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University of Nigeria

Research Publications



Production and Evaluation of Weaning Formula From Pigeon


Pea (Cajanus Cajan) and Millet Seed (Pennisetum

Americanum) Blends
Department Faculty

Agricultural Sciences

Food Science and Technology


October, 2005

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Omenuko Sunday Ogbonna

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Ogbonna Date: 2008.12.19 05:03:27 -12'00'
MILLET SEED (Pennisetum americanum) BLENDS.





This project report titled "PRODUCTlON AND EVALUATION OF
SEED (Pennisetum nrnericanum) BLENDS" has becn presented by Nwabugwu,
Chika C. (PG/MSc/00/283 19) of the Department of Food Science and Technology,
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
The work embodied in this project report is original and has not been
submitted in part or in full for any other diploma or degree of this or other

Dr. J. C. Ani (Mrs) Dr. N. J. Enwere (Mrs)

(Project Supervisor) (Head of Department)


This research work is dedicated to

Almighty God


My Mother

The successful accomplishn~entof this work was only possible through the efforts,
goodwill, kindiiess and commitment of several persons whom I musl appreciate.
I sincerely thank my supetvisor; Dr. J. C . Ani (Mrs) for hes dedication, untiring efGorts,
tolerance and guidancc in assuring that this work was successfblly completed. I thank also Prof.
Onwuka, Prof. Ihekuronye, Dr. Uvere and the entire staff of Food Science and Tdmology
Department, U.N. Pa , for their lectures, advice, kindness and support during the period of tlis
study. 1 am lu~hlyindebted to Prof: 1. C.Obizoba of Ijotne Sciehce and Nutrition Department,
U.N.N., who through his fatherly advice and supervision made this work LO progress. I extend
my sincere gratitude to Dr. Ani of Animal Science Dcpartmcnt, U.N.N, for his advice and
direction in support of this work.
I acknowledge tlae support given to me by my colleagues; Chinwe Osuagwu, lfeoma
Pvlbacyi, Chinedu Iloanusi, and Obioha Okolie, I also appreciate my friends; Anwuli Baiden,
C11ima Nwambara, Parker Elijah, Charity Umeano and Presbyter Onono&u for their
encouragement to me during this work.
Finally, my sinccre thanks go to my mother and brother Ejike for their financial support
during this study. 'To thc rest of my brothers and sisters for their support and encouragement
during this study Abovc all, I Lhank God who gave me the ability Lo carry out this research
Fer~nented(9hrs)- sprouted (24hrs), steamed (30mins), and dried millet and pigeon pea seeds
were nlilled into llours respectively and used in [he Somulation of weaning formula. The
cornposition and fimctional properties 01the llours were dctennined. Composite blends were
ionnulated with the processed flours to contain 70% crude protein from pigeon pea and 30%
crude prolein froin millet. Casein and a commercial weatling formula served as controls.
Prcfercncc test on the formulated blend was done by ranking and .the preferred products were
subjected to a 35-day animal assay, monitoring growl11 and N balance. Fermentation increased
the crude protein content of pigeon pea by 6.44% and millet by 3.05%. Sprouting increased
protein content of pigeon pea by 13.2% but seduced that of millet by 14.16%. Steaming sprouted
rnillet and pigeon pea reduced the crude protein content to 8.6% and 16.87% while fermented
millct and pigeon pca crude protein were reduced to 7.83% and 18.63% respectively.
Fernlentation reduced the tannin and phytate levels of millet and pigeon pea but increased the
cyanide level. Sprouting caused an increase in the tannin and cyanide level of millet but a
recluction in the tannin, cyanide and phytate level of pigeon pea. Steaming incrc-ascd tannin and
cyanide level of millct but reduced their content in pigcon pea. All treatments increased the water
absorption capacity of millct and pigeon pea flours. The formulated blends showed comparable
crudc protein content will1 the casein diet, 9.53%, and the F A 0 standasd protein value of 10%.
The porridgcs prepared from the formulated blends were generally acceptable organoleptically.
Among the most acceptable blends, \511ich were analysed for nutritional quality through animal
assay, diet IV (SSPF + FSMF, 70:30) had comparable food intake (138.248) and digested N
(0.46g) with casein diet (130.798 and 0.48g). From the result, it was inferred that, a foimulated
dict of Ser-mentcd stcamed millet and sprouted steamed pigeon pea, which showed a high
nutritional quality could be an acceptable formula for infants and growing children in a
developing country like Nigeria.
Title Page -- -- -- --
Certification -- -- -- --
Dedication -- -- -- --
Acknowledgemei\l -- -- --
Abstract -- -- -- --
Table of Contents .-- -- --
Lisl OF Figures -- -- --
List of Tables -- -- -- --
Chapter One ---- -- -- --
10 Introduction ---- -- --
1.1 Statement of Research-- --
12 Justification for the Study -- --


Ii~troduction -- -- --
Nutritive Value of Cereal -- --
Nutritive VaIue of Legume. --
Anti-nutritional Factors in Legumes --
Antinutritional Factors in Cereals -- --
Detoxification Treatments -- -- --
Use of Cereals and Legipmes as Weaning Foods -- --
Production, Utilization and Nutritive Composition of Millet -- -- -- 18
Production, Utilization and Nutritive Composition of Pigeon Pea. -- -- 20
Compositions and Nutritional Requirement of Weaning Foods -- -- -- 23
Protein Availability in Weaning Food -- -- -- -- -- -- 25
Dietary Bulk in Weaning Foods -- -- ---- -- -- -- 26
Wcaning Foods and Practices in West Afiica -- -- -- -- -- 27
Previous Studies on Weaning Food Formulation -- -- -- -- -- 28
3.1 Reparation of raw material -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30
3.3 --
Analytical Methods -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 33
3.3.1 Proximate Analysis --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 33 Moisture Content (A.O.A.C., 1990). -- -- -- -- -- -- 33 Pat Content (AOAC, 1990) ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- 33 Ash Content (AOAC, 1990) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 35 Crude Protein Determination (Nitrogen X 6.25) (AOAC, 1990) -- -- -- 35 Crude Fibre Determination (AOAC 1990) -- -- -- -- -- ..- 36 Nitrogen Free Extract Determination -- -- -- -- -- -- 36
33 . 1 . 7 Caloric Value Determination -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37
3.3.1 . 8 Determination of True Protein -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37 Mineral Content Determination -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 38
3.3.2 Determination of Antinutritional Factors -- -- -- -- -- -- 38 Determination of Hydrogen Cyanide Level -- -- -- -- -- 38 Determination of Phytate Level -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 39 Deterinillation of Tannin Levels -- -- -.. -- -- -- -- 40
33 . 3 . Functional Properties Determination -- -- -- -.. -- -- 40
3 3.3.1. Particle Size Distribution -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40 Viscosity -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- 41 Absorption Index-- -- -- -- ---- -- Water Solubility Index -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3 3.3.5. Least Gelation Concentratiorr- -- -- -- ..-
3.3.3.b.Bulk Density Determination -- -- -- -- -- Reconstitution Time Determination -- -- -- --
3.3.4. Sensory Analysis -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3.3.5 Animal Bioassay -- -- -- -.. -- -- --
3.3.6 Statistical ~ n a l ~ s i s - ---
- -- -- -- -- --

4.0 Results and Discussions -- -- -- -- -- --

4.1 Nutrient Composition -- -- -- -- -- --
4. I . I Effect of Fermentation on Proximate Composition of Millet and
Pigeon Pea Flours -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4.1.2 EfTect of Sprouting on Proximate Composition of Millet and

Pigeon Pea Flours -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 49

ECfect of Fermentation on Antinutritional Content ofSPigeonPea and Millet -- 51
Effcct of sprouting on antinutrient content of millet and pigeon pea -- -- 53
Effect of Steaming on Proximate Composition of Fermented and Sprouted
Millet and Pigeon pea -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 55
Effect of steaming on the mineral content of fermented and sprouted
pigeon pea and millet -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 57
Effect of stcaning on antinutritional content of fcrmcnted and sprouted
pigeon pea and millet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 59
Functional Properties -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -.. 60
Effect of Fermentation on Functional Properties of Millet and
Pigeon pea Flour -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GO
Effect of Sprouting on Functional properties of Millet and Pigeon pea Flour -- 63
Effect of' steaming on functional properties of fermented and sprouted
pigeon pea and millet flour: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 68
Sensory Evaluation -- -- -- ..- --
-- -- -- 70
Animal Bioassay -- -- ---- -- --
-- -- -- 73
Proximate Composition of Diets used for Animal Bioassay -- -- -- 73
Mineral Composition of diets used for animal bioassay -- -- -- -- 75
Functional Properties of diets -- , -- -- -- -- -- -- 76
Animal Bioassay -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 79
CHAPTER FIVE ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 83
5.0 Conclusions, Recommendations and Suggestions for Further studies-- -- 83
5.1 Conclusions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 83
52 Recommendations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 83
5.3 Suggestions for Further Studies -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 84
KIFAXRENCES -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 85
Appendix A: Graphs showing the efl'ect of fermentation and sprouting -- -- 97
Appendix B: Calculation of the diet conlposition fed to rats -- -- -- 103
Appendix C: Scnsory evaluation score sheet -- -- -- -- -- 106
Use of the food square to plan weaning diets and mixes -- - -- 23

