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Observable Signs And Symptoms

● Temperature of 38.0 ℃
● Increased bleeding despite rest; especially if saturating a heavy pad or more per
hour for 3 hours in a row
● Worsening or new abdominal pain
● Redness, purulent discharge or increasing pain of Cesarean incision site
● Evidence of breast infection: fever, flu-like symptoms, redness, and/or soreness of
the breast
● Mood concerns. If you feel empty, emotionless, or sad all or most of the time for
longer than 2 weeks after birth, consult your healthcare practitioner.
● Signs/symptoms of preeclampsia: persistent headache despite rest/medication,
vision changes or right upper abdominal pain
● Signs/symptoms of a blood clot: swelling greater in one leg that may be associated
with pain/warmth/redness; sudden chest pain or shortness of breath or fast/rapid
b. Diet All mothers have increased nutritional needs after delivery, especially if they are
● Sodium Restricted Diet /Low Salt Diet may vary from 2 to 4 g depending on the
degree of hypertension. Avoid high-sodium foods such as cured meats, canned
soups, processed foods and noodles. no more than 2,300 milligrams (mgs) a day
and an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults, especially for
those with high blood pressure.
● Continue to eat a well-balanced, healthy diet. Ensure adequate fluid intake.
● Once your bowel movements are normal, resume your prenatal vitamins and iron
supplement the entire time you are nursing. The only side effect may be some
constipation from the iron.
c. Spiritual Care

Assess anxiety level of client. Determine whether the client wants a support
person to be with her. Presence of a support person can offer additional comfort to a client.
Pray and ask for guidance from God- this constant presence is so important.

You have committed to a smoke-free environment for your newborn because you understand that children
who live with those who smoke have an increased number of doctor’s visits for:

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