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OPINION Intelligence and specific cognitive functions
in intellectual disability: implications for
assessment and classification
Marco O. Bertelli a, Sally-Ann Cooper b, and Luis Salvador-Carulla c

Purpose of review
Current diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability categorize ability as measured by IQ tests. However,
this does not suit the new conceptualization of intellectual disability, which refers to a range of
neuropsychiatric syndromes that have in common early onset, cognitive impairments, and consequent
deficits in learning and adaptive functioning. A literature review was undertaken on the concept of
intelligence and whether it encompasses a range of specific cognitive functions to solve problems, which
might be better reported as a profile, instead of an IQ, with implications for diagnosis and classification of
intellectual disability.
Recent findings
Data support a model of intelligence consisting of distinct but related processes. Persons with intellectual
disability with the same IQ level have different cognitive profiles, based on varying factors involved in
aetiopathogenesis. Limitations of functioning and many biopsychological factors associated with intellectual
disability are more highly correlated with impairments of specific cognitive functions than with overall IQ.
The current model of intelligence, based on IQ, is of limited utility for intellectual disability, given the wide
range and variability of cognitive functions and adaptive capacities. Assessing level of individual
impairment in executive and specific cognitive functions may be a more useful alternative. This has
considerable implications for the revision of the International Classification of Diseases and for the cultural
attitude towards intellectual disability in general.
cognitive functions, diagnostic criteria, executive functions, intellectual disability, intelligence
intelligence quotient

INTRODUCTION and the use of IQ. This is particularly relevant at this

Measurement of intelligence quotient (IQ) plays a point of time, given that the ICD-10 is currently
central role in the classification of intellectual dis- under revision [3]. ICD-10’s classification of intel-
ability, and of all the assessments undertaken with lectual disability includes a wide range of syndromes
children with intellectual disability, IQ is often the as well as nonsyndromic conditions, which have
only cognitive assessment. This can result in diag- only early cognitive impairments in common.
nostic labels that may fail to capture performance on
different cognitive functions. A lower level of intel-
ligence, approximately set at two standard devia- CREA (Research and Clinical Centre), Fondazione San Sebastiano,
tions below the mean IQ of the population, has been Firenze, Italy, bInstitute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow,
Glasgow, UK and cCentre for Disability Research and Policy, Faculty of
the common reference and it is assumed to measure
Health Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
a person’s capability in managing environmental
Correspondence to Dr Marco O. Bertelli, MD, CREA (Research and
demands and producing adaptive behaviours. How- Clinical Centre), Fondazione San Sebastiano, Via del Sansovino, 176 –
ever, evidence from neuropsychology, genetics, 50126 Firenze, Italy. Tel: +39 0557392880;
neuroimaging and functional anatomy has recently e-mails: (office);
been growing on a high variability in different cog- (private)
nitive abilities within individuals [1,2], which chal- Curr Opin Psychiatry 2017, 30:000–000
lenges the current concept of overall intelligence DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000387

0951-7367 Copyright ß 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Tripti; YCO 310201; Total nos of Pages: 8;
YCO 310201