Flow diagram for millet flour production -- -- -.. -- -- 31

Flow diagram for Pigeon pea flour production -- -- -- -- -- 32

Chemical Composition of major cereal grains (100g edible portion) -- -- 6

Energy and selected nutrients in legumes (composition per 100g edible portion
of dricd mature whole seeds). -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Examples of Antinutritional factors in plant foods. -- -- -- --
Leading Millct Producers, 1990-- -- -- -- -- -- --
Leading Millet Producers, 2001 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Essential amino acid composition ( d g ) and chemical score of millet
and sorghum proteins -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Leading Pea Producers, 2001 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Leading Pulses Producers, 200 1-- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ainino acid con~position( d l 6gN) of the protein of raw legume seeds -- --
Daily Average Energy and Fluid Requirements and Safe level of Protein Intake
lor I n h t s and Children three months to iive years, Sexes combined
(FAO/WHO/IJNU, 1983)- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Proportions of difkrent flour treatrnent in the composite blends -- -- --
Composition on dry weight basis ( d l 00g) of millet, pigeon yea and casein
diets fed to rats -- -- __ .-- -- -- -- -- --
Effect of fermentation time on proximate composition of millet and
pigeon pea flours (% dry weight basis) -- -- -- -- -- --
Effect of sprouting time on proximate composition of millet and
pigeon pea flours (% dry weight basis). -- -- -- -.. -- --
Effect of fermentation on antinutritional content of pigeon pea and millet --

Effcct of sprouting on antinutritional content of millet and pigeon pea -- --

Effect of steaming on proximate composition of fermented and sprouted

millet and pigeon pea flours (Ohdry weight basis) -- -- -- --
Effect of ste8ming on the mineral content of fermented and sprouted
pigeon pea and millet -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Effect of steaming on antinutritional content of fermented and sprouted
pigeon pea and millet -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Effect of fernlentation on functional properties of millet and pigeon yea flours--

Effect of sprouting on the functiond properties of sprouted millet and

pigeon pea flours -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Effect of steaming on functional properties of fermented steamed and
sprouted steamed millet and pigeon pea flours -- -- -- --
Sensory evaluation scores of the formulated products, commercial diet
a d casein dict -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Proximate composition of diets used for animal bioassay
(% dry weight basis) -- ..- -- -- -- -- -- --
Mineral Composition of diets used lbr animal bioassay -- -- --
Functional Properties of diets used for animal bioassay -- -- --
Food intake, gain in body weight, protein efficiency ratio (PER), N intake,
feacal N, urinary I?, digested N, retained N, biological value (BV) and net
protein utilization of rats fed diets based on fermented and sprouted millet
atld pigeon pea. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1.0 Introduction
Breast-feeding is considered best for infalts froin nutritional and'immunological points
of view as well as for protection against campylobacter-associated diarrhoea (Nout and Ngoddy,
1997). In developing countries most infants show satisfactory growth for the first four to six
moilths of life when breast milk solely meets the nutritional needs but after this period, it may
become increasingly inadequate as the nutritional demands of the inf&t increases (Nkama et ul.,
Weaning is a gradual process during which breast milk is increasingly coinpleinented
with other foods that fully meet the growing child's needs. Mitzner et ul., 1984, refers to
weaning process as the transition from a diet of breast milk to a diet that includes breast milk and
other foods and finally to a family diet. It is a process of gradual introduction of foods into a
baby's diet to complement breast milk and progressively replacing it and eventually adapting the
child to adult diets (Nltarna et al., 2001). According to Fashakin (1980), weaning is the
transitional period following lactation and full dependence of the child on non-milk products.
A gradual increase in provision of complementary (weaning) food causes a concomitant
reduction in the child's dependence on breast milk, this reduction continues until the child can
fulfill all his or her nutritional needs with an adult diet. The weaning process could start from
four to six months and varies fiorn one socio-economic status to the other. It could be gradual,

lasting for months until the infant is fully introduced to the family diet (Onofiok and
Nnanyelugo, 1998). On the other hand, it could be abrupt, in which case the infant is introduced
straight into the family menu. Abrupt weaning creates problems, as the child may not be able to
eat enough of the adult diet to meet his or her nutsitional needs.
In most developing countries, about 50% of all pre-school children are chronically
malno~uiished.According to UNICEF's report on "The state of the world's children, 1989",
covering over 60 countries, more than 150 million children under 5 years of age suffer from
n~ainlyof the protein -energy type (PEM). Protein-energy malnutrition stands out
as the most serious of the nutritional deficiency problem in Nigeria as well as in other
economically developing countries of the world and among low income earners in developed
countries (Ossai and Malomo, 1988). The immediate cause of this high rate of malnutrition is the
combination of various diseases and dietary inadequacies interacting in a mutually reinforcing
menner. Young children remain particularly at risk because of their great energy and nutrient
needs and vulnerability to infection.
Second to protein energy malnutrition is anaemia, which is another common nutritional
problem in many countries of the developing world. The most frequent cause of anaemia is low
iron bioavailability from the predominantly cereal- based diet and/ or blood loss due to parasitic
infestation with hookworms and malaria. The low bioavailability of iron from cereal diets is due
to the presence of different inhibitors such as phytate and tannin (Lorri, 1993).
In Nigeria, as in most developing parts of the world, most people depend on plant for
food supplies. Cereals and legumes play important role in the diets of many people including
children, and are the major sources of proteins, calories, vitamins and minerals. Many countries
have employed cheap locally available plant materials from cereals and legumes for the
development of wearling foods (Nkama el al,, 2001). The use of these plant materials by humans
is very limited mainly because of their lower protein quality when compared with animal
products and the anti~lutritionalfactors which interfere with the utilization of the nutrients
(Onuoha and Obizoba, 200 1).
Cereals are fruits of cultivated grasses also known as caloric or starchy foods, which are
important sources of dietary fibre. Examples include maize, rice, oat, millet and sorghum. Millet
is a small-grained cereal and it forms the third largest group in world cereal food grains (FAO,
1989). It is highly utilized in many developing countries for food, feed and preparation of
alcoholic beverages. The nutritional advantages of millet are it's high fat content and relatively
high lysine content.
In most developing countries, most children, particularly those in low-income class, are
weaned on cheap, readily available cereal foods (Altapo et a/., 1995). This can be attributed to
several factors including poor nutritional education, decline in household incomes and to a large \

extent, the ever increaking cost of commercial formulae. In Nigeria, the usual first weaning food
is pap, referred to as akamu by Igbos, ogi by Yorubas or koko by Hausas. It could be made from
maize p e a mays), millet (Pennisetum an~ericarzum),guinea corn (Sorghum species) or their
combinations (Onofiok and Nnanyelugo, 1998). In Cameroon, millet-based gruels are prepared
for feeding infants.
A major disadvantage of sole cereal gruels is that the starchy nature of these foods makes
them bind so much water, thus yielding a bulky gruel with decreased nutrient content. Increasing
the solids in such gruel to improve nutrient content yields a very thick (viscous) gruel, which
could cause choking in young children (Marero et al., 1988). Besides that, cereals have lower
protein quality compared t o legumes. Numerous studies have indicated that cereal grains are the .
major conlributors of energy and protein to the diet in the developing countries and that these
plant foods are low in essential amino acids (EAA) namely lysine and tryptophan (Birthe and
Egum, 1983). Cereal -grain proteins are low in lysine but have adequate amounts of the sulphur
-amino acids (Bressani, 1973).
Legumes are the species of plant family Leguminosae, which are good sources of dietary
protein. They are consumed directly as mature dry seeds, as immature seeds or even as green
pods with the immature seeds enclosed. Examples are cowpea, soyabean, groundnut, pigeon pea
and bambara groundnut. Pigeon pea has been reported to contain high quality protein and is a
good source of amino acids except methionine (Elegbede, 1998). Supplementation of cereals
with legumes has been suggested as one way of improving the protein quality of cereal -based
gruels (Nkama et al., 1995).

