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Viparita Raj Yoga – VRY (िवपरीत राजयोग)

Date: July 26, 2018 1

Viparita (or Vipareet) Raj Yoga – (VRY) is a special kind of Raj yoga that arises out of the
weakness of the lords of the Dustasthanas / Trika (i.e. of the evil bhavas or houses – 6th, 8th
and 12th). The word, Viparita, in Sanskrit means the “Opposite”, unexpected because the
Viparita Raj yoga is basically a planetary combination/association of the lords of
Dushtsthanas, which lords otherwise by virtue of their being functional malefics, during the
course of their own dashas and also periodic unfavourable transits, give much pain, hardship
and losses.

It is said that where ever bad houses Lords (6th, 8th and 12th houses lord) sits in the
horoscope so they destroy that house, like 6th lord sitting in 8th or 12th so it will destroy 8th
house or 12th house things (Means negativity of 8th or 12th houses gets destroyed), That’s
what this yoga comes into the picture.

Houses Involved in VRY – 6th, 8th and/or 12th (Few take 3rd House also part of
Planets Involved in VRY – 6th Lord, 8th Lord and/or 12th Lord (Few take 3rd Lord
also part of VRY)
However Uttara Kalamitra prescribes the condition that there should not be any relationship
with other planets – which would be very rare.

Kalidasa in his Uttara Kalamrita vide Sloka IV.22 states that the lord of the 8th in 6th or in
the 12th, the lord of the 6th in the 8th or in the 12th and the lord of the 12th in the 6th or in
the 8th house from the Lagna (Ascendant) give rise to extraordinary Raja Yogas provided
these lords are mutually related by conjunction or by mutual aspect or by mutual
exchange of signs, and at the same time do not relate with any other planet i.e. house-
lord; and in case all three are involved then a very powerful Raja yoga will arise. This is
the Viparita Raj yoga that confers learning, longevity, fame and prosperity, illustrious
friends, success in all ventures and victory over foes. Enhanced status and financial
stability in the dasha of the planet causing this yoga and which result is also witnessed in
the dasha of the planet associating with it.

The basis of this yoga is two basic principles of astrology:

1) Any planet placed in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhāva loses its strength.
2) The lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhāva harm/weaken the bhāva occupied.

Thus logically there should be extreme loss of strength for the lords of the 6 th, the 8th or
the 12th bhāvas and harm to the 6th, the 8th , or the 12th bhāva when they occupy bhāva
other than their own bhāva. This would mean that problems like disease, litigations,
health issues or high expenditure etcetera that trouble the Jātaka should become more
severe. However learned Kālidāsa opines that these results are reversed and cause the
Jātaka to become a king, especially if these lords are also connected to each other, by
aspect or exchange and themselves be unaspected by other planets.

Such pure Vipareet Raj Yoga (VRY) is almost impossible to be in place in any chart. In our
experience, involvement of 3rd lord also forms part of VRY (i.e. mutual exchange of lords of
3/6/8/12 lords in 3/6/8/12 houses).

There is the dictum according to which rule lords of inauspicious bhavas when placed in
inauspicious bhavas cease to act inauspiciously and actually tend to produce favourable
results because the lords of inauspicious bhavas invariably destroy the significance of the
bhavas they occupy and also by virtue of their occupation of a dushtasthana because having
become themselves weak they are less prone to give their bad results.
Mantreswara in his Phaladeepika has assigned favourable results when lords of the 6th, the
8th or the 12th are situated in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house counted from the Lagna-
kendra other than in their own house – the lord of the 6th in the 8th or in the 12th house
confers the favourable Harsha yoga, the lord of the 8th in the 6th or in the 12th house confers
the favourable Sarala yoga and the lord of the 12th in the 6th or in the 8th house confers the
favourable Vimala yoga, then there is rise in status, fame and financial gains during the dasha
of the planet so placed.

Harsh Yoga – the lord of the 6th in the 8th or in the 12th house
Victory over enemies; influential personality in the society; blessed with good friends,
family, life partner and children; wealthy, famous, luxuries and fortunate

Sarala Yoga – the lord of the 8th in the 6th or in the 12th house
Fearless, ability to fight adversity with vigor; Scholarly, wealthy, famous. principled,
Efficient decision makers.

