,” said Cinderella.

Cinderella stepped up and tried the shoe. It came out the glass shoe fitted her perfectly. The prince
was very happy to finally see his bride-to-be.

“Come with me to the castle, my bride,” said the prince

The prince and Ciderella went to the castle. The stepsisters were jealous and angry because it was
Cinderella who got to marry the prince.

Moral of the story: Alway be kind no matter what, and believe that something good will happen.

Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih
One time in a small village lived a widow with two daughters. They were Bawang Merah
and Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih was a stepdaughter.

The widow did not treat Bawang Putih as well as she did to Bawang Merah. Bawang
Merah and her mother made Bawang Putih as their slave. She did all the chores like cooking and
cleaning. However, Bawang Putih never disobeyed what the mother and her sister told her to do.

One Sunday, Bawang Putih went to the river bank to do the laundry. Accidentally, one of
her mother’s shirts fell off to the river. She could not reach the shirt, so she followed the river
flow hoping that the shirt would stick to stones.

The river flowed the shirt to a cage. She did not have any choices beside going in and took
back the shirt. She was afraid that her mother would get angry if she did not bring back her shirt.
At the cage, she met an old woman.

“What are you doing here?” asked the old woman to Bawang Putih.
“I am looking for my mother’s shirt. Is there any chance you see it?” Bawang Putih asked

“Yes. I have it in my bag. I will give it to you once you clean my cage,” replied the old woman.

Bawang Putih accepted the old woman’s request and started to clean the cage. It was easy
for her because she did that every day at home. The old woman was satisfied by Bawang Putih’s
work. Then, she gave back her mother’s shirt and offered her two pumpkins, a big and a small
one. Bawang Putih chose the small pumpkin. The old woman told her to bring it home.

The mother was mad because Bawang Putih came home late. She even was more angry
when Bawang Putih told the whole story. Then, she took the pumpkin and threw it to the floor.
Shockingly, a lot of jewelry, gold, and diamonds came out from that small pumpkin. They were
all surprised. The stepmother and Bawang Merah collected the gold, jewelry, and diamonds right

“What a fool! You should have brought the big one. Can you imagine how much gold was there?”
screamed the greedy Bawang Merah to Bawang Putih.

The next day, Bawang Merah and her mother planned to do the same thing. They threw
their clothes and went to the cage. There, they chose the big pumpkin expecting more gold. After
that, they rushed back to the house and threw the pumpkin. However, instead of gold and jewelry,
it was a snake that came out from it. Bawang Merah and her mother run to save her life while the
snack kept trying to attack them.

Moral of the story: Do not be greedy. Be grateful for what you have now.

The Red House
One time in a small town, there was a red house that was abandoned by the owner. People
believed that it was a haunting house. They heard a story about the kids who went missing after
they played football in the red house’s area. That was why people would not let their children be
around the red house.
Robby and the other kids were curious about the red house. They did not believe that the house
was haunted. They planned to get inside the house this friday night.

“Are you crazy? You won’t be able to get out once you are in,” said one friend.

Robby and the group did not care about it. They insisted on going.

“Are guys ready?” asked Robby to his friends.

“The red house does look creepy, Robby,” murmured Antonio.

“It is just a house, okay?” Robby responded.

Robby, Antonio, and the other friends had prepared flashlights and baseball bats. It was 11 p.m.
when they got in the red house.

It was all dark. Robby told the group to turn on the flashlights. They were surprised to see what
was inside the house. The stuff were in good condition and the room was neat and clean.

“It looks like someone lives here. It does not look like an abandoned house,” said one kid to the

“I live here. Who are you?” a sudden voice of an old man was heard.

The group was scared to death and ran to the front door. The door was locked, so they could not
open it. In a flash, the lamp was turned on. An old man was standing there.

“Please, let me out. I did not mean to bother you,” said Robby while shaking.

“Do not take my soul, Mr. Ghost. I am begging you,” followed Antonio and the group,
“Ssshhh…what are you talking about? A ghost? I was sleeping until you all came,” the old man
was confused why the kids were in his house.

The kids, one by one, opened their eyes and realized that it was not the voice of a ghost. The old
man explained that this house was not haunted. He had been living here for a long time. He did
not get to socialize with other people because he was too busy at work. The story about the
missing kids was not true. The kids were his sons. They were not missing, they moved out to a
bigger house.

From that time, people were not afraid anymore to get close to the red house.

Moral of the story: Do not judge anything from the cover. There is always a reason behind that.

Bagaimana sobat Studio Literasi? Lengkap sekali bukan contoh-contoh narrative text di atas?
Coba pelajari satu-satu, ya. Cheers!

Toba Lake (Danau Toba)
Once upon a time, in North Sumatra, lived a single man who liked to go fishing. His name
was Toba.

One day when he went fishing, he caught a big golden fish. He pulled the fishing rod
quickly. Surprisingly, the golden fish turned into a beautiful woman. He took her home and let her
sleep there. Days had passed, Toba fell in love with the woman because of her beauty, and wanted
to marry her.

“I will marry you. But, you must promise me that you will not tell anyone that I was a fish, or
something bad will happen,” said the woman to Toba.

Toba promised not to tell anybody about it. After that, they both got married and had a son. His
name is Samosir.
One day, Toba went to the field to work. Somosir helped him to bring his lunch. However,
Samosir was hungry at that time. So, he ate Toba’s lunch. Unfortunately, Toba found out what his
son did. He got so angry and the cursed words came out from his mouth.

“Why did you eat my lunch? You son of a fish!” shouted Toba.

Samosir cried and went home. He asked his mother if what the father said was true or not.
The mother did not answer the question, instead she told Samosir to run to the hill because a
disaster was about to come. The mother was disappointed in her husband. He could not keep his
words. Not so long after that, a big flood smashed that area.

The mother turned into a golden fish again. That flood area formed a lake that was known
as Toba Lake, and the son turned into an Island that was called Samosir island.

Moral of the story: A promise is something you need to keep. Once you break it, it breaks

It turns out that after we peel a little bit, there are many types of text in English, such as;
Narrative text, descriptive text, recount text, expository text (analytical & hortatory) and
argument/discussion text and many others.

The paper that I made is still far from good, so I expect criticism and suggestions from you
to improve the papers for the future. Thank you for your attention.

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