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1- Unscramble the sentences.

a. he s / it could / hungry, / mean /

b. follow him / it / you to / weans / he / wants / probably

c. she / understand / may / doesn t / it / mean

d. happy / ‹»ä t / means / definitely

e. she s / must / that / means / be / confused .* It

f. it s / broken / perhaps

2- Complete thèse sentences using either, may not or can‘t.

1. There
be anybody there chen you arrive.

2.That be true! lt’s absOlutely impossible

3. I don t know if shh will agree. She

\V îttO

You be ser iOUS. YOLi ve got to be ioking


’! — be done lt s quite out of the


56 Flfty-six
1- Unscramble tha

a. he ”s t OU!d / h ungry, /
mean /
b. foIIOW hl
' ‹I / you lo / m e i2ns / he / wants / probably

^- She .' understan d / m / doesn

ay I / it / m il n
d. happy tf›at /
means / definitely
e - She s / must /
that / m e a ns / be /
confused / It.
*• !/'s / bFOken / perha

CO plete
these sentences using
either, may nof or can’t.

1. There
be anybody there when you arrive
2. That
be true! It's abSOlutely i
3. I don't kDOw if She wi| a gFe e. She
want to.
4. You
be serious. You’\ie got to be
It Islay very well joking.
5. happen, but on
other hand it
3-cOmplete the sent
in the box. enCe S t hom
S Ehe
co rect
*’ ^ £ds


I°I in Fe ‘’
g TEL *’’ ^* ät doe S i|
r mean? t S t Cle ar at ail
/t, food in that estauran t on the hig
hway it
I’ll neve r eat
g dtove for eight hours on a dight 8g there again
Where the scen
ery I£I e r
• Ch £lnge d, I’ve

Uldn’t get into the parking spaCe and

everyon ew
p IS I o0 n g a me

t bicycling all day. Now I’m so

the l’
lTI going to sleep all
chad W ID tLIITI oP his radÏO beCause
the nusi« WaS very lou

4-Complete the conversation using the words

in the box.


1.a: I fell asleep during the movie this afternoon. My friend had to wake me up.
b:Oh, the’s
5- What would you say in each situation 7 Write the answers using
prohibitions, obligations or permissions.

a. Your girlfriend wants to go out naked.

YOu can't concentrat on the movie

b. e because there are people laughing.

C. YOU wave to
your friend because you want to show him something.

6 - Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. He opens the

2. We s t the table.

3. She ys a IOt of Phoney.

4. I draw a picture.

5. The wear blue shoes.

6. The don t eyO¿l

*. He doesn't open the book.

White theetter.

9. Does y
k yOU up?

10. Does e i
- Reading.

common usage, refers tO

the d pe
ifie d as GdnI’S fö Lin
S nae,s
In 1993. The 758 ecl (OFiQI naIIy
in an8 the
WOf # S0 n| ; l
to the family Canidae (as ä Sii e d dsa ectesof
SOt e+ IMeS used tO

