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publisher, Mojo Marketing, Inc. and the author, Eric Edgemont. By reading any of the contents of this book
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Make Her Make The First Move ..................................................5
How I Made This Incredible Discovery ......................................6
Chapter 1: Getting Over Your Fears.......................................... 13
Chapter 2: Unlocking Your Passion ........................................... 15
Chapter 3: Get Some “Street Cred” .......................................... 19
Chapter 4: Break Down Her Roadblocks and Unleash Her Burning
Desire .................................................................................. 22
Do I look fat in this? ............................................................ 23
I’ve Had Better ................................................................... 25
Not on the first date ............................................................ 25
The “Roster” ....................................................................... 27
The Three Magic Rules ......................................................... 28
Mystery Man ....................................................................... 29
The hunt is on .................................................................... 31

Make Her Make The First Move
Hey guys, if you’re anything like me then you might find women a
little hard to figure out sometimes. All right, let’s be honest,
“sometimes” is an understatement. I’ve always hated having to be
the one to ask a woman out, to be the one pursuing her and
jumping through hoops trying to get her interested.

But the great news is that I’ve uncovered the secrets to

unlocking a women’s sexual desire to create cravings so
intense she won’t be able to control herself. She’ll literally
beg you to take her and chase you instead of you having to
chase her once you know how to activate this specific part of
her female biology.

You aren’t going to feel like you’re “wearing her down” anymore.
You’re going to have her chasing you down and making all the
moves you thought guys were doomed to always make.

Men are hunters, but you’re going to start being the prey and she
the predator.

There are secrets and techniques that most guys aren’t aware of,
which make a woman lust for you to the point where she’ll be
breaking down your door. Too bad for those other guys… you are in
possession of all those secrets and tricks that will make you the
object of female desire… you’ll be the ladies’ man you never
thought you could be… a man with CHOICE.

After learning the secrets in this book, you’re going to be in

control of your love life. You’ll be getting laid more without
putting in all the hard work you’re used to.

In my dating “dark age” I had been about ready to give up on

women. I was a decent-enough looking guy and felt like I had a lot
to offer. And I did, but I was missing something. I found myself
getting stuck in a holding pattern with the women I met.

We would have a good conversation or two but I didn’t know what

to do next. And when I would try to get her number or ask her out,
she often politely turned me down.

Even when I was getting women to go on dates I felt like they were
“giving in” because I was a nice guy and they didn’t want to hurt
my feelings. The dates were so-so and they never led to sex.

The worst part was that sometimes I felt like if I wasn’t trying so
damn hard she wouldn’t have even considered dating me. It was as
if I was forcing her to consider me and if I wasn’t persistent she
wouldn’t have thought about me ever again.

I was getting sick of seeming invisible. Even if we struck up a

decent friendship I knew it was simply because I was logging so
many hours and putting in all the legwork to remind her I existed.

One of the most disappointing examples was also the one that led
me to uncover these incredible secrets of sexual attraction. I finally
realized that I could have women chasing me down. And I do mean
women, plural.

After unlocking these secrets I realized that I didn’t even

have to settle or focus on one woman because a whole host
of them were dying to get with me.

How I Made This Incredible Discovery

I met Stacey at a cookout. She was smoking hot. Her body was
perfect in every way and her short, jet-black hair made her look
like she just jumped off the page of a fashion magazine. She was a
hottie, alright.

I approached her and we started talking. At first, things seemed to
be going well. We talked it up and before leaving I got her number.

The first blow came when I texted her the first time. I played it cool
and waited a few days. I sent her something funny about her hair.
We had been joking about it so I made a reference to our joke.
Then came her response:

“I’m sorry who is this?”

That stung right off the bat because we had talked for a good hour
at the cookout. I didn’t expect her to remember every detail about
what we talked about, but I was certain she would’ve remembered
me from the text alone.

I didn’t let it get me down. And I shouldn’t have either. It wasn’t a

bad sign. It just wasn’t a great one. So I told her this was Eric.

“Eric who?”

This was a little harder to stomach. How many guys named Eric had
she met in the last four days? Seriously, I could accept her not
remembering every detail of our conversation (she was drinking a
bit), but this hit hard.

