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Did you know?

The fashion industry is a huge contributor

to global warming! At global warmings
current rate our plant will warm up 2°F by
2050. These effects will come in our
lifetime if we dont change something!

Ice free arctic summers

are more likley
20% global wastewater comes
from textile dyeing
By 2050 37%
Of people will experience
extreme heat waves
Fashion accounts for around
10% of greenhouse gas

Coral reafs
Solutions Fast Fashion Brands
Does it feel like all hope is lost?
Well think again! Although in a modern
day world fueled by consumerism the
light may seem dim there are many
ways in witch you infact can minimize
you impact on the environment in
order to save our planet!

● There are so many amazing Sustainable Fashion

clothing brands that have
sustainable practices witch limit
their impact on the environment.
● Thrifting, and shopping
secondhand is a great way to
limit your environmental impact
while also preventing more
waste from going into landfills.

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