Neurodevelopmental disorders

Studies also reported that executive functions

KEY POINTS underlying the ‘g’ factor could vary independently
 IQ test scores have major limitations as indicators of of each other, and that IQ score stability could also
the complex and dynamic nature of cognitive hide marked variations in verbal and performance
impairment in persons with intellectual disability, abilities, because of the structural evolution of the
including reasoning in real-life situations and mastery of sensory–motor areas [8]. Furthermore, grey matter
practical tasks. co-varying with ‘g’ factor, not always belongs to
 The same IQ score can correspond to very different those cortical regions suggested to be the seat of
cognitive and functioning profiles. general intelligence [9].
In evaluating the utility of psychometric theories
 Limitations of functioning and various biopsychological supporting a unicomponent model, it is necessary to
factors associated with intellectual disability are more
consider whether a deficit in a single cognitive func-
highly correlated with impairments of specific cognitive
functions than with overall IQ. tion may have a neuropsychological overshadowing
effect, resulting in an artificially lower IQ score; and
 New diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability should whether a low IQ score is incorrectly assumed to be
include measures of specific cognitive functions, and the explanation of any anomaly of neuropsychologi-
contextualized description of consequent learning and
cal functioning [11]. These potential pitfalls that arise
adaptive difficulties.
as the tools for assessing IQ were not originally devel-
 This approach might bring considerable advantages, oped to evaluate below-average performance, but to
with a more inclusive cultural attitude towards measure a child’s abilities predictive of academic
intellectual disability and other neurodevelopmental achievement, and to identify children in need of
disabilities, providing a paradigm shift from ‘low IQ’ to
additional support in school. For the same reasons,
‘neuropsychological characterization’.
such tools cannot measure IQ below 40. Hence, this
floor effect precludes investigation of how different
severities of intellectual disability may be associated
We reviewed the literature in order to evaluate with distinct and heterogeneous forms of cognitive
the utility of the concept of intelligence, and the functioning, as well as the associations with other
validity of IQ measurement in the definition of variables of interest, such as genetic or biological
intellectual disability, as well as whether measure- factors.
ment of specific cognitive functions and their bio-
psychological correlates are more useful for the
diagnosis and subtyping of intellectual disability. MULTICOMPONENT MODELS OF
The most accredited model is the Cattell–Horn–
UNICOMPONENT MODELS OF Carroll, upon which the most recent versions of
INTELLIGENCE AND INTELLIGENCE the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
QUOTIENT and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) have
Historically, Spearman [4] was the first to propose a been developed. This model was prompted by Cat-
unicomponent model of intelligence. He observed tell and Horn’s model of fluid and crystallized intel-
that test scores on different cognitive tasks corre- ligence and subsequently integrated with Carroll’s
lated with each other and concluded this to be theory of triple stratification. It postulates the exis-
explained by one underlying common factor, that tence of 9 functions at a broad level, and over 70
is, ‘g factor.’ The investigation of its neural correlates more specific, narrow skills. Broad functions include
has received increasing attention by researchers in quantitative reasoning, auditory and visual process-
the last 30 years. Several studies found statistically ing, processing speed, reading and writing skills and
significant correlations between neural activation, long-term and short-term memory [12].
particularly of the frontal area, and performance on Also, Luria [13] theorized that human cognition
a number of tests [5,6], as well as between IQ and could not be explained with a unique factor, and
widespread areas of grey and white matter in several postulated the existence of three basic units, result-
brain regions, including centres of higher cognitive ing from interactions between different brain struc-
functions such as language, memory or attention tures: attentional and arousal unit, integration and
[7,8]. Research on people with focal brain damage sensory input unit and executive planning and
described some activation associated with both the organization unit.
‘g’ factor [9] and executive functions, such as work- Gardner [14] questioned the validity of IQ and
ing memory, verbal comprehension and perceptual IQ tests as indicators of cognitive efficiency, claim-
organization in the frontal and parietal cortex [10]. ing that the representation of the human being

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Intelligence and specific cognitive functions Bertelli et al.