1.1 Statement of Research Problem

Nutritional disorders among young children in most economically developing countries
have been identified as one of the greatest challenges (Nwanekezi et nl., 2001). Protein -energy
malnutrition have been identified as one of the most important problems in Africa and the high
rate of population growth aggravated this problem. Alteration of the high volume/ high viscosity
characteristic of starch based gruels by lowering its water -binding capacity and eliminating the
anti-nutrient contents could offer a solution to some of the nutritional problems in developing
countries particularly among the low income group.
Based on the afore mentioned problems, this study was designed to:
1. determine the preliminary processing treatment that will positively modify the hnctional
properties of fnillet and pigeon pea grains as well as reduce their antinutrients or detoxify
2. develope weaning food with blends of the modified cereal and legume;
3. evaluate the chemical characteristics and nutritional quality of the formulation.
1.2 Justification for the Study
Millet seed (Penniselzmt nmericnnum) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) are readily
available local materials with very high production levels (FAO, 1995). Therefore, the utilization
( o rthese raw materials in different ways would make them beneficial to human beings, thereby,
/ reducing wastage. As population is increasing tremendously, locally available raw materials such
1 as millet and pigeon pea would be used to sustain the population.
Most of the previous studies on weaning food production were based on cowpea,
:joyabcan, maize and rice. These materials have also been competitively used for different
product development by different industries, researchers etc. This could be seen clearly through
the number of researches that have been carried out using these materials and through the
different products gotten from these materials by different industries. ~ c c o r d i nto~FA0 (1995),
millet is a cereal whose protein and caloric content are comparable to maize and rice. Till now
people have been eating maize and rice due to the knowledge of what they would derive from the
food in terms of calories and proteins. So far, little have been known about the nutritive value of
millet. Therefore, the knowledge that millet's caloric and protein contents are comparable to that
or maize and rice brings millet to lime light as a good quality protein and caloric food source.
Pigeon pea, on the other hand is a good quality protein food source but it is underutilized due to
ignorance of its nutritional potential (Elegbede, 1998). Oshodi and Ekperigin (1989), reported
that pigeon pea contain a moderate level of crude protein about the same as in cowpea. Thus, the
use of pigeon pea in this study.
In view of the level of use vis-a-vis level of production and local availability of millet and
pigeon pea, the present study dealing on a combination of the two raw materials for the
production of weaning gruel becomes very ,necessary.
2.0 Introduction
Cereals are members of the grass Family, which has edible starchy seeds. They are the
inost important sources of plant food for man and usually provide the bulk of a suitable diet.
Cereals are the major sources of energy and protein in the diets consumed by man. The cereals
cultivated are barley, oats, rye, sorghum, millet, maize, rice and wheat (FAO, 1989).
Climate, soil and custom determine the distribution of the major food grains. Some such
as barley, oats and rye are mainly grown in temperate regions; others such as wheat and maize
are cultivated over a wide range of latitudes. in most tropical climates or in areas where intensive
imgation is practiced, rice is the preferred cereal. In Latin America, and in many areas of sub -
Saharan Africa, maize is the preferred cereal. Wherever ecological conditions are not favourable
to maize, sorghum and millets are grown, as they thrive on relatively poor soils with limited and
uncertain rainfall. Compared with root crops, cereals offer a better source of protein in the diets
of Nigerians whose intake of protein from animal source is low (Okoh, 1998).
Legumes belong to the family Eeguminosae. It is the second most important source of
food and fodder, next only to cereal grains. Legumes are good sources of dietary protein
(Elegbede, 1998). They are cheaper than animal products - meat, fish, poultry and egg -
therefore they are consumed worldwide but in developing countries they serve as a major source
of protein.

2-1 Nutritive Value of Cereal

Mature cereal grains consist mainly of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, mineral salts and
water. Vitamins are present in small quantities (Kent, 1975). Cereals provide energy from
carbohydrates and fats together with a variable proportion of plant protein, depending on the
species, variety and conditions of cultivation (FAO, 1989). Except for two amino acids, lysine
and tryptophan, most cereals contain essential amino acids required by man as well as vitamins
and minerals.
In many developing countries, cereal is the main source of dietaiy protein where animal
protein is scarce and expensive. The chemical composition of major cereal is shown in Table 1.
The mincrals in the edible kernels of cereals include potassium, magnesium and calcium, mainly
in the form of phosphates and sulphates (FAO, 1989). Some of the phosphorus may be present as'
phytic acid, which may restrict the availability of calcium and iron in the diet.

Table 1. Chemical Conlposition of maior cereal mains ( 1 0 0 ~edible portion)

Wheat Maize Sorphum Millet Rice
Crude fibre@ 2.0 2.8 2.0 2.3 1.O
Calories (Kcal) 348 355 329 363 362
Carbohydrates (g) 71.O 73.O 70.7 67.0 76.0
Proteins (g) 11.6 9.2 10.4 11.8 7.9
Fat (g) 2.0 4.6 3.1 4.8 2.7
Ash (g) 1.6 1.2 1.6 2.2 1.3
Calcium (mg) 30 26 25 42 33
lron (mg) 3.5 2.7 5.4 11.0 1.8
Riboflavin (mg) 0.10 0.20 0.15 0.21 0.04
Thiaminc (mg) 0.4 1 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.4 1
Niacin (mg) 5.1 3.6 4.3 2.8 4.3

Source: FAO, 1995.

2.2 Nutritive Value of Legume.

Legumes are good sources of protein and energy. The chemical and physical properties of
legume seeds vary widely as might be expected from such a broad group of plant produce. Based
on a nitrogen cowersion factor, 6.25, crude protein content of most legume seed varies between
16.0% in bambara groundnut to 35.1% in soybeans (Table 2) (FAO, 1982b). Legume proteins
are limiting in essential sulphur -bearing amino acids, methionine and cysteine, but are rich in
lysine and tryptophan (FAO, 1982a). Therefore, a combination of cereal and legume proteins
comes close to providing ideal dietary proteins for human beings. Most legumes, except
groundnuts and soybean are low in fat coillent, ranging from 1 to 6%. However, oil seeds have a
range of lipids content from about 18% in soybean to as high as 45% in groundnut.
All legume grains contain substantial amounts of minerals and vitamins -especially those
of the B group, with cowpea, soyabean and bambara groundnut being good source of calcium .
and iron (Elegbede, 1998).

Table 2: Energy and selected nutrients in le~uines(composition per 1OOg

edible portion of dried mature whole seeds).
------ Enerev Protctn Fat Carbohvdrates Crude Ash Calcium Iron Thiamine Riboflavin Nicotinic
(%) (%) E (a) (d Fibre ($) Lg) (111g) (me) (ma) acid (In$$)

13ambwa 10.1 370 16.0 6.0 65.0 - 3.0 85 4.2 0.18 - -

13road bcam 13.8 328 25.0 1.2 56.9 5.1 3.1 104 4.2 0.45 0.19 2.4
~ h ~ pcas
c k 1 1.0 362 4 5.6 60.9 2.5 3.1 114 2.2 0.46 0.20 1.2
Cowpeas 11.5 340 22.7 1.6 61.0 4.2 3.2 110 6.2 0.59 0.22 2.3
Groundnuis 7.3 548 23.4 45.3 21.6 2.1 2.4 58 2.2 1.00 0.13 16.8
lack beans 11.2 348 21.0 3.2 61.0 7.6 3.6 134 8.6 0.65 0.13 3.1
IkJncy bcans 12.1 336 20.3 1.2 62.8 4.8 3.6 86 6.9 0.46 0.18 2.0
1an.1bcans 10.5 346 19.8 1.3 65.4 3.0 90 5.6 0.46 0.2 1 1.4
1'1gco11pea\ 1 1.5 339 20.4 1.2 63.4 4.4 3.5 103 4.9 0.49 0.2 1 2.2
Soya bcans 10.2 400 35.1 17.7 32.0 4.2 5.0 226 8.5 0.66 0.22 2.2
Source: FAO, 1982

