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Ozonation in Water Treatment

Ozone is an unstable gas consisting of three oxygen atoms (O₃); the gas will readily degrade
back to oxygen (O₂), and during this transition a free oxygen atom, or free radical (O•) will
form. The free oxygen radical is highly reactive and short lived; under normal conditions it will
only survive for milliseconds.

Ozone is a colorless gas that has an odor similar to the sharp electric smell of the air after a major

Ozone has a greater disinfection

effectiveness against bacteria and viruses compared to chlorination. In addition, the oxidizing
properties can also reduce the concentration of iron, manganese, sulfur and reduce or eliminate
taste and odor problems. Ozone oxidizes the iron, manganese, and sulfur in the water to form
insoluble metal oxides or elemental sulfur. These insoluble particles are then removed by post-
filtration. Organic particles and chemicals will be eliminated through either coagulation or
chemical oxidation. Ozone is unstable, and it will degrade over a time frame ranging from a few
seconds to 30 minutes. The rate of degradation is a function of water chemistry, pH, and water

Ozonation Process

The formation of oxygen into ozone occurs with the use of energy. This process is carried out by
an electric discharge field as in the CD-type ozone generators (corona discharge simulation of
the lightning), or by ultraviolet radiation as in UV-type ozone generators (simulation of the
ultraviolet rays from the sun). In addition to these commercial methods, ozone may also be made
through electrolytic and chemical reactions. In general, an ozonation system includes passing
dry, clean air through a high voltage electric discharge, i.e., corona discharge, which creates an
ozone concentration of approximately 1% or 10,000 mg/L. In treating small quantities of waste,
the UV ozonation is the most common while large-scale systems use either corona discharge or
other bulk ozone-producing methods. Ozone test strips are a must.

The raw water is then passed through a venturi throat which creates a vacuum and pulls the
ozone gas into the water or the ozonated air is then bubbled up through the water being treated.
Since the ozone will react with metals to create insoluble metal oxides, post filtration is required.

Primary Advantages to Ozone

 Ozone is effective over a wide pH range and rapidly reacts with bacteria, viruses, and
protozoans and has stronger germicidal properties than chlorination. It has very strong
oxidizing power with a short reaction time.
 The treatment process does not add chemicals to the water.
 Ozone can eliminate a wide variety of inorganic, organic, and microbiological problems as
well as taste and odor problems. The microbiological agents include bacteria, viruses, and
protozoans such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and other waterborne pathogens

What is Ozone Water Treatment and How Does It Work?

Ozone is a naturally occurring gas in earth’s atmosphere and is one of nature’s most powerful
oxidizers. In the upper atmosphere, ozone filters the sun’s ultraviolet light and protects earth
from harmful radiation, but here on the surface, ozone plays a role in ensuring clean drinking
water through ozone water treatment. Ozone water treatment is versatile and can be employed
both commercially and in your home. Below you will learn about ozone water treatment, how it
works, and whether an ozone water treatment system is right for you.

What is ozone water treatment?

Ozone water treatment is a water treatment method that reduces contaminants through ozone’s
oxidative strength. Ozone is an oxidant, which means it reacts with other substances and accepts
their electrons. For example, when iron is oxidized, it becomes rust. Ozone water treatment
begins with the creation of ozone in an ozone generator. Then, ozone is injected into water, and
immediately starts oxidizing and eliminating contaminants, such as bacteria, viruses, and metals.

Ozone oxidizes organic material in the membranes of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. This
weakens, ruptures, and kills their cells, eliminating the troublesome contaminants. Ozone also
oxidizes iron, manganese, and copper into solid particles that can be easily filtered from water by
mechanical filtration or certain activated carbon filters. Through oxidation, ozone water
treatment systems can even rid water of turbidity and bad tastes and odors caused by chlorine.

How does ozone water treatment work?

