What Is The Common Definition of AI

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What is the common definition of “AI”? Do you agree?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks
that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart
machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence and discernment.

Do you know any AI application?

AI can analyze lots of data to identify the latest trends, hashtag, and search requirement of different

Cameras and apps use AI for applying different effects on images, refining their quality, and even
suggest how to click them live!

AI can help in object identification in images and also enhance the photograph to the maximum extent
by identifying the depth, lighting, and scope of the picture, and helping capture every element in as
much detail as possible.

A lot of banks have already adopted AI-based systems to provide customer support, detect anomalies
and credit card frauds.

AI is capable of doing various travel related works such as from making travel arrangement to suggesting
the hotels, flights, and best routes to the customers. Travel industries are using AI-powered chatbots
which can make human-like interaction with customers for better and fast response.

AI and finance industries are the best matches for each other. The finance industry is implementing
automation, chatbot, adaptive intelligence, algorithm trading, and machine learning into financial

AI can be used for gaming purpose. The AI machines can play strategic games like chess, where the
machine needs to think of a large number of possible places.

AI is providing a competitive edge to the e-commerce industry, and it is becoming more demanding in
the e-commerce business. AI is helping shoppers to discover associated products with recommended
size, color, or even brand.
AI technologies enable coordination of sensors and effectors, threat detection and identification,
marking of enemy positions, target acquisition, coordination and deconfliction of distributed Joint Fires
between networked combat vehicles involving manned and unmanned teams.

AI supports AVs in a variety of ways, including quickly processing and interpreting the large amounts of
data generated by the vehicle's cameras and sensors enabling the vehicle to see, hear, think and make
decisions just like human drivers do.

AI in robotics helps the robots to learn the processes and perform the tasks with complete autonomy,
without any human intervention. This is because robots are designed to perform repetitive tasks with
utmost precision and increased speed.

can help with early detection, personalization, even disease diagnosis. This device, when powered with
AI can easily monitor and notify abnormal trends. It has been used to predict ICU transfers, improve
clinical workflows and even pinpoint a patient’s risk of hospital-acquired infections.

Should artificial intelligence simulate natural intelligence?

Artificial intelligence should simulate natural intelligence because artificial intelligence is made and
programmed to learn and mimic the actions of humans that can help make a great impact on the quality
of our life through automation of tasks, fast calculations, deep learning and ease of burden and to be
able to do these great things an artificial intelligence must have the capabilities of learning on its own by
identifying patterns, analyzing past data to infer the meaning of these data points to reach a possible
conclusion much like the way the human mind works.

Artificial intelligence should simulate natural intelligence also because it needs to behave and function in
such a way that could make it so a machine could conceive information much like the way the nature or
the human behaves, thinks and interacts with systems so that it would give out outputs that man desires
to be automated like search engine algorithms, and facial recognitions.
What are the criticisms on the AI research? Do you agree?

One criticism of AI research is that it could lead to massive loss of jobs that machines will take over. This
will require changes to training and education programs to prepare our future workforce as well as
helping current workers transition to new positions that will utilize their unique human capabilities.

In the hands of the wrong person, these weapons could easily cause mass casualties. Moreover, an AI
arms race could inadvertently lead to an AI war that also results in mass casualties.

Malicious use of AI,” they wrote in their 100-page report, “could threaten digital security (e.g. through
criminals training machines to hack or socially engineer victims at human or superhuman levels of
performance), physical security (e.g. non-state actors weaponizing consumer drones), and political
security (e.g. through privacy-eliminating surveillance, profiling, and repression, or through automated
and targeted disinformation campaigns)

they can have built-in bias by those who either intentionally or inadvertently introduce them into the
algorithm that could lead to unintended consequences like the ones we have seen with discriminatory
recruiting algorithms

AI will also give rise to hyper-real-seeming social media “personalities” that are very difficult to
differentiate from real ones like the so-called audio and video deepfake created by manipulating voices
and likenesses with a quality high enough it could fool the general public and avoid detection

Algorithmic High-Frequency Trading could bring down our entire financial system and lead to massive
implications for shareholders and the markets themselves
What is the relation between AI and logic? AI and philosophy? Logic

and philosophy?

