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1. You will work on the teams that have already assigned.

2. In Social Studies, we’ll investigate the relationship between brain chemistry and the
social movements.

3. The questions that we will try to answer are:

- What happens in the brain, what chemical mecanisms are activated when a
person face different emotions?

- How do these emotions influence people’s behavior?

- Can it be said that one person can emotionally influence another? If so, if an
individual sees a group of violent people, will he/she also act violent?

4. The final product is a two-page research article where we will to confirm or discard
the hypothesis: emotions are contagious, so a person can act according to what he/she
sees and hears, because he/she is carried away by collective emotions.

5. The emotions we will focus on are: fear, anger, uncertanity, frustration, despair,
euphoria, solidarity, empathy, admiration, empowerment.


a) Everyone should read the article “El trá nsito de las emociones en la acció n
colectiva” as an introduction to the general subject; each student should submit a
report of this reading as evidence.

b) Each team will choose just one emotion and one social example that can explain the
described mechanism. The examples can be: natural disasters, #MeToo, feminist
protests in Mexico, the case of George Floyd in USA, COVID-19 pandemic, musical
concerts or sports events like Football World Cup of or Olimpic Games, or any other
chosen by the team and approved by the teacher.

These examples must show how emotions act both individually and collectively,
leading a person to act in different ways.

c) The team should investigate about two topics:

- The proper mechanism of emotion (how is it formed in the brain?, what
produces it?, what effects does it have on the person who experiences it?, is it

- The context of the example (how originated it?, who took part?, who were the
leaders?, what social or politicals changes did they caused? what consequences did
they get?)

d) The team should deliver progress on their research using reliable resources: books,
magazine articles, journal studies, social media posts, etc.:

- The first draft will be a mind map that explains the panoramic view of the two
topics, made by hand or using some app like MindNode.
- The second deliver will be the enlarged mind map.
- The third deliver will be a draft and general schema of the article
(introduction, development and conclusion)

f) The final delivery is the complete article, with references and illustrations. All of you
should take part supporting or rejecting the hypothesis (just one position) If the team
doesn’t reach an agreement, you have to explain and argue why.

g) The deadlines will be agreed by the entire group, the English coordination and the

e) We’ll dedicated one class a week to work on research, progress, discussion, and the
final product (a research article)

I’m sure you will done an excelent job (as usual)! Let’s do it!!.

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