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Periodic Assessment-4

Session 2023-24
Class: 4 Subject: English
Maximum Marks: 20 Time: 40 Minutes
General Instructions -
1. All questions are compulsory. The teacher should read out the question paper and explain it clearly to
the students.
2. Write the answers in neat handwriting.

Q1: Select the correct option for the following questions. 4x1= [4]
1. Which word rhymes with the word ‘fog’?
(a) hot (b) hog (c) hop (d) hob
2. Recognize the ending sound of the word and fill in the blank:
b o__
(a) p (b) x (c) z (d) q
3. Circle the odd one out:
(a) boat (b) coat (c) oat (d) coal
4. Choose an appropriate adverb for the given sentence and fill in the blank:
"Read this book ______________."
(a) loudly (b) strongly (c) lovely (d) bravely

Q 2. Look at the picture carefully and choose the correct beginning sound. 3x1=[3]
Q 3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option given in the brackets. 4x1=[4]
a) I ate two ______________ for breakfast. (banana, bananas)
b) Three __________ were sitting on the tree. (birds, bird)
c) Renu cleaned the _________ windows. (dirty/clean)
d) My dad bought a _______ toy car for me. (old/new)

Q4. Read the lines from the story and answer the following questions. 4x1=[4]

One day, grandfather gave my brother

and me some money.
“Go and buy books,” he said.

a) Who gave money to the children?

Ans. _______________________________________________
b) What did he ask them to buy?
Ans. _______________________________________________
c) Make a sentence using the word ‘gave.’
Ans. _______________________________________________
d) Write the opposite for the word ‘buy.’
Ans. _______________________________________________

Q 5. Look at the picture and write five sentences using the words from the help box.
trees friends oxygen cut fruits vegetables wood
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________

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