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J – 403063613
Registrado en el MPPE Registro No R-2015-03-0504

English Written Test

7 al 12 (Book: I)
Date: ________20/10/21__________
Student´s name: ____Henrrimer Castillo
Total score: _______out of 100
Writing (test):_____out of 25
Reading: _____out of 25
Speaking (Oral Test):_____out of 25
Listening(dictation): _____out of 25
First part

Answer these questions in present simple tense (1 point each one)

Example: Do you wash your face in the morning?

Yes, I do. I wash my face in the morning.

1. Does your house have a safe?

Not, my house do not have a safe
2. What do you do when you get into the classroom?
I say good morning when get into the classroom
3. What day goes after Friday?
The day after Friday is Saturday
4. Does the week begin on Monday?
Yes, the week begin on Monday
5. Do any of your friends watch TV at nights?
Yes, I do. I watch TV at nights
Second part

Answer these questions, use any, some, no/not or numbers if necessary. Give true answers, don´t
tell untruths. (1 point each one)

1. Is there a lamp in the classroom?

yes, there is one lamp in the classroom
2. Are there any boards in the classroom?
Yes, there is some board in the classroom
3. How many rooms are the in your house?
In my house there are four rooms
4. How much sugar do you add to your juice?
I not, add much sugar in my juice
5. Are there any doors in the classroom?
In the classroom there is one door
J – 403063613
Registrado en el MPPE Registro No R-2015-03-0504

Third part.

Write the appropriate pronoun or adjective according to the sentence (1 point each one)

This is not my wallet, that´s mine over there.
Fred lost his pen this morning, is that his?
My name is George, what’s your? - I don’t know, I think my name’s Mary
I’m in my house now, are you in my_house too?
Where’s my dog. – Well, mine is here, but yours|, I don’t know.

Fourth part.
Build ten statements 5 affirmatives and 5 negatives in present tense with these verbs below.
(1 point each one)
Wash, Shave, work, like, write, get up, say, do, have, drink

Example: positive: he shaves his face in the morning.

negative: he doesn´t shave his face in the morning.
1. He washes my car every day at night
He doesn´t washes my car every day at night
2. She says what the mountain is better than the house
She doesn´t says what the mountain is better than the house
3. They work in the park today
They don´t work in the park today
4. We like sleep in the morning on Friday
We don´t like sleep in the morning on Friday
5. I write a mystery novel in my house
I don´t write a mystery novel in my house
6. You get up later of dawn
You don´t get up later of dawn
7. He shaves his head each month
He doesn´t shaves his head each month
8. It does exercise in the gym every day
It doesn´t exercise in the gym every day
9. She has English class the Saturday
J – 403063613
Registrado en el MPPE Registro No R-2015-03-0504

She doesn´t has English class the Saturday

10. You drink coffee in the breakfast

11. You don´t drink coffee in the breakfast

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