requires a combination of multiple, specific and processes of cognitive functioning in the ‘Mental
different abilities, which he called ‘talents.’ Functions’ chapter, within the first component of
Another alternative to IQ was proposed by the ‘Body Functions,’ differentiating between global
theory of cognitive processing called ‘Planning, and specific mental functions. A cognitive profile
Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive - PASS’ should include functions such as memory, atten-
[15,16], which describes the existence of interdepen- tion, perception, thought, space-time orientation,
dent but separate functional systems and aims to language or reasoning and executive functions, such
develop an assessment of individual differences on as planning, decision making, inhibition, regula-
the basis of cognitive processing. This can be used tion/correction and action.
clinically and in research on specific learning dis- There are many studies reporting correlations
abilities, intellectual disabilities and attention dis- between neuroanatomical areas and specific cogni-
orders. On the basis of PASS theory, the Cognitive tive functions, independent of general intelligence
Assessment System (CAS) [17] has been developed [2]. Pascual-Leone combined various neurophysio-
with the aim of assessing cognitive processes in logical and brain-imaging techniques in order to
relation to individual biological and sociocultural identify the invariants of functioning with respect
characteristics. Whenever administered to people to different areas and neural systems, demonstrating
with intellectual disability, CAS provided more that the brain presents a modular structure, and that
diverse scores than the sole IQ [17]. focal damage causes only a limited impairment of
With Goleman’s [18] theory of emotional intel- the overall intellectual functioning [22]. The pre-
ligence, the achievement of levels of adjustment and frontal cortex has repeatedly been found to activate
satisfaction in life is also relevant to persons with during attention switching tasks, and prefrontal
below average IQ, through a harmonious manage- cortex injury, especially on the left side, causing
ment of their relationship between themselves impairment in attention switching [23,24]. Poor
and others. performance in switching tasks was also found in
In the Minimal Cognitive Architecture model patients with lesions in the language cortex [25] or
[19], cognitive functions represent hierarchically in the inferior frontal gyrus of the right hemisphere
organized and interconnected schemas, according [26,27].
to their role in executing a task or behaviour. Within In evaluating executive functions in children
this frame, individuals who are faster in cognitive with intellectual disability through the Behavioural
processing and in gathering information are more Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS-C)
likely to solve problems, have high IQ, and thus, to and the Cambridge Executive Functioning Assess-
be defined as more intelligent. Positive relationships ment (CEFA), Willner et al. [28] found scores on both
have been found between IQ level and speed of tests to be only weakly related to receptive language
information processing [20]. skill, and even more weakly to IQ. Interestingly,
It is clear how theories on intelligence have working memory seemed to play a key role in this
evolved over the years, from a single factor explain- floor effect.
ing performance on tests of ability, to more differ- Several other studies have found significant asso-
entiated intelligence structures. At the same time, ciations between executive functions, particularly
new instruments for measuring IQ increasingly working memory and general intelligence [29,1].
included scores for subindexes, but their utility to However, some more precise assessments indicate
describe cognitive profiles of persons with intellec- that only updating working memory correlates with
tual disability across the range of severity of intel- intelligence whereas inhibiting responses and shift-
lectual disability has remained questionable. ing mental sets do not; these two functions seemed to
be related with IQ only via their covariance with
updating [1,30,31]. Data also suggest that current
SPECIFIC COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS AND measures of intelligence do not evaluate all executive
EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS functions that are considered to be essential for defin-
There is little consensus on what executive functions ing human behaviours as ‘intelligent’ [1,32]. Gansler
actually mean and how they are distinguished from et al. [33 ] found that assessment of intelligence based
specific cognitive functions. In general, the literature on executive functions accounts for more variability
refers to executive functions as higher order capabili- in activities of daily living, is better predicted by
ties that are called upon to select, schedule and health status and less predicted by educational status
monitor appropriate sequences of action, and which than the traditional IQ measures.
encompass a set of more specific cognitive skills. Using Down syndrome and Fragile-X syndrome
The International Classification of Functioning, as examples to make the point, neuroimaging stud-
Disability and Health (ICF) [21] classifies distinct ies have focused on specific cognitive or executive

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CE: Tripti; YCO 310201; Total nos of Pages: 8;
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Neurodevelopmental disorders

Table 1. Indicators of cognitive functioning in neuroimaging studies on Down syndrome and Fragile-X syndrome

Number of articles Indicator of cognitive functioning

Keywords After article Overall Specific cognitive/
match reading Unprecise intelligence executive functions

Down syndrome 151 5 0 0 5 Jacola et al. [37]

Menghini et al. [38]
Schapiro et al. [36]
Chang et al. [35]
Horwitz et al. [34]
Fragile-X syndrome 119 15 2 Hallahan et al. [52] 1 Hoeft et al. [53] 12 Klabunde et al. [50]
Kates et al. [51] Hashimoto et al. [49]
Holsen et al. [43]
Hoeft et al. [47]
Hessl et al. [46]
Cornish et al. [45]
Cornish et al. [44]
Rivera et al. [43]
Kwon et al. [42]
Cornish et al. [41]
Guerreiro et al. [40]
Reiss et al. [39]

functions more than on overall intelligence. Specif- disability. Of particular interest is the finding that in
ically, none of the five studies of persons with Down people with autism, low IQ scores are not necessarily
Syndrome identified in the review [34–38], included associated with impairment of overall cognitive func-
any overall measure of intelligence. Of the 15 tioning, but with anomalies of information process-
studies we identified of persons with Fragile-X, 12 ing, which in turn have pervasive effects on the
were not based on an overall measure of intelligence overall functioning of the individual [90,91].
[39–50], 2 included unprecise measures of intellec- As indicated, individual differences in specific
tual functioning [51,52], and only 1 included an cognitive functions are highly relevant in differenti-
overall measure of intelligence (Table 1) [53]. This ating intellectual disability phenotypes and in under-
suggests that researchers have found investigation standing their biological underpinnings, whereas IQ
of relationships between brain structure and func- is not.
tion with specific cognitive functions to be more Unfortunately, to date knowledge on alterations of
informative, than that with IQ. very specific cognitive functions in intellectual disabil-
The case for using specific cognitive functions in ity of different origin is limited, as well as their impact
defining intellectual disability is also supported by on ‘higher order’ executive functioning abilities. In
findings of recent research on cognitive and behav- one of the few studies aimed at this, Scerif et al. [92]
ioural phenotypes. Our review revealed that different compared visual attention in Fragile-X and Williams
syndromes with comparable IQs were associated with syndrome, showing that early manifestations of inhib-
very different cognitive phenotypes, with respect to itory deficits affect disengaging and set-shifting abili-
both relatively intact and impaired functions ties in Fragile-X and selective attention in Williams
(Table 2). Comparing WISC-III scores of children with syndrome, with different implications for impulsivity
Williams–Beuren syndrome, Prader–Willi syndrome, control, executive working memory and organization
and Fragile-X syndrome, with similar sociocultural of thoughts and behaviour to reach a goal (planning,
and socioeconomic backgrounds, Pegoraro et al. self-correcting, verifying and adapting).
[89] found similar general IQ scores but significant In general, the most frequently studied func-
differences concerning verbal IQ and verbal and per- tions in intellectual disability are working memory
formance subtests. Vocabulary and comprehension and executive functions and more specifically ori-
subtest scores were significantly higher in Williams– entation response and attention switch.
Beuren syndrome in comparison with Prader–Willi
and Fragile- X syndromes, and block design and object
assembly scores were significantly higher in Prader– INTEGRATION OF COGNITIVE AND
Willi than in Williams–Beuren and Fragile-X. EMOTIONAL PROCESSES
The variability between and within phenotypes is IQ does not include emotional skills, although the
also present in autism co-occurring with intellectual reciprocal influence between emotion and cognition

