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6/18/2020 DigitalXP Marketing Accelerator

DigitalXP Marketing Accelerator

2.1 How to Sell Overview


 Let's talk about the overview around sales. I think a lot of people, they over complicate sales. This is
where a lot of people fall short. Sales is not my thing and I'm just not very sales-y.

But you hear this o en actually. Actually, I think this goes over people's heads, but sales, at the end
of the day, is just you trying to solve somebody else's problem. You're just trying to answer questions
and are just trying to see if you can actually solve those challenges, and if you can't, that's no
problem at all.

If you think about it, all the relationships that you have, the friends that you have, you're selling
yourself all the time. The job that you have right now, or any jobs that you've had in the past, you're
always selling yourself over and over and over. So salesmanship is every single person's job. So as
long as you can take yourself out of the mindset of becoming sales-y, that's going to screw you over
if you keep thinking about that all the time because I've had that issue before where when I initially
started to get into consulting, I'd get a little scared.

People would ask me questions like, "Oh what are you talking about?" I would just kind of be
paralyzed, so I'm just telling you to shi your mindset and focus on solving the other person's
problem. Don't focus on you. It's never about you. It's always about other people. Focus on them
first and then if you can solve their problem, speak to them about it. If you can't, it's okay. Just be
cordial, hang up quickly, or end the conversation, whatever it is exactly, whatever scenario that
you're in. Just try to solve their problem. If you can't, just step out of it. It's completely okay. That's
what sales is, just answering questions, figuring out what the problems are, and then providing the
right solution.


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