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2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools

ENGLISH - Year 4
Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
1 A Reading - literary Identify the action that conveys a feeling in a simple narrative
2 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a simple narrative
3 B Reading - literary Locate information in a simple narrative
4 A Reading - literary Locate information in a simple narrative
5 C Reading - literary Locate information in a simple narrative
6 C Reading - factual Identify a comparison made in a factual description
7 D Reading - factual Locate information in a factual description
8 A Reading - factual Locate information in a factual description
9 B Reading - factual Locate information in a caption to a diagram
10 C Reading - factual Interpret information in a caption to a diagram
11 D Reading - factual Locate information in a caption to a diagram
12 B Reading - factual Identify the purpose of a factual description
13 C Reading - literary Infer a character's thoughts from an expression in a narrative
14 D Textual devices Identify the purpose of bold type in a narrative
15 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word: immediately
16 C Reading - literary Identify the statement supported by evidence in a narrative
17 C Syntax Identify a verb in a sentence: turned
Identify the quotation that indicates a character's decision in a
18 D Reading - literary narrative
19 A Reading - factual Locate information in a factual recount
20 A Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual recount
21 D Reading - factual Locate information in a factual recount
22 B Textual devices Interpret the use of initials in a factual recount
23 C Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual recount
24 B Reading - factual Locate information in a factual recount
25 A Vocabulary Identify a synonym of a word from context: particularly
26 B Vocabulary Identify a synonym of a word from context: shelters
27 B Vocabulary Identify a synonym of a word from context: unfortunate
28 C Vocabulary Identify a synonym of a word from context: streaks
29 C Syntax Identify the words in a contraction: They're
30 D Syntax Identify the verb in the correct tense to complete a sentence
Identify the correct way of combining two simple sentences into a
31 B Syntax complex sentence
32 B Syntax Identify the correct use of a possessive apostrophe
33 A Syntax Identify the correct use of a question mark
34 D Reading - literary Interpret a character's motivation in a narrative
35 C Reading - literary Infer information in a narrative
36 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify a character trait in a narrative
37 D Textual devices Identify the purpose of bold type in a narrative
38 D Reading - literary Infer a character's feelings in a narrative
Synthesise the text to identify the speaker of a part of dialogue in a
39 C Reading - literary narrative
40 D Reading - literary Interpret a description in a poem
41 D Textual devices Identify
Identify a
a simile
word ininaapoem
poemwhich has the same meaning as 'frail':
42 B Vocabulary delicate
43 A Reading - literary Synthesise a poem to identify the poet's feelings
44 B Textual devices Interpret the effect achieved by the use of a metaphor in a poem
45 C Textual devices Identify rhyming words in a poem
2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 5

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer

1 A Reading - factual Locate information in a factual recount

2 A Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual recount
3 D Reading - factual Locate information in a factual recount
4 B Textual devices Interpret the use of initials in a factual recount
5 C Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual recount
6 B Reading - factual Locate information in a factual recount
7 D Reading - literary Interpret the reason for a nickname in a narrative
8 C Reading - literary Locate information in a narrative
9 A Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
10 B Vocabulary Identify antonyms in a narrative
11 A Reading - literary Infer a character's feelings from a comment in a narrative
12 C Reading - literary Synthesise a cartoon to identify its message
13 D Textual devices Identify the purpose of capital letters in speech in a narrative
14 C Reading - literary Identify a visual image that corresponds to a simile in a narrative
15 B Reading - literary Infer the connotation of a character's comment in a narrative
16 A Textual devices Identify the convention of italicising a story title in a narrative
17 A Reading - literary Infer a character's occupation from information in a narrative
18 D Reading - literary Identify the description that best fits a character in a narrative
19 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify a character description in a narrative
20 C Syntax Identify the correct determiner to complete a passage
21 A Syntax Identify the correct preposition to complete a passage
22 D Syntax Identify the correct relative pronoun to complete a passage
23 A Syntax Identify the correct connective to complete a passage
24 A Vocabulary Interpret a description to identify a character trait
25 C Vocabulary Interpret a description to identify a feeling
26 D Vocabulary Interpret a situation to identify the correct description
27 C Reading - factual Infer information in a procedure
28 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to sequence the steps in a procedure
29 A Reading - factual Locate information in a procedure
30 D Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a technical word: commercial
31 C Syntax Interpret the use of imperative mood in an instruction
32 B Reading - factual Interpret information in a procedure
33 A Textual devices Identify the purpose of text boxes in a procedure
34 D Reading - factual Identify the purpose of a preface in a factual description
35 A Reading - factual Locate information in a factual description
36 B Reading - factual Identify the phrase which supports a statement in a factual description
37 C Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual description