SUb s *Cerican

yy 5¡tt l " ’*e do refer COfl Society of

Characteristics #uChas W0lve
s f0Xes,
selective breeding has Chan
from their distant ances to d the ä pea ance
+uscIes, fused WFlStbones, a Like vas any pre breeds, a› degs retail
ardurance, and teeth Cd tChing CaandFdio cular System SMS, the dog has
foot, dogs technicatlY waïk on their tearing. C0rn s R§oFts
toes. b0ne SÏfboth
9Ct Uf e of the
rt›\, there is an academic
ri‹ ores. The classification in disco
ther domes tir do
jes the Orde
Ssion as to whe
F Cäfnivore
gs are omni vore
be restr/cted eat. Unlike an abl does 0Ot0ecessa
ï/y e , n s Or
S te
genlon meat protein in order to fUÄ j i|Sde CäFO iVof a$ d !*Bt a dog’s
ä d0g Ïs nol
Tay e,
;gest a variety of loods includin g ve9etables DOgScat,
Qre a
of these
‹0#0 lon mino in but
acids, their
madiet. #dcaninesand gFdÏ0S,
FOOI Only eatand
ble to health !t
consume a large
\ ü)SO oötain nutrients fro are able Can
ssen{ldl ä fe m vegetab to eat t0 obtain
of their herbivorous pre/. Domestic nati f r M the 8(omach
d0gS can SU
,td rarefully designed vegetarian diet, äÉiCularly if e9gS and m‹Üproducs OP a reasonable
äU iFïCluded.
lr we wÏld, these diets are typically pursued in the
kern noted that under extremely stressful COnditons, such absence of avaJable meat. ‹ AGIS also
ä$ the
$|\jdi9S 0f SIIT1ilar condiüons, suggest that Ugh-pfo(ein diets
including race and scientific
stage to muscle tissue. This research IS ä]SO [DUO of other meal nelp prevent
DangerouS SUbstances
Some loods commonly enjoyed by humans are dangerous to d0gS including chocolade
orions, grapes and raisins , some types of gui‹i, Macadam: nuts and hops
Dogs may also find some poisons attractive, including antifreeze, snail bait.
Among professional breeders, dogs are only allowed to mate for a specific purpose.
Sometimes dogs are bred to create puppies to sell, ot sometimes to carry on an award winning
r rsbred line. Breeders who do this are usually experienced in this process.
bte@ de access to records which allow them to accurately guess which
’ ° *reed true" in a particular dog. Dog breeders also have accurate
lexities of the reproductive process for the breed of dog that they

” a ow their pets to breed without regard of bïo0dlines.

Questions for DiScussion

Name some members of the canidae family.

What are the characteristics of most predatory Ma ImalS?

Discuss whether dogs are omnivores or carnivores.

What are some dangerous substances for dOgS?
What is a characteristic of dog breeders?
1- Re write these sentences usin g
Condi tionais.

a. I can’t write to her because I don

't have her adg

b. I’d like to go abroad bsl T can’t afford it

c. I m not going io buy that car, it’s so e pet mme

d. We can’t go out because it‘s raining

e. She won't come to the party because she’s away.

f. The central heating isn't working so we can’t turn it on.

2- Complete the conversation with should or would and the correct verbs.

SAM: Guess wha( Lisa! A university in Texas has oKered me a scholarship.

LISA: Great! When are you going*

SAM: I may not go. What yOU (Do) if your girlfriend asked

LISA: Well, I (Invfte) her to come wifh me.

SAM: I’ve tried thd. She said she won’t go and she might break up with me.
didn’fgo l (Takej the job. I’ve aWays regretted my decision

SAM? |Q hey situation, what you (Do)?

LISA: Oh! I (Accept) the offer. Well, there's the

answer to your predicament accept the scholarship!

3- Complete the conversation about yourself.

d. If a relative asked to borrow some money, I'd

b. if I had three wishes,

C.. if I cou/d have any job ï wanted,

d. If I had a year of holiday time,

e.. If I could change one thing aöoot myse/f,

4- Choose the correct word.

a. When I went back to the parking lot, I tried to get into someone else's car

mistake. (By/ In/ With)

b. If I saw a friend cheating on an exam, I know exactly what I’d do. I'd go
to the teacher (Actual/y/
Pr obably/Straightj

c. I’IT› ilJ a difflCUË at work, I don't

(BiVOFC 'i Predicament/Problem) know whether to talk to my boss about it or just
5- What would you the f ol}
use the phrase s in the owiQ g

i'd.. I might... ! 9uess

’ I think rd...
''" !’d probably
q ttie nd sounds unhappy n the phon

b. Off boss makes things diff|«!Jk for you

at work.

c. someone climbs through your neighbor s window

d. Bank truck o\/erturns and millions of dollars bills fall out

6 - For each sentence, write the corresponding question using the ‘Wh’ word
in brackets.

1.They travelled across Ganada by bike. (how)

1- John wants to
gave him. Change each the deach
e 'nto reP°hed & the excu
speech nds

IO be a


’m going camping this weekend’

2• Change these excuses into reported speech using


s. Th\iA. “I signed up for tennis lessons"

1- John WdnfS tO have a
gave him. Change each excUse int oC
! *OOH at the excuses his friends
Ported speech using said.