Ozone water treatment works by dissolving ozone into water and through the ensuing oxidation
of bacteria and other waterborne pathogens. To better understand the process, it is best to first
understand how ozone is created. Ozone is born out of oxygen. An oxygen molecule contains
two oxygen atoms (O2), while an ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms (O3). When
electricity or ultraviolet light stream through air, their energy splits oxygen molecules into two
oxygen atoms. The loose oxygen atoms then recombine with ordinary oxygen molecules to form
ozone. In the upper atmosphere, sunlight interacts with oxygen to produce earth’s protective
ozone layer. While closer to the surface, ozone is created when lightning strikes and electricity
cuts through oxygen rich air. Both processes are mimicked in ultraviolet and electrical ozone
generators, which make ozone water treatment possible. Ozone can also be produced by
electrolytic and chemical reactions, but UV and electrical ozone generators are the most common
for water treatment.

1. Removes Pollutants from Water

The primary reason for ozonation is to remove contaminants and pollutants from water. It can
remove hydrogen sulfide, manganese, iron and bacteria, and viruses from the water. It cannot
remove every pollutant, so many times it’s used along with another type of filtration.

It’s better than chlorine in removing bacteria and viruses. It causes manganese, iron, and sulfur to
become insoluble and this easy to remove. Ozone is unstable and this breaks down into plain
oxygen after a few minutes or several hours depending on the water temperature and acidity.
Electrical ozone generators:

Electrical ozone generators produce ozone through corona discharge, which mirrors the way
ozone is created during a thunderstorm. Instead of lightning, a high voltage electrical discharge is
passed through oxygen inside a glass, ceramic, or steel chamber. This facilitates the breakdown
of molecular oxygen into atomic oxygen and allows for the formation of ozone. The ozone is
then either bubbled into water or vacuumed in through a venturi tube and the oxidation process
begins immediately.

Ultraviolet light ozone generators:

Ultraviolet light in the 160-240 nanometer (nm) range can create ozone from oxygen. Similar to
the corona discharge process, UV light disrupts oxygen molecules and splits them into two
oxygen atoms. The free atoms then combine with whole oxygen molecules to form ozone. In a
UV ozone generator, ozone is produced as oxygen is passed between the lamp and the quartz
sleeve of a UV light. The ozone is then drawn into water using a venturi and the water treatment
process begins. However, UV ozone generators are not as powerful as electrical ozone
generators and produce ozone at lower concentrations.
What do ozone water treatment systems remove from
 Bacteria
 Viruses
 Parasites, such as giardia and cryptosporidium
 Hydrogen sulfide
 Bad tastes and odors
 Turbidity
 Iron, manganese, and copper (when combined with another filtration method)

 Benefits of ozone water treatment systems

 1.      Effectiveness

 Ozone is a strong oxidizer that instantly neutralizes biological matter, such as bacteria,
viruses, and parasites, and has stronger disinfectant properties than chlorine. Ozone’s
oxidative strength also helps eliminate otherwise stubborn metals from water. Ozone is
effective over a wide range of pH, so even if you have acidic water, the effectiveness of
ozone water treatment will not be hampered.
 Learn More: What is Acidic Water and How Do You Treat It? 
 2.      Chemical free

 Ozone water treatment does not add chemicals to water. No pollutants are created in the
ozone water treatment process, and any wastewater produced is safe to enter waterways
and drains.
 3.      Tried-and-true technology

 Ozone water treatment is a tried-and-true technology that has been used to treat
municipal water supplies since the early 1900s. A water treatment plant in Nice, France
began using ozone water treatment commercially in 1906, and today it is used at more
than 2,000 installations worldwide.
 4.      Speed

 Ozone water treatment is incredibly fast. Most water treatment systems require extended
contact time to eliminate or reduce contaminants, but ozone works in mere seconds.
 Disadvantages of ozone water treatment systems
 1.      Cost

 Ozone water treatment is expensive compared to more well-known water treatment

methods, such as chlorination. It has high equipment and operational costs, and it may be
difficult to find a professional who is proficient in ozone water treatment. Home ozone
water treatment systems cost between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars.
Although, for municipalities ozone water treatment could be cost effective overtime,
because it offsets the chemical costs required for chlorination.
 2.      Difficult to transport