Vimala Yoga – the lord of the 12th in the 6th or in the 8th house
Independent nature, happy, Wealthy, Pious, contribution towards the society, honorable
profession, good behavior and conduct, famous after death

Another Form of Vipreeta Raj Yoga is when lord of 6th, 8th and 12 lords conjunct each
other in one house, But in such case there should be one benefic aspect is mandatory to save
your life form such evil conjunction because in this case plants kills each other and create
sufferings, but benefic aspect can save you and can turn it into a Raja yoga

Vipareet Raj Yoga also creates circumstances wherein one person’s rise, gain or success
after failure or loss to another person. Also Most often native rises suddenly after struggle
during the operative periods of planets involved in VRY. VRY gives sudden unexpected &
wining situations in life which you can enjoy till long time,
Vipreet Raj yoga is clear indication of sufferings in personal and professional Life (You
can’t escape suffering anyhow), However profit of having this raj yoga is that “Later or
sooner your life will come into track but after several drama and mental harassment”. A
vipareet raj yoga is kind of late justice to native and Ultimate justice is delivered
(usually in second half of life) in the meantime one may suffer.

Also It’s observed that VRY gives success disproportionate to efforts (or even without
efforts) – like a lawyer getting handsome fee for not appearing for the opponents.

VRY does not apply if the lagna lord is in the 6th, the lagna lord is in the 8th, or if the
lagna lord is in the 12th – as in all these combinations birth chart will lose
sustainability for weak Ascendant.

These trika (6/8/12) houses lords through their placement and under any beneficial influence
or with any beneficial conjunction cause great unexpected favorable results during their Antar
dasha or Maha Dasha. The person despite initial hardship of life rises to great height of
success because VRY creates sudden opportunity in evil circumstances which acts like a
rewards in personal & professional life.

Vipreeta Raj yoga gives output in two way – Either very slow and with lots of struggle
(Which affects throughout life) or in very short time unexpected booming results (Such
effect gets disappear very soon, if chart doesn’t have sustenance for yoga e.g. weak
Ascendant etc). And its results is purely depends on the Karmic Deeds (Deeds which
you have done in your past life) of the person.

In previous birth, Anyone who bear pain for others, Help others in their bad time but still
didn’t get any credit for his or her good cause, Just accepting odds in life to make others
happy and still happily serving others, Gets rewarded by destiny as Vipreeta Raja Yoga.

However if you were getting suffered for your blood relatives in your previous birth so in
present birth you get higher position or higher rank and will earn name for your family
(Means you could be in the top in your family), however if you have suffered for others
like nation fighters and doing something which is very good for human being than such
peoples actually gets real rewards from this yoga. (these effects are visible in your
horoscope by the planetary placement).

So despite of your all other bad karma of your previous life, in your next birth you will get
rewarded by the destiny through Vipreeta Raja yoga which supports in certain odd time
when you feel you lost your life but sudden path will appear to move ahead, So Simple
significance of Vipeeta Rajayoga is “Your life will come on the track with the time, when
you will feel lost, Life will give you the way to move further ”
A careful reading of Parasara, Phaladeepika and Uttarakalamitra reveals a more
stringent set of conditions for the formation of Viparita Raja Yoga:

Type A: The lord of a trikasthana must go to another trikasthana. Having a trik lord in
its own house doesn’t qualify. Therefore, this requires one or more of the following: 6th
lord in the 8th or 12th, and/or the 8th lord in the 6th or 12th, and/or the 12th lord in the
6th or 8th.

Type B: Alternatively, instead of trik lords moving to other trikasthanas, Viparita Raja
Yoga can also be formed when any two or three trik lords form sambandha via
association, mutual aspect or Parivartana Yoga between trik lords – and this can occur
in any houses.

Strength: In both of the two types described above, the participating planets must have
strength. In particular, at least one of the yoga-forming planets should have a first-
class dignity, by which we mean swa rashi (own sign), exalted, retrograde, dig bala, or
swa nakshatra.

