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Bsed Science-3

Unit 1: Intro to Anatomy 

A&P Chapter 1.2 

Anatomical Terms  
I. Anatomic Variation 
• Not everyone is exactly the same 
• Different races, hair color, eye color, sex, height, body type, etc. • People have
Different anatomy! 
II. Directional Terms 
• Used to describe the “Location” or “Direction” of one organ compared to another 
o More “scientific” way of saying that your heart is “above your stomach, 

and in front of your lungs” 

•Anatomical position
Standing straight up, feet flat on the ground, arms at your side, and palms facing facing forward 
o It is from this position that the rest of the anatomical terms will be derived 
•Superior: “above” something else 
o “Your brain is superior to your heart” 
•inferior: “below” something else 
o “Your kidneys are inferior to your lungs” 
•Anterior: towards your front 
o Your nose is anterior to your ears. 
•Posterior/Dorsal: towards your back 
o Your ears are posterior to your nose. 
•Proximal: closer to the trunk or attachment point 
o The elbow is proximal to the shoulder. 
• Distal: farther from the point or attachment point 
o The wrist is distal to the shoulder. 
• Central- toward the brain or spinal cord 
o The spinal cord is central to the limbs 
•Peripheral - away from the brain or spinal cord (toward the limbs) 
o The arms are peripheral to the spinal cord 
•Superficial: Close to the body surface (when 
looking from the inside towards the skin) 
o “You can see superficial scars and bruises because 
they’re on the surface” 
•Deep: Closer to the inside the body (farther from the surface of the body) 
o “Bones are deep to the muscle” 
•Medial: Towards the middle 
o “Your heart is medial to your lungs” 
•Lateral: Away from the middle (toward a side) 
o “Your arms are lateral to your heart” 

Anatomical Position
Unit 1: Intro to Anatomy 

A&P Chapter 1.2 

• Supine= body lying face up

o “When you are laying on your back, you are supine” 

•Prone = body laying face down
o “When you are laying on stomach, you are prone” 

III. Planes of the Body 

o A. sagittal (Median) Plane 
o Divides into left and right portions
o Midsaggital Plane – passes through the midline 
o Parasaggital Plane – passes through to one side of 
the midline 
o B. Frontal (Coronal) Plane 
o Divides body into anterior and posterior sections 
o C. Transverse (Horizontal) Plane 
o Divides the body into superior and inferior portions 

IV. Regions of the Body 

A. Axial Region – Cephalic (Head) 

        •Cephalic - head 
•Frontal – forehead 
•orbital – eye 
•Buccal  – cheek 
•Mental – chin 
•Facial – limited to your face 
Occipital – the back of your head 
Axial Region – Cervical (Neck) 
•Cervical: front of your neck 
•Nuchal: back of your neck 

Axial Region – Torso or Thoracic (Chest) 

•Celiac - abdomen 
•Mammary – breast 
•Sternal- area in the center of your 
chest, the sternum 
•Pectoral - area around your breast 
•Costal- ribs 
•Inguinal – groin 
•Genital – reproductive organs 
•Coxal - hip
Unit 1: Intro to Anatomy 
A&P Chapter 1.2 

Axial Region – Torso or Thoracic (chest) 

•Dorsum - the back 
•Vertebral - area of your spine (on your back) 
•Interscapular - area between both of your 
shoulder blades (on your back) 
•Lumbar - lower back 
•Sacral  - between hips 
•Perineal: between the anus and the pubic arch 

B. Appendicular Region – Upper Limb 

•Acromial - point of shoulder 
•Brachial - arm 
•Antecubital – front of elbow 
•Cubital - elbow 
•Antebrachium - forearm 
•Palmer - palm 
•Axillary - Armpit 
•Digital - fingers 
Appendicular Region – Lower Limb 
•Gluteal – buttocks 
•Femora; – thigh 
•Popliteal – back of knee 
•Patellar – knee 
•Cural – leg 
•Plantar – sole of foot 
•Pedal – foot
Unit 1: Intro to Anatomy 
A&P Chapter 1.2 

V. Body Cavities 
2 Main Body Cavities 

Posterior (Dorsal) Cavity Anterior (Ventral) Cavity 

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Cranial Cavity Vertebral Cavity 

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Thoracic Cavity Abdominopelvic Cavity 

*Thoracic  Cavity

 *Abdominal Cavity * Pelvic Cavity - Bladder,rectum, reproductive organs

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