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중2 월수 Daily Test 담 당 : 이 장 훈 선생님 함영원 영어학원

문법 p.84~106 + 문법필기 + 단어 1,2 이 름 : 점 수 :

*문법(50)+문법필기(10)+단어(50)+숙제(10)= 총 120점

<문법> (50점)

1. 다음 능동태 문장을 두 가지 형태의 수동태 문장으로 바꾸어 쓰세요. (각 2점)

1. We know that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. They say that English examinations are always difficult.

3. Everyone believed that the couple went to Jeju Island for their honeymoon.

4. We suppose that the movie is awesome.

2. 괄호 안의 단어와 <보기>의 전치사를 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요. (각 2점)

보기 about as at in of on to with by from

1. Korean chopsticks are usually metal. (made)

2. Professor Kim was the Schweitzer from Korea. (known)
3. They were the team’s defeat in the game. (disappointed)
4. He is all students in his school. (known)

3. 괄호 안에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 골라 동그라미 하세요. (복수 정답 가능) (각 2점)

1. A lot of people in Africa (has, have) difficulty in making a living.
2. Many (family, families) are moving to bigger cities.
3. Our team (has, have) always won in the championship since 2001.
4. There (isn’t, aren’t) either any window seats or any aisle seats left on Flight 919.

4. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치세요. (각 2점)

1. Ms. Park teaches a math at the middle school.
2. Her hobby is listening to a music and playing musical pieces.
3. A lot of people believed that an honesty is the best policy.
4. I have been to many country in Europe and in Asia.

5. 다음 두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 써 넣으세요. (각 2점)

1. He will arrive at the airport on time, so don’t worry.
= He will arrive at the airport so don’t worry.
2. It is important to review your notes after class.
= It is to review your notes after class.
3. My aunt is one of the women of courage in my town.
= My aunt is one of the women in my town.
4. Sumi is loved because she always treats others kindly.
= Sumi is loved because she always treats others .
5. This book will be useful for your history test next week.
= This book will be for your history test next week.

6. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 고치세요. (각 2점)

1. Never mind. It’s no your business.
→ Never mind. It’s .
2. This my brother’s cell phone is the company’s latest model.
→ is the company’s latest model.
3. Suji introduced me to a relative of her at the social party.
→ Suji introduced me to at the social party.
4. It was a good idea of your to make a guest list.
→ It was to make a guest list.

<문법필기> (10점)
다음 문장을 단문수동태로 바꾸시오.
They say that you are smart.

They say that you were smart.

<단어> (50점)

1. intake 26. investigate

2. 생산(고), 산출 27. 정규 교과 과정 이외의, 과외의
3. 실내의 28. foresee
4. 제안, 청혼 29. 수입, 소득
5. 지구 밖의, 외계의 30. 예언하다, 예측[예상]하다
6. progress 31. investment
7. misbehave 32. overestimate
8. overwhelming 33. protect
9. 교외, 변두리 34. 수사[조사], 조사[연구]
10. put back (to) 35. preview
11. 전염성의, 남에게 옮기 쉬운 36. 최대의, 극도의
12. utter 37. 생산적인, 결실이 많은, 비옥한
13. 불운, 불행, 역경 38. effect
14. illustrate 39. overall
15. outgoing 40. foremost
16. 결과 41. 감염시키다, 오염시키다
17. precaution 42. overload
18. -보다 뛰어나다, -을 능가하다 43. 머리말, 서문
19. 완전히, 철저히 44. 진보[혁신]적인, 점진적인
20. 계속[진행]하다, 나아가다 45. 생산자, 제작자
21. overlap 46. project
22. overtake 47. product
23. forehead 48. 결과, 성과
24. 표면화하다 49. 외향적인, 외향성의
25. prediction 50. inherent

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