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J R Army Med Corps 2001; 147: 187-194


J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support

0505. The treatment of shock is directed

CHAPTER 5 SHOCK towards restoring cellular and organ perfusion
AIM with adequately oxygenated blood. It
0501. On successfully completing this topic bears repeating that inadequately treated
you will be able to: tissue hypoperfusion causes cell damage
and organ failure. Death inevitably
• Define shock. follows.
• Identify clinical shock syndromes.
• Understand the difference between The Pathological Mechanisms -
compressible and non-compressible
haemorrhage. Early
• Relate the casualty's symptoms and signs 0506. Fluids in the body lie within cells
to the underlying shock syndrome. (intracellular fluid), between the cells
• Discuss the principles of treatment of (intercellular fluid), and within the blood
hypovolaemic shock. vessels. The intracellular and intercellular
• Demonstrate techniques of fluid fluids form the extravascular compartment;
replacement. fluid within the blood vessels forms the
intravascular compartment.
0507. Loss of circulating fluid causes
Pathophysiology decreased venous return (preload) with
0502. Shock is the general response of the
subsequent decreased stretch of the muscle
body to inadequate tissue perfusion and
in the right and left ventricles of the heart. As
oxygenation. This simple statement
a result of this, cardiac output is reduced
encompasses a complex pathophysiological
resulting in hypotension and hypoperfusion
process. If progressive and uncorrected, this
(Starling's Law). The body's response to loss
process will lead to cell death, organ failure
of tissue fluid or blood is directed at
and the death of the casualty.
maintaining circulating volume. The
principle corrective mechanisms involved in
Shock is inadequate tissue perfusion.
this process are:
Types of Shock • Fluid shifts from tissues into blood vessels,
0503. Most cases will be caused by that is, from the extravascular to the
hypovolaemia, that is, a reduction of intravascular compartment.
circulating volume due to haemorrhage or • The heart rate rises (tachycardia) due to
fluid loss in burns. increased sympathetic nervous system
0504. Cardiogenic shock and neurogenic outflow and reduced vagus nerve
shock are both examples of hypoperfusion, inhibition.
when failure to maintain circulating volume • Constriction of blood vessels
is not due to blood loss. In cardiogenic shock (vasoconstriction) in the splanchnic bed
the heart fails to pump blood around the and limb peripheries, (the cold, pale
body adequately. In neurogenic shock due to extremities of shock).
a spinal injury, blood vessels dilate causing • Fluid retention due to reduced urine
pooling of blood and making the circulating output.
blood volume inadequate. A similar situation
arises in anaphylactic shock due to infection The Pathological Mechanisms -
as a late complication of trauma. Both these Late
mechanisms are related to the release of 0508. At the cellular level, hypoxic cells
vasodilatory mediators. initially compensate by shifting to anaerobic
metabolism. This results in the formation of
TYPES OF SHOCK lactic acid and the subsequent development
• Hypovolaemic of metabolic acidosis. If untreated, cells swell
• Cardiogenic and burst producing marked tissue oedema
• Neurogenic and loss of function.These events compound
• Anaphylactic the effects of hypovolaemia. Replacement of
• Septic circulating volume is essential, as is adequate
tissue oxygenation, in order to prevent
further deterioration of this process of cell
188 BATLS Chapter 5