38 D Vocabulary Identify synonyms from context in a factual description: important, essential

39 C Textual devices Interpret the purpose for including a cartoon in a factual description
40 D Reading - literary Synthesise the first stanza of a poem to identify the main idea
41 C Reading - literary Interpret information in a poem
42 B Reading - literary Interpret the meaning of a part of a poem
43 D Reading - literary Infer the action at the end of a poem
44 B Textual devices Identify rhyming words in a poem
45 B Syntax Identify a word that is used as a verb: lop
2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 6

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer

1 C Reading - literary Interpret the reason for a behaviour in a simple narrative

2 A Reading - literary Locate information in a simple narrative
3 A Syntax Identify a pronoun reference in a narrative
4 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a simple narrative
5 A Reading - literary Interpret the feeling conveyed by a phrase in a simple narrative
Identify a phrase that provides evidence about a character's feelings
6 D Reading - literary
in a simple narrative
Synthesise the text to draw a conclusion about a character in a
7 C Reading - literary
simple narrative
8 D Textual devices Interpret a metaphor in a poem
9 B Reading - literary Interpret a description in a poem
10 C Reading - literary Interpret a metaphor in a poem
11 A Reading - literary Infer characterisation from a description in a poem
12 A Reading - literary Synthesise a poem to interpret the poet's point of view
13 B Syntax Identify the consistent use of the present and future tenses
14 D Syntax Identify the consistent use of the past tense including a modal verb
15 D Reading - factual Identify the purpose of a preface in a factual description
16 A Reading - factual Locate information in a factual description
Identify the phrase which supports a statement in a factual
17 B Reading - factual
18 C Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual description
Identify synonyms from context in a factual description: important,
19 D Vocabulary
20 C Textual devices Interpret the purpose for including a cartoon in a factual description
21 B Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual description
22 B Textual devices Interpret personification in a factual description
23 C Reading - factual Synthesise multiple pieces of information in a factual description
24 C Textual devices Interpret the use of italics in a factual description
Interpret information from a diagram accompanying a factual
25 D Reading - factual
26 C Reading - factual Synthesise the text and illustration to interpret information
27 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
28 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a descriptive word in a narrative: identical
29 D Reading - literary Interpret a metaphor in a narrative
30 B Reading - literary Identify a word which supports a character description in a narrative
31 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
32 A Reading - literary Synthesise a part of text to identify character traits in a narrative
33 B Syntax Identify the correct relative pronoun to complete a sentence: who
34 B Syntax Identify the correct preposition to complete an idiom: of
35 C Syntax Identify the correct connective to complete a sentence: However
36 B Reading - factual Locate information in a book review
37 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word: consternation


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 6

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer

38 C Syntax Identify the referent of a pronoun in a book review

39 A Reading - factual Interpret information in a book review
Synthesise text and illustrations as evidence to identify the fantasy
40 C Reading - factual
41 C Reading - factual Synthesise two book reviews to identify a common theme
42 D Textual devices Identify the publishers in book reviews
Infer the purpose of a procedure in an investigation in a scientific
43 D Reading - factual
Identify the use of italics to provide a pronunciation guide in a
44 A Textual devices
scientific explanation
Identify the cause of a scientific phenomenon in a scientific
45 A Reading - factual
Infer the purpose of an instruction in an investigation in a scientific
46 B Reading - factual
47 C Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a root word from context: photo
48 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to identify the text purposes: instruct and explain
49 D Vocabulary Identify a word which is different in meaning: determined
50 A Vocabulary Identify a word which is different in meaning: illegal


