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The Star of Islam

Source: South Asia Open Archives , 09-30-1939

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Star of Isiam”

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Why I Embraced Islam «T he Star of Islam’’--

In a Broadcast Talk “A Soul-Stirring

Publication’ ’
Science and Civilisation By HER HIGHNESS THE DAYANG
I have so many times being asked to
As Others See Ys
explain why I left the Catholic church

Western Civilisation is the

and embraced Islam, and today for the
first time in my life, I am speakiùg to
you over the wireless by request ofthe Mrs. Iqbalunnisa Hussain,
Direct Offspring of Arab Radio Coloniale.
Many years ago, when I first visited
. A.,
Diploma in Education
of the Mysore Edu-
my land of Sarawak, a country of
cational Service, in a recent
Civilisation In Spain , 52,000 sq. miles, or roughly as large as
England and Wales—I had the oppor- letter to the Editor-in-Chief of
“The Star of Islam” states:
tunity of studying the life of different
religious communities. We have “I like your paper better than
By Moulvi Abdul Karim, B.A., M.L.C. 80,000 Muslims among the population any other started by Muslims.
(Comtinued from “The Star of Islam” of the 16th Sept. 1939.) of 600,000 amongst whom you find
also Buddhists, Brahmists, Pagans and
Your views being frank and
It is an unconverted truth`that modern progress in the West straight-forward are more con-
| Christians. I was very much attracted
was not the outcome of Man’s Church dogmas. In fact structive than those of others
Í by the moral side ofthe life of our
the West made no progress worth the name. as long as it was in Muslim subjects, and then for the first wo on the pretext of sympathy
the iron grip of Christianity. This is berne out by tne fact that time realised the beauty of the teaching and helpfulness overlook one’s
centuries of domination of Spain, France. England and other of Islam.
shortcomings. They keep
‚countries of lurope by the Romans, who had embraced Chris- 3 No Moral Support steadily in view the good points
*Aiaiity, cottunoY roniove Erodi them tao wever darknes in whai "4 as born 4 Protestant, but vould
jand praise people fòr the same.
Inet find any morál suppo:t 7
they were groping ond tħe ynang ignorance in whic they Pacts are biste Eho world is
i dul- religion, and after studying
waere. imnwrsed. The extraordinary progress nad Ly the Christian Science for a time, I took a
not yet ready ' to : face Yhes
Christian cuuntiries during the last five hundred years is direct- bold step and was received into boldly and patiently. You need
ly due to the teachings of Islam, which was promulgated six the Catholic church. The
hundred years after Christianity. You also need com-
Rome, but very sdóõon I felt that I was
plete confidence in your ideals.
It was no! tili freedom of thought came almost the common speech of not fitted for this religion. Although
I admired very much the great and
The path of any reformer is
was advocated and the torch of learning everybody. “The taste for science and
. was lighted by the Muslims -in Spain lit2rature,” writes Renan, ‘had by the and surrounded by
that any progress in science and civili- 10th century established, in this pri- table difficulties. He
sation could be made in Europe, or any. vileged corner of the world, a tolera-
possibility could arise for the Renais- tion of which modern times hardly offer accept.
sance and the Reformation to make us an examplç. Christians, Jews and years, making very sincere efforts to
l The harder
he fights the greater pleasure
their appearence in the Christian world. Wuslims spoké the same tongue, sang understand ibs difficult teaching.
he derives as a noble motive is
It was from Muslim Spain that a new the same songs, and participated in the I always felt, however, that Christ,
life dawríed upon the whole of Europe, same literary and scientific studies.”
giving birth toa new culture which All the barriers which separated the communicate
greatly stimulated the intellectual acti- various peoples were effaced : all strove
vity of its people. All that Christian with one accord in of a com-
Europe learnt of Greek and Hindu Phi- mon civilisation. The mosques of Uor- really speak the truth, ever haye been
Mr. M. Abdul Hadi of Vellore
losophy and Science up to the Renais- dova, where the students could be count- ordained by Christ.
ed by the thousands, became the active During this time I was much
“I need not extol or
sance period emanated from the Sata-
_ ™Tenic culture of Spain. centres of philosophical and scientific
After the conquest of Spain the Mus- studies. ‘It must be owned,” observes
lims established there several Univer- John Davenport, ‘that all the know-
sities which opened their doors to all ledge whether of physics, astronomy, order to reconstruct and disentangle
its superiority over and the
students without distinction of creed, philosophy or mathematics, which .the history of the beautiful Muslim
caste, colour or country; and also flourished in Europe from the 10th cen- Relic which is in my possession. This unique position it occupies
boarded and lodged them at public ex- tury, was originally derived from the
pense. Spain thus became the centre Arabian schools, and the Spanish Sara-
of European culture and scholars from cen may be looked upon as the father have belonged to the Prophet himself. Mr. A. Majeed Cader, the.
all parts of Christian Europe looked to of European philosophy.” This extremely fascinating research
well-known Merchant of Galle,
her seats of learning. Rogers, Bacon Some idea of the architectural beauty work induced me to study more closely
and other pioneers of the Rationalist and grandeur introduced into Europe than ever the history of the lands of writes to say: ‘Your enterprise
movement in Europe, all received their by the Muslims may be had from the Islam and the great teaching of the has a great future before it.
education in the Muslim University of Alhambra Court in the Crystal Palace Prophet Muhammad. Thẹ state of Muslim Society in
Cordova. Even the great Emperor in London. Stanley Lane-Pool in
Charlemagne had to send his son to “The Moors in Spain” ‘has well des-
I was struck by the purity, logic it must come up or die-a natu-
Spain to be educated by the Muslim cribed all this; he says, ‘Beautiful as
teachers, for nowhere else in Europe were the palaces and gardens of Cordo-
was there any seat of learning worthy va, her claims to admiration in higher
of the name. matters were no less strong. The mind
Every branth of science was serious- human and understanding. The
was as lovely as the body.” there is great relief after hard-
ly investigated in Muslim Spain. Medi- As rightly acknowledged by Gustav Quran appealed tome as being the
`.cine received greater development by Diercks in his ‘Europe’s Debt to Islam, direct words from God, delivered to ship.’ Your soul-stirring pub-
the discoveries of her doctors and sur- there can be no denying that Europe is the man who was the last Prophet. lication is bound țo fertilize the
geons than it had gained during all the deeply in debt to Islam for all its scienti-
centuries that had elapsed since the fic discoveries. In fact it was Islam
that produced scientists who anticipa- of good that the dòctrine of Muham-
days of Galen. Astronomy, Chemistry, biteđ for so many years. May
Geography, Natural History, all werė ted' Bacon, Newton, Kepler and other mad did to the world. Very few peo-
ple know that while Europe was sunk the light of your ‘ Star’ shine
studied at Cordova with great ardour; great scientists of Europe. But for the
— E —————————————— ——————————————————————————————— m

as for the graces of literaturo, there all corners of Ceylon..

. never was such a time when poetry be- (Continued on page 8) : (Continued on page 7) v.

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Children’s Corner . | Tell Me Of Our Holy| Simple Lessons In Islam

Will You Do Me A Favour ? eP et HisTell Holiness Maulana

By MA\S J. MAJID : Abdul Mohamed
Aleem Siddiqui

Es TellZEme Tell me his story true, me of our Holy Prophet, z and

how he brought a message | "f 1+ M- Haniffa, B. A. (Lond.) Advocate.
ST s WTR : TF l Of truth for me and you; : is i i
“DEAR : ııAND|ficence and
BOYS, appeal Mercy.
to His =. Bene-|
qualities of He oy,gave
tell the
me of h
the ind: ofi true
Let me remind you that a : e gave the humen mind; A. The Fifth Article of Faith Faith in Raalslam
1. Q. W ihe Par! Article