In either type, there must be no involvement via association or aspect with any other
(non-trik) planets, else there will be collateral damage. On the other hand, the
association of any participating planet with the Rahu/Ketu axis is not a spoiler, since
the nodes don’t own any houses via which to spread any misfortune.



The logic behind Vipareet rajyoga is simple. The intention of these houses and its lords is to
give negative results. When the lord of an evil house sitting in other evill house, two things
happen. One, it negates the characteristic of that bhava or house and second, by sitting in a
negative house it loses its own negativity. So these planets are unlikely to give bad effect to
the native. So these planets with the help of benefic planets tend to give very positive results.

Role of Saturn in Vipreet Raj Yoga (VRY)

Saturn Causes Vipareet Raja Yoga when In Dusthana Because it is a Natural Signficator for
all Dusthanas (6/8/12 Houses). VRY can also be caused if Saturn becomes a Yogakaraka (for
Taurus & Libra Lagna) and is placed in a Dusthana in debility/weak. However, it is important
that other planets should not conjoin this, else their significations could be destroyed.
Now the unique thing about Saturn is that it represents karma…… always dispense
the good and the bad based on the deeds of the individual unless Jupiter, the planet of
dharma intervenes…….so when Saturn is placed in a dusthana, since it technically
implies that the karma for the person is to destroy any obstructions that he encounters
in this current lifetime, this is what is going to happen, again unless Jupiter interveness
(dharma can work the other way too, but usually Jupiter’s dispensation is pleasant).

So Saturn placed in Dusthana is good – the quantum of INCREASED good effects

achieved is greater than the INCREASED quantum of bad effects when a natural
benefic is placed in a bhava for which it is a karaka. Although OVERALL the good
effects of the LATTER, OUTWEIGH the good effects of the FORMER when TAKEN IN
ISOLATION (effects on the overall natal chart is a different thing altogether).


Contradiction / Precaution (BPHS and other Classics)

Hindu astrology considers the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th and the 12th bhavas counted from the
Lagna (Birth Ascendant) or from the Chandra- lagna (Natal Moon), as Dushtasthanas or evil
bhavas, more importantly the latter three bhavas. Parashara has deemed the lord of the 3rd
along with the lord of the 11th bhavas to be the Papa or Papi grahas (Source: Laghu

The lords of the 6th, the 8th and the 12th generally act as functional malefics and give
adverse results during the course of their respective dashas and transits even if they happen
to be natural benefics or simultaneously own an auspicious bhava. Parashara has termed the
situation of the lord of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th other than
their own as giving rise to Arishta yogas and has assigned bad results only. Auspicious yogas
such as the Raja yogas and the Dhana yogas can co-exist with Arishta yogas, but then the
native availing the benefits of Rajya and also riches, will remain unhappy at personal level.
Janardan Harji in the Second Chapter titled Bhavesha-phala nirupana of his treatise on
predictive astrology Mansagari states that the lord of the 6th in 8th causes physical ailments
according to the characteristic and nature of that planet; in the 12th loss of wealth, earning
after immense hardship and dependence on past works and deeds. The lord of the 8th in the
6th gives great variety of problems affecting wealth, health and conduct, and in the 12th
makes one insincere, dishonest, a liar, a thief or a cheat. The lord of the 12th in the 6th makes
one a miser, causes Balarishta and gives weak eyesight or an eye-disease, in the 8th if a
papagraha makes one aimless and unenterprising, if a benefic planet then an accumulator
and a hoarder of wealth. All planets are rendered weak when the Moon is devoid of strength.
The Moon is easily influenced by other planets and therefore, the ava-yogas (evil yogas)
caused by planets involving the Moon are generally found to be more effective which so is
because of its proximity to the Earth and rapid orbital motion; a weak and ill-placed Moon can
create havoc in one’s life.
The lords of the dushtasthanas can confer good results under certain conditions. The lord of
the 6th situated in a benefic and friendly sign or navamsa either in the 10th or in the 2nd
house from the lagna makes one bold and daring, in both eventualities it will be in a trine from
its own house. The strong lord of the 12th exalted and aspected by benefics blesses one with
many comforts and much wealth.

