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Meteorol. Appl. 9, 199–210 (2002) DOI:10.


Meteorological factors influencing the

occurrence of air pollution episodes involving
chimney plumes
Bernard Fisher, Environment Agency, National Centre for Risk Assessment and Options
Appraisal, Steel House, 11 Tothill Street, London SW1H 9NF, UK, and School of Earth &
Environmental Sciences, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK

This paper is concerned with meteorological processes that may have an influence on the occurrence of
episodes of high pollution involving chimney plumes. It reviews meteorological mechanisms that could
lead to or maintain high concentrations at distances beyond the range normally considered in dispersion
models (distances greater than 30 km). Fundamental parameters of the atmospheric boundary layer are
shown to largely determine short-range and long-range dispersion, but their values are usually not well
known in specific cases. A simple estimate is provided of the magnitude of the maximum hourly average
concentrations during a long-range fumigation episode from a tall stack.

1. Introduction some cases by vertical or horizontal eddy diffusivities.

The dispersion parameters are empirical functions of
Dispersion modelling is the technique widely used over the fundamental atmospheric parameters, as are the
the past 40 years to estimate the mixing and dilution of wind, temperature and turbulence profiles. The close
pollution in the atmosphere. It concerns itself mainly connection between the dispersion of material and the
with dispersion in the atmospheric boundary layer, dispersion of heat and momentum should be recog-
which is that portion of the atmosphere where the nised. It is clear that the description of dispersion is
direct effect of the surface (on heat, moisture, momen- dependent on the properties of the atmospheric bound-
tum, etc.) is felt as a consequence of turbulent transfer. ary layer. The basic properties of the boundary layer
Dispersion modelling has been used widely to assess that are of importance for air pollution studies are the
the acceptability of releases from industrial sources, vertical wind profile (wind speed and direction) which
which are generally from tall stacks. Using dispersion determines transport, the level of turbulence which is
models (Fisher & Acres, 2000), it has been shown that responsible for the spread and dilution of plumes, and
pollution episodes in which UK air quality objectives the height of the boundary layer. The vertical tempera-
are exceeded are unlikely. This does not preclude the ture profile also affects the rise of plumes and the level
possibility that, on occasions, ground-level concentra- of turbulence. Dispersion models that make use of dis-
tions may approach the limits set by a short-term air persion parameters or eddy diffusivities, which are
quality standard and indeed such concentrations have consistent with the most appropriate description of the
been observed infrequently in the UK constituting an atmospheric boundary layer, are to be preferred.
air pollution episode.
Figure 1 shows schematically the dispersion in the
This paper addresses the question as to whether disper- atmosphere of pollution released from a chimney. Most
sion models are adequate for predicting the highest attention to modelling this behaviour centres on
short-term concentrations arising from a source. It describing in mathematical equations the spread of air-
reviews the meteorological factors, which lead to the borne material as a function of downwind distance.
formation of episodes, and how well these are treated in This is shown in an idealised way in Figure 2, where the
dispersion models. For the purposes of this paper, an shape of the dispersing plume is assumed to have the
episode is defined as a meteorological condition with form of a Gaussian or bell-shaped function, examples
the potential for producing ground-level concentra- of which are drawn on the diagram. These figures illus-
tions from a tall stack close to an air quality standard trate that concentrations generally decrease with
(e.g. 100 ppb for SO2 over short periods), at any dis- increasing travel distance downwind as the plume
tance from the source. mixes or dilutes in the atmosphere. Ground-level con-
centrations from emissions from tall stacks tend to a
All dispersion models are dependent (directly or indi- maximum some distance from the stack as pollutants
rectly) on the vertical and horizontal spread of plumes disperse to the ground. The distance depends upon
which can be described by dispersion parameters, or in plume height and is generally within 15 km (rather less
B Fisher
in highly convective conditions) and thereafter the con- transported and in which it disperses. For short-range
centration decreases with increasing distance (Environ- dispersion the air flow and dispersion characteristics
ment Agency, 1998). Most of this process occurs within (or turbulence levels) are generally assumed to be the
the atmospheric boundary layer. The application of same throughout the area of interest and over the dura-
short-range models in flat terrain is illustrated by these tion of travel from source to receptor. Fluctuations in
figures and these models assume that the dispersion wind over the averaging time assumed within the
occurs within the atmospheric boundary layer. This model are generally treated as part of the turbulence
paper is concerned with the meteorology associated and are included in any estimate of turbulence intensi-
with dispersion conditions leading to episodes of high ties. Generally, an averaging time of about 1 hour is
concentration at short and long distances from the adopted in dispersion models. The traditional
source. The starting point for both situations is the approach, following the work of Pasquill (1961), is to
same, namely the description of the atmospheric classify the dispersive properties in terms of a few (nor-
boundary layer. mally 6 or 7) ‘stability categories’. Each stability cate-
gory describes a range of atmospheric conditions, such
Regional episodes associated with very persistent low as cloud cover, wind speed, vertical temperature pro-
wind speeds and a shallow boundary layer capped by a file, turbulence levels and surface radiation, but the cat-
strong inversion will only be discussed briefly. In these egories differentiate broad differences in dispersion.
episodes the very light wind speeds imply that wind Plume spread is modelled as depending only on down-
direction fluctuations are very large. Puffs of pollution wind distance and the stability category. These stability
from all sources in a region are subject to random categories form the basis for describing dispersion in
motion, mixing material within a confined box. It many commonly used regulatory models.
would then be appropriate to describe the situation as
the build-up of pollution within a well-mixed box, cov- In recent years dispersion models have been developed
ering a regional source area, capped by an elevated using an approach which is closer to the methods com-
inversion that most material would not penetrate, apart monly used for describing the flow in the atmospheric
from very buoyant plumes from tall stacks. boundary layer (and indeed for describing the flow in
turbulent boundary layers generally, such as in engi-
The descriptions of symbols used in this paper are neering flows). Such models attempt to describe the
given in Table 1. dispersion in terms of the same few fundamental para-
meters as are used to characterise the flow, such as wind
speed u, surface heat flux H and boundary layer depth
2. Boundary layer structure h. This approach has a number of advantages over sim-
ple classification schemes. The dispersion can be related
It is not possible to consider the behaviour of chimney directly back to basic physical parameters, such as wind
plumes without reviewing the structure of the turbu- speed, or the heating or cooling of the air at the surface.
lent atmospheric boundary layer in which the plume is These parameters are in turn an essential part of larger-

