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This paper was created to fulfill individual assignments in the course


Supporting Lectuter:
Winda Widiawati, S.Pd

Arranged By:
Name : Wulansari
NIM : 1.2122.3.008



Gratitude is extended to Allah SWT who has bestowed His blessings on all of
us, thanks to the abundance of His grace and guidance I was able to complete a
paper which is an assignment in the "English" course with Lecturer Winda
Widiawati,S.Pd. Sholawat and greetings may be bestowed upon give it to the
great Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Furthermore, I realized that there are still many mistakes and shortcomings in
the writing of this paper. Therefore, I really hope that there will be suggestions
and constructive criticism for the perfection of this paper to be better.
Finally, only to Allah SWT I surrender and hopefully what the author has done
gets His blessing and is useful for all of us. Amen

Bandung, October 21, 2021




FOREWORD .......................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ii
1.1 Background ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Formulation of the Problem .................................................................... 1
1.3 Aim ......................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Meaning And Parts Of English Genre .................................................... 2
3.1 Conclution............................................................................................. 19
3.2 Sugestion .............................................................................................. 19
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 20

1.1 Background
It is well known that the text contained in the discussion is very diverse, as
is the case in English, the division of this text has several different texts with
different uses, fittings, and continuous tenses in writing sentences.
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
1. What is the meaning and parts of the English Genre?
1.3 Aim
1. Know / get to know more clearly about the meaning and parts of English Genre.

2.1 Meaning And Parts Of English Genre
1. Narative Text
a. Definition of Narative Text
Native text is a type of text in English to tell a story that has a series
of events,chronologicaly which are connected to each other.
b. Social Function
Gerot and Wignell 1994:204,said that the social funtion of narative
text is to entertain readers with the fiction story like.
The purpose of this text ia to entertain the reader about a story
c. General Structure
1. Orientation
2. Complication
3. Resolution
4. Re-orientation
d. Linguistik Features
# Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters
of the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu
terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)
# Complication : Where the problems in the story developed.
(Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
# Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah
selesai, secara baik “happy ending” ataupun buruk “bad ending”.
# Re-orientation (optional) – lesson from the story.
e. Type of Narative Text
Can be imaginary or factual
 Fairy tale
 Mysteri
 Science fiction
 Romance
 Horror


 Fable
 Myth and legend
 Histori
 Slice of life
 Personal experience,etc.
f. Example of Narative Text
Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Cinderella. She lived with
her step mother and two step sisters. The step mother and her two
daughters didn’t like Cinderella. They treated Cincerella very bad.
Cinderella usually did the hardest works in the house; such as scrubbing
the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for the family,
and so on.
One day, a ball was to be held by the royal family of the kingdom to
find the Prince’s spouse. Cinderella wanted to go to the ball but her step
mother asked her to stay at home and do the house works. Cinderella
cried. Then there was a fairy godmother standing beside her.
“Why are you crying, Cinderella?”, the fairy godmother asked.
“Because I want to go to the ball but my step mother insists me to stay
at home. Besides, I don’t have any beautiful dress” said Cinderella.
Then the fairy turned Cinderella’s ugly dress became the most beautiful
dress and with beautiful slippers. The fairy also turned a pumpkin into a
parking coach and the mice become six white horses. Cinderella fiinally
could go to the ball but she had to come back before midnight before the
spell ended.
At the ball, Cinderella amazed everybody there include the Prince. The
Prince asked her to dance. Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball.
But, all of a sudden, she heard the sound of a clock, the first stroke of
midnight. Remembered what the fairy had said, Cinderella ran back to go
home. But she lost one of her slippers in ballroom. The Prince picked up
her slipper and would search for the girl whose foot fitted with the slipper.

