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The Jewelled Necklace Of The
Resplendent Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬Birth

First edition




FOREWORD .................................................................................................. 4
CASSIM AL QAADIRĪ .................................................................................... 6
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 1 ........................................................... 8
TRANSLATION.......................................................................................... 9
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 2 .......................................................... 10
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 12
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 3 .......................................................... 14
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 15
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 4 .......................................................... 16
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 17
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 5 .......................................................... 18
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 19
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 6 .......................................................... 20
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 22
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 7 .......................................................... 24
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 25
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 8 .......................................................... 26
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 27
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 9 .......................................................... 28
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 30
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 10 ........................................................ 32
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 34
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 11 ........................................................ 36
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 37
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 12 ........................................................ 38
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 40
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 13 ........................................................ 42
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 44 |3

MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 14 ........................................................ 46

TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 48
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 15 ........................................................ 50
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 52
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 16 ........................................................ 54
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 55
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 17 ........................................................ 56
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 57
MAWLID AL BARZANJĪ SHAREEF 18 ........................................................ 58
TRANSLATION........................................................................................ 59
DU‘Ā............................................................................................................. 60
DU‘Ā......................................................................................................... 63
All Praise is due to Almighty Allah, The Creator and Sustainer of the
Universe. Peace, Blessings, and Salutations, upon Him whose excellence is
above the entire creation and who has been blessed with being Imaam ul |4
Ambia. Peace and Blessings upon His Beloved Companions, who are the
manifestation of His blessings, and upon His Noble Family who are the
Gates to the City of His love, and upon the Awliyah-e-Kiraam and ‘Ulama-e-
Izaam, especially upon His Beloved descendant, the Imaam ul Awliyah,
Sayyidunā Shaykh ‘Abdul Qaadir Jilaaniz, and upon all those who follow
in His way with sincerity.

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, The Mercy of Sayyidunā RasoolAllah b,

the blessings of my Mashaa’ikh especially Huzoor Mujahid e Ahle Sunnat
Syed Shah Turabul Haqz, Huzoor Sayyidi Taajush Shari‘ahzand
Huzoor Sayyidi Muhad’dith Kabeer, the blessings of my parents, and
support of my wife and children, you have before you the great work of
Imaam Barzanji, renowned by the name ‘Mawlid al Barzanji.’

Imaam Barzanjizwas a Shaafi in Madhab, born in Madīnah Shareef in

1128 Hijri. He travelled the world in search of knowledge and became the
Mufti of the Shaafiis in Madīnah Shareef. He passed away in 1177 Hijri and
was buried in Jannatul Baqee in Madīnah Shareef. He authored many
works, most of which were lost. His Mawlood e Barzanji is extremely
famous especially amongst the Shaafiis. If you mention Naat or Mawlid,
many in the Middle East generally recite Mawlid al Barzanji.

It is extremely baa-barkat, blessed and accepted in the most Blessed court.

Imaam Barzanjizauthored other works such as Manaaqib e Sayyid al
Shuhadaa and the names of the Shuhadaa-e-Uhud and Badr which this
faqeer had the honour of translating. Other famous books are Qissah al
Mawlid, the story of the Prophetic Birth, Qissah al Me’raaj, the story of
Me’raaj Shareef, al Ghusn al Wardi Fi Akhbaar al Sayyid al Mahdi,
traditions regarding Imaam Mahdiz, al Janiy al Dani Fi Manaaqib Sheikh
‘Abdul Qaadir al Jilaani, The Abundant Harvest, The Virtuous Traits of
Huzoor Ghawth e Paakz. Jaliyat al Karab Bi As-haab Sayyid al Ajam Wal
Arab, The remover of gloom regarding the companions of the Master of
Arabs and non-Arabs. He wrote the names of the Ashaab e Shuhadaa e
Badr in Jaliyatul Qadr Fi As-haabe Badr, amongst others. Imaam
Barzanjizwas a great ‘Aalim, Sufi and was extremely pious. He would
generally keep very quiet. He was the Mufti of all Shafiis for more than 20
years and the grand Mufti in Masjid al Nabawi Shareef. He would speak
very little, but it is said that when he would speak against the badmazhabs
the whole of the Arab lands would know that a man of Allah Almighty has
spoken. |5

The Mawlid al Barzanji is essentially a collection of praises of the Most

Beloved Prophet b and mentions the blessed Miracles and incidents
about the birth and life of The Beloved Prophet b. It is a means of great
blessing and is recited in many parts of Africa, Middle East and the Far
East. It should be read and listened to with the utmost respect and adab.
This is completely necessary.

Any errors or shortcomings in this work or any other work carried out by
me should be attributed to me and not to the great author. I must thank
Ḥaḍrat Mufti Afthab Cassim Sahib al Qaadiri as always for his continuous
support, assistance and Du‘ās. Ḥaḍrat always blesses this faqeer with his
kind Du‘ās.

I must also thank Brother ‘Abdul Musawwir (Tanzania), Brother Faheem

Moosa (Malawi), Brother Muḥammad Oemar (Amsterdam), Brother
Maḥmoodjaan Khan (Malawi) for their efforts with this translation. I make
Du‘ā through the Waseela of Nabī Kareem b that Almighty Allah accepts
this humble effort, and may this book serve as a means of benefit to those
who read it. Aameen

Allah Almighty grant us all the blessings from this beautiful praise of the
Most Beautiful, the Most Beloved Sayyidunā RasoolAllah b.

Faqeer Muḥammad Shakeel Qaadirī.

London UK
All Praise is due to Allah, The Creator, The Nourisher and The Sustainer of
the Worlds, Who by His Divine Grace and Mercy, illuminated the universe,
by the Noor of His Most Chosen and Most Beloved Rasool, Ḥaḍrat
Muḥammad Muṣṭafa b.

Countless Durood and Salaams upon The Leader of The Ambiyā, The Soul
in the Body of Ḥaḍrat Nabī Ādam q, The Means of Salvation in The Ark
of Ḥaḍrat Nabī Nūḥ q, The Valour in the Fortitude of Ḥaḍrat Nabī
Ibraahīm q, The Splendour in the Beauty of Ḥaḍrat Nabī Yūsuf q,
The Vigour in the Strength of Ḥaḍrat Nabī Mūsa q, The Power in the
Miracles of Ḥaḍrat Nabī ‘Isa q, The Might in the wings of Sayyidunā
Jibrīl q; The Pride of Sayyidah Aaminax, The Elegance of Ḥaḍrat
‘Abdullahz, The Beloved of Sayyidah Khadījahx, The Love of
Sayyidah Faaṭimahx, The Light in Imaam Ḥasan and Ḥusayn c , The
tranquillity to broken hearts, The Answer to the Du‘ās of the oppressed,
The Mercy unto the worlds, Whose Light was seen by the likes of Buḥayra
and Maysara, and in Whose true love, Ḥaḍrat Abū Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmaan,
and ʿAlī c were humbled; The King of Kings, The Most Beloved of Allah,
Ḥaḍrat Nabī Muḥammadur RasoolAllah b. Peace and blessings upon His
b Noble Family and all those who will follow in the shade of His b mercy.

Ḥaḍrat Maulanā Muḥammad Shakeel Saaheb Qaadirī Razvī has presented

a beautiful translation of the world-renowned Mawlud e Barzanjī of
Sayyidunā Ja’far Ibn al Ḥasan al Barzanjīz. This Mawlud Shareef is one
which is well read and very prominent especially amongst the Shafa’i
communities throughout the world. It is recited during the month of Rabi
ul Awwal and also during the Thursdays after the passing away of family
members etc. as a means of Esaal e Sawaab to their souls. This Mawlud
Shareef is a concise yet beautiful glimpse into the Seerah of the Beloved
Rasool b. The compiler Sayyidunā Imaam Al Barzanjī’szmanner of
presentation and the poetic style shows his deep love for the Beloved
Rasool b. Allah Bless Ḥaḍrat Maulanā Shakeel Saaheb and all those who
supported him in this noble task with the best of rewards. Aameen.

Sag e Mufti e Azam

Muḥammad Afthab Cassim al Qaadirī Razvī Noorī

‫ِيم َها َس ْع ٌد ل ِ َم ْن ي َُصل ِّي َوي َُس ِّل ُم َويُ َبار ُِك َعل َْيه‬
ُ ‫اَ ْل َج َّن ُة َو َنع‬
May the glad tidings of Jannah and its bounties be
for those who send Blessings and Salutations
upon the Most Beloved Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
‫بِ ْس ِم اهللِ ال َّر ْح َم ِن الرَّح ِِيم‬
‫ت ا ْل َعلِيَّة ‪ُ o‬م ْس َتد ًِّرا ف َْي َض ا ْلب َ َركَا ِ‬ ‫الذا ِ‬‫اس ِم َّ‬
‫أَبْ َت ِد ُئ ْاْل ِ ْم ََل َء ب ِ ْ‬
‫ت َعل َى َما‬
‫أَنَا َلهُ َوأَ ْو ََله ‪َ o‬وأُثَنِّ ْي ب ِ َح ْم ٍد َم َوارِدُ ُه َسائ ِ َغ ٌة َهنِيَّة ‪ُ o‬م ْم َت ِطيا ِم َن‬
‫ْك ا ْل َجمِ ْي ِل َم َطايَاه ‪َ o‬وأ ُ َصل ِّي َوأ ُ َس ِّل ُم َعل َى ال ُّن ْورِ ا ْل َم ْو ُص ْو ِ‬
‫ف بِال َّت َق ُّدم ِ‬ ‫الش ْ ِ‬
‫ْْكيْ َمةِ َوا ْلجِ َباه ‪َ o‬وأَ ْس َت ْمن ِ ُح ا َ‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى‬ ‫َواْلْ َ َّولِيَّة ‪ o‬ا ْل ُم ْن َتق ِ ِل فِي ا ْل ُغ َررِ ال َ ِ‬
‫الطاه َِر َة ال َّن َبوِيَّة َو َي ُع ُّم الصَّ َحابَ َة َواْلْ َ ْت َبا َع‬
‫ر ِْض َوانا َيخ ُُّص ا ْل ِعت ْ َر َة َّ‬
‫َو َم ْن َو َاَله ‪o‬‬
‫السبُ ِل ا ْل َوا ِض َح ِة ا ْل َجلِيَّة ‪َ o‬وحِفْظا ِم َن‬ ‫َوأَ ْس َت ْج ِديْهِ ه َِدايَة ل ِ ُسلُ ْو ِك ُّ‬
‫الُشيْ ِف‬ ‫ُش ِم ْن قِصَّ ِة ا ْل َم ْول ِ ِد ال َّن َبو ِ ِّي َّ ِ‬ ‫ا ْل َغ َوايَ ِة ف ِ ْي خ َِط ِط ا ْل َخ َطأ ِ َو ُخ َطاه ‪َ o‬وأَ ْن ُ ُ‬
‫الُشيْ ِف ع ِ ْقدا تُ َحلَّى ا ْل َم َسا ِم ُع‬ ‫َقيَّة ‪ o‬نَاظ ِما ِم َن ال َّن َس ِب َّ ِ‬ ‫بُرُ ْودا ح َِسانا َع ْب َ ِ‬
‫ب ِ ُح ََله ‪َ o‬وأَ ْس َت ِعي ْ ُن ب ِ َح ْو ِل اهللِ َت َعال َى َو ُق َّوتِهِ ا ْل َقو ِ َّية ‪َ o‬فإِن َّ ُه ََل َح ْو َل َو ََل ُق َّو َة‬
‫إ ِ ََّل بِاهلل ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقبْرَ ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

Allah Almighty's name we begin with, Most Merciful, Most Kind. I

begin with the Name of the Most Exalted. Thanking Him for His
bounties. Seeking the showers of blessings. Such wholesome
praise which causes beautiful fragrant floods, whereas I am
about to ride the mounts of good thankfulness. I send salutations
upon the Noor which is the foremost and first. Conveyed in the
noble whiteness on the foreheads and faces.

I seek from Allah Almighty His pleasure and the special favour
which has been bestowed upon the pure Itrah of the Most
Beloved b, which includes His b Blessed companions His b
followers and those who love Him b dearly.

I humbly ask Allah Almighty for guidance, steadfastness on the

clear path and for safety from those who make errors and
misguide and travel the path of misguidance.

I present the remembrance of the Blessed birth of The Beloved

Prophet b with beautiful decorated cloaks. Making from the
Blessed noble lineage a beautiful beaded necklace which will
adorn the ears with its beauty.

I seek assistance by Allah Almighty's might and power, for

indeed there is no might and power except by Allah Almighty.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫فَأَق ُْو ُل ه َُو َس ِّي ُدنَا ُم َح َّم ُد بْ ُن َع ْب ِد اهللِ بْ ِن َع ْب ِد ا ْل ُم َّطل ِ ِب َوا ْس ُم ُه َش ْي َب ُة ا ْل َح ْم ِد‬
‫‪| 10‬‬

‫اف َوا ْس ُمهُ ا ْل ُمغِي ْ َرةُ ‪ o‬اِبْ ِن‬‫َحمِ َد ْت اِبْ ِن َها ِش ٍم َوا ْس ُمهُ َع ْمرُو بْ ِن َع ْب ِد َم َن ٍ‬
‫ِّم بِ ُق َص ٍ ًّي ل ِ َت َق ِ‬
‫اص ْيهِ ف ِ ْي ب ِ ََلد ِق َُضا َع َة ا ْل َق ِصيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫اس ُم ُه ُم َج ِّم ٌع ُس ِّ َ‬
‫ق َُص ٍ ًّي َو ْ‬
‫إلِ َى أَ ْن أَ َعا َد ُه اهللُ َت َعال َى إلِ َى ا ْل َ َ‬
‫َحم ِا ْل ُم ْحت َ َرم ِ َف َح َمى ح َِماه ‪ o‬اِبْ ِن ِ َلِك ٍب‬
‫ُقيْ ٌش‬ ‫اس ُمهُ َحك ِْي ُم بْ ِن ُم َّر َة بْ ِن َك ْع ِب بْ ِن لُ َؤ ِّي بْ ِن غَال ِ ِب بْ ِن ف ِ ْهر ٍ َوا ْس ُمهُ ُ َ‬
‫َو ْ‬
‫َق ِشيَّة ‪َ o‬و َما ف َْو َقهُ ك ِ َنان ِ ًٌّي َك َما َج َنحَ إِل َْيهِ ا ْل َكثِيْرُ‬
‫َوإِل َْيهِ تُ ْن َس ُب ا ْلبُ ُط ْو ُن ا ْل ُ َ‬
‫ْض بْ ِن ك ِ َنان َ َة بْ ِن ُخزَيْ َم َة بْ ِن ُم ْدر َِك َة بْ ِن‬
‫َو ْار َت َضاه ‪ o‬اِبْ ِن َمال ِ ِك بْ ِن ال َّن ْ ِ‬
‫َح ِميَّة ‪َ o‬و ُسمِ َع ف ِ ْي‬ ‫اس َوه َُو أَ َّو ُل َم ْن أَه َْدى ا ْلبُ ْد َن إلِ َى ال ِّر َح ِ‬
‫اب ا ْل َ َ‬ ‫إ ِ ْل َي َ‬
‫َّ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى َو َلبَّاه ‪ o‬اِبْ ِن ُم َ َ‬
‫ْض بْ ِن‬ ‫ُصلْبِهِ ال َّن ِب ُّي َصلى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َسل َم ذ َ َ‬
‫ََك ا َ‬
‫الس َّن ِة َّ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫نِزَارِ بْ ِن َم َع ِّد بْ ِن َع ْدن َ َ‬
‫السنِيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫ان َو َه َذا ِسل ٌْك نَظ َم ْت َ َ‬
‫َفائ َِد ُه بَ َنا ُن ُّ‬
‫َو َر ْف ُع ُه إلِ َى ا ْل َخل ِ ْي ِل إِبْ َراه ِْي َم أَ ْم َسكَ َع ْنهُ َّ‬
‫الشارِ ُع َوأَبَاه ‪َ o‬و َع ْدنَا ُن ب ِ ََل‬
‫َريْبٍ ع ِ ْن َد َذوِي ا ْل ُعلُ ْوم ِال َّن َسبِيَّة ‪o‬‬
‫الذب ِ ْيحِ إ ِ ْس َماع ِْي َل ن ِْسب َ ُت ُه َو ُم ْن َت َماه ‪ o‬فَأ َ ْعظ ِْم بِهِ ِم ْن ع ِ ْق ٍد َتأ َ َّل َق ْت‬
‫إلِ َى َّ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم‬‫َك ُم َصلَّى ا ُ‬ ‫الس ِّي ُد اْلْ َ ْ َ‬ ‫الد ِّريَّة ‪َ o‬و َك ْي َ‬
‫ف ََل َو َّ‬ ‫َك َواكِبُ ُه ُّ‬ ‫‪| 11‬‬

