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National Textile University

BSc. Textile Engineering

Garments Manufacturing

Assignment No: 02
Gender role and Personality Development.

Course Code: SS-4095

Course Title: Personality Development and Character Building
Semester: 7th
Submitted by: Muhammad Hamza
Registration number: 18-NTU-0106
Date of Assignment submission: 10 January 2022
Gender role in Society according to Islamic
Gender roles in Islam are based on scriptures, cultural traditions,
and jurisprudence.

Gender role definition in Quran:

The Quran, the holiest book in Islam, indicates that both men and women are
spiritually equal. The Quran 4:124 states:
"If any do deeds of righteousness be they male or female and have faith, they will
enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them."

Gender role definition in Hadith:

Hadith Sahih Bukhari (9:89:252) states that a man is expected to be the “guardian
of [his] family,” whereas a woman is expected to be the “guardian of her
husband’s home and his children.”

Syed Qutb ideology:

According to Syed Qutb, a prominent member of the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood in the 1950s and 1960s, the Quran "gives the man the right of
'guardianship' or 'superiority' over the family structure to prevent dissension and
friction between the spouses. The equity of this system lies in the fact that God
both favored the man with the necessary qualities and skills for the 'guardianship'
and also charged him with the duty to provide for the structure's upkeep." Qutb's
ideologies are still impactful for radical Islamists today, influencing such
prominent Middle Eastern leaders as Ayman Zawahiri and terrorist Osama bin
Gender role and culture:
Culture can be defined as the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large
group of people. Gender aspects are relevant both in relation to the broad
definition of culture as a ‘social construction’ and to the way in which cultural
policy is designed and implemented. A gender role is a set of societal norms
dictating what types of behaviors are generally considered acceptable,
appropriate, or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex.
These are usually centered around opposing conceptions
of femininity and masculinity.
Gender roles vary significantly across cultures. Indeed, all gender roles are culturally
and historically contingent, meaning that they cannot be analyzed outside of their
cultural contexts.

Gender Roles in Sweden

Governments in Europe are typically more active in governing the lives of their
citizens than the U.S. government. As such, European governments have used
their social works to encourage equality between men and women. In Sweden,
for example, all working parents are entitled to sixteen months paid leave per
child, with the cost shared by the government and the employer.

Gender Roles in Japan

Women in Japan are usually well-educated and employed, though gender
dynamics emerge in regards to social pressure to find a husband. Historically,
gender has been an important principle of Japanese social stratification but the
cultural elaboration of gender differences has, of course, varied over time and
within social class. After World War II, the legal position of women was redefined
by the occupation authorities. Individual rights were given precedence over
obligation to family. Women were guaranteed the right to choose spouses and
occupations, to inherit and own property in their own names, and to retain
custody of their children. Women were granted the right to vote in 1946 .
Gender Roles In Chile
As is the case for many women in the United States and in Europe, many women
in Chile feel pressure to conform to traditional gender roles. A 2010 study by the
United Nations Development Programme found that 62% of Chileans are opposed
to full gender equality and expressed the belief that women should limit
themselves to the roles of mother and wife. These social barriers to gender
equality exist in the face of legal equality.

Chilean law has recently undergone some drastic changes to support gender
equality. Until recently, women lost their right to administer their own assets
once they were married, with their husbands receiving all of their wealth. Now, a
woman is allowed to maintain her own property.

Gender biasness and discrimination:

Gender discrimination is unequal and disadvantageous treatment with individual
or group of individuals on basis of gender.

In many countries, in all regions of the world, laws, policies, customs and beliefs
exist that deny women and girls their rights. All over the world, women and girls
have been at the forefront of demands for change. By law, women cannot dress
as they like (Saudi Arabia, Iran) or work at night (Madagascar) or take out a loan
without their husband’s signature (Equatorial Guinea). In many countries,
discriminatory laws place limits on a woman’s right to divorce, own property,
exercise control over her own body and enjoy protection from harassment.  

In the ongoing battle for justice, hundreds of thousands of women and girls take
to the streets to claim their human rights and demand gender equality. In the
USA, Europe and Japan, women protested against misogyny and abuse as part of
the MeToo marches. In Argentina, Ireland and Poland, women demonstrated to
demand a stop to oppressive abortion laws. In Saudi Arabia, they called for an end
to the driving ban, and in Iran, they demanded an end to forced hijab (veiling).
Gender Stereotypes:
We have to destroy all these stereotypes. Gender stereotypes continue to exist
and are transmitted through media, and through social, educational and
recreational socialization, which promote gender prejudice and discrimination.
Some example of general stereotypes that exist in this society are:
 A gender stereotype is a generalized view or preconception about
attributes or characteristics, or the roles that are or ought to be possessed
by, or performed by, women and men. A gender stereotype is harmful
when it limits women’s and men’s capacity to develop their personal
abilities, pursue their professional careers or make choices about their
lives. Not criminalizing marital rape, perceiving that women are the sexual
property of men
 Failing to investigate, prosecute and sentence sexual violence against
women, believing that victims of sexual violence agreed to sexual acts, as
they were not dressing and behaving “modestly”.
 Early age girls should play with dolls and boys should play with truck. Boys
should directed toward blue and green while girls toward pink.
 During youth boys should act out while girls should behave. Girls are good
at reading while boys are good in math. Girls should be thin and beautiful
to make them appealing to men.
 As an adult women do not need equal pay because they are supported by
their husbands. Men who spend time with family are less masculine and
poor breadwinners.
Personality development and its importance:
Personality is what makes a person a unique person, and it is recognizable soon
after birth. A child's personality has several components: temperament,
environment, and character. Temperament is the set of genetically determined
traits that determine the child's approach to the world and how the child behave.