, SAUL m going away for the weekend

$,gp,4: “My sister is having a party’

‹. sAM: "I may have some guests on Saturday’

z. J0H8: °l’m going camping this weekend’

e. CARLOS: “I’m sorry but I’ll be busy on Saturday"

2- Change these excuses into reported speech using told.

•. TINA: “I signed up for tennis lessons ’

7’ - Reacling
e artifacts kept by many early
s we re coll ctions e c Ll£S@ FS na turaI history museum
Cabinets of c uriosihe were pr
@Factitio Jers of science
(hose Of Ole WOrm (also known as
th mo s t
ramously scribed ’ Mets w’ere
Two O? e tfl a riasllJS
Olaus VVorr» iu aid @ ct ÎOPU , were {illed with preserv ed
-s ï zed c olle they WOU ld contain a mix
cabinets, a ‹u ai+y rals, and Aten collection contained,
tusks, {OMS. m ne thiCàl Features. olly fern thought to be a
a nim al5 g a
ms, apP a s cylhlao lai b, were often collected during
of f£3Ct a id ** ctlOU, he thoug8! s a sPlayed
cim en
for e US faÖu ÎO creatlJre. voyag
pla nLsneep
ex pedi ti oÜS
when images of lheir
exp §ç i3ment
a e as the Museum
ties publish
S of cui”io Si often serve
pom fOF speculations on
catalog 0 f OFM

Cpg inet pe re pUp j lectio a rtifa cts as a

S he used col
C f n te rjts
ral h iStO }/- eate and maintain
d afford derik III of DenmaFk,
t Ose whO COul ÇS•

S /i; 's were co|lect Ch OÛaFC -

cular. de th. W£IS OUe su
tm’s dea
to after JM Âa SSiC Technology
c o/ jecti of
f cuflo9it)/
daY old cabin !
m de s e of wo
i fo f thethe Sen S
e s, ”
D! '
angel f F ecreat
l '

e af oused.
On C

OÎ C* f CU ' O’ s ts v
S Ca

iDed tne m helP OS;tieS

0 he
O O/t
o d ern
e column A with the descr iptiqg g
3- Matrh the reports of n hat peopl Sa id in
column B

1. Sam Said lie was really worried about Tina a- Giving an apology
She seemed very depressed

2 Bill told me he was sorry he would bG b- Offering sympathy.

a little tate to the party.

c- Expressing a concern

d-Offering an invitation.

5 ? ?Iñ t ?S C | TO dSL SS'L 'O e- i\taking an excuse


4-Complete the sentences with either SAID and TOLD.

a- ” goodbye to me and left.


b- She us about your vacation Did you have a nice time*

d- Peter he mbas go nq cai›sting this \› eeket d

s his own busines
s pleastoe SlOw down!
as e give me a
hem Wait for
Hurry up
pps taking a long time to ge t ready, $ | | | ; T
0 0 d

, was dr|vil1g TOO IRSI SO I aske d re

’t move the @ianO alOne, so as\tg y,[ T I

gp t pant to delay Ann. So i t0ld her

/, /g Started asking me personal questions, TO [Old him

much in love with set, So he asked her
f. was very

6- Choose the correct verb. Use the past tense.


ü COmplalnt to the police because our neighbors’

party was too noisy.

b.Peter me an apology

He asked me to forgive him because he fo› got about the party

c. I couldn’t go to the meeting, So I my regrets

d. Sandy told m1she was graduating from college, so I

kots ol jones

7• Reading

Festival festivalHeld
in the States,
United in and as
Parl‹ City ranks
as Salt
it6 typeisina the
film world. annually
for new wOFk
val is the premiere showcase romAmedcan and
fesfival comprises competitive sections t0f
makers. The
1 dramatic and doCumentary II jFl15, and a g* *P
ns, including the su ndance Online F#m
The feslival was began in 1978 £lS the Utah/U.S. Film Festival in an effort IO attra“**e
filmmakers to Utah. At the time, the main focus of fhe event was to present a S
retrospeclive films and filmmaker panel discussions; however it also included a smali FO gram
of films made outside the Hollywood system.

