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Behavior of Earthworms

Comparative Study
Vermicomposting is a very difficult thing to do. However the end result is definitey
worth it. The manure obtained from vermicomposting is way better than artificial
fertilisers as it contains about 10-18% of organic carbon, which promotes structural
integrity of the soil, where as the fertilisers have no organic nutrients whatsoever.

What type of worms should be used?

Typically, farmers tend to use worms with a longer lifespan as it is more financially
stable, however worms with lower life spans are actually better at producing manure
as they mature faster. Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellis are the most used
worms as they can live easily in plain soil and are very easy to keep.

The Perfect Environment and Conditions

We did several tests to find the best environment to vermicompost

Experiment 1- Light or Dark?

We vermicomposted in two different environments, one in which sunlight was

reaching to the worms, and one in which the area was completely covered and
dark. After a few days, we noticed the amount of manure produced in each case,
and we found out that there was very less manure produced in the light
environment as compared to the dark one. The reason for this is that worms’ skin is
photosynthetic in nature, so if sunlight is exposed to the worms, then the worms will
not consume the waste given to them, but in the dark environment the worms have
to do it.

Conclusion – Darker Environment is better for Vermicomposting.

Experiment 2 – What do the worms actually consume?

Anything with any amount of fat content should not be used for composting as
these when degraded can attract a lot of unwanted pests and can also affect the
worms. Paper is also not a good choice as nowadays most paper is either bleached
or coloured in ink, both of which are harmful to worms. So it’s better that paper is
used occasionally

We now again vermicomposted with different types of waste. We added 10g of

kitchen remains to one and 10g of eco-friendly plastics in another. After a few days,
we saw that both of them almost had the same amount of manure. However, we
studied the properties of these two materials and found out that eco friendly
plastics, while can degrade, are harmful to the nature. When this plastic degrades, it
releases methane in the atmosphere, one of the gases responsible for global
warming. Methane also, while not deadly to worms, does affect them to some

Experiment 3 – Animal Wastes

We again tested with two sets of composts. This time with kitchen reserves and
animal excretes (both the same amount). After a few days, we surprisingly found out
that some worms in the set containing animal waste died! We found out that this
happened because urea and ammonia found in the animal waste are deadly to
worms. So animal manures can provide good nutrition, but they should be used in
small quantities so the worms aren’t harmed.

So after all our research, the best way to vermicompost is in a dark environment with
kitchen remains (vegetable peels, leave or stalks) occasional and optional paper or
animal waste and with Eisena Foetida(Redworms) or Lumbricus Rebeillus(Lumbricus

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