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Ahmed Mohammed Kamil

First year architecture

engineering school

-A research on the common

principles in Ching’s book and

Art and architecture

“The best designers sometimes disregard the principles of design.
When they do so, however, there is usually some compensating merit
attained at the cost of the violation. Unless you are certain of doing as
well, it is best to abide by the principles.”
-William Lidwell

After reading chapter 7 of (Architecture: Form, space,

order) book and chapter 3 of (Principles in art and
architecture) we realize there is some common principles
in both books of Ching’s and Shereen’s
The ordering principles for Ching is visual optical that
allow each of the varying ,volume and spaces to exist in
one building in a perceptible and understandable form
within a united and organized harmonious, that is, the
purpose is in the end a harmonious system
On the other hand for Shereen the definition for Design
principles was the laws between the elements of the
design, or they are the plan of organization that
determines the way in which the elements must be
combined to produce a particular effect. She mentioned
as well that there is three ways to combine these
principles to create relations between them :
(congruence, similarity, dissonance )
And these was for all Arts and it’s principle design.
And her primary principles were gradation, Unity,
Dominance and Balance

Here’s some common principles in both books:

1- Ching defined Symmetry : The balanced distribution and
arrangement of equivalent forms and spaces on opposite
sides of a dividing line or plane, or about a center or axis,
And it was divided into two main types
a- . Bilateral symmetry refers to the balanced arrangement of
similar or equivalent elements on opposite sides of a median
axis so that only one plane can divide the whole into essentially
identical halves.
b- . Radial symmetry refers to the balanced arrangement of
similar, radiating elements such that the composition can be
divided into similar halves by passing a plane at any angle
around a centerpoint or along a central axis.

As for in the other book there was (Formal Balance) It is one of

the types of unity and was defined as the equilibrium on both
sides of the axis for one or more elements on one side of
identical or very similar elements on the other end, and the
balance is often completely symmetrical
This is what Shireen clarified in the other type of equilibrium
(non-formal equilibrium) and defined it as the waning of the
two ends of the axis of one or more elements on one side with
dissimilar or dissimilar elements on the other side, and this
balance is not theoretical.

2- Hierarchy as Ching defined it The articulation of the

importance or significance of a form or space by its size,
shape, or placement relative to the other forms and
spaces of the organization.
The three types of hierarchy is
1- Hierarchy by placement
2- Hierarchy by shape
3- Hierarchy by size

Shereen did defined Hierarchy too as it is a successive series

separating two extreme, opposing and discordant parties, a
series of similar or compatible steps, meaning that it combines
compatibility and contradiction, which is a general
characteristic in natural phenomena.

3- Ching defined Rhythm as a unifying movement

characterized by a patterned repetition or alternation of formal
elements or motifs in the same or a modified form,
We tend to group elements in random composition according
1- their closeness or proximity to one another
2- the visual characteristics they share in common
And the principle of repetition utilizes both of these concepts of
visual perception to order recurring elements in a composition
Shereen says that unity and dominance through repetition is a
general, basic and natural phenomenon, such as the repetition
of tides and the succession of night and day
And there is the types of repetition :
1-complete repetition
2- variable repetition
3-incomplete repetition
4-alternating repetition
As there some other primary principles that Ching mentions
which is (Axis, Datum, Transformation)


‫مبادئ في الفن والعماره‬

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