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Navi Mumbai

Entrance Test for Class: 4 ASSESSMENT TEST 1 Marks:100

Date: 25.02.2016 Time: 2 Hour
Note: There are 25 Questions in this paper, which is divided in 2 sections.
Section 1: Question number 1 to 10 will be of Mathematics.
Section 2: Question Number 11 to 18 will be English.
Section 3: Question Number 19 to 25 will be for Hindi.
You have to solve each question. Minimum 70 marks are required for passing the exam.

Section 1:
Mental Maths: (1x5=5)

1) Write 5436 in expanded form = ________________.

2) In 3250, Place value of 2 is _____ and the face value is _______________

3) Greatest 3 digit even number is_________________.

4) Circle the smallest number 4532, 4523, 4352, and 4325.

5) Write in ascending order 1253, 1235, 1325, and 1352.

6: Multiple choice questions: (1x5=5)

1) Number of days in Feb for a leap year =___________days.

(a) 28 ( ) (b) 27 ( ) (c) 29 ( )

2) How many Leap years will be there in 15 years? ____________

(a) 1 ( ) (b) 2 ( ) (c) 3 ( )

3) 108 ÷ 12 =

(a) 8 ( ) (b) 9 ( ) (c) 6 ( )

4) The number by which we divide is called the.

(a) Numerator ( ) (b) Denominator ( ) (c) Reminder ( )

5) Find the value of A from A x 9 = 18 x 2

(a)12 ( ) (b) 4 ( ) (c) 9 ( )

7: Fill in the blanks: (2x5=10)

1 Write 3458 in words ________________________________________________.

2 Write in numeral 6 thousand 4 hundreds, 4 tens and 3 ones._____________________.

3 4537+ 8756 =_____________________

4 9807 – 9009 =______________________

5 The Successor of smallest 4 digit even number is ___________________.

8: Write the time: (2x2=4)

a) b)

9: Solve the questions (4x2=8)

A: 4774 bulbs are to be packed equally in 7 cartons. How many bulbs are there in each carton?

B: book has 209 pages. How many pages are there in 29 such books?

10: Fill in the blanks (4x2=8)

A: 24 X ___ = 12 X 6

B: Write the time

Half Past 7 = ____________ Quarter Past 7 = ____________

Section 2: English

I Write the meanings of the following words: (1x3=3)

1. Remain - __________________________________________

2. Battle - __________________________________________

3. Straight - ______________________________________

II Make a sentence using the following words: (1x3=3)

1. Cries -

2. Plays -

3. Remember -

III Read the following lines and answer the questions. (1x2=2)

1. ‘ Oh, I can’t believe it! I simply can’t! Is this really true? ‘

(a) WHO said this to WHOM ?


IV Circle the correct spellings : (1x2=2)

1. feilds fields

2. swalow swallow

V Tick (√) the correct answer : (1x3=3)


1. The word MY in the sentence represents.

(a) Noun (b) Pronoun (c) Adjective

2. The word MATHEMATIC in the sentence represents.

(a) Noun (b) Pronoun (c) Adjective

3. The word TEACHER in the sentence represents.

(a) Noun (b) Pronoun (c) Adjective

VI : Underline the Conjunctions : (1x4=4)

1. Would you like a tea or a cold drink?

2. He was sad because somebody had broken his pencil box.

3. Sonu ran fast but he did not win.

4. Ritu and Suman are sisters.

VII : Change the given verbs in Simple Past Tense and fill up the blanks : (1x4=4)

1. Mr. Sharma _______________ ( teach) us all the poems.

2. Ritu ________________ ( buy) a new dress.

3. The child _______________ ( know) the correct answer.

4. Rohit __________________ (sleep) early.

VIII: Read the paragraph: (3X3=9)

David stood in the kitchen. He waited for Grandpa to finish washing his hands. Today, Grandpa was
teaching David how to cook. David was excited, but he was also nervous. What if he added the wrong
ingredients or put in too much salt? Then his food wouldn’t taste good, and no one would eat it.

Answer the Questions:

1: Why David was excited and nervous?

2: What will happen if wrong ingredients are added in food?

3: Why David was standing in kitchen?

Section 3: हिं दी

प्रश्न १ निम्लिम्लित वाक्योंमें सोंज्ञा के लिए उलित सर्वनाम लिखो ५ अं क

१) मीरा घर जा रही है l
२) राधा ने सुन्दर ड्र ेस पहनी है l
३) मीरा के साथ मीरा का कु त्ता है l
४) अमन ने आइसक् रीम खायी l
५) रमा कि स्कू ि नही ंआई l
प्रश्न २ सही सर्वनाम से खािी स्थान भरे ३ अं क
१) --------सदा सच बयलिा चानिए
२) कल ------ स्कू ल िि ोंजाऊँ गा l
३) यि पु स्तक ------ क िैl
प्रश्न ३ निम्न शब्योंके वचि बदनलए 4
अं क
१) घडा २) बातें
३) लड़क I ४) तारे
प्रश्न ४ इि वाक्योंकय शु द्ध करके नलिे 4 अं क
१ मे ज पर कई नगलास रिा िै
२ दाद ज सब्ज काट रिा िैl
३ मे रा पाि नगर गय l
४ माँचल्
ू हा जला रिा िै
प्रश्न ५ वाक् बिाओ 4 अं क
१ गिरा २ कययल ४ बिादुर ५ जोंगल
प्रश्न ६ इि वाक्योंकय अपिे ढोंग से नलिकर बताओ। 4 अं क
(क) शे र आग-बबूला िय उठा।
(ि) उसक ज़रा िबर लय ि।
(ग) उस मकड़ कय तय मैं चु टक बजातेि ित्म कर दे त हँ ।
(घ) जोंगल के राजा के मुँ ि से ऐस भाषा कि ोंशयभा दे त िै!

4 अं क
एक जं गि में एक िोमड़ी रहती थी. र्ो बहुत ही भूखी थी. र्ह अपनी भूख लमटने के लिए भोजन की खोज
में इधर– उधर घूमनेिगी. उसने सारा जं गि छान मारा, जब उसे सारे जं गि में भटकने के बाद भी कु छ न लमिा, तो र्ह गमी और
भूख से परे शान होकर एक पे ड़ के नीिेबैठ गई. अिानक उसकी नजर ऊपर गई. पे ड़ पर एक कौआ बै ठा हुआ था. उसके मुं ह
में रोटी का एक टु कड़ा था. कौर्ेके मुं ह में रोटी दे खकर उस भूखी िोमड़ी के मुं ह में पानी भर आया.


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