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CE: Tripti; YCO 310201; Total nos of Pages: 8;
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Intelligence and specific cognitive functions Bertelli et al.

Table 2. Level of intellectual disability and cognitive phenotypes in main genetic syndromes

Level of Specific cognitive phenotype

Genetic intellectual
syndrome disability Strengths Weaknesses

Down syndrome Mainly mild and Visuospatial short-term memory, Expressive language, syntactic/morphosyntactic
moderate [54] associative learning and implicit long- processing, and verbal working memory [56],
term memory [55] receptive vocabulary, verbal short-term memory
and explicit long-term memory [55,57]
Prader–Willi Mild and moderate Visual processing for shape identity Phonological loop (particularly for deletion),
syndrome [58] (ventral stream; for deletion but not for emotion modulation [61], attention/task switch
disomy) [59], object assembly (only for [62,63], digit span, digit symbol coding [60]
deletion) [60]
Williams Mild and moderate Concrete and receptive language, Visuospatial construction [65], working memory,
syndrome [64] vocabulary and expressive language, arithmetic skills, planning and inhibition [68],
verbal short-term memory, grammatical relational/conceptual language [66], selective
abilities [65,66], sustained attention attention [69]
Fragile-X Mainly mild and Sequential processing, short-term memory, Verbal labelling and comprehension, visuospatial
syndrome moderate [70] gross and fine motor skills, coordination processing, writing and mathematics [75,76],
[71–74] disengaging attention and set-shifting, response
inhibition [41,69].
Klinefelter’s Absent or borderline Language, comprehension, reading, Visual memory, classification, cooperation,
syndrome [77] auditory and verbal memory, attention problem-solving [77,78]
and motor functions [77,78]
Turner’s Absent or borderline Visual–spatial and visual–perceptual skills, Receptive language, memory [83]
syndrome [79] executive skills, working and nonverbal
memory, attention, difficulties in social
cognition and emotional tasks [80–84]
Phenylketonuria Moderate-to-severe Storage component of working memory, Executive, manipulation or monitoring components
[85] distractor interference and proactive of working memory, distractor and proactive
interference components of inhibitory interference [86,87], Information processing
control (in early-treated PKU) [86] speed, perception and visual-spatial abilities
[88], prepotent response inhibition [87]

PKU, phenylketonuria.

has received considerable attention, with very inter- defined, such as negative affectivity, positive affec-
esting models being proposed, like Ciompi’s, Plut- tivity, cognition, social behaviour and arousal /reg-
chik’s or LeDoux’s ones. It has been recently ulator system. The ‘cognition’ construct includes all
suggested that an emotionally charged activating the cognitive functions indicated by the prevailing
stimulus or a condition of emotional distress may literature as the neural basis of behaviour, that is,
affect the quality of an individual’s cognitive perfor- attention, perception, working memory, declarative
mance [93], particularly memory recall [94]. memory, language and cognitive control.
The investigation of the interplay between emo-
tional and cognitive processes has been fostered by
the new conceptualization of mental disorder pro- CONCLUSION
posed in the project named Research Domain Crite- The review identified many limitations of using IQ
ria (RDoC). The RDoC defines the relationship score as an indicator of the complexity and dynamic
between behaviours and brain activities, and corre- nature of human intellectual functioning [96], and
lates clinical phenomena to the functioning state of pointed out the need for a common and compre-
neurobiological circuits [95]. The RDoC framework hensive model of intelligence.
proposed the ‘construct’ as the basic unit of analysis, Even though, there is evidence for both the uni-
that summarizes all data related to a specific domain component and multicomponent models of intelli-
of functioning, that is, genetic, molecular, anatomi- gence, the latter appear to be more appropriate for
cal, behavioural and symptomatological. It gives explaining the high variability of cognitive function-
particular attention to the study of emotion, moti- ing in intellectual disability. Indeed, experimental
vation and social processes for their relationship data indicate that the same IQ score can correspond
with cognitive functioning. Five constructs were to very different cognitive and functioning profiles.

