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Conscious experience and memory is taken up.

Conscious experience happen irrespective of memory, that is whether I

remember or not. A sensory stimulation happens and there is a mind which deciphers them. I experience sound, The meaning of
the sound is told by mind. I directly connect to body and is able to hear sound. Here, the role of mind is limited or no role at all.
But to understand the meaning of the sound, I require mind or intel. People say I was mindless.

This is a very important aspect. Primary sensation is different from the relative understanding. Primary sense belongs to Atman,
the relative understanding belongs to world. Mind is outside. Primary sensation is inside. Mind facilitates living. There is no
doubt. Mind transacts. This is fine. But Primary sensation belongs to Atman. I bother about the outside world for the sake of
senses. I cannot create a sense, a physical sensation apart from the available five.

Mind bothers more than the physical sensation. Yes, mind torments. If I think deeply, the threat to physical senses is only artificial
and is a mental construction. It is a psychological war that does not even exist.

Mind is not the doer, nature is the doer is not proper. Things did not materialize because the circumstances were not conducive.
When the circumstances favour me, I have to travel. Now, what creates circumstances? Events are circumstances. Independent,
mutually unconnected events are joined by mind and this joint picture is called circumstances. This is called perception.
Circumstances are perceptions. I do not call it irrational or blind belief. But this is a mere pointer. The circumstances are
perceptions. I perceive conducive or resisting. At all the time, all possibilities exist but perception shows one side of the picture
or where the chances are maximum.

Rain is one event, flooding is another. Now, I anticipate water logging in the road. Perception and circumstances coincide.
Surprise comes when I see the roads not inundated. This happens when I walk on the road during rains. What has happened?
Some event called storm water drain was not accounted. Events are info and the shortage of info leads to surprises.
Take the case of a falling tree. I see a tree falling. This is an event. Tree and Falling are recognitions. I recognize them. This
recognition comes from close memory. I need not even think about the tree or the falling of it. Recognition is instantaneous.

This recognition comes from conscious awareness. This conscious awareness is different from mental calculation. More precisely
it is intelligent reading. Intelligent reading is different from thinking mind or desiring mind.

I understand the feelings when property is auctioned. There is pain and no doubt in that. I sympathize with those who lost their
life in this land. I offer my sincere apology to have participated or being a colluder in this pain. May not I accrue any sin on this
account. When some one loses every thing, the reaction will be painful. What can I do in this atmosphere, to cure the pain of the
past? I can pray Atman to show some mercy on them. That can be done. Why did they lose? It is not only their personal deed.
Society also have contributed. Nothing can be done by individual. It is the circumstances, the surroundings that did all these.
Cure must come from ambience, surrounding. Those who got pain must have some solace, some freedom, some kind of joy.

Cursing, blaming karma, merely sympathizing with no action plan, weeping, compassion, mercy etc will not solve their problem.
Not even a second chance or infinite chances will help. Some message should go, some lessons are to be taught. The root cause
for trouble is ignorance. I can emotionally attach to Atman, fine. Atman will help. But I must also be willing to learn and correct
me. This means a two way course correction, a lesson from Atman and a reciprocating action from me both are required.
Universally also this is true. There must be teachers, there must be students. There must be course correction.

Like a traffic police regulating traffic to ensure safety of road users and prevent accidents correcting the course of travel, there
must be someone to correct the course. Any rhythm is basically dependent on course correction. Resistance or conductance are
parts of course correction. This flat do have a problem in Vaastu. More than that, I have landed in a troubled flat. I take course
I want my desires to get fulfilled. For this to happen, I need to complete the new flat, sell this flat and settle. I need money in
hand, without loan. I need to go out with self esteem from this flat. I do not mind what happens in subtle world. In gross physical
world, I need my esteem I lost in this flat. Let me be clear. I need my self esteem back in gross world. I do not care about subtle
people, ghosts or gods.

Why am I particular in this aspect? If gross stays separate from subtle, the conflict will be endless. The cutoff point is this. I need
my esteem back. Let this house be occupied by any person, gross or subtle. What they do after that is depending on them. In
effect, if the demons want to occupy this house, and want to be worshipped as gods I do not mind. If the original gods occupy to
kill demons, I do not mind. If the self esteem can be brought back by some other means like a VIP purchasing this house, I do not
mind. I lost my self esteem by trying to do something good to all. Now, I know the so called Brahmins do not deserve it. I
apologize to this house for all misdeeds. But I need my self esteem back. I need money and self esteem. I understand the myth of
justice etc. I want to hold my heads high. I want Atman to do this. This is the request. What mistake I committed except praying
gods? No gods helped me. I do not mind. I made the mistake and I want to correct it.

The ghosts who are here, the Brahma Rakshasa needs worship. I am unable to specify their need. But a worship, an elevation to
godhood may satisfy them. They require power. I acknowledge their need. Yes, they are powerful. The most dreaded power is the
negative energy. It just sucks everything, every bit of energy.

Atman is there, Atman is within me, and all energy belongs to Atman. Then what is this negative energy or resistance or
overwhelming power? I know all my thoughts return back. If I think to harm someone, that same harm returns to me. Even If I
want to do good things, the same gets converted to bad and comes to me. What does this mean?

I am close to Atman. Yet my desires are not fulfilled, if I take the name of justice. If I forego justice, things happen like me coming
back from Mumbai. Where is the problem? Is it in desire or in the thing called justice? Clearly in the name called justice.
We have already seen that justice etc are all imaginations of mind. Desires can be classified in two ways. One is possible in
waking state. The other set is possible in dream state. Any desire is possible, only the state of my “I” during the fulfillment
changes. Thus seeing gods, demons etc and possibility of what is considered unnatural by rational mind, become possible in the
absence of rational mind. Rational mind is the separator between fulfillment and unfulfillment.

Rational mind sees justice and injustice, knowledge and ignorance, steadiness and unsteadiness, wealth and poverty.

This does not mean there is no justice or ignorance. My understanding of justice and knowledge are not what they are really are.
This is why, I see a thief becoming a minister. Thief becomes minister not because there is injustice, but because my perception,
that of becoming minister is linked to being a thief is incorrect. Being a thief is different from becoming minister. Both are not
connected. Both are two separate independent events, one completely separate from the other. Further, Atman may see the
thief becoming minister is justice.

Desires are not fulfilled because of the conditionality exercised by the word Justice. Atman is the supreme truth. What else I
should seek? Is there any truth, outside from Atman? Can there be any?

Events happen, and each is independent of the other. Connecting between events gives a false picture. Justice and injustice are 
felt only when two events are connected. 

I see a person stealing and looting. Subsequently he becomes a minister. My perception is an injustice had occurred. Is it so? I
believe Atman must be impartial and provide justice. Here, I see Atman favoring the thief. Is my conclusion correct? I do not want 
to say Atman is giving a long rope, he gives the thief a chance to correct or even the thief is bound by karma. If bondage to karma 
does not happen right now and here, how can it get carried to some other time at some other place? 

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