There are serious doubts about the claim that the mutual exchange of signs (parivartana of
houses) between dusthana lords produce Viparita Raja Yoga. The VRY concept operates on
the principle that the dusthanas get weaker and less malevolent when their lords are placed in
other dusthanas. In case there is a parivartana or exchange of house lords, then as per the
dictums of Vedic Astrology, both houses get stronger. That is unlikely to produce any good.
This is the rationale being followed by both classical sources (Phaldeepika / BPHS) and
brilliant modern Gurus like Barbara Pijan Lama, when they say that the lord of a negative
house shouldn’t be in its own house for VRY to operate. So 6th lord in 6th wouldn’t produce
an effective Harsha Yoga, 8th lord in 8th won’t give a useful Sarala Yoga et al.
Generally dustasthana houses and their lords (6/8/12) are not favoured. But when
these lords are positioned in another dustasthana (i.e. 6th lord in 8/12; 8th lord in 12/6;
12th lord in 6/8) then they gives gains by damaging other dustasthana. In common
parlance, this configuration is defined as VRY.

There is classical reference to this yoga in Uttarkalamrita. VRY is quite tricky

composition for few core factors, as Kalidas mentioned in uttarakalamitra. In his view,
for VRY – the lords of 6/8/12 must exchange houses in 6/8/12 AND then they
must be free from any other association.Theoretically it is rarest yoga. If yoga
exists in any chart then – it is more powerful than any other raj yoga. Such natives
gains through abnormal means (not necessary questionable means) for example –
lawyer getting paid for not appearing for the opponent.

In general chart reading practices, 3/6/11 are also considered as malefic; and typically
few group 3rd house also into dustastana. So the modern commentaries have
considered VRY formulation by mutual exchange of 3/6/8/12. Also, since strong
dustasthana lords are considered harmful for manifesting their lordship roles strongly –
few have added additional over rider of weakness of such 3/6/8/12 lords.

It is easier to mention any of the configuration maturing from 3/6/8/12 houses, than
actually observing it. My few quick concerns on modern definition of VRY:

if 3rd lord are to be taken as part of VRY; then why not 11th as it is most malefic
is it proper to say – 6th lord into 8th, 12th or even 6th itself (likewise for 8th/12th
houses) as VRY. If this partial configuration could be named as VRY, then why
are these similar definitions prescribed for Sarla/Vimla etc yogas. I appreciate
the reasoning of 6th lord in 8th/12th etc – but then instead of VRY – it will be
another benefic yoga like sarla/vimla etc. Let us not mix both just to do fixing
Why should strength of 6/8/12 houses affect the VRY’s existence, when by
definition – any planet or lord going into 6/8/12 are considered weak itself.
How can VRY be formed by mutual association of 6/8/12 lords in any house
other than dustasthana. By definition – these placement will be awkward for
significations of the house positioned in.

Formation of yoga has two broad classifications:

a. Shubh Yoga (yoga forming by shubh planets)

b. Ashubh Yoga (yoga forming by ashubh planets)

Core definition of any shubh planet and ashubha planet (benefic / malefic) must not be
mixed up with natural qualities of planets i.e. somya and krur (e.g. Jupiter is somya
planet and Shani is krur planet). A planet may be krur, but still be shubha for a specific
lagna (e.g. Mars for leo and Cancer nativities). For formation of shubh (positive) yoga
has to have planets configured in, are benefic (shubh) for specific nativity. Sage
Parashar has very explicitly defined such planets for each lagna. This is purely based
upon house lordships.

It is also defined that shubh planet will deliver good results, when positioned in good
houses and vicer versa. Very often, we see ashubh (negative or malefic) planet
delivering good results.

So in theory, malefic planets if positioned in negative houses, can also trigger good
events. Also, there are few well accepted exceptions for:

a. somya planets having lordship of kendra (4/7/10) as kendradhipati dosh

b. krur planets occupying uppachaya houses (3/6/10/11) are good.