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 7

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
1 C Reading - factual Locate information in an interview
2 A Reading - factual Locate information in an interview
3 D Reading - factual Interpret information in an interview
4 B Reading - factual Interpret the interviewer's tone of voice from context
5 C Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word: external
6 B Reading - factual Interpret information in an interview
Identify the word which best fits the meaning of the sentence:
7 D Vocabulary furiously
Identify the word which best fits the meaning of the sentence:
8 B Vocabulary reluctant
9 A Reading - literary Locate information in a narrative
10 A Syntax Identify a word to replace a connective: since
11 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify the narrator
12 C Reading - literary Locate information in a narrative
13 A Reading - literary Identify a statement supported by evidence in a narrative
Identify past perfect continuous tense as the correct tense to
14 D Syntax complete a sentence
Identify the correct punctuation for speech: question mark and
15 D Syntax inverted comma
16 A Syntax Identify the correct connective to complete a sentence: as
17 B Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual description
18 B Textual devices Interpret personification in a factual description
19 C Reading - factual Synthesise multiple pieces of information in a factual description
20 C Textual devices Interpret information
Interpret the use of italics
from in a factualaccompanying
a diagram description a factual
21 D Reading - factual description
22 C Reading - factual Synthesise the text and illustration to interpret information
23 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
24 A Textual devices Identify a simile and interpret its meaning in a narrative
25 A Reading - literary Infer a character's feelings in a narrative
26 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
27 D Reading - literary Infer the connotation of a metaphor in a narrative
28 C Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word from context: exposed
29 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
30 A Reading - factual Interpret the purpose of a rhetorical question in an explanation
Synthesise the text and diagram to interpret information in an
31 B Reading - factual explanation
32 D Reading - factual Interpret information in an explanation
33 B Reading - factual Interpret information in an explanation
34 D Syntax Identify a word to replace a connective: Once
35 D Textual devices Identify the use of a metaphor in an explanation
Identify the use of a proverb or saying in a heading in an
36 C Textual devices explanation
37 C Vocabulary Identify the meaning of a word from context: summon
38 D Syntax Interpret the referent for a demonstrative pronoun in a foreword


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 7

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
39 A Textual devices Interpret the purpose of capital letters for emphasis in a foreword
Identify the literary technique used to create atmosphere: not
40 C Textual devices naming a subject
41 D Reading - factual Interpret an opinion expressed in a foreword
42 B Reading - factual Identify the purpose of a foreword to an anthology
43 A Vocabulary Identify a word which is different in meaning: foreword
44 A Reading - literary Interpret the main idea in a poem
45 C Reading - literary Infer the purpose of the use of jargon in a poem
46 D Reading - literary Infer information in a poem
47 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a poem
48 A Reading - literary Interpret one meaning of a pun in a poem
Synthesise two poems to identify the use of exaggeration for
49 A Reading - literary humour
50 B Textual devices Identify a technical term used in poetry: stanza


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 8

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
1 B Reading - factual Interpret information in a procedure
2 A Reading - factual Infer information about the role of an author in a procedure
3 A Reading - factual Interpret information in a procedure
4 B Reading - factual Identify the final step to complete a procedure
5 D Textual devices Identify the convention of using bold font for subheadings
6 D Vocabulary Identify a word that is different in meaning: Concentrate
7 B Reading - literary Locate information in a narrative
8 B Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word in context: inconvenienced
9 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify a character trait in a narrative
10 C Reading - literary Identify the correct sequence of events that occur in a narrative
11 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify a statement of opinion in a narrative
12 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the further development of a narrative
13 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the narrator's tone
14 A Reading - factual Interpret the purpose of a rhetorical question in an explanation
Synthesise the text and diagram to interpret information in an
15 B Reading - factual explanation
16 D Reading - factual Interpret information in an explanation
17 B Reading - factual Interpret information in an explanation
18 D Syntax Identify a word to replace a connective: Once
19 D Textual devices Identify the use of a metaphor in an explanation
Identify the use of a proverb or saying in a heading in an
20 C Textual devices explanation
21 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
Identify the quotation that provides evidence for a description in a
22 A Reading - literary narrative
23 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word in context: desolate
24 A Textual devices Identify an example of personification in a narrative
25 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
Identify the technique of writing in the present tense to create
26 D Textual devices tension in a narrative
Interpret the purpose of including an anecdote in a factual
27 C Reading - factual description
28 D Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a root word from context: troglo-
29 D Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual description
30 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word from context: intrepid
31 D Textual devices Identify an example of a metaphor in a factual description
32 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to draw a conclusion in a factual description
33 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to identify its main purpose
Interpret the meaning of a technical phrase from context: sounding
34 A Vocabulary the ice
35 B Reading - literary Interpret the reason for a character's actions in a narrative
Synthesise the text to identify the quotation which reflects the
36 C Reading - literary writer's opinion
37 C Reading - literary Infer the connotation of an emotive phrase in a narrative


