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Tema : Success and failure are both part of life

I'm Diki. My full name is I Made Diki Martana. I am a student at Udayana university,
currently I am 18 years old. My family and I like to do activities together but sometimes one
of my family members is busy.I was born in Denpasar on March 09, 2003, I have lived in
Denpasar since I was little but my family is originally from Klungkung. I used to be in
elementary school at SDN 1 Penatih, SMP N 12 Denpasar and I was at SMA Dwijendra
Denpasar and currently I’m in college and just entered the first semester. I have 2 brothers,
my sister has graduated from college and my sister is still 5 years old. I live on Jalan Padma
with my family, my father works as an entrepreneur and my mother does not only work as a
housewife. Before now I chose civil engineering majoring in engineering, I used to have
dreams of becoming a firefighter for some reason now I choose civil engineering but I don’t
regret choosing this major, I am happy with my choice and I will continue this until I
graduate later I can make my parents and my family proud.
Especially now in this pandemic period we can't be too much activity outside the
house. Now that I have started college, I will definitely be very busy even though I do online
lectures, but there are still tasks and organizational activities that I need to complete.
However, I also really like spending time with friends, sometimes traveling, eating, or other
things.I really enjoy my vacation even though I still have responsibilities to complete. We
also often do sports such as playing futsal and we also do this sport very happily. It's good we
have a lot of friends because sometimes they can be very entertaining. Even though there are
no vacation plans, we still hang out with friends there, we play games happily, so even
though we have a lot of work, we also have to be able to entertain ourselves by taking walks
or hanging out with friends, even if only temporarily.
my current habit is often playing mobile legend games and playing futsal with my
friends sometimes I also often gather with my friends to plan holidays by playing games,
because hobbies will make us calmer when assignments and exams come. Currently I can
only do activities from home because of this pandemic period, I spend more time lying down
and playing games. but we know that spending something too long at home will also make us
feel bored, therefore sometimes I also often visit my friend's house to get rid of the boredom
of staying at home. I also used to like doing sports activities but because of this situation it
made me feel lazy so now my weight continues to increase because I never do sports, just eat
and sleep at home. My habit used to exercise was running, my goal was to do this so that I
could be healthier, but the longer I was lazy to exercise, the more I hung out with my friends
so that what I wanted failed.

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