‫َواس َِط ُت ُه ا ْل ُم ْن َت َقاه ‪َ o‬ن َس ٌب َت ْح ِس ُب ا ْل ُعل َى ب ِ ُح ََل ُه ‪َ o‬ق َّل َد ْت َها ن ُ ُج ْو َم َها‬
‫ا ْل َج ْو َزا ُء ‪َ o‬حب ََّذا ع ِ ْق ُد ُس ْو َدد ٍ َو َف َخارٍ ‪ o‬أَن ْ َت ف ِْيهِ ا ْل َيت ِْي َم ُة ا ْل َع ْص َما ُء ‪o‬‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى ِم ْن ِسفَاحِ ا ْل َجاهِلِيَّة أَ ْو َر َد الزَّيْ ُن‬ ‫َوأَ ْ ِ‬
‫َك ْم بِهِ ِم ْن َن َسبٍ طَه ََّر ُه ا ُ‬
‫ا ْلع َِراق ِ ُّي َوارِ َد ُه ف ِ ْي َم ْورِدِه ِا ْل َهنِ ِّي َو َر َواه َحف َِظ ْاْلِل ُه َ َ‬
‫َكا َمة ل ِ ُم َح َّم ٍد ‪ o‬آبَا َء ُه‬
‫ار ُه ‪ِ o‬م ْن آ َدم ٍ َوإلِ َى‬ ‫َاح َفل َْم ي ُِص ْب ُه ْم َع ُ‬ ‫اْلْ َ ْم َجا َد َص ْونا َِل ْسمِهِ ‪َ o‬ت َر ُكوا ِّ‬
‫السف َ‬
‫َسى ن ُْو ُر ال ُّنبُ َّوة ِف ِ ْي أَ َسارِيْر ِ ُ َ‬
‫ُغرِهِ ُم ا ْل َبهِيَّة ‪َ o‬وبَ َد َر‬ ‫أَب ِ ْيهِ َوأ ُ ِّمهِ ‪َ َ o‬‬
‫َسا ٌة َ َ‬
‫بَ ْد ُر ُه ف ِ ْي َجبِي ْ ِن َج ِّده ِ َع ْب ِد ا ْل ُم َّطل ِ ِب َوابْنِهِ َع ْب ِد اهلل ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

I say He b is our Master Sayyidunā Muḥammad b son of

‘Abdullah son of ‘Abdul Muṭṭalib who is named Shaybat al Ḥamd.
| 12
‘Abdul Muṭṭalib son of Hāshim whose name is ‘Amr. Hāshim son
of ‘Abd Munaaf whose name is al Mughira. Abd Munaaf son of
Qusay whose name is Mujamme' and he is named this due to him
travelling far into the Qudaa'a land until Allah Almighty brought
him back into the sacred Ḥaram and its protection. Qusay son of
Kilaab whose name is Ḥakeem. Kilaab son of Murraah who is the
son of Ka‘ab who is the son of Luay who is the son of Ghalib son
of Fihr. The name of Fihr is Quraysh to whom the tribes of
Quraysh are known by. Those above the Quraysh are Kinaani and
this is the view accepted by many ‘Ulamaa. Fihr the son of Maalik,
son of Nadr, son of Kinanah, son of Khuzaymah, son of
Mudarrikah, son of Ilyās. Ilyās, the first to send and offer camels
in the plains of the sacred Ḥaram. In whose spine the Prophet’s
b voice was heard doing the Dhikr of Allah Almighty and
reciting the Talbiah of Ḥajj. Ilyās son of Mudar, son of Nizaar, son
of Maad, son of Adnaan.

This is that thread with which these gems have been strung by
the Fingers of the Sunnah [Ḥadith Shareef] whom Allah Almighty
connected to the Khaleel q. Here there is no doubt for those
who have knowledge of His blessed lineage that Adnaan
descends from Sayyidunā Ismā‘eel Zabiḥullah q.

How noble, how honourable, how great is this thread in which

the pearls shine like stars to form a beautiful necklace, and why
should it not be?

Since the Most Beloved the Most Precious, the Most Noble, the
Most Honourable, our Master b is amongst them. This is such an
exalted lineage by his adornment. Beautified by Gemini, this
necklace of stars. How noble is this necklace of glory, in which
You are the orphan and centerpiece jewel. How noble is this
lineage that Allah Almighty has kept pure and protected from

Zayn Al Iraqi has mentioned this in his book Mawridihil Haneei:

| 13
This is a Miracle of The Beloved Prophet b that Allah Almighty,
preserved the nobility of his forefathers safekeeping the Blessed
name. Safeguarding them from all types of immorality from
Sayyidunā Ādam q to his Blessed Father and Mother.

These are those Masters in whose foreheads shone the beautiful

white marks from the light of Prophethood. This light of
Prophethood from the Moon of Prophets shone in the forehead of
‘Abdul Muṭṭalib and his son ‘Abdullah.

O Allah, scent His b Blessed Grave with aromatic fragrance of

peace and Blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫َو َل َّما أَ َرا َد ا ُ‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى إِبْ َر َاز َحق ِ ْي َقتِهِ ا ْل ُم َح َّم ِد َّية ‪َ o‬وإِظْ َه َار ُه ِج ْسما َو ُر ْوحا‬
‫‪| 14‬‬

‫بِ ُص ْو َرتِهِ َو َم ْع َناه ‪َ o‬ن َق َل ُه إلِ َى َم َ َِّقه ِ ِم ْن َص َد َفةِ آ ِم َن َة الزُّهْر ِ َّية ‪َ o‬و َخصَّ َها‬
‫ت َواْلْ َ ْر ِ‬
‫ض‬ ‫َقيْ ُب ا ْل ُمجِ ْي ُب بِأ َ ْن َتكُ ْو َن أ ُ ًّما ل ِ ُم ْص َطفَاه ‪َ o‬ون ُْود ِ َي فِي َّ‬
‫الس َما َوا ِ‬ ‫ا ْل َ ِ‬
‫ب ِ َحمل ِ َها ِْلَن ْ َوارِه ِ َّ‬
‫الذاتِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َص َبا ك ُ ُّل َص ًٍّب ل ِ ُهبُ ْو ِب َن ِس ْي ِم ِص َباه ‪o‬‬ ‫ْ‬
‫ت ُحلََل ُس ْن ُد ِسيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫َو ُك ِس َيتِ اْلْ َ ْر ُض َب ْع َد ط ُ ْو ِل َج ْدب ِ َها ِم َن ال َّن َبا ِ‬
‫الش َجرُ ل ِ ْل َجان ِ ْي َج َناه ‪َ o‬ون َ َط َق ْت ب ِ َح ْملِهِ ك ُ ُّل َدابَّ ٍة‬‫ار َوأَ ْدنَى َّ‬‫َوأَيْ َن َعتِ ال ِّث َم ُ‬
‫َسةُ َواْلْ َ ْص َن ُام َعل َى ا ْل ُو ُج ْوه ِ َواْلْ َف َْواه‬
‫ت اْلْ َ ِ َّ‬ ‫بِف َِصا ِح اْلْ َ ْل ُس ِن ا ْل َع َربِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َ َّ‬
‫َخ ِ‬
‫َحيَّة ‪َ o‬وا ْح َت َستِ‬ ‫اَش ْت ُوحُ ْو ُش ا ْل َمشَ ارِ ِق َوا ْل َم َغار ِِب َو َد َوابُّ َها ا ْل َب ْ ِ‬ ‫‪َ o‬و َت َب َ َ‬
‫ت ا ْلجِ ُّن بِإِظْ ََل ِل َز َمنِهِ‬ ‫ُش ِ‬ ‫الُش ْورِ َكأ َس حُ َميَّاه ‪َ o‬وبُ ِّ َ‬ ‫ا ْل َع َوال ِ ُم ِم َن ُ ُ‬
‫الره َْبانِيَّة ‪َ o‬ولَهِجَ ب ِ َخبَرِه ِك ُ ُّل حِبْر ٍ َخبِيْر ٍ َوف ِ ْي حُ ََل‬ ‫َوانْتُه ِ َكتِ ا ْل َك َهان َ ُة َو َره َِبتِ ُّ‬
‫ُح ْسنِهِ َتاه ‪َ o‬واُت َِي ْت أ ُ ُّم ُه فِي ا ْل َم َنام ِ َفق ِ ْي َل ل ََها إِن َّ ِك َق ْد َح َملْتِ بِ َس ِّي ِد‬
‫ا ْل َعا َلمِي ْ َن َو َخي ْر ِا ْلبَرِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َس ِّم ْيهِ إِذَا َو َض ْعتِهِ ُم َح َّمدا ِْلَنَّهُ َس ُت ْح َم ُد عُ ْق َباه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

When Allah Almighty willed to send forth the reality of Noor e

Muḥammadī b, His b appearance as a body and soul. He moved
| 15
it to a resting place inside Sayyidah Aaminahx. Allah Almighty
selected her to be the Mother of the Blessed one, the Chosen one .

It was announced in the Heavens and the Earth that Sayyidah

Aaminahx is carrying the blessed Noor. Every ardent lover
turned towards this scented breeze of the Most Beloved b. After
a long barren spell, the earth was clothed with a lush green
carpet, fruits ripened, the trees bowed their heavy-laden loads so
that fruits became easy pickings. Every animal from the Quraish
tribe, spoke in pure Arabic of his arrival. The idols fell flat on
their faces. The animals of prey from east to west exchanged this
good news. The whole world drank pure wine from this cup of
great joy. The jinns announced His coming, the soothsayers
foretold and the monks became afraid. Every learned scholar was
eager to hear the news of His b coming and became lost in
astonishment by the display of his beauty.

His b Blessed Mother heard in a dream "you are carrying the

Master of the Worlds the best of all mankind, when He b is born
name him Muḥammad b, for surely He b and all from Him b is

O Allah, scent His b Blessed Grave with aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫َو َل َّما َت َّم ِم ْن َح ْملِهِ َش ْه َرا ِن َعل َى َم ْش ُه ْورِ اْلْ َق َْوا ِل ا ْل َم ْروِيَّة ‪ o‬تُ ُوف ِّ َي بِا ْل َم ِديْ َن ِة‬
‫ان َق ِد ا ْج َت َاز بِأ َ ْخ َوالِهِ بَنِ ْي َع ِد ًّ ٍ‬
‫‪| 16‬‬

‫الطائ ِ َف ِة ال َّنجَّارِيَّة‬ ‫ي ِم َن َّ‬ ‫ا ْل ُم َن َّو َرة ِأَب ُ ْو ُه َع ْب ُداهلل َوك َ َ‬

‫‪َ o‬و َم َك َث ف ِْيه ِ ْم َش ْهرا َسق ِْمْي ي َُعان ُْو َن ُس ْق َم ُه َو َشكْ َواه ‪َ o‬و َل َّما َت َّم ِم ْن َح ْملِهِ َعل َى‬
‫ْض أ ُ َّم ُه‬
‫آن لِلزَّ َما ِن أَ ْن َي ْن َجل ِ َي َع ْن ُه َص َداه ‪َ o‬ح َ َ‬ ‫الرَّا ِجحِ ت ِْس َع ُة أَ ْش ُهر ٍ َق َمرِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َ‬
‫ل َْي َل َة َم ْول ِ ِده ِ َّ ِ‬
‫الُشيْ ِف آس َِي ُة َو َم ْريَ ُم ف ِ ْي ن ِْس َوة ٍ ِم َن ا ْل َح ِظي ْ َرة ِا ْل ُق ْد ِسيَّة َوأَ َخ َذ َها‬
‫الش ْم ِس‬ ‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم ن ُْورا َي َت َ َْل َْل ُ َس َناه ‪َ o‬و ُم َح ًّيا ك َ َّ‬ ‫اض ف ََول ََد ْت ُه َصلَّى ا ُ‬ ‫ا ْل َم َخ ُ‬
‫لديْ ِن‬ ‫ُغا ُء ‪ o‬ل َْي َل ُة ا ْل َم ْول ِ ِد َّال ِذ ْي كَان َ ْت ل ِ ِّ‬ ‫ِم ْنكَ ُم ِض ْي ٌء أَ ْس َ َ‬
‫َف ْت َع ْن ُه ل َْي َل ٌة َ َّ‬
‫َس ْو ٌر ب ِ َي ْو ِمهِ َوازْ د ِ َها ُء ‪َ o‬ي ْو َم نَال َْت ب ِ َو ْض ِعهِ ابْ َن ُة َوهْبٍ ِم ْن َف َخا ٍر َما ل َْم َت َن ْل ُه‬ ‫ُُ‬
‫ان‬‫ال ِّن َسا ُء ‪َ o‬وأَ َت ْت َق ْو َم َها بِأَف َْض َل ِم َّما َح َمل َْت َق ْب ُل َم ْر َي ُم ا ْل َع ْذ َرا ُء ‪َ o‬م ْول ِ ٌد ك َ َ‬
‫ُشى ا ْل َه َوات ِِف أَ ْن َق ْد‬ ‫ال َعل َْيه ِ ْم َو َوبَا ُء ‪َ o‬و َت َوال َْت بُ ْ َ‬ ‫ِم ْن ُه ف ِ ْي طَال ِ ِع ا ْلكُ ْ ِ‬
‫َف َوبَ ٌ‬
‫اس َت ْح َس َن ا ْلق َِي َام ع ِ ْن َد ذ ِ ْ ِ‬
‫َك َم ْول ِ ِده ِ‬ ‫ُول ِ َد ا ْل ُم ْص َطفَى َو َح َّق ا ْل َه َنا ُء ‪َ o‬ه َذا َو َق ِد ْ‬
‫ان َت ْعظ ِْي َم ُه َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ‬ ‫َّ ِ‬
‫الُش ْي ِف أَئ ِ َّم ٌة َذ ُو ْو رِ َوا َي ٍة َو َرو ِ َّيه ‪ o‬ف َُط ْوبَى ل ِ َم ْن ك َ َ‬
‫َو َس َّل َم غَا َي ُة َم َرا ِمهِ َو َم ْر َما ُه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

After two months had passed, according to the most well-known

references, His b father Sayyidunā ‘Abdullahz passed away in
| 17
Madīnah Shareef, whilst he was visiting his uncle on his mother's
side, Bani Uday who was from the tribe of Bani Najjaar. Whilst
visiting there he fell ill, and for a month he remained with them
whilst they tried to treat him. When nine lunar months had
passed, on the night of His b blessed birth, Sayyidah Aasiyah
xand Sayyidah Maryamxbrought with them the Hoors from
Jannah and tended to His b Mother. The moment she went into
labour; she gave birth to The Most Beloved b as a Noor whose
brilliance illuminates the world. 1

beautiful is thy face,
Shining brighter than the sun.
From which this night became enlightened by your beautiful face.
The Night of the Blessed Meelad for the Deen,
A day of joy and pride.
The givers of good news cried out saying,
“The Chosen one, Muṣṭafa has been born and everyone began to

This is the mentioning of the blessed birth, and indeed one

should stand at the mention of the Blessed birth. The Imaams of
narration have mentioned this and preferred this. A great honour
and reward is for the one whose sole aim is to honour the
greatness of the Most Beloved b.
O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of
peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
Here, everyone usually stands and what follows is different in many countries. Some
read Yaa Nabī Salaam ‘Alayka whilst others may read other couplets in praise of the
Beloved Prophet b. Then a few ashaar from the poetry of Imaam Busiri z is usually
read which is known as the Ḥamziyah.
‫ض َراف ِعا َرأْ َسهُ إلِ َى‬ ‫َوبَ َر َز َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم َواضِعا َي َديْهِ َعل َى اْلْ َ ْر ِ‬
‫‪| 18‬‬

‫الس َما ِء ا ْل َعلِيَّة ‪ُ o‬م ْو ِميا ب ِ َذلِكَ ال َّر ْف ِع إلِ َى ُس ْو َددِه ِ َوعُ ََله ‪َ o‬و ُم ِشي ْرا إلِ َى‬
‫رِف َْع ِة َق َدرِه ِ َعل َى َسائ ِر ِا ْلبَرِيَّة ‪َ o‬وأَن َّ ُه ا ْل َحب ِ ْي ُب َّال ِذ ْى َح ُس َن ْت ط َِبا ُع ُه‬
‫َو َس َجا َياه ‪َ o‬و َد َع ْت أ ُ ُّم ُه َع ْب َد ا ْل ُم َّطل ِ ِب َوه َُو يَ ُط ْو ُف ب ِ َهات ِْيكَ ا ْلبَنِيَّة ‪o‬‬
‫الْس ْورِ ُم َناه ‪َ o‬وأَ ْد َخ َلهُ ا ْل َك ْع َب َة‬ ‫فَأَق َْب َل ُم ْ ِ‬
‫ْسعا َونَظَ َر إِل َْيهِ َوبَ َل َغ ِم َن ُّ ُ‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى َعل َى َما َمنَّ بِهِ‬ ‫ص ال ِّنيَّة ‪َ o‬و َي ْش ُ ُ‬
‫ْك ا َ‬ ‫ا ْل َغرَّا َء َو َق َام َي ْدعُ ْو ب ِ ُخلُ ْو ِ‬
‫َعل َْيهِ َوأَ ْع َطاه ‪َ o‬و ُول ِ َد َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم نَظ ِْيفا َم ْخت ُْونا َم ْق ُط ْو َع ُّ َّ‬
‫الْسة ِ‬
‫ب ِ َي ِد ا ْل ُق ْد َرة ِ ْاْلِلهِيَّه طَيِّبا َدهِ ْينا َمكْ ُح ْولَة بِكُ ْح ِل ا ْل ِع َنايَ ِة َع ْي َناه ‪َ o‬وق ِ ْي َل‬
‫َخت َ َن ُه َج ُّد ُه َع ْب ُد ا ْل ُم َّطل ِ ِب َب ْع َد َس ْب ِع ل ََيا ٍل َسوِيَّة ‪o‬‬

‫َوأَ ْول ََم َوأَط ْ َع َم َو َس َّما ُه ُم َح َّمدا َوأَ ْ َ‬

‫َك َم َم ْث َواه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقبْرَ ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

He b appeared (was born) in the position where His b Blessed

hands were on the earth and His b Blessed Exalted head was | 19
raised up towards the sky. This raising of His b Blessed head
indicating His b sovereignty and highest rank above all of
mankind, and that He b is the Beloved One whose unique
character and personality is matchless.