“vóur- entries to Competition| Therefore, dear children, for| . Ob, tell me of the service great -+e Isl: sT liet i g
; No. 1 will have to reach me by|your sake as well as that of He rendered to mankind. D: of Jud Sle E the
tho morning post next Satur-|your parents, brothers, and Oh, tell me of his love profound a: ay OI Judgment.
day. That isto say, you will sisters and that of the commu- P Greafates great and small; v. Q. What 1S the Day of Judg-
have to post them on Friday nity let me ask you a favour. Il = rhat from his lips did falls A. The Dav of Tadzment ás
night. Ifthe entries are hand-|know many of you attend| Oh, tell me of his kindly deeds Mth Da nwhich AL
ed inat the office, they must|Christian and Buddhist schools,| ` Alike to rich and poor; e e l2 s N dead
‘reach me by. 11 o'clock on|where you are taught Christia-| Oh, tell me of his holy life, ss WillTa1se “y d
. Saturday morning. Please ad-|nity and Buddhism in an attrac- How none’'s as he so pure. rom graves anc. JUCge
' dresé your entries to The|tive manner. All this happens Oh, tell me that our Prophet taught sach DSTSON according

| , s n . . od s glory to make .
Editor-in-Chief, “The Star- of while you remain ignorant of To worship God alone: to his or her good or
Islam”, 39 and 41, Glennie|the wonderful beauties of your| Ogle that our-Prophet wrought bad actions on earth.
' Street, Slave Island, and on the |OWn religion, Islam. The Chris- Tell me how to Christ's teachings TRO t Baver
top left-hand corner of the|tianand Buddhist environments Perfection he did give; gonC ACLIONS WIM
envelopes write the words in which you move daily also Tell me how he taught mankind rewarded and enter into

"ceive a large number of letters your hearts to the value and| Oh, tell me how for us he lived ane OAE "ERSS
daily and if you do this you beauties of the greatest religion r Tiat we mayis like him; will be punishe and
ill be helpi t t out/of the world, namely, Islam ell me that he died not for us be the denizens of Hell.
wI De hoping meto sortou aa ; y : To wash away our sins. 3. Q. How long will a person
your entries easily: This is the greatest danger from Tell me that no man’s death can wipe | ain in H 1l or H
After the closing date of the| Which the Muslim community Another's sins away ; TSTU FIOI OD JISa7
Competition I shali send your in Ceylon suffer today. Andif| Tellme that noman'’sblood can wash saab ho disd wi
entroa td tho Judge, namel you children become victims of Another's guilt away; À. A person who d1e with
Mr. M I. M Han Y'IChristian and Buddhistic in- Tell me he strongly did deny full Iman (belief) wili
Lo d . Ad . aniffa, B.A. fluences, the hope of the Muslim God in three persons exist ; remain 1n Heaven for
(London), vocate, who will community in Coylon is- lost. ' Tell me that of the Oneness of God ever while a persom
- carefully go through them and|ÝO muny y : He did truly insist. who died without full
' deçlare the winners. I hope as| Therefore, dear children, the Tell me that none can equal him, Iman will remain in
a : asTell
many of you me will|favour
possible that of I the mostfrom
am asking perfect
you is Bliss Hell for
God's greatest ever. ;
Messenger :
compet. It ìs an easy competi- that you carefully study Islam. He is the greatest harbinger. 4. Q. Will those who committed
k :I think
: e ell
Mr. me of will|
Haniffa our You
will Prophet, sinsto but
then- be able com-| died with
„ : lied withIman
have none too easy a time in!Pare this wonderful religion Tall ma his starv trie. | riie?
3 declaring the winners for I feel with other religions diu CaS “Té 4". e, X3 S . T who tiie i
t K -P ` Y> . j » . . ` diris. Y ithout a [UDINE
süre. that vou wiit all put in for yourself how good and mer- He brougn iar me ana yvu, | | : E maili EE
n "uvest' dfforts
. t .. toislim
wim thechicifuùl God has` been
, Gtt, Koveir _me nN á Tellme
ta hear of our Mouly
his story Prophet,
; r for s 1. r ins
their- ferii YH ei
sioeerive and fisoful prizes. — you Müslim children. D n t 3 Oh; te zvihaw his life sroelaims “V temp orarily “punisha.
; i Verv anxious to coñielve influenced by church Gottrnal
m S1C , glory.
a N P* TinF Hell,
- d but. will ulit-
Jn 1 h vih as many Muslim and temple music., These are =.. mately be’. sent“ to
<gıris dad- i3ys as possible and |like ugly pebbles compared with form of man and being. cruci- =- “Heaven th", thë
t this competition as well as the|the, sbining jewel of.Islam fied for. the sins of mankind.| . > > ýicading c Prophet
competitions which will follow|Which teaches you the music of
History . proves beyond: any| > MUHAMMAD.
measure © of doubt that this3. e
will afford me this opportunity. the soul. -If you have an
a SECI Q. writeWhat isasi) i: :na
xT R ur ief of the Christians| Ä. A sin is a breach of. the
I believe that in thus coming in doubts to be cleared or question
touch with you, we—that i-s to be answered, ] please
= rule oftò ALLAH.
alj l ke, -`
: 5, A. ALLAH and ALLAH aloné
“alland I—shall a abia C me and I am sure that by the has been borrowed from .a reli-
- tribute something useful to-|ħelp of the Gracious God I shall faro nadver dens Tn AO MEAH MAI ALLAR i
wards the improvement of the|Pe able to help you. =. religion was called "Mithraism.| © ` can forgive sins. r
Muslims. You girls and boys| Iīgive below a translation of|The God of this religion was|7. Q. What should you do that
will grow up to be useful women the opening chapter of the|Mithra and he was said to have| `... yoursins be forgiven ?
and men if your rèligous educa-| Haly Quran. It is called the/been of virgin birth, born on| A. In order that my sins be
tion is sound. And.I hope by([Surat-ul-Fathihah. Itisa very the- 25th of December, was| ` forgiven I must pray to
the help of Allah to provide yóu beautiful prayer. Remember the (crucified for the sins of huma-| ` © ALLAH- with all my
with a very good. religious|word “Allah” stands for God.|nity, and.rose from the grave a . heart and atone for all
education through the Children’s Here is the meaning of it:— [few days after. Allthese ideas| * . my misdeeds resolving
Corner. And I am sure that ifl7n the name'of Allah, the Bene-|were borrowed by the. Chris- never to commit any.
you will regularly and carefully | ficent, the Merciful. ` ` |tians. It is not an`original be-| ` such or other misdeeds
read the Children’s Corner and| 4, Praise is due to Allah, the|lief. In short, the life of Jesus| again. A
pArHGpat9. A al n S ` Lord ofall the worlds, ` as horirayed in tho tivo is alll. ^ (To be continued) 4
time to time, you will contri-|17é Beneficent, the Merciful, =. Bible Was written mehe INER S am —
'bute largely towards the making Master of the Day of Judgment, years after the death of Jesusi : 4 T Si
of the New World of Islam. Thee we do worship and Thee we|and from time-to-time it has|: > ARE : YOU i
. A few days ago I was very do beg for assistance. ` ` | been altered and revised. These| A Subscriber of the Light?“
very sorry to hear a girl telling) Guide us along the Right Path, ` |8ïe historical facts. Contrast a a EE SANE ” J

me that she did not like Islam The P th f tho hon Tho this withthe Holy Quran which] | n R
because Muslims did not pray tol”; q i b oseon whom FU Ihag remained in its pristine| If nòt, you are. missing a highly:
God. I cannot imagine that| “° estowed favours, `, |purity forover fourteen cen- refrashing oRt SVOIY week. As its;
such ignorance exists. Every|Not of those upon whom wrath is|turies with not a line`or word, A MIES Wh the itg TSEL GF
“ Chapter of the Holy- Qurąan,| brought down; nor- of thoselor even a dot Islam. altered.
It also aims> at| awakening
^ whichis the holy scripture of ` who go dstray.—Ameen:(So| Therefore, dear children, let to life .the dormant forces of Islam.

.the Muslims, begins with the be tt.) 7 E us thank God for giving us the To the rising generation, it makes a*
Dear. children, this is but one|true religon of Islam and let us special appeal. Surely, you can't do;
“words: ‘In the name of God, without this moral and spiritual.
the Beneficent, the Merciful.” of the many prayers by which a|prove ourselves worthy of this food, so invigorating, so uplifting, sò-
In fact every Muslim is ex- Muslim daily invokes the bless- [great religion. We have to purifying, so ennobling. a
“pected to say these inspiring|ings, help and protection of|thank Him for saving us from| .: HA 3
t rórús when o or she PEIS io God. A Muslim appeals direct|believing in suchabsurd docrines| ea AS STINOR A
du anything. This means that|to God and does not believe inas the Christian doctrines. ` e Férel hui SRT
every moment of a Muslim's life, | such absurd things as God corm-| . . 7." Your friend, | Foreign Shi ings10. 1

la S BEP at O Ta s aT.
has to think of God andjing down tothe earth in thel U 3: THE EDITOR ' Manager, THE LIGHT, Lahore, í (odis:
~ s 0 , “. t : | N.. i v 7 ' asa A J £ : AA s i~ : ` aE ^ , .