Hypovolaemic Shock Rapid Assessment of the

0509. In the battlefield situation, Cardiovascular System

J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
hypovolaemic shock due to trauma or burns 0515. Mental state. If the casualty is
is by far the most common cause of the shock conscious and talking sensibly, he is not only
syndrome. It is also the most amenable to breathing through an open airway, he is
prompt management. Haemorrhage is the perfusing his cerebral cortex with sufficient
acute loss of circulating blood. In adults, 7% oxygenated blood (50% of the normal
of body weight is circulating blood cardiac output). Increasing hypovolaemia
(approximately five litres in a 70 kg adult or and subsequent cerebral hypoxia cause
70 ml/kg of body weight). In children, alterations in the level of consciousness.
circulating volume is calculated to be 8-9% These alterations begin with anxiety and if
of body weight (90 ml/kg of body weight). untreated, proceed through confusion and
0510. Blood loss in trauma may be into five aggressiveness to eventual unresponsiveness
sites ('blood on the floor and four more'): and death.
• External ('on the floor'). 0516. Colour. Hypovolaemic casualties
• Chest. become pale, cold, sweaty and cyanosed.
• Abdomen. 0517. Pulse.The presence of a palpable radial
• Pelvis and retroperitoneum. pulse implies that the systolic blood pressure
• Around long bone fractures (especially the is at least 90 mmHg. Absent radial pulses,
Femur). but a palpable femoral pulse, imply a systolic
blood pressure between 80 and 90 mmHg; a
Note: The presence of significant amount of
palpable carotid pulse, in the absence of
blood in the chest will be identified during
Breathing in the primary survey. other pulses, indicates that the systolic
Identification of other sites of bleeding is an pressure is at least 70 mmHg.
essential element of Circulation. Radial pulse indicates blood pressure
>90 mmHg.
You must be highly suspicious in all Femoral pulse indicates blood pressure
cases of blunt abdominal injuries; ≥80 mmHg.
these can result in massive, concealed Carotid pulse indicates blood pressure
blood loss. ≥70 mmHg.

0511. Major soft tissue injuries and fractures 0518. Capillary refill. This test is performed
compromise circulating volume in two ways: by compressing a fingernail for five seconds.
The test is normal if colour returns within
• Blood lost at the site of the injury. two seconds of releasing compression (the
• Oedema. Soft tissue injuries result in time taken to say the words 'capillary refill').
obligatory oedema, the magnitude of Capillary refill is not effective as a measure of
which is related to the severity of the injury. circulatory adequacy if the casualty is
Since plasma and extracellular fluid are in hypothermic or if it is dark!
continuity, loss of extracellular fluid will
inevitably affect circulating volume. Normal capillary refill takes two
Approximately 25% of post-trauma seconds.
oedema will be derived from plasma. 0519. Blood pressure.This should be recorded
0512. Some idea of blood volumes lost during the primary survey and observations
from different injuries can be seen from the continued thereafter to ensure that the trend
following: is towards normotension.
• Closed femoral fracture 1.5 litres Classification of Circulating
• Fractured pelvis 3 litres
• Fractured ribs 150 ml each Volume Lost (See Table 5.1)
• One blood-filled hemithorax 2 litres 0520. Class I. Loss of less than 15% of
circulating volume (up to 750 ml in a 70 kg
0513. The following may represent a loss of adult). This is fully compensated by the
500 ml: diversion of blood from the splanchnic pool.
• A closed tibial fracture There are no abnormal symptoms and signs
• An open wound the size of an adult hand. other than minimal tachycardia.
• A clot the size of an adult fist. 0521. Class II. Loss of 15 - 30% of
circulating volume (750 - 1500 ml in a 70 kg
0514. The elderly tolerate shock less well adult) requires peripheral vasoconstriction to
than the fit, young adult, and the very young maintain systolic blood pressure. The pulse
in whom shock may not be clinically pressure is narrowed because of raised
apparent until blood loss becomes quite diastolic blood pressure; this is a valuable
severe. indicator of Class II.
0522. Class III. Loss of 30-40% of
circulating volume (1500-2000 ml in a 70 kg
adult) causes a measurable fall in systolic
blood pressure because peripheral
BATLS Chapter 5 189

vasoconstriction fails to compensate for the 0527. Shock is defined as inadequate tissue
increasing loss. This manifests itself as the perfusion. It is now accepted that the