Figure 1. The processes of pollutant transport.

Meteorological factors influencing pollution episodes

Figure 2. The Gaussian plume concept.

scale numerical weather prediction models. The layer with zero heat flux at the surface in uniform,
approach also allows the meteorology of dispersion to homogeneous, steady conditions are determined by the
be described in similar terms for cases involving differ- following fundamental parameters:
ing spatial scales, such as emissions from tall stacks,
emissions from short stacks, dispersion over short dis- (a) wind speed at the top of the boundary layer (or the
tances and over longer distances. geostrophic wind speed G),
(b) Coriolis parameter f arising from the Earth’s rota-
The properties of turbulence cannot be explicitly deter- tion, and
mined from first principles since the basic nature of (c) roughness of the surface described by the rough-
turbulence involves a coupled range of scales of ness length z0, a measure of the height of typical
motion, making solution by even the most powerful surface irregularities.
computers an impossible task. The problem is particu-
larly difficult in the case of the atmospheric boundary Near the surface, turbulence levels are related to the
layer, which is subject to continual variation in time friction velocity u , describing the transfer of horizon-
and space. In the context of regulations dealing with the tal momentum to the surface. It is more useful near the
planning, control and management of atmospheric pol- surface to scale the wind profile and turbulent veloci-
lution, there is a need to have available suitable, practi- ties with respect to u , which is proportional to G.
cal regulatory models, which can be readily applied fol-
lowing documented procedures (Hall et al., 2000). In practice the assumption of steadiness is not satisfied.
These regulatory models will not necessarily describe The depth of the atmospheric boundary layer or mix-
unusual events. ing height is commonly taken to be ‘the depth to which
pollution will disperse within a time scale of about an
hour’ (Seibert et al., 2000). Hence the boundary layer
3. Neutral (or mechanical) atmospheric depth h is not completely fixed by the geostrophic
boundary layer wind speed G, Coriolis parameter f and z0, and h can be
regarded as an extra parameter needed to describe the
The properties of the atmospheric boundary layer are boundary layer.
primarily derived from experimental data, analysed
within a theoretical framework in which the vertical
profiles of wind, temperature and turbulence are scaled 4. Non-neutral (convective and stable)
by a non-dimensional combination of height and other atmospheric boundary layer
fundamental parameters. The shape of the profiles is
determined empirically (Nieustadt & van Dop, 1982). When the surface heating is non-zero, the surface sen-
The levels of turbulence in an atmospheric boundary sible heat flux H is the other driving force setting up the

B Fisher
Table 1. Description of symbols used in the paper.
Symbol Description
Cmax Maximum ground-level concentration (µg m–3)
f Coriolis parameter(s–1)
G Geostrophic wind speed (m s–1), wind speed at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer
h Depth of atmospheric boundary layer (m)
hs Stack height (m)
hp Plume rise (m)
H Surface sensible heat flux (W m–2)
Ky Horizontal eddy diffusivity (m2 s–1)
L Monin-Obukhov length (m), equal to –ρcpu*3/k β H, where ρ is the density of air (kg m–3), cp is the specific
heat of air (J kg–1 °C –1), k = 0.4 is von Karman’s constant and β is the buoyancy parameter equal to the
acceleration of gravity divided by absolute temperature. L is proportional to –u*3/H with a constant of
proportionality equal to about 9.1×10–4.
l Horizontal length scale (m)
Q Pollutant emission rate (kg s–1)
QH Heat flux out of the stack in MW
S Gradient in the geostrophic wind speed G (s–1)
t Travel time (s)
u Wind speed (m s–1) at plume height, or speed (m s–1) associated with the air mass trajectory
u* Friction velocity (m s–1)
w* Convective velocity scale (m s–1), equal to (βhH/ρcp)1/3, proportional to (hH) 1/3 with a constant of
proportionality equal to about 0.03.
w Upward velocity at top of boundary layer (w ≈-γh) (m s–1)
x Travel distance (m)
z0 Roughness length (m)
γ Horizontal divergence of the wind field in the lower troposphere (s–1)
ε Error in trajectory end points (m)
σy Standard deviation of the crosswind concentration profile (m)
σu Standard deviation of fluctuations in horizontal wind speed at plume height due to wind shear and
turbulence (m s–1)