Still, I persevered. I was kind of used to this. Usually it wasn’t this

bad, but I’d found that some women seemed to let me slip from
their mind and it didn’t hurt to keep trying. Once or twice I had
gotten lucky and hooked up with someone who didn’t quite
remember me as well as I remembered her.

I gave it one more try.

“Hey Stacey, how could you not remember such an eligible

bachelor?? : ) We met at Greg’s cookout on Sunday. You gave me
your number. Let’s get a coffee this weekend.”

I made it a little silly because she had a great sense of humor. We
had talked and laughed for a while so I felt comfortable loosening it
up a bit. Plus it was a good strategy because what I really wanted
to text was “How the F*** do you not remember me from four days

Well, long story short we went to coffee. She was funny and we had
a great time. I could tell kissing her wasn’t going to happen but I
didn’t worry. I asked her out the next weekend.

“I’m sorry, maybe sometime soon. I’m really busy this weekend
and I’ve got a lot going on this month.”

I still didn’t give up. After a few weeks I texted her again. She told
me she was pretty busy but she would be at Greg’s Labor Day

That was all I needed. I got excited and started to build things up
in my head. I spent most of the next few weeks thinking about
what I would say to her and how I would get her interested. I told
myself I wasn’t going to fail. I was going to sleep with Stacey.

Then the cookout came. She looked incredibly hot as usual. I

wasn’t the only guy who noticed her, but I was the most fearless. I
started talking it up with her from the moment I got there.

I felt things were going great until Greg came over by us. Greg is a
great guy and throws incredible parties. He’s done it since his high
school days and never lost his touch. He seems to know everyone.
In fact he met Stacey through a bartender he knows through a
friend of a friend’s cousin, etc…

The point is, he knew everybody and the people at the cookout
knew him from ten different sets of circumstances. A couple people
from work, a couple people from his softball league, a couple
people from his apartment building.

I could tell right away that Stacey saw something in Greg she
wasn’t seeing in me. She got a little bubbly and giggly and hung on
every word that came out of his mouth. Sure, she listened to me
when I talked and the conversation was good, but I felt like if I
didn’t keep talking she would move on.

With Greg, I could tell that she was excited to talk to him. She
wasn’t just okay with it or just polite, but genuinely happy and
interested in everything he had to say.

I decided to back off a bit and see what would happen. Well, as you
can guess the cookout slowly started to die down. People were
leaving and the crowd was thinning out.

I was excited to see that Stacey was still there. In fact, she didn’t
seem to be going anywhere. She was settled in a lawn chair talking
to various people. Anytime Greg walked by her, she always said
something to him or joked with him. When I walked by she would
smile, and that was only if I looked at her.

Well, the night wore down and it was just me, Stacey, and Greg. It
was pretty late. I had to work the next day and I was already
hating myself for staying so late. Tomorrow was going to suck, but
I felt like I could make it worth it.

We all sat around and talked. Greg and I played off each other well.
We’d been friends for a long time, so we were funny together.
Stacey loved it; she was laughing with us and having a great time
with the two of us.

Then came the horrible moment. I got up to go to the bathroom.

When I returned to the backyard, they were nowhere to be found. I
called out their names and walked to the front yard.

I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I went back inside and

checked the living room. Then I heard them. Greg was pounding
away on Stacey already, and I had only been gone for five minutes.
Although I had some frustrating disappointments in the past, this
one marked a truly low point. I had made so much of an effort and
she wasn’t repulsed by me. We even had a fun coffee date.

But all Greg had to do was walk up and within four hours they were
naked and he was getting exactly what I had wanted from her.

So I started to think about the things I had gone through in the

past and started making some changes. We are going to get into all
of those but here is the end result.

I went to another one of Greg’s cookouts. I didn’t care if Stacey

was there; that didn’t matter anymore. I brought a few work
friends and we pitched in to buy a keg of really nice beer.

When we showed up we got a hero’s welcome. Nothing is better

than tapping an ice-cold keg when grilling up some meat.

I tapped the keg and poured the first few beers. I jokingly said
“ladies first” and offered the first few beers to some cute women
standing nearby.

I made my way around the cookout saying hi to all the people I

recognized. Everyone was psyched about the keg so I was still
getting a little “star treatment.”

Pretty soon a hot redhead approached me. She was one of the
women by the keg. In fact, she got the first beer from the keg.