J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
classical symptoms and signs of shock. appropriate end point for the initial
0523. Class IV. Loss of more than 40% of resuscitation of the shocked casualty is the
circulating volume (over 2000 ml in a 70 kg achievement of a blood pressure sufficient to
adult) is immediately life-threatening. maintain tissue perfusion. This is generally
Effective and aggressive treatment must be accepted to be a systolic blood pressure of 90
initiated quickly. Loss of more than 50% mmHg, that is, a palpable radial pulse.
circulating volume results in loss of Evidence suggests that a rapid return to
consciousness. normal blood pressure is associated with
effects such as the displacement of blood clot
This classification is the ultimate
and a dilution of clotting factors. Both of
tennis match for survival:
these effects may cause rebleeding and
Class I 0-15 adversely affect outcome. The foregoing
Class II 15-30 brings into question the traditional approach
Class III 30-40 of giving all shocked casualties a standard
Class IV 40-game, set and exit intravenous fluid challenge of two or more
tournament for good! litres in an uncontrolled way. This is
especially the case when the haemorrhage is
Table 5.1 Vital signs non-compressible (see paragraph 0530 and
Class I II III IV table 5.2).
Up to 750 ml 750-1500 ml 1500-2000 ml >2000 ml
<15% lost 15-30% lost 30-40% lost >40% lost
Heart rate <100/min 100-120/min 120-140/min >140/min Examination
Systolic BP Normal Normal Decreased Decreased/
0528. Physical examination is directed at the
unrecordable assessment of the Airway, Breathing and
Pulse pressure Normal Narrowed Narrowed Very narrow/absent Circulation. Baseline recordings of vital signs
Capillary refill Normal Prolonged Prolonged Prolonged/absent (see Table 5.1) taken at this stage are
Respiratory rate 14-20/min 20-30/min >30/min >35/min
important for subsequent decisions
regarding treatment. Additionally, a rapid
Urine output >30ml/hr 20-30 ml/hr 5-20 ml/hr Negligible
neurological survey (AVPU) will give
Cerebral function Normal/ Anxious/ Anxious/ Confused/
slightly frightened/ confused unresponsive important clues about cerebral perfusion. A
anxious hostile more detailed secondary survey may offer
information on the cause of the shock and on
other conditions contributing to shock.
Initial Assessment and
Management Resuscitation
0524. Obvious signs of shock are easy to 0529. After establishing a clear airway (and
recognise but they do not usually appear until protecting the cervical spine when
over 30% of circulating volume is lost. The appropriate) you should deliver oxygen,
earliest signs are of peripheral when available, at a high flow rate (10-15
vasoconstriction and tachycardia followed by litres per minute), through a bag-valve-mask
narrowing of the pulse pressure. You must reservoir system. After correcting any life-
assume that any injured casualty with cold threatening breathing difficulties you must
peripheries and a rapid heart rate is in shock, turn your attention to stopping obvious
until proved otherwise. Remember, a pulse of haemorrhage. This can be achieved by direct
80 in a young, fit athletic soldier, whose or indirect pressure, by wound packing and
normal resting pulse is 50, may represent a judicious and correct use of a tourniquet.You
significant loss of circulating volume. can minimise haemorrhage from limb
fracture sites by reducing and immobilizing
Principles of Management of the fracture.
Hypovolaemic Shock
0525. The principles of management are: Haemorrhage
0530. When resuscitating the shocked
• To save life. casualty, you should consider haemorrhage
• To prevent deterioration. to be of two types:
• To promote recovery.
• Compressible haemorrhage.
0526. Diagnosis of hypovolaemic shock must • Non-compressible haemorrhage.
be promptly followed by appropriate
treatment, directed at restoring effective 0531. Compressible haemorrhage is
tissue perfusion. Restoration of adequate controllable by direct pressure, limb
circulating volume is not a substitute for elevation, the application of a tourniquet or
definitive treatment (surgery). Remember: by splintage; All of which can be carried out
circulation with haemorrhage control; attempts by you.
should be made to treat, where possible, the 0532. Non compressible haemorrhage is
cause of the shock; for example, application bleeding into a body cavity (chest, abdomen,
of pressure dressings and splinting of pelvis or retroperitoneum) which can only be
fractures. Stop the bleeding! controlled by urgent surgery. This cannot be
190 BATLS Chapter 5

carried out by you. Replacement of Lost Volume

0533. In the case of pelvic fractures, 0535. Intravenous access is best achieved by

J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
although surgery may be needed, some inserting as large a cannula as possible into
control of bleeding may be achieved by each antecubical fossa. If peripheral
splinting the pelvis using some form of pelvic cannulation cannot be achieved consider:
splint as part of the resuscitation process.
0534. An algorithm for the man agement of • Femoral vein cannulation
shock is given at Table 5-2, this can be • Intravenous cutdown
summarised as follows: 0536. Under no circumstances should
attempts to obtain intravenous access delay
Fluid Resuscitation casualty transfer to definitive care unless
Compressible haemorrhage not shocked No fluids journey times are going to be prolonged.
Compressible haemorrhage shocked IV fluids 0537. The choice of fluids is between
Non compressible haemorrhage evacuation available No fluids crystalloid solutions and synthetic colloids;
Non compressible haemorrhage evacuation delayed IV fluids blood will be available at role 2 and 3 medical
Table 5.2 Management of shock


Never give cold fluids by rapid intravenous infusion. Ingenuity may be required to keep crystalloids and colloids warm.
For example, never leave fluids in vehicles overnight in a cold environment. If necessary take them to bed with you! Carry
packs of fluid under your smock close to your body, this will keep them warm, ready for immediate use. Blood taken straight
from a refrigerator should be administered through a blood warmer.
BATLS Chapter 5 191

Gaining intravenous access must not compartment to the extravascular

delay transfer to definitive care. compartment, or blood loss continues.