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CE: Tripti; YCO 310201; Total nos of Pages: 8;
YCO 310201

Neurodevelopmental disorders

The neuropsychological studies reviewed in this This approach may favour the understanding of
article indicate that traditional intelligence tests have the link between cognitive alterations and psycho-
notable limitations, not capturing those intellectual pathological vulnerability across the life span, as
functions and subfunctions, which the literature well as bring enormous advantages to a more inclu-
showed as independent from overall IQ. The most sive cultural attitude towards intellectual disability
frequently used assessment tools may provide spuri- and other neurodevelopmental disabilities, provid-
ous data, which are scarcely usable in the clinical ing a paradigm shift from ‘intellectually below aver-
practice with persons with intellectual disability. age IQ’ to ‘neuropsychological characterization.’
Cumulative scores refer to macro-areas of cognitive According to this paradigm, every person would
functioning and fail to capture effectiveness of single have their own neuropsychological characteristics,
skills. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men- in terms of weaknesses and strengths, and some
tal Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) indicates that ‘IQ persons with and without intellectual disability
test scores are approximations of conceptual func- could even share one or more specific cognitive
tioning but may be insufficient to assess reasoning in dysfunctions and be distinguished only by their
real-life situations and mastery of practical tasks’ and severity and their impact on individual functioning.
that consequently ‘a person with an IQ score above 70
may have such severe adaptive behaviour problems’ Acknowledgements
... that their ‘actual functioning is comparable to that Authors acknowledge the contribution of the following
of individuals with a lower IQ score.’ experts and researchers, for the present article and the
Full-scale IQ is a metric that many researchers and mini-Delphi process behind it: Daniela Scuticchio
clinicians consider to be outmoded and ready to be (Research and Clinical Centre, Fondazione San Sebas-
replaced by more meaningful indicators [97,98,99 ]. tiano, Florence, Italy); Rune J. Simeonsson (School Psy-
The World Psychiatric Association-Section Psychia- chology Program, University of North Carolina, Chapel
try of Intellectual Disability and the first working Hill, USA); Kerim Munir (Developmental Medicine Cen-
group for International Classification of Diseases ter, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA); Rafael
(ICD)-11 proposed a diagnostic approach comple- Martinez-Leal (Intellectual Disability-Developmental
menting measurement of IQ with assessment of spe- Disorders Research Unit, Fundación Villablanca, Reus,
cific cognitive functions, and a contextualized Spain); Shoumitro Deb (Division of Neuroscience, Impe-
description of consequent adaptive and learning dif- rial College, London, UK); Colleen Adnams (Department
ficulties [100,101,102 ]. This approach was adopted of Psychiatry and Mental Health, University of Cape
also by the DSM-5; in the chapter on diagnostic Town, Cape Town, South Africa); Leyla Akoury-Dirani
features of intellectual disability (Intellectual Devel- (Psychiatry Department, American University of Beirut
opmental Disorders), it states that ‘Individual cogni- Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon); Satish Chandra Gir-
tive profiles based on neuropsychological testing are imaji (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department,
more useful for understanding intellectual abilities National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences,
than a single IQ score. Such testing may identify areas Bangalore, India); Gregorio Katz (Centro Terapèutico
of relative strengths and weaknesses, an assessment Interdisciplinario, Naucalpan, México) and Henry Kwok
important for academic and vocational planning.’ (Psychiatric Unit for Learning Disabilities, and Kwai
Within this approach, cognitive skills should be Chung Hospital, Hong Kong, China).
assessed in the most comprehensive way as possible,
through direct clinical examination, semi-structured Financial support and sponsorship
observations, and tests, referring to complex execu-
tive functioning, including perceptual reasoning, None.
processing speed, verbal comprehension, as well as
Conflicts of interest
to very specific cognitive functions, such as attention
orientation, attention switch, visual-spatial percep- There are no conflicts of interest.
tion or working memory phonological loop.
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