structure of the boundary layer. During the day, when These have been listed by Seibert et al. (1998, 2000).
the flux of heat carried from the surface into the atmos- The formulae assume that the atmospheric boundary
phere by convection is usually positive, the heat flux layer has had time to reach equilibrium. The same
acts as an extra source of turbulence over and above authors list a number of formulae describing the evolu-
that caused by the wind. At night the heat flux is usu- tion of the convective boundary layer. Heating at the
ally negative and this tends to drain energy down from surface produces changes in depth, which occur rapidly
the wind-induced turbulence, leading to much reduced relative to the duration of daylight hours.
turbulence levels for a given wind speed. Since the
interests of boundary layer meteorology and dispersion The layer of air in the troposphere above the atmos-
modelling are in the main velocity and length scales, it pheric boundary layer is known as the free atmosphere
is usual to introduce a length scale L into the equations, and is generally associated with stable conditions and
known as the Monin-Obukhov length, equal to –u*3 / H lower turbulence than the atmospheric boundary layer.
multiplied by a constant of proportionality. In convec- The thermal stratification of the atmospheric layer
tive boundary layers it is usual to introduce the con- above the mixing layer is described by the Brunt-
vective velocity scale w* which is proportional to Väisälä frequency, defined as the square root of the
(h H) ⁄ . 3 product of the buoyancy parameter (g/T) and the ver-
tical potential temperature gradient.
For ideal conditions, boundary layer turbulence is
determined by the values of the fundamental parame-
ters, namely the geostrophic wind speed G or the fric- 5. Determination of fundamental parameters
tion velocity u*, the Coriolis parameter f, the roughness
length z0, the surface heat flux H, and the boundary The atmospheric boundary layer can rarely be
layer depth h, or convenient combinations of some of described exactly even when remote sensing equipment
these parameters (such as L and w*). For the depth of is available or detailed numerical weather prediction
the stable boundary layer, including the neutral case, models have been applied. If the fundamental parame-
numerous formulae have been proposed based on vari- ters are to be useful for describing turbulent dispersion
ous combinations of u* (or G) and f and z0 in the neu- in a practical way, they must be available at any site.
tral case and u* (or G) f, z0 and L in the stable case. This is a necessary preliminary before using these para-