His b mother called for Sayyidunā ‘Abd al Muṭṭalibzwho was

performing Ṭawaaf of the Ka’bah, he came quickly and looked at
him with utmost pleasure. Out of immense happiness he took
Him b to the Ka’bah, and stood with sincere intention and made
Du‘ā for Him b thanking Allah, the Exalted, for this Blessing.

He b was born pure, circumcised, the umbilical cord already

removed by the Qudrat of Allah Almighty (Divine Power). The
Most Beautiful illuminating face, and with the kohl of divine care
in both His b Blessed eyes.

Some said that He b was circumcised seven nights after His b

birth by His b grandfather, Sayyidunā ‘Abdul Muṭṭalib who
served a feast and fed the people and named him Muḥammad b,
honoring Him b in His b abode.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫ُغائ ُِب غَ ْيبِيَّة ‪ o‬إ ِ ْر َهاصا لِنُبُ َّوتِهِ َوإ ِ ْع ََلما بِأَن َّ ُه‬
‫َوظَ َه َرع ِ ْن َد و ِ ََل َدتِهِ َخ َوار ُِق َو َ َ‬
‫الس َما ُء حِفْظا َو ُر َّد َع ْن َها ا ْل َم َر َدةُ َو َذ ُو‬ ‫ت َّ‬ ‫ُم ْخ َتا ُر اهللِ َت َعال َى َو ُم ْجت ََباه ‪ o‬فَزِيْ َد ِ‬
‫‪| 20‬‬

‫ات ك ُ َّل َر ِج ْي ٍم ف ِ ْي َحا ِل َم ْر َقاه‬ ‫الش ْي َطانِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َر َج َمتِ النُ ُج ْو ُم ال َّني ِّ َر ُ‬‫س َّ‬ ‫ال ُّن ُف ْو ِ‬
‫است َ َن َار ْت‬ ‫‪َ o‬و َت َد َّل ْت إِل َْيهِ َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم اْلْ َن ْ ُج ُم الزُّهْرِيَّة ‪َ o‬و ْ‬
‫الشام ِ‬‫َحم ِ َو ُربَاه ‪َ o‬و ََخ َج َم َع ُه ن ُْو ٌر أَ َضا َء ْت َل ُه ق ُُص ْو ُر َّ‬ ‫بِنُ ْورِهَا وِهَادُ ا ْل َ َ‬
‫ا ْل َق ْي َ ِ‬
‫َفآها َم ْن بِب ِ َطاحِ َم َّك َة َدا ُر ُه َو َم ْغ َناه ‪َ o‬وا ْن َص َد َع ْاْلِيْ َوا ُن بِا ْل َم َدائ ِِن‬ ‫‪ََ o‬‬
‫ِْسوِيَّة‬‫ا ْلك ْ َ‬
‫ان َس ْمكَ ُه َو َس َّواه ‪َ o‬و َس َق َط أَ ْربَ َع َع ْ َ‬
‫ُش َة ِم ْن ُ َّ‬
‫َشفَاتِهِ‬ ‫‪ o‬ا َّل ِذ ْي َر َف َع أَن ُْو ِ ْ‬
‫َش َو َ‬
‫َعاه ‪َ o‬و َخ َم َد ِ‬
‫ت‬ ‫َ‬
‫ْسى ل ِ َه ْو ِل َما أ َصابَهُ َو َ َ‬
‫كك ِ ْ َ‬ ‫ا ْل ُعلْوِيَّة ‪َ o‬و ُك ِ َ‬
‫ْس ُم ْل ُ‬
‫ال ِّني َرا ُن ا ْل َم ْعبُو َدةُ بِا ْل َم َمال ِ ِك ا ْلفَارِ ِسيَّة ‪ o‬ل ِ ُطلُو ِع بَ ْدرِه ِا ْل ُمنِي ْر ِ َوإ ِ ْ ِ‬
‫َشا ِق‬
‫َاض ْت ب ُ َحي ْ َرةُ َسا َو َة َو كَان َ ْت بَي ْ َن هَ َم َذ َ‬
‫ان َوق ٍ ًُّم ِم َن ا ْلب ِ ََلد ِ‬ ‫ُم َحيَّاه ‪َ o‬وغ َ‬
‫الثجَّا ِج يَ َنابِي ُع هَات ِيكَ ا ْلمِ َياه‬ ‫ف َمو ِج َها َّ‬ ‫ا ْل َع َجمِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َج َّف ْت اِذَ َك َّ‬
‫ف َواك ِ ُ ْ‬
‫َاض َوادِى َس َما َو َة َوه ِ َي َمف ََاز ٌة فِي ف َََلة ٍ َوبَر ِ َّية ‪ o‬ل َْم َيكُ ْن ب ِ َها ِم ْن َق ْب ُ‬
‫ل‬ ‫‪َ o‬وف َ‬
‫ان َم ْول ِ ُد ُه َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم بِا ْل َم ْو ِض ِع‬ ‫َي ْن َق ُع ل ِ ِّلظ َما ِء َّ‬
‫الل َهاه ‪َ o‬وك َ َ‬
‫اص ا ْل َم ِكيَّة ‪َ o‬وا ْل َب َلدِ َّال ِذي ََل ي ُْع َض ُد َش َجرُ ُه َو ََل يُ ْخ َتل َى‬
‫وف بِا ْلع َِر ِ‬
‫ا ْل َم ْعرُ ِ‬ ‫‪| 21‬‬

‫ف فِي َعام ِو ِ ََل َدتِهِ َوفِي َش ْهرِهَا َوفِي يَ ْو ِم َها َعل َى أَق َْوا ٍل ل ِ ْل ُعل ََما ِء‬
‫َخ ََله ‪َ o‬وا ْخ ُتل ِ َ‬
‫َم ْروِيَّة َوالرَّا ِجحُ أَن َّ َها ُقب َ ْي َل َف ْجر ٍ َي ْو َم ْاْلِث ْ َني ْ ِن ثَانِي َع َ ِ‬
‫ُش َش ْهر ِ َربِي ِع اْلْ َ َّو ِل ِم ْن‬
‫َحم ِ َو َح َماه ‪o‬‬ ‫َعام ِا ْلفِي ِل َّال ِذي َص َّد ُه اهللُ َع ِن ا ْل َ َ‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫َال ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

Upon the Blessed birth, miraculous and strange events appeared

in order to announce His b Prophethood and to notify the world
| 22
that He b is Allah’s Chosen One.

The sky was shielded, the evil and mischievous devils and jinn
were driven away from it. The luminous stars struck every
accursed one, and then lowered themselves to the Beloved b out
of love. By their light the valleys and hills of the Ḥaram (Makkah)
were illuminated.

Upon the Blessed Birth such a bright light appeared with Him b,
illuminating the Roman castles of Shaam, and these were seen by
those who resided in the valleys of Makkah. The high and
extremely strong Persian palace at Mada’in built by Nausherwan
cracked and crumbled and fourteen of its high balconies fell. This
event which had such a devastating effect on the palace, had the
same effect on his kingdom.

Upon the appearance of the Blessed illuminating face, by the

illuminating rays of this beautiful full moon the fires worshipped
by the Persian kingdoms extinguished.

Lake Saawah which had been between Hamadhaan and Qom was
swallowed up by the earth leaving it and its paths of flowing
water completely dry. The valley of Samaawah, a dry desert, now
overflowed with water after the Blessed Birth, whereas it had
never had enough water to even wet the mouths of the thirsty.

The Beloved Prophet b was born in the valleys of Makkah, the

sanctuary in which the trees and plants were not even permitted
to be cut.

The scholars have differed in their accounts regarding the exact

year, month, and day of His b birth, But the most authentic
narrations are that the Blessed birth was on Monday the Twelfth
of Rabi‘al Awwal in the year of the elephant. That elephant from
whom Allah Almighty protected the Ka’bah by stopping it and the
army of the enemies from entering the Ḥaram.
| 23
O Allah, scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance
of peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and
peace be upon Him.
‫َوأَ ْر َض َع ْتهُ أ ُ ُّم ُه َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم أَيَّاما ث ُ َّم أَ ْر َض َع ْتهُ ث ُ َويْ َب ُة اْلْ َ ْس َلمِ َّي ُة ‪o‬‬
‫اَ َّلتِي أَ ْع َت َق َها اَبُو َل ْهبٍ ح ِي َن َوا َف ْت ُه ع ِ ْن َد ِم َيَلدِه ِ َعل َْيهِ الصَّ ََلةُ َو َّ‬
‫‪| 24‬‬
‫الس ََل ُم‬
‫ْسو ٍح َوأَبِي َسل ََم َة َوه ِ َي بِهِ َح ِفيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫َ‬
‫ُشاه ‪ o‬فَأ ْر َض َع ْت ُه َم َع ابْن ِ َها َم ْ ُ‬ ‫بِبُ ْ َ‬
‫ان َصلَّى اهللُ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫َساه ‪َ o‬وك َ َ‬ ‫ين ُ َ‬
‫الد ِ‬‫َصة ِ ِّ‬ ‫َوأَ ْر َض َع ْت َق ْب َل ُه َح ْمزَ َة ال ِذي حُمِ َد فِي نُ ْ َ‬
‫َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم َي ْب َع ُث اِل َْي َها ِم َن ا ْل َمدِي َنةِ بِ ِص َل ٍة َوك ِ ْس َوة ٍه ِ َي ب ِ َها َ ِ‬
‫َحيَّة ‪ o‬إلِ َى أَ ْن‬
‫ين َق ْو ِم َها ا ْل ِف َئ ِة‬ ‫اَ ْو َر َد َه ْيكَل ََها َرائ ِ ُد ا ْل َمنُو ِن َّ ِ‬
‫الْضيحَ َو َو َاراه ‪ o‬قِي َل َعل َى د ِ ِ‬
‫ا ْل َجاهِلِيَّة ‪َ o‬وق ِ ْي َل أَ ْسل ََم ْت أَث ْ َب َت ا ْلخ ِ ََل َف ابْ ُن َم ْن َد َه َو َحكَاه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم‬
‫ََقهَا‬ ‫ان َق ْد َر َّد ك ُ ُّل ا ْل َق ْوم ِثَ ْد َي َها لِف ْ ِ‬
‫الس ْع ِديَّة ‪َ o‬وك َ َ‬ ‫أَ ْر َض َع ْت ُه ا ْل َف َتاةُ َحل ِ َيم ُة َّ‬
‫َوأَبَاه ‪ o‬فَأ َ ْخ َص َب َع ْي ُش َها َب ْع َد ا ْل َم ْح ِل َق ْب َل ا ْل َع ِشيَّة ‪َ o‬و َد َّر ثَ ْديَاهَا ب ِ ُد ِّر‬
‫َخ أَ َخاه ‪َ o‬وأَ ْص َب َح ْت َب ْع َد ا ْل ُهزَا ِل‬ ‫َد ًّ ٍر أَ ْلب َ َنهُ ا ْل َيمِي ُن ِم ْن ُه َما َوأَ ْلب َ َن ْاْل َ ُ‬
‫اب َع ْن‬
‫الش َياه ‪َ o‬وان ْ َج َ‬ ‫الشار ُِف ل ََديْ َها َو ِّ‬ ‫ََق غَنِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َسمِ َنتِ َّ‬ ‫َوا ْلف ْ ِ‬
‫الس ْع ُد ب ُ ْر َد َع ْي ِش َها ا ْل َهنِ ِّي َو َو َشاه ‪o‬‬ ‫َجانِب ِ َها ك ُ ُّل ُمل ِ َّم ٍة َو َر ِز َّية ‪َ o‬و َ َّ‬
‫َط َز َّ‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقبْرَ ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

His b Blessed Mother fed Him b for a few days then Thuwaybah
who, when she gave Abu Lahab the good news of the Prophet’s
| 25
b birth, was immediately set free as a reward.

She fed Him b with her son, Masrūḥ, and Abu Salamah. She
honoured the Most Beloved b and gave great respect. Before
Him b she had suckled Ḥamzahzwho is praised for his
bravery and support for the Dīn. The Most Beloved b would
send her well-deserved gifts and clothing from Madīnah Shareef,
until she passed from this world and her body was put in the
Grave. Some said that she kept the Dīn of her people in jahaliyyah
until her death, others said that she submitted to Islam, and this
has been proven and narrated by Ibn al Mundah.

Then the Beloved Prophet b was fed by a young woman,

Sayyidah Ḥalīmah al Sa‘diyyahx. The people had rejected her
as a wet nurse. By nightfall her barren life became fertile, she fed
Him b from the right side and her chest immediately overflowed
with milk and from her left side she fed His b suckling brother.
She became healthy and wealthy after weakness and poverty, her
extremely old and frail female camel and her sheep became fat,
and all her difficulties and misfortunes were no longer present.
Good fortune embroidered her cloak with beauty and good living.

