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Name: Elizabeth T.

Course, Year & Section: BSIS 3C

Midterm Exam in Business Process Management

1. STCS store being the only store in the province of Biliran that sells beauty
product, is practicing the advancement of has a point of sale system
which makes it easier for customers and employees for product pricing and for
easy transaction. The store has enough employees that can sustain the needs of
the company and the costumers. Unfortunately, when the Covid pandemic
started to ruin the nation’s economy, the demand for customers to visit the store
started to fall off. The store started to go into bankruptcy. As a student in the field
of technology, what do you think should the store owner/ manager do in order to
save the store from getting bankrupt, without harming the employees?

 In my opinion as a student in the field of technology, the store

owner or manager should think a new way process of selling their
beauty products which is the use of digital technology. Selling
beauty products through social media helps to save the store
from getting bankrupt. But even they use social media the store
owner or manager also need an employees to work in their
business so that there’s no need to reduce employees. For
example all of the employees of STCS store are female. The
store owner or manager can used them as a model, assistant,
makeup artist, Photographer, Videographer, etc... In this types of
selling beauty products the store can gain a lot of customers and
they can save the store from getting bankrupt without harming the

2. During this times where Covid pandemic became the nation’s enemy in many
aspects especially in terms of economy; people/ consumers/ customer needs to
consider their health safety than anything else. Is the face to face management
of transactions enough to ensure everyone’s safety? Why or why not? If your
answer is NO, give your opinion on what should be best done to ensure
everyone’s safety when doing transactions.

 In my opinion we can can’t say No or Yes because there has a

time that we need a face to face transaction especially to those
important transaction. For example in getting a driver’s license we
need to have a face to face transaction because we need to test
driving or prove that we know how to drive a motorcycle or a car
before we can proceed to the next step process which is to get
our driver’s license card. So that I can’t say Yes or No for the
following statement.

3. Explain the importance of Business Process Management in today’s time.

 In today’s time a Business that don’t have a proper Business

Process Management will easily to go bankruptcy because every
business should always have a proper business process
management in order to survive in this time of pandemic.
Business Process Management is very important for every
business because it can helps every business achieve their
goals. And also for decision making BPM is very essential in
order to create a right decision for the certain Business.

4. What is the essence of Information System in the application of Business

Process Management?

 Application of Information System for Business Process

Management have a big helps in order to works faster and easier.
Information system is the number one tool for every business that
can help to achieve the business goal and to avoid getting
bankrupt. It can help a lot for all kind of transaction. Because of
information system the certain business became famous because
of their strategy in using information system.

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