The festival may well have ended up being nothing more than a small, regional ever t,
two key factors helped push it down the road to greatness. The first of thèse Was the
involvement of actor Robert Redford. Redford was a local Utah resident and becaMe (he
festival's inaugural chairman of the board, and having his name associated WÎth the
allowed it to garner a great deal more attention than it may otherwise have been
achieve on its own.

The second factor was the festival's move from September to January; in other words,
summer to winter. The move was reportedly on the advice of Hollywood director Sydney
Pollack, who suggested that running a film festival in a ski resort during winter Would res lt
in “Hollywood beating down the door to attend". Management of the festival was taken oyer
by the Sundance Institute, a non-profit organization, in 1985, and in 1991 the festival was
oñcially renamed the Sundance Film Festival. Many famous independent filmmakers, including
Kevin Smith, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, James Wan and Jim Jarmusch häd their
big break at the festival. The festi\/aI is also responsible for bringing wider attention to
films such as Saw, The Blair Witch Project, El MariaChi, Clerks, Napoleon Dynamite and Sex,
and Videotape.
El Mariachi is a 1992 motion picture production directed by Robert Rodriguez as the first
chapter in his Mariachi Trilogy. lt was a commercial and artistic success, inspiring a nez
wave of young producers to film low-budget movies such as Clerks. and The Blair wi‹er
Project. It was shot in the northern Mexican border town of Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila completely
in Spanish, using primarily amateur actors and on a budget of only US$7,000. It was initially
intended only for the Hispanic home video market, and Rodriguez never thought an American
release was a possibility. Executives at Columbia Pictures liked the film so much that they
bought the American distribution rights. Columbia eventually spent several times more than
the film's original production budget on 35 millimeter film transfers (it had been shot on 16
milTimeter), a marketing campaign and the eventual distribution/release of the film. It was so
well received that they eventually chose to finance the second part of the trilogy, Desperado,
and then the final chapter, Once Upon a Time In Mexico.

It tells the story of an out of work musician (the Mariachi) traveling th.ro0gh Maxim. He arrives
in the small border town of Acuña, hoping to find work In, trame,.e ,gtg .Ïoeal Cantinas and
clubs. Unfortunately for "El", local drug dealers
who is looking for re\/enge against them and has G guitar œse
filled with hand-guns. As the story progresses, El
hide from those who are trying to kill him, and a
same men. He seeks revenge for all he has

What is the main characteristic of the Sundan

Whal were the two key factors that brought
Who is in charge of the festival? ..
Name some filmmakers who got th
What is the plot of the movie ‘El id

”‘ ” ..•
em was to present a • ries / '

also included a sma!! fi'^ogray

“ U’ ä ’UãÇiÓ n Nivel
re iortøl e vent /ø co/uW0a Y Io ąue us fed CFe e g ue es ¢øp
The i'irst of lhese was ue cons/o’era gue Oaúb năbdebe y r de sart•z
Jjød e ñacery
i resident and became de !^ Í emente •
ndo. sî io9er
ssociaied wítñ the íestivø¡ Maya usfed, °^'Yá& def
rwise have been el
díscursO Glaro y sencíl¡ me diFÏge sj me hagtø
from eS ten6|O QUO. Qedir que 88I'I CÎaridad,
wood director S fi8ne p(|ø general Puedo seguir los p" ofi s P i“nci' pales ’”°°Pases.
WOUld nversaciÓ n extens
was taken resuli siempre gue se hab/e C OC
Q|gğ Q6(f6G1ó łes 0O/Ya 5 las enfiendo*laridad
y y en /engua esá,da,
a desarroiiaaa
t9l the festival puedo reaïizgg ĄȚ pÒ vø ø
makers, includin p/ las i'deas principaies de inf ormãtÍ vos F8dÏofó nicos tesis sobre lo qu e
’armusch hÒÖ ,their interesan si se habÍa de manera mps i g‹•baciones
ideas principales lenfa y/ clara. senc‹lTã s sobre
fTTe nosșgyğt
e and Sex, duos se habit rubs o menos despaciO y de forma
e e
re/a iñ/amen fe åE häbİlL|aIes cua» do
p##§p comprender inforrnaciones técn'cas sencillps

