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( as gathered by various sources and inspirations, primarily celtic in origin )

001. the fae are rare to be seen, exceedingly cautious about who and what are allowed to see them
or contact them. they’re almost assumed to be legend, stories, taking more care to hide than even the
elves. their history with humanity is not pleasant, and they’re unlikely to take many chances in revealing
themselves. they have been known to blind those able to see them. this does not mean you will never see
a fae, though many in their lifetime won’t. or those that have won’t realize or remember what they’ve

002. hag stones are peculiar, rare little things which can offer a glimpse into the realm. these are
stones that have, over time, have had a hole worn into them through water flowing though the weakest
part of the stone. moving water is believed to be resistant to magick, and these stones are believed to
retain this property.

003. fae grow easily bored, however, and enjoy finding things to amuse themselves. this extends to
luring in humans and enchanting humans to entertain them. while they may return the human, they are
unlikely to ever recall their time in the realm, or with the faerie. nor are they likely to come back to the
same time they vanished from. it is easily 80 years to hundreds of years later that a human could be
returned. fae take interest in those with particular talents, such as singers or playwrights or performers.
you may be enchanted to sing or dance until you drop dead.

004. a warning : do not eat the food from the realm. food from your own realm will no longer be
the same for you and you will not want it. you will starve and die. some foods may trap you within the

005. their home is another realm, often referred to as faerie, commonly. it is not hidden communities
with kingdoms / areas that exist. it’s most similar to another world, with hidden entrances in those areas. when
you enter, nothing will be familiar. you may assume, at first, that the woods are the same, just another part, but
you will quickly learn they are not.

006. there are several ways to enter, but there are most often particular rules to entering. the most well
referred to way of entry is perhaps faerie rings. the sight of them is good luck, however, stepping into them is
considered quite bad luck. you must know when you are invited or not. if you simply step in, there are grave
consequences. if you wish to enter this way, you must run around the ring exactly 9 times. a tenth time will
undo the progress, and negate your safe entry. you may also enter during a full moon, however, only in the
direction the sun travels during the day.

007. fae prefer areas non dominated by humanity, tied heavily with nature. in this way, they are also
highly intolerant of disrespect towards nature. be wary of your actions.

008. fae cannot lie, but are fond of half - truths. they are careful with their words and likewise, respect
the careful crafting of others’ words. in this way, they twist words to their favor. however, if the fae make a
promise, it cannot be broken. most notably, they may ask you to give them your name. do not give them your
name. you may say “you may know it, but you may not have it.”
( as gathered by various sources and inspirations, primarily celtic in origin )

009. on that note, names have power. giving them your name gives them power over you. likewise, if
their name is given to you, you are given power over them. it must be their true name. likewise, they will not
give you their true name. nicknames or false names may be given in place to avoid this.

010. human morals cannot be applied to the fae or their realm. it doesn’t exist the same, and to try to
apply it is foolish, and likely at your own peril.

010. like most realms and worlds, there are different kingdoms. the unseelie, and the seelie. the seelie
are ruled by the summer court and to a lesser extent, the spring court. the unseelie are ruled by the winter court,
and to a lesser extent as well, by the autumn courts. oftentimes, many will try to separate the seelie from the
unseelie by referring to one as good, and the other as bad. this is inaccurate and the assumption should not be
made. as mentioned before, human morals cannot be applied to the fae. there are those, however, who prefer
not to be entangled within the courts.

011. locations : i’ll do this part when it doesn’t make me want to scream.

012. fae are often immortal, yet not invulnerable. they can be killed. for example, they are vulnerable to
forged iron. it’s known to burn them and large amounts have been known to poison them. natural iron has no
effect and is often considered to have healing properties and aid in protection.

013. always be respectful and mindful. if you ask for it, the fae may give assistance or advice, however,
if you do not use their advice, they can become deeply offended. the reaction can vary from being pricked to
being cursed to drown in a bog.

014. gifts. there are rarely true gifts, there are mainly transactions. if you accept, know exactly what is
being given and know exactly what is expected of you in return ( you must do this exactly ). if you are given a
‘gift’ from a fae and you do not trust it, politely decline. “i appreciate the gift, but i cannot accept this.” return
the gift outside or bury it.

015. do not thank the fae. not unless you are very positive. thanking the fae implies a service has been
given, and there is something to be returned to them from you. this can range from simple items or tasks to
your first born child.

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