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Answer the following questions.

1. What values are Americans committed to? (creed, to a set of values and a
way of life)
2. What reason under1lies the American uniqueness as a nation? (similar
beliefs, the same mission, religion without Government reference)
3. What does the Declaration of Independence say about the equality of
opportunity? What does it mean? (shouldn’t be confused with
4. Are equality of opportunity and egalitarianism the same notions? (no, they
are not the same notions)
5. Does the notion of equality of opportunity imply government interference?
(rejects the notion of the government interference)
6. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. What American value does the proverb
refer to? How does it correlate with the Japanese perception of
individualism? (speak up, get yourself noticed, not accepted in Japan)
7. Are Americans good team players? Is the American understanding of team
affiliation different from the understanding of it in other countries? (50/50,
advance a personal agenda)
8. What does American self-reliance stem from? (individualism, hardships and
isolation endured by the early settlers)
9. How do Americans instill a sense of self-reliance in children? (offer children
every opportunity to prepare for adulthood)
10. Do the Americans remain self-reliant at the old age? (yes)
11.What American values are implied by Vox Populi? Who are grass roots?
(populism took root as local citizens met in halls)
12.Is the American society egalitarian? What is the early example of
egalitarianism? (prob, yes, Mr. President)
13.Compare the concept of class in Europe and the USA. (heritage vs effort and
14.What kinds of people belong to ‘middle class’ in the USA? (hard-working
supporter of American values who has a desire to see his family advance)
15.What role does work play in a life of an American? Who in the American
society will get most reverence? (it leads to a moral life, spiritual fulfillment
and God’s blessing, those who have risen from humble beginnings)
16.To what extent are Americans conservative? What do Americans understand
under the term of conservative? What are ‘red states’? (more than 40%,
where conservatism reigns)
17.What American value does the saying ‘Ask not what your country can do for
you, ask what you can do for your country’ reflect? What motivates an
American fit of generosity ? (make a difference, give back to the
18. What does ‘can do’ spirit stem from? What accomplishments has ‘can do’
spirit resulted in? (adventurous entrepreneurial types who sought new
frontiers to conquer)
19.What is an American attitude to time? (time is money, should be spent
20.In what way do Americans treat diversity? What are its roots? (in diversity
there is strength, immigrant nation)
21.What does American patriotism become apparent in? What are its symbols?
(a sense of identity and and unity)

Say if the following sentences are True or False. Correct the False ones.
1. The early settlers believed in the ideal state without government
interference. T
2. Like Europe, America levels the playing field. T
3. A fully committed member of a team will leave it if it no longer meets
member’s interests. T
4. Stemming from the early times of the American history self-reliance can still
be observed in the American behavior pattern in our time. T
5. Every American can voice their opinion and make a difference on the
political and social levels. T
6. Like in Europe, in America class denotes a position earned through effort
and achievement. F
7. Americans live to work. T
8. In America conservatism is merely a political viewpoint. F
9. Americans are obsessed with controlling their destiny, from health to
happiness. T
10. Downtime is the worst nightmare for an American. T
11. American schoolchildren pledge allegiance to the flag. T

Finds the equivalents of the following expressions in the text.

1. большие расстояния vast distances
2. быть известным ч-т to be renowned for
3. формировать ценность to shape a value
4. приверженность ряду ценностей a commitment to a set of values
5. быть объединённым похожими убеждениями bound together by similar
6. Декларация независимости The US Declaration of Independence
7. настойчивость, упорство perseverance
8. сглаживать социальные и экономические неравенства to iron out social
and economic inquiries
9. уравнять правила игры level the playing field
10. Под лежащий камень вода не течёт. the squeaky wheel gets the grease
11. продвигать собственные планы to advance a personal agenda
12. демонстрировать свои таланты showcase your talents
13. без обязательств no strings attached
14. сократиться до 40% dwindle to 40%
15. вершить правосудие to impose justice
16. искать решения проблем to seek solutions to challenges
17. прививать ценность instill the value
18. широкие массы, простые люди local citizens
19. создавать (о термине, фразеологизме и т.д.) to take root/coin
20. преодолевать сложности, невзгоды to overcome adversity/ to have a leg
21. расширять горизонты push the envelope
22. использовать энергию природы в своих личных целях transform the
nature into valuables energy sources
23. тратить попусту, транжирить (о деньгах, времени) kill time
24. устранять несправедливость to bump up against the inequities/redress
the injustices
25. создавать чувство идентичности и единства to forge a sense of identity
and unity
26. приносить присягу у знамени to pledge allegiance to the flag
27. национальный гимн the national anthem

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