A few days later, the Prince proclaimed that he would marry the girl
whose feet fitted the slipper. Her step sisters tried on the slipper but it was
too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In
the end, the King’s solder let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out
her foot and the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.
Finally, she was driven to the palace. The Prince was overjoyed to see
her again. They were married and live happily ever after.
Generic Structure:
 Orientation
Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Cinderella….
 Complication
Cinderella wanted to go to the ball but her step mother asked her to stay
at home and do the house works…
 Resolution
In the end, the King’s solder let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck
out her foot and the page slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly
2. Recount Text
a. Definition of Recount Text
Recount text is a type of text that tella about a story',action or
acticity. Usually,recount text tells about someone experience.
b. Social Funtion
The social funtion of recount text to intertain or to amuse or to
inform the reader about experience story. Action or activity which
happen in the past.
The purpose of recount text is to entertain the reader so that there is
no conflic in this text in addition,this text also aims to provide
information to the reader.
c. Generic Structure
 Orientation
 Event/cronologically
 Re-orientation
d. Linguistic Feature

There are some lenguage feature in personal recount text those are :
 Using Simple Past Tenses
(I spent my holiday in Yogyakarta and I wae very happy).
 Using Action Verb
(Spent,went,brought,tool etc)
 Using Adverb or Adverbal Phrase to Express Time and Place
(Last month,in Malang,Lately,etc).
 Using Conjunction and Time Connectives to Connect an Event to the
Other Event
(And,or,after,before,after that,then,when,first etc).
e. Example of Recount Text
My First Trip to Pari Island
Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with
Sarah, Andi, Eveline, and Yoko. That was my first time to travel there.
Our boat departed from Muara Angke port to the island at 8.00 AM. We
arrived at Pari Island around 10.00 Am. After that, we went to our guest
house that we had booked before. Fortunately, our guest house was
located near to the port, so we did not have to walk so far. The first thing
that we did after that was rent bicycle. It only cost IDR 20.000 per day.
Then we did cycling for a while and had lunch before we decided to do
When we went snorkeling, the fisherman who became our guide
brought us to the beach far enough from our guest house. We did
snorkeling there. The water was very clear. We could see groups of tiny
fishes and beautiful coral under the sea. After we did snorkeling for
approximately three hours, we returned to our guest house. We ended up
the first day by getting dinner and took some walks around.
On the second day, we woke up so early to watch sunrise. We did not
need to go far to watch the sunrise because our guest house was so near to
the beach and we could watch the sunrise there. Sunrise on the beach,
what a beautiful view!

After we spent long enough time to watch the sunrise, we decided to get
breakfast. There was a festival at that time. We went to the festival and had
breakfast there. We ate some delicious sea foods. We felt time went so fast
that day. We needed to return to our guest house because our boat that
would bring us home would depart at 10.00 AM.
In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable. I would like
to visit this place again together with my family in another chance.
Generic Structure
 Orientation
Last September, I went to Pari Island for a holiday. I went there with
Sarah, Andi, Eveline, and Yoko.
 Events
Depart from Muara Angke → Arrived → Went to the guest house →
Rent bicycle and cycling → Had lunch → Snorkeling → dan
 Re-orientation
In summary, my first trip to Pari Island was so enjoyable.
3. Explanation Text
a. Definition of Explanation Text
Explanation text is a text which tells processes relating to forming of
natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to
say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often found
in science, geography and history text books.
b. Sosial Function
Social function of explanation text is to explain the reason how and
whysomething happened. In the text, those reasons are being elaborated
further and more in-depth.
c. General Structure
 A general statement is the introduction of an event to be told.
 A sequenced of explanation is an explanation why and how the event
occurred. In this section the author can write more than one

 Closing is the conclusion of the story.

d. Linguistic Feature
 Derived from the author's questions regarding the 'why' and 'how' of
an existing phenomenon.
 Using simple present tense.
 Using action verb.
 Using noun phrases.
 Using technical terms.
 Using general and abstract nouns.
 Using the conjunction of time and cause-effect.
e. Example Explanation Text
How does Rain Happen?
Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world,
providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for
hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the
water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing
the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor rises into the Earth’s
atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid
droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as
precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow.
However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while
falling through dry air.This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often
seen in hot, dry desert regions.
4. News Item Text
a. Definition of News Item Text
News item text is a text which informs readers about events of the
day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.It means if
there is an important event that should be know by many people, then
this event deserves news. Well, the news text is called the news item
text. However, if there are events that people do not deserve, then they
are not definitely worth to be news.