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Women’s Section
S |Mmilitary Preparations

In Afghanistan . To All Lovers Of,

The Prophet Of Islam 1.

— ceived from Kabul it is revealed that
the view that Asiatic countries will Muslims and Non-Muslims. |
ultimately, have to plunge in the war
I OFTEN is gaining ground in that country, says The Grand Muslim Mission
taught the Arabic language. the Kohat correspondent of the appeals for help to publ'’sh one
“National Herald”, Lucknow. In view
of the following Books:—
its meaning. of the international situation the
` (1) “The Challenge of the
r eligion. | Nrations.on a vast scale
Government and orders
is making for
prepa- Holy Koran '',
|the construction of military piquets at
importan: points have already been (2) “Imam Hassan's Holy
issued. The work for repairing the Life ”.
its irresistible appeal their inner
consciousness. ruad from the Khyber Pass to the
Bolan Pass has been taken in hand (3) “ The Holy Prophet
Fortunately fo those
do not understand Arabic, while the road from Kandhar territory Mohammed”. (in poetry)
and these help us even ina to Khost is already under construction The Mission will dedicate one

Our five times daily prayer is a most

engineer. '
under the supervision of a German of the above books to any
donor who will send Rs +90,-
wonderful thing. It stands incon- The. military piquets at present (£109'-) to:— .
located in the interior districts have
parable in its intense appeal to Goil
its beauty, and its sublimity. It isa
Heroines In Daily been ordered to shift to the frontier. The Secretary.
truism to say thatonly those who Instructions to impart military
have eaten mango know its sweetness Life training to the tribal youngmen have The Grand M uslim Mission,
Mahbub Manzil, B. Block,
Likewise only those who have prayed also been given.. .Agreements. for the
Top Floor, Paltàn Road,
and prayed with understanding, know purchase of textile and electric machi-
Fort, BOMBAY, 1.
the value and sweetness of the Muslim nery have been reached between some

prayer. But unfortunately many do German firms and Afghan Government.
not understand what they pray. The Lives Of Perpetual
result is that prayer has become very Benediction
mechanical. In order to induce my
readers to learn the meaning of the
Muslim prayers, let me give the trans-
lations of a few which we recite daily
You are all familiar with the recital
By MISS LAYLA HUSSAIN is a first-rate
called Hajja/tu, which we recite at
the commencement of our five times
daily prayer. What a thrill it sends
through us if we recite it understand- We often read of heroines who have
ingly ? Here is the meaning ofit:— played a conspicuous part in the
“Surely, I have turned myself to- history of their people. Their lives
wards God and am obedient to Him
who originated the heavens and the
teach us thuat true greatness does not
earth, and I am not of the polytheists. consist in the accumulation of wealth
Surely, my prayer and my devotion, and power. That truly
woman is
and my lite and my death are all for |

Goid, the Lord of the Worlds. No great who has a clean heuri and 'ciéar Z~

ey - í:
associate has He and this I am com-
hands, who has not taken advantage í (of
manded, and I am of those who
` submit.” anyone, who has helped everybody,
Then there isthe prayer called the who has retarded ný one’s progreás
Qunooth which we recite early in the and whose life has been a perpetugl
morning. Ifyou know the meaning, benediction of cheerfulness, en- Fareed Place,
yodu will never miss your early morn-
couragement, helpfulness, and ins- Bambalapitiya South.
ing prayer. The meaning runs as
follows:— piration.
22nd May, 1939
“O God, guide mè among those
This is the true criterion by which to all those who smoke or sell
whom Thou hadst guided aright. And I will always appeal
preserve me among those Thou hadst we should judge a woman, notby her
beauty, not by her learning, not by “ Three Lions” as a
preserved. And befriend me among
those whom Thou hadst befriended. her wealth, not by her pedigree. Judg-
And bless me in what Thou dost grant ing from this view-point, many a
servant will be above her, mistress, Labour.
me. Andid protect me from the evil of
what Thou hast judged. For surely many a poof woman will be above her
Thou judgest and none can judge wealthy neighbours.
against Thee. Surely he whom Thou for thir admirable ideals.
Take the case of a girl who sacrificed
befriendest is not disregarded. He
who stands against Thee is. never the opportunities fora higher educa- (Sgd.) A.R.A. RAZIK
respected. Blessed art Thou, our tion in order to take care of her aged
Nourisher and Exalted. Thine is all parents. She may not be known to
the world but her name will shine
praise for the justice Thou hast done.
brightly in God’s scroll of the world’s
I beseech Thy forgiveness and I repent. K.C.M.G., Sir J. C.
greatest benefactors. Take the case of
May Allah bless our Holy Prophet
Muhammad, his descendants and the woman who sacrifices her enjoy-
followers and send His peace upon ments and pleasures in order to provide
education for her children and to bring ` Bandaranaike, Mr. D. S. dẹ
them up as well-behaved, God-fearing Fonseka, DEPHiy Speaker,
My readers will now -realise how etc., etc.
children. The world does not know of
much they miss by not knowing the
meaning of their prayers. Islam is a
wonderful religion andit creates a God’s Register. :
her sacrifices, but they are recorded in

‘personal contact between man and his So in ordinary. daily life there are
Maker.’ It has no absurd mysteries or
heroines unknown to history. They
doctrines such as the Trinity, Inherent
are like
Sinfulness of man, the Incarnation of
God in the form of man, whose blood
“Full many a gem of purest ray
washes away the sins of others, and serene
such other myths. Islam appeals to
man's reason. Ttstands the severest
The dark unfathomed caves of ocean
test of scientific and logical analysis, bear”.
which no other religion does. In Islam
there is no room for the màterialistic „Itis notdifficult for us, Muslim
optimism òf the modern West which women, to make our livesa perpetual
says : “My Kingdom is of this world benediction to all around us because
alone,” —nor the life-contempt of the God hus laid down in the Holy Quran
Christien saying : “My Kingdom is instructions which if faithfully fol-

not of this world". Islam goes the lowed wili destroy our evil propen-
sities and endow us with those
middle way and teaches us to pray:
“Qur Lord, give us the good things precious qualities ‘which will enable
us to be angels of love and kindness
in this 1 orld and the good things in the
ie maiii AEE MRE iiem sanra miia mirsi aen SEn Sieny SESS m SEEE Hims I A Nman Sassi nin aaia nerd

and mercy to our fellow-beings.

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fre Star of Islam tion—and yet remain a good

Muslim. We would
—— Anglicised Muslims to pause for
a while and consider the tremen
dous harm they are doing to
Islam and the Muslim World.
After all, they are not going to
live for ever. A day of reckon-
ing will surely come, and then
do they know what will be their
doom ? The sermon that we
Translation of Sermon Delivered at the Wekande Jummah Mosque,
publish elsewhere áin this
issue of ‘The Star of Islam” Slave 1sland, on Friday, the 13th September, 1939.
Lack Of Proper Cultural points out that throughout the
„ Surroundings For Muslim ages ALLAH has sent destruc-
tion to nations and individuals
1 Children for their sins. The present
and disgraces those who sin and disobey His command. He

European War testifies to the
iıruth of this statement.

