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8/29/2021 Resistance Of A Conductor - Study Material for IIT JEE | askIITians

If ‘V’ be the potentialdifference between the two terminals of a conductor and ‘i’ be the current
through it, then,

V/i = Constant = R

‘R’ is called the resistance of the material.

An increase in the value of R results in a decrease in the value of ‘i’.

Quantitative definition: Resistance is the opposition offered by the conductor to the flow of electricity through it.

Quantitative definition: Resistance of a conductor is defined as the ratio between potential differences between the
two ends of the conductor to the current flowing through it.

If i = 1, R = V.

Resistance of a conductor can also be defined as the difference of potential across the two ends of the conductor
required to pass a unit electric current through it.

Concept of Resistance
Every conductor contains a large number of free electrons. When a difference of potential is applied between the two
ends of the conductor, an electric field is set up inside the material of the conductor. A free electron (being a
negatively charged particle) experiences a force, due to this field, which accelerates it from higher to lower potential
side. After acquiring some velocity it suffers collision with other free electrons of the material and loses the acquired
energy. It, again, is accelerate and goes through the above process repeatedly. Thus, motion of the electron cannot
be termed as free. It experiences resistance forward motion. This resistance is termed as electrical resistance.

Units of R:-

(a) In S.I:- 1 ohm = 1 volt/1 ampere

Resistance of a conductor is said to be ‘ohm’ if a current of 1 ampere flows through it for a potential difference of 1
volt across its ends.

(b) In C.G.S system:-

1 statohm = 1 statvolt/1 statamp

Resistance of a conductor is said to be 1 statohm if a current of 1 statamp flows through it for a potential difference
of 1 statvolt across its ends.

1 abohm = 1 abvolt/1 abampere

Resistance of a conductor is said to be 1 abohm if a current of 1 abampere flows through it for a potential difference
of 1 abvolt across its ends.

(c) Relation between ohm and statohm:- 1/3
8/29/2021 Resistance Of A Conductor - Study Material for IIT JEE | askIITians

1 ohm = 1 volt/1 ampere

= [(1/300) statvolt] / [(3 10 ) statamp]
Thus, 1 ohm = (1/9×10 ) statohm

(d) Relation between ohm and abohm:-

1 ohm = 1 volt/1 ampere

1 ohm = [10  abvolt]/ [(1/10) abamp]
Thus, 1 ohm = 10 abohm

Resistance in Series
The resistances are said to be connected in series if same current flows
through all of them. Consider resistances R1, R2, and R3 connected in
series with each other as shown in figure. Let a current ‘i’ flow through all of
them. If V1, V2 and V3 are difference of potentials

V1 = iR1, V2 = iR2 and V3 = iR3 across each resistance, R is the resistance
of combination, total potential difference “V’ across whole of the
combination is

V = iR

Since V = V1+V2 + V3

So, iR = iR1+iR2+iR3

or iR = i (R1+R2+R3)

or R = R1 + R2 + R3

Thus, if a number of resistances are connected in series with each other, the net resistance of the combination is
equal to the sum of their individual resistances.

Resistance in Parallel
Resistances are said to be connected in parallel if different currents
flow through them and get added afterwards. Consider a number of
resistances R1, R2, and R3 connected parallel to each other. A current
‘i’ is divided into three parts and flows through each of these
resistances as shown in figure. If ‘V’ is the difference of potential across
the combination, then

V = i1R1 = i2R2 = i3R3

or i1 = V/R1, i2 = V/R2 , i3 = V/R3

If R is the resistance of the combination, then

i = V/R 2/3
8/29/2021 Resistance Of A Conductor - Study Material for IIT JEE | askIITians

Since i = i1 +i2+ i3

So, V/R = V/R1 +V/R2 + V/R3

or V/R = V (1/R1 +1/R2 +1/R3)

1/R = 1/R1 +1/R2 +1/R3

Thus , if a number of resistances are connected in parallel, the reciprocal of the resistance of the combination is
equal to the sum of the reciprocals of their individual resistances. 

Variation of Resistance with Temperature

Resistance of a conductor varies with temperature. If ‘R0’ and ‘Rt’ are its resistance at 0º C and tº C respectively,

Rt = R0 (1+αt)

or, Rt = R0+R0αt

R0αt = Rt – R0

So,α = Rt – R0/R0t

Where,‘α’ is known as temperature coefficient of resistance.

Temperature coefficient of resistance is defined as change in resistance of the conductor per unit resistance per
degree centigrade rise of temperature.
Its S.I. unit is C .

(a) For all metals and most of alloys ‘α’ is positive, i.e., their resistance increases with an increase in their

As a substance is heated, its electrons start vibrating more vigorously and suffer collisions more frequently. A larger
number of collisions means more resistance. Hence, resistance increases with the rise in temperature.

Value of ‘α’ is greater for metals and smaller for alloys. Therefore metals show more change in resistance, as
compared to alloys, when they are heated. This is the basic reason why alloys are used in resistance boxes and
metals are used in the construction of resistance thermometers.

(b) Substances like carbon and semi-conductors possess negative value of ‘α’. Their resistance decreases with a
rise in temperature. 3/3

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