O Allah, scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance

of peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and
peace be upon Him b.
‫اب الصَّ ِب ِّي فِي َّ‬
‫الش ْهر ِبِ ِع َنا َي ٍة‬ ‫ان َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم َي ُش ُّب فِي ا ْل َي ْوم ِ َش َب َ‬ ‫َوك َ َ‬
‫َربَّانِيَّة ‪َ o‬ف َق َام َعل َى َق َد َم ْيهِ فِي ثَ ََل ٍث َو َم َشي فِي َخ ْم ٍس َو َقوِيَ ْت فِي ت ِْس ٍع ِم َن‬
‫‪| 26‬‬

‫يف ل ََديْ َها‬ ‫الش ُهورِ بِفَصِ يحِ ال ُّن ْط ِق َق َواه ‪َ o‬و َش َّق ا ْل َم َلكَا ِن َص ْد َر ُه َّ ِ‬
‫الُش َ‬ ‫ُّ‬
‫الش ْي َطا ِن َوب ِ َّ‬
‫الث ْل ِج غ ََس ََل ُه ‪o‬‬ ‫َوأَ َْخ َجا ِم ْن ُه َع َل َقة َد َموِيَّة ‪َ o‬وأَ َز َاَل ِم ْن ُه َح َّظ َّ‬
‫َو َم ََل ُه حِكْ َمة َو َم َعان ِ َي إ ِ َيمانِيَّة ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َخاطَا ُه َوب ِ َخا َت ِم ال ُّن ُب َّوة ِ َخ َت َماه ‪َ o‬و َو َزنَا ُه‬
‫َف َجحَ بِأ َ ْل ٍف ِم ْن أ ُ َّمتِهِ ا ْل َخي ْرِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َنشَ أ َ َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم َعل َى أَ ْك َم ِل‬ ‫ََ‬
‫اف ِم ْن َحا ِل صِ َباه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َر َّد ْت ُه َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم إلِ َى أ ُ ِّمهِ َوه ِ َي بِهِ‬ ‫اْلْ َ ْو َص ِ‬
‫اب َحاد ِ ٍث َت ْخشَ اه ‪َ o‬و َوف ََد ْت َعل َْيهِ‬ ‫غَيْرُ َسخِيَّة ‪َ o‬ح َذرا ِم ْن أَ ْن ي َُص َ‬
‫اب ب ِ ُم َص ٍ‬
‫َحل ِ ْي َم ُة فِي أَ َّيام ِ َخ ِد ْي َج َة َّ‬
‫السي َِّدة ِا ْل َو ِض َّية ‪َ o‬ف َح َبا َها ِم ْن ح َِبائِهِ ا ْل َو ِ ِ‬
‫اَف ب ِ ُح َبا ُه ‪o‬‬
‫َو َق ِد َم ْت َعل َْيهِ َي ْو َم ُح َني ْ ٍن َف َق َام اِل َْي َها َوأَ َخ َذ ْت ُه ْاَل َ ْر َي ِحيَّة ‪َ o‬و َب َس َط ل ََها ِم ْن‬
‫يف بِ َس َاط ب ِ ِّره ِ َون َ َداه ‪َ o‬والصَّ ِحيحُ أَن َّ َها أَ ْسل ََم ْت َم َع َز ْو ِج َها‬ ‫رِ َدائِهِ َّ ِ‬
‫الُش ِ‬
‫الذ ِّريَّة ‪o‬‬
‫َوا ْلبَن ِي َن َو ُّ‬
‫الر َواة ‪o‬‬
‫ت ُّ‬‫َو َق ْد َع َّده ُْم فِي الصَّ َحابَ ِة َج ْم ٌع ِم ْن ِث َقا ِ‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َع ْر ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

By Allah Almighty’s blessing, He b would grow in one day what

the other children would grow in one month. He b was able to
| 27
stand on His b feet within three months, walked in five months,
and was able to talk articulately within nine months.

Whilst in the care of Sayyidah Ḥalīmahxtwo angels opened His

b Blessed chest and took out from His b Noble Heart a clot of
blood. After removing a portion, they washed it with ice and
filled it with wisdom and words of faith. They then sealed it, with
the seal of Prophethood. The Angels then weighed Him b and
found Him b to be heavier than one thousand men from His b
Ummah. He b grew up with the most perfect qualities of a young

Then Sayyidah Ḥalīmahxreturned Him b to His b mother

even though she wanted to keep Him b. She feared harm may
befall Him b. Sayyidah Ḥalīmah xvisited The Beloved Prophet
b when He b was with His b Blessed wife, The Mother of the
Believers, Sayyidah Khadijah x, she was given gifts generously
and given much respect by The Most Beloved b.

When, on the day of Ḥunayn, she came to visit Him b, He b

stood up out of respect to honour her. The Prophet b was so
happy to see her that He b laid down for her His b Noble Shawl,
as a carpet out of generosity and honor. The correct belief is that
she, along with her husband and her children became Muslims, a
great number of trustworthy narrators consider all of them to be
among the Companions.

O Allah, scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance

of peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and
peace be upon Him b.
‫َخ َج ْت بِهِ أ ُ ُّم ُه الِ َى ا ْل َمدِي َن ِة‬ ‫َو َل َّما بَ َل َغ َعل َْيهِ الصَّ ََلةُ َو َّ‬
‫الس ََل ُم اَ ْربَ َع ِسنِي َن َ َ‬
‫ال َّن َبوِيَّة ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َعا َد ْت ف ََوا َف ْت َها ب ِ ْاَلَبْ َوا ِء أَ ْو بِ ِش ْعبٍ ا ْل َح ُجو ِن ا ْل َوفَاة ‪o‬‬
‫‪| 28‬‬

‫َو َح َم َل ْت ُه َحا ِض َن ُت ُه أ ُ ُّم أَيْ َم َن ا ْل َح َب ِش َّية ‪ o‬اَ َّلتِي َز َّو َج َها َب ْع ُد ِم ْن َزيْدِ بْ ِن‬
‫َحارِثَ َة َم ْو ََله ‪َ o‬وأَ ْد َخ َل ْتهُ َعل َى َج ِّده ِ َع ْبدِ ا ْل ُم َّطل ِ ِب ف ََض َّم ُه إِل َْيهِ َو َر َّق َل ُه‬
‫َّ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬
‫ُق ُه َو َو َاَله‬ ‫َوأ ْعل َى ُرقِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َقا َل إ ِ َّن َلبْنِي َه َذا لَشَ أنا َعظ ِْمْي ف ََب ٍخ بَ ٍخ ل ِ َم ْن َو َ‬
‫ك فِي ِص َبا ُه ُج ْوعا َو ََل َع َط ُشا َق ُّط َنف ُْسهُ اْلْ َبِيَّه ‪َ o‬و َكثِيرا َما غ ََدا‬ ‫‪َ o‬ول َْم َت ْش ُ‬
‫فَاغْ َت َذى ب ِ َما ِء َز ْمزَ َم فَأ َ ْش َب َع ُه َوأَ ْر َواه ‪َ o‬و َل َّما أُن ِ ْي َخ ْت بِ ِف َنا ِء َج ِّده ِ َع ْب ِد‬
‫ا ْل ُم َّطل ِ ِب َم َطا َيا ا ْل َمنِيَّة‬
‫يق أَب ِ ْيهِ َع ْبدِ اهلل ‪َ o‬ف َق َام ب ِ َكفَا َلتِهِ بِ َعزْم ٍ َقو ِ ًّ ٍ‬
‫ي‬ ‫‪َ o‬ك َف َلهُ َع ُّم ُه أَبُو طَالِبٍ َشق ِ ُ‬
‫َوهِ َّم ٍة َو َحمِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َق َّد َمهُ َعل َى ال َّنف ِْس َوا ْلبَنِي َن َو َربَّاه ‪َ o‬و َل َّما بَ َل َغ اث ْ َنت َ ْي‬
‫ُش َة َس َنة َر َح َل ب ِ ٖه الِ َى ا ْلب ِ ََلد ِالشا ِميَّة ‪َ o‬و َقد َ َ‬
‫َع َف ُه الرَّاه ُِب بَ ِحي ْ َرا َء ب ِ َما‬ ‫َع ْ َ‬
‫َح َاز ُه ِم ْن َو ْص ٍف ال ُّنبُ َّوة ِ َو َح َواه ‪َ o‬و َقا َل إنِِّي أَ َرا ُه َسي َِّد ا ْل َعا َلمِي َن َو َر ُسو َل‬
‫اهللِ َونَبِيَّه ‪َ o‬و َق ْد َس َج َد َل ُه َّ‬
‫الش َجرُ َوا ْل َح َجرُ َو ََل َي ْسجُ َدا ِن إ ِ ََّل ل ِ َن ِب ٍ ًّي أَ َّواه ‪o‬‬
‫َوإِنَّا َل َنجِ ُد َن ْع َت ُه فِي ا ْلكُت ُِب ا ْل َقد َِيمةِ َّ‬
‫الس َماوِيَّة ‪َ o‬وبَي ْ َن َكتِف َْيهِ َخا َت ُم ال ُّنبُ َّوة ِ‬
‫َق ْد َع َّم ُه ال ُّنو ُر َو َع ََله ‪َ o‬وأَ َم َر َع َّم ُه ب ِ َر ِّده ِإلِ َى َم َّك َة َت َخ ُّوفا َعل َْيهِ ِم ْن أَهْ ِل دِيْ ِن‬
‫َصاه ‪o‬‬ ‫ا ْل َي ُه ْودِيَّة ‪ََ o‬ف َج َع بِهِ َول َْم يُ َجاو ِ ْز ِم َن َّ‬
‫الشام ِا ْل ُم َق َّد ِ‬
‫س بُ ْ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫‪| 29‬‬

‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬

‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫َال ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

When the Most Beloved b reached the age of four years His b
Blessed Mother took Him b to al Madīnah al Munawwarah, and
| 30
on the way back, at either Abwā’ or at Ḥajūn she passed from this
world. He b was then carried by His b nurse maid, Sayyidah
Umm Ayman x, the Ethiopian, whom He b later arranged the
marriage to His b freed slave Sayyidunā Zayd ibn Ḥārithahz.

She took Him b to His b grandfather Sayyidunā ‘Abdul

Muṭṭalibzwho showed Him b great affection and support.
Hezsaid, “This son of mine has an extremely exalted status, so
glad tidings to He who shows Him (b))) respect and support.”

Even in His b childhood The Most Beloved b never complained

of hunger or thirst. He b would often suffice on the water of Zam
Zam first thing in the morning.

Then, when death paid a visit to the courtyard of His b

grandfather Sayyidunā ‘Abdul Muṭṭalib z, His b uncle Abu
Ṭaalib, the brother of His b Father Sayyidunā ‘Abdullahz,
adopted Him b. He carried out this duty of looking after Him b
with great determination. Abu Ṭaalib put The Most Beloved b
before himself and his own children in fulfilling any needs.

When the Prophet b reached the age of twelve years, His b

uncle took Him b towards the cities of Shaam on one of His b
trips. There, the monk Buḥayrā, recognised Him b due to His b
Blessed features and attributes which fit the description of

He said, “I see Him (b) as the Master of the Worlds, the

Messenger of Allah and His Prophet, for verily the trees and
stones prostrated to Him (b) and they never prostrate except to
a Blessed Prophet.”
“Without doubt, we find His (b) praise in the ancient divine
books.” “And between His (b) shoulder blades is the Seal of
Prophethood, completely illuminated by light and surrounded by
| 31
He requested Abu Ṭaalib to take Him b back to al Makkah al
Mukarramah fearing that harm may befall Him b from the Jews.
Therefore, Abu Ṭaalib returned with The Most Beloved b to al
Makkah al Mukarramah and did not pass beyond the city of
Buṣraah in Blessed Shaam.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫َصى فِي‬
‫اَف إلِ َى بُ ْ َ‬ ‫َو َل َّما بَ َل َغ َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم َخ ْمسا َوع ْ ِ ين‬
‫ُِش َ َس َنة َس َ َ‬
‫ت ِ َج َارة ٍل ِ َخدِي َج َة ا ْل َغنِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َم َع ُه غ ََُل ُم َها َم ْي َ َ‬
‫ْسةُ َي ْخ ُد ُم ُه َعل َْيهِ الصَّ ََلةُ‬
‫‪| 32‬‬

‫الس ََل ُم َو َي ُق َوم ب ِ َما َع َناه ‪َ o‬ف َنزَ َل َت ْح َت َش َج َرة ٍل ََدى َص ْو َم َع ِة نُ ْس ُط َور‬
‫َو َّ‬

‫َراه ِِب ال َّن ْ َ‬

‫َصانِيَّة ‪ o‬ف ََع َر َف ُه الرَّاه ُِب إِذْ َما َل إِل َْيهِ ظ ِ ُّل َها ا ْل َوار ُِف َوآ َواه ‪o‬‬
‫ول َق ْد‬ ‫ت َنقِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َر ُس ٌ‬ ‫َو َقا َل َما نَزَ َل َت ْح َت َه ِذه ِ َّ‬
‫الش َج َرة ِ َق ُّط إ ِ ََّل ن َ ِب ًٌّي ذُو ِصفَا ٍ‬

‫َخصَّ ُه اهللُ َت َعال َى بِا ْلف ََضائ ِ ِل َو َح َباه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َقا َل ل ِ َم ْي َ َ‬
‫ْس َة أَفِي َع ْي َن ْيهِ ُح ْم َر ٌة‬
‫است ِظْ َهارا لِل َْع ََل َم ِة ا ْل َخ ِفيَّة ‪ o‬فَأ َ َجابَ ُه ب ِ َن َع ْم َف َح َّق ل ََديْهِ َما ظَ َّنهُ ف ِْيهِ‬
‫ْس َة ََل ُتفَارِ ْق ُه َو ُك ْن َم َع ُه بِ ِص ْد ٍق َو َعزْم ٍ َو ُح ْس ِن طَوِيَّة‬ ‫َو َت َو َّخاه ‪َ o‬و َقا َل ل ِ َم ْي َ َ‬
‫َفأَ ْت ُه‬ ‫هلل َت َعال َى بِال ُّنبُ َّوة ِ َوا ْجت ََباه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َعا َد إلِ َى َمكَّ َة ََ‬
‫َك َمهُ ا ُ‬ ‫‪َ o‬فإِن َّ ُه ِم َّم ْن أَ ْ َ‬
‫يف‬ ‫الُش ِ‬ ‫َخ ِديْ َج ُة ُم ْقبَِل َوه ِ َي بَي ْ َن ن ِْس َوة ٍفِي عُ ِّليَّة ‪َ o‬و َم َلكَا ِن َعل َى َرأْ ِسهِ َّ ِ‬
‫الس َ ِ‬‫ْسةُ بِأَن َّ ُه َرأَى ذَلِكَ فِي َّ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ِم ْن ُو ِض َع الش ْم ِس َق ْد أَظَ َله ‪َ o‬وأَ ْخب َ َرهَا َم ْي َ َ‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى فِي‬ ‫فا ُ‬ ‫ك ُ ِّلهِ َوب ِ َما َقا َل ُه الرَّاه ُِب َوأَ ْو َد َع ُه ل ََديْهِ ِم َن ا ْل َو ِصيَّة ‪َ o‬و َضا َع َ‬
‫ان ل ِ َخ ِديْ َج َة ب ِ َما َرأَ ْت َو َما َسمِ َع ْت أَن َّ ُه‬
‫ت ِ ْلكَ ال ِّت َج َارة ِرِبْ َح َها َون َ َّماه ‪ o‬ف ََب َ‬
‫َر ُسو ُل اهللِ َت َعال َى الِ َى ا ْلبَرِيَّة ‪َ o‬ف َخ َطب َ ْت ُه ل ِ َن ْف ِس َها الزَّك ِ َّي ِة ل ِ َت ُش َّم ِم َن اْلْ ِ َيما ِن‬
‫بِهِ ط ِْي َب َريَّاه ‪ o‬فَأ َ ْخب َ َر َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم أَ ْع َما َم ُه ب ِ َما َد َع ْت ُه إِل َْيهِ َه ِذه ِ‬
‫ين َو َج َما ٍل َو َما ٍل َو َح َسبٍ َو َن َسبٍ‬ ‫ا ْلب َ َّرةُ ال َّتقِيَّة ‪َ َ o‬‬
‫َفغِبُوا ف َِيها لِف َْض ٍل َود ِ ٍ‬ ‫‪| 33‬‬

‫ك ُ ًٌّل ِم َن ا ْل َق ْوم ِ َي ْه َواه ‪َ o‬و َخ َط َب أَبُو طَالِبٍ َوأَثْن َي َعل َْيهِ َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم‬
‫ٌ‬ ‫َب ْع َد أَ ْن َحمِ َد ا َ‬
‫هلل ب ِ َم َحا ِم َد َسنِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َقا َل ه َُو َواهللِ َب ْع ُد َل ُه ن َ َبأ َعظ ٌ‬
‫ِيم يُ ْح َم ُد‬
‫َسا ُه ‪َ o‬فزَ َّو َج َها ِم ْن ُه َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم أَبُوهَا َوق ِ ْي َل َع ُّم َها َوق ِ ْي َل‬‫ف ِيهِ ُ َ‬
‫أَ ُخو َها ل ِ َساب ِ ِق َس َعا َدت َِها اْلْ َ ْزلِيَّة ‪َ o‬واَ ْول ََد َها ك ُ َّل أَ ْو ََلدِه ِ َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ‬
‫َو َس َّل َم إ ِ ََّل َّال ِذي ب ِ ْ‬
‫اس ِم ا ْل َخلِي ِل َس َّماه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

When He b reached the age of twenty-five, He b once again

travelled to Buṣraah on behalf of Sayyidah Khadījahx. He b
| 34
was accompanied by the servant of Sayyidah Khadījahx,
Maysarah, who served Him b and looked after His b needs.

The Beloved Prophet b rested under a tree near a monastery

called Nasṭūr. The tree inclined its thick shade towards the Most
Beloved b, and due to this a Christian monk recognised Him b.

He said, “No one ever rested under this tree except a Prophet or a
Messenger possessing pure and excellent qualities, for whom
Allah has chosen to give moral excellence.”