¡/ ¿ na e o de a a o de uso cot d a •
ejemp|o las irStFUccioneş
o. de

Undo ‹•r r IaS ideas principa IeS de articulos period b fi• es sobre łemas de actualidad
o v.. -.---.
do leer en la prensa columnas de opinión y entre i a e so d aa a
|//rpresder el sentido general del texto.
jade deducir el significado de palabras desconocidas par el conlexto y de
el@nificado de expresiones si el tema me es familiar.
o encontrar con facilidad /os hechos e informaciones măs importantes
fpor ejemplo. quién i
hã he¢h0 d|9 • cuándo y dônde) en textos cortos corno par ejemplo, resú menes de noticias.
’I›Iedo comprender la informació n más importante de lolleto8 informativos siempre que sean
’serriiios soar.e asunios cou0ianos.
fi‹niprenda ifiensajeș sencillos y cartas łipo {por ejemp/o, de empresas. äe asociaciones a de
Ed las carlas.përfionales puedo comprender las partes que tratan de aconlecímientos,
se»liifiienlçs y dese'o,s Io bastante bien como Para manfener correspondencia con un amigo de

(*’^.*a.‹aü płéndeï”el.arg” um. ento de una /iísforia estructurada con clańdad y reconocer cuâ/es
f!l 05B§i$odios j/ ácontecímienfos más impoftantes y por què son signircativos.

“ ,nt’ener.y cerrar conversaciones sencillas cara a cara sabre temas que me

e”’ .” țerèsaïi personalmente.
nversaciãn a una discusián, hero a feces we resulta diffcil expresar

N P TI la mayor parte de /as situaciones que pi *** 9**

e £i * ^ ^’
gćia a d«ran/e el viaje.
^!+EVatuación N¡m
•• BI
mal event, but /m columna 1 lo que nsted
deve was the que considera que aún debeCree que es C jDãZ de hacer y en
segu¡/ g
I became the esarr O #amg€ Si logra
h the festival fia0 co/umna 1, fi!f Obablemente
de !^ /
›een a'ble, tf dlCd zdOO
haya usted
que algç;e qm
[)j( un ÓÍSG IJTGO ClôFO / Serj il| d d›”riE|e si me hábil
es tengo que pedir gue me r €tpifan algqn qç COrg cfarídad,
yq/al pu Eido seguir los pun fos principâ {e s P^’88^6S 0 frases.
de extensa
uld result en lenciçp desarrollada
pp;p,asencia, siempre gue se t›abIe con cia iaâ d
ikén Ovér estánda .
y/y# g¡go narraciones cortas las entiendo y puedo realizar
T•aTwas hipótesis sobre lo que va a
diifig p## copiar las ideas principales de informativos ‹asiofóni
ad their ¡yçg# que me interesan si se habla de manera màs o menos lenta z clara.
7 gTabaciones sencilias sobre

y/ o captar las ideas principales en programas de televisión sobre temas

#n ellos se habla más o menos despacio y 0e forma relativamente clara. habituales cuando
, rado emprender informaciones técnicas sencillas, corno por ejempJo las iFlStrucciones de
a ‹rodamiento de aparatos de uso cotidiano.