Planetary interpretation for any specific chart has set road map for their good / bad
results; and also they have their unique effects if not influenced by another planets.
But then, with so many planets ..they are bound to have effects / influences and then
whole interpretation model goes in different direction.
To maintain a VRY-type sudden, power-vacuum promotion, one must have the
genuine skills to do the job.

The Viparita Raj Yoga only provides the shocking change in a fixed environment which
opens the door to power; but to keep the power, one must have a genuine Raja
combination somewhere else in the nativity — else the pretender soon will be

sometimes the Viparita ” crooked” Raja Yoga implies a degree of schadenfreude =

taking pleasure at the ill fortune of others. But normally the native is not a malicious
person at all.

Rather, some event which harms others through no fault of the native happens to
create a positive opportunity in the native’s life. And as always the native must
possess the necessary assets – wealth, character, alliances — to develop and
continue the Viparita Raj Yoga “window of opportunity”.

Otherwise, the moment of privilege will soon expire.


8th Lord in Various Houses

12th Lord in Various Houses

6th Lord in Various Houses

According to Maharshi Parasara: (1) When the lord of 6th house is in 6th house, the
person’s relatives become his enemies; he would befriend outsiders and may seek
their help to harm his enemy-relatives. (2) When the lord of 6th house is in 8th or 12th
house, the native hates learned persons; he becomes sickly. He may go after other’s
wives; he may take pleasure in causing violence in the family or in the society.
Therefore the astrologer should carefully examine the intrinsic evil nature of the
ownership of the planets, while interpreting these three yogas.

However in our experience, the VRY operates in most powerful mode when where 6th lord in
6th, 8th lord in 8th and 12th lord in 12 because no planets will destroy its own house.

6 ठ, 8 व, 12व घर और उनके ामयों के ितकूल होने के बावजूद, जैसा िक आम िव ास है , िवपरीत राजयोग

लोगों के िलये काफी लाभदायक हो सकता है । ऋिष कािलदास अपने ंथ उ रकालिम का के ोक 4 और
8 म भी कहते ह िक “ अग़र 6, 8, और 12 के ामी अकेले या साथ साथ 6, 8, और 12 घरों म बैठे हों या िकसी

ी े औ ों े े ों ो े े ै ों े ोई ं ं
भी तरह वे 6, 8, और 12 घरों से जुड़े हों, तो अग़र वे पर र घर बदलते है , बशत उन हों से इनका कोई संबंध
नहीं हो जो 6, 8 ओर 12 घरों मे नहीं बैठे ह, तब वह एक राजा होगा और पया संपि का ामी होगा।
वह अ ा नाम कमायेगा और जीवन का आनंद लेगा।“

किठन िवपरीत राजयोग

ज -कु ली म छठ ामी के 6ठे , 8व, और 12व. घरो म बैठने के कारण यह योग बनता है । इस योग के मौजूद
होने के कारण अपने श ुओं पर िवजय हािसल करता है । समाज म एक भावशाली बन
जाता है और उसे अ े िम ों, प रवार, जीवन साथी तथा ब ों का वरदान िमलता है । वह धनवान होता है , नामी
होता है ओर िवलािसता की चीज़ों से प रपूण होता है । वह सौभा शाली होता है ।

िवपरीत सरल राजयोग

ज -कु ली म आठव ामी के 6ठे , 8व और 12व घर म िवराजने से यह योग बनता है । इस योग के बनने के
कारण म िवपि से ढ़ता के साथ लड़ने की मता आती है और वह संघष से भयभीत नहीं होता है ।

