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Physical Therapy Research Paper Overview

A key component in living a healthy, happy life is being in good health and having a
body that functions to the best of its ability. Injuries, inexplicable pain, issues with balance, and
the hardships of aging can all be treated with physical therapy. The career of Physical therapy
provides many benefits to the community including aiding people in recovery, reducing people’s
pain in a natural way, and improving one's overall mobility and movement.

Physical therapy benefits the community by helping those who have suffered injuries
recover. It is very common for athletes to get hurt while playing sports. Whether they pull
something, break a bone, tear something, or suffer an injury that hinders their ability to play,
physical therapy can help them get back on track. With the way physical therapy treats a patient's
problem hands on, physical therapists are able to work with athletes specific injuries in order for
them to perform to the best of their ability again. When asked about working with injured
athletes, licensed physical therapist Linda Reidy explained that she has had numerous cases of
injured athletes and she typically works with the patient for no more than a couple of weeks, and
in all cases she’s had, they have left physical therapy nearly fully recovered with a greater sense
of knowledge about specific functions of their muscles and body (Reidy). Athletes are able to
utilize the things they learn in physical therapy and apply them in their sport for better
performances and not just healing. After undergoing rehabilitation sessions, athletes can return to
their sports with less risk of reinjuring themselves or developing a new kind of injury in the
future. “Physical therapy in sports also helps maintain muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and
posture, all of which are geared towards achieving optimal performance.” (Reinert). Along with
recovery from athletically induced injuries, physical therapy can also be used for those who are
recovering from some sort of accident.

Physical therapy can help anyone improve their mobility and movement. Physical therapy
practices gradually done overtime can increase strength which leads to better functioning.
“Orthopedics is the most common practice in physical therapy. Physical therapists (PTs) who fall
under this branch focus on the improvement of function, strength and range of motion of
individuals” (Smith). By improving peoples strength, especially older people or adults who have
suffered injuries, it makes people better able to function on their own and live a healthier, happier
life. Physical therapists can analyze someone specifically and correctly evaluate and work
towards making them walk better and improve their mobility.

Physical therapists have the ability to improve individuals' quality of life through their
practices. They can work in special ways to help them overcome painful injuries, recover, and
move freely. Physical therapists are hands-on workers that put the needs of their patients above
all else.

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