A very great danger with In Ceylon schools Muslim
They will help His

~ which the Muslim Com- children are. daily living in an

They will
munity in Ceylon is faced is the atmosphere which is alien to
Islam. The teaching of Euro-
lack of proper cultural surround-
pean literature in the form it is
ings for Muslin children, done today leads to the estrange-
Whether at fome or at schoo! ment ôf young Muslims from
ings and help.
tha wironments are far from Islam. The only effect which
such tuition can have on young I bear witness that there is no Goid Allah will send down on them a general
stimulating a leve for Islam.
Muslim minds will be the feel- worthy of being worshipped hut Allah; punishment from Him,’ ‘Won’t there
Weser ways of thinking and ing of inferiority so far as their He is Alone and hath no partner; there be pious men among them then?’ I
living are fast gaining ground own culture, and their own is none rightly worshipped except asked. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘What will .
im—a witness that will cause him happen to them?” Iasked. ‘What be-
in many homes. Fhe thoughtless future possibilities are con- who witnesses to attain heaven and more falls to the people will befall to them,’
cerned. They are systemati- he answered.” The Prophet said,
aping of everyting western is on the day of meeting Him. And I bear
cally trained to disdain their witness that- our Lord Muhammad is “This nation will continue to be under :
hastening the «ommunity toa own past and their own future— His servant and messenger and His the arm of protection of Allah unless
disastrous end. Even Muslim unless it be a future surrendered choice out of His prophets .and friends. those who have read dictate not, the
To him He sent down the revelation pions people 41o not cleanse the impious
names are made to give room to to Western ideals, It may be “And strive for Allah with the endea- and the evil-doers do not insult the
Christian Instead of O11 ?s.
argued that the Ceylon Mus-
lims have an up-to-date Muslim
vour which is His right. He hath cho- righteous ones. Ifthey do Allah will
sen you and hath not laid upon you in raise His arm off them and will appoint
calling their girls by such College of their own. This is religion any harlship.’ Fortunate upon them tyrants who will forcibly
beautiful Muslim names as so, but then why doso many shall be he who foilows his footsteps torture them. Then He will try them
Muslim parents—particulari v latii guidance. want anl poverty.’ `When
l ATIMA. AJESIHA, HAFSA, people will display tlieir knowledge
iullouwers and on those who assisted (but wili not act azcordingiy, they will

— " E .
tial send their children to non- und gave quarters to him. ishow out love for one another with
etc., niany Muslim parents pre- Muslim schools ?This is a .O mankind! Fear Allah the Great. | their tongues but will hate one another
Ter touse such names as MARY, matter that requires
investigation. And
JOAN, VIOLET, QUEENIE, the answer to this ques-
thue who avoi! them hava increased.
| The scorpions of that weakness are
GRACIE, etc. For boys such in- tion is found, and steps are
spiring Muslim names as taken to mend matters, the
HAMZA, MOINUDDEEN, FAR- future of the Ceylon Muslims
is at stake. The community good. This state prevails when obliga- and their prayers will not le heard.”
OOK, HAROON etc., are substitut- iions are discarded and the rights of Ayesha says that the Propliot -aid irom
can no longer afford to look on the Lord of the earth and heavens de-
ed by such'Christian names as the pulpit: “O mankind ! Verily, Allah `
indifferently at this distressing nied. When evils and evil-doers are
ERIC, HARRY, JIM, BERTIE, etc, says to you ‘Enjoin goc! and forbid
state af affairs. Whether at regarded high and the obedient and the evil lest you call me an3 !shalinot
arents do not seem to realise home or in the school Muslim righteous are regarded low and instruc- respond to you and you seek my heip
that by giving Christian names tions are sought from the impious,
children must be brought up in and I shall not help you and you ask
tu their children, they not only don’t you realise that this state of me and I shall not give you.’ Umar
sow the seeds of a love of Chris-
surroundings which vibrate affairs will cause the curse of the Lord bin al Khatthab said that the villages
with the refining and ennobling of the earth and heavens to fall on you will be on the verge of ruination in
tianity and everything asso- influences of Islamic culture and and the anger of all the creatures will
ciated with it, but they also spite of their flourishing state. When
Islamic civilization. This isa be upon‘you ? This will deprive you asked how that can be, he said that
show to the world their contempt
matter that .call for urgent of blessings and will be the cause for shall be the case when their sinners
for Islam and their preference attention from all Muslim social all ills and calamities. This state of overcome their righteous and the
for Christianity. Are such reformers.
affairs will cause the enemies to aggress
people are ruled by their hypocrites.
Muslims worthy of the great on you and your rulers to oppress you. Ahmad relates that the Prophet (p2ace
As matters stand, ‘the world What good can they expect who do the be on him) said, ‘Never was there a `
religion which they pretend to
of Islam, with its growing things they are prohibited and those people in whom sinning became more
profess? It were. better for the who tolerate evil carelessly and indiffe-
tendency to imitate Europe and and mightier than righteousness and ,
Muslim Community if such to assimilate Western ideas rently? Have not you heard the words they did not alter that state but that
nominal Muslims sever their is gradually cutting away the
of the Almighty in His decisive revela- Allah will overwhelm them with a
tions, ‘Those of the children of Israel chastisement.”
connection entirely from Islam, bonds which link it with its who went astray were cursed by the
for in continuing to remain in The Prophet (peace be on him) said.
past, and therefore it is losing tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of “O those who emigrated ! There are
the Community they kill the Mary. That was because they rebelled
hold not only on its cultural five things if you were tried by them—
souls of others by their poi- and used to transgress”. ‘They res-
but also on its spirituāäl trained not one another from the
I seek Allah's protection to save you
sonous contagion. from them—didebauchery will not spread
ground. Itresembles a tree wickedness they did. Verily evil was openly in a people except that there
It is futile to deny that many that was strong as long as that they used to do”. Sura 5, verses will spread among them plague and
of the Ceylon Muslims betray it was deeply noted in the soil. 78 and 9. : illness of a kind that did not exist
their preference for the Euro- But the mountain torrent of Have you not heard of how those of among their predecessors; they will not
pean civilisation, whatever else the Western civilization has the past centuries were punished with measure or weigh improperly but that
their avowed pretensions may washed those roots bare: and destruction and tortures, and about the they will be tried with famine and the
painful chastisement that alighted on tyranny of their ruler; they will not
be. It has been truly remark- the tree slowly decays for want them by reason of which they were refrain from giving the Zakath but
ed that it ispractically impossi- of nourishment. Its leaves fall, dragged to Hell regretting, and were that rain will be denied them and if
ble that a man should imitate a its branches wither away. At deprived of blessings and blissful living, there are no animals țhey will not be
foreign civilization in its intel- the end the trunk itself stands deBrived of their Lord's pleasure and given rain at all; they will not break
lectual and aesthetic design in danger of collapsing to the
of Heaven? How painful His punish- the covenant of Allah and His messen-
ment would be to those who do the ger but that enemies from among
without appreciating its spirit.

ground.” ‘Therefore, all hands forbidden thing and who tolerate it? others will be appointed upon them
_And it is equally imposible that can help are needed to save Ahmad relates of Ummu Salmah that
who will také away what they have
“r a man should appreciate it. Our responsibility is now she said, ‘‘I heard the Prophet saying,
‘When sins prevail in my followers ' (Continued on page 5)
it of a civilisation which a tremendous one.


This content downloaded from on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 03:16:29 UTC
All use subject to
formed ithad the innate power to re-
produce itself.
mud; s
from oozing, black, bad-smeliing N

30). . :
“And We formed everything living So that when I have C€: mpleted ais `,
formation and breathed M ;7 spirit into
tujoas the agency o: water.” (21—
Musings Of A A Pensioner-Vill The s2a is the cradle ofall [life and
still remains its greatest reservoir.
him, then be ready to bow to' him,etc.”
5—27 to 29.

“This spirit of God, breathed into

The Different Stages In Man’ s ` The Third Stage man which becomes manifest at t15

“The third ` stage in life is. when sea

late stage, is God's gift ouf Cvodness*
creatures have taken tothe muddy Out of His own grace He takes a bit of”
Existence seashore, the swamps where sea and
His own Volition and makes a presea
rain water form wet earth or mud. of it to a being whom we call man. This"
gift has not been given except to mnan}
“He is the one who has made you
(Insan). The material bodies, be thev >
The Mystic's Mistake (men) from wet earth, then he settled a
term and the term is known to Him but
stars or planets are without it. Wherk
— — you go on being sceptics.” (6—2).
we say they are without it we me the
that it is not manifest in them. T,
“And surely We have made mankind
By M. T. AKBAR, K.C., B.A., LL.B., (Cantab), (Insan) from oozing, black, bad-smelling are the conduit pipes which carry for
Formerly Senior Puisne Justice of Ceylon. Man isas we have described him-
“And the Jan (pl. of Jinn) We made, life
this on
till earth,
man isButready
the to
it s
ALLAH, then, created everything (13—16; 54—49 &c.) He before We made man, from intensely festation ofthis gift does not tak,
fiery hot breezes.” (15—26, 27).
creates what He will—says the Quran—implying that He “The oozing, black, bad-smelling
place till man has become a highly '
developed mammal, the master key on
creates everything for a purpose, ‘for just ends” as Mr. mud” can be seen in any tropical or the surface of this earth. In one wori 4

