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Fungsi Sosial 21 D
Materi Paris is the Capital city of France. It is one of the most
beautiful cities in the world. It is also one of the worlds
Text Descriptive
most crowded cities. Lovely gardens and park are
found throughout Paris. At night, many palaces and
Indikator statues are lit up. For this reason, Paris is often called
Peserta Didik dapat mengidentifikasi
the city of light.
ide pokok dari paragraph tertentu
pada text descriptive
What is the monologue about?
A. The Louvre
B. Paris
C. Notre Dame
D. The Crowded City

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 22 A

Text Notice/ Cautions/ Warning

Please beware of the strong tides !

Peserta Didik dapat menentukan Where can we read such warning?
maksud dari teks Notice/ Cautions/ A. At the beach
B. In a swamp
Warning C. At the lake side
D. In a water park

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 23 B
Text Notice/ Cautions/ Warning
Peserta Didik mengidentifikasi Which is NOT TRUE about the notice
A. Students throw rubbish in its proper place
konteks penggunaan teks Notice/ B. Students are permitted to play truant
Cautions/ Warning C. Students do their home works well
D. Students come pinchtually

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 24 D
Dear Mrs. Tiffany,
Text Notice/ Cautions/ Warning
I’d like to remind you that you will have a meeting
with a client at 1 p.m. sharp I have. Prepared all the
documents you need. Thank you
Peserta Didik mengidentifikasi What is the purpose of the text?
A. To give information
konteks penggunaan teks Notice/
B. To give an opinion
Cautions/ Warning C. To invite someone
D. To notice someone

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 45 a
Materi Correct the words below
E – b – h – c -a
Re-arranging Word
a. Beach
b. Baech
c. Bcaeh
Indikator d. Bhcae
Peserta didik dapat menyusun kata
yang diacak menjadi kalimat yang

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 46 b
Rearrange the jumbled words into a good
Re-arranging sentence sentence !

Do you – what – think – about – beach – the

Indikator a. Do you think about the beach
Peserta didik dapat menyusun b. What do you think about the beach
kalimat yang diacak menjadi c. The beach what do you think
paragraf yang benar d. Beach what do you think

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 47 b
Rearrange the jumbled words into a good
Narrative sentence !

Indikator Do you – what – think – about – beach – the

Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi
kata penghubung (conjunction) a. Do you think about the beach
pada teks Narrative b. What do you think about the beach
c. The beach what do you think
d. Beach what do you think

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 47 c
Finally , giving up, the fox turned up his nose and
said “they’re probably sour anyway “ and
proceeded to walk away”
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi Which is the conjutction in the text above ?
kata penghubung (conjutction) pada a. His
teks Descriptive b. Walk
c. And
d. The

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 48 a
I have a pet rabbit. My rabbit’s name is mia . She
is a small mamall with a short tail but long ears.
She has four legs.
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi The conjutction of the text has the some meaning as …
kata penghubung (conjutction) pada a. However
teks Descriptive b. And
c. For
d. Or

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 49 b
Finally , giving up, the fox turned up his nose and
said “they’re probably sour anyway “ and
proceeded to walk away”
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi The text above is in the form of …….
tenses pada teks Narrative a. Present tenses
b. Simple past tenses
c. Present continus tenses
d. Present perfect tenses

Lingkup Materi Buku Sumber Nomor Soal Kunci Jawaban

Fungsi Sosial 50 c
Most people in the world have a pet. I also have it. My
pet is a dog. Named dimo. Its color is brown eye,too. I
got this pet from my mother buthes him. He is funny
Indikator and smart. It often plays with my neighbor’s dog. I love
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi The text above is
him very much because he can be my friend, too
tenses pada teks Descriptive
The writer got the pet from …….
a. His neighbor
b. A pet shop
c. His friend
d. His mother

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