2.3 Anti-nutritional Factors in Legumes

Legumes contain antinutritional factors, which are known to exert deleterious effects in
man and animals, when ingested. These interfere with digestive processes and prevent efficient
utilization 01the legu~neproteins. These toxic factors may occur in all parts of the plant, but the
seed is normally the most concentrated source. The levels of deleterious substances in tropical
legumes vary with the spccies of plant, cultivar and post harvest treatments such as drying,
soaking, autoclaving and malting of the seed (Osagie, 1998). Most legume grains are highly
toxic to animals if fed without adequate processing. However, man has through experience learnt
1.0 either avoid some legumes, which produce ill effects or devised a means of eliminating the
toxic components through some kind of processing. The toxic cornponcnts may be divided into
two major categories: [hose proteins, such as lectins and protease inhibitors, which are sensitive
to normal processing temperatures and substances which are stable or resistant to these
temperatures, which include among others polyphenolic compounds (mainly condensed tannins), .
non-protein amino acids and galactomannan gums (Osagie, 1998). More often than not, a single
plant may contain two or more toxic compounds, generally drawn from the two categories,
which adds to the difficulties of detoxification. The antinutritional factors that are considered to
be of significant importance to Nigerians who use plants for both human and animal feeding are
shown in Table 3 .
i. Protease inhibitors: Enzyme inhibitors are widely distributed in plant and animal tissues.
Protease inhibitors are found in cowpea, groundnuts, pigeon pea and liina beans. Tnfact, all
legumes have bcen found to contain trypsin inhibitors to varying degrees, in addition to
chymotlypsin inhibitors. Trypsin and chyrnoptrypsin inhibitors activity in uncooked animal feed
has bcen known to cause diminished growth in rats, chickens and other experimental animals
(Osagie, 1998). Trypsin inhibitors inhibit the trypsin and chymotrypsin in human and leads to the
hypertrophy of pancreas. It reduces protein digestibility, thereby reducing the nutritive value
(Osho, 1989).
From a practical standpoint, trypsin inhibitors do not appear to be a serious problem in
feeds arid foods since they, being proteins, are largely ina~tivatcdby moist heat. Conditions of
heating -time, temperature, moisture content and particle size -influence the rate and extent of
trypsin inhibitor inactivation, lor example, atmospheric steaming at 100°c for 60 minutes
inactivates more than 95% of the trypsin inhibitor activity of raw, defatted bean flakes (Liener,
ii. Lectins: Lectins are proteins, which are characterized by their unique ability to bind specific
sugars or glycoproteins. This reaction is manifested in vi1r.o by the agglutination (clumping) of
red blood cells from various species of animals and so lectins arc also called haemaggluiinins.
Most lectins are glycoproteins containing 4 to 10% carbohydrates and htive molecular weights
ranging from 100,000 to l5O,OOO (Liener, 1983).
Lectin toxicity is also due to their production of intestinal lesions and histopathological
changes of some organs particularly in the kidney (Ikegwuonu and Bassir, 1977).
I-Iae~nagglutininactivity of extracts from different legumes differs in their potency (Liener,
1975). Detoxification of haemaggh~tininsis usually achieved by the traditional methods of
Table 3: Examples of Antinutritional factors in pi nt foods.
Class Distributions hysiologicral effect
Prolecase Most legumes, root and tuber Depressed growth, hypertrophy /
inhibitors crops hyperplasia, aciilar nodules.

Amylase Most legumes, root and tuber Interference with starch digestion.
inhibitors crops

Gynogenic Cassava roots, some legumes, Respiratory failure,
glycosides sorghum goitre.
Oligosaccharides Most legumes Flatulence
Saponins Most legumes and tuber crops Affects intestinal permeability.

Tamins Most legumes, root crops and Interference with mineral
hits. availability.
Gossypol Cotton. hterferes with protein digestion

Phylate Most legumes and root crops. Interference with mineral
Oxalate Vegetables, root and tuber crops. Interference with mincral
-. Alkaloicls Soine v a n species and kolanuts ~ c ~ ~ sgrowth.
s c d
Soarcc: Liener (1 989). .
household cooking and industrial autoclswing or retorting. Complete detoxification could be
achieved by preliminary soaking, prior to cooking.
iii. Y mylase inhibitors: Amylase inhibitors, found in most legumes, inhibit the action of
prmcseatic and salivary amylases. This results in increased amounts of undigested starch in the
faeces and subsequent decrease in the nutritional value of the foodstuffs. Amylase inhibitors are
readily inactivatcd at 100°C. Pre -incubation of the idlibitor with starch resultcd in complete
abolition of its activity (Osngie, 1998).
iv. Goitrogens: Goitrogenic subslances, which cause enlargement of the thyroid gland, have
been found in legumes such as beans and groundnuts, although these are common in edible
plants of the cabbage family. Consumption of inadepately processed or raw soybeans and
groundnuts is responsible for goiter in solnc infa.ilts fcd soymilk and rats fed imp-opcrly
processed groundnuts. The goitrogenic effect was effectively counteracted by iodine
supplementation rather than heat treatment (Liener, 1975).
v. Cyanugenic glycosides: Some legumes contain cyanogenic glycosides from wlich
hydrogen cyanide (HCN) may be released by hydroloysis. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is very
toxic at low concentrations to humans and other animals. Hydrolysis occurs rapidly when the
ground meal is cooked in water and most of the liberated hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is lost by
volatilization. Soaking of sceds in water for 24hrs led to appreciable losses of hydrogen cyanide
(HCN), whilc boiling for 3111-scaused drastic reduction. After boiling for 3hrs, innocuous
hydrogen cyanide levels were obtained with seeds previously soaked in water for 24hrs and
divested of testa. Thus, soalung of bean seeds in water and subsequent removal of testa prior to
boiling will decrease hydrogen cyanide in bear1 meals (Okolie and Ugochnkwu, 1989).
vi. Flatulence Factors: One of the major constraints to the human consumption of legumes is
their ability to produce gas in the gastrointestinal tract, which is referred to as flatulence. The
flatus gases produced include carbondioxide, hydrogen and to a lesser extent methane. The
production of tlatus by monogastric animals is due to colonic fermentation of carbohydratcs that
cscape breakdown in the stomach and small intestine. Thcse oligosaccharides; rafinose,
stacl~yoscand verbnscose, wllich are currunon in legunme seeds, are thought to be major
producers of flatdence when these foods are consumed. Animals and inan are not able to digest
such oligcsacclia,ridcs because of the absence of a, - 1, 6 -galactosidase in their intcstind
1nucos9. t

Owing to the absence of enzymes in human i~ltestinal mucosa [hat are capable of
this li~ka,ne,the intact oligosacchariclcs accur?xdntein the lower intestine where thcy
fc'crmentatio~;by anmxobic bacteria and produce the h o v e gases. T l ~ cgases produced
~m!c~-go I

nausea, abdominal cramps,

are responsible for ch;)ractei-istic features of flatule~lce~~arrzely \
diarrhea, abdominal rumbling and the social discomfort an,r:o~iatedwith ejection of rectal gases \

(Davidsoa c/ al., 1975). In both rnls and iiurnans, an induction period of about 4 hours is rcquired
before ilatus gases are passed. This delay corresponds to thc time required for rlze ingested food
to reach the region o r ~ h inleutine
e domiilatetl by anaerubic bacicria.
Flatulence factors arc eliminated by propcr heat treatment, knneiltiliion, gcmnination,
protein isolation m d dehulling. It is known that the 01igasacchu;dcs are concentrated in the bean
h d or testa, :nd are at a low levcl in the cotylcda~s.7'h).ls, their removal during dehulling
significantly reduces their level in the beans and their products. Researchers have cancludecl that
thc use of fermented pulse products may reduce the problem of flatulence experienced by mmly
with the ingestion of legumes (Goel and Verma, 1980).
vii. Saponins: Saponins me steroid or triterpenoid glycosides that are characterized by their
bitter or astringent taste, foaming properties and their hemolytic effect on red blood cells. h n o n g
plants grown for food, the presence of saponins in legumes such as soya and pea is particularly
important. Saponins have been shown to posses both beneficial (cholesterol --lowering) and
deleterious (cytotoxic, permeabilisation of the intestine) properties and to exhibit s w c b e
dcpendcnt biological activities (Price et al., 1987).
Alkaline washing or dry scouring and abrasive dehulling have been suggested as
techniques of reducing saponins in legumes. In general saponins are not destroyed during
cooking or processing.
viii. Tannins: l'annins are phenolic compounds with molecular weight. greater than about 500.
There me the hydrolysable tannins, which could be hydrolysed into a mixture of carbohydrate
and phenols, and the condensed tannins, which are complex ilavonoid polymers.
Polyphenols (as condensed tannins) are predominantly located in the pericarp and /or
testa, particularly of pigmented cultivars of legumes and millets (Chavan et al., 1979, Deshpande
er al., 1982). Tannins decrease protein quality by decreasing digestibility md palatability.
Tannins, which are also known as non -specific inhibitors of enzymes, may reduce protein
quality by directly complexing with food proteins (Davis and Hoseney, 1979, Anon, 1983). Elias
et al., (1979), reported that tannin concentnition was high in coloured sced coats ranging fiom 38
-43mg/g and low in white coated beans (1.3mdg). Bressmi md Elias (1980), observed a higher I

protein quality for white beans as compared to pigmented cultivars of dry beans. Tannins
concentration ranged from 0 - 0.7% for cowpea, 0 - 0.2% for pigcon pen, with essentially no
tannins found in chickpea or mung bean. Hoff and Singletons (1977), reported that tannins
interfere with digestion process by inactivating enzymes in the alimentary canal and increasing \

fecal nitrogen. Their protein coinplexir~gability renders them astringent in contact with mucous
membranes of the oval cavity and thereby affecting palatability.
Diets high in tannins have been shown to cause interference with paricrealic digestion,
irritation of the intestinal tract and thus give rise to ineihionine deficiency by requiring active
metliyl groups in the detoxification process. High tannins content can also reduce the
bioavailability of iron (FAO, 1989). Other nutritional effects, which have been attributed to
tannins, include damage to the intestinal tract, toxicity of tannins absorbed fiom the gut and
interference with the absorption of iron and a possible carcinogenic effect (Butler, 1989).
People have learnt how to use their own cultivars as sources of digestible food. $ome of
these methods include germination, soaking in water for various length of time and discarding
the soak water, adding alkali such as wood ash, palm bunch as11 (containing potassium
carbonate) or mineral limestone or trona, h i t juices or tamarind pulp, when preparing food.
ix. Phytate: Phytic acid, a hexaphosphate derivative of inositol is an important storage form of
phosphorus in plants. It is insoluble and cannot be absorbed in the human intestines. Phytic acid
has 12 replaceable hydrogen atoms with which it could form insoluble salts with metals such as
calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. The formation of these insoluble salts renders the metals
unavailable for absorption into the body.