Yusuf Ali translates (44—39; 45-22; 46—3; 15—85; 16—33 semi-tropical country where’ at every when man has become Adam. And
&c.) Scientists of the hightest reputation now believe in low ebb Malay, Chinese and other each individual human being becom s an
the existence ofan Ultimate Reality, whether itis called fishermen can be seen to wade knee deep Adam when he becomes self-conscious `
and hunt for means of subsistence.
God, Nature, Nirvana or Atman; such men as Eddington,
and bad. A
and able to use his choice between gd
This is the ‘Origin of Species”, and
Jeans, Planck, Einstein and others. Science now recognises “The Descent of Man” related in the
that this Reality is beyond the comprehension of man; Quran long before Darwin hd ever “Read - this What thine own se
indeed everything in nature is incomprehensible, veiled as noticed it. havejudged.”
thyself by sars an ars
be 17—14).
itis by the impenetrable curtain of the four-dimensional “We have made them (mankind) of Rosary, p. 92).
continuum. As the Ultimate Reality of Eastern Pantheism sticky mud ”
“And surely We have made man I have given this long extract from
is thoughtless, will-less and has no concern with man; from an extract of wet clay (or mud)”. the Philosophy of the Quran for two
(23—12). reasons. Firstly, to indicate to my
but pain and suffering and every endeavour must be made “He who has made everything in a readers how carefully each line of the
by man to escape from the grip of the law of re-birth to most beautiful form and who began Quran should be read and understood,
man’s making from wet ciayi(or mud).” and to` show the vast stores of wċalth
avoid this suffering that life entails, there is no provision in
“When... your Lord said to the embedded in its pages, awaiting dis-
Pantheism for Revelation, for guidance from God. messenger-spirits ‘Surely Iam going covery and comment. And, secondly,
to make a mortal from wet clay’. to induce my readers to buy this book
It will thus be clear to my readers Stage of Death: The First Stage of Mr. Sarwar and to read it for tüem-.
(38 — 71).
that the doctrines of pantheistic reli- of Man’s Existence “The point to note in all verses and selves. Itis only Re. 1/-and may be
gions are mere thought contents evolved
by man after hard-thinking without “We are now considering the stages in the quotation from Syed Ameer Ali bought from Sh. Muhammad Asaraf'
is that it is man or mankind which is o! Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore.
any help, guidance or revelation from of man’s evolution. The first stage is
suid by the Quran to be ‘death’ itself. being spoken of and not the ancestors oy I must reserve my further remarks ;
‘God —without any ‘‘Kitabun Muneer”
as the Quran says orto use another This may sound strange to somę man,
Western writers speak ofn man as he
for another article. - |
Quranic expression ‘any life-giving peopłe but nevertheless it ‘is true.
torch.” As thes? doctrines rest only Man has been present in the universa a
on mere reason and logic, philosophers from the beġinning and shall remain tò the
Quran. Man in the Quràn is cocval
in all ages have tied themselves into end. His first stage, is comparable to!
knots over such questions as evolution, nothing better than ‘“death.”
with the wuniverse—or at least that is Jama-Athus Salihiya
“How can you deny God and you how we conceive th matter to be. And
. g the time-process, the existence of evil,
free-wil!, morality, etc. The doctrine were in a state of death, then Fie g'Ave, he` will remain coeval with it. (Chap
ter 11 —106 to 108). :
Burdha Majlis
of arma it will be seen is a man-made you life; then He causes you, to die,
then he will cause youto live again
* deduction by his puny logic-making The Fourth Stage of Life
reasoning powers to account for the and then you will return to Hin ?-
Life from ozean, muil anid stream
existence of evil. “They (the sòuls in hell) sey: ‘O Lecture By Mr. 3S. L. Mahm ood‘-
our Lord! ‘Twice hast thou cavsed us. goes on to dry land. Not much spiri-

But if God is a-living, personal God,

and He crcated this universe and man
to die and twice hast thou cause1 us to tual progress can be made in oozing,
black, bad-smelling mud. So outon
Hadjiar, J.P.
live. We acknowledge our ‘apses.
'for a purpose asthe Quran and the Is there then any way out ofthis dry earth we come as reptiles, birds,
fire ? ”
insects and mammals. The word for
Semitic religions (in their unadulterat- At the weekly meeting of the Jama-

Turab. :
ed forin) tatg, the “eneficent God is wet clay in all the above passages is
These two passages quite clearly (Ar. Teen). The word for dry earth is Athus Salihiya Burdha Majlis which
not going to lcuve inan to grope blind- affirm that the first stage of man be- will be held on Sunday, the 1st October
ly in the dark without guidance from fore life on this earth was a state of “The Case of Jesus with God is like 1939 at 8-30 a.m. at the Salih Thakya,
.Him. The accuracy ofthe Quran is death. ‘The explanation of this is that 132, New Moor Street, Colombo, Mr.
the Case of Adam. He made him from
to say the least of it, marvellous, for
man is not a new conception of God or ‘Be’ and S. L. Mahmood Hadjiar, J.P.. will give
even on this minor point, Allah says The Real but when He -said to the dry earth anid said to him a lecture on "The Spiritual Aspest of
it is He who has sent or raised warners he ‘Became.’ (3- 58).
Universe ‘Be” and it “Became”, man Fasting.”
in all nations (see for example 16—36). “His companion said to him and they
was part and parcel of that ‘'Be” as we
So these passages in the Quran will were conversing together ‘Do you
have already quoted Chapter 3. verse
seem to be inapplicable to the sages deny him who has made you from dry
and rishis. who thought out the pro- earth then froma sperm-ovum and
` blems of life philosophically without “We know that this view is news to then formed you a perfect man.”
most people who have not carefully (18—37).
Allah Destr. ys Nations and
any revelation from God. They will
certainly apply to the Hebrew Pro- pondered over the inward import of Here again two civilized men are
phets, many of whom are mentionęd by the verses of the Quran but it is never- Individuals for Their Sins.
speaking together and the reference of
name in the Quran. : theless the correct view and puts the their birth is to the dry land on which
seal of Divine Will on the oneness of they live. Itmay be that the next
Now the Ħoly Quran is the final re- man and the Universe. By oneness stage of man is going to be a life in the
velation of God, still preserved by God we do not mean identity and no one air altogether. However. ( Continued from page 4!
in its original purity (15—9; 56—77 to should mean it. That is the mistake “And one of His signs is thathe
80 etc.)and unlike previous revela- into which mystics fall.
tions contains the fullest indications of and their judges do not decide by the
They think that by being one with you are human beings scattered all Book of Allah but that He will make -
the nature of God, His purpose in creat- God they actually become God. over the earth.” (30—22 )). them wretched.” “Let there be among
ing man etc. Allah says He created
The Second Stage in Man’s “And.God makes you from dry earth, youa people who invite to goodness,

104. :
man: to be his vice-gerent, to rule on then from a sperm etc.” (35—11),
Existence and enjoin right conduct and forbid
this earth and that everything’ in na- “The philosophical importance of all
ture has been made. subservient to him
indecency. Such are they who are `
The second-stage is clearly the these quotations is that life is innate
-and man was to conquer and use the watery stage. As soon as this earth in nature, that it is not a putting in of successful.” Al Quran Sura 3, verse 4
forces ofallnature forhis own pur- after having separated from the something from another star. With
. poses by the acquisition of knowledge nebulous mass of the sun cooled down regard 0o the soul of man or his self- May Allah cause us all to be of
which God undertook to give him from sufficiently to the temperature of consciousness tha* also is inherent in those , who acted right, and; for- >,
time to time, in the very first verse water, some form oflife came into life. In fact, the wholedevelopment of bade and themselves refrained from,
revealed to our Holy Prophet. All existence. The molecules of carbon indecency. May Allah bless us allby
life is with the object to develop this
this purpose Allah willed when He dissolved in sea water coming in con- the Holy Quran and cause us all. to
said “Be” and it became. tact with the various salts and ele- soul. Thatisthe raison detre of -man’s
ments necessary for life somehow Allah the Almighty is the Benevolent,
I wish here to allude to a discovery of Man and ` Conciousness,
imbibed the light of the sun just as the Generous, Beneficent, Kind and Merci-
Mr. Sarwar irni his Philosophy of the
“And when your Lord (Vital Prin ful King. A'meen.
Quran. Let me quote extracts from moss does now and living cells were ciple) said to the messenger-spirits—
him for he deserves the credit.
the result. Once a ‘living cell was ‘Iam going to make a human being!
(Translat2d by Moulvi M. A. LAFIR)