Logic defines the rules that can be used to operate on facts, partial facts or non-facts in various
combinations so as to arrive at a conclusion. In most AI systems, logic is one of a basket of techniques or
tools used to process information in order to arrive at intelligence. Artificial intelligence uses logic,
statistics, probability, and a host of other tools to simulate knowledge and intelligence.

Logic is the practice of determining what is true based on facts.

With that said, artificial intelligence often deals with truth and facts. Foundational to machine learning is
showing the machine repeated volumes of factual data so that the machine will learn from those facts in
order to recognize that observed patterns when trying to predict facts and rationalize new data
examined in the future.

Without logic artificial intelligence could not exist

Artificial intelligence has closer scientific connections with philosophy than do other sciences, because AI
shares many concepts with philosophy like action, consciousness, epistemology and even free will.

Much like Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence tackles issues such as consciousness, the nature of
knowledge, the difference between knowledge and belief, notion of free will, self, and identity, the
nature of understanding, and existing. Both also use logic and other linguistic mechanism in the
construction of its arguments.

Logic shows us how we can connect things to each other. Nothing in philosophy can be done without
logic as philosophy is essentially the search for knowledge and logic is the one that helps to put some of
this knowledge into a reasonable concept to understand.

Explain the meaning of logic? reasoning? ontology?

Logic is the study of correct reasoning or good arguments. It is often defined in a more narrow sense as
the science of deductively valid inferences or of logical truths. In this sense, it’s the science that studies
arguments which investigates how conclusions follow from premises.
Logic is based on various fundamental concepts. It studies arguments, which are made up of a set of
premises together with a conclusion.

Reasoning is defined as logical or sensible thinking. It’s the process of drawing conclusions to inform
how people solve problems and make decisions. It’s also the process for making clear how your
evidence supports your claim.

Ontology is the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as existence, being, becoming, and
reality. It includes the questions of how entities are grouped into basic categories and which of these
entities exist on the most fundamental level. It helps show the connections and relationships between
concepts in a manner that is generally accepted by the field.

What is Natural Language Processing? And how it is related to AI?

Natural language processing (NLP) refers to the branch of computer science concerned with giving
computers the ability to understand text and spoken words in much the same way human beings can.

It is concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to
program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. It’s related to AI as
Natural Language Processing is an application and a branch of AI that uses statistical, machine learning,
and deep learning models.

Why and how Probabilistic and statistical methods are used in AI?

Probability is the branch of mathematics concerning numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to
occur. In probability, we start with a model that describes how likely a random event is going to happen.
We then predict the likelihood of the event happening.

It predicts how likely future events are based on a model without actual data.

In statistics, we infer the truth or the model based on the actual data observed. Statistics is a form of
mathematical analysis that uses quantified models, representations and synopses for a given set of
experimental data.

In statistics, we look at the set of data given to us, and then we make an inference of what is the model
that is used to generate this set of data.
Machine learning is essentially advanced statistical concepts and mathematics. Many machine learning
models are built on the assumption that the data follows a particular type of distribution.

Without understanding probability, a data scientist will not be able to decide if the data fulfils the
assumption of the machine learning model and therefore might not make the best choice in the
machine learning model.

What are the major research approaches/schools in AI? Which one you think is more productive?

The major research approaches/schools in AI are Reactive Machines, Limited Memory, Theory of Mind,
and self-awareness. Reactive Machines do not use any training sets to feed the machines, nor do the
latter store data for future references. Limited memory consists of machine learning models that extract
knowledge from previously learned information, facts, stored data or events capable of learning from
historical data to make decisions. Theory of mind is the concept where the bots will be able to
understand the human emotions, thoughts, and how they react to them. Self-Awareness is the phase
where the AI teams build machines with self-awareness factor programmed in them.

Which Arabic philosophers contributed to logic in the past?

The Arabic philosophers contributed to logic in the past were al-Fārābī, Avicenna and Averroes.