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 8

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
38 A Reading - literary Infer the reason for a character's actions in a narrative
Synthesise a part of a narrative to identify a contrast between
39 C Reading - literary characters
40 C Syntax Identify an example of a conjunction: till
Identify the use of a colloquial expression in a factual description:
41 D Textual devices crank out a lot of juice
Interpret technical information from text and graphics in a factual
42 B Reading - factual description
Identify a statement which is supported by evidence in a factual
43 D Reading - factual description
Interpret the effect of using an adverb (only) to modify a statement
44 B Reading - factual in a factual description
45 A Reading - factual Interpret the meaning of a statement in a factual description
Synthesise the text to identify information which has not been
46 C Reading - factual included
47 B Syntax Identify the correct non-finite clause to commence a sentence
Identify the correct clause expressed in passive voice to maintain
48 B Syntax cohesion
49 C Syntax Identify the correct adverbial clause to maintain cohesion
50 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a poem
51 C Reading - literary Identify the first event in a sequence in a poem
52 C Textual devices Identify an example of alliteration in a poem
53 A Syntax Identify a pronoun reference in a poem
54 C Reading - literary Identify the effect achieved by using a modifier in a poem: indeed
55 A Reading - literary Synthesise a poem to interpret the poet's attitude


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 9

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
1 C Reading - literary Interpret information in a literary description
2 A Textual devices Identify a simile in a literary description
Synthesise the first paragraph to identify the main idea in a literary
3 A Reading - literary description
4 D Syntax Identify the referent for an indefinite pronoun
5 D Reading - literary Infer a reason from information in a literary description
6 B Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify the literary genre of a book
7 A Reading - literary Synthesise a poem to identify its main idea
Interpret the effect achieved by the use of archaic spelling in a
8 A Textual devices poem
9 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a poem
10 C Reading - literary Identify a character's manner of movement in a poem
11 C Reading - literary Synthesise a poem to relate its content to the title
12 B Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word from context: branches
Interpret the meaning of a figurative expression in a factual
13 C Textual devices description: poster child
Interpret the meaning of a technical word in a factual description:
14 B Vocabulary pelts
Identify the functional use of an emotive adjective in a factual
15 B Syntax description
16 A Reading - factual Locate information in a factual description
17 D Vocabulary Infer the connotation of a description in a factual description
18 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to infer the writer's attitude
Interpret the purpose of including an anecdote in a factual
19 C Reading - factual description
20 D Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a root word from context: troglo-
21 D Reading - factual Interpret information in a factual description
22 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word from context: intrepid
23 D Textual devices Identify an example of a metaphor in a factual description
24 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to draw a conclusion in a factual description
25 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to identify its main purpose
26 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify the writer's tone
27 D Reading - literary Locate information in a literary description
28 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a literary description
29 D Reading - literary Interpret information in a literary description
30 B Syntax Identify a word which functions as part of a verb: strewn
31 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the writer's style
32 B Reading - factual Interpret comparative information in a factual description
33 A Reading - factual Locate technical information in a factual description
34 C Reading - factual Synthesise text and graphics to interpret technical information
35 C Reading - factual Interpret information from a graphic in a factual description
36 C Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a technical verb from context: probe
Identify the purpose of the elements within a graphic in a factual
37 D Textual devices description


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 9

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
38 D Textual devices Identify the purpose for including a map in a factual description
39 D Syntax Identify a subordinate clause to complete a sentence
Identify a noun clause beginning with a connective to maintain
40 C Syntax coherence
Identify the words that complete the principal clause in a sentence
41 B Syntax in context
Identify the correct connective and subject of a principal clause to
42 C Syntax maintain coherence
43 A Reading - literary Synthesise a part of text to identify the meaning of a description
44 C Vocabulary Identify a synonym for 'aromatic' in a literary description: fragrant
Interpret the writer's purpose in directly addressing the reader in a
45 D Reading - literary literary description
Synthesise a part of a text to interpret the characters' feelings in a
46 A Reading - literary literary description
47 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the mood in a literary description
Identify an example of a literal use of language in a literary
48 A Textual devices description