b. Social Function
News item text is a written public information of which the purpose
is to inform readers about events of the day which are considered
newsworthy or important. Basically, a news item text answers the 5W
and 1H questions: what, who, when, where, why, and how relating to
the newsworthy.
c. General Structure
 Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event in
summary form.
 Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what happened, to
whom, in what circumstance
 Resource of Information (Source) : it contains comments by
participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event
d. Linguistic Feature
 Using saying verbs: “….”, She said, informed, told, reported.
 Using Past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact that
until now still happen or still in the form of fact, then can use simple
present tense.
 Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
 Using adverbs: time, place and manner.
 Writing or text is made with a short composition
 Content is factual and generally neutral
 Have clear incident details
 The use of action verbs or verbs that indicate an action
e. Example
The Indonesian flag does not fly in the Thomas Cup

Indonesia won the Thomas Cup, but the flag could not be flown.
Menpora Zainudin Amali apologized to the Indonesian people.
Indonesia won the 2021 Thomas Cup after beating China 3-0 in the
final. In the match which took place at Ceres Arena, Aarhus, Denmark,
Sunday (10/17/2021), Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, Fajar Alfian/Muhammad

Rian Ardianto, and Jonatan Christie were the winners.In the cup and the
national anthem, there is no Indonesian flag. This is because Indonesia is
being sanctioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
The Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) has apologized in a virtual
conference with Menpora Zainudin Amali and the Indonesian Olympic
Committee (NOC Indonesia) Raja Sapta Oktohari. The Minister of Youth
and Sports at this time also apologized to the people of Indonesia."I at the
same time reinforce what LADI said about the apology, I also apologize
for the incident that made us all ucomfortable and comfortable," said
Zainudin Amali
5. Descriptive Text
a. Definition of Descriptive Text
Definition Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a
thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person,
place, or thing. ... The purpose of the descriptive text is clear, that is to
describe, represent or reveal a person or an object, either abstract or
b. Social Function
Social Function The social function of writing descriptive text is to
describe a particular person, place, thing, or animal.To describe a
particular erson, place or thing.
Biography of popular person.
Historycal place to urism destination.
Historycal thinas historical events etc.
c. Generic Structure
Descriptive text has its own rules in writing, including in the
structure or composition of which must be written in order. If you are
prompted to create descriptive text, then make sure the structure is as
IdentifiCation Contains about the introduction of a person, place,
animal, or object that will be described.

DescriptionContains a description of something such as animal,

things, place or person by describing its features, forms, colours, or
anything related to what the writer describe.
d. Language features
Spesifik participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique
(only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur
temple, uncle Jim.
The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for
example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in
jepara, etc.

The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple
present because it tells the fact of the object described.
Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep,
walk, cut etc…
e. Example Descriptive Text
My Bedroom
The bedroom is my favorite room. The wall color is blue, which is my
favorite color. it’s one snug bed that faces the window. Every morning, the
sun shines through my window and wakes me up.
I put my table for study and do my prep at the corner. Beside that
table, there is a massive wardrobe wherever I place all of my garments.
My father created the wardrobe on behalf of me as my birthday present.
On the left aspect of the table, there’s a shelf wherever I place all of my
favorite books. On the table, there’s a lamp, laptop, stationery, and
notebook. although my room is tiny and straightforward, I notice it is
terribly cozy.
6. Report Text
a. Definition
Definition Report is a text which presents information about
something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and

b. Sosial Function
Social Function of report text is to present information about
something generally to the reader.
c. General Structure
General Clasification ; Stating classification of general aspect of thing;
animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general.
Description : tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of
parts, qualities, habits or behaviors.
d. Linguistic Feature
 Use of general nouns.(Hunting doge/My dog)
 Use of relating verbs to describe features (to be [is, am, are :
present, seem, look, taste
 Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour
 Use of timeleas present tense to indicate usualnes( often, usually,
 Use of technical terms
 Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of
e. Example
The sunflower are annual plant in the family asteracease. They have
large flower heads (captulum). The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall,
with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers
include the california Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy
(red+purple) flower head. The flower head is actually made of hundreds
or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The central florets look like the
center of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals. All
together they make up a "false flower" or pseudanthium. The benefit to the
plant is that it is very easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate
it, and it produces thousands of seeds. The sunflower is the the state
flower of kansas. That is why kansas is sometimes called the sunflower
state. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile,

wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds

are planted 45 cm apart and 2.5 cm deep.
7. Analytical Exposition Text
a. Definition
Analytical exposition text is a type of text that belongs to the
Argumentation Text type where the text contains thoughts that write
about an event or events that are around.
b. Social Function
The social function of the Analytical Exposition text is to convince
the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss or get
attention by providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea
or topic.
c. Generic Structure
 Thesis
Thesis in part the author introduces ideas about the topic or subject
that will bediscussed.
 Argument
In this section the author present arguments or opinions that support
the main idea of the author, usually in an analytical exposition text
there are more than two arguments.
 Reiteration
This section is the concluding part of an analytical exposition text is
always located at the end of the paragraph.
d. Language Features
 Using a relational process
 Using a shared internal
 Using together causally
 Using the Simple Present Tense
e. Example
Smoking Is Good for Us?
Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. Thousands
About 50 people die every year in Britain as a direct result of smoking.

This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of

smokers die because of diseases, the caused by smoking.
Ninety percent of lung cancers are the caused by smoking. If we smoke
five cigarettes a day, we are six times more Likely to die of lung cancer
than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is greater
nineteen. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people
who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more Likely to die of
heart disease than non-smokers.
Additionally, children of smoker are more Likely to develop bronchitis
and pneumonia. In one hour in the smoky room, non-smoker breathes as
much as substance causing cancer as if he had fifteen cigarettes smoked.
Smoking is really good for tobacco companies Because they do the
make much money from the smoking habit. Smoking however is not good
for every body else.
8. Hortatory Exposition Text
a. Definition
Hartatory exposition text is a type of talk or writing text that, ains to
explain to the listener or to the reader about something that should or
should not happen or be finished
b. Social Function
The social function of hortatory exposition text is to tell the reader or
listener what should or should not be the case.
c. General Stucture
 Thesis
Contains the introduction of the author's main idea about a symptom
or event that will be raised or discussed
 Arguments
Contains opinions that support the author's main idea
 Recommendations
Contains the author's recommendation or invitation to the reader
d. Language Features
 Using the simple present tense

 Using the temporal conectives ; firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc

 Using the evaluative words ; im portanly, valuablly, trustworthly, etc
e. Example
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation
between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere
in the world, even in the united states. It's just a matter of intensity.
However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as
the most corrupt place in Indonesia.The survey has made me sad, actually,
because I stay and carn a living here in the capital. As most people know,
Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who
want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often.
They even bribe the officials.
Well, I think the measures taken so far to evercome the problem by
punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the
younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.I
believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone
should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make
any distinction.
9. Review Text
a. Definition Of Review Text
Review text is an evaluation of a publication, such as a movie, video
game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home
appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live
music concert, a play, musical theatre show or dance show.
b. Generic Structure of Review Text
# Orientation : Background information of the text.
# Evaluations : Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or
recommendation. It can consist ot more than one.
# Interpretative Recount : Summary of an art works including character
and plot.

# Evaluative Summation : The last opinion consisting the appraisal or

the punch line of the art works being criticized.
c. Purpose of Review Text
Review text is used to critic the events or art works for the reader or
listener, such as movies, shows, book, and others.
d. The Characteristics / Language Feature of Review Text
 Focus on specific participants
 Using adjectives
 Using long and complex clauses
 Using metaphor style Review Texy Simple
e. Example of Review Text
“A. Love You Like a Love Song”
“Love You Like a Love Song” by Selena Gomez
“Love You Like a Love Song” is a single from one of Disney’s shining
stars, Selena Gomez. The young people who love this young singer/actress
will like this song. Gomez isn’t known for having a super-strong voice or
the most original arrangements, but she deserves props for this song,
which mercifully tones down the standard synth-pop noise and kicks the
vocal performance up a notch. The end result sounds a bit more creative
and mature than the rest of the bubblegum-pop pack.
Selena’s music is always great, and her voice sounds great especially in
the bridge. In the past century, people seem to believe that a love song for
pop has to be acoustic with guitars, and love songs for Rap/Hip-Hop have
to sound the same.
This doesn’t seem to bother Rihanna, Lady GaGa, and now Selena
Gomez. To be honest in the past century “Love You Like A Love Song” has
been the most original love song in years. Monotone was perfectly done
here, and the Autotune was well layered. Autotune is not just robotic,
Beyonce and Rihanna use it too. Must be an original love song and just a
song in years. It’s about loving someone like a love song. It’s gonna use
love song cliches.
10. Procedural Text