“Hey, I’m Rebecca. Nice move with the keg. You’re my hero.” We
both laughed and started talking.

A friend of mine got to the cookout. I excused myself and told

Rebecca I would catch up with her in a bit. I jokingly said, “Don’t
even think of leaving without saying goodbye.”

Everything I said made her either smile or laugh.

So I spent the next hour mingling with various friends. I’d look over
at Rebecca and caught her checking me out a few times. Instead of
walking over to her, I kept enjoying the cookout.

Then, Stacey arrived. I felt the slightest tug in my stomach, but I

didn’t let it get to me. It probably helped that Greg had a girlfriend
now so I wouldn’t have to see her all over him again.

Either way, I kept enjoying myself. Another woman named Kelly

gave me a drunken high-five for bringing the keg and I talked to
her for a while. She gave me her number.

As I was wrapping it up with Kelly, Stacey approached me.

“Hey, Eric, what’s this I hear about you being the hero of this
party? Rumor has it you brought the keg.”

“Hey, anything for my friends,” I said with a smile.

We talked for a few moments until I saw Rebecca nearby. I had

almost forgotten about her.

“Hey I’ll be back in a bit, Stacey.”

I went and started talking to Rebecca again. Rebecca was being

pretty forward. She was touching my arm and messed with my
hair. She had to go and gave me her number.

I couldn’t believe it! One night and two women giving me their
numbers. I didn’t do anything but have fun at the cookout.

And then the biggest shock of the night came. As I got up to leave,
Stacey called out to me. She was hanging with some guys that
were coming on pretty strong. She seemed pretty annoyed.

“Are you leaving?” she asked when she ran over to me. “Save me
from those douche bags,” she said under her breath.

I laughed. “I’m on my way out. Long night. Been working on my
new bike. Slowly putting together my first bike from scratch.”

“That’s awesome! How’s it going?”

“I really suck at it.” I laughed and she burst out laughing. “I love
doing it and I know this one might turn out like a mutant but the
next one, let me tell ya, the next one will be used in the Tour De

She laughed even harder.

“Well, I’m glad you’re doing that but now I have nobody I want to
see at this cookout. I might as well leave, too.”

“You want to see the pile of metal that I call my new bike?”

She slowly nodded.

I ended up sleeping with Stacey that night and hooking up with

Rebecca a few times. And Kelly, the first number I got? She ended
being such a badass in disguise that we ended up dating for a long
time. I had entirely forgotten about her until she texted me.

Sound familiar? I had completely reversed the way women reacted

to me and you’re about to learn too.

These are the secrets that get women so hot for you that
they will stop at nothing to get you.

Chapter 1: Getting Over Your Fears
You might be thinking, “Hey, I’ve been trying for too long; it never turns out
that good. I’m just not that good with women. I’ve given up on getting a hot
woman to notice me.”

The first thing you need to do is get a dating-purge. Time to get all the
fear and anxiety out of your system.

Guys can get stuck in a cycle of having the same disappointing results and it
slowly chips away at their pride (and their sanity).

It’s kind of like you’ve been taken over by some force that always ruins your
chances and keeps you under its control. Guys that experience this fear and
disappointment will start worrying about every move they make.

“Is she going to humiliate me? She hates me; she thinks I’m a creep.”

“I’m always convinced I say the wrong things at the worst times.”

“I give up; I’m just not good enough.”

Eventually guys will give up. They stop approaching women because they
decide that they’d rather be alone than risk another “rejection.”

I found that only one thing happened when I gave up on women: They
gave up on me too.

I was completely removing myself from the playing field. Women didn’t even
know I existed because I wasn’t making myself visible.

I would meet women that I liked and formed a “secret crush” on them. I hoped
they would notice, but I did absolutely nothing to pursue them. I didn’t feel like
I had a chance with them, anyway.

And, not to my surprise, nothing ever happened.

It was as if I wanted to be the star quarterback but I didn’t want to even get
near the football field. I was like some guy in the stands envying the athletes.

Even though I wasn’t trying with these women, I got even MORE discouraged
when they didn’t “magically” notice me.

Pretty soon I was spending my weekends isolated from women. I don’t even
mean that I never went out; I just placed myself as far from women as

The problem is that I was blocking my MOJO. To summarize, MOJO is the

energy you put out when you only think happy and comfortable thoughts.
When you think that way and only do things that make you happy and
comfortable, you are using your MOJO.