49 C Reading - factual Infer meaning from a figurative expression in a biographical recount

Identify the theme of a musical composition described in a
50 D Reading - factual biographical recount
51 C Reading - factual Identify information in a biographical recount
52 B Reading - factual Interpret a sequence of events in a biographical recount
Identify the quotation that provides evidence for a statement in a
53 B Reading - factual biographical recount
Synthesise the text to identify an appropriate conclusion to a
54 A Reading - factual biographical recount
Synthesise the text to identify the writer's purpose in a biographical
55 A Reading - factual recount


2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 10

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
1 D Reading - factual Locate information in a personal reflection
2 C Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word from context: thwarting
3 C Reading - factual Interpret a point of view in a personal reflection
Interpret the purpose of using brackets to enclose an authorial
4 A Textual devices comment
5 B Reading - factual Locate information in a personal reflection
6 D Reading - factual Interpret the writer's point of view in a personal reflection
7 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
8 D Reading - literary Identify a character's feelings from a description in a narrative
9 C Reading - literary Locate information in a narrative
10 D Reading - literary Identify a statement which is supported by evidence in a narrative
11 B Textual devices Identify an example of a simile in a narrative
12 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word in context: ricochet
13 D Vocabulary Identify an antonym of 'detrimental': beneficial
14 C Vocabulary Identify an antonym of 'ominous': auspicious
15 D Reading - factual Identify a paraphrase of a statement in a factual description
16 C Reading - factual Locate technical
Synthesise information
a section in a factual
of a factual description
description to identify its main
17 D Reading - factual purpose
18 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word in context: tinge
19 B Reading - factual Interpret technical information in a factual description
Synthesise the conclusion to a factual description to determine the
20 C Reading - factual main idea
21 D Textual devices Identify the use of a colloquial expression in a factual description
22 B Reading - literary Infer from information in a literary description
23 A Reading - literary Synthesise a part of text to identify the meaning of a description
24 C Vocabulary Identify a synonym for 'aromatic' in a literary description: fragrant
Interpret the writer's purpose in directly addressing the reader in a
25 D Reading - literary literary description
Synthesise a part of a text to interpret the characters' feelings in a
26 A Reading - literary literary description
27 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to
Identify an example of infer the use
a literal moodof in a literaryindescription
language a literary
28 A Textual devices description
29 B Reading - factual Interpret the purpose of a descriptive phrase in an argument
Synthesise the text to identify the main argument supporting a
30 B Reading - factual proposition
31 A Reading - factual Interpret the thesis of an argument
Identify the language devices used to strengthen an argument:
32 C Textual devices analogy, emotive language
33 C Reading - factual Identify the purpose for the use of a modifier in an argument: just
34 B Syntax Identify an example of an adverb: often
35 C Reading - literary Interpret a figurative description in a narrative
36 A Reading - literary Interpret an analogy in a narrative
Interpret the meaning of an expression used by a character in a
37 A Reading - literary narrative

2007 ICAS - ENGLISH Y 10

2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 10

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer
38 B Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a descriptive word in a narrative: vivifying
39 D Reading - literary Synthesise the conclusion to a narrative to identify the main idea
40 A Syntax Identify the reference for an imprecise noun in a narrative
Synthesise the text to infer a character's tone of voice from the
41 C Reading - literary language used

42 B Reading - literary Infer the connotation of a descriptive word in a narrative: ensconced

43 C Reading - literary Interpret a character trait from a description in a narrative
44 D Reading - literary Infer the reason for a character's state of mind in a narrative
Interpret the effect achieved by the use of grammatically incomplete
45 A Textual devices sentences in a narrative
46 A Textual devices Identify the use of a shift in narrative voice to alter perspective
47 B Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify a character trait in a narrative
48 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the writer's tone
Identify the purpose of including specific information in a scientific
49 C Reading - factual description
50 D Vocabulary Identify the figurative use of a word in a scientific description: rips
51 B Reading - factual Identify a figurative comparison made in a scientific description
Interpret technical information which explains a process in a scientific
52 B Reading - factual description

53 C Reading - factual Synthesise the information in a text to sequence a scientific process

Synthesise the technical information to identify the key factors in a
54 C Reading - factual scientific process
55 B Reading - factual Interpret information in a text and graphics in a scientific description
Identify the clause beginning with a connective that maintains
56 A Syntax coherence
57 D Syntax Identify the correct verb group to complete a sentence
Identify the correct adverbial clause which forms part of a complex
58 D Syntax sentence