िवपरीत िवमल राजयोग

ज -कु ली म बारहव ामी के 6ठे , 8व और 12व घर मे िवराजने से यह योग बनता है । इस योग के प रणाम
प तं कृित का होता है । वह हमेशा खुश रहने की कोिशश करता है तथा धन सं ह करने मे
वीण होता है । वह ायसंगत और नैितक जीवन जीता है और समाज को एक सराहनीय योगदान करता है । वह
स ाननीय वसाय, अ े वहार और आचरण के िलये जाना जाता है ।
िवपरीत राजयोग (Vipreet Rajyoga) कै से बनता है
िवपरीत राजयोग (Vipreet Rajyoga) के भाव के िवषय म जानने के बाद मन म यह िज ासा होना
ाभािवक है िक यह योग बनता कै से है . ोितषशा म कहा गया है िक जब कु ली म ि क भाव
यानी तृतीय, छठे , आठव और बारहव भाव का ामी युित स बनाता है तो िवपरीत राजयोग बनता
है . ि क भाव के ामी के बीच युित स बनने से दोनों एक दू सरे के िवपरीत भाव को समा कर
दे ते ह. इसका प रणाम यह होता है िक िजस की कु ली म यह योग बनता है उसे लाभ िमलता
है .

िवपरीत राजयोग फिलत (Vipreet Rajyoga) होने का िस ांत

िवपरीत राजयोग बनाने वाले ह अगर ि क भाव म कमज़ोर होते ह या कु ली म अथवा नवमांश
कु ली म बलहीन हों तो अपनी श ल ेश को दे दे ते ह. इसी कार अगर के या ि कोण म
िवपरीत राजयोग बनाने वाले ह मजबूत हों तो ि अथवा युित स से ल ेश को बलशाली बना दे ते
ह. अगर िवपरीत राजयोग बनाने वाले ह अपनी श ल ेश को नहीं दे पाते ह तो अपनी ताकत
और मता से कामयाबी नहीं पाता है ब िकसी और की कामयाबी से उसे लाभ िमलता है .

आ ढ ल और िवपरीत राजयोग (Vipreet Rajyoga)

आ ढ़ ल और िवपरीत राजयोग (Vipreet Rajyoga) का िनयम ब त ही अनोखा है . आ ढ़ ल से
तृतीय अथवा छठे भाव म बैठा शुभ ह अगर कु ली म बलशाली हो तो धम और अ ा के े म
सफलता िदलाता है . इसके िवपरीत अगर नैसिगक अशुभ हों की थित आ ढ ल से तृतीय अथवा
छठे भाव म मजबूत हो तो परा म म वृ होती है भौितक जगत म कामयाब और सफल होता
है . अगर इसके िवपरीत थित हो यानी आ ढ़ ल से तृतीय छठे म बैठा शुभ ह कु ली और नवमांश
म कमज़ोर हो तो िवपरीत राजयोग के कारण भौितक जगत म कामयाबी िमलती है . आ ढ ल से
तृतीय या छठे थान म अशुभ ह अगर कमज़ोर हो तो िवपरीत पवराजयोग का फल दे ता है िजससे
अ ा क और धािमक होता है .


फलदीिपका ंथ के अनुसार:- दु ः थानभ म रपु यभावभा ः सु थानम भवन शुभदं िद म्। (अ.
1.17) अथात् ‘‘ज कु ली के 6,8,12 भावों को दु थान और अ भावों को सु थान कहते ह।’’ अ
भावों म के (1,4,7,10) तथा ि कोण (5,9) भाव िवशेष षुभकारी माने गये ह। इन भावों मे थत
रािषयों के ामी ह जातक को जीवन म सुख-समृ दान करते ह। इन षुभ भावों के ािमयों की
षुभ भावों म युित अथवा स होने पर ‘राजयोग’ का िनमाण होता है , िजसके फल प अपने
पु षाथ ारा गित और सुख-समृ का उपभोग कर संतोष ा करता है । के व ि कोण के
ािमयों की पर र ि , युित व थान प रवतन से उ म राजयोग का िनमाण होता है ।

ष म भाव की अशुभता रोग, चोट, ऋण और श ु के कारण सुखों को कम करती है । अ म भाव की

अशुभता जातक की ीण आयु/ ा , वैवािहक सुख की कमी तथा अ किठनाइयों के कारण सुखों
म कमी करती है । ादश भाव की अशुभता सभी कार के सुख, वैभव, धन तथा शै ा सुख का नाश
करती है । ष म्, अ म् व ादश भावों को ‘ि क’ भाव की सं ा दी गई है । इनम से अ म भाव को
सवािधक अशुभ और ादश भाव सबसे कम अशुभ माना गया है । ‘भावात् भावम्’ के िस ा अनुसार
ष से ष एकादश भाव, तथा अ म् भाव से अ म् तृतीय भाव को कु छ कम अशुभ माना गया है । पर ु
ि क भावों (6, 8 व 12) की एक िवशेषता भी है । इन भावों के ामी अपने ही भाव म, या इनम से िकसी
भाव म, थत होकर िबना प र म के (लॅटरी, स ा, जुआ, गड़े धन, वसीयत आिद ारा) राजयेाग से भी
अिधक धन-समृ व यश दान करते ह। इस थित को ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’ की सं ा दी गई है ।