I had formed a vicious cycle that was blocking my MOJO.

I had convinced myself that I was completely unattractive. By believing that, I

was giving women no reason to disagree. Even if someone might have been
interested, the NOJO I was putting out was ruining my chance.

NOJO is the opposite of MOJO. NOJO surrounds you when you are doing
things that hurt your chances and makes you afraid to try.

My cycle at that point was filled to the brim with NOJO:

A few unsuccessful attempts and I got depressed. I started to feel unattractive

and my attempts with women went even worse. I started giving up and
wouldn’t approach women. I still got crushes and fantasized over certain
women but it didn’t matter. I wouldn’t do anything and would feel even more
unattractive and rejected because I wasn’t even talking to women anymore.

There are many recipes for NOJO and this is one of the most deadly.

What you’re going to learn in the next chapter is the first secret you can
unlock to get back in the game and have beautiful women worshipping
the ground you walk on.

Chapter 2: Unlocking Your Passion
I was frustrated and not getting anywhere with women. As I said, I
had almost given up entirely. I had zero motivation to win in the

My life was a routine and nothing made me feel like I had any

What I didn’t realize is how important it is to have passion in your

life. To be a winner with women, you don’t need a fancy car or a
fancy house or tons of money. What you need is the ambition to
go behind one mission in your life as a man.

The ambition is what attracts the woman, not the actual

result of the mission. Just deciding to put 100% behind your
mission as a man, is enough to unlock the huge amount of
attractiveness from following your passion.

Unlocking your passion will make women notice you again,

and they are going to like what they see.

The main reason you need to do this is actually not to get a

woman. “I thought this was about getting women to crave you and
make the first move?” you might be saying.

Don’t worry, that is the wonderful side effect that comes from
pursuing and living with your passion.

That’s why following this is so important. Passion will bring you

happiness you’ve never experienced with life in general, and that is
going to act like a magnet with beautiful women.

Passion is simple: When you spend your time working on
doing things you love instead of obsessing over getting
women, you are unlocking your passion.

This falls into the old “What would you do for work if you won the
lottery?” question.

The point of that question is to find out what you really love doing.
Winning the lottery would clear your schedule from work forever.
You would have time to do the things you truly love.

Do you love playing guitar for fun? Do you like messing around with
electronics? Are you a weekend mechanic?

Anything that you would consider your main hobby is what I’m
talking about. But we aren’t calling it your “hobby” anymore. You
are going to start treating the things you love with respect and pure
excitement. Then it becomes more than just a “hobby,” it becomes
your passion.

You are on a mission now. And that mission isn’t to get the
woman, but it will get you the woman.

That’s the beauty of unlocking your passion.

One of the best parts is that it doesn’t matter how good you are
at the thing you love.

It’s not about the end results; it’s the journey that gets a woman
hooked on you. Remember in my story when Stacey practically
begged me to take her home? Part of what got her was that I was
more interested in working on my bike than staying at the party.

This got her excited. She saw that spark of inspiration in my eyes
and I suddenly had another dimension to my personality she hadn’t
seen before. That’s because I didn’t have it when I first met her.

I was spending all my time thinking about getting laid and I didn’t
pursue any hobbies or passions in my life.

And like I said, it simply doesn’t matter about how “good” you think
you are at your passion.

The bike I was trying to build was an abomination (to put it lightly.)
It looked like something that had been brought to destroy the
world. In reality, I just sucked at bike building.

But that didn’t matter at all. She didn’t even check out the bike that
night. She was intoxicated by my passion and it didn’t matter at the
moment what it was all about. She could see my love and
excitement and that was all she needed.

I loved biking and liked fixing my own bike. So I started toying with
bigger projects and eventually decided to try to build my own. I
knew it was going to be a rough road and that I would end up with
something completely unusable.

But that was the point: I set a goal doing something I loved and I
looked forward to doing it. I would learn and get better, sure, but it
didn’t even matter if I never got any better. I loved what I was
doing and I was completely immersed in my passion.

Don’t worry if you think your passion “isn’t cool.”

A lot of guys think if they love computer programming or collecting

vintage toys that they are a “dork” and that women will think they
are boring or even worse, nerdy.