This content downloaded from on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 03:16:29 UTC
All use subject to
They realise that the Muslims in
“Letter to the Editor Ceylon will not rise up as one man to
fight in the way of Allah against. all
Social Reconstruction Amon reactionary forces unless and until
Lonely. Moments
Ceylon Muslims
they are taught to THINK and ACT
as MUSLIMS. This is the funda- In Palestine
mental idea behind the. organisation of Humanity is of two kinds; those who-
the Central Community Fund, the hope in vain and those who gain
“The Eitor, present aim of which is but the first Arabs Remain Loyal to be Miscontonted,
The Star, of Islam”, and very essential step towards the
Colombo. ultimate goal. To Britain
"psech is s lika medicine, a small dose
of wł:ich cures and excess kills the.
Dear Sir. ` The Fund will be útilized for the
following purposes after a minimum patient.
; Your Leader of the 16th instant|amount of Rs. 5000/- has been collect-
nder the above caption following the |ed, Preference, however, may be given
heartening manifestations since the is hidden benesth his own’
iritod indictment ofthe privileged to more important issues according as tongue.
yses by Mr. H. M, Shariff is quite in | the circumstances permit. outbreak of war, says the Birimingham
tecment with facts. Time and again 1. To make proper favilities for Post, has been the rally
„u have emphasised the necessity Of/female education. Special attention opinion in Palestine as elsewhere to
heirs or to the wind.
the side of democratic nations in their
“o-ordinating our disorganised for-|will be paid to Islamic subjects, handi-
jes to lay a foundation for the recon-|crafts and cottage industries and to struggle against Nazi
“struction of our ramshackle society. a 11 other matters of primary This has been a great relief to the men.

But there has been no sign of move-|importance. . Britishlauthorities although they realise
ment of whatever nature among the| 92, Tomake provisions fora Burial
upper classes for the amelioration of|Fund. . ganda and use of German money in „ are preferable to the abundance of
the Muslim masses. Nor can wel 3, Tograntmedical aidin special Palestine still may bring some spora-
the miser.
blame them. They have their hands|cases. dic outbreaks of violence by extremist + °.

full. Alsoitis quite untrue to say 4. To help school going members

that they have not done anything for in their education by granting them ate result of the war has been to drive
evil temptation.
the community. In their own small financial help for the payment of a wedge between the Mufti and his
way they are continua; todo yeomen school fees, examination fees, to buy
ze. The people Cir not realise the books, stationary, ete. opinion.
L LLS of their work. I might 5. To grant lòans to lady members
lhos say we are blind to them. in exceptional cases for the purposes pointing out that while their spécial of money and children but in the
Have they not under their benevolent of matrimonial expenses. problem is not forgotten, the war has growth of virtue and development
care great Arabic Universities where To grant loans to members undoubtedly put their relations with of patience.
thousands of Alims are produced who above the age of 21 tor the purpose of Britain on a different basis. There
are a great boon to the tommunity ? enabling them to carry on any lawful
\re they not utilising mosque proper- trade or business in their own names. Arabs ąs well as their allies of the last only awake when they are dead.
ties for public welfare ? Are they not A. certain percentage of the total
munificent enough towards Sheiks war are faced with new and bigger
collections for the year will be voted to
who come from foreign shores to give each of these accounts. The scheme these circumstances, the Arab and able and merging in 'the Imperish-
salvation to our souls ? Are they not, is very great and the difficulties are Muslim people of Egypt and Iraq as able. 6»

FI ask you, running societies for the many; nevertheless it can be done if well as of Palestine have made up their
" educational uplift of the people with- sufficient help is forthcoming. Its
vout any remuneration for their success depends on public co-operation. western democracies. The chief Arab step in true religion and sincerity
services ? Still more, who can deny Our own work now is proceeding newspaper in Palestine has expressed its end.
the fact that the rich Muslims have|slowly and methodically. We have loyalty to the democracies before other
spent their whole lifetime for the|no need to rush things.
development of the community with-| I need hardly state how much of and adds that ‘No single Arab who duties are discharged. `
out a pretence to request their legal your support we require to enable us has the interest of his country at heart
fecs for their aoble labour ? Virtue never dies.
is Wiiling to be an enemy of Britain.”
Nith tese and more work in their
for the uplift of the community. And
hands it would be quite unreasonable with enthusiastic men like Mr. Shariff am n a A man’s value depends on his moral
“to expect them to ‚undertake the worth.
insignificant, if not unurgent, work of we can push this scheme to a consider-
able extent. May'I therefore extend
doing the type of social scheme Mr. Hbw :The Rector of Al-Azhar
our whole-hearted co- operation to the No pain more troublesome than

Shariff and company recommend. It | Young Muslim Progressive Association j Spends The Day ignorance.
is for the likes of Mr. Shariff toand invite them through your columns
endeavour such petty tasks. Let us, to communicate with us witha view Cruelty to the distressed isthe worst
therefore, tighten our belts and edu- to joint action, and I have no doubt the A Press representative called at the
cate the masses as to their condition, outcome of such an effort will be of residence of the -man who cruelty.
exercises e
-and beware of those who try to aecry lasting benefit to our community great influence over Muslims not Forgiving is the crown of great-
the honesty, sincerity and selflessness
of our attempt. Let us carry out our
which we all yearn to serve.
only in Egypt but in many other ness.
countries. He tried to secure certain
Thanking you ever so much,
little schemes without regard to friend Yours Sincerely,
or foe slowly, methodically and pains-
M. L. M. MOHAMED HUSSAIN ghy’s daily life but the Rector of Al
takingly. As you, Mr. Elditor, said it Azhar simply said, "What do you the bishest wisdom.
is now high time that we should pass Chairman, Muslim Union. expect to find of interest
on from the talking stage to that of 155 37, Piachaud’s Lane, readers in the simple life of an Azhar medicine, and abstaining from it
©onstructive work. A Colombo. 20th Sept. man ? ” is its cure.
' During the paşt few yearsit has —SEYEDENA ALI
heen our lot to see the rise and fall of
The correspondent, however, succeed
ed in obtaining much interesting infor-
Unions and Associations. Our com- “The Star of Islam’ (on whom be peace)

munity especially has been notorious

Sheikh Maraghy arrives at his office
for making sporadic attempts at social known to you.
and economic reforms. The fault is Notice to Readers at 9 a. m. and while going through his
usually big mail, he entertains his
our own. Lack of public co-operation “The Star of Islam” has firmly es- Good and precise language is half
visitors and discusses various questions
and callous irdifference towards the tablished its position in the field of education.
with them. His morning visitors are
plight of the poorer people have been Journalism in an incredibly short time.
mostly professors of the great Muslim
„the bane of our age, and nowhere do Its rapidly increasing popularity in There are e three deadly ihings for men:
University who seek the Rector's ` Pride, Greed, and Avarice. Pride
we sce a consistent and honest attem pt and outside Ceylon bears eloquent tes-
advice on anything which they con-
madea to establish a semblance of unity timony to its high literary quality kills religion, ‘Greed kills the soul,
sider to be difficult to solve.
in the hearts of the Muslims. and the wealth of useful knowledge and Avarice kills morals.
It is the humble sw.mission ofthe it contains. "Therefore join the large At *about 2 p.m., he drives home
organisers of the Cental Community circle of its readers comprising a great
Fund that there is only one funda- Intellectual and Spiritual Brotherhood members of his family and then has a
mertal cause that has given effect to by sending the following form, duly
thís miserable condition; it is the one important visits to make, he stays at
filled, together with a P O. for Rs. 3/-
factor that has driven us into rival to the Manager.
wao often discuss with the Rector not
° é.

social groups. Mr. S. W. R. D. ENROLMENT FORM

Bandaranaike, in his speech .on the
The Manager, and intellectual matters.
Ideas and Ideals of the Sinnala Maha "“ The Star of Islam,"
Sbha, emphaticalky declared that the
Sinhalese cannot be a great nation 39 & 41, Glennie St.,
unless they are taught to think as Slave Island. stances. In the evening, I have some-
Dear Sir,
“Sinhalese. From his tribal way of
looking at things he may be correct; Please enroll me as 'a subscriber to
documents connected with ıny duties.
but we must tuke warning that his “The Star of Islam.. I enclose a P.O.
idc:l strikes at the very root of tsľam for Rs. 3/- the annual subscription for
my choice is always guided by a desire for greatness.
anl as such is highly symbolic of the the paper. to read only books which are useful
Abiu Jahl of old.