J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Give a further intravenous challenge of two
Crystalloids units of colloid or whole blood if available.
0538. Crystalloids are physiological If the vital signs return to acceptable levels,
solutions which remain only temporarily in the response was due to redistribution of
the circulation (about 30 minutes) before fluid; if vital signs remain abnormal then
passing into the intercellular space. They are this is a Type III response.
useful for the immediate replacement of lost • Type III response. Continue intravenous
volume, especially when evacuation times are colloid or whole blood at flow rates
short and definitive medical care is nearby. sufficient to sustain resuscitation (a palable
Initially, two litres of crystalloid (Hartmann's radial pulse). This casualty needs urgent
Solution/Ringer's Lactate) should be infused surgery within the hour.
using wide-bore cannulae. • Type IV response. No response to rapid
0539. The advantages of crystalloids are: intravenous infusion of crystalloid, colloid
and/or blood. This casualty needs
• They are inexpensive, plentiful and have a
immediate damage control surgery (to
long shelf life.
'turn off the tap') if he is to survive.
• They have no allergenicity.
• They do not cause coagulation problems. 0545. The above is a simple guide on how a
• There is no risk of transmitted infection. casualty may respond to fluid resuscitation.
More important is the question: has the
0540. The disadvantages are:
casualty got non-compressible haemorrhage
• Three volumes are required for each and can he be evacuated now? If the answer
volume of blood lost (the 3:1 rule). is 'yes' - do it!
• An overload may cause pulmonary and 0546.To resuscitate children, the initial bolus
cerebral oedema. dose of crystalloid is 20 ml/kg of body
weight. Further boluses will depend on the
Colloids child's response. (see Supplement No 1).
0541. Colloids are either natural (derived
from blood products) for example plasma, or Supplementary Treatments and
synthetic (derived from starches and gelatins) Supportive Measures
for example, polygeline (Haemaccel) which is 0547. Protect casualties from the
a gelatin suspended in physiological solution, environment as hypothermia exacerbates
or Gelofusine. shock. Administer oxygen at the highest
0542. The advantages of colloids are: possible percentage whenever it is available.
• They are inexpensive, plentiful and have a Blood is indicated for casualties who have
long shelf life. sustained a Class III or Class IV
• They replace lost volume on a one-to-one haemorrhage. Whenever possible use type
basis. specific blood although, in an emergency,
• They remain in the circulation for long uncrossmatched whole blood can be life-
periods. saving.
• There is no risk of transmitted infection. 0548. Painful stimuli exacerbate shock. Use
analgesia in responsive casualties; remember
0543. The disadvantages are: fracture stabilization and immobilization will
• Occasionally (1:5000), they cause allergic minimise haemorrhage at the fracture site in
reactions. addition to alleviating pain.
• When cold, they either become viscous or 0549. Gastric dilation may occur despite the
form a jelly. presence of a nasogastric tube. To avoid the
risk of aspiration in unconscious casualties,
Treatment regimen the airway must be protected by a cuffed
0544. The response to resuscitation by endotracheal tube, together with intermittent
intravenous fluids, and the need for further aspiration of the nasogastric tube.
intravenous fluids and/or surgery, can be
considered under four headings: Monitoring
• Type 1 response. The pulse rate falls below 0550. Once stabilized, the casualty must be
100, the systolic blood pressure rises above continually monitored and reassessed to
100 and the pulse pressure widens; these prevent deterioration and to ensure that all
signs remain stable. No further fluid diagnoses have been made. Legible and
challenge is required. accurate records are essential, noting the date
• Type II response. An initial fall of the pulse and time of each intervention and
rate below 100, a rise of systolic blood observation. The variables that must be
pressure above 100 and widening of the monitored are:
pulse pressure, then a regression to • Pulse (rate, rhythm and pressure).
abnormal levels of these vital signs. This • Capillary refill time.
means that either the fluid has been • Respiration (rate, expansion and
redistributed from the intravascular symmetry).
192 BATLS Chapter 5