Again, it doesn’t matter what it is.

Harnessing your ambition and pursuing your passion at all costs is

what separates you from the crowd. You are making yourself the
very best you can be.

And the best part is you don’t have to be some virtuoso with your
passion. You aren’t doing this to be in competition with other
people. You are simply being the absolute best you can be
and that is the exact thing women are looking for with men.

Find your place in this world; carve out a little spot for you. You’re
no longer obsessed and caught up about women, you’re obsessed
with doing the things you love, and in turn women are going to

Now that you’re pursuing your passion, I’m going to tell you
what it takes to make her notice you before you notice her.

Chapter 3: Get Some “Street Cred”
The reason Greg effortlessly got Stacey was because he had a

When you have a reputation, you become a hot commodity

to women even before they talk to you.

After striking out painfully with Stacey, I did a few things. Maybe
crying was one of them, maybe not. I don’t need to tell you guys

After getting into my passion for building a bike I started to feel

great in general. I wasn’t spending hours building up a stone
fortress around myself. I was enjoying myself, filling myself with a
sense of accomplishment that fueled my MOJO.

But what really put me over the top was when I got my reputation
at the third cookout. I knew what I was doing when I brought that
keg to the party. I was making an entrance.

Instead of slipping in quietly and becoming part of the background,

I made my presence known from the second I walked in.

People cheered when they saw that keg. A couple goofy friends of
mine jokingly chanted my name for a minute.

The point is, Rebecca and Kelly knew who I was before I even met
them. They saw a guy who brought a great vibe to the night.
Everyone was happy to see me, and they held me in a place of

When you establish a reputation, you are giving yourself a

huge head start with any woman in the room.

Greg had a great reputation because he was the guy who threw
great parties. He used what he had to his advantage: He knew a
handful of people and he had a backyard. It wasn’t anything costly
or fancy, he just threw a few parties.

The reason this worked so well for him is because he was known
from the start. Even before a woman went to his party, they knew
that it was “Greg’s Party.” They already had his name in their head.

When women would show up, they would introduce themselves to

him. When you have people over, they are your guests and they
make the effort to introduce themselves.

Start building your reputation. You can be “the guy” in a certain

situation. You like football? Then plan on going to a few games. Get
some friends to go and tell them to bring people. Throw a tailgate
party before the game.

It doesn’t take much at all. You don’t have to spend hundreds of

dollars on it. That’s the beauty of BYOB. When you initiate that
gathering, you become “the guy.” Your friends are going to come
and bring their friends. They’ll be going to “Eric’s tailgate party.”

Even if the first few are sparse, don’t give up. Keep throwing a
simple event that people can go to. It will be a fun time. Say your
friend brings his girlfriend. Tell her to bring some of her friends
next time. Suddenly you have a few women showing up to “your
party” and they will already know you as the guy who made the
day possible.

Don’t worry if you think the event you plan isn’t “cool.”

Again, it just doesn’t matter. The point of the function is not to

blow everyone’s mind with the greatest time they’ve ever had. It’s
to get some people together to have fun. You’ll be the one who set
it all up and people will be aware of you.

You’ll be the man.

The biggest thing to avoid is doing something out of your comfort

zone. If you are worried about noise complaints and your stuff
getting ruined, don’t throw a house party. Have a dinner party

You don’t want to try to impress beyond your means. That is, don’t
do something that isn’t really you. Some guys will try to directly
mimic what their friend does and it won’t turn out well.

Any time you try to go out of your way to impress women, you’ll
find that it has the opposite effect. Guys that try too hard send up
red flags for a woman. They don’t like feeling like they are being
“scammed” into liking them.

I had realized the singular act of bringing the keg was a way to get
my name out there. It worked, and that’s because people already
knew who I was and associated me automatically with something

You have your passion working in full force and now you’ve
got some “cred.” Now I’m going to tell you how to break
down her barriers and let her inner sex maniac come out.

Chapter 4: Break Down Her Roadblocks
and Unleash Her Burning Desire
Women have plenty of barriers, and the key to unleashing all of her
sexual energy is to learn how to “bypass” her roadblocks.

When you know how to get past these barriers she’ll be

having mind-blowing orgasms that she’ll beg for again and
again. You’ll be the best lover she’s ever had.