2.4 Antinutritional Factors in Cereals

A major factor limiting the wider food use of many tropical plants is the r~biquitous
occurrence in them of a diverse range of natural compounds capable of precipitating deleterious
effects in man and animals. Manifestations of toxicity range from scvcre reduction in food intake
and nutrient utilization to profound neurological effects and even death. Compounds, which act
to reduce nutrient utilization andlor food intake, are often referred to as anti-nutritional factors
(ANF). l ' l antinutritional
~ factors associated with cereals include:
i. Phytate: Phytate represents a complek class of naturally occurring phosphorous compounds
that can significantly influence the functional and nutritional properties of hods. Phytic acid,
nq~oinositol-1,2,3,4,5,6 -hexakis (dihydrogen phosphate), is the main phospl~orusstore in
mature seeds. Phytic acid has a strong binding capacity, readily forming complexes with
multivalent cations and proteins. Most of the phytate -metal cornplexcs are iixolublc at
physiological pH. I-1encd phytate binding renders several minerals biologically unavailable to
animals and l~umans.
Pllyta~eis found in germ of corn and in the bran and germ of other cereal grains because
ii fhctions as a storage form of high-energy phosphorus for the geminating seed (Soulhgate,
2993). Doherty et a/. (1982), analysed several varieties of sorghum and found that in ihc wholc
gain, phytin phosphorus ranged from 170 to 380mg per 100g; over 85% of thc total phosphorus
in the whole grain was bound as phytin phosphorus. Sankaro Rao et al. (1983), reported that the
values for phytin phosphorus in pearl millet varied from 172mg per 1OOg to 327mg per 100g. I

Phytate reduces the bioavailability of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc, and
may interfere with protein metabolism. It decreases the utilization of protein subjected to
proteolytic digestion and in most cases, protein serves as a bridge between phytate and mineral
interaction (Deshpande et al., 1982). Calcium forms a complex with phytate making it
unavailable for absorption. Phytate also reduces the availability of iron in the body foiming an
insoluble bond in a non -ferric foim, a foim that is more readily absorbed and utilized by the
human body (O'Dell, 1983). Reduction in phytate level in wheat bran improved zinc
bioavailability (Morris and Elis, 1980). Sankaro Rao et al., (1983), observed that malting of the
grain significantly reduced the phytin phosphorus content of both pearl and finger millets. This
decrease was accompanied by significant increases in ionizable iron and soluble zinc, indicating
improve bioavailability of these two elements.
It is therefore important that during processing that the toxic substances be reduced to
levels that pose no threat to health. Processing method may include dehulling, cooking,
germinating, soaking, fermentation among others (Walker and Kocher, 1982). During
germination, phytase activity increases while phytate content decreases (Southgate, 1993).
ii. Tannins: Tannins are polyphenols, which are widely distributed in plants. Some sorghum
varieties contain tannins that are polyphenols. These impart reddish to brownish colour to
sorghum grain and behave as nutritionhl inhibitors because thcy combine with proteins and make
them indigestible and unavailable to the body. Therefore sorghum grains should be properly
processed before being used as food, especially fbr humans because tannins in sorghum are
associated with poor protein utilization. Some varieties of sorghum containing high tannins in the
grains were found to be bird resistant (Burns, 1971, Tipton et al., 1970). Tannins are the most
abundant phenolic coinpounds in brown bird -resistant sorghum. During maturation, the brown-
sorghum develops astringence, which imparts resistance against bird and grain modd attack
(FAO, 1995).
Tannins, while coderring the agronomic advantage of bird resistance, adversely affect
the grains nutritional quality (Salunke et al., 1982). Among millets, finger millet was reported to
contain high amounts of tannins ranging fi-om 0.04 to 3.47% (FAO, 1995). Growth retardation
was observed in chicks fed high -tannin sorghums. Tannins in the grains impart an astringent
taste, which affects palatability; reduce food intake and consequently body growth. Tannins bind
to both exogenous and endogenous proteins including em rnes of the digestive tract, affecting
the utilization of proteins (Asquith and Butler, 1986).
Tannins and associated polyphenols are concentrated in the testa or seed coal and can be
removed by milling. Germination was also found to decrease tannin content in sorghum
(Osuntogun et ul.; 1989) and finger millet (Udayasekhara Rao and Deosthale, 1988). However,
the tannin content of the germinated sorghum rose again significantly upon drying.
iii. Digestive Enzyme Inhibitors: Inhibitors of amylases and proteases have been identified
in sorghum and some millet. It was reported that sorghum had the highest inhibitory activity
against human, bovine and porcine amylases, foxtail millet did not inhibit human pancreatic
amylase, while extracts iiom pearl and finger millets inhibited all a - amylases tested
(Chandrasekher ef al., 1981). Finger millets extracts were found to have highest activity against
bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin. Extracts from sorghum and millets inhibited the proteolytic
cnzyme of both human and bovine pancreatic preparations (FAO, 1995).
Finger millet was found to have inhibitory property against salivary and pancreatic
amylases. The inhibitors iiom sorghum and foxtail millets were more therrnolabile than those
from finger and pearl millet.
iv. Cyanogenic glycosides: Cyanogenic glycosides are a group of 0 -glycosides formed from
decarboxylated amino acids. The cyano group arises from the a--carbon atom and the amino
group. The occurrence of cyanogenic glycosides in crop plants such as cereals is well known.
According to Doggett (1988), cyanogehic glycoside, dhurrin occurs in most sorghum varieties,
although the quality depends on the variety and environmental conditions. The use of sorghum as
human food or for livestock feed is seriously limited by the presence of dhurrin in its seeds,
shoots and roots. The level of this poisonous natural product depends among other factors, on the
sorghum, sprouting and component part of the sorghum sprouts (Ikediobi et ul., 1988).
Evidently, dhut-rin is highly toxic owing to its ability to produce hydrogen cyanide when
Some local foods and beverages produced from sprouted sorghum grains contained
negligible or undetectable levels of cyanide. Apparently, sprouting and rubbing off of roots and
shoots coupled with heat or hot water treatment during processing has been used in detoxifying
sorghum -based food and beverage products (Osagie, 1998).
v. Goitrogens: Iodine is an essential micronutrient for all animal species, and iodine deficiency
is among the most widely prevalent nutritional problems in many developing countries
(DeMayer et a/., 1979). Though environmental iodine deficiency is a prerequisite to goiter
formation, the incidence of goitre in animals and humans with normal dietary intake of iodine
suggests there are other factors in the aetiology of simple goitre. A large number of foodstuEs
possess antithyroid agents, collectively designated as goitrogens.
Pearl millet is a staple food implicated in the aetiology of goitre. Consumption of pearl
millect is considered one of the factors responsible for the high incidence of goitre in rural
Iodine supplementation did not alleviate the giotrogenic effect of pearl millet. Tempering
the grain to 26% moisture overnight prior to milling resulted in flour with no goitrogenic activity
(Klopfenstein et al., 199 1).

2.5 Detoxification Treatments

Different technologies and treatments are employed in the detoxification of grains for
manufacturing nutritious commercial weaning foods. These treatments include:
Dehulling and/ or Peeling: Dehulling and/ or peeling remove unwanted parts of raw materials. ,

Dehulling and decrotication are used synonymously in cereal and legume processing for removal
of testa (Enwere, 1998). Dehulling or peeling significantly reduces the levels of poisonous
phytotoxins such as cyanogenic glycosides in tuber crops example, cassava. Alkaloids, tannins
and other polyphenols in pigmented seeds are significantly reduced by dehulling or decortication
treatment (Nout and Ngoddy, 1997). Removal of aleurone layer of the seed bran eliminates
significant levels of phytates, which bind calcium and other minerals. In infant formulas,
decortication reduces the total level of indigestible fibres so that infants are able to handle \
legumes earlier in their diet (Nout and Ngoddy, 1997).
Washing and Soaking: Washing and soaking involve washing and extended steeping in an
excess volume of cold or warm water. Soaking induces the leaching out of water-soluble anti-
nutritional factors. Glycosides, alkaloids, phytates, oligosaccl~arides and tannins are all
significa~itlyreduced. Although leaching also loses water-soluble micronutrients, extended I