• Blood pressure Ideally, all casualties with blunt thoracic

• Neurological state (AVPU). injury should have constant ECG

J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
monitoring. Measuring cardiac enzymes
0551. An additional guide to the response to
will not alter the acute management of
resuscitation or casualty deterioration can be
myocardial infarction and are poor
gained from:
indicators of myocardial contusion.
• Pulse oximetry. • Neurogenic shock. Damage to some parts of
• Urine output (ideal: adults 50 ml/hr - the brain stem or high thoracic/cervical
children 1-2 ml/kg/hr). spinal cord, produces hypotension due to
• Blood gas analysis. interruption of the sympathetic chain, with
subsequent loss of vessel tone. Sympathetic
Management Problems denervation also removes the cardiac
response to hypotension, that is,
tachycardia. The vagus is unopposed
Continuing haemorrhage resulting in bradycardia which may worsen
0552.You must consider all potential sources
if the vagus nerve is stimulated, for
of blood loss. Concealed haemorrhage is life-
example, by passing an endotracheal tube
threatening and must be in the forefront of
or nasogastric tube. The casualty with
your mind in all hypovolaemic casualties who
neurogenic shock demonstrates
respond poorly or do not respond to
hypotension without tachycardia. The
treatment - Response types III and IV.
immediate treatment of symptomatic
Urgent surgery is required. You must also
bradycardia in neurogenic shock is
consider the possibility of dilution of clotting
atropine 0.5 - 1 mg intravenously.
factors when large volumes of fluids have
• Anaphylactic shock.You should suspect this
been infused. Remember that stored blood uncommon mechanism of shock in any
contains fewer clotting factors than fresh casualty who has recently received
blood and fresh frozen plasma. medication or who has been exposed to
other allergens, especially when the history
Fluid overload is not known. Signs of anaphylactic shock
0553. Fluid overload is unlikely to occur in include peripheral vasodilatation, oedema,
severely injured, previously fit young men. bronchospasm and urticaria. Attention to
Fluid replacement should be titrated against the airway is essential. The definitive
haemodynamic effects, especially when treatment is adrenaline 1 mg as 1 ml of
estimates of loss can be calculated from the 1:1000 solution intramuscularly or, in life-
mechanism of injury and the haemorrhage is threatening cases, 1 mg as 10 ml of
compressible. If fluid overload does occur 1:10000 solution intravenously slowly.
and pulmonary oedema is detected, the • Septic shock. Septic (toxic) shock may occur
infusion should be slowed to maintain if evacuation is delayed for many hours. It
intravascular access and you should consider is most likely to occur in casualties with
the use of intravenous diuretics and penetrating abdominal injuries and in
intravenous morphine. whom the peritoneal cavity has been
contaminated by intestinal contents. The
Acid/base imbalance mechanism of shock is one of vasodilatation
0554. Initial respiratory alkalosis is due to caused by bacterial toxins. If there has been
tachypnoea. Metabolic acidosis may develop no haemorrhage (or if haemorrhage has
with severe or long-standing shock as a result been adequately corrected) the casualty,
of inadequate tissue perfusion and although hypotensive, will have a
subsequent anaerobic metabolism. When tachycardia, warm pink skin and a wide
arterial blood gas measurement is available pulse pressure (a full bounding pulse).
and indicates the presence of metabolic
acidosis, it should be treated with increasing Summary
intravenous fluids. Hypovolaemia is the cause of shock in most
battle casualties. A high index of suspicion is
Other Types of Stock essential during assessment of the casualty.
0555. In the battlefield situation, most Management requires immediate control of
shocked casualties will have hypovolaemia. haemorrhage either by direct compression,
The differential diagnosis should also include splintage, the application of a tourniquet or
cardiogenic, neurogenic, anaphylactic and where necessary, by urgent surgery.
septic shock. Clues can be gained from the
history, careful secondary survey, selected
additional tests and the response to
• Cardiogenic shock. Myocardial dysfunction
may occur following cardiac tamponade,
myocardial contusion, air embolus,
pulmonary embolus, tension
pneumothorax or myocardial infarction.
BATLS Chapter 5 193

Skills Station 4 Ties (3-0).

