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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear principals

Dear English teacher, other teachers , and administrative staff

Dear friends, and happy guests.

Good morning everyone, How are you guys this morning?

Alhamdulillah, First of all, I would like to thank to God ALLAH SWT who has given us his blessing, and
don't forget Sholatullah Wasalamullah, may it continue to be devoted to Uswatun Khasanah kita
Prophet Muhammad SAW, because he is the one who has given directions from the era of ignorance to
the era of light, namely Addinul Islam.

I also would like to thank to the Adjudicators,for giving me the opportunity to stand in front of this.

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Wafaul Ahdi Ahmad from class VII...

Dear audience

on this occasion allow me to deliver a speech with the title "INDEPENDENT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE

Happy audience

August 17th is the anniversary of the independence of the Indonesian nation in its struggle against
foreign invaders for decades and even hundreds of years to achieve independence .

Today, 76 years ago, the red and white flag was flown, and the national anthem was reverberated on
Earth, as a sign that Indonesia's beloved homeland has become independent.

Dear guests

It's been two years since we celebrated the independence day of this beloved country during the covid-
19 pandemic situation.

Dear Guests

Right now our situation is not fine, at this time we are all in a state of war, namely the war against the
Corona virus, a deadly virus that has taken many lives.

Ladies and gentlemen,

although this year's independence feels different, we must be grateful for being independent, because
we have been freed from the invaders.

Happy 76th birthday to Indonesia ,independent independent independent .....

Happy guests

In fact, the meaning of independence in a situation like this is to fight against COVID-19, together by
complying with health protocols, in accordance with the advice of the government. And I hope that with
the commemoration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day, the corona outbreak will end soon and
we will all be given health and safety.

And hopefully on this independence day our sense of nationalism and patriotism will increase for the
sake of the unity of the Indonesian nation

Dear audience

That's all I can say, more or less I'm sorry, And finally wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Greetings healthy for all of us, independent, independent, independent .......

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