soaking has the net effect of enhancing the protein solubility index and the availability of
limiting amino acid of edible grains mout and Ngoddy, 1997).
Sprouting or Germination or Malting: Germination is a natural process in which dormant
but viable seeds are induced to start growing into seedlings. During germination, hormones are
produced and enzymes are mobilized to convert stored foods such as insoluble carbohydrates and
proteins to soluble components that are more easily assimilated.
Germination is known to increase the vitamin C, E and B -complex contents of seeds
(FAO, 1995). Rootlets and sprouts of germinated seeds contain very large amount of cyanogenic
gly-coside, which on hydrolysis produces a potent toxin known as hydrocyanic acid (HCN) and
cyanide (Panasiuk and Bills, 1984). It was shown that the removal of the shoots and roots
reduces the hydrocyanic acid content (FAO, 1995). Germination decreases the antinutrient
content of seeds such as tannins, phytates, lectins and oligosaccharides. Germination of grain is
also reported to change the amino acid composition, convert starch into sugars and improve the
availability of fat, vitamins and minerals (FAO, 1995).
Fermentation: Fermentation is a process of anaerobic or partially anaerobic oxidation of
carbohydrate especially sugars, that have been subjected to the action of microorganisms
(bacteria, filamentous hngi or yeasts) or enzymes to produce desirable biochemical changes
(Enwere, 1998, Ency. MCB, 1992). The microorganisms may be the microflora indigenously
present on vegetable or animal products that serve as the substrates for fermentation or they may
be added starter cultures. During fermentation, all microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and moulds)
take parL in catabolic processes, which alter the organic components of the food to obtain energy
for their growth. Bacteria are mainly*responsible for the fermentation of cereal and animal
products. The major types of bacteria important in cereal fermentation are those that produce
lactic acid from available sugar.
Fermentation has been reported to enhance nutritional value, texture, shelf life, aroma
and taste of food products (Onuoha and Obizoba, 2001). Fermentation of grains either as
porridge or as slurries of the flour has been reported to significantly improve the protein
digestibility of grain (Mensah et al., 1990). Protein solubility and the availability is enhanced in
some cases by as much as 50%. The micronutrient availability is also enhanced because of
significant reductions in phytates. Tannins are reduced by as much as 50% and oligosaccharides
by as much as 90% in some reported cases (Lorri, 1993). Fermentation to below pH 4 has been
shown to inhibit the proliferation of diarrhea -causing pathogens (Mensah et al., 1990).
Fermented foods have been reported to be used for treating diarrhoea and measles in some parts
of the country.
Dry -roasting or toasting: This is a thermal treatment at high temperature, which can be
carried out in simple low -cost mechanical equipment. Problems associated with a high
propensity of wet starches to stick and burn on equipment suifaces during toasting, can be
contained by carehl manipulation of the moisture content and particle size. Because toasting is a
high temperature thermal treatment, it reduces the level of protease inhibitors and lectins. It also
reduces the level of volatile glycosides that may be present. Because of significant degrees of
dextrinization of starches during high -temperature dry -toasting, it has a diminishing effect on
porridge viscosity. However, this is counteracted to some extent by the increased swelling
capacity of cooked, gelatinized starch.
As a conventional thermal process, dry toasting has a severe adverse effect on protein
solubility as weU as the availability of both limiting amino acids and vitamins.
Extrusion Cooking: Extrusion cooking is a high-temperature short-time (HTST) thermal
process, which cooks, dries and restructures the product in one integrated operation. Significant
levels of drying can result from expansion in the product, which occurs at the extruder die.
Extrusion -cooked -products exhibit quality attributes that are generally superior to those heated
by other means as regards protein solubility and fhctionality, the availability of limiting amino
acids and residual levels of anti-nutritional factors achieved (Nout and Ngoddy, 1997).

2.6 .
Use of Cereals and Legumes as Weaning Foods
Cereals are the most widely consumed crops globally. In Nigeria, cereals serve as the
major sources of enerby and protein in the diets of people. Unfortunately, the nutritional quality
of most cereal protein is poor because they contain less of the essential amino acids, particularly 1

fysine needed for growth and maintenance (Okoh et al., 1985).

On the other hwd, legumes are good sources of dietary protein, and are rich in lysine and \

tryptophan (FAO, 1982a). Therefore, the supplementation of cereal protein with legume protein
would provide an adequate amount of lysine for growth and maintenance. Nkama and Mallesli
(1998), reported increased lysine in a millet -cowpea and rice- millet -cowpea blends. It was
also reported that mixing of two or more sources of dietary protein, results in a better protein
quality than any of the indivi:.!ual sources.
According to Okcke and Obizoba, (1986), better results are achieved by mixing protein
sources with different first limiting amino acids. Maximizing the use of locally available grains
and use of cereal--legume combinations to produce high-energy protein formulation have been
suggested as possible solutions to nutritional problenl (Ossai and Maloino, 1988, Nkama and .
Malleshi, 1998).

2.7 Production, Utilizatiou and Nutritive Composition of Millet

Miilet Production: The grains most generally recognized as millets belong to two varieties of
the grass family, the Chlorideae and Paniceae. The tribe Chlorideae includes Eleusine coracana
as the species of economic importance. This plant is variously called Afiican ragi or Finger
millet and extensively grown in India for human food. The tribe Paniceae includes several
species grown for food and feed in various parts of the world. Penniseturn americanunz (Pearl
millet) is extensively cultivated in Egypt and tropical Asia as cereal food. Pearl millet is the sixth
most important of all the world cereals.
Thc major producers of millets in 1990 were India, 11500 (39%), China, 4401(15%),
Nigeria, 4000 (13%) and the Soviet Union, 3647 (12%) (FAO, 1991). Table 4. The major
producers of millet in 2001 were India, 9505 (33%), Nigeria, GlO5(21%) and China, 2446, (8%)
(FAO, 2002). Table 5.

Table 4: lead in^ Millet Producers, 1990

gountrv Production (IO~MT) % of Total
India 11500 38.6
China 440 1 14.8
Nigeria 4000
USSR 3647
Niger 1133
-.World 29817
Source: FAO, 1991.
Table 5: Leadinp Millet Producers, 2001.
-. Production ( ~ o ~ M T ) % of Total
India 9505 32.5
Nigeria 6105 20.9
China 24 46 8.4
Niger 2414 8.3
Burkina Faso 957 3.3 .
World 29207
Source: FAO, 2002.

Millet Utilization
Of the 30 million tonnes of millet produced in the world, about 90% is utilized in
developing countries and only a tiny volume is used in the developed countries outside the
former Soviet Union (FAO, 1995). It was estinlaied that a total of 20 million tonnes are
consumed as food, the best being equally divided between feed and other uses such as seed, the
preparation of alcoholic beverages and waste (FAO, 1995).
Pearl millet suffers less from discases than sorghum, 111aizeor other grains. It has more
oil than maize and is a "high-energy" cercal. It is used mainly as whole, cracked or ground ilour,
dough or a grain like rice. Millet seeds are cooked in the sane way as rice, or ground or pounded
into porridge, couscous, cakes or unliavened bread. Millets are made into unfernlented breads
(roti), fern~entedhods (Kisra and gulletes), thin and thick porridges (toh), steam -cooked dishes,
non -alcoholic beverages and snacks (BOSTID, 1996).
A non -alcoholic clrink is made tiom the flour. In Nigeria, pearl millet is fermented, like
maize and sorghum, to produce 'Ogi' - n traditional weaning food. I n West Afica, pearl millet is \

snanalted and used for n&ng beer. Whole plants can be used as cash crops and green illamre.
Nutritive Composition of Millet: The chy grain of pearl millet is usually made up of about
70% carbohydrate, which consists mostly of starch. The protein content (1 1.8%) is comparable
to that of wheat and maize (Table 1). Pearl millet contains high levels of fat and crude fibre. One
of the characteristic features of grain composition of millets is their high ash content. They are
aim relatively rich in iron and phosphorus. The whole grain is sul important source of B-
Complex vitamins, which are mainly concentrxtted in the outer 1)rm layers of the grain. Pearl
millct contains a variation of 9 - 13% protcin. The essential amino acid profile shows more
lysinc, threonine, mellzionine and cystine in pearl millet than in sorghum. It also has high .
tryptophan content (Table 6). It contains higher protein and energy levels than maize or sorghum.
Total dietsuy fibre in pearl millet is higher than that in sorghum, wheat and rice. High fibre
content and poor digestibility of nutrients are other characteristic features of millet grain, which
severely influence their consumer acceptability. Mincral content of peal millet is of a wide
variation but was found to be poor in available zinc, iron and manganese when compared with
sorghum. Malting enhanced the ionizable iron content and increased the soluble zinc content of
pearl millet, indicating an improvement in in vitro availability of these two elements (Smkaro
Rao et af., 1983).