Pveão captar las ideás principales de articulos periodisticos breves sobre temas 0e aclualida0

Pve#o leer en la ’prensa columnas de opinión y entrevistas a personajes de actualidad y

so/rpiender el sentido general det texto.
Rsedá deducir el 'significado de palabras desconocidas por el contexto y de esa forma deducir
e/signfcaóo dé, Expresiones si el tema me es familiar.
9»ebo enc’ontrar con hac/lidad los hechos e informaciones más importantes (por ejemplo. quién
*átecho algo,. cuándo y dónde) en textos rorfos como por ejemplo, resúmenes de noticias.
**** cnmpiender. la ínformáciõn más importante de foi/elos informativos siempre que sean

e,n'cillos y canas tipo por ejemplo, de empresas. de asociaciones o de

OOHrender las partes que tratan de acontecimientos, de

corresponde nGa conunamigo
bpsfante 6ien camo para mantener

historia estruCtUrdda C00 daridaa y reconocer cuále*

# signifcatlvos.

resultã dlfíCll Ü8 F9SgF

él viaje..
”a:s indicacionés dela

” '*‘

s encítfas Cãra a cara sobre temas que
. coúv rsaciones
fort to o ttroct more
›resent series of
p¡ Email program A Lf tOEValUació n Nivel

evei›t, but h•bilid• des Ía columna 1 lo que usted cree que es capaz de hacer y en la columna 2 las
these was the que considera que aún debe seguir desarrollando. Si logra marcar más del
nd became the columna 1, probablemente haya usled alcanzado el Nivel B1.
with the festival 8•% de !^
been able to
qçn cillo gue alguien me dirige si me habla Con Claridad,
puedO seguir mi repitan alguna* ÇQlabras o frases.
ces lengo 9^* pedir g a M s de una conversación extensa desarrollada

words, from uir |ps puntos princ!p á

y en lengua está ndar.
• l puedo S
n•' eg
.tor Sydney aridad
¡p, S iempre e dO hipó les s sobre lo que va a
ould result S C orta s las e ntiendo yp d
taken oVer /rir des pués.
stival was p(if I cipale radiofó nicos y gFDÓ a ciones sencillas sobre
las ideal óe ya nera 8”*2

.luding puedo
me ituales cuando
had their lema* 9‘ Ei Ie le vis ian sobre tem65 hab
jp|¡yamente Cfard-
› to films puedO §e $ pü C io y óe (o e
y O por f*)emplO IO
x, Lies, s í3Ilos se
ciones téc8i*+‘
F'uedO comP render jQfDTW8

'e first (un CÍ OTi

miento de a|96*
tincip gles óe
i new les idegs p
fitch pu“edo c*P!••
conocid mnas de op
•Iy prensb colu y de
leer en I^ Í t0. 0
iall)/ Puedo el
cornprender Sentido cado
genera del lex § ycç›nocida por el Cometí

el 5iQ Ç )f' meí3

puedo deducir d noiici zS
en el S
gyprl9sion ad los hecÉ0S e in f e
ighÍf Ç COM O § or ejemp!
ÍaÜ do de y donde) en textos c pre que Sean
puedo encontr S iem
la hecho ' ’ de cio nes de
dO ‹¡a
Pued o coinp(en ntosc Q[Íd de empresas
. de
obre a+U f]p $pOf eiemP!
iÓ0Shas s ensajes
59nc ill05 /
g prEíndo m e tratar *’ de
gpmp ender U/ S partes
•y ‘ / p I Je Ó 0 ara m^’
En sen fo
p es uclurada GOD
una son Sig
Pued0 comprender e/
son los

’ r esar
antene sUl{á *''"”"''
b Ve cesEne re
do eKPezaf,
@ tf g una disctíSiÓ8'É
II i

bie* en !6
a9*”'* 0 el
A ut oc

/Uarque en la column á 5 / que /-/Steo Cre

habilidades que considera gue e que es
80% da la colt mn á @ág
de hacer yen
áÜn dl-3'ge seggtç g
4 á
haya á 8Fo fla ndo.
6 r Óáblemente lOgtg
a /CanZádo el Nivel s1.
Puedo seguir un discurso CfZlGO sencil/ que al
aunque a veces tengo que pedir qUfi* goien me dÍT )ge si
Por lo general puedo me repitan me haóla Claridad,
se9• 'r los puntos b 8áS O fFase s . C
en mi presencia, siempre gue Se Cable "* nversación ext
9n Ien 9ua estárda ensa desarrollagp
Cuando oigo n lrraciones cortas las entiendo y pg Q
ocurrir después. e ’ '°"^ °° hipótesis sobre lo qu
é va
Puedo cap(ar las
temas que ideas principales de informativos
me interesan si se haóta de manera +a“s8 o menos sencillQs sobre
Puedo captar las ideas principales en programas de lenta y clara.
televisión SObre temas
en ellos se tabla más o menos despacio y de forma háÓi(uaies cuando
relativamenfe clara
Puedo comprender informaciones técnicas sencillas, COITj o por inst
funcionamiento de aparafos de uso cotidiano. s
+^^C' nes de

