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Herrera, John Aaron A.


The process of becoming exposed after being concealed. That is what I felt after many
hours spent to study the life of a hero. His emergence as a patriot, a novelist, an ophthalmologist,
a polymath, and a linguist inspired many Filipinos not only during his time but also later
generations to understand that we Filipinos should be treated with equity. His goals for a better
Philippines though incurred the animosity and ire of those who enjoyed the status quo of having
the people with power, the strong, and those who with authority to take advantage of the weak and
weary can be emulated to this day.
I admit when I started this course, I was expecting memorizing dates, places, names and
for me, going into that classroom knowing that I would spend many hours on that class studying
someone who I was not that interested in thought that it would be such a waste of my time. But I
was proven wrong. During these trying times, with a pandemic on hand, I have experienced how
these days equity between the people keeps on blurring each passing day. I admit, I myself is one
of the privileged. I have a roof on my head, I have food stored that would last weeks or so and I
have internet which could update me on news and help me alleviate boredom. Then I see my fellow
Filipinos who are struggling to last through the hunger, the paranoia and the lack of safety and
then I remember that maybe these is what Jose Rizal and the Filipinos felt during the Spanish
occupation. The paranoia, the lack of safety, and the lack of assurance of a better future might have
been that feeling. Then I see people on news, on social media, who are fighting to combat these
viruses, to help the hungry and the weary and to fight the unjust and the corrupt not for themselves
but for their fellow Filipinos. Then I recognized that these people are heroes, just like how Jose
Rizal rose to fight oppression, these people are on the frontlines who are the most at risk of contact
with the virus are risking their own health to help their fellow Filipinos. Understanding the
circumstances, the scenario, the reasons why Jose Rizal fought for equity can help in understanding
on how to these day we have people like the nurses, the doctors, the clerks, the security guard, and
so many others who would risk their own health just to have a semblance of normalcy during these
trying times.
To conclude, learning about Jose Rizal, without focusing on the dates of when, or
memorizing who is this and that or when did certain events happen but focusing on the ideals, the
motives, and the values has helped me understand not only us a student but as a fellow Filipinos
the power of not being complacent but fighting for equity and a better future not for myself but for
my fellow Filipinos. Before I end this, I would like to express my gratitude to you as our Professor
for not only making this subject interesting but on making me value the lessons that can be learned
on this course. Thank you for everything you have taught us. God bless Ma’am.

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