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The Mars Constitution

Part 1
Mars Rights and Freedoms
Democratic and Legal Rights
1. Everybody has the option to life and security on Mars.

2. Everybody has the option to know the reasons why they are being looked, detained, or
charged in any capacity.

3. Everybody has the option to not be treated with any barbarous and unordinary treatment

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or discipline.

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4. Any observers or individuals engaged with any case who are verbally or hearing impaired
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or do not communicate in English are entitled to the help of a translator
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5. Each resident, with the right capabilities, of Mars has the option to cast a ballot in any
political decision.
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6. Everybody has the privilege to run as a competitor in any political decision.

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Property Rights
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1. Every family has been given a specific measure of land to begin their home upon, and1
furthermore whenever needed, can expand the measure of that land to make and by
claimed neighborhood business

2. Everybody has the privilege to acquire pay from their property.


3. Everyone has the privilege to exchange their great with others and offer their property

Equality Rights
1. Every single individual has the option to communicate in the way they wish as long as
they are regarding their environmental factors, including others.

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2. Nobody will be separated against because of their sexuality, ailments, race, ethnic cause,
shading, religion, age or mental/actual incapacity

3. Every single individual will be dealt with similarly.

4. Everybody will fall under a similar level in the "level class framework." This implies that
every single individual will be dealt with reasonably regardless of on the off chance that
they are poor or rich.

Part II
Administration Arrangement

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1. To run in the decisions you need to fit:

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(a) no criminal record

(b) you should be 20 years of age
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(c) You should have a working encounter of 3 years

2. To be considered for being president, you ought to have 75 signatures on an authoritative

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archive that is given

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3. Toward the finish of each term of five years a political race will be held to choose another
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official delegate.
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4. There is a chosen speaker for the president the speaker has a term of two years (except if

in any case designated by the president). The political race for the speaker happens inside
the Congress

5. There must be a gathering with respect to each authoritative something like each year

Part III
Law Making and Enforcement
1. Laws must be made by the authorities of the public authority. The gatherings will
examine new guidelines at gatherings and afterward will advance impressive laws to the

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head of Congress. From that point it will be sent through the House of Mars where it will
be perused multiple times by official delegates as mentioned by the more significant
position authority prior to being shipped off the president for three readings. In the event
that there are any progressions that are proposed the bill will be sent back to the House of
Mars to be reexamined by the Congress

2. Anybody whose rights which are ensured by this constitution may apply to a court to
look for installment in light of affronting of rights

3. No one is exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else. All laws address the various
territories of society

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