Puedo captar las id €tas prin cipales de artículos periodisflcos breyes sobre
O CONOCiÓ OS. lemag dé actual idad

Puedo leer en la prensa columnas de opinión y entrevistas a personajes de actualidad

comprender el sentido general del texto. y
Puedo deducir el signi ficado de palabras desconocidas por el contexto y de esa forma
el significado de expresiones si el tema me es familiar. deducir
Puedo encontrar con tacilidao Jos hechos e informaciones más importantes fpor ejemplo. quién
ha hecho algo, cuándo y dónde) en textos COTtOS coma por ejemplo, resúmenes de noticias.
Puedo comprender la información más importante de folletos informativos siempre que sean
sencillos sobre asuntos cotidianos.
Comprenõo mensajes senciI/os y cartas tipo (por ejemplo, de empresas. de asociaciones o de
En las cartas personales puedo comprender las partes que trafan de acontecimientos,
senfimienfos y deseos lo bastante bien como para mantener correspondencia con un amigo de
forma re9ular.
”uedo comprender e/ argumento de una historia estructurada con claridad y reconocer cuáles
•°on los episodios y acontecim ientos más importantes y por qué son s’9 ^' ficativ os.

o empezar, mantener y cerrar conversaciones sencillas cara a cara sobre temas Que me
f#ares o me interesan personalmente.
tener una conversación o una discusión, pero a veces me resulta difícil expresar
que quiero decir.
I erme bien en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden presentarse al
n,una agencia o durante ef viaje.
a diracción y seguir las indicaciones detalladas que me dan.
Th‹* fcsliv‹JI was t›egan in 1û78 as the UIah/U S Film Festival in an effort to attract
filrnmakcrs lo Utah AI the time, the mam focus of the event was to present a Serle
rcIr0sDecI‹v0 films anJ filmmaker panel discussions however il ôISO included a small s Of
ol fiIrI3S F0ade outside the Hollywood system.
The festival may well have ended up being nothing more than a Small, regional event
two key factors helped push it down the road to greatness. The first of these was the
involvement of actor Robert Redford. Redford was ã lOCàI Utah resident and became
festival' s inaugural chairman of Ihe board, and having his name associated Wİth the fe e
allowed il to garner a great deal more attention than it may otherwise have been stive
achieve on its own. able th
The second factor was the festival's move from September to January; in other words,
summer to winter. The move was reportedly on the advice of Hollywood director ¥#ney frog
POllack, who suggested that running a film festi\/al in a ski resort during winter
in “Hollywood beating down the door to attend". Management of the festival WOuId
by the Sundance Institute, a non-profit organization, in was takenresOVer
offcially renamed the Sundance Film Festival. Many famous 1985, and in 1991 the
independent filmmakers,feinstival was
Kevin smith, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin cludin
Tarantino, James Wan and Jim Jarmusch 9
big break at the festival. The festival is also responsible for bringing wider attentionha d their
SUCH ãS Saw, The Bläİr Witch Project, El (O *lms
Mariachi, Clerks, Napoleon Dynamite
and Videotape. and Sex, Lies,
El Mariachi İS ã 1992 motion
chapter in his Mariachi Trilo picture production directed by Robert Rodri guez aS the
gy. It was a commercial and artistic success,
wave of young producers to film ins
Project. !t WãS Shot in the northern low-budge t movies SUCh as Clerks. and Thepiring
in Spanish, using primaril}/ amateur Mexican border town of Ciudad Acuńa, Blair
actors and on a budget of onl y Coahuila C om pleted
intended only for the Hispanic
home video market, and Rodnguez USS7.000, It was
init am
release Was a possibilit y. Executives never thoughta nAmer can
Columbia at Pictures liked the film SO much t
bou ght the American dlS(rİbution hai
the film's original productio rights. Col umbia eventually spent several times more they
n budget on 3s Iha
millimeter), a marketing CäMpaign and
the mllllmeter film transfers (it had been Sh0t on
well received that Ihey eventually chose eVentual dİStribution/release of the film It was 16
and then the (inal Chapter, to finance the second part Of the t SO
Upon a Tune In Mexico. rilo gy, Oesperado,
It tells the slory of an OU( 0( WOFk ITlUSjCian
in the small border town of Acuńa, (the MäFläChİ) travelin gthfough Mexico. He arriUe
hoping t find work in some s
Clubs. Unforłunatel y for "El", local drug of the local Canflnas
dealers mistake arid
filled iswith
who hand-guns,
looking for revenge
As theagainst
story them
progress hlm for a recently escape
and has been shooting up locals with a d
hide from thOS0 who are trying to kill
same men. He seeks revenge ra # him, e S "Et" fÂlls in love with ă WOman
{o and handshof
WhO Ihose
elps hïs
he has been

