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Unit 6 Looking Good Vocabulary list 

Text 1
1. confident (L3) 2. aspects (L5) 3. accentuate (L8) 4. glossy (L11)
5. fretting (L18) 6. nevertheless (L18) 7. inevitably (L23) 8. acne (L24)
9. particular (L24) 10. routine (L30) 11. dull (L38) 12. lifeless (L38)
13. enhance (L43) 14. instant (L46) 15. makeover (L46) 16. fashion victim (L48)

17. trends (L49) 18. stick with (L49) 19. petite (L51) 20. bold (L51)

Text 2
21. groaning (L2) 22. movement (L4) 23. worries (L4) 24. awful (L5)

25. chic (L6) 26. terrifying (L9) 27. adopting (L12) 28. shocking (L12)
29. vicious cycle (L14) 30. potentially (L15) 31. arguments (L16) 32. considered (L20)
33. adjust (L22)


1. confidence --- confident confidently
(Text 1 line 3)
2. inevitable inevitably
(Text 1 line 23)
3. suitability suit suitable suitably
(Text 1 line 45)
4. terror terrify terrifying (Text 1 line 9) ---
5. argument argue argumentative
(Text 2 line 26)
6. consideration consider considerate considerately
(Text 2 line20)

1) Confident (adj) - having confidence 

  E.g. 1. I'm confident of his skills as a manager. 
  E.g. 2. Be a bit more confident in yourself!

2) aspects (n) - one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.

  E.g. 1. Which aspects of the job do you most enjoy?
  E.g. 2. His illness affects almost every aspect of his life.

3) accentuate (v) - to emphasize a particular feature of something or to make something more

E.g. 1. Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist.
E.g. 2. The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of help for the homeless. 

4) glossy (adj) - smooth and shiny

  E.g. 1. She has wonderfully glossy hair.
  E.g. 2. a dog with a glossy coat. 

5) fret (v) - to be nervous or worried

  E.g. 1. Don't fret - I'm sure he's OK.
  E.g. 2. She spent the day fretting about what she'd said to Nicky.

6) nevertheless (adv) - despite what has just been said or referred to. 
  E.g. 1. I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.

7) inevitably (adv) - in a way that cannot be avoided

  E.g. 1. Their arguments inevitably end in tears.

8) acne (n) - a skin disease common in young people, in which small, red spots appear on the face
and neck
  E.g. 1. Acne is the curse of adolescence.

9) particular (adj) - special, or this and not any other

  E.g. 1. She wanted a particular type of cactus.
  E.g. 2. He wouldn't take just any book - he had to have this particular one!

10) routine (n) - a usual or fixed way of doing things

  E.g. 1. There's no fixed routine at work - every day is different.
 E.g. 2. Most companies insure property and equipment against damage or theft as a matter of
11) dull (adj) - not interesting or exciting in any way
  E.g. 1. She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.
E.g.2. He's pleasant enough, but deadly dull.
12) lifeless (adj) - showing little energy or interest
  E.g. 1. a lifeless performance

13) enhance (v) - to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something

  E.g. 1. These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.

14) suit (n) - a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material
  E.g. 1. All the businessmen were wearing pinstripe suits.
  E.g. 2. She wore a dark blue suit.

15) instant (adj) - happening immediately, without any delay

  E.g. 1. This type of account offers you instant access to your money.
  E.g. 2. Contrary to expectations, the film was an instant success.

16) makeover (n) - a set of changes that are intended to make a person or place more attractive
  E.g. 1. One of the prizes was a makeover at a top beauty salon.
17) trends (n) - a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are
  E.g. 1. Surveys show a trend away from home-ownership and toward rented accommodation.
  E.g. 2. There's been a downward trend in sales in the last few years.

18) petite (adj) - If a woman or girl is petite, she is small and thin in an attractive way.
  E.g. 1. She was dark and petite, as all his wives had been.