; On a careful analysis, therefore, of the |` baoks may keep me awake until one
problem of unity in a most disunited ..... c...e One who follows the ignorant is bad.
group my Committee is convinced that : —SEYEDENA HASAN
thcy have a.solution to this question.| =, 3. : a and then recite the Holy Koran .” on whom be peace) `

This content downloaded from on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 03:16:29 UTC
All use subject to
SEPTEMBER 30, 1939. =

Why I "Embraced Islam da the

to work. Yhe the
West lands astflaine
THE PA: SSING OF THE “where his which we unfortunately have almost `
- HOLY PROPHET his way into the mosque,
(Continued Fro om page 1)
extinguished, and we have to study
appearance” says the middle ages, the Muslim civilisation in
their beautiful teaching. J}Bernard
Spain set a light to the glorious develop-
Shaw said, and I absolutely agree with
THE LAST GRAPHIC gation”. ment of science, art and literature.
him: “Islam is the religion of the
The Prophet's Last Exhortation It is due to the enlightened Caliphs of
future. ”
HOURS Abu Bakr ceased to pray, but Spain that Europe happily was able to
find the way to the Renaissance. Un- Before closing I would like to say
Muhammad bade him proceed and
fortunately the evolution of the life of that .Iwashappy to make my declara-
By S. M. SALIHUE MARIKAR after the prayers were over the Prophet Muslim lands is too little known. I tion in an aeroplane high in the air, to
After a successful expedition to thus addressed the congregation: "I feel sure that in the near future these Dr. Khalid Sheldrake, President of the
have heard’, said he ‘thata rumour
"Tabuk 9 A. H. the Prophet returned lands will play an important part in Western Islamic Association, who is
of the death of your Prophet filled you
with his army. to Medina. During a with alarm, but has any Prophet be- history. Thisis the.reason, coupled well known for the self-sacrificing work
halt ata place called Khumman he fore me lived for eyer that you think with my great sympathy for Islamic he
of undertaken
a splendid all his life for the :
convoked an assembly of the people I should not leave you? Everything lands, why I started i in Paris a monthly
and addressed to them a solemn review called ‘Informations Musul- In a few weeks I hope to leave for
has its appointed time which is not to
adjuration. be hastened nor avoided. I return to manes”. Thisis the only independent Germany because from this country I
“Ye believe” said the Prophet, Him who sent me, and my last request
paper in existence which gives have received so many letters convey-
“that there is no God but God, that a true account of the evolution ing the great interest felt there in the
Muhammad is the Prophet of God and
to you is that ye remain united, that ye
and of the life of Muslim sacred Relic. I have been asked to go to
love, honour and uphold each other in
that ye have to render an account of lands. Ithas already received a warm
what shall be reasonable, that ye England early next month and at the end
welcome from all those who are interest-
all your actions to God, the King exhort each other to faith and con- of the Summer I hope to go to America
-of the Day of Judgment.” with Dr. Sheldrake to explain the pro-
stancy in belief and to the performance
lands, and I hope, that this purely found beauty of the Teaching -of the
The assembled multitude answered of righteous deeds : by these alone men
“yea verily we believe these things.”
prosper,—all else lead to destruction.’ Prophet. I will take with me the
-Thereafter putting himself at the great service not only to the Muslims màårvellgus sacred Relic which I will
In concluding his exhortation, he but to the whole world. show to all those who have asked to
head of his pilgrim army Muhammad
:set out on his return to Medina. read out the following verse from the
Fighting Atheism see this unique souvenir of the Great
It was doubtless in view of his Quran:—'The future mansion—God
. We all feel that the moral basis of Prophet.
has made for those who seek not to
approaching end and solicitude for the
exalt themselves in the earth or todo life is sapped up by the powerful To all my Muslim brothers and
welfare of Islam and Muslims he influence of atheism. ‘Therefore our
wrong; for the happy issue shall attend sisters in Islam who are listening to
settled himself to organize the provin- duty is to join higher ideal of moral me, and specially to those in Ceylon I
-ces and tribal communities that had the pious”. (Holy Quran 28-5-83).
These were the last words the noble and ethics, to be able to withstand this send all my warmest greetings.
accepted Islam.
Missionary officers were sent to the Prophet of Islam. spoke in public. FSR SEO
provinces and to the tribes for the Aided by Ali and Fazl he was çon-
purpose of instructing them more fully ducted to the dwelling of Ayesha which
was close to the mosque.
ig ministration
the duticsofofJustice.
Islam Toand the
Moaz, While praying earnestly within him-
son of
the 12th of Rabiul-Awwal 1, the 11th
a"gtion was worthy of more than
ary attention. Muhamed asked year of the Hijra (June 8th, 632 A.D.)
| ity what rule he would be guided a nA

in his administration ofthat province.

“By the Lauw of the Quran”, said
Moaz. — But if you find no direction
ŞBritish Cabinets’
; therein?” ‘Then I will act according
"to the example of the Prophet.” You can buy all your books at less ther i eir new ;
“But if thut fails?” "Then I will
exercise my own judgment.” Where
upon Muhamed _approved highly of the A r ofwArabia's
„Lawrence v. prices. We are leading dealers tn second band wud uow schoo! å

answer of h's disciple and com-
‘ mended it io the other delegates.
To Ali he said “when two parties
a — — — t ;— s . bogks of every description. Send your V.P. order toddy o S :
YT T TPACCİNYG CE PCNSPS TWAA inconvenience? Vre italig re A
come bofors you for justice, do not Was Lawrence a great man or a con-
lecide before you have heard them ceited actor? That much debatel whenever second-hand, books are out of stock. renmpt adtentin
both’. problem is brought nearer solution by
is always given to all orders.
Visit To The Grave-Yard this book of odds and ends found among
his papers and brought out by his
Before long the Prophets Special terms may be

saw him grow feebler and weaker, but ‘ Oriental Assembly,” by T. E, Law-
yet the Prophet did not desist from rence. Edited by A.W. Lawrence,
presid'n: at the public pręyers until with photographs by the author.
(William and Norgate, 10s. 6d.) Every purchaser of books worth Rs. 10/- or more will get
' within ` aree days of his death when
all phy -ical powers were completely There is no doubt about the sincerity
a valuable fountain pen free.
of Lawrence’s bitter words about the
:sapped from him.
At mid-night through the dark and betrayal of the Arabs by British
cabinets. ‘Imeant to make a new
:silent city he quietly paced to the
nation,” he says, and. that sounds
grave yard outside the city walls.
inflated vanity. But all he means is
Having arrived in the midst of the
that he believed he could help the Arabs
tombs he lifted up his voice and made
to get self-government. He regretted
a solemn apostrophe to their tenants, afterwards that he did not advice them
“peace be upon you, ye people of the “-to go home and not risk their lives
graves, Gol forgive you ! Peaceful be fighting for such stuff” as British
the morning to which ye shall awaken, promises !
and happy your conlition. Ye have
passed on before us, and we are to The aims pursued in London, were
follow you”.
he charges, mean and sordid.
The next day he was aided in re- “I went up the Tigris with 100
pairing to the mosque by his two Devon Territorials, young, clean,
cousins Ali and Fazl, the son of delightful fellows, full of the power of
Abbas. After his usual prayers. he happiness and of making women and
thus addressed the multitude;—'‘Mus- children glad. By them one vividly saw
lims. if I have wronged any one of you, how great it was tobe their kin and
here am I to answer for it, if I owe English. And, we were casting them
anything to any one of you, all I may by thousands into the fire to the worst
happen to possess belongs to you.
Upon this a man in the cròwd re-
minded Muhammad of three dirhems of
of deaths, not to win the war, but tħat
the rice and corn and oil of Mesoptamia
might be ours.”
G. A.
silver which he had given toa poor That is sinc:re —and perhaps a shade
man at the Prophets’ request. ‘Better’ too sweeping. And here is the honest,
said Muhamed, ‘is it to blush in this” kindly nature of the man getting the
world than suffer in the next.” better of Imperialism :
The Prophets’ malady began to “ All our subject provinces to me were
increase from day to day. On Friday not worth one dead Englishman.” Maradana - Police
the day of religious assembelluge he Why Shaw recommended Laurence
requested Abu Bakr to perform the to omit this passage and the whole of
public ! prayers. The appearance of the introduċtory chapter here printed
Abu Bakr in the pulpit caused great when '‘ Seven Pillars of Wisdom ” was
agitation and anxiety among the published, itis difficult to see. The PHONE: 9028. P. O. BOX 4l.
Muslims, and a rumour was circulated rest ofthe book has interest as the
that the Prophet was no more. On work of an original fresh and probably