Questions for Discussio

Wh0t is lhe main characters
SfiC Of the Sundance
Whd were Ihe two
c in chøjgø Ol the
Puedo expresar seillimienlos fales como sorpres^ le!!c'ô^* 'ez *’!er*so !’d e!’ ’e’ c!’* ’
re8CCl0nar adecUüdalTlepte CL/and0 0IFüS pefS0fl8S !0S *’P’*’^’

Puedo contar una historia

Puedo relajar experiencias con delante, describiendo senlimienfos y reacciones.
Puedo describir sueños esperanzas y ambiciones.
Puedo explicar y detallar las razones de mis plane5, intenciones y actos
Puedo contar el argumento de un libro o película y desrririr las reacciones que me la
Puedo reproducir de forma sencilla episodios escritos c0rt05, iiiizando las palabras y el orden
del texlo original.

Puedo repetir lo que alguien ha dicho para co íirmar que los esla os entendiendo.
Puedo pedir que me aclaren o repilan lo que acaban de decir.
Cuando no encuentf0 Ig palabra que quiero, pued0 UliliZdf Una palabra más sencilla que
signifique algo parecido y pedfl' que me corrJan.
Puedo mantener una convefsación con desenvollura, pero necesifo hacer pausas para ‘Re
planificar y corregir lo que digo, espec aImente cuando hablo de torma /idre durante largos
periodos de tiempo Í_OOH
Puedo aportar información de relevancia inmediata, dan0o a enlender cual es para mi la idea
más importante. /\mei
Tengo ef vocabulario suf c ente para expresarme con algunos rodeos sodre temas de la vida
The H
diana, tales como lamina, acciones e intereses, Trabajo, viajes o aconlecimienios de Specia
actualidad. The pum
Puedo expresarme con relaliva precisión en situaciones cotidianas o predecib/es.
House li
Puedo escribir de manera coherente fextos sencillos sodre lemas óe mi interés, y expresar
puntos de vista y opiniones personales
I also lii:e
Puedo escribir un comun cado de prensa de una asociación o un breve art culo para una this workb
revista escolar sobre experiencias o aconlecimientos. como mi viaje, por ejemplo.
Puedo escribir cartas personales a amigos o conocidos para informarles de acontecimientos o
novedades o pedirles información del m smo I po
Puedo describir en una carta personal el argumento de una película o un libro o comentar un
Puedo expresar en una carta senlim entos como pena, felicidad. nterés, añorantg
Puedo conteslar por escrflo a anuncios para sollctfar informar ón más comp)et¿ específica
sobre determinados productos [un coche o un curso académico, por ejemplo).
Puedo dar a mis amigos o colegas informaciones dreves y sencillas - por tax, corrao
electrónico o Carta c rcufar- y pedirles información por el mismo medio.
Puedo escribir mi curriculum vita) en forme resumida.


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