 Ozone has a short half-life once dissolved in water, as its natural reaction is to turn back
into oxygen. Therefore, it is difficult to store and transport and must be generated onsite
for immediate use.
 3.      Potential corrosion and toxicity

 Ozone is a toxic gas, so if an ozone generator leaks, it could create a hazard in your
home. Common side effects of ozone exposure include headache and irritation of the eyes
and throat. Also, because ozone is a strong oxidizer, it can corrode pipes and fixtures if
they are not made of ozone resistant materials, such as stainless steel or Teflon.

 What is ozone water treatment used for?

 Ozone water treatment is used in commercial, industrial, and municipal water treatment
systems, as well as in home systems. Major beverage companies rely on ozone water
treatment technology and it is often used to disinfect bottled water. Ozone is also
employed by cities to treat and disinfect municipal water supplies. Lastly, an ozone water
treatment system can be purchased for your home. Their disinfectant properties are
appealing to well owners who are concerned about the presence of bacteria and viruses in
their water and may be used by people on a city water supply as an extra line of defense
against contaminants. Also, ozone water treatment is an effective method to sanitize ice
machines. For example, the Oxidice Ozone Sanitation System sanitizes the air, water, and
surfaces within an ice machine, producing clean, odor-free ice.

 Ozone water treatment vs. chlorination

 Chlorination has been the traditional chemical process for water purification for decades,
but ozone water treatment is gaining popularity. Ozone and chlorine are often compared
because both have strong disinfectant properties, but they differ in speed, chemical
presence, and overall effectiveness. Ozone water treatment systems disinfect water about
three times faster than chlorination and require a shorter contact time with water to be
effective. In an ozone water treatment system, disinfection occurs at the point of contact
between ozone and water. Whereas chlorine will remain in water and continue the
disinfection process for some time. This is why you may occasionally smell chlorine in
your tap water. The residual amount is not harmful to consume, but has an unpleasant,
chemical smell. When using an ozone water treatment system, there is no ozone left in
the water when it is ready to drink.
 Currently, chlorination is less expensive than ozone water treatment, but with advances in
technology ozone water treatment is becoming more affordable and many municipalities
are considering the move to ozone. Plus, with ozone there is no concern of chemical by-
products, such as chloroforms and halomethanes, as there is when using chlorine. Lastly,
certain parasites, such as cryptosporidium and giardia, are resistant to chlorine but not to
ozone and can be swiftly eliminated in an ozone water treatment system.

 Is ozonated water safe to drink?

 Yes, ozonated water is safe to drink. Oxidation is a natural process that eliminates the
need for chemicals. Ozone water treatment systems produce zero chemical by-products
and yield only purified water. However, it is recommended to wait at least thirty minutes
after treatment to drink the water, so any residual ozone has time to convert back into

 Do you need an ozone water treatment system?

 You may need an ozone water treatment system if you are on well water and are
concerned with nuisance minerals, such as iron and manganese, or the presence of
bacteria, viruses, or parasites. If you are on municipal water, your water is already
disinfected before it reaches your home, but an ozone water treatment system would
provide extra protection in the event of a natural disaster or if you are put on a boil water

Disadvantages of Ozonation

There are also numerous disadvantages of ozonation that you should take into account, which

 The operation and equipment costs for ozonation are relatively high and require consistent
 Ozone isn’t as soluble as chlorine, which means that special mixing techniques will need to be
used in order for the ozone gas to dissolve properly
 Ozonation doesn’t leave residual disinfection elements, which means that regrowth of the
bacteria or viruses isn’t prevented
 Ozone is a toxic gas, which indicates that generating ozone may lead to the creation of fire
hazards as well as toxicity issues
 Your water system may need to be treated beforehand to reduce some of the hardness in the
water, which helps to prevent the development of carbonate scale
 The byproducts of ozonation are still being tested for the possibility that they could be

Ozonation is a highly effective method for purifying water that you’ll almost certainly want to
consider when attempting to purify your water. However, the potency of this process means that
there will invariably be some issues to take into account. While the equipment and operation
costs for the ozonation process aren’t that high, they are still more than the costs of most other
water purification methods. Even though it’s possible that the byproducts of ozonation could be
carcinogenic, equipping your post-filtration system with an activated carbon filter may help to
get rid of these byproducts.