Then, whilst trying to uncover the hidden qualities he asked

Maysarah, “Is there any redness in his eyes?” Maysarah
answered, “Yes.” So he confirmed to himself what he had been
thinking and what he had been searching for.

Then he said to Maysarah, “Don't leave His (b) side, be with Him
(b) with sincerity, determination and honesty, for He (b) is the
One whom Allah has honored and granted Prophethood.”

The Most Beloved b then returned to Makkah. Sayyidah

Khadījah xwas with a group of women when she saw Him b
approaching with two Angels over Him b giving shade from the
heat of the sun. Maysarah informed her that the Angels giving
shade had been the case with them throughout the trip and he
told her of the advice the monk had entrusted him with.

Allah Almighty granted great profit on this particular trip and

granted barakah in it, so from what she saw and heard it became
clear to her that He b was the Messenger b of Allah Almighty
sent towards the whole of mankind.
She sent a request of marriage so that by His b Perfumed Scent
she would also obtain the scent of ‘Imaan. He b informed His b
uncles regarding what this pure and pious woman had asked
Him b, and they agreed, for they had heard of her virtue, her
piety, her beauty, her wealth, and her lineage, all cherished | 35
qualities, and it was due to these qualities every man in her tribe
wished to marry her.

Abu Ṭaalib performed the Khutbah for the Nikaaḥ, praised Allah
and then praised The Beloved Prophet b after which he said,
“By Allah, His (b) future holds a great announcement, due to
which His (b) leadership will be praised.”

She was married to Him b by her father in the very first

instance; it is also said by her uncle; and it is also said by her
brother. She gave birth to all His b Blessed Children except the
one who was named Khalīl (Ibraahīm).

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫ُقيْ ٌش ا ْلكَ ْع َب َة‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫َو َل َّما بَ َل َغ َصلى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َسل َم َخ ْمسا َوث ََلثِي ْ َن َس َنة بَ َن ْت ُ َ‬
‫َِل ْن ِص َداع َِها ب ِ ُّ‬
‫الس ُيو ِل ْاَلَبْ َط ِحيَّة ‪َ o‬و َت َن َازعُوا فِي َر ْف ِع ا ْل َح َجر ِ ْاَلَ ْس َود ِ َفك ُ ًٌّل‬
‫‪| 36‬‬

‫أَ َرا َد َرف َْعهُ َو َر َجاه ‪َ o‬و َعظ َُم ا ْلقِي ُ‬

‫ل َوا ْل َقا ُل َو َت َحا َل ُفوا َعل َى ا ْلق ِ َتا ِل َو َقو ِ َيتِ‬
‫ا ْل َع َصبِيَّة ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم ن َ َدا َع ْوا َعل َى ْاْل ِ ْن َص ِ‬
‫اف َو َف َّو ُضوا اْلْ َ ْم َر إلِ َى ذِي َرأْ ٍ‬
‫ي َصائ ِبٍ‬
‫الس َدن َ ِة َّ‬
‫الش ْيبِيَّة ‪َ o‬فك َ َ‬
‫ان‬ ‫اب َّ‬ ‫َوأَنَاة ‪َ o‬ف َح َك َم ب ِ َت ْحك ِْي ِم أَ َّو ِل َداخ ٍِل ِم ْن بَ ِ‬
‫ال َّن ِب ُّي َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم أَ َّو َل َداخِ ٍل َف َقالُوا َه َذا اْلْ َ ِمي ُن َوك ُ ُّل َنا َن ْق َبلُهُ‬
‫ون َصاح َِب ا ْل ُحكْ ِم فِي َه َذا ا ْل ُمل ِ ِّم‬ ‫َون َ ْر َضاه ‪ o‬فَأ َ ْخبَرُو ُه بِأَن َّ ُه ْم َر ُضو ُه أَ ْن يَكُ َ‬
‫َو َولِيَّه ‪ o‬ف ََو َض َع ا ْل َح َج َر فِي ث َ ْو ٍب ث ُ َّم أَ َم َر أَ ْن َت ْرف ََع ُه ا ْل َق َبائ ِ ُ‬
‫ل َجمِ ْيعا إلِ َى ُمرْ َت َقاه‬
‫َف َف ُعو ُه إلِ َى َم َ َِّقه ِ ِم ْن ُر ْك ِن َهات ِيكَ ا ْلبَنِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َو َض َعهُ َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ‬
‫‪ََ o‬‬
‫َو َس َّل َم ب ِ َي ِده ِ َّ ِ‬
‫الُشي َف ِة فِي َم ْو ِض ِعهِ ْاْل َن َوبَ َناه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

When He b reached the age of thirty-five, the Quraysh rebuilt

the Ka’bah because its walls had cracked from the floodwaters
| 37
from the valleys in Makkah.

A dispute arose over who would lift the black stone back into its
place in the Ka’bah, for everyone wanted this honour. The
argument grew until they took vows to take up arms against each
other. Then they summoned each other to agree upon leaving the
resolution of the matter to someone who would apply wisdom
and justice. They decided to accept the decision of the first one
who entered from the gate of al Sanadah al Shaybiyyah.

The Prophet b was the first to enter, so they said, “He (b) is the
al Amin (The Honest One). We all accept Him (b) and are
pleased with whatever He (b) decides and instructs.”

They then asked Him b to make a ruling on the matter so He b

put the Ḥajar ul Aswad into a piece of cloth and instructed all the
tribes to hold a part of the cloth, and lift it together to its
designated place. They all lifted it to its place in the corner of the
Ka’bah where, with His b Blessed, Noble Hands, He b put it in
its present place.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫َو َل َّما َك ُم َل َلهُ َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم أَ ْر َب ُع َ‬
‫ون َس َنة َعل َى أَ ْوف َِق اْلْ َق َْوا ِل ل ِ َذوِي‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى لِل َْعا َلمِي َن َب ِشيرا َون َ ِذيْرا ف ََع َّم ُه ْم بِرُ ْح َماه ‪o‬‬
‫ا ْل َعالِمِيَّة ‪َ o‬ب َع َث ُه ا ُ‬
‫‪| 38‬‬

‫ان ََل َي َرى ُر ْؤيَا إ ِ ََّل‬ ‫َوب ُ ِدأَ إلِ َى َت َمام ِ ِس َّت ِة أَ ْش ُهر ٍب ِ ُّ‬
‫الر ْؤ َيا الصَّ اد ِ َقةِ ا ْل َجلِيَّة ‪َ o‬فك َ َ‬
‫َجا َء ْت ِم ْث َل َفل َِق ُص ْب ٍح أَ َضا َء َس َناه ‪َ o‬وإِن َّ َما ابْ ُت ِد َئ ب ِ ُّ‬
‫الر ْؤيَا َت ْمرِينا ل ِ ْل ُق َّوة ِ‬
‫َصيحِ ال ُّنبُ َّوة ِف َََل َت ْق َوا ُه ق َُواه ‪َ o‬و ُحب َِّب‬ ‫ك بِ َ ِ‬‫ُشيَّة ‪ o‬لِئَ ََّل َي ْف َجأ َ ُه ا ْل َم َل ُ‬‫ا ْل َب َ ِ‬
‫َصي ُح‬ ‫َح ٍاء َّ‬
‫الل َيال ِ َي ا ْل َع َددِيَّة ‪ o‬إلِ َى أَ ْن أَ َتا ُه ف ِيهِ َ ِ‬ ‫إِل َْيهِ ا ْل َخ ََل ُء َفك َ َ‬
‫ان يَ َت َع َّب ُد ب ِ ِ َ‬
‫ُش َة ل َْيلَة َخل َْت ِم ْن َش ْهر ِ‬ ‫ا ْل َح ِّق َو َوافَاه ‪َ o‬وذَلِكَ فِي يَ ْوم ِ ْاْلِث ْ َني ْ ِن ل ِ َس ْب َع َع ْ َ‬
‫ين ِم ْن ُه أَ ْو ل ِ َث َما ٍن‬ ‫ال ل ِ َس ْب ٍع أَ ْو ِْلَ ْربَ ٍع َوع ْ ِ‬
‫ُِش َ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫الل ْي َل ِة ا ْل َق َدرِيَّة ‪َ o‬وثَ َّم أَق َْو ٌ‬
‫اُقأْفَأبََى‬ ‫َّ‬
‫َخل َْت ِم ْن َش ْهر ِ َم ْول ِ ِده ِال ِذي بَ َدا ف ِيهِ بَ ْد ُر ُم َحيَّاه ‪َ o‬ف َقا َل َل ُه ْ َ‬
‫اُقأْ َفأبََى َف َغ َّط ُه غ ًَّطة ثَان ِ َية َحتَّي بَ َل َغ ِم ْن ُه‬ ‫ُ‬
‫َف َغ َّط ُه غ ََّطة َقوِيَّة ‪ o‬ث َّم َقا َل َل ُه ْ َ‬
‫اُقأْفَأبََى َف َغ َّط ُه غ ًَّطة ثَال ِ َثة ل ِ َي َت َو َّج َه إلِ َى َما‬ ‫ُ‬
‫ا ْل َج ْه ُد َوغ ََّطاه ‪ o‬ث َّم َقا َل َل ُه ْ َ‬
‫َس ُي ْل َقى إِل َْيهِ ب ِ َج ْم ِعيَّة ‪َ o‬ويُ َقابِلُهُ بِجِ ًّ ٍد َوا ْجت َِهاد ٍ َو َي َتل ََّقاه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َفت َ َر ا ْل َوح ُْي‬
‫ت‬ ‫اق إلِ َى انْتِشَ ا ِق َهات ِيكَ ال َّن َف َحا ِ‬ ‫ثَ ََل َث ِسنِي َن أَ ْو ث َ ََلث ِي َن َش ْهرا ل ِ َي ْش َت َ‬
‫ل ب ِ َها َونَا َداه ‪o‬‬ ‫الش ِذيَّة ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم أُنْزِل َْت َعل َْيهِ ( َيأ َ ُّي َها ا ْل ُم َّدثِّرُ) َف َجا َء ُه ِجبْرِي ُ‬
‫السابِقِيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫ُقأْب ِ ْ‬
‫اس ِم َربِّكَ ) َشاه ٌِد َعل َى أَ َّن ل ََها َّ‬ ‫ان لِنُبُ َّوتِهِ فِي َت َق ُّدم ِ(ا ْ َ‬
‫َفك َ َ‬
‫َوال َّت َق ُّد َم َعل َى ر َِسا َلتِهِ بِا ْلبِشَ َارة ِ َوال ِّن َذ َارة ِل ِ َم ْن َد َعاه ‪o‬‬ ‫‪| 39‬‬

‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬

‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫َال ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

When the Beloved Prophet b completed forty years of age

according to the most trusted narrators, Allah Almighty
| 40
announced Him b as a bringer of good news and a warner to the

Before revelation commenced He b saw clear true dreams.

These continued for six months, each one clear in meaning, as
clear as the morning’s light. This began like this to strengthen His
b human capacity, so that the Angel appearing suddenly with
revelation would not weaken the body3.

Isolation was made dear to Him b, He b would worship in the

mountain of Ḥirā’ countless nights, until the pure truth came to
him with revelation. This began on Monday, the seventeenth of
the month of the Laylat al Qadr. There are other traditions saying
that it was the twenty-seventh or the twenty-fourth of that
month, or the eighth of Rabi’ al Awwal.

The Angel Jibrīl q said to Him b, “Read.” He b refused, Then

he embraced Him b tightly, the Angel Jibrīl q said again,
“Read.” He b again refused. Then the Angel Jibrīl q embraced
Him b a second time until he reached his maximum exertion,
and then covered Him b. The Angel Jibrīl q for a third time
said, “Read.” And He b again refused, a third time the Angel
embraced Him b so that He b would be prepared for what was
about to be given to Him b.

2 Nabī b announced His b Nubuwwah at the age of 40 and did not become a
Nabī at the age of 40 as He b was a Nabī when Ādam ‘Alayhis Salaam was
between sand and water.
3 Not by the coming of the Angel but by the power of Revelation. Hence He b

received revelation over a long period of time.

Then the revelation stopped for three years or thirty months,
making Him b look forward eagerly to those beautifully
fragranced scents of revelation. Then Yaa Ayyuh al Muddathir
was revealed, so the revelation of Iqra bismi Rabbika is evidence
that His b Nubuwwah was before His b Risaalah. The glad | 41
tidings for those who were called towards the Din.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫َوأَ َّو ُل َم ْن آ َم َن بِهِ ِم َن ال ِّر َجا ِل أَبُو بَ ْْكٍ َصاح ُِب ا ْل َغارِ َو ِّ‬
‫الص ِّديقِيَّة ‪o‬‬
‫الصب ْ َيا ِن َعل ِ ٌي َو ِم َن ال ِّن َسا ِء َخدِي َج ُة َّالتِي ثَب ََّت ا ُ‬ ‫َو ِم َن ِّ‬
‫‪| 42‬‬
‫هلل ب ِ َها َقل َْب ُه َو َو َقاه ‪o‬‬
‫َو ِم َن ا ْل َم َوالِي َزيْ ُد بْ ُن َحارِث َ َة َو ِم َن اْلْ َرِ َّقا ِء ب ِ ََل ٌل َّال ِذي َع َّذبَ ُه فِي اهللِ أ ُ َميَّة ‪o‬‬
‫َوأَ ْو ََل ُه َم ْو ََل ُه أَبُو بَ ْْكٍ ِم َن ا ْل ِع ْت ِق َما أَ ْو ََله ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم أَ ْسل ََم عُ ْث َما ُن َو َس ْع ٌد‬
‫ف َوابْ ُن ْ َع َّمتِهِ َص ِفيَّة ‪َ o‬وغَيْرُه ُْم ِم َّم ْن أَن ْ َه َل ُه‬
‫ِيد َوطَ ْل َح ُة َوابْ ُن َع ْو ٍ‬
‫َو َسع ٌ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ‬‫ِيق َو َس َقاه ‪َ o‬و َما َزال َْت ع َِبا َدتُ ُه َصلَّى ا ُ‬ ‫ِيق ال َّت ْصد ِ‬
‫يق َرح َ‬ ‫ال ِّص ِّد ُ‬
‫َو َس َّل َم َوأَ ْص َحابِهِ َم ْخ ِفيَّة ‪َ o‬حتَّي أُنْزِل َْت َعل َْيهِ ف ْ‬
‫َاص َد ْع ب ِ َما تُ ْؤ َمرُ َف َج َه َر‬
‫اب آل ِ َه َت ُه ْم َوأَ َم َر‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ب ِ ُد َعا ِء ا ْل َخل ِْق إلِ َى اهلل ‪َ o‬ول َْم َي ْب ُع ْد ِم ْن ُه َق ْو ُم ُه َحتي َع َ‬
‫ب ِ َرف ِْض َما س َِوى ا ْل َو ْح َدانِيَّة ‪َ o‬ف َت َج َّرؤُوا َعل َى ُم َب َار َزتِهِ بِا ْل َع َدا َوة ِ َوأَذَاه ‪o‬‬
‫اش َت َّد َعل َى ا ْل ُم ْسلِمِي َن ا ْل َب ََل ُء ف ََها َجرُوا فِي َس َن ِة َخ ْم ٍس إلِ َى ال َّناح َِي ِة‬
‫َو ْ‬
‫ال َّن َجا ِشيَّة ‪َ o‬و َح َد َب َعل َْيهِ َع ُّم ُه أَبُو طَالِبٍ ف ََهان َ ُه ك ُ ًٌّل ِم َن ا ْل َق ْوم ِ َو َت َحا َماه‬
‫ت َّ‬
‫الل ْيلِيَّة ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم نُ ِس َخ بِ َق ْولِهِ‬ ‫‪َ o‬وَفُ ِ َض َعل َْيهِ ق ِ َي ُام َب ْع ٍض ِم َن َّ‬
‫السا َعا ِ‬
‫يموا الصَّ ََلة) ‪َ o‬وَفُ ِ َض َع َل ْيهِ َر ْك َع َتا ِن‬ ‫ْس ِم ْن ُه َوأَق ِ ُ‬ ‫َت َعال َى (ف ْ َ‬
‫َاُقؤُوا َما َت َي َّ َ‬
‫ت ا ْل َخ ْم ِس فِي‬ ‫بِا ْل َغ َداة ِ َو َر ْك َع َتا ِن بِا ْل َع ِشيَّة ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم نُ ِس َخ بِإِي َج ِ‬
‫اب الصَّ ل ََوا ِ‬
‫ات أَبُو طَالِبٍ فِي ن ِْص ِف َش َّوا ٍل ِم ْن َع ِ ِ‬
‫اَش ا ْلب ِ ْع َثةِ‬ ‫ل َْي َل ِة َم ْ َ‬
‫ْساه ‪َ o‬و َم َ‬
‫َو َعظ َُم ْت ب ِ َم ْوتِهِ ال َّرزِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َت َل ْت ُه َخدِي َج ُة َب ْع َد ثَ ََلثٍة اَياًّم ٍ َو َش َّد ا ْل َب ََل ُء َعل َى‬ ‫‪| 43‬‬