a. Definition of Procedural Text

Procedure text is one type of text that you may have learned in
school. Most English learners have heard of this type of text. Procedure
Text is actually familiar or familiar in everyday life. You must have
seen recipes, whether in cookbooks or on social media. This recipe is
made for people who want to cook certain recipes to make it easier for
them to practice.
b. Purpose Of Procedural Text
This type of text has the aim of providing information to the reader
or sequential directions so that the reader can successfully perform
certain tasks efficiently and precisely.
c. Generic Structure
1. Goals or goal
The goal or purpose of the procedure text already lies in the title,
how to make cookies, how to clean sneakers and others.
2. Materials or materials
After knowing the purpose of the text, there will be tools or materials
used to carry out the next step. Examples of materials for making
cakes are flour, eggs, cake molds, butter and others.
3. Steps or steps
The next stage will contain the steps on how to perform a task. For
example, mix dry ingredients to make a cake. After that stir evenly.
d. Language Features Procedure Text
In addition to the generic structure, procedure text of course has
language features. The following are the language features of procedure
1. Simple Present Tense
To write procedure text, you must use the simple present tense. This
is because in the procedure text there are fact sentences about how to
make and use an item.
2. Connecting Words

In the procedure text also used connecting words that are useful to
connect the steps in it. Like, firstly, after that, then, last, finally and
many others.
3. Adverb
Adverbs or adverbs are used to explain adverbs of time, for example.
wait for 1 hour, in 15 minutes and others. Adverbs are also used to
describe a way, for example slowly, well, fast, etc.
4. Command Sentence
Command sentences are used in procedure text. For example add 1
tablespoon of salt, mix the dough and others. Command sentences
must begin with a verb or verbs such as add, stir, mix, heat, and
e. Example of Procedural Text
How to make pancake
 1 cup all purpose flour
 2 tablespoons of sugar
 2 teaspoons of baking powder
 ½ teaspoons of salt
 1 cup full cream milk
 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter or vegetable oil
 1 egg
 toppings such as maple syrup, honey, strawberry jam or chocolate syrup
-How To Make:
 Add flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt into a small bowl. Whisk them
 After that, pour into a medium bowl.
 Add milk, butter or oil, and egg. Mix the dry ingredients. Whisk until just
moistened. Remember, do not overmix.
 Heat a cast-iron or non-stick pan. add oil. you can rub the pan with oiled
paper towel.
 Pour two to three tablespoons of batter onto the pan. You can use the back
of the spoon to spread the batter.

 Let it cook until the surface has bubbles and a few bursts.
 After that, flip the pancake carefully and wait until browned.
 Serve warm and add some toppings.
3.1 Conclution
The conclusion that can be drawn from the material above is that narrative
text and recount text are both texts that use simple past tenses in writing
Both of these texts are equally aimed at providing information to the
3.2 Sugestion
The author is very aware of the material, writing and delivery methods are
far from perfect. Therefore, it is hoped that readers and listeners can respond
Hopefully this paper can be a reference for future authors with better and
neater details.

purposeslanguage-features.php.(Diakses pada 20 Oktober 2021) pada 21 Oktober
will-premieres-on-disney-channel.html.(Diakses pada 20 Oktober 2021)
14078.html.(Diakses pada 20 Oktober 2021) pada 20
Oktober 2021)
language-features.php (16-11-21,00:11)
text.html?m=1(Diakses pada tanggal 3 November 2021 pukul 09.39) (Diakses pada
tanggal 3 November 2021 pukul 09.39)
Text(Diakses pada tanggal 3 November 2021 pukul 09.39)
definitionpurposes-generic-structures-language-features (Diakses pada
tanggal 3 November 2021 pukul 09.39),20-36 WIB),20.07 WIB),20.52 WIB),21.26 WIB),22.02 WIB) on Friday 22 October 2021 at 23.33) on Friday 22 October 2021 at 23:59) on Friday 22 October 2021 at 23:39)

british on Friday 22 October 2021 at 23.49) (15-11-21,23:58) (16-11-21,00:04)


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