ी ि ी ो े े ों ी े ो े ई ि
कु ली म िवपरीत राजयोग बनाने वाले हों की दशा-भु के समय राजयोग से कई गुना अिधक लाभ
व समृ को िमलती है ।

आचाय कािलदास ने अपने ंथ ‘उ र कालामृत’ (अ.4.22) म िवपरीत राजयोग के संदभ म कहा है :

र ेशो यष गो रपुपतौ र े ये व थते रःफेशोऽिप तथैव र रपुभे य ा त दे त।

अ ो ् षगता िनरी ण युता ा ैर यु ेि ता जातोऽसौ नृपितः श िवभवो राजािधराजे रः।।

अथात् ‘‘ अ मेश यिद य या ष म हो, ष े श यिद अ म् अथवा य म हो, येश यिद ष अथवा
अ म् भाव म हो, और इन ने भावों के ािमयों की युित, ि अथवा य ारा पर र स भी
हो, पर ु अ िकसी ह से युित अथवा ि स न हो, तो जातक वैभवशाली राजराजे र समान
होता है ।’’ ऐसा शु ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’ ब त कम कु िलयों म िमलता है , अतः लाभ भी उसी अनुपात मे
जातक को िमलता है ।

आचाय मं े र ने अपने ंथ ‘फल दीिपका’ म ‘ष े श’ की 6,8,12 भाव म थित को ‘हष योग’ (अ.6.62)
का नाम िदया है । ऐसा सुखी, भा शाली, थ, श ुह ा, यश ी, उ िम ों वाला और पु वान
होता है । अ मेश की ऐसी थित से ‘सरल योग’ (अ.6.65) बनता है । ऐसा ढ़ बु , दीघायु,
िनभय, ि़व ान, पु व धन से यु , श ु िवजेता, सफल और िव ात होता है । ादशेश की ऐसी थित
होने पर ‘िवमलयोग’ (अ.6.69) बनता है । ऐसा धनी, कम खच करने वाला, तं , े , गुणी और
िस होता है ।

ज ल के साथ-साथ च रािश से भी ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’ का आकलन करना चािहए। दोनो ल ों से बने

िवपरीत राजयोग के फल पूण प से िमलते ह। ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’ बनाने वाले ह कम अंशो पर , दु बल
होने, तथा उन पर दु भाव के अनुपात म अिधकािधक शुभ फल दे ते ह। पर ु श शाली पापी ह के
अशुभ भाव म थत होने पर जातक की हािन करते ह।

ोितषीय त ों के गूढ़ अ यन से यह िन ष िनकलता है िक जातक की ज कु ली म थत

‘राजयोग’ उसके पूवज के अ े कम का फल होता है , जबिक ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’ पूव ज म अ े
काय, प र म एवं ता ािलक सामािजक आचार संिहता के पालन के बावजूद पीिड़त रहने वाले जातक
की इस ज की कु ली म पाये जाते ह। वह पूव ज म िजन लोगों ारा सताया गया था उ ीं लोगों
की ओर से इस ज म उसके वतमान कम का कई गुना अिधक फल दे ने का काय ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’
करते ह। इस ज म िवपरीत राजयोग के कारण जातक को अ िधक लाभ होता है । पर ु पूव सं ार-
वश उसकी िनयित परमािथक हो जाती है िजससे मृ ोपरा उसकी ाित काफी समय तक रहती है ।

ाभािवक िज ासा होती है िक ष और अ म् दु भावों के ामी िकस कार ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’

