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Question no 1: Compare major disciplines contributing to the study of

organizational behavior? Which discipline is most relevant to the

organizational behavior at organizational level? And why?

There are many disciplines which contributes to the study of organizational

behavior. Some of them are as follows:
1) Psychology
2) Social psychology
3) Sociology
4) Anthropology

Psychology: Psychology has very important impact on the study of

organizational behavior. Psychologists are expert in observing others and predict
their behaviors by observing personal factors related to them. There are many
types of psychology which deals with this study of organizational behavior. Some
of them are:
1) Counseling psychology
2) Industrial psychology
3) Consumer psychology
4) Experimental psychology

Understanding these principals helps to gain the knowledge of different

areas of organizational behavior. Some of them are:

1) Learning
2) Motivation
3) Personality
4) Job satisfaction
5) Perception
6) Training
7) Employee selection
8) Attitude measurement
9) Performance appraisal

Sociology: The study of social system in which individual fill their roles is
the duty of sociologists. Sociologists have made their contribution to OB
through their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal
and sophisticated organizations. The concept of sociology, models helps to
understand the organization culture, Formal organization, bureaucracy.
That is why, Sociology play very important role in understanding
organizational behavior. Sociology contribute towards:
1) Formal organizational theory
2) Organizational technology
3) Organizational change
4) Organizational culture

Sociology is the systematic study of behaviors. In an organization, there

is a social system in which many elements exists termed as:

1) Behavior
2) Norms, rules, regulations
3) Acts
4) Goals
5) Status
6) Status relationships
7) Authority
8) Role expectations

So, the focus of sociology in OB is to understand these elements and its

contribution towards different areas.
Social Psychology: The scientific study of how thoughts,
feelings and behavior of individuals influenced by the actual and
imagined presence of others is termed as social psychology. This
contribution contributes to the aspects of behavioral change, attitude
change, group processes, group decision making and communication.
Social Psychologists study topics including conformity, persuasion,
power, influence, obedience, discrimination, stereotyping, sexism and
racism, small groups, social categories, social conflict, social change,
decision making, etc.
This social psychology aims to better the Group decision making
processes. It explains individual human interaction and human cognition
influences culture and is influenced by culture.

Anthropology: To understand the relationship between human being

and environment is the aim of Anthropology. This is all about
understanding the culture and environment in which a group of people
are living. Anthropology helped us to understand the difference in
attitudes, behavior and values in diverse countries.
Understanding man in this world and its culture and environment is
basically anthropology and organizations are all about people. How they
interact and perceive the environment and culture. So, it’s all about
learning human beings and their activities.

It deals with the comparative values, cross-cultural analysis,

comparative attitudes, organizational culture and environment.
Anthropology is also very important in understanding Organizational

Psychology is the most important discipline which contributes to the

study of organizational behavior at organizational level. Because it deals
with every aspect of humans. As it is all about understanding behaviors
of organization and organization includes people and their behaviors.
Psychology has the first impact on the organizational behavior and it
covers all aspects.

On the other hand, Political science and economics but the explained
sciences have the large impact on organizational behaviors.

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