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 1790 -1890

The Romantic period arose in part when a

society has grown tired of trends in
intellectual thought, rationalization,
industrialization, and the veneration of
science. People longed for the escape of
emotionally charged images and
fantastical fiction in the visual arts and in
Art History: A Quick
Brief of
Of key importance to romanticism art
movement was expanding the emotion of the
artist and of the viewer with scenes of beauty,
love, anger, horror, suspense, and adoration.
People and artists attuned to Romanticism
preferred scenes in nature or the hint of a story
to give them an escape of the reality of the
new and crowded urban life.
The beginnings of Romanticism coincide with the battles
and political turmoil on both sides of the Atlantic, with
the American and French Revolutions. Additionally,
Industrialism and urbanization were increasingly stressful
for a people already tense from hardship. From this
standpoint, the populace needed a break from the
rationalism of the Age of Enlightenment and an escape
into the fantasy of Romanticism.
“The tree which moves”
1. some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a
green thing that stands in the way.
2.Some see nature all ridicule and deformity.
3. some scarce see nature at all.

Romanticism covered:
artistic passions, particularly literature.
Literary trends often influence visual arts and in the
visual arts, the first inklings of Romanticism appeared
in land and seascapes and paintings of storms,
shipwrecks, and disaster.
“The arts of love”
“Arts of suspense”
“Arts of adoration”
attitude or intellectual orientation that
characterized many works of
literature, painting, music, architecture, 
criticism, and historiography in
Western civilization over a period from
the late 18th to the mid-19th century.
Romanticism can be seen as a rejection of
the precepts of order, calm, harmony,
balance, idealization, and rationality
that typified Classicism in general and
late 18th-century Neoclassicism in
particular. It was also to some extent a
reaction against the Enlightenment and
against 18th-century rationalism and
physical materialism in general.
Romanticism emphasized the
individual, the subjective, the irrational,
the imaginative, the personal, the
spontaneous, the emotional, the
visionary, and the transcendental.




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