बनाकर जातक को लाभ प ं चाते ह। यह काय णाली इस कार है ल भाव जातक को दशाता है और
स म भाव उस को िजससे वह स रखता है । ष भाव स म से ादश ( य) भाव है , तथा
अ म भाव स म से ि तीय (धन) भाव है । स ी के 2 व 12 भावों का िविनमय उसकी हािन
करता है । और उसका लाभ जातक को िमलता है । उदाहरणाथ, जब जातक की ष व अ म भावेशों की
दशा-भु चलती है उस समय पर कोई िकसी मजबूरी से अपनी ोपट कम मू म जातक को
बेच दे ता है । कु छ समय बाद उसकी कीमत अ िधक ऊँ ची हो जाती है और जातक उसे बेच कर ब त
अिधक लाभ कमा लेता है । छठे और आठव भाव के ामी पापी ह हों, और उन पर िजतना पाप भाव
हे ागा, उतना ही अिधक शुभ फल ा होगा।

ज कु ली म ‘िवपरीत राजयोग’ का उ ृ उदाहरण पूव धानमं ी ी च खर की कु ली म

िमलता है । मेष ल की इस कु ली म अ शुभ योग के अित र , तृतीय व ष भावों का ामी बुध
ादश भाव म थत है । अ म् भाव का ामी मंगल तृतीय (अ म से अ म) भाव म रा के साथ थत
ै े ी ि ै ी
है । एकादश (ष म् से ष म् ) भाव का ामी शिन अ म भाव म है । ादश भाव का ामी एकादश भाव
म है । इस कार 6,8,12 भाव के ामी अ अशुभ थानों म ह। िकसी बड़ी पाट का नेता न होने पर
भी उ धन, मान, स ान, सफलता एवं भौितक सुख साधन ा ए, और थोड़े समय के िलए वे
धानमं ी के पद पर भी आसीन रहे ।


Principle of Viperata per BPHS / Satyacharya

Somewhat similar principle for planets in debility is enunciated by Sage Pārāshara in the
39 th chapter of his astrological magnum opus “Pārāshari”, popularly known as “Brihat
Pārāshara Horā shāstra”, is now being given in the shloka below

When planets in debility occupy the 6th, the 8th, the 2nd or the 3rd bhāva while the
lagna lord occupies its rāshi of exaltation or own rāshi and aspects the lagna, such yoga
is capable of bestowing kingdom upon the Jātaka.
Sage Pārāshara gives us a different application of the Vipareeta principle when he tells
that planets in debility placed in dusthāna (negative houses) give rise to Rāj yoga, with a rider
that the lord of the ascendant should simultaneously aspect the ascendant. So here two
different set of principles are being used.

First is the Vipareeta principle in operation:

1) It is said that planets in debility harm the indications of the houses occupied, generally
giving negative results.
2) Similar are the results when planets occupy the 6th and 8th bhāvas as the planets
become weak due to their placement in these most malefic of trika bhāvas, and in turn render
the bhāvas owned by the planets in those bhāvas, weak.
3) The bhāvas 3rd and 2nd when occupied by planets in debility should, normally, reduce
valour and accumulated wealth.
However due to the Vipareeta (contrary) principle, Sage Pārāshara opines these planets
shall not give negative results, but on the contrary give good results.

The second principle used is of a bhāva lord aspecting own bhāva strengthening the bhāva:
1) Here we can observe that it is the lagna lord in strength, by virtue of occupying own or
exaltation rāshi, which aspects lagna making it strong.
2) The lagna bhāva, also being representative of Ātmabala, thus fortified on getting
aspected by own lord gives confidence in own capability to the Jātaka.
Thus these two principles, operating in tandem, result in such combination of planets
and bhāvas (yoga) being capable of granting a kingdom to the Jātaka.
The sage makes the principle of very weak lords of dusthāna giving good results when
occupying certain bhāvas; amply clear in the next shloka that reads:

If lord of the lagna in own or exaltation rāshi aspects the lagna while the lord of 6 th, the
8th or the 12 th bhāva are placed in their rāshi of debility or enemy, or are combust the
yoga grants kingdom to the Jātaka.

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