Meteorological factors influencing pollution episodes
meters to describe the dispersion of a passive non- on formulae to describe the height of mixing. The
reacting chemical in the atmosphere. The Coriolis para- height is an evolving quantity in situations driven by
meter f is fixed by the latitude of the site, and the convective turbulence, and the methods depend on
roughness length z0 is fixed by the nature of the surface solving equations describing the evolution of the
at the site of interest. The geostrophic wind speed G is boundary layer as heat is fed into it.
determined by synoptic meteorology on a regular basis
at any location from numerical forecast models or sur- Although in-situ measurements are to be preferred
face pressure charts. Estimates of the friction velocity when estimating mixing layer depth, for practical use
u* can also be made routinely from the wind and tem- methods based on simple computer models are gener-
perature measurements near the ground at a nearby ally applied. Seibert et al. (1998, 2000) have tried five
site, provided a representative value of z0 is known. methods for calculating the mixing height. The meth-
ods are based on similar principles with variations in
The direct measurement of the surface sensible heat the choice of those parameters which are not measured
flux H requires sophisticated instrumentation and or cannot be measured routinely. They have used three
therefore H cannot normally be directly obtained from datasets to test the mixing height routines. The datasets
synoptic stations. Processing of routinely measured come from fairly uniform terrain in the Netherlands,
data is required. A number of different methods have Switzerland and Germany and consist of a mixture of
been proposed and used to determine the surface heat tower, remote sensing (sodar and electromagnetic pro-
flux on a routine basis. In other words H is derived filer) and radiosonde data, together with measurements
from other more readily derived parameters, such as of turbulent fluxes at the surface. The intercomparison
time of day, time of year and cloud cover using formu- is further complicated because the measurement meth-
lae and models. Similarly, at most locations, measure- ods themselves give different results and need to be
ments of the mixing layer depth h are not available, interpreted using models. The data consisted of a num-
except when sophisticated equipment is available, and ber of days on which the hourly evolution of the mix-
even then interpretation may be difficult. Instead, a ing height could be estimated from measurements.
large number of diverse formulae and methods have
been proposed for determining h, based on theoretical Seibert et al. (1998) recommend ways of estimating
arguments and empirical measurements. Surface heat mixing height when profile data are available. When
flux and mixing depth are the two fundamental para- computer codes in meteorological pre-processors are
meters for which the literature contains the widest used to calculate the mixing height from routine data,
diversity of formulae. these should be designed so as to allow for the substi-
tution of measured or estimated values when appropri-
Measurements of wind, temperature and turbulence are ate. As these methods are by no means perfect, it is sug-
normally measured at a standard height of 10 m above gested that these methods need further attention.
ground on a routine basis. Hence the description of
turbulence throughout the boundary layer relies on Estimates of dispersion are frequently required at sites
formulae which include the height dependence of these for which no routine meteorological dataset exists from
quantities up to the mixing height. A number of for- which turbulence can be estimated. In lowland areas,
mulae for the profiles of wind, temperature and turbu- with broadly flat, homogenous terrain, it is normally
lence have been proposed in the literature. These for- possible to use a nearby site or interpolate between
mulae consist of empirically determined relationships sites at which a long series of observations have been
between the required quantities and the fundamental made. In regions of complex terrain this is no longer
parameters, and are normally expressed in non-dimen- possible and formidable problems exist. Simple theo-
sional form. ries of the boundary layer, based on a few fundamental
parameters, no longer apply. In such terrain, the wind
flow may no longer be interpolated directly from the
6. Specific studies of boundary layer structure available observational network or from the synoptic
wind field. Dispersion in complex terrain is most sensi-
Because more recent methods of calculating dispersion tive to the wind flow because the wind field determines
emphasise the way in which dispersion varies with where the pollution cloud will travel.
height in the boundary layer, the height dependence of
the wind, temperature and turbulence is of high prior- The fundamental parameters that determine the
ity. A wide variety of remote sensing measurement structure of the atmospheric boundary layer can be
techniques, such as sodar, and in-situ measurement clearly identified but there remain the difficulties of
techniques, such as radiosondes, are available, leading obtaining reliable values for application to dispersion
to atmospheric profiles from which the mixing height models. Normally, data from a nearby site representa-
can be estimated, but these measurement techniques are tive of the location are used, but the inaccuracies
not generally routinely available. Instead, a number of involved have not been quantified. Estimating the
operational methods have been developed. In situations extent to which point measurements are representative
determined by mechanical turbulence these usually rely is very difficult.
B Fisher
It should be recognised that the methods used to deter- way short-range episodes are described. The maximum
mine surface heat flux, mixing height and turbulent ground-level concentration around tall stacks is typi-
profiles from readily measured parameters are them- cally highest in high wind speed conditions, when
selves based on models. These are often analogous to plume rise is not as great as normal, or in highly con-
dispersion models but involve the dispersion of vective conditions with light winds when thermals and
momentum, heat or water vapour rather than pollu- down draughts promote rapid vertical mixing.
For given meteorological conditions, the highest
maximum ground-level concentrations occur when the
7. Accuracy of description of the boundary top of the boundary layer is just above the effective
layer height of the plume. Scriven (1969) has shown that a
stable layer close to the source height (h ≈ effective
One of the recurring themes of boundary layer meteo- plume height) can increase the maximum ground-level
rology is the use of empirical data, using scaled quanti- concentration by up to a factor of two, relative to the
ties involving non-dimensional combinations of para- maximum ground-level concentration when a stable
meters, and applying conservation laws to describe the elevated layer is not present (h >> effective plume
structure of atmospheric turbulence. It is therefore not height).
surprising that a choice of formulae for some quantities
is available with no clear preferred formula. For regulatory purposes dispersion models are applied
in broadly two principal ways. Sequential, usually
In the real world the atmospheric boundary layer is hourly, meteorological data are entered into the model
never really steady; it is always subject to time varia- and a time-series of hourly average predicted concen-
tions caused by disturbances such as cumulonimbus trations is obtained. These may be used to obtain peak
clouds, rain and weather systems, etc. In addition, there concentrations over a range of meteorological condi-
are always variations in space from changes at the sur- tions or some statistical average, such as the mean or a
face in roughness, topography or large-scale air percentile, by processing the model’s results.
motions. Despite these difficulties, attempts to sum- Alternatively, a climatology is used as input data to the
marise the turbulent properties of the boundary layer model. This contains a limited number of categories of
in terms of a few non-dimensional combinations of the meteorological conditions and the frequency with
fundamental parameters have been reasonably success- which they occur. By running the model over these cat-
ful, leading to descriptions of boundary layer profiles egories and taking a weighted average according to the
in terms of simple scaling laws, which provide a frame- relative frequency with which each occurs, the mean
work for describing different kinds of turbulent concentration may be obtained in a way that is compu-
boundary layers, and through these to better ways of tationally efficient. The same quantity can be estimated
describing dispersion. by running sequential data of a year or more. This will
avoid the error introduced by the discrete categories,
The usefulness of these scaling parameters decreases as but the calculation is more laborious. Episodes corre-
the complexity of the flow increases, e.g. due to com- spond to the least frequently occurring conditions.
plex terrain, coastal effects, the rural-urban interface or
baroclinicity (when the vertical component of flow The enormous increases in computing power have
becomes important). In such situations it can become made the use of sequential data easier. Also, the
impossible to represent the flow in terms of a few fun- increased complexity of models and the range of prob-
damental parameters, and in cases of very extreme ter- lems tackled make statistical data less convenient. (If
rain it is not clear that even the concept of the atmos- the meteorological input is characterised by a large
pheric boundary layer remains useful. number of parameters – e.g. humidity for condensing
plumes, lapse rate above the boundary layer for plumes
Situations involving dispersion over longer distances which penetrate the inversion, precipitation for
usually start to involve effects caused by changes in ter- washout, as well as the basic parameters of wind speed
rain. Therefore longer-range transport shifts the and direction, surface heat flux and boundary layer
emphasis to changes in atmospheric flow. Before dis- depth – then one needs a large number of categories to
cussing episodes of high pollution occurring at long represent the climatology accurately; as the number of
distances from a source it is appropriate to discuss parameters increases, the number of categories required
short-range episodes. rapidly multiplies, so that eventually a sequential
approach may be preferred.) The spatial variability of
meteorology and the temporal variability can be
8. Variability in short-range dispersion important in many cases, even over relatively short
ranges if the terrain is complex, and such effects cannot
In regulatory models of dispersion up to 30 km or so be included in a statistical approach. However, it is still
from a source, the traditional and boundary-layer not always practical to routinely run the most complex
scaling approaches do not differ fundamentally in the dispersion models for, say, 10 years of hourly data.
Meteorological factors influencing pollution episodes
Some work on climatologies for dispersion applications plume spread on atmospheric conditions. They should
for a site in flat terrain in the UK has been reported by be preferable when considering episodes related to
Davies & Thomson (1997) who considered the issues of infrequently occurring atmospheric conditions. Under
the number of years of data required, the differences these conditions it is better to use an approach in which
between using sequential data and statistical categories, underlying relationships are described, rather than
the differences between different choices of statistical extrapolating from empirical data into situations for
categories, and the differences caused by using meteo- which few measurements are available.
rological data from meteorological sites at various dis-
tances from the location of interest. They found that
using only three years’ data gave acceptable predictions 9. Longer-range transport
but that one year was not long enough. The differences
arising from the use of sequential and statistical data In designing regulatory models of dispersion over dis-
were small. Perhaps the most interesting result was that tances greater than 30 km from a source, the usual
predictions for a large power station type source were approach adopted is to assume almost uniform mixing
more sensitive to how the data were treated than pre- within the atmospheric boundary layer and to charac-
dictions for a smaller factory source. This implies that terise the height of the atmospheric boundary layer in
the type of source needs to be considered in any future simple terms. The models also require information
consideration of these issues. about the wind flow. Depending on its sophistication,
the model will require greater or lesser information
The traditional approach to dispersion based on stabil- about turbulence levels.
ity categories does not provide a means for treating the
variation of turbulence and dispersion with height, and The movement of air parcels over longer distances is
is most applicable to near ground-level sources over described by trajectories in which the synoptic struc-
short distances. Over longer travel distances the varia- ture of the atmosphere is considered. So-called
tion of meteorological conditions in space and time geostrophic trajectories can be drawn based on the sur-
becomes increasingly important to the description of face pressure field, or wind speeds at various heights
dispersion. A framework based on fundamental available from numerical weather forecasting models
boundary layer parameters also applies to longer-range can be applied. Such trajectories are very uncertain in
transport, albeit that the fundamental parameters are two types of atmospheric conditions: high pressure
varying in space and time, and the atmospheric bound- systems leading to episodes of high ozone in the sum-
ary layer may be transformed between different states mer, and high particle and NO2 concentrations in win-
(different fundamental parameters G, h, H and z0). ter. In this case, winds are light and it is not possible to
define accurately where an air parcel is coming from or
It is possible in principle to relate specific meteorolog- going to. The second condition is one of high wet
ical conditions to a traditional stability category. deposition associated with precipitation. In this case
However, the same dispersion category may arise for the air mass trajectory is involved in three-dimensional
different combinations of surface heat flux and movement in very disturbed conditions so that accurate
geostrophic wind (Clarke, 1979). It is often the relative assessment of air movement is not possible.
importance of wind speed and heat flux in producing
turbulence that is important, rather than the absolute Neither stationary high pressure systems nor condi-
size of each. This is because if the wind speed is tions of persistent precipitation are associated with the
increased and the heat flux is also increased in magni- kind of longer-range episode which has been attributed
tude, then the turbulent velocities can remain propor- to plumes from point sources with tall stacks. Episodes
tional to the wind speed. As a result, although the involving point sources may involve persistent, moder-
plume spreads faster in time, it also travels downwind ate to high winds, for which the tracking of trajectories
faster and can have a similar width at a given downwind is more accurate. However, errors associated with any
distance. This relative importance can be characterised attempt to plot trajectories increases with distance from
quantitatively via the Monin-Obukhov length, L, or by the source.
the Richardson number. These effects are not quantita-
tively represented in the use of the stability category, The European Tracer Experiments (ETEX), sum-
although they may reflect this qualitatively. Although marised by Van Dop et al. (1998), showed that models
some traditional dispersion models make allowance for are not able to predict accurately the concentration
surface roughness, and most treat the mixing height as field from a 12 h release of tracer travelling up to 72 h
a limit to vertical dispersion, they do not generally downwind in simple meteorological conditions. The
allow for the full effect of changing roughness length, best models achieved correlation coefficients between
mixing height and source height. measured and calculated logarithmic concentrations of
greater than 0.6 (Ryall & Maryon, 1998), with more
Models which rely on describing plume spread in terms than 50% of predictions within a factor of 5 of obser-
of the fundamental parameters should, in principle, vations, and the overlap between the predicted and
encompass a fuller description of the dependence of measured clouds being over 70%.