Al-Fārābī contributed to logic with syllogistic theory of inductive argumentation, doctrine of future
contingency. Avicenna contributed to logic with the theory of "conditional" propositions and temporal
construction of modal propositions, Averroes contributed to logic with the careful reconstruction of
Aristotle's theory of modal syllogistic.

Why Arabs chose to study logic in the past?

Due to territorial disputes with the Arabic grammarians, Islamic philosophers were very interested in
working out the relationship between logic and language, and they devoted much discussion to the
question of the subject matter and aims of logic in relation to reasoning and speech.
What is the common definition of “AI”? Do you agree?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with making
smart machines such as computers or robots the capability of performing tasks that typically
require human intelligence and discernment. I agree with this as artificial intelligence does make
machines or computers simulate and emulate human intelligence with computer science

Do you know any AI application?

One AI application I know of is search engine algorithm wherein AI can analyze lots of data to
identify the latest trends, hashtag, and search requirement of different users. Another AI
application I know is facial recognition and automatic photo enhancer applying different effects
on images, and refining their quality. Another AI application I know of is AI-powered chatbots
which can make human-like interaction with customers for better and fast response. Another AI
application I know of is for gaming purposes like playing a computer opponent in strategic
games like chess. Another AI application I know of is in autonomous vehicles that quickly
process and interpret large amounts of data generated by the vehicle's cameras and sensors
enabling the vehicle to see, hear, think and make decisions just like human drivers do. Another
AI application I know of is AI virtual assistants that answer back from user's inputs like Siri and

Should artificial intelligence simulate natural intelligence?

Artificial intelligence should simulate natural intelligence because artificial intelligence is made
and programmed to learn and mimic the actions of humans that can help make a great impact on
the quality of our life through automation of tasks, fast calculations, deep learning and ease of
burden and to be able to do these great things an artificial intelligence must have the capabilities
of learning on its own by identifying patterns, analyzing past data to infer the meaning of these
data points to reach a possible conclusion much like the way the human mind works.
Artificial intelligence should simulate natural intelligence also because it needs to behave and
function in such a way that could make it so a machine could conceive information much like the
way the nature or the human behaves, thinks and interacts with systems so that it would give out
outputs that man desires to be automated like search engine algorithms, and facial recognition.

What are the criticisms on the AI research? Do you agree?

One criticism of AI research is that it could lead to massive loss of jobs that machines will take
over. Another criticism of AI research is that it In the hands of the wrong person, AI could be
used to used for mass casualties through facial recognition easily targeting people. Another
criticism of AI research is that it could be used for automated and targeted disinformation
campaigns in social media like Facebook and Twitter. Another criticism of AI research is that it
the deepfake technology created by manipulating voices and likenesses with a quality high
enough it could fool the general public and avoid detection. Another criticism of AI research is
the Algorithmic High-Frequency Trading that could bring down our entire financial system and
lead to massive implications for shareholders and the markets themselves with trading in stocks
in a very short amount of time with high frequency. I agree with all of this criticism as AI is very
powerful if it's used maliciously as we could all see now in social media with troll farms,
deepfakes, high frequency trading AI, facial recognition which could be used to target us in so
many ways.

What is the relation between AI and logic? AI and philosophy? Logic and philosophy?
The relation between AI and Logic is that Logic defines the rules that can be used to operate on
facts, partial facts or non-facts in various combinations so as to arrive at a conclusion. In most AI
systems, logic is one of a basket of techniques or tools used to process information in order to
arrive at intelligence. Artificial intelligence uses logic, statistics, probability, and a host of other
tools to simulate knowledge and intelligence.

The relation between AI and Philosophy is that much like Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence
tackles issues such as consciousness, the nature of knowledge, the difference between knowledge
and belief, notion of free will, self, and identity, the nature of understanding, and existing. Both
also use logic and other linguistic mechanism in the construction of its arguments. 

The relation between Logic and Philosophy is that Logic shows us how we can connect things to
each other. Nothing in philosophy can be done without logic as philosophy is essentially the
search for knowledge and logic is the one that helps to put some of this knowledge into a
reasonable concept to understand.

Explain the meaning of logic? reasoning? ontology?

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