This content downloaded from on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 03:16:29 UTC
All use subject to



ALIGARH - : The aly monthly Illustrated Islamic Journal in” fe

English language devoted to the dissemination of the teach?
(Continued from. page 7 ings of Islam on-orthodox lines; dealing with Islamic® }.
( Continued from last last week s Issue) Problems of To-day, Islamic Theology, Culture, and
By M. MOHAMED ..…. , Philosophy ; with section for Comparative Religion and F
compass and such other instruments of Formerly of Aligarh University and now
Contemporary, Thought; Reports of Islamic Activities from
rogress; who knows that the condition -of The Technical Col.ege, Colombo,) ` different Countries; etc. ` : A^

lisation would not have been to-day ” For residential purposes the Univer- Founder.Patron :
what it was fourteen hundred years ago. sity is divided ińto three main Halls,
Sir Syed Hall, Viqarul Mulk Halland H. E E. MOULANA MOHAMMED - ABDUL ALEEM SIDDIQUI.
The industries developed by the Mus- Edıtor :
lims during their rule in Spain were Aftab Hall under which many hostels
are conducted. Each hostel has its own HAFIZ MOHAMMED FAZLUR RAHMAN ANSARI. B. A.. B.TH. JR. (AHE),
provosts and wardens. he general
glassware, silver mines, cotton manu-
organisation ofthe hall isthe same. Annual Subscription:
; 7 Rs.
sh. 33 (India ).& Seyin) and .
( Foreign
woollen carpets, iron

work were some of these. The Mus- food and general discipline of the stu-. ` Apply to :—THE MANAGER; l
dents residing in the hall and heé is
Malacca Street, SINGAPORE.
assisted by wardens.
the maize, the sugar-cane, the wind-
mill and many such other items of in- Sir Syed Hall giS the oldest, most
dustry. During the reign ofthe Spain- historic and most expensive hall bf the


ish king, Al-Hakam, great irrigation University. It occupies the centre of
systems were developed in Granada, University of which the teaching
Valencia and Arragon. In short, the classes, offices, mosque, library and
post office are within the hall. IS A MAGAZINE READ IN 5 CONTINENTS `
It stands for :— | Fn i
art of war, industry. ~?mmerce and
seamanship made ur.pcedented pro- The University Union, (Rampur
Hall) the premier sacial and acada-
gress in Muslim Spain. ‘It is a histori-
mic organisation of the students is A United Islam. A Living Islam.
cal fact that 477 years before Colum-
very near to this hall. The hall is A Rational Islam. A Liberal Islam. i
bus, the Arabs and the Moors of Spain
traded with the American continent. completely shady and with cool beds of A Progressive Islam. .
Though: the average westerner is
It :— 1. Refutes charges against Islam. :
under the impress'o1 that- Europe's The hall provides a large common 2. Removes the misconception about Islam. N
salvation was caused by the defeat of room and several games club and 3. Creates sense of Pride in Islam. *,
the Muslims at Tours (Poitiers) the literary societies to encourage acade- 4. Distributes free copies to the seekers of Islam. £
real fact is that the world’s progress mic &ctivities and sports amongst its 5. Demonstrates the services and sacrifices of Ahlulbait, H
resident members. Thouyh the erpenses and companions of the Prophet of Islam. p
| Its Annual Subscription :— |
was retarded for ages by this check on
the advance of the Muslims in the West. exceed that of other halls, but they are
certainly not as high as the expenses at
Perhaps the darkest pages in the annals
other Colleges in Tudia aiming at an
i Inland . Rs. 5—0—0 Librari . Rs.* 2. 3g 0 p
of history, dealing with the Inquisition
equally high standard of education and Students Rs. 3-0-0 Boreign’ shifins. 10 Ar i
and such ‚other disgraceful matters,
would never have been written at all culture. Certain concessions and re-
and the Renaissance, which ushered in
duction of fees are allowed to the ; Ev be had from
16. "Caning Á 8edhe
| k Ma of y akow. REVIEW; x,

: z ae = s
an era of civilisation in Europe, would deserving students, who havg disting-
have been accelerated by 700 years if
the Muslims had won that battle and wirexcèllent academic cáreer,
“The Viqarul Magiiəm H, named
Islamised the whole sf Europe. Ana- after É distinguished Hony. Secreta
"rance who s 8 ove. „rațial: and
` -¥ preindica, truly Said.í in his
“The. most -tragi
ofthe M A.O. College, has jis csf
; A&A Or, Chii s: . w
0 tç Univ CYSTY `“
distinct Geographical entity tp nd
an s lt comprise s óf fuur hoste < onstitu-
the civilisation “of Arabis, Fsi; re g a big quadrangle and offers to its
students facilities of various games and
rrý Stus In Powder Form
the barbærism of Fhe Frünkť” |:
t happy sign E the rTeading rooms, como ruoms and
fair-minded indivi- debating sociefies with gymnastic —
duals, wliose srna n observations exercis. s and games. The hall
have been quoted, but even a whole na- is open to students of various depart-

ments and classes but all the Training
tion has at least realised that Europe's
College Students are accommodated in
one of the liostels.

Registered] TradeMark
civilisation, which has given her a do-
minating position all the world over, is The Aftab Hall, named after the late

to be ascribed to the civilising force of | ex-Vice Chancellor, Shahibzada Aftab N.. 7295
Ahmed Khan has been established to
provide for brilliant and promising
establish University education at the

students to the hall, preference is given

In selecting
; N P D N s

Islam achieved for science and civilisa- WA,

to those who have an excellent educa-
tion during the Muslim occupation of
Spain. Itis hoped this will enlighten
thè world about the fact that the Mus- lead a life of severe simplicity.

lims were the most’ zealous promoters|,

is reserved . for Hindu Students, who
and protectors of knowledge and cul-
ture for full one;thousand years, during have been granted all facilities and
which other peoples were enshrouded concessions as Muslim Students. They
(have to manage their own mess under

in ignorance, bigotry and barbarism.

the: supervision of the authorised
- (To be continned)
warden. Ifthey desire to reside in . > AVAILABLE IN TRIAL PACKETS AND UPWARDS.
classes whether resident or non-resi-
any one of the Muslim hoštels and take
dent will be attached >? the hall. Mrs.| 1! Muslim meals, they are allowed with-
out any question: Chillie, Coriander, Pepper, and other Curry Ingredients, Wheat, Rice
M. J. Hyder. M.A., : B rley, Grams. Hurakkan, Coffee Etc.,
Every Student of- the University
Girl's College, is the Provost ofthe must ` be a member of a hostel or with
There is no other institution in : ARE GROUND. AT MODERATE - CHARGES
the guardian approved by the provóst,
the whole of India or outside India, _ Ground Powders Stocked for Immediate Delivery
Remember! Remember!
subject to the rulės framed by the
which provides University education
academic council. `A limited number
so cheaply as in Aligarh. A Student of students wiil be allowed to live out-
side the hostel. All Stocks are Produced from Best Quality out of Their
the expense of his own local institu-
tion. Every body will be proud of to one hall or the other and they will Respective Kinds Prepared Clean & Untouched By Hand.
be considered as day scholars.’ ;
being a resident student of Aligarh
The Women Students are -also ad- TRY us ONCE FOR ECONOMY & SATISFACTION
mitted to the B.A. Classes in the
Aligarh, , w .
There are more than 400 students in
Muslim Girls’ College, which is
The University conducts a. Techincal managed by the University. Thè The Champion Flour Grinding Mill,
College which instructs civil, electric. HIGH GRADE FLOUR & CURRY POWDER MILLERS,
arrangement to the girls are made in
ani other techincal coursés. A kinder- the Training College, for B. T. Casses
under proper Islamic Purdah. ` 347 & 349, Od Maur Street. COLOMBO.
garten,. High School, English School
Muslim Univèrsity Women’s Hall
and a Girls’ College. For the school has bee instituted; eand for ,the pre-

accommodated. :
sp ^ial hostels and facilities, are
sent, is located within the premises of
the Muslim Girls’ College. Al! Stu-
‘Printed and published for the Proprietors of “The Star of Islam” by Haris:
' Cassim Camball, No 37, Gie: nie Street, Slave Island, at the Colombo.
( To be Continued). dents admitted tò B.A. and B. T. ` Adana Prers, No ` 39 & A1, Glennie Street, Slave Island. ` \

-, D `

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