B Fisher
It may be readily shown (Sykes & Hatton, 1976) that Oxidation of NO to NO2 by ozone is potentially very
errors in trajectory end points are large when wind rapid but is limited by the amount of ozone present in
speed and direction fluctuations are large, or when the the boundary layer. Horizontal mixing of ozone into
gradient in the mean wind speed is high (corresponding power station plumes provides a source of ozone, but
to the centres of high and low pressure systems). A for- the presence of narrow plumes implies slow lateral
mula for the ratio of trajectory end points to the length mixing and a rate of oxidation which is dispersion lim-
of the trajectory is: ited. Ozone concentrations were low within major
plumes (ozone concentrations equalled 3 to 5 ppb), but
between plumes where NOx was low, the ozone con-
ε δu (e St − 1) (1) centration remained equal to background levels of 20 to
ut u St 30 ppb. Freiberg (1977) showed that the oxidation of
pollutants within plumes tends towards limits after
where ε is the error in trajectory end points, t is the long times, which are dependent on the reaction rate
travel time, u is the speed associated with the air mass and the rate of dispersion.
trajectory (u may taken to be proportional to the
geostrophic wind speed G), S is the gradient of u (S is a Peak instantaneous SO2 concentrations after some 100
measure of the vorticity and is high in the region of km of travel have been found to be of the order of 100
depressions) and δu is the error in the estimate of the ppb from the combined emissions from groups of
trajectory speed. It can be seen that errors will build up major power stations, reaching 200 ppb in one case
rapidly when δu/u is large, which occurs in high pres- (Fisher & Callander, 1984) when the plumes from
sure areas with slack pressure gradients, or when S is nearby power stations overlapped. These flights illus-
large in the regions of depressions when S is compara- trate the potential for medium-range episodes of high
ble with f (=10–4 s–1 in moderate latitudes), when it is ground-level SO2 over the Midlands.
not possible to track trajectories for more than, say, six
hours before errors swamp the analysis. On one occasion higher rates of removal were found
over part of the plume travel path and never satisfacto-
rily explained. Without evidence to corroborate mea-
10. Empirical measurements of plumes at surements (no duplicate observations), such events are
medium distances hard to explain and the behaviour seen on the majority
of other occasions is more likely to be typical. On these
Aircraft measurements have been undertaken (Fisher & other occasions multiple traverses through the plume
Callander, 1984) to look at dispersion over distances of were made.
100 km or more. Although limited to six flights
studying transport from the UK, it was possible to Other examples of plumes detected at medium-range
describe the crosswind spread (σy) with distance (x) distances of about 100 km are illustrated by a number
using a horizontal eddy diffusivity (Ky) equal to 3×103 of flights conducted by the Meteorological Office in
m2 s–1 (Ky = σy2/(2x/u) where u is the wind speed ≈ G). 1971 and 1973 in steady south-westerly winds. It was
This value of Ky was thought to be low compared with estimated that about 60% of the total SO2 emitted from
other estimates and is associated with travel over the central England was still airborne over the coast. The
North Sea under conditions of low lateral dispersion. It fraction of SO2 emitted from tall stacks was above 70%
was suggested that over land higher horizontal turbu- (Fisher & Maul, 1976). Occasions when aircraft mea-
lence generated by topographic features causes greater surements were made to intercept power station
lateral dispersion and the reason for the low value of Ky plumes suggested that peak short-term depth-averaged
measured is the generally lower rate of lateral spread concentrations within the Eggborough and
over the sea (Crabtree, 1984). In an extreme case of Ferrybridge plumes at distances 50 to 100 km down-
poor lateral dispersion, distinct plumes were still dis- wind in June 1975 under conditions of deep mixing (h
tinguishable on the far side of the North Sea from equal to about 1250 m and 1680 m) were about 100 ppb
power station sources 150 km apart (Cocks et al., (Fisher et al., 1977). The effective plume height at
1983). Low rates of lateral spread will tend to cause Eggborough was thought to be about 500 m.
longer-range episodes of high concentration. Instantaneous concentrations a factor of two or more
higher are to be expected within plumes from power
The ratio of the fluxes of SO2 to NOx on these flights stations on full load, with lighter winds and shallower
were consistent with source inventories. Typically atmospheric boundary layers.
some 60 to 70% of the NOx and SO2 remained air-
borne as the pollution crossed the coast suggesting that Some long-range transport models may require more
over travel distances of about 100 km, or travel times of complex parameter values than those routinely avail-
a few hours, deposition is not an efficient loss mecha- able. For example, Lagrangian particle flow models
nism over short distances. The extreme event was an require profiles of the Lagrangian time scale. Estimates
example of an episode associated with poor lateral mix- of the Lagrangian time scale amount in effect to making
ing in which widths of plumes were very narrow. estimates of the size of turbulent eddies (Ryall &