1.confident 信心 having confidence
2. aspects 方面,層面 one part of a situation, problem,    subject, etc.
3.maintain 保持 to continue to have; to keep in existence,   or not allow to become less
4.accentuate 強調 to emphasize a particular feature of  something or to make something more noticeable
5.glossy 平滑有光澤的 smooth and shiny
6.instance 實例 a particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of something that happens 
7.fretting (fret)苦惱 to be nervous or worried
8.consider 認真考慮 to spend time thinking about a  possibility or making a decision
9.inevitably 不可避免地  in a way that cannot be avoided
10.regularly 經常地 often
11.patterns 方式 a particular way in which something is done, is organized, or happens
12.bacteria plural of bacterium

1.groaning 嘆息聲 a deep, long sound showing great pain  or unhappiness
2.chemical 化學品 any basic substance that is used in or  produced by a reaction involving changes to
atoms or  molecules
3.terrifying 很可怕的 very frightening
4.commercial 商業的 related to buying and selling things
5.potentially 可能地 possibly
6.argument 爭吵 a disagreement, or the process of 
7.greasy 油膩的 covered with or full of fat or oil
8.dandruff 頭皮屑 small, white pieces of dead skin from the 
   head that collect in the hair or fall on the clothes


Text 1
1. confident (adj) -sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect

2.aspect (n) -one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.方面;層面

3.accentuate (v) to emphasize a particular feature of something or to make something

more noticeable    著重,強調;使明顯,使突出

4.glossy (adj) -smooth and shiny 平滑有光澤的

5.fret  (v) -to be nervous or worried 煩躁不安;苦惱,發愁

6.Nevertheless (adv) -despite what has just been said or referred to 不過,仍然;儘管如

7.inevitably (adv) -in a way that cannot be 不可避免地

8.acne (n) -a skin disease common in young people, in which small, red spots appear on
the face  and neck 痤瘡,粉刺,青春痘

9.particular (adj) -special, or this and not any other 特定的,具體的

10.routine (n) -a usual or fixed way of doing things 慣例,常規;例行公事

11.dull (adj) -not interesting or exciting in any way 枯燥的,乏味的,無趣的

12.lifeless (adj) -showing little energy or interest 沒有生氣的,無精打采的,乏味的

13.enhance (v) -to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something 提高;增加;增

14.suit (v) -to be right for a particular person, situation, or occasion 套衣服,套裝

15.instant (adj) -happening immediately, without any delay 立即的,立刻的

16.makeover (n) -a set of changes that are intended to make a person or place more
attractive(個人形象的)大革新,改頭換面;(地方的)翻新,改造 victim (n) -someone who always wears very fashionable clothes even if the
clothes sometimes make them look silly 盲目追求時尚的人,受時尚左右的人

18.trend (n) -a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people
are behaving 趨勢,趨向;傾向,動向

19.stick with (v) -to continue doing something or using someone to do work for you, and
not stop or change to something or someone else 堅持做;繼續任用(某人)

20.petite (adj) -If a woman or girl is petite, she is small and thin in an attractive

21.bold (adj) -not frightened of danger 勇敢的,無畏的


22.groan (n) -a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness (表示痛苦的)呻吟聲;
23.movement (v) -a situation in which people change their opinion or the way that they
live or work(意見、生活或工作模式的)改變

24.worry (v) -to think about problems or unpleasant things that might happen in a way
that makes you feel unhappy and frightened 擔心;憂慮;發愁
25.awful (adj) -extremely bad or unpleasant 極壞的;惡劣的;糟糕的;令人極不愉快的
26.chic (adj) -stylish and fashionable 時髦的;優雅的;雅緻的

27.terrifying (adj) -very frightening 很可怕的

28.adopting (v) -to legally take another person's child into your own family and take
care of him or her as your own child 收養;領養

29.shocking (adj) -offensive, upsetting, or immoral 令人厭惡的;令人難過的;不道德的

30.result (n) -something that happens or exists because of something else 結果;後果

31.vicious cycle (n) -a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes
another problem that then makes the first problem worse 惡性循環

32.potentially (adv) -possibly 潛在地;可能地

33.arguments (n) -a disagreement, or the process of disagreeing 爭論;爭吵;爭辯

34.greasy (adj) -covered with or full of fat or oil 沾滿油脂的;含脂肪的;油膩的

35.consider (v) -an opinion or decision that someone has reached after a lot of thought

36.adjust (v) -to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct,
effective, or suitable(尤指為了使某物更正確、有效或合適而)調整,調節

37.dandruff (n) -small, white pieces of dead skin from the head that collect in the hair
or fall on the clothes 頭皮屑,頭屑

38.ingredients (n) -a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a
particular dish(食品的)成分,材料 

39.mixture (n) -a substance made from a combination of different substances, or any

combination of different things 混合物;混合體;混合料

40.condition (n) -the particular state that something or someone is in 狀況;狀態

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