59 A Syntax Identify the clause beginning with a connective to maintain cohesion

Identify a dependent clause beginning with a connective to
60 C Syntax commence a sentence

2007 ICAS - ENGLISH Y 10

2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 11

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer

1 D Reading - factual Locate information in a personal reflection

2 C Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word from context: thwarting
3 C Reading - factual Interpret a point of view in a personal reflection
Interpret the purpose of using brackets to enclose an authorial
4 A Textual devices
5 B Reading - factual Locate information in a personal reflection
6 D Reading - factual Interpret the writer's point of view in a personal reflection
7 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
8 D Reading - literary Identify a character's feelings from a description in a narrative
9 C Reading - literary Locate information in a narrative
10 D Reading - literary Identify a statement which is supported by evidence in a narrative
11 B Textual devices Identify an example of a simile in a narrative
12 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word in context: ricochet
13 D Vocabulary Identify an antonym of 'detrimental': beneficial
14 C Vocabulary Identify an antonym of 'ominous': auspicious
15 D Reading - factual Identify a paraphrase of a statement in a factual description
16 C Reading - factual Locate technical information in a factual description
Synthesise a section of a factual description to identify its main
17 D Reading - factual
18 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word in context: tinge
19 B Reading - factual Interpret technical information in a factual description
Synthesise the conclusion to a factual description to determine the
20 C Reading - factual
main idea
21 D Textual devices Identify the use of a colloquial expression in a factual description
22 B Reading - literary Infer from information in a literary description
23 A Reading - literary Synthesise a part of text to identify the meaning of a description
24 C Vocabulary Identify a synonym for 'aromatic' in a literary description: fragrant
Interpret the writer's purpose in directly addressing the reader in a
25 D Reading - literary
literary description
Synthesise a part of a text to interpret the characters' feelings in a
26 A Reading - literary
literary description
27 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the mood in a literary description
Identify an example of a literal use of language in a literary
28 A Textual devices
29 B Reading - factual Interpret the purpose of a descriptive phrase in an argument
Synthesise the text to identify the main argument supporting a
30 B Reading - factual
31 A Reading - factual Interpret the thesis of an argument
Identify the language devices used to strengthen an argument:
32 C Textual devices
analogy, emotive language
33 C Reading - factual Identify the purpose for the use of a modifier in an argument: just
34 B Syntax Identify an example of an adverb: often
35 C Reading - literary Interpret a figurative description in a narrative
36 A Reading - literary Interpret an analogy in a narrative

2007 ICAS - ENGLISH Y 11

2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 11

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer

Interpret the meaning of an expression used by a character in a

37 A Reading - literary
38 B Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a descriptive word in a narrative: vivifying
39 D Reading - literary Synthesise the conclusion to a narrative to identify the main idea
40 A Syntax Identify the reference for an imprecise noun in a narrative
Synthesise the text to infer a character's tone of voice from the
41 C Reading - literary
language used
42 B Reading - literary Infer the connotation of a descriptive word in a narrative: ensconced
43 C Reading - literary Interpret a character trait from a description in a narrative
44 D Reading - literary Infer the reason for a character's state of mind in a narrative
Interpret the effect achieved by the use of grammatically incomplete
45 A Textual devices
sentences in a narrative
46 A Textual devices Identify the use of a shift in narrative voice to alter perspective
47 B Reading - literary Synthesise the text to identify a character trait in a narrative
48 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the writer's tone
Identify the purpose of including specific information in a scientific
49 C Reading - factual
50 D Vocabulary Identify the figurative use of a word in a scientific description: rips
51 B Reading - factual Identify a figurative comparison made in a scientific description
Interpret technical information which explains a process in a
52 B Reading - factual
scientific description
53 C Reading - factual Synthesise the information in a text to sequence a scientific process
Synthesise the technical information to identify the key factors in a
54 C Reading - factual
scientific process
55 B Reading - factual Interpret information in a text and graphics in a scientific description

Identify the clause beginning with a connective that maintains

56 A Syntax
57 D Syntax Identify the correct verb group to complete a sentence
Identify the correct adverbial clause which forms part of a complex
58 D Syntax
59 A Syntax Identify the clause beginning with a connective to maintain cohesion
Identify a dependent clause beginning with a connective to
60 C Syntax
commence a sentence