‫ُقيْ ٌش بِهِ َصلَّى ا ُ‬

‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم ك ُ َّل أَذِيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫َ‬
‫ا ْل ُم ْسلِمِي َن ُ َ‬
‫َعاه ‪َ o‬وأ ْو َق َع ْت ُ َ‬
‫ُقاه ‪َ o‬وأَ ْ َ‬
‫ُغ ْوا بِهِ‬ ‫َ‬
‫الطائ َِف َي ْد ُعوا ثقِيفا َفل َْم يُ ْح ِسنُوا ب ِ ْاْل ِ َجابَ ِة ِ َ‬ ‫َوأَمَّ َّ‬
‫يد ف ََس ُّبو ُه بأ َ ْل ِس َن ٍة بَ ِذيَّة ‪َ o‬و َر َم ْو ُه بِا ْل ِح َج َارة ِ َحتَّي ُخض َِب ْت‬
‫السف ََها َء َوا ْل َعب ِ َ‬
‫الد َما ِء َن ْع ََله ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َعا َد َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم إلِ َى َم َّك َة َحزِينا ف ََسأ َ َلهُ‬
‫ب ِ ِّ‬
‫ك ا ْلج ِ َبا ِل فِي إِه ََْل ِك أَهْل ِ َها َذوِي ا ْل َع َصبِيَّة ‪َ o‬ف َقا َل إنِِّي أَ ْر ُجوا أَ ْن يُ ْ ِ‬
‫ْخ َج‬ ‫َم َل ُ‬
‫هلل َت َعال َى ِم ْن أَ ْص ََلبِه ِ ْم َم ْن َي َت َو ََّله ‪o‬‬
‫ا ُ‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫َال ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َع َل ْيهِ‬

The first to believe in the Most Beloved Prophet b from amongst

the men was Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al Ṣiddīq z, the companion of
| 44
the cave. From amongst the children was Sayyidunā ‘Alī al
Murtaḍāz; and from the women, Sayyidatuna Khadījah al
Kubrax, through whom Allah Almighty strengthened and
preserved His b heart. From the freed slaves, Sayyidunā Zayd
ibn Ḥaarithah z; and from the slaves, Sayyidunā Bilaalzwho
was tortured by Umayyah, for his belief in Allah Almighty.
Sayyidunā Bilaal z was later bought and freed from slavery by
Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al Ṣiddīq z, who provided for him.

Then came Sayyidunā ‘Uthmaan Dhun Noorayn zand then

Sayyidunā Sa‘ad Ibn Abī Waqqaaş z, Sayyidunā Sa‘īd bin Zayd
z, Sayyidunā Ṭalḥah Ibn ‘Ubaydullah z, Sayyidunā ‘Abdul
Raḥmaan Ibn ‘Awf z, and Sayyidunā Zubayrz, the son of the
Prophet’s b aunt, Sayyidatuna Ṣaffiyahxand others whom
Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al Ṣiddīqzinvited to drink the nectar of

The Beloved Prophet b and his b Companions worshipped in

secret until Allah Almighty revealed the Ayah:

‫فاصدع بما تؤمر‬

Thereafter He b openly called the people towards Allah
Almighty. The people did not leave him, until He b denounced
their idols and ordered the rejection of all but the Oneness of
Allah Almighty. Now, they openly showed Him b enmity and
threatened Him b with harm.

For the Muslims, the hardships became extremely severe, so in

the fifth year after the announcement of Prophethood they made
Hijrah towards the country of the king of Ḥabash, al Najāshī. Due
to the favour of His b uncle Abu Ṭaalib, the people were afraid to
cause open harm to the Muslims.

Initially the Prophet b was commanded to stand for some

portions of the night, then the obligation was abrogated by Allah | 45
Almighty’s words:

‫فأُقؤا ما تيْس‬
And He b was commanded to make two rakā‘at farḍ in the
morning and two in the evening. Then on the night of the Me’raaj
this obligation was also abrogated by the five farḍ prayers.

Abu Ṭaalib died in the middle of Shawwaal in the tenth year after
the announcement of Prophethood and with his death the
hardships became even more intense. Three days after his death
Sayyidatuna Khadījaxpassed away from this world which
opened the path for hardships to tighten its grip upon the
Muslims. The Quraysh brought every kind of suffering upon Him
b. He b intended to call the tribe of Thaaqif towards Islaam in
Ṭaaif, where He b was treated extremely badly. The people of
Ṭaaif encouraged the mockers and the slaves to insult Him b
with terrible words, they pelted Him b with stones until His b
Nalayn Shareef became red from His b blood overflowing.

With great sadness He b returned to Makkah. The Angel of the

mountains requested the Prophet b for permission to destroy
its people for their grave disrespect, but He b replied, “I have
full faith that from amongst their future generations there will be
those who will flourish on the path of Islaam”.

O Allah scent His b blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫َحام ِإلِ َى ا ْل َم ْسجِ ِد اْلْ َق َْصي‬ ‫ث ُ َّم أ ُ ْ ِ‬
‫َس َي بِرُ ْوحِهِ َو َج َس ِده ِ َي َقظَ ة ِم َن ا ْل َم ْسجِ ِد ا ْل َ َ‬
‫َفأَى آ َد َم فِي اْلْ ُول َى َو َق ْد َج َّل َل ُه‬ ‫َورِ َحابِهِ ا ْل ُق ْد ِس َّي ِة ‪َ o‬و ُ ِ‬
‫َع َج بِهِ إلِ َى َّ‬
‫الس َم َوا ِ‬
‫‪| 46‬‬

‫ت ََ‬
‫ار َو َع ََله ‪َ o‬و َرأَى فِي َّ‬
‫الثان ِ َيةِ ع َِيسي بْ َن َم ْر َي َم ا ْلبَتُو ِل ا ْلب َ َّرة ِال َّتقِيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫ا ْل َو َق ُ‬
‫َوابْ َن َخا َلتِهِ يَ ْحيَي َّال ِذي أُوت ِي ا ْل ُحكْم فِي َحا ِل ِصباه ‪َ o‬و َرأَى فِي َّ‬
‫الثال ِ َثةِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ‬
‫ِيس َّال ِذي َر َف َع‬
‫الص ِّد َيق بِ ُص َورتِهِ ا ْل َج َمالِيَّة ‪َ o‬وفِي الرَّابِ َعةِ إ ِ ْدر َ‬
‫ف ِّ‬‫يُو ُس َ‬
‫ون ا ْل ُم َحب ََّب فِي اْلْ ُ َّمةِ ْاْل ِ ْ َ‬
‫َسائ ِيلِيَّة‬ ‫هلل َمكَان َ ُه َوأَ ْع ََله ‪َ o‬وفِي ا ْل َخا ِم َس ِة هَ ُ‬
‫ار َ‬ ‫ا ُ‬
‫وسي َّال ِذي ك َ َّل َم ُه اهللُ َت َعال َى َونَا َجاه ‪َ o‬وفِي َّ‬
‫السابِ َع ِة‬ ‫الساد ِ َس ِة ُم َ‬
‫‪َ o‬وفِي َّ‬
‫هلل ِم ْن نَارِ‬ ‫إِبْ َراه َِيم َّال ِذي َجا َء َربَّ ُه بِ َس ََل َم ِة ا ْل َقل ِْب َو َّ‬
‫الطوِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َحفِظَ ُه ا ُ‬
‫يف اْلْ َق ََْلم ِ‬
‫َص َ‬‫ال َّن ْمرُود ِ َو َعافَاه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم ُرف ِ َع إلِ َى س ِْد َرة ِا ْل ُم ْن َت َهى إلِ َى أَ ْن َسمِ َع َ ِ‬
‫بِاْلْ ُ ُمورِ ا ْل َم ْق ِضيَّة ‪ o‬إلِ َى َم َقام ِا ْل ُمكَا َف َح ِة َّال ِذي َ َُّقبَهُ اهللُ ف ِيهِ َوأَ ْدن َاه ‪o‬‬
‫َوأَ َم َاط َل ُه ُح ُج َب اْلْ َن ْ َوارِ ا ْل َج ََللِيَّة ‪َ o‬وأَ َرا ُه بِ َع ْين َْي َرأ ِسهِ ِم ْن َح ْ َ‬
‫ْضة ِ‬
‫الربُوب ِ َّي ِة َما أَ َراه ‪َ o‬و َب َس َط َلهُ بُ ُس َط ْاْل ِ ْد ََل ِل فِي ا ْلم َجالِي َّ‬
‫الذاتِيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُّ‬
‫َف َّد ْت‬ ‫َف َض َعل َْيهِ َو َعل َى أ ُ َّمتِهِ َخ ْم ِسي َن َص ََلة ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم ان ْ َه َّل َس َح ُ‬
‫اب ا ْلف َْض ِل َ ُ‬ ‫َو َ َ‬
‫إلِ َى َخ ْم ٍس َع َملِيَّة ‪َ o‬ول ََها أَ ْجرُ ا ْل َخ ْم ِسي َن َك َما َشا َء ُه فِي اْلْ َ َز ِل َو َق َضاه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم‬
‫ْساه ‪َ o‬وك ُ ُّل ذِي‬ ‫الص ِّد ُ‬‫الل ُدنِيَّة ‪ o‬ف ََص َّد َق ُه ِّ‬ ‫َعا َد فِي ل َْي َلتِهِ بِا ْل َم َواه ِِب َّ‬
‫يق ب ِ َم ْ َ‬
‫الش ْي َطا ُن َوأَغ َْواه ‪o‬‬ ‫َع ْق ٍل َو َروِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َك َّذبَ ْت ُه ُُقيْ ٌش َو ْار َت َّد َم ْن أَ َض َّل ُه َّ‬
‫َ‬ ‫‪| 47‬‬

‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬

‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫َال ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

Then, whilst in an awakened state He b was taken with His b

body and spirit on a night journey, to the Masjid of al Aqṣā and its
| 48
sacred surrounding courts. He b was then taken up to the
heavens, where on the first heaven He b saw Sayyidunā Ādam
q, in such a state that dignity and honour was surrounding
Him q.

On the second heaven, He b saw Sayyidunā ‘Isa q the son of

Sayyidatuna Maryam x, the Pious, the Pure, and the son of His
q aunt, Sayyidunā Yahya q, who was given wisdom and
Prophethood in His youth. On the third heaven, He b saw
Sayyidunā Yūsuf q in all His beauty. On the fourth heaven He
b saw Sayyidunā Idrīs q, whom Allah Almighty raised to a
high place. On the fifth heaven, He b saw Sayyidunā Haarūn q,
the Beloved of the Banī Israeel. On the sixth heaven, He b saw
Sayyidunā Mūsā q, with whom Allah Almighty spoke, and
revealed the secrets upon. Upon the seventh heaven, he saw
Sayyidunā Ibraahīm q, who presented himself q to His q
Rabb with a peaceful heart and goodness, whom Allah Almighty
protected from the fire of Nimrood.

Then, the Prophet b journeyed onwards towards Sidrat al

Muntahā until He b heard the sound of the pens writing the
matters of decree, from there onwards to the station of the
meeting without veil, in which Allah Almighty drew Him b near.

There Allah raised for Him b His b Status where the veils of the
lights of Jalaal were lifted. Where He b saw with His b own
eyes, in the court of Allah Almighty, what He b was shown, He b
saw with His b eyes.

The carpet of care and affection was spread for Him b in the
divine presence. Where fifty prayers were made obligatory upon
His b Ummah. Then the showers of virtue and mercy poured
forth from the blessed clouds of mercy and they were reduced to
five prayers. These five prayers holding the reward of fifty, which
He b had already decreed and willed. Then, on the same night
the Prophet b returned, and Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al Ṣiddīqz
testified about His b night journey as did all those who | 49
possessed intellect. The Quraysh rejected Him b, and those who
the Shayṭaan led astray became apostates.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫َع َض َنف َْس ُه َعل َى ا ْل َق َبائ ِ ِل بِأَن َّ ُه َر ُسو ُل اهللِ فِي اْلْ َيَّام ِا ْل َم ْو ِسمِيَّة ‪o‬‬ ‫ُ‬
‫ث َّم َ َ‬
‫فَآ َم َن بِهِ ِس َّت ٌة ِم َن اْلْ َ ْن َصارِ ا ْخ َتصَّ ُه ُم اهللُ َت َعال َى بِر ِ َضاه ‪َ o‬و َح َّج ِم ْن ُه ْم فِي‬
‫‪| 50‬‬

‫ُ‬ ‫ا ْل َقاب ِ ِل اث ْ َنا َع َ َ‬

‫ُش َر ُجَل َوبَا َي ُعو ُه ب ِ ْي َعة َح ِفيَّة ‪ o‬ث َّم ا ْن َ َ‬
‫َص ُفوا َوظَ َه َر اْلْ ِ ْس ََل ُم‬
‫ون أَ ْو‬ ‫بِا ْلمدِي َن ِة َفكَان َ ْت َم ْعق ِ َل ُه َو َمأ ْ َواه ‪َ o‬و َقدِم َعل َْيهِ فِي َّ‬
‫الثال ِ َث ِة َس ْب ُع َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬
‫َخ ْم َس ٌة أَ ْو ثَ ََلثَ ٌة َوا ْم َرأَ َتا ِن ِم َن ا ْل َق َبائ ِ ِل اْلْ َ ْو ِس َّي ِة َوا ْل َخزْ َر ِجيَّة ‪ o‬ف ََبا َي ُعو ُه‬
‫َساة ‪َ o‬و َها َج َر إِل َْيه ِ ْم ِم ْن َم َّك َة َذ ُوو‬ ‫َوأَ َّم َر َعل َْيه ِ ُم اثْن َي َع َ َ‬
‫ُش َنق ِ ْيبا َج َحا ِج َحة َ َ‬
‫ان َرغ َْبة ف ِ ْ َمْي أُع َِّد ل ِ َم ْن َه َج َر ا ْلكُ ْ َ‬
‫َف‬ ‫ا ْلمِ َّلةِ ْاْل ِ ْس ََل ِميَّة ‪َ o‬وف َ‬
‫َارقُوا اْلْ َ ْوط َ َ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم بِأ َ ْص َحابِهِ َعل َى‬ ‫ُقيْ ٌش أَ ْن َي ْل َح َق َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫َونَا َواه ‪َ o‬و َخاف َْت ُ َ‬
‫ا ْلف َْورِيَّة ‪ o‬فَأ ْ َت َمرُوا بِ َق ْتلِهِ َف َحفِظَ ُه اهللُ َت َعال َى ِم ْن َك ْيدِه ِْم َونَجَّاه ‪َ o‬وأ ُ ِّذ َن‬
‫ُش ُك َ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ون ل ِ ُيورِدُو ُه بِزَ ْعمِه ِ ْم‬ ‫َل ُه َصلى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َسل َم فِي ا ْله ِ ْج َرة ِ َ َ‬
‫َف َق َب ُه ا ْل ُم ْ ِ‬
‫اب َو َح َثاه ‪َ o‬وأَمَّ‬ ‫َْخ َج َعل َْيه ِ ْم َونَث َ َر َعل َى ُرؤُوسِه ِ ُم الت ُّ َر َ‬ ‫اض ا ْل َمنِيَّة ‪ o‬ف َ َ‬ ‫ح َِي َ‬
‫يق بِا ْل َم ِعيَّة ‪َ o‬وأَ َقا َما ف ِْيهِ ث َ ََلثا َت ْح ِِّم ا ْل َح َمائ ِ ُم‬ ‫الص ِّد ُ‬‫غ ََار ث َ ْو ٍر َوف ََاز ِّ‬
‫َخ َجا ِم ْن ُه ل َْي َل َة ْاْلِث ْ َني ْ ِن َوه َُو َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم‬
‫َوا ْل َع َناك ِ ُب ح َِماه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َ َ‬
‫َسا َق ُة فَابْ َت َه َل ف ِيهِ إلِ َى اهللِ َت َعال َى َو َد َعاه ‪o‬‬
‫َعل َى َخي ْر ِ َم ِطيَّة ‪َ o‬و َت َعر ََّض َل ُه ُ َ‬
‫الصل َْب ِة ا ْل َقوِيَّة ‪o‬‬
‫ض ُّ‬ ‫َف َسا َخ ْت َق َوائ ِ ُم َي ْعبُوبِهِ فِي اْلْ َ ْر ِ‬ ‫‪| 51‬‬

‫َو َسأ َ َل ُهاْلْ َ َم َ‬

‫ان ف ََم َن َحهُ إِيَّاه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

Then during the Ḥajj days He b announced Himself b to the

tribes as the Messenger of Allah Almighty b. Six people from the
| 52
Anṣaar brought ‘Imaan upon Him b, whom Allah Almighty
distinguished with His pleasure. Then the following year twelve
men from the Anṣaar performed Ḥajj with Him b and took the
oath of allegiance upon His b hands. They returned and, in this
way, Islaam began to appear in al Madīnah al Munawwarah
becoming a stronghold and residence for Islaam.