2.8 Production, Utilization and Nutritive Composition of Pigeon Pea.

Pigeon Pea Production: The pigeon pea (Cajcmus cajan L.) belongs to the legunlinoseae
family of flowering plants.
Table 6: Essential amino acid composition (mdg) and chemical score of naillet
--and sorr;lbum proteins,
Amino acids Pearl millet Sowhum
Lysine 214 126
Isoi eucinr; 256 245
Leucine 598 532
Methionine 154 87
Cyslirie 148 94
Phenyla1,mine 30 1 306
Tyrosinc 203 167
'i3rconine 24 1 180
Typto phan 122 63
Vali ne 345 3 13

It is an erect wljody short pere~ulialshrub, which grows in semi -arid and sub -.humid
tropics, with deep exknsive root systcm. 1.t is a little known crop, which at present in Nigeria, is
cultivated mostly in the Northern States. The Major producers of peas are Canada, 21 96(21%),
France, l680(16%), China, 1100(1I %) and Rusian fed, 1000(10%) (FAO, 2002) (Table 7).
Major producers of pulses are Canada, 3559(7%), Nigeria, 2200(4%), Mexico, 1411(3%) and
USA, 1228(2%) (FAO, 2002). (Table 8).
Pigeon pea Utilization: Pigeon pea is consumed either alone or in combination with starchy
staples (cereals, tubers and roots), after hours of boiling to destroy toxins inherent in most
legumes and to soften the hard seed coat (Obizoba, 1983). 'I'he peas when grccn can bc
consumed as vegetables and as dry beans when dry and mature. In ~ i ~ e i ithe
a , dry matter seeds
are cooked whole until tender.

Table 7: Leading Pea Producers, 2001.

Country Production (IO~MT) O h of Total
Canada 2196 20.89
France 1680 15.98
China 1100 10.46
Rusian fed 1000 9.5 1
India 700 6.66
Ethiopia 147 1.39
World 10.512
Source: FAO, 2002.

Adults and older children consume the foods. Infants and weaning children, whose
digestive capacities are limited by age, cannot utilize such foods effectively. It has been shown
that flour rather than whole grains is a better source of good quality protein foods for infants and
small children, as judged by growth, liver weight, liver nitrogen (N) and plasma proteins
(Obizoba, 1983).
Table 8: Leadine Pulses Producers, 2001.
Country Production ( ~ o ~ M T ) % of Total
Canada 3559 6.79
Nigeria 2200 4.20
Mexico 1411 2.70
[JSA 1228 2.34
Ethiopia 1050 2.00
World 52385
Source: FAO, 2002.
Matured seeds are boiled and mashed with cooked potatoes or boiled bananas and eaten
with greens, or boiled and mixed with maize. They are also fried with meat and vegetable to
make stew. In India, the dried seeds are prepared as flour or split as dhal, which is added to soups
or eaten with rice. Often used as food for children. The sprouted seed is popular as a lightly
cooked vegetable.
The immature or green seeds and the pods are used as a vegetable or canned. In Malawi,
the young seeds are removed from the pods and eaten as a snack between meals. l'he tender
leaves are occasionally used as a pot-herb. It is also used as animal feed.
Pigeon pea Nutritive Composition: The fresh immature unripe pigeon pea comprise 45% of
the weight of the whole pod. In this form, they contain about 67.4% water, 7.0% protein, 0.6%
fat, 20.2% carbohydrate, 3.5% crude fibre' and 1.3% ash (Bressani, 1975). When the seeds are
mature and dry, they contain 11.5% water, 20.4% protein, 1.2% fat, 63.4% carbohydrate, 4.4%
crude fibre and 3.8% ash (Table 2) (FAO, 1982b).
The quality of the protein as in other foods is determined by the content of the amino
acids, especially the essential ones. Tryptophan levels are low and may be improved by the
addition of cereal proteins or the pure amino acids. It was reported that the supplementation of
pigeon pea protein with DL - Methionine and DL - Tryptophan improved weight gain and
protein efficiency ratio of diet (Bressani, 1975). The pigeon pea protein is highly comparable
with soybean protein in its content of essential amino acids other than methionine, as presented
in the amino acid profile (Table 9) (Apata and Ologhobo, 1994). Thus, pigeon pea has high
quality protein and is a good source of amino acids except methionine.
Potassium and magnesium are the predominant minerals of pigeon pea and it's mineral
content compares favourably with that of soybean (Osagie, 1998). The seeds are reported to
contain trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors but these are destroyed by thorough cooking (Rachie
and Silvestre, 1977).

2.9 Compositions and Nutritional Requirement of Weaning Foods

The combination of breast milk and complementary food should provide all the nutrients
required for growth and development. Mitzner et al., (1984), illustrated in a food square the
concept of an adequate complementary food as shown in fig. 1.
In the food square, breast milk appears in the center of the square to indicate that, as a
complete food, it is the principal part of the diet. Breast feeding is depicted as concentric circles
of decreasing sizes to indicate that its contribution to the total dietary intake decreases with age.
Even when the daily intake of human milk is small compared to weaning foods, it is a valuable
source of high quality protein, energy and other nutrients.

Source: Mitzner et al., 1984.

Table 9: Amino acid composition (ell6eN) of the protein of raw lepume seeds.
Bambara Kidney Lima Pigeon Jack
Amino acids Groundnut Bean Bean Pea Bean
Isoleucine 3.98 6.0 1 5.26 3.96 5.12
Leucine 7.59 8.38 8.37 8.04 9.07
Lysine 6.83 6.7 1 6.90 6.82. 6.56
Methionine 1.29 1.32 1.24 1.37 1.47
Cystine 1.40 1.18 0.98 1.24 0.89
Tyrosine 3.37 4.46 4.02 3.73 4.15
Phenylalanine 5.25 5.26 6.46 8.62 5.97
Threonine 3.78 5.07 4.45 4.12 4.37
'Tryptophan 1 .19 1.12 1.03 0.86 1.02
Valine 4.81 5.94 6.10 4.70 5.85
Aspartic -acid 11.43 11.90 13.17 10.35 13.50
Glutamic-acid 16.60 14.26 15.90 17.32 14.81
Alanine 4.74 4.61 6.20 6.17 4.95
Glycine 3.82 4.26 5.13 4.15 4.63
Histidine 2.94 3.20 " 3.01 3.08 4.56
Proline 4.24 3.85 5.40 3.89 4.10
Arginine 7.16 5.56 6.24 6.48 6.90
Serine 5.26 4.39 6.88 4.58 7.01
Source: Apata and Ologhobo, 1994. \
The nutritional requirements of infants include energy, protein and fluid. Nutritional
requirements of infants and young children vary from 2200KJ (under lyr) to 6500KJ (1 -5yrs)
(Garnan and Sherrington, 1990). Young children have high-energy needs in relation to their
small size since they are active and growing fast. The energy requirement of an infant is about
700kcal/day for an infant of three of six months old, the age range when weaning usually begin
in most developing countries. As thc infant grows to about 241nonthsof age, breast milk is no
longer its principal food because the requirement would have risen to 1350kcal/day.
The absolute protein requirement of an infant increases with age from about 26glday for a
three to five years old child. The vitamins and minerals intakc arc given according to ages. 'l'hc
intakes of energy, protein and fluids recommended by the joint Food and Agricultural
Organization (FA())/ World Health Organization (WHO)/ United Nations University (UNU)
Expert Committee on protein -energy requirements are given in Table 10.

Table 10: Daily Averape Energy and Fluid Requirements and Safe level of
Protein Intake for Infants and Children three months to five years, Sexes
combined (FAOIWHOIUNU, 1983).
3-6 6-9 9-12 1-2 2-3 3-5
Approx. Weight (kg) 7 8.5 9.5 11 13.5 16.5
Energy Requirement 700 810 950 1150 1350 1550
(Kcall day)
Safe levels of protein 17 19 19 18.5 22 26
Water Requirement 900-1100 1050-1250 1 150-1300 1250-1400 - 1650-1 800
Mitzner et al., (1984)

2.10 Protein Avgilability in Weaning Food

In many developing countries, where animal protein is scarce and expensive for the
average income earners, the main dietary source of protein is of plant origin (FAO, 1989). Cereal
proteins accounts for the major portion of dietary proteins consumed in developing countries, \ k

therefore the availability of cereal proteins for absorption and meeting individua1 protein needs is
of significant importance. Cereal protein is usually of good nutritive value, especially when
cereals are consumed with legumes in the same meal.
The quality of a protein is primarily a fimctioil of its essential amino acid composition.
Fluctuation in the protein content of the grains are generally accompanies by changes in the
amino acid composition of protein (FAO, 1995). Most cereals, including sorghum, maize and
millets are limiting in essential amino acids like lysine, threonine and tryptophan and this makes w

their protein quality poorer compared with animal irotein (Lorri, 1993).
Apart from a favourable essential amino acid profile, easy digestibility is an important
attribute of a good quality protein (FAO, 1995). The protein digestibility of cereal is generally
lower than the digestibility of animal proteins, partly due to the presence of fibres and tannins,
which bind to protein, thus making it indigestible (Graham et nl., 1980). Reduction of the
disulphide bonds increased protein digestibility of sorghum (Hamaker et al., 1986). Cereals like
sorghum have been shown to have low protein digestibility because of increased levels of
disulplude cross linkages in sorghum prolamin proteins (Hamaker et nl., 1986).
In a few studies on humans, mainly children, the apparent protein digestibility was
reported to be 81% for refined wheat flour, 67 - 75% for dehulled rice, 73% for whole maize
kernel and 46 - 55% for whole sorghum grain (Lorri, 1993). It was found that the protein
digestibility of legumes ranges from a low 72% for black beans to a medium 89% for chick peas
and to a high 90 - 98% for soybean products (FAO, 1991). Lactic acid fermentation of whole
grain flour increased the protein digestibility of sorghum to 73% (Lorri, 1993).