When women have super-intense orgasms it activates a biological

instinct within them. They feel an entirely new form of intimacy.
Intimacy is an incredibly intoxicating desire for women. When they
truly trust someone they are freed from any inhibition.

Getting a woman to that point will take her desire to an entirely

new level. She will be craving wild sex just as much as you. Gone
are the days of thinking that women don’t really want sex that
much, especially after being together for a while.

Getting these roadblocks down will allow her to have that deep
level of trust and she will be having sex in a way that she’s never
experienced before. That’s the prize you get for knocking those
walls down. You’ll be getting a sexual energy that no guy has ever
gotten from her.

Women are incredibly emotionally protective of sex in a way that

guys can’t relate to. Even if they understand it, they are still men,
and men have a much different way of “emotionally filing” sex. In
most cases they don’t file it at all.

Most women feel ashamed of their sexuality. That is a huge

problem in modern society. Women are made to feel that if they

express their sexual desires as bluntly as men, they will get labeled
as a “slut” or “whore.”

Women can be very shy because of their fear of being judged.

Most guys get mixed signals from their lover (or potential
lover). They can’t seem to figure out what she’s thinking
about sex, or if she’s even interested in it.

And to add insult to injury, women feel an intense pressure to be

sexual acrobats. Thank movies, TV and any porn we’ve ever seen.
It has created an impossible standard she has to live up to. This is
yet another layer of pressure for her to deal with.

Do I look fat in this?

Yep. That question. Most of us have been asked this question, and
all of us have heard it in a movie or on TV.

What a woman is really insecure about is how she looks naked.

Most women have this giant roadblock anchored in so tight that it
can seem impossible to bypass.

Part of getting past this is to understand exactly how serious she is

about it. Most guys think, “You’re crazy; you look great!” and feel
that should be the end of it.

Well, not in the complicated mind of a woman with body-image


Women think they’re too short, overweight, not curvy enough, not
young enough, etc…

Like I said, you’re probably thinking she’s crazy for feeling this way,
but to get past this you really need to get her to love her body as
much as you do.

Women are blindsided every day with fashion magazines, beauty
products, and a whole lot of other things that make them think they
have some problem they need to fix. This makes women think
they have to constantly try to be good enough for you.

Guys will often think she is giving them the cold shoulder. They feel
rejected, when in truth she is often so insecure about her body that
she can’t imagine someone seeing it without a protective layer of

You aren’t trying to “cure” her of this problem; the truth is even the
most beautiful women have insecurities that they will take to their
grave. Or maybe if they get senile in their old age they will just
stop caring.

The point is, this is something you have to be careful with and how
you approach it.

NEVER EVER jokingly insult ANYTHING about her

appearance. Guys do this more than they think. It is incredibly
damaging to her.

Imagine if she jokingly said, “Yeah, your penis isn’t that big. I’ve
seen bigger.”

Ouch. Don’t go there. There are few ways a guy can feel the burn
the way women do, but that is a great example. Put yourself in her

To keep it simple, anytime she ever has a hang-up about her looks,
you tell her she looks amazing. “Do these pants make me look fat?”

“Hell no, you look great in those.”

I’m not going to tell you to lie. All right, actually I am. Say those
pants are a little “snug.” It doesn’t matter. A little white lie like this
is absolutely the best thing you can do for her (and yourself).
I’ve Had Better

Women are very insecure about how good they are in bed.

They are often convinced they can’t satisfy you the way other
women have. They see all this amazing, wild, and choreographed
sex on TV and in movies and feel that they can’t live up to it.

The problem with this is that she might not feel as much desire for
you because she immediately starts worrying that she’s going to
disappoint you.

She will be far less likely to orgasm when her mind is distracted by
her thoughts of being a “bad lay.”

She will actually “think” herself out of an orgasm because she’s

convinced she’s not sexy or satisfying.

You need to communicate to her how satisfying she is. A simple

“you’re great” can work occasionally, but guys need to pull up a
little more than that to really convince her.

“There’s a feeling I get when we make love (use this term) that I’ve
never experienced before. You are the best lover I’ve ever had.”

If you haven’t actually slept with her yet, then you should tell her
that you enjoy kissing her and you wonder… Trailing off like that
won’t be too forward for the more shy types.

This is laying it on pretty thick, but you should feel that way and
you need to tell her. You’d be surprised at how this flips her switch
and disables that roadblock.