Personality Development:
Personality development is the development of the organized pattern of
behaviors and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. Personality development
occurs by the ongoing interaction of temperament, character, and environment.

Factors affecting personality:

There are many external factors affecting personality development. They are
family environment, number of children in the family, school atmosphere,
teachers and peer groups, relationships with siblings, mass media social media
and cultural environment.

Family environment
It is very important to have a healthy and friendly family atmosphere to develop a
good and a strong personality. A child considers his parent as a role model
without analyzing whether they are right or wrong. Parents should keep this in
mind and guide their children in a positive way. Both father and mother have the
role to make their child a good individual. 

School environment
Schools are giving burdens and stress to students by their heavy syllabus or
curriculum. Parents are also competing to get admission for their children in
reputed schools without understanding the abilities of their children. The school
atmosphere plays a vital role in the development of personality as the children
spend most of their time in schools. They make friendship from school and the
friends influence their behavior. Teachers also influence the student's personality
as the teacher is the person who can change or modify the behavior of his

Position of the child in the family

This is an important factor which influences the personality of an individual. The
only child in a family is always depends on others and they cannot make any
decision independently. It will be very difficult for them to mingle in a group. They
tend to be selfish in nature. All these occur due to over protection of the parents.
We can avoid these adverse effects, if the parents treat them as normal child. The
older child in a family may be more responsible and intelligent than others.

Mass media and social media

People and crazy to imitate film stars or other famous personalities, they know
through mass media such as television, films and books. It is nice to imitate the
good qualities of an individual, but many of us, including children try to imitate
the bad characters too. Social media also influence the person's behavior. It is
very important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of such media.

Importance of Personality development:

 Personality development grooms an individual and helps him make a mark
of his/her own
 Personality development goes a long way in reducing stress and conflicts
 Personality development helps you develop a positive attitude in life
 Personality development helps an individual to inculcate positive qualities
like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to learn, friendly nature,
eagerness to help others.
 A great personality tends to give a boost to your confidence
 Verbal communication skills are also part of personality development;
improving your speech will strengthen the impact of your message. Also
along with your speaking and language skills, a lot of emphases is laid on
improving pronunciation and personality.
Gender role and personality development:

Gender Differences in Big Five Personality Traits:

According to these theories, women should be more concerned with successfully
raising children and should therefore be more cautious, agreeable, nurturing, and
emotionally involved. Men, on the other hand, should be more concerned with
obtaining viable mating opportunities and should therefore exhibit more
Assertiveness, risk-taking, and aggression. Other theories suggest that gender
norms are shaped by socio-cultural influences, such that women and men are
expected to serve different roles in society and are therefore socialized to behave
differently from one another. Of course, it may well be that both evolutionary and
social forces have contributed to gender differences. Interestingly, recent studies
have shown that gender differences in personality tend to be larger in more
developed, Western cultures with less traditional sex roles. The overall pattern for
gender differences in personality measured by the Big Five is that existing
differences are small to medium in size. For some domains, the gender
differences are in the same direction across all measured facets; for others,
however, the patterns are more divergent.


Neuroticism describes the tendency to experience negative emotion and related

processes in response to perceived threat and punishment; these include anxiety,
depression, anger, self-consciousness, and emotional liability. Women have been
found to score higher than men on Neuroticism as measured at the Big Five trait
level. Additionally, women also score higher than men on related measures not
designed specifically to measure the Big Five, such as indices of anxiety and low
self-esteem. The one facet of Neuroticism in which women do not always exhibit
higher scores than men is Anger.


Conscientiousness describes traits related to self-discipline, organization, and the

control of impulses, and appears to reflect the ability to exert self-control in order
to follow rules or maintain goal pursuit. Women score somewhat higher than men
on some facets of Conscientiousness, such as order, dutifulness, and self-
discipline. These differences, however, are not consistent across cultures, and no
significant gender difference has typically been found in Conscientiousness at the
Big Five trait level.


Extraversion reflects sociability, Assertiveness, and positive emotionality, all of

which have been linked to sensitivity to rewards. Whereas gender differences are
small on the overall domain level of Extraversion (with women typically scoring
higher), the small effect size could be due to the existence of gender differences
in different directions at the facet level. Women tend to score higher than men on
Warmth, Gregariousness, and Positive Emotions, whereas men score higher than
women on Assertiveness and Excitement Seeking.


Agreeableness comprises traits relating to altruism, such as empathy and

kindness. Agreeableness involves the tendency toward cooperation, maintenance
of social harmony, and consideration of the concerns of others (as opposed to
exploitation or victimization of others). Women consistently score higher than
men on Agreeableness and related measures, such as tender-mindedness.

Openness/Intellect reflects imagination, creativity, intellectual curiosity, and

appreciation of esthetic experiences. Broadly, Openness/Intellect relates to the
ability and interest in attending to and processing complex stimuli. No significant
gender differences are typically found on Openness/Intellect at the domain level,
likely due to the divergent content of the trait. For example, women have been
found to score higher than men on the facets of Esthetics and feelings.


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