In the third year from the tribes of Aws and Khazraj, two women
and seventy-three or seventy-five men came to Him b. They
took the oath of allegiance from Him b and then He b chose
twelve noble chiefs from them to be their Amīrs. The people of
Islaam from Makkah now began to migrate to them. They
separated themselves from their homelands desiring what has
been prepared and promised for the one who denounces kufr
and moves away from it.

The Quraysh, now fearing that He b would join his Companions

plotted to kill Him b, so Allah the Exalted protected and saved
Him b from their deceit. Allah Almighty granted Him b
permission to emigrate, whilst the unbelievers sat in wait
watching His b home, in order to carry out this plan. He b came
out to them and threw dust upon their heads, heading towards
the cave of Thawr wherein Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al Ṣiddīq zwas
Blessed with the honour of the Beloved Messenger’s

They remained there for three nights, whilst the pigeon and
spider sat guarding this protected place. They both came out on
the night of Monday, The Prophet b seated upon a good female
camel. Suddenly Suraaqah came upon Him b, He b made Du‘ā,
upon which instantly the legs of Suraaqah’s speedy horse sank
into the firm ground, whereupon he asked for the Prophet’s b
protection, and he was granted it.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace | 53
be upon Him b.
‫َو َم َّر َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم بِ َقدِي ٍد َعل َى أ ُ ِّم َم ْع َب ٍد ا ْل ُخزَاعِيَّة ‪َ o‬وأَ َرا َد بْت َِيا َع‬
‫َلب َ ٍن أَ ْو َل ْح ٍم ِم ْن َها َفل َْم يَكُ ْن ل ِ َش ْي ٍء ِم ْن ذَلِكَ خ َِبا ُؤهَا َق ْد َح َواه ‪َ o‬ف َنظَ َر إلِ َى‬
‫‪| 54‬‬

‫َشاة ٍفِي ا ْلب َ ْيتِ َق ْد َخ َّلف ََها ا ْل َج ْه ُد َع ِن ال َّرعِيَّة ‪ o‬فَا ْس َتأ ْ َذن َ َها فِي َحلْب ِ َها‬
‫ان ب ِ َها َحل َُب َْل َ َصب ْ َناه ‪ o‬ف ََم َسحَ َ ْ‬
‫َض َع َها ِم ْن َها َو َد َعا ا َ‬
‫هلل‬ ‫فَأَذِن َ ْت َو َقال َْت ل َْو ك َ َ‬
‫َم ْو ََل ُه َو َولِيَّه ‪ o‬ف ََد َّر ْت َف َحل ََب َو َس َقى ُ ًّلِك ِم َن ا ْل َق ْوم ِ َوأَ ْر َواه ‪ o‬ث ُ َّم َحل ََب‬
‫َو َم َ ََل اْلْ ِنَا َء َوغَا َد َر ُه ل ََديْ َها آ َية َجلِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َجا َء أَبُو َم ْع َب ٍد َو َرأَى َّ‬
‫اللب َ َن‬
‫ف ََذ َه َب بِهِ ا ْل َع َج ُب إلِ َى أَق َْصاه ‪َ o‬و َقا َل أَنَّى ل َِك َه َذا َو ََل َحلُ َ‬
‫وب بِا ْلب َ ْيتِ َتب ِ ُّض‬
‫ِّطة ٍ َلبَنِيَّة ‪َ o‬ف َقال َْت َمرَّ ب ِ َنا َر ُج ٌل ُم َب َار ٌك َو َك َذا ُج ْث َمان ُ ُه َو َم ْع َناه ‪o‬‬
‫بِ َق ْ َ‬
‫ُقيْ ٍش َوأَق َْس َم بِكُلِّ أَلِيَّة ‪َ o‬عل َى أَنَّهُ ل َْو َرآ ُه ْل َم َن بِهِ‬ ‫َف َقا َل ل ََها َه َذا َصاح ُِب ُ َ‬
‫وات َب َعهُ َو َدانَاه ‪َ o‬و َقد َِم َصلَّى اهللُ َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم ا ْل َم ِديْ َن َة يَ ْو َم ْاْلِث ْ َني ْ ِن ثَان ِ َي‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ار َونَزَ َل‬ ‫َش َق ْت بِهِ أَ ْر َجا ُؤهَا الزَّكِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َتل ََّقا ُه اْلْ َ ْن َص ُ‬ ‫ُش َربِي ِع اْلْ َ َّو ِل َوأَ ْ َ‬
‫َع َ َ‬
‫بِ ُق َبا َء َوأَسَّ َس َم ْسجِ َد َها َعل َى َت ْق َواه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقبْرَ ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

He b passed the tent of Umm Ma’bad al Khuzā‘iyah at the place

of Qudayd. He b wanted to buy milk or meat from her, but there
| 55
was neither milk nor meat in her tent. However, the Prophet b
saw a sheep in the house that was frail and weak, it had been left
behind from the other healthy and strong sheep.

He b asked Umm Ma’bad’s permission to milk it. She gave Him

b permission and said if there was any milk at all in her, then
they would have milked her. Upon His b Blessed touch, it filled
up with milk and it began to flow. He b milked her and everyone
from the people drank to their fill. Then He b milked the sheep
again, filling the container, and left it with Umm Ma’bad as a clear
sign. Her husband was Abu Ma’bad, when he came and saw the
milk, he was struck with wonder and in complete surprise asked,
“From where has this milk come from? There is no milking sheep
that can give even a single drop in our house.” She told him that a
Beautiful Blessed Man passed by, whilst describing His b
physical description and His b other excellent qualities. Abu
Ma’bad declared, “He (b) is the one! The leader of the Quraysh”,
and took an oath that if he ever saw Him b he would bring
‘Imaan upon Him b, follow Him b and stay close with Him b.

He b arrived in al Madīnah al Munawwarah on Monday the

twelfth of Rabī’ al Awwal Shareef. All of al Madīnah al
Munawwarah and its surroundings were illumined by His b
arrival. The Anṣaar met and welcomed Him b and He b
dismounted at Qubā where He b built a Masjid upon the
foundation of piety.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫س َخلْقا َو ُخلُقا ذَا ذَا ٍت‬ ‫ان َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم أَ ْك َم َل ال َّنا ِ‬ ‫َوك َ َ‬
‫ُشبا ب ِ ُح ْم َرة ٍ َوا ِس َع ا ْل َع ْي َني ْ ِن‬ ‫َو ِصفَا ٍت َسن ِ َّي ٍة ‪َ o‬م ْربُو َع ا ْل َقا َم ِة أَبْ َي َض َّ‬
‫الل ْو ِن ُم ْ َ‬
‫‪| 56‬‬

‫أَ ْك َح َل ُه َما أَه َْد َب اْلْ َ ْشفَارِ َق ْد ُمن ِحَ الزَّ َججَ َحا ِج َباه ‪ُ o‬مف ََّلجَ اْلْ َ ْس َنا ِن َوا ِس َع‬
‫ا ْلف َِم َح َس َن ُه َوا ِس َع ا ْل َجبِي ِن ذَا َج ْب َه ٍة ه ََِللِيَّة ‪َ o‬س ْه َل ا ْل َخ َّديْ ِن يُ َرى فِي أَ ْن ِفهِ‬
‫اب َح َس َن ا ْل ِع ْرنِي ْ ِن أَ ْق َناه ‪َ o‬بع ِْي َد َما بَي ْ َن ا ْل َم ْنك َِبي ْ ِن َس ْب َط‬
‫َب ْع ُض ا ْح ِديْ َد ٍ‬
‫س َش ْع َر ُه‬ ‫يس َقلِي َل َل ْح ِم ا ْل َعق ِ ِب َك َّث ال ِّل ْح َي ِة َعظ َ‬
‫ِيم ال َّرأ ْ ِ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ا ْل َكفي ْ ِن َضخ َْم ال َ َ‬
‫ْْكاد ِ ِ‬
‫ور َو َع ََله ‪o‬‬‫الش ْح َم ِة اْلْ ُذُنِيَّة ‪َ o‬وبَي ْ َن َكتِف َْيهِ َخا َت ُم ال ُّنبُ َّوة ِ َق ْد َع َّم ُه ال ُّن ُ‬ ‫إلِ َى َّ‬
‫ت ا ْلمِ ْس ِكيَّة ‪َ o‬ويَ َت َك َّفأ ُفِي ِم ْش َيتِهِ‬ ‫َع ُف ُه أَط ْ َي ُب ِم َن ال َّن َف َحا ِ‬
‫َع ُق ُه كَال ُّل ْؤلُؤِ َو َ ْ‬
‫َو َ َ‬
‫ان ي َُصافِحُ ا ْل ُم َصاف ِحَ ب ِ َي ِده ِ َّ ِ‬
‫الُشي َف ِة‬ ‫َكأَن َّ َما َي ْن َح ُّط ِم ْن َص َببٍ ْار َت َقاه ‪َ o‬وك َ َ‬
‫س الصَّ ِب ِّي َف ُي ْع َر ُف‬ ‫ف ََيجِ ُد ِم ْن َها َسائ َِر ا ْل َي ْوم ِ َرائ ِ َحة َع ْب َهرِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َي َض ُع َها َعل َى َرأ ْ ِ‬
‫يف َت َ َْلْلُ َ ا ْل َق َمر ِفِي‬ ‫الصب ْ َي ِة َويُ ْد َراه ‪َ o‬ي َت َ َْل َْل ُ َو ْج ُه ُه َّ ِ‬
‫الُش ُ‬ ‫َم ُّس ُه َل ُه َم ْن بَي ْ ِن ِّ‬
‫ُش َي َراه ‪o‬‬ ‫َّ‬
‫الل ْي َل ِة ا ْل َب ْدرِيَّة ‪َ o‬ي ُقو ُل نَاع ِ ُت ُه ل َْم أَ َر َق ْب َل ُه َو ََل َب ْع َد ُه ِم ْث َل ُه َو ََل َب َ ٌ‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َعرْ ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬
The Most Beloved Prophet b is the most perfect of people in all
physical features and in all manners, possessing perfection in all
| 57
qualities. Of perfect height; perfectly pure white in colour with a
hint of the most perfect rose, His b eyes perfect in size,
beautified with natural kohl, with beautiful long lashes, thin long
perfect eyebrows. Perfectly spaced teeth. His b Blessed mouth
was full and most handsome; His b face wide, the Blessed
forehead shining like the full moon. His b Blessed cheekbones
immaculate, His b nose beautifully long and perfectly flawless.
The Blessed shoulders broad; His b palms wide and generous;
His b Blessed bones perfect at the joints; His b Blessed heels
with little flesh, pleasant, His b immaculate beard thick and
radiant; His b beautiful hair reaching the earlobes. Between His
b shoulders was the seal of Prophethood, surrounded by Noor.
His b perspiration, like the most exquisite pearl, its scent
sweeter than the best of all musks.

When walking, He b would lean slightly forward as if He b is

coming down from a high place. When the Most Beloved b
would greet someone and would shake his hand, that person
would spend the day smelling of the most fragrant flowers, and
the best jasmine and narcissus. When He b put His b Blessed
hand on to a child’s head, that child could easily be recognised
from the rest by the delightful fragrance left on his head from the
Prophet’s b magnificent touch.

His b radiant face shone like the shining of the full moon. The
one who praises His b Blessed qualities says, “I have never seen
anyone comparable before or after, with Him (b).”

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.
‫ف َن ْع َل ُه َو َي ْر َق ُع ثَ ْوبَ ُه‬
‫اض ِع َيخْصِ ُ‬ ‫ان َصلَّى ا ُ‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم َش ِديْ َد ا ْل َح َيا ِء َوال َّت َو ُ‬ ‫َوك َ َ‬
‫َسيَّ ٍة ‪َ o‬ويُح ُِّب ا ْلف َ َ‬
‫َُقا َء‬ ‫َويَ ْح ُل ُب َشا َت ُه َو َي ِسيْرُ ف ِ ْي خ ِْد َم ِة أَهْلِهِ بِ ِسي ْ َرة ٍ َ ِ‬
‫‪| 58‬‬

‫َوا ْل َم َساكِي ْ َن َو َي ْجل ِ ُس َم َع ُه ْم َو َي ُع ْودُ َم ْر َضاه ُْم َويُشَ ِّي ُع َج َنائِزَه ُْم َو ََل َي ْح ِ ُ‬
‫َق َفقِي ْرا‬
‫َ‬ ‫أَ ْد َق َع ُه ا ْلف ْ ُ َ‬
‫ََق َوأ ْش َوا ُه ‪َ o‬و َي ْق َب ُل ا ْل َم ْع ِذ َر َة َو ََل ُي َقاب ِ ُل أ َحدا ب ِ َما َي ْ َ‬
‫ْك ُه َو َي ْمش ِْي َم َع‬
‫اْلْ َ ْر َم َل ِة َو َذوِي ا ْل ُعبُ ْودِيَّ ِة ‪َ o‬و ََل َي َه ُ‬
‫اب ا ْل ُملُ ْو َك َو َي ْغ َض ُب ِهَّلِل َت َعال َى َو َي ْرضَي‬

‫ْف أَ ْص َحابِهِ َو َي ُق ْو ُل َخ ُّل ْوا ظَ ْهر ِ ْي لِل َْم ََلئ ِ َك ِة ُّ‬

‫الر ْو َحان ِ َّي ِة ‪o‬‬ ‫لِر ِ َضا ُه ‪َ o‬و َي ْمش ِْي َخل َ‬
‫َف َس َوا ْل َب ْغ َل َة َوح َِمارا َب ْع ُض ا ْل ُملُ ْو ِك إِل َْيهِ أَه َْدا ُه ‪َ o‬و َي ْعصِ ُب‬ ‫َويَ ْر َك ُب ا ْل َب ِعي ْ َر َوا ْل َ َ‬
‫َعل َى بَ ْطنِهِ ا ْل َح َج َر ِم َن ا ْل ُج ْو ِع َو َق ْد أ ُ ْوت َِي َمفَات ِْيحَ ا ْل َخزَائ ِِن اْلْ َ ْر ِض َّي ِة ‪َ o‬و َرا َو َد ْت ُه‬
‫هلل َعل َْيهِ َو َس َّل َم ُيق ُِّل َّ‬
‫الل ْغ َو‬ ‫ان َصلَّى ا ُ‬ ‫ا ْلجِ َبا ُل بِأ َ ْن َتكُ ْو َن َل ُه َذ َهبا فَأَبَا ُه ‪َ o‬وك َ َ‬
‫ف‬ ‫َص ا ْلخ َُط َب ا ْل ُج ُم ِع َّي َة ‪َ o‬و َي َتأ َ َّل ُ‬ ‫َو َي ْب َدأ ُ َم ْن َلق َِي ُه ب ِ َّ‬
‫الس ََلم ِ َويُ ِط ْي ُل الصَّ ََل َة َو َي ْق ُ ُ‬
‫ْك ُم أَهْ َل ا ْلف َْض ِل َويَ ْمزَ ُح َو ََل َي ُق ْو ُل إ ِ ََّل َح ًّقا يُح ُِّب ُه اهللُ َت َعال َى‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ف َويُ ْ ِ‬ ‫الُش ِ‬‫أَهْ َل َ‬
‫ف ب ِ َنا َج َوادُ ا ْل َم َقا ِل َع ِن ِّ َ‬
‫الِّطاد ِفِي ا ْل َحل َْب ِة ا ْلب َ َيان ِ َّي ِة ‪o‬‬ ‫َو َي ْر َضا ُه ‪َ o‬و َه ُه َنا َو َق َ‬
‫َوبَ َل َغ ظَ اع ُِن ْاْل ِ ْم ََل ِء ف ِ ْي ف ََداف ِ ِد اْلْ ِي َْضا ِح ُم ْن َت َها ُه ‪o‬‬
‫ي ِم ْن َص ََلة ٍ َو َت ْسل ِ ْيم‬ ‫ْْكيْم بِ َع ْر ٍ‬
‫ف َش ِذ ًّ ٍ‬ ‫ِّط َّ‬
‫الل ُه َّم َقب ْ َر ُه ال َ ِ‬ ‫َع ِّ ِ‬
‫اَل ًّل ُه َّم َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َوبَار ِْك َعل َْيهِ‬

He b was extremely shy and modest. He b would mend His b

own shoes, patch His b own clothes, milk His b sheep Himself
| 59
b, and would serve His b family in the noblest of ways. He b
loved the poor and destitute and would sit with them and visit
their sick. He b would walk behind their dead during funerals;
He b would never belittle anyone, even the most poor, frail and
weak ones. He b accepted their apologies, excuses and reasons,
He b never approached a Muslim in a way which would upset
him, He b would walk with widowers and slaves. He b did not
fear royalty or kings, He b would be angry for the pleasure of
Allah Almighty and would be pleased for the pleasure of Allah
Almighty. He b would walk behind His b companions saying,
“Leave my back for the spiritual angels.” He b would travel upon
a Blessed camel, the Blessed horse, the Blessed mule, and a
Blessed donkey. Some which had been gifted by kings. Though
He b would tie stones upon His b Blessed stomach due to
hunger, all the keys of the earth’s treasures were at His b
disposal. Even mountains requested Him b to permit them to
turn themselves into gold, but He b refused. He b never spoke
without reason, He b was the first to offer greetings upon
meeting others; He b would prolong the prayer and shorten the
Khutbah for Jumu‘ah. He b loved the elders and honoured the
generous. He b always spoke the truth and nothing other than
this, the truth pleasing to Allah Almighty.