The Uses of Ozonated Water in Everyday Life

While ozonated water is commonly used for disinfection and cleaning, it can also be used for
water therapy and dental use. The purity of this water makes it beneficial for a variety of
reasons. If you would like to lead a healthier life, it’s highly recommended that you look into the
various ways that you can use ozonated water.

1. Ozone Water Therapy

Ozone water therapy is used to bolster a person’s health and immune system. While you should
benefit from drinking any amount of ozonated water in a given day, it’s recommended that you
divide your total weight by two to arrive at the amount of ounces that you should drink of
ozonated water per day. You should start out with one cup of ozonated water in a day before
working your way up. When using ozonated water for therapy, there are a range of benefits that
it can provide to a person’s health.

Drinking this type of water will send ozone directly to your gut, which is where it could kill
harmful yeast that’s known to promote weight gain. This type of water also helps to reduce the
amount of inflammation in your body, which can be helpful for lessening the symptoms of
migraines, digestive disorders, and arthritis. The treatments that you’re already using for these
conditions might be bolstered by drinking ozonated water.

While more studies need to be done, it’s believed that drinking high amounts of ozonated water
can help with the fight against cancer by aiding your rehabilitation. Another notable benefit of
using ozone water therapy is that the water can effectively detoxify your body. While any type of
water is able to detoxify a person’s body, ozonated water is believed to be better at doing so
while keeping negative side effects at bay.

2. Disinfection

Ozone is among the more potent disinfectants that you can find, which means that ozonated
water can be great at disinfecting certain items around the home. For instance, you can use
ozonated water to disinfect the bristles of your toothbrush as well as your dentures. When
used properly, this water can disinfect a kitchen sink while also removing the odor that’s
usually found in a sink. Many other items around your home can be disinfected with ozonated
water since this type of water is able to kill viruses.

3. Dental Use

Many dentists will use ozonated water throughout dental treatment. Once you have obtained
dental treatment, this type of water might also be recommended to you by your dentist. When
you’re at home, gargling with this water can reduce inflammation that’s known to bring about
the development of various throat diseases. If you are at a high risk of tooth decay and cavities,
ozonated water can act as a daily mouth rinse to help reduce the possibility of tooth decay.

4. Cleaning

When ozone is placed into water, it’s able to kill viruses, bacteria, and any pesticides that are
situated in the substance. Consider placing vegetables and fruits into ozonated water for a period
of 15 minutes before you eat them, which should get rid of any contaminants on the surface.
Washing fish and meat in this water will get rid of any parasites and bacteria while also
increasing the shelf life for the product. Consider washing your face and hands with ozonated
water to provide your skin with a more youthful appearance.
Other Potential Health Benefits

Along with the health benefits mentioned previously, ozonated water can also:

 Bolster your immune system

 Lessen the amount of acute inflammation that you suffer from
 Get rid of viruses immediately after contact
 Break down synthetic chemicals
 Purify the blood of harmful cells
 Potentially decrease cancer cells while also slowing the growth of a tumor
 Send more oxygen to the brain

All of these benefits can assist in improving your overall health. If you suffer from inflammation
because of rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, the reduction in inflammation
could help you cope with these conditions. Since ozonated water is able to eradicate viruses
immediately after contact, this water can assist you in avoiding such viruses as the flu or

Using ozonated water for water treatment is a great way to bolster your health and start leading a
healthier life. Ozone is an extremely powerful form of oxygen that is among the best oxidizers
around, which is why you might want to consider implementing this water into your diet.

By Sensorex|Industrial Wastewater

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