Meteorological factors influencing pollution episodes
Maryon, 1998; Malcolm et al., 1999). Similarly Eulerian Because the plume from other sources may not neces-
grid models generally require eddy diffusivities which sarily be absorbed in the boundary layer at the same
depend on turbulence levels and eddy size. Potentially, time, this type of episode provides a more distinct ‘sig-
such models may lead to better predictions but are lim- nature’ from the individual source, consisting of a
ited by the lack of routinely available data. short-duration pulse of pollutant concentrations with
ratios of individual pollutants that match the source
characteristics. Although rare this mechanism has been
11. Conditions leading to longer-range suggested to explain occasional elevated sulphur diox-
pollution episodes ide concentrations in areas remote from power stations.
Close inspection of such episodes is necessary in order
There are two situations leading to longer-range to check whether other local sources of sulphur dioxide
episodes associated with elevated point sources: plume (e.g. cement kilns, domestic coal burning) could also
fumigation episodes and regional pollution episodes. In have had an air quality impact in the area. These fumi-
plume fumigation episodes an elevated plume from a gation episodes occur infrequently, perhaps once every
high stack escapes from the boundary layer (of height few years at a specified location (Bray et al., 2000).
h) near the point of emission and travels with limited
dispersion without coming to the ground near the The other type of pollution episode, the regional pollu-
point of emission (within 30 km) (see Figure 3). tion episode, occurs during very persistent low wind
Changes in meteorology, such as the development of a speeds (G low) in combination with a shallow
convective boundary layer due to surface heating (an boundary layer (h low) capped by a strong inversion.
increase in h), may lead to changed conditions and the Under these conditions, emissions from all sources
plume becomes absorbed into a deeper boundary layer including those from tall stacks can be trapped in the
and disperses to the ground. boundary layer. Mixing in the boundary layer is slow
due to the low wind speeds, so exceptionally high con-
Although turbulence mixing may be lower in the free centrations can build up. The episode ends if the wind
atmosphere than in the boundary layer, the plume is speed G increases (due to synoptic changes) and greater
affected by the vertical and horizontal shear in wind mixing occurs. In this kind of regional episode a rela-
speed and direction leading to dilution of the time- tively large area is affected. All sources in the region
averaged plume. The maximum ground-level concen- whose plumes are trapped in the boundary layer will
tration will occur after re-entrainment into the bound- contribute to the episode. So in this kind of episode the
ary layer. This has been described by models of plume atmospheric composition is characteristic of the mix-
fumigation. Venkatram (1988) has described the theory ture of sources within the region, not of any one indi-
in the simple case in which the plume is assumed to mix vidual source.
rapidly to the ground. (See example in Appendix.)