Here, the horse of our writing and speech, leaves us, not being
able to travel any further, and the travelling writer has reached a
stopping point, like a traveller who has reached a clearing and a
place of rest, therefore here, the description of His b beautiful
description comes to an end.

O Allah scent His b Blessed Grave with the aromatic fragrance of

peace and blessings. Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace
be upon Him b.

‫اَ َّلل ُه َّم َيا بَاس َِط ا ْل َي َديْ ِن بِا ْل َع ِط َّي ِة ‪ o‬يَا َم ْن اِذَا ُرف َِع ْت إِل َْيهِ أَ ُك ُّ‬
‫ف ا ْل َع ْب ِد‬ ‫‪| 60‬‬

‫َكفَاه ‪ o‬يَا َم ْن َت َنزَّ َه ف ِ ْي ذَاتِهِ َو ِصفَاتِهِ اْلْ َ َح ِديَّ ِة ‪َ o‬ع ْن أَ ْن يَكُ ْو َن َل ُه ف ِْي َها‬
‫َف َد بِا ْل َب َقا ِء َوا ْلق ِ َدم ِ َواْلْ َ َزل ِ َّي ِة ‪َ o‬يا َم ْن ََل يُ ْرجَى‬
‫نَظَ ائِرُ َوأَ ْش َبا ُه ‪َ o‬يا َم ْن َت َ َّ‬
‫غَيْرُ ُه َو ََل ي َُع َّو ُل َعل َى س َِواه‪ .‬يَا َم ِن ا ْست َ َن َد اْلْ َن َ ُام إلِ َى ُق ْد َرتِهِ ا ْل َق ُّي ْو ِم َّيةِ ‪o‬‬
‫َوأَ ْر َش َد بِف َْضلِهِ َم ِن ا ْست َ ْر َش َد ُه َوا ْس َت ْه َدا ُه ‪َ o‬ن ْسأَلُكَ بِأَن ْ َوار َِك ا ْل ُق ْد ِس َّيةِ‬
‫ف َّ‬ ‫الش ِّك ُد َجاه‪َ .‬ون َ َت َوسَّ ُ‬ ‫ت َّ‬ ‫‪َّ o‬التِي أَ َزا َح ْت ِم ْن ُظلُ َما ِ‬
‫ت‬‫الذا ِ‬ ‫ُش ِ‬ ‫ل إِل َْيكَ بْ َ َ‬
‫آَخ اْلْ َنْب ِ َيا ِء بِ ُص َورتِهِ َوأَ َّولُ ُه ْم ب ِ َم ْع َناه‪َ .‬وبِآلِهِ‬
‫ا ْل ُم َح َّم ِديَّة ‪َ o‬و َم ْن ه َُو ِ ُ‬
‫الس ََل َم ِة َوال َّن َجاة ‪َ o‬وبِأ َ ْص َحابِهِ أ ُ ْولِي‬ ‫َك َواك ِ ِب أَ ْم ِن ا ْلبَرِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َسفِي َن ِة َّ‬
‫ون ف َْضَل ِم َن اهلل ‪o‬‬ ‫ين بَ َذلُوا نُ ُف َ‬
‫وس ُهم ِهَّلِل َيب ْ َت ُغ َ‬ ‫ا ْله ِ َدايَ ِة َواْلْ َف َْضلِيَّة ‪َّ o‬ال ِذ َ‬
‫ُشوا بِن ِ ْع َم ٍة‬
‫است َْب َ ُ‬ ‫وصيَّة ‪َّ o‬ال ِذ َ‬
‫ين ْ‬ ‫يعتِهِ أ ُ ْولِي ا ْل َم َناق ِ ِب َوا ْلخ ُُص ِ‬ ‫َوب ِ َح َم َل ِة َ ِ‬
‫َش َ‬
‫َوف َْض ٍل ِم َن اهلل ‪ o‬أَ ْن تُ َو ِّف َق َنا فِي اْلْ َق َْوا ِل َواْلْ َ ْع َما ِل ِْل ِ ْخ ََل ِ‬
‫ص ال ِّنيَّة ‪o‬‬
‫ين َم ْطل ََبهُ َو ُم َناه ‪َ o‬وتُ َخ ِّل َص َنا ِم ْن أَ ْ ِ‬
‫َس‬ ‫َوتُ ْنجِحَ لِك ُ ٍ ًّل ِم َن ا ْل َح ِ ِ‬
‫اَض َ‬
‫ت َواْلْ َ ْد َوا ِء ا ْل َق ْلبِيَّة ‪َ o‬وتُ َح ِّق َق َل َنا ِم َن ْاْل َما ِل َما بِكَ ظَ َن َّناه ‪o‬‬ ‫َّ‬
‫الش َه َوا ِ‬
‫َو َتكْ ِف َي َنا ك ُ َّل ُم ْدلَه ِ َّم ٍة َوبَلِيَّة ‪َ o‬و ََل َت ْج َع ْل َنا ِم َّم ْن أَه َْوا ُه َه َواه ‪َ o‬وتُ ْدن ِ َي َل َنا‬
‫ِم ْن ُح ْس ِن ا ْل َيقِي ِن ق ُُطوفا َدان ِ َية َجنِيَّة ‪َ o‬و َت ْم ُح َو َع َّنا ك ُ َّل َذن ْبٍ َج َن ْي َناه ‪o‬‬ ‫‪| 61‬‬

‫َو َت ْست ُ َر لِك ُ ٍ ًّل ِم َّنا َع ْي َب ُه َو َع ْجزَ ُه َو َح ْ َ‬

‫َص ُه َوعِيَّة ‪َ o‬و ُت َس ِّه َل َل َنا ِم ْن َصال ِحِ‬
‫اْلْ َ ْع َما ِل َما َعزَّ ذ ََراه ‪َ o‬و َت ُع َّم َج ْم َع َنا َه َذا ِم ْن َخزَائ ِِن ِم َنحِكَ َّ‬
‫اك غِ َناه ‪ o‬اَ َّلل ُه َّم إِنَّكَ َج َعل َْت لِكُلِّ َسائ ٍِل‬ ‫ب ِ َر ْح َم ٍة َو َم ْغ ِ َ‬
‫َفة ٍ َوتُد َِيم َع َّم ْن س َِو َ‬
‫َم َقاما َو َمزِيَّة ‪َ o‬ولِكُلِّ َرا ٍج َّما أَ َّم َلهُ ف ِيكَ َو َر َجا ُه ‪َ o‬و َق ْد َسأ َ ْل َن َ‬
‫الل ُدن ِ َّي َة ‪َ o‬ف َح ِّق ْق َل َنا َما ِم ْنكَ َر َج ْونَا ُه ‪َ o‬ا َّلل ُه َّم آ ِم ِن‬ ‫َرا ِجي ْ َن َم َواه َِبكَ َّ‬
‫الر َعا َة َوال َّرع ِ َّي َة ‪َ o‬وأَ ْعظ ِِم اْلْ َ ْج َر ل ِ َم ْن َج َع َل َه َذا ا ْل َخي ْ َر ف ِ ْي‬
‫ت َوأَ ْصل ِحِ ُّ‬ ‫ال َّر ْو َعا ِ‬
‫َه َذا ا ْل َي ْوم ِ َوأَ ْج َرا ُه ‪ o‬اَ َّلل ُه َّم ا ْج َع ْل َه ِذه ِا ْل َبل َْد َة َو َسائ َِر ب ِ ََلد ِ ْاْل ِ ْس ََلم ِآ ِم َنه‬
‫الس ْب َس َب َو ُربَا ُه ‪َ o‬واغ ِ ْ‬ ‫اسق ِ َنا غ َْيثا َي ُع ُّم ا ْن ِس َي ُ‬
‫اب َس ْيبِهِ َّ‬ ‫َرخِيَّة ‪َ o‬و ْ‬
‫ل ِ َنا ِس ِج َه ِذه ِا ْلبُرُ ْود ِا ْل ُم َحب َّ َرة ِا ْل َم ْول ِ ِديَّةِ ‪َ o‬س ِّي ِدنَا َج ْع َ ٍ‬
‫َف َم ْن إلِ َى ا ْلب َ ْر َزنْجِ ِّي‬
‫َقبِكَ َوال َّر َجا َء َواْلْ ُ ْمن ِ َّي َة ‪o‬‬
‫ن ِْسب َ ُتهُ َو ُم ْن َت َما ُه ‪َ o‬و َح ِّق ْق َل ُه ا ْلف َْو َز بِ ُ ْ‬
‫استُرْ َل ُه َع ْي َب ُه َو َع ْجزَ ُه َو َح ْ َ‬
‫َص ُه‬ ‫َقبِي ْ َن َمق ِ ْي َل ُه َو ُسكْ َنا ُه ‪َ o‬و ْ‬‫َوا ْج َع ْل َم َع ا ْل ُم َ َّ‬
‫َوعِيَّه ‪َ o‬وكَات ِب ِ َها َو َقارِئ َِها َو َم َن أَ َصا َخ إِل َْيه َا َس ْم َع ُه َوأَ ْص َغا ُه ‪ o‬اَ َّلل ُه َّم‬
‫َو َصلِّ َو َس ِّل ْم َعل َى أَ َّو ِل َقاب ِ ٍل لِل َّت َجل ِّي ِم َن ا ْل َحق ِ ْي َق ِة ا ْلك ُ ِّل َّي ِة ‪َ o‬و َعل َى آلِهِ‬
‫ُقا ٍط‬‫الد ِّر ِّي بِأ َ َْ‬
‫َص ُه َو َو ََل ُه ‪َ o‬ما ُش ِّنفَتِ ْاْلذَا ُن ِم ْن َو ْص ِفهِ ُّ‬ ‫َو َص ْحبِهِ َو َم ْن َن َ َ‬ ‫‪| 62‬‬

‫َج ْو َهرِيَّ ٍة ‪َ o‬و َت َح َّل ْت ُص ُد ْو ُر ا ْل َم َحاف ِ ِل ا ْل ُمن ِ ْي َفةِ بِ ُع ُق ْود ِحُ ََل ُه ‪َ o‬وأَف َْض ُ‬
‫الصَّ ََلة ِ َوأَ َت ُّم ال َّت ْسل ِ ِيم َعل َى َس ِّي ِدنَا َو َم ْو ََلنَا َخا َت ِم اْلْ َنْب ِ َيا ِء َوا ْل ُم ْر َسلِي َن ‪o‬‬
‫َو َعل َى آلِهِ َو َص ْحبِهِ أَ ْج َمعِي َن ‪o‬‬
‫ان َربِّكَ َر ِّب ا ْل ِعزَّة ِ َع َّما َي ِص ُف َ‬
‫ون ‪o‬‬ ‫ُس ْب َح َ‬
‫َو َس ََل ٌم َعل َى ا ْل ُم ْر َسلِي َن ‪َ o‬وا ْل َح ْم ُد ِهَّلِل َر ِّب ا ْل َعا َلمِي َن ‪o‬‬
O Allah, O Most Generous of All in Giving, when the palms of the
servant are raised towards You in supplication. For You are
| 63
sufficient for the servants who supplicate in Your court. For You
are One, in Whose Being and Attributes there is no equal and no
similarity, with no partners. He Who alone has Always Existed
and will Continue to Exist. He in Whom everyone is dependent
Upon and Who we all have full hope and faith Upon. He Who
watches over the entire creation, the Sustainer of the entire
universe. He Who Guides with His overflowing generosity and
mercy to those who seek His guidance.

We ask with the Waseela of the sacred lights, with which the
darknesses of doubts were completely removed. We seek the
Waseela towards You through the exalted rank of the Most
Beloved Sayyidunā RasoolAllah b who is the final of the
Prophets in His b physical appearance but in reality the first and
ahead of all Prophets. We seek the Waseela of His b Blessed
family, who are the guiding stars and the safe ships for
mankind's safety and refuge. We seek the Waseela of His b
Blessed Companions, the people of guidance and honour and
blessing, who freely sacrificed their lives in the path of Allah
Almighty only desiring Your Overflowing Generosity. We seek
the Waseela of the carriers of the Shari‘ah, those people of great
deeds and virtues, who are pleased upon the grace and favours of
Allah Almighty.

O Allah, grant us success in our words and deeds in achieving

sincerity of intention. Fulfill the needs of all those present in this
congregation. O Allah save us from the shackles of lust and desire
and the spiritual illnesses of the heart.

Grant us our needs and the hopes

which we have placed in You O Allah.
Grant us our needs and the hopes
which we have placed in You O Allah.
Grant us our needs and the hopes
which we have placed in You O Allah.

O Allah save us from every great harm and calamity. O Allah | 64

don’t place us amongst those who follow the desires of their nafs.
O Allah erase from us all our sins. O Allah erase from us all our
sins. O Allah erase from us all our sins. O Allah cover our flaws,
our inabilities, the limitations, and the powerlessness of each one
of us. O Allah make it easy for us to accomplish the good deeds
which are difficult for us. O Allah include this gathering, this
Jamā‘at of ours in those gatherings which are surrounded by
Your Great Mercies and Forgiveness along with Your Exalted
Blessings from Your Treasures. O Allah keep us dependent on
Your Mercy forever. Save us from destruction, grant peace
around us, and correct the rulers and their citizens. O Allah
reward in abundance those who have performed this goodness
today, and to those who started this. O Allah make this city and
all its other cities secure and comfortable, with increasing of
wealth and sustenance. O Allah provide our land with plentiful
blessed rain that flows over the lowlands and its hills.

O Allah forgive the decorator of this Mawlid Shareef who

decorated the pages with his words, Sayyidunā Ja’far from the
family al Barzanjī, and his lineage to whom he belongs. Grant him
the honour of Your closeness, granting triumphs to his aims. O
Allah make his resting place and his place of residence beloved to
You. O Allah cover and forgive his shortcomings and flaws.

O Allah forgive also the writer of this Mawlid, the reader of this
Mawlid, and whoever listens carefully to it with full respect and

O Allah Salutations, Greetings and Blessings upon Your Most

Beloved Sayyidunā RasoolAllah b, His Blessed Family, the
Blessed Companions, and those who helped Him b and stood by
Him b. May the Salutations of Allah Almighty be upon the Most
Beloved b and His Blessed Family and Companions until the
ears are pleased with hearing the glittering description of the
Most Beloved b. May the gatherings of Mawlid be decorated
with the beautiful necklaces adorned with His b Blessed | 65
qualities due to His b Blessed mention.

May the most Afdal Salutations and the Most Akmal Greetings be
upon our Master the Final Prophet the Seal of Prophethood
Sayyidunā RasoolAllah b, and upon His Family and His Blessed

Purity is to Your Rabb, the Rabb of Honour,

from all what they say.
And peace is upon the Noble Messengers.
And all praise is to Allah, the Rabb of the Creation.
| 66

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