Scalpels (22 balde).
Peripheral Intravenous

J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Small haemostat forceps.
Cannulation Gauze swabs (4" x 4").
Venous tourniquet.
Aim Surgical gloves.
The aim of this skills station is to give you the Scissors.
opportunity to practise and demonstrate the
technique of peripheral intravenous
Anatomical Considerations
• The primary site for cutdown is over the
Equipment long saphenous vein above the ankle at a
Model arm or IV practice pads. point approximately 2 cm anterior and 2
IV giving sets. cm superior to the medial malleolus - but
14 gauge cannulae. not if there is significant injury proximal to
Hartmann's Solution. this site. (See Fig 5.1).
Haemaccel. • The site of second choice is the median
Micropore tape. basilic vein, located 2.5 cm lateral to the
Adhesive tape 3 inch. medial epicondyle of the humerus in the
Alcohol sterets. antecubital fossa.
Blood sample bottles.
Venous tourniquet.
Surgical gloves.

Skills Procedures
• Run the intravenous solution through the
giving set.
• Identify the vein to be cannulated (first Fig 5.1 Cut down technique - long saphenous vein (right
choice is the antecubital fossa). ankle).
• Check there are no fractures proximal to
the intended cannulation site. Skills Procedures
• Apply a venous tourniquet proximal to the • Run the intravenous solution through the
intended cannulation site. giving set.
• Prepare the skin with an alcohol steret. • Apply a venous tourniquet proximal to the
• Insert the cannula into the vein; withdraw intended cannulation site.
the trocher and feed the cannula further • Prepare the skin with an alcohol steret.
into the vein when blood is seen in the flash • Infiltrate the area with local anaesthetic.
chamber. • Make a full-thickness transverse incision
• Draw 15 ml of blood for crossmatch, full through the skin.
blood count and haematocrit. • By blunt dissection, identify and display
• Connect the giving set and commence flow the vein.
at the required rate. • Free the vein from its bed and elevate a 2
• Secure the cannula with Micropore tape. cm length.
• Cover the cannula site with adhesive tape. • Ligate the distal end, leaving the suture in
• Secure the giving set tubing. place for traction.
• If the casualty is going to be moved or • Pass a tie around the proximal end of the
evacuated ensure the taping of the cannula vein.
and giving set is robust enough to survive • Make a small transverse venotomy and
this; consider applying a POP backslab. gently dilate the opening with the tip of a
closed haemostate.
• Introduced the plastic cannula (without
Skills Station 5 trochar) through the venotomy and secure
Peripheral Venous Cutdown / it in place by tying the proximal ligature.
• Attach the giving set and commence flow
Femoral Access at the required rate.
• If possible, close the incision, otherwise
Aim apply a sterile dressing and secure the
The aim of this skills station is to give you the giving set tubing in place.
opportunity to practise and demonstrate the
technique of peripheral venous cutdown.
Animal model or IV practice pads. Haemorrhage or haematoma.
IV giving sets. Perforation of the posterior wall of the vein.
14 gauge cannulae. Nerve transection.
Hartmann's Solution. Phlebitis.
Micropore tape. Venous thrombosis.
Alcohol sterets.
Sutures (3-0).
194 BATLS Chapter 5

Femoral access • Prepare the skin with an alcohol steret and

The femoral vein lies medial to the femoral ensure that suitable fastening materials are

J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-147-02-14 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from on 24 June 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
artery (see Fig 5.2). This anatomy can best available.
be remembered by use of the mnemonic • Identify the femoral artery and place the
NAVY - Nerve, Artery, Vein, Y-front. middle and index finger of the left hand on
the pulsation.
• Insert the cannula medial to the two finers
advancing towards the head with the
needle at 45º to the skin.
• Apply continuous moderate suction to the
syringe by gently withdrawing the syringe
plunger as you advance.
• When the vein is punctured blood will
enter the syringe rapidly. Stop advancing
the cannula, pause then gently advance the
cannula into the vein while simultaneously
Fig 5.2 Anatomy of the femoral region.
withdrawing the needle.
• Suture or tape the cannula into place.
Skills procedures • Attach the giving set and commence flow
• Run the intravenous solution through the at the required rate.
giving set. • Apply an appropriate dressing.
• Place a 10 ml syringe onto a brown venflon.

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