Figure 3. Schematic representation of a plume fumigation episode.

B Fisher

12. Modelling of fumigation episodes points are large (i.e. when wind speed and direction
fluctuations are large) or when the gradient in the mean
Broadly speaking the fumigation part of episodes can wind speed is high (corresponding to the centres of
be described by the dispersion incorporated in short- high and low pressure systems). The mechanisms of
range models. Traditional Gaussian models, as well as wind shear, turbulence and the change in wind flow
more recently developed dispersion models based on with time, all lead to a spreading of the puffs constitut-
boundary layer scaling, such as ADMS (Carruthers et ing a plume. There are therefore always mechanisms
al., 1995), are able to simulate the fumigation process. present in the atmosphere which promote mixing and
Traditionally such events have been studied in associa- dilution.
tion with convective boundary layers associated with
shoreline fumigation (reviewed by Venkatram, 1988).
Complex modelling is unnecessary as illustrated by the 13. Convergence and divergence
example in the Appendix.
The influence of large-scale convergence and diver-
However, dispersion models do not generally carry gence on concentrations within the atmospheric
over concentrations from hour to hour. Instead the boundary layer can be assessed in terms of the concen-
model starts afresh for each hour with a new set of tration within a regional box with sides of length l,
meteorological conditions and a new release. of area l2 and of depth equal to the boundary layer
Consequently the effect of changing conditions on a height. If the horizontal divergence in the lower tro-
release after the first hour is not described. Modelling posphere equals γ (positive in areas of high pressure)
of long-range episodes therefore requires the facility to then the area of the box increases to l2eγt after a time t,
model the evolving trajectory of the plume, hour to and the concentration decreases as e–γt as a result of
hour. The Meteorological Office model ‘NAME’ dilution. The upward velocity at the top of the bound-
(Ryall & Maryon, 1996; Ryall & Maryon, 1998) is one ary layer equals –γh, and typically has a value of about
example of a model which is able to model episodes in –0.01 m s–1 (Brunt, 1934). Since this is of the same order
this way. The model uses a numerical weather forecast- of magnitude as the deposition velocity of reactive
ing model to describe the air mass trajectories. It gases such as SO2, the reduction in concentration from
addresses the problem of boundary layer depth and additional horizontal dispersion is comparable to the
parameterisation, but inevitably suffers from being reduction caused by dry deposition. Both processes are
unable to resolve features which occur on a fine scale, slow relative to the duration of regional episodes and
such as plume structure near or above the top of the only reduce concentrations slowly. However, the small
boundary layer (Malcolm et al., 1999). downward velocity in high pressure systems encour-
ages the formation of elevated inversions at the top of
Sulphur dioxide is generally the pollutant of concern the boundary layer and increases the strength of the
from major stationary point sources during such inversion.
episodes. However, distant episodes are rare because
the necessary combination of stack height, plume When γ is negative (convergence) there is an overall
buoyancy, boundary layer depth and strong elevated upward velocity in the lower troposphere and removal
inversion occur infrequently. For example, monitoring of material from the boundary layer into the free
data suggest that distant fumigation episodes occur at atmosphere (Pedgley, 1962). This represents a removal
most about 4 to 5 times per year across central England process from the boundary layer with a time constant
(Bray et al., 2000) and last for a few hours. The impact of order w/h. This rate is comparable with the removal
of fumigation episodes is felt in different locations, so of airborne material from the atmosphere by wet
that at any given location in central England fumigation removal processes and is not associated with episodes
events would be expected to occur less than once per of high concentration.
year on average.

