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What is EEHA?

Challenges and Opportunities

Be it a leading oil and gas industry, oil refineries, chemical plants, LNG plants,
or mineral processing industry; everything has an explosive environment
that increases the risk of ignition.

What is EEHA?
Our EEHA course needs a good explanation by Project Management Vision,
so here we go.
A hazardous area is where fire or explosion hazards may exist because of
flammable gases, flammable liquid–produced vapors, combustible liquid–
produced vapors, combustible dusts, or ignitable fibers present in the air in
quantities sufficient to produce explosive mixtures. Due to the significant
features in these areas, the specific electrical equipment that is required
should be assembled indicatively and tested according to the
manufacturer’s requirements to ensure that it won’t cause an explosion,
which is a possibility in the nature of the job and during a EEHA
Training/Hazardous Area Electrical training. The risk involved in the
industry is due to the dangerous environment and faulty system that can
cause flames.

Classification of Electrical areas

Electrical Area Classification (EAC) plan is a process that determines the

existence and extent of hazardous locations which further is used to identify
and install appropriate electrical equipment in areas at risk of flammable
substances igniting from a spark. This plan/document consists of plot plan
drawings, elevation drawings and descriptions of flammable materials,
which are key to regulate which types of electrical equipment is safe to
install and where to install them.
It is usually determined by a licensed engineer working with the client who
examines the existing environment and equipment to determine regions
that need to be electrically classified.

Certification required for working in hazardous areas

The IECEx Scheme is an international Conformity Assessment Scheme
covering Electrical equipment in hazardous areas for explosive atmospheres,
as the internationally accepted means of demonstrating conformity with IEC
Standards prepared by IEC TC31. IECEx is about giving confidence that a
product or service meets the defined transparent criteria. Its aim is to
harmonise standards to allow free movement of goods by establishing a
world-wide accepted standard. This will result in a single set of standards, a
single certificate and a single mark. The benefits of the scheme are obvious
– shorter certification lead-times, and the opening up of new markets with
no (or very little) need for additional testing and assessment to satisfy
national standards. It is limited specifically to electrical equipment only.
Australian standard AS/NZS 60079 is harmonised with IEC 60079, so that the
national certificate of conformity (ANZEx) is accordingly fully aligned with
the international certificate of conformity (IECEx). Equipment certified to
IECEx can therefore be used almost without exception in Australia without
the need for further testing or hazardous area approvals.

Scope for certified technicians and fields to work in Australia

The careers for certified technicians are financially rewarding and
professionally satisfying, for those willing to up-skill and enhance their
careers after a Hazardous Area Electrical training. The electrical industry is
rapidly growing and will continue to produce the need for qualified
professionals, with electrical and instrumentation technicians being amongst
the highest-paid trade professionals. The key for industrial electricians to
stay gainfully employed is to acquire skills and knowledge that will continue
to be in demand during the plant operation phase i.e., Electrical equipment
in hazardous areas, Instrumentation and Control, High Voltage Switching
Operations and Battery Storage etc.

Hazardous Area Electrical training provided by PMV in Australia to design

and install equipment
Project management vision provides a professional development course for
electricians, electrical engineers, and instrument technicians who have a
keen interest in developing their skills of designing, installing, maintaining,
and inspecting equipment to prevent hazards in the industry.
PMV provides students with a career pathway in Hazardous Area to the
highest vocational qualification in Australia- UEE61211 Advanced Diploma of
Engineering – Explosion Protection.
These courses meet the expectations of students who want to make a
financially rewarding career in EEHA as a subject matter expert (SME) in the
UEE42611 Certificate IV in Hazardous Areas- EEHA course by PMV provides
the opportunity to study and practice installation and inspection of
equipment, classification of hazardous area, standards of processing in a
hazardous area, breakdown and maintenance of equipment, and testing
procedures for protective equipment.

Demand for EEHA technicians

The Electrical industries offer a variety of career opportunities in Australia
after completing the EEHA course. This course is for electrical workers
involved in the “hands-on” side of hazardous area electrical work, i.e., the
installation, maintenance or inspection of EEHA.
Electricians and instrument technicians are the most common attendees,
but the electrical engineers training who perform inspections is also
common, well-known for high salaries, chance to travel the world, as well as
working with cutting-edge technologies.

For more information on the courses, please visit -

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