Not on the first date

You should hate society. Ok, not really, but you should resent
certain parts of it because they are keeping you from getting laid.
The shame and implications of a woman expressing her sexuality
are bad enough, but society has also made her believe that if she
sleeps with you too soon you’ll never consider her for anything

Women are convinced that giving it up too early will lead to them
being labeled a “slut” or “whore.” It is incredibly unfair and also
very damaging to their self-confidence.

Women will still want sex, but they fear guys will see her as “too
easy” or the dreaded “slut.”

First off, you should never, ever think of a woman as a slut.

This is an incredibly disgusting way to look at things, and women
will sense if you have this prejudice.

I’m not kidding, guys that don’t ever think in terms of “slut” or
“whore” are much more successful with women.

The worse contradiction here is that if you would ever think of a

woman as a “slut” or “whore,” why would you want to be with her?
You’re insulting her for the very thing you want from her (sex).

When you think this way, women will be completely unwilling to

sleep with you. It’s like you’re putting a huge sign over your head
that says, “Women are sluts.”

Having a mindset like that will poison your MOJO and completely
turn her off. Guys that can’t get past this often find themselves
alone and with nothing but a porno to keep them company.

It doesn’t matter where’s she has been or what she has done, a
woman’s sexuality is just as free and natural as a man’s, and never
forget that.

You’ll find yourself coming across in a more sensitive,
understanding manner that will create lust and wild sexual desires
for her, instead of shutting her down to “nun-status.”

The “Roster”

One of the trickiest things relationships encounter is when a couple

or to-be couple talks about their sexual pasts. This can be a simple
thing if you’ve both slept with only a few people. But things can get
more complicated if one of you thinks a number is too high.

What I personally suggest is to avoid this topic entirely. Most

women aren’t going to tell you and might be ashamed of their
number if it’s too high or even sometimes too low.

Her past doesn’t matter. Unless she’s really bent on telling you,
it’s something that you shouldn’t ask. It’s actually none of your

However, she might be really pushing you about your past. This
can be a tricky question, because it’s hard to know how she’s going
to react.

I still file this under the same category of privacy. The best thing
you can do is say, “It doesn’t matter,” and that you don’t really
discuss that. It will probably surprise her to hear you say
something like that; usually guys don’t express boundaries that

If she really persists, let her know you will — but you still won’t ask
her. It just doesn’t matter and you don’t think it’s important. Again,
you’re scoring some brownie points by having a boundary.

Tell her. At this point, she probably won’t even care. You’ve already
shown her your refreshing perspective on it and she’ll be getting
more comfortable with you.

The Three Magic Rules

There are three rules you can share with her that will
eliminate any doubt she has about getting naked with you.

Now, I don’t go introducing myself with these. You have to find a

good moment to talk about it. If the subject of sex comes up in any
form, take advantage of that and roll these out.

First off, tell her you NEVER have sex without condoms. I always let
women know that I’m 100% dead serious about it.

That eliminates all those worries about getting an STD and things
like that. Women think about this more than guys usually do. This
is good advice in general, by the way.

You’re going to be meeting more women now and you always got
to play it safe.

But the point is also to make her feel safer. Women worry about
this, so eliminate any possibility for her to be unsure. You can
overcome this roadblock without even trying.

I also make a point to mention that I don’t have sex unless the
woman is completely craving it. This gives her an even bigger
sense of safety.

It also makes a woman instantly crave you. She sees that you
aren’t just some rabid ape-man that will screw anything that
moves. Women like to feel like you aren’t just going around looking
for some.

When you show that sensitivity, your “value” goes up. Women love
it when men think of her first.

The third thing I always do is talk about how I only like having
sensual, inspired sex. It isn’t about me getting off after a couple
minutes, leaving her unsatisfied.

I like to tell them how it has to be more than just sex. It’s about
“making love.” I don’t actually use that phrase early on with
women, but I paint the picture of having sex that is sensual and
unique between specific people.

Just like a lot of things, women love knowing that you put the extra
mile in. Women are used to fairly predictable sex. Most guys don’t
realize how important it is to please her before they please

I can’t tell you how many women have gone from friendly to horny
in about 60 seconds when I talk about this. Use it carefully.