2007 ICAS - ENGLISH Y 11

2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 12

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer

1 B Reading - literary Identify the comparison made in a metaphor in a narrative

2 C Reading - literary Interpret information in a narrative
3 A Reading - literary Interpret the meaning of an expression in a narrative
4 A Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer a character's feelings
5 D Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer the writer's tone
6 C Reading - factual Interpret the writer's opinion in a literary exposition
7 C Vocabulary Identify the meaning of a word from context: epiphany
8 D Reading - factual Interpret an opinion in a literary exposition
9 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a colloquial word in context: rag
10 D Reading - factual Interpret information in a literary exposition
11 D Reading - factual Infer a character trait from the word choice in a literary exposition
12 B Reading - factual Synthesise the text to identify its main purpose
13 D Reading - factual Infer the reason for an action in a biographical recount
Interpret the meanings of less common words in context: vilified,
14 C Vocabulary
Identify the effect achieved by varying sentence length in a
15 D Textual devices
biographical recount
16 A Reading - factual Infer a character trait from an event in a biographical recount
Interpret the purpose of a descriptive word choice in a biographical
17 B Reading - factual
Interpret information from a map accompanying a biographical
18 D Reading - factual
Identify evidence from a map accompanying a biographical recount
19 C Reading - factual
to support a statement
20 B Reading - factual Interpret the legend to a map accompanying a biographical recount
21 D Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word: opulence
22 B Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a word: assuage
23 C Syntax Identify the correct adjectival clause to complete a sentence
Identify the correct verb phrase to complete a sentence and
24 C Syntax
maintain coherence
25 D Syntax Identify an adjectival clause as the correct completion of a sentence
26 B Syntax Identify the correct connective to begin the concluding sentence
27 B Reading - literary Interpret information in a poem
Interpret the meaning of a word used as an adjective in a poem:
28 A Vocabulary
29 B Reading - literary Infer the reason for the poet's feelings
30 D Textual devices Identify the use of an oxymoron in a poem
31 A Reading - literary Interpret meaning in a part of a poem
32 C Reading - literary Synthesise two poems to infer the writer's attitude
33 C Textual devices Identify the poetic form of two poems: sonnet
34 C Reading - factual Interpret information in a feature article

2007 ICAS - ENGLISH Y 12

2007 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ENGLISH - Year 12

Question Correct
Area Assessed Description
Number Answer

Interpret the meaning of a coined technical expression in a feature

35 D Reading - factual
36 A Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a descriptive word in context: ubiquitous
Interpret the convention of using inverted commas to indicate the
37 A Textual devices
writer's attitude
Synthesise a part of the text to interpret the writer's point of view in
38 D Reading - factual
a feature article
Synthesise a section of the text to identify the main idea in a feature
39 D Reading - factual
40 B Textual devices Identify the use of nominalisation in a feature article
41 C Reading - literary Interpret a figurative description in a narrative
42 A Reading - literary Interpret an analogy in a narrative
Interpret the meaning of an expression used by a character in a
43 A Reading - literary
44 B Vocabulary Interpret the meaning of a descriptive word in a narrative: vivifying
45 D Reading - literary Synthesise the conclusion to a narrative to identify the main idea
46 A Syntax Identify the reference for an imprecise noun in a narrative
Synthesise the text to infer a character's tone of voice from the
47 C Reading - literary
language used
48 D Reading - factual Interpret the purpose for including examples in an opinion piece
Identify a statement that gives the impression of a balanced
49 A Reading - factual
discussion in an opinion piece
50 A Textual devices Identify the use of a pun in an opinion piece
51 C Syntax Identify the reference for an indefinite pronoun
52 B Reading - factual Interpret the use of an emphatic statement in an opinion piece
53 D Reading - factual Infer from information in an opinion piece
54 A Textual devices Identify the use of hyperbole in a complex narrative
55 B Reading - literary Interpret the reason for a character's feelings in a complex narrative
56 D Reading - literary Infer the reason for a character's predictions in a complex narrative
Identify the literary technique used to create tension: not naming the
57 B Textual devices
58 C Reading - literary Synthesise the text to infer a character trait in a complex narrative
59 A Reading - literary Infer the role of the setting in a complex narrative
Identify the pair of words which function as adjectives in context:
60 B Syntax
rekindling, receding

2007 ICAS - ENGLISH Y 12

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