2.1 1 Dietary Bulk in Weaning Foods

The concept of dietary bulk refers to the factors in the food that make it diflicult for an
individual to consume the food in sufficient amounts to cover hislher energy and nutrient
requirements (Lorri, 1993). The energylnutrient density and the consistency of the diet are the
two characteristics identified as the dietary bulk factors (Svanberg, 1987). According to
Ljungqvist et al., (1981), the amount of food that children can eat per meal is influenced by the
amount swallowed and the capacity of their stomachs, both of which increase with age. On the
other hand, the amount of food that a child actually eats depends on hislher appetite, on the
consistency and palatability of the food, as well as the patience of the person feeding the child.
The energy density of most typical weaning food (gruel) is normally very small. The thin
porridge contains around 5 -10% dry matter, which would give 0.2 - 0.4 kcallg of prepared food.
If cooking oil or sugar or groundnuts are added the energy density will be increased (Ljungqvist
et al., 1981).
As the children grow older, approaching one year of age, the mothers may prepare thicker
gruels. A dry matter content of 20% is normally the upper limit, as the gruel becomes difficult to
stir beyond this concentration. The use of flour from germinated cereal (power flour) for

reducing dietary bulk problems has been success~llydemonstrated in Tanzania (Mosha and
Svanberg, 1990), India (Gopaldas ef a!., 1988) and Chile (Alvina el a!., 1990). 'The tcchnique of
using power flour results in a breakdown of the starch gel network in the porridge prepared from
ungerminated cereal flours. Thus, the addition of germinated flour may allow the amount of flour
of porridge to be increased several times without thickening the consistency.
Fermentation and germination processes may thus be used together to reduce the dietary
bulk of cereal - based gruels.

2.12 Weaning Foods and Practices in West Africa

The purpose of a weaning food is to add to or complement mother's milk. For this reason
the weaning process is sometimes referred to as "Complementary feeding". Compared to
supplementary feeding, the term "Complementary" emphasizes the nutritional objectives of
prolonging breast feeding and adding to or complementing the nutrients provided by breast milk
rather than replacing the nutrients as the child grows. In Nigeria the usual first weaning food is a
thin gruel, called pap and is introduced at three to six months of age. The baby is fed on demand
with a spoon or a cup. After the successfbl introduction of cereal gruel, other staple foods in the
family menu are given to the child. These foods include yam (Dioscorea spp), rice (Oryza
saliva), garri (fermented cassava grits) and cocoyam (Xanlhosomcr s~tli$oli~im)that may be
eaten with sauce or soup. These foods are usually mashed, thinned or pre-chewed. Legumes are
rarely used for weaning and are introduced much later (after six months of age), probably
because of the problem of indigestibility, flatulence and diarrhoea associated with their use
(Onofiok and Nnanyelugo, 1998).
The most common practice in Ghana is that mothers starts weaning by the third month of
life. The main weaning food for infants up to six months of age is a traditional fermented maize
porridge (koko). From six months onwards, the infants are given the family diet with
complementary breast-feeding. The family foods on which the infants are weaned include dishes
made from cereal, starchy tubers, legumes and vegetables.
In Sierra Leone, ogi prepared from maize or sorghum (couscous ogi) is a popular
weaning food. Other West African countries have similar weaning practices.
2.13 Previous Studies on Weaning Food Formulation
Weaning foods have been formulated from different cereals, legumes, tubers and roots. It
was found that pigeon pea protein was improved by the addition of rice (20%) to the pigeon pea
(80%) and that the pattern of amino acids produced by the mixture (80:20) were utilized as those
firmished by casein (Obizoba, 1983). Similar investigation with sprouted and fermented
sorghum, bambara groundnut and sweet potato flours by Chima (1998) showed that the nutritive
values, nutrient density and low viscosity of such foods can be improved by sprouting and
fermentation. Obizoba (1985), found that rats fed with combinations of dehulled brown bean
(DBB) or dehulled white bean (DWB) with corn flour had increased food intake, weight gain,
Nitrogen intake, digested and retained Nitrogen and liver Nitrogen compared to those of the
casein control group. It was also found that the combination of rice and bambara groundnut
(80:20) produced increases in food and Nitrogen intakes, weight gain, digested and retained N,
Net Protein Utilization (NPU) and biological value (BV) higher than for those of other diets
which include maize, sorghum, brown bean, white bean, cowpea and pigeon pea (Obizoba,
1986). Okeke and Obizoba, (1986), found that starchy foods when blended with legumes at low
levels produced good quality protein comparable to casein. In the study, carried out on sorghum
and corn by Obizoba (1988), it was found that processes of malting and wet milling improved
the nutritional value of proteins of sorghum and corn by increasing the total protein content and
Obizoba (1990) noted that combinations of two varieties of germinated cowpea (Akidi
and Oraludi), bambara gtoundnut, pigeon pea with sprouted yellow corn showed that the Akidi
and bambara groundnut blends showed nutritional superiority over other blends as judged by
nitrogen balance and mineral utilization Ogundide (1991) found that weaning food formulated
from composite flour containing 25% cowpea and 75% maize flour is similar in acceptability to
Nutrend, which is a commercial product. The best reconstituting conditions are achieved when 5
times of water to solid is used. In the study, on the effect of sprouting on nutritive qualities of
millet and cowpea flours and their blends, Salami (1991) concluded that water absorption and
swelling of flours decrease with sprouting time. Sprouting increased activity of hydrolytic
enzymes and nutrients except fat and starch.
Corn protein supplemented with breadfruit as low cost vegetable protein or with crayfish
as low cost animal protein would provide protein of good quality that has efficient utilization and
high complementary mixture (Chukwuka, 1985). Ebiogwu (1992), found that weaning food
formulated raw before wet milling, steaming, drying and dry-milling at 75% maize: 25% cowpea
was the most acceptable and compared favourably with the commercial weaning foods available
in our society. In the study carried out by Emenike (1995) on pigeon pea flour and corn flour
blends, it was observed that the legume -cereal 70:30, 60:40, 50:50 ratios gave product that have
adequate nutrients, chemically the best in terms of protein content and organoleptically accepted.
Fermented cereal-legume -tuber blends was found to have better colour, odour,
consistency, more acceptability and leads to more preservable product in terms of its shelf life
(Onah, 1999). Ogbu (1999) concluded that fermentation of cereal -legume blend complementary
foods could lead to the reduction of flatulence factors and also that the pH and viscosity of
fermented flours are lower than that of unfermented flours. Nnam (2001) found that blends from
sprouted sorghum, bambara groundnuts and fermented sweet potatoes (52:46:2) ratio had better
nutritional attributes than their unprocessed counterparts and the traditional sorghum
complementary food. In the study on the formulation of weaning foods from millet, cowpea and
groundnut mixtures (70:20:10) and millet, cowpea, groundnut and millet malt mixtures
(65:20:10:5). It was found that the addition of legumes improved the nutrient content of the
weaning food, while addition of malt reduced the hot paste viscosity, making the weaning foods
nutrients dense. (Nkama et al.,200 1).
3.1 Preparation of raw material
Preparation of Seeds:
Seeds of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and millet (Pennisetum americanum) were obtained
from dealers in a local market in Nsukka, Enugu State. Seeds were cleaned by winnowing. hand
sorting and floatation. A 400g weight of seeds was used for each germination and fermentation
studies in the preliminary work.
Germination Procedure:
Whole seeds were weighed, washed and soaked separately in a volume of water three
times ihc weight of seeds for two hours. The soaked sceds wcre allowed to sprout at room
temperature for 24hr, 48hr, 72hr and 96hr. The seeds were watered three times a day according
to the method of Marero et al. (1988).
Fermentation Procedure:
Whole seeds were weighed, washed and fermented for 24hr, 48hr, 72hr, and 96hr. The
fermentation process was by endogenous microflora in the grains at room tcrnpcraturc as
described by Onuoha and Obizoba, (2001).
Preparation of flour:
The fermented and germinated seeds were steamed for 30mins from the time of boiling
and dried in the oven at 100°C for about 8hr, after which, the dried seeds were cleaned to remove
the rootlets and hulls. The cleaned seeds were milled and sieved by passing through a Imin pore
size sieve to yield flour (Fig. 2 and 3). The flour was packed in thick polyethylene bags, sealed
and stored under reduced temperature (4OC) until needed for formulation and analysis.



Dry milling Drying

Millet \

Flour Sieving

Sprouted Millet
Figure 