Mystery Man

Giving her a little “detective work” to do will get her

fantasizing about what it would be like to get down and dirty
with you.

Most guys underestimate the power of having a little mystery to


Women love puzzles when it comes to men. They like to have

something they have to work to understand and figure out.

The easiest way to do this is to let her see some hints of a softer
side to you. You want to do it just a little so she can use her
imagination to fill in the gaps.

Showing that you are a little vulnerable can be intoxicating to

women. You can do this by saying something sweet about your
parents and mention how you miss them and wish you saw them
It shows that softer, compassionate side that releases a bouquet of
emotions and chemicals inside her.

You activate an instinctual side in her that trips the wires of her
biological impulses. She becomes less inhibited because she sees a
masculine yet protective side in you that makes her hot for you.

The other part of this is that you can reveal a hard time in life that
you overcame. It could be any number of things. The important
part is that you rose to the challenge and grew from the

This shows a woman that you are the perfect blend of

sensitive/vulnerable and strong/capable of taking care of
her and protecting her. A woman cannot resist this combination.
It’s seriously one of the most powerful things you can have. The
combination, that is. Having one is not going to be anywhere
close to the power of both.

Women love that “caveman” side of a man more than anything.

When you combine that with an ability to be sensitive and
vulnerable, you’re giving her the best of both worlds.

The best part is that you become a rare man in her eyes. You have
these sensitive sides to you but you’re not giving it all away. You
give her a little piece of your vulnerability and strength and let her
fill in the blanks.

A woman’s ability to fantasize is far beyond our own. It works in a

different way as well. Giving her some little pieces to put together
will create a mystery that she needs to solve.

Woman aren’t used to men having mystery about them. Usually it’s
the same old stereotypes. When you stand out from the crowd, she
will stop at nothing to figure out what makes you tick.

At this point she might as well be wearing a sign that says, “Take
me now.”

It’s that powerful.

Guys who can show a soft yet powerful side attract women
on a level that few ever experience.

A few guys here and there are simply lucky and are naturally this
way, but now you know that giving her a little mystery is going to
get you a lot of sex.

The hunt is on

Making a few simple changes in the way you approach

women can completely level the playing field.

The best part about all these tricks is that they aren’t hard to use.
These are little shifts you can make that will have women chasing
you down and craving your body.

Most guys have no idea what they’re missing out on. You are one of
the lucky ones; the guys who know what it takes to get a woman
so hot that she will do all the work.

Create that passion in life and pursue it. Women are incredibly
turned on by a guy who has some depth to him. Make your passion
the goal of your life, not scoring with chicks. Women love a man
who spends time on something unique to him.

Create that reputation. Make your presence known before you even
meet her. Something as simple as throwing an occasional
party/dinner party can accomplish this. You’ll be “the guy who

Being a guy whom people like and who has his “thing” (like the
party) makes him a valuable commodity in the eyes of women. She
has to meet you, instead of the other way around. She already
knows you’re likeable and that’s a great head start to getting in her

The roadblocks that women have won’t be a problem any more

because you understand them. It’s about making a woman feel
special and, more importantly, safe.

You won’t worry about her being timid because you know it’s not
about you. It won’t make you feel unattractive because you realize
she has many insecurities.

Now you can go in knowing that a woman loves knowing a man is

safe and has his own boundaries. Women are not used to guys
having any rules about sex.

Always make it clear that you only have safe sex. Women get
incredibly turned on when they don’t have any nagging fears about
safety holding them back.

Make it clear you only want sex from someone who is really
comfortable with it. You let her know that you’d rather not have sex
than get with someone who isn’t sure.

You only have sex when it’s sensual and intense. Make a point of
saying that if a woman isn’t satisfied then you don’t want have sex.

Some of these things seem basic, but when you put these little
pieces together you’ll start having wild sex with women that you
don’t even have to go after. They will come to you, and once you
start talking to them they’re going to be beating your door down.

You won’t be struggling to get that one woman to sleep with you
anymore. You’re going to have several women who are interested.
All you have to do is make a decision about which woman you want
to go out with, first.

Having that choice along with these bulletproof tricks will get her
lusting for you until she can’t take it anymore.

You won’t be waiting to see if she’s into you, she’ll be giving you
her number and counting the days until she gets a shot at you.

Take these secrets and start living your new life as a dating


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