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Information today takes only seconds to access, thanks to the power of technology.
With just a few keystrokes, people can view the content they want, when they want.
However, that doesn’t mean everyone is always updated when it comes to the news. Keeping
up with latest news and information lets us know what is going on around the world, gaining
more knowledge and getting the latest versions with the latest fixes of information. It seems
to be very important to stay up to date with current events so you can be an informed citizen
and opens your mind to everything that is happening however, being a tertiary student, it can
be difficult to stay updated with current issues when you are juggling around schoolwork,
extracurriculars, social life, and your health while in college. Just adding the time of updating
yourself on current events can be daunting, and expensive but there are many ways to help
keep us updated with latest news and information.

First, subscribing to news sites such as podcast can be very helpful. There are plenty
of podcast apps available and you just must find the one that peaks your interests. Having
limited time to sit and read, podcast came in handy when you can listen to it on the go such as
between lectures, while you are on your daily commute to class, or just cleaning up your
dorm room. Most podcasts streaming platforms will have a variety section and opt to view
the most popular current events that can give you quick update of everything that is
happening at the moment. Making a small commitment by listening to a 20-minute podcast
may be a great alternative to keep yourself informed.

Besides that, the next ways to stay informed is by utilizing social media to the fullest
in the right way. Social media is the platform where you can get maximum exposure to
current affairs and information. Through this platform, you can obtain information in
enjoyable and creative which can serve as quality entertainment. We make time for social
media even though we do not seem to have time for anything besides schoolwork hence this
is the time for us to utilize these platforms for greater benefit and stay informed. For example,
Twitter is a great way to actively participate in debate surrounding current events, which will
help you understand and consider different viewpoints of a topic.

Furthermore, the easiest way to acquire news is by interacting with people which
means you can actively involve yourself in the club’s social events that is held by your
college or university. You must be friendly and strike a conversation about various topics by
doing this you are not only having news but also having views of others. This will help to
analyse your thoughts and getting wider opinions of a lot of things from different people.
Besides, joining few clubs can help to keep yourself updated as most colleges will have a
club you can attend to learn more about the subject and Many clubs range in the degree of
participation. Most are not demanding and only ask that you come to meetings to discuss
what’s going on in the world. Others may encourage you to participate in events that are held
outside of the club meeting times. While this does take up some time, it is free, and it is a
great chance to talk with others who know more about the subject.
Some people like to live in their own little bubble and not minding about other issues
however by keeping with current events pops that bubble. We do not want to live in a dark
so, try to keep yourself updated with current issues. There are plenty of ways to get
information about current events, so don’t stick to just one. Getting your news from lots of
different sources can help to stop it feeling like a chore and give you a much more rounded
view of what has been going on.

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