The plume from a point source can be considered as a 14. Conclusions

series of puffs or clouds each of which delineates a tra-
jectory in the atmosphere as the puff travels downwind. Formulae for the fundamental parameters and profiles
The crosswind spread of the plume is determined by of turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer have
the spread between adjacent trajectories (Sykes & been widely and successfully exploited to reduce data
Hatton, 1976). The time-averaged spread can be con- to manageable proportions. However, the comparisons
sidered analogous to the error between the end points between the formulae and observations considered by
of trajectories given by equation (1), where ε is now the Seibert et al. (1998) have not been able to produce con-
crosswind spread, δu is replaced by σu, the standard sistently good agreement for a number of reasons.
deviation of fluctuations in the horizontal wind speed Accepting the need for better empirical data for use in
caused by turbulence and vertical wind shear, and S is testing current methods, it is reasonable to conclude
the horizontal wind shear. ε will be high in the condi- that all current methods, regardless of further testing,
tions similar to those when the errors in trajectory end are likely to be associated with errors in certain non-
Meteorological factors influencing pollution episodes
ideal situations. Further improvements may come from distance downwind, hs is the stack height and hp is the
the widespread introduction of remote sensing. The plume rise (= αQH1/4/u, α is a constant = 500 when QH
other line of approach is to exploit the use of improved is the heat flux out of the stack in MW). The formula is
numerical weather prediction models and high speed consistent with dispersion in the near field in the
computing. ALMANAC model (Bennett, 1989). Thus:

At the present time in practical applications of air qual- Q

ity dispersion models, the limitations on the accuracy Cmax =
 Q1/4  (A2)
of predictions arising from limitations in the descrip- 2π u0.08 u7 x  hs + α H 
tion of meteorological data should be recognised when  u 
interpreting episodes. Models based on the use of fun-
damental parameters of the atmospheric boundary If one considers the highest ground-level concentration
layer do have a useful degree of skill and are to be rec- for various wind speeds, this arises when hs = hp. For a
ommended. typical 2,000 MW power station, hs = 200 m, QH =
2000/7, so that hs = hp when u = 10 m s–1. Then:
Interpretation of individual episodes will always be
incomplete and will probably suffer from a limited Q 3Q
description of the atmospheric boundary layer. Cmax =  (A3)
2 2π hsu0.067 x uhs x
However, the interpretation should include an estimate
of the fundamental boundary layer parameters ( e.g. h
and G) which have been associated with the episode. Since Q = 10 kg s–1 SO2, for a major coal-fired power
Without this the classification of episode occurrences is station burning coal without flue gas desulphurisation,
not possible in a systematic way. It is always preferable u = 10 m s–1, hs = 200 m, at a distance of 50 km from the
to be able to study a number of similar episodes in stack one expects a worst case, one-hour average
order to increase confidence in the interpretation and ground-level concentration of about 300 µgm–3 ≡
to reduce uncertainties. 100 ppb. At longer distances the maximum concentra-
tion is expected to be smaller. Peak concentrations may
Typical concentrations at long distances can be esti- occur at longer distances, but will be of smaller magni-
mated given broad estimates of the boundary layer tude than the peak concentrations that arise following
parameters. This should be attempted in order to asso- fumigation closer to the point of emission.
ciate measured concentrations quantitatively with sus-
pected emissions.
Acknowledgements Bennett, M. (1989). The ALMANAC plume dispersion
model. CEGB Report RD/L/3491/R89.
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