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University of San Jose-Recoletos

Basak-Pardo, Cebu City


Title of the Lesson Comparing the Parts of the Plants
VEFP Anchor Interiority: Care
JEEPGY Focus Ecological Integrity & Sanctity of God’s Creation:
Conservation of Plants
21st Century Skill Integration Critical Thinking, Communication, and Creativity
Main Resource/s Cyber Science.rev pages by Laura V. Ocampo


Established Goal:
Through varied learning opportunities, the Grade two pupils are expected to gain substantial
understanding on the parts and characteristics of the different kinds of plants.
Specific Objectives from the Goal (DepEd MELCs/Competencies):
LEARNING TO KNOW Compare the parts of different kinds of plants

LEARNING TO DO Differentiate characteristics of several kinds of plant

LEARNING TO FEEL & Suggest ways of conserving and showing proper care for plants
Assessment: Skills to be assessed:
● Identify the kind of plants shown
● Illustrate each kind of plant
● Evaluate statements about taking of the plants
● Compare the parts of plants
Performance/Product Task and N/A

● Have you been to a botanical garden? __________________________
● What are the things we see in the botanical garden?

A botanical garden is a collection of living plants designed chiefly to illustrate relationships within
plant groups.

Botanical gardens devote their resources to the study and conservation of plants, as well as
making the world's plant species diversity known to the public. These gardens also play a central
role in meeting human needs and providing well-being.

● Why is it important to conserve plants?

● What will happen if there are no more plants?

Plants are one of the backbone of life on the Earth. It is important to conserve them and save
them from getting extinct, maintaining their right population that helps in enriching the
biodiversity or the richness of plants and animals worldwide.

Look at the pictures below. What do you see? ___________________________________________

● Do the plants look the same? __________________

● Do they have the same parts? ________________
● Which parts of the plants are common to all pictures?
● How are these parts of plants different from each other?
● What can you say about their stems?.

Plants like animals are very unique in their own way. Though some may look the same, they have
differences that could make them special. Here are the different kinds of plants.

● A tree is a plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting leaves or branches. Trees have
hard, woody, strong, and thick stems. The main stem of a tree is called a trunk. Smaller stems
called branches spread out and hold the leaves. Since trees have hundreds of leaves, they
also need a large amount of water. The trunk of a tree can hold much more water than a small,
ordinary plant.
Narra is the Philippines’ national tree. Mango, Acacia and coconut are examples of trees.

● A shrub is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height. They are short
woody plants having several stems arising from the base; a bush. Some shrubs bear fruits or
flowers but others do not. A shrub can have different shapes and may be used as decorations.
The country’s national flower, sampaguita, is a shrub. Rose, santan, and gumamela are other
examples of shrubs.

• Herbs are any plants used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume. They are plants with soft,
green, and fleshy stems.

Parsley, basil, rosemary and other medicinal plants are herbs.


Don’t You know?

The banana plant is commonly known as ‘banana tree’ but it’s technically regarded as an herbaceous
plant because it has a soft green stem and not a true woody one.

● Plants with stems that crawl on the ground and climb walls are called vines. Their stems twist
around fences and trees. Vines may have soft fleshy or hard stems. They cannot support the
plant. They creep and cling on any solid objects for support.
Some common vines include squash, ampalaya or bitter gourd, and grapes.

● Do you have some of these plants at home? ____________________

● How do you make them grow?

Like human beings, plants need care. Here are some ways to take care of your plants

Give plants enough amount of water.


Expose plants to enough sunlight. Too much sunlight, however, can make the
leaves dry.

Pull out weeds around plants.

Use a natural fertilizer such as compost or manure.

You may also read about how you make plants grow healthy on pages 222-224 of your Science book.
A. Identify the kind of plant being described. Choose your answer from the word bank below.

Word Bank
banana plant herbs shrubs stems trees vines

1. They are short woody plants having several stems arising from the base.
2. They cannot support the plant. They creep and cling on any solid objects for support.
3. They are plants with elongated stems, or trunk, supporting leaves or branches.

4. They are plants used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume. ______________________
5. It is known as an herbaceous plant because it has a soft green stem and not a true woody
one. ______________________

B. Answer Zoom In activity A on page 225. Write your answers on the lines below.
Draw a happy face  on the blank if the statement is correct and a sad face  if it is not.
1. _______________ 6. _______________
2. _______________ 7. _______________
3. _______________ 8. _______________
4. _______________ 9. _______________
5. _______________ 10. _______________

Formative Assessment

A. Identify the kind of plants shown below. Write herb, shrub, tree or vine on the blank.

1. _____________ 3. ______________

2. ____________ 4. _____________

B. Illustrate each kind of plant asked below and write its characteristics.

Tree Shrub

Vine Herb

C. Put a check mark on the blank if the statement shows taking care of the plants and a cross
mark if not.
1. Ana waters their plants every day. ____________
2. Jose stomps at the plant whenever he doesn’t get what he wants. ____________
3. Mother exposes our plants under the heat of the sun. ____________
4. Aunt Jane keeps the plant inside a much closed container. ____________
5. We pull up the weeds that surround the plants in the garden. ___________

D. Study the pictures below. Answer the questions below.

1. What are the kinds of plants found above? ________________ and __________________
2. How will you describe their stems and leaves?

Summary of the Lesson

● Plants like animals are very unique in their own way. Though some may look the same, they
have differences that could make them special.
● A tree is a plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting leaves or branches. Trees have
hard, woody, strong, and thick stems. The main stem of a tree is called a trunk.
● A shrub is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height. They are short
woody plants having several stems arising from the base; a bush.
● Herbs are any plants used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume. They are plants with soft,
green, and fleshy stems.

● Plants with stems that crawl on the ground and climb walls are called vines


Cyber Science.rev pages by Laura V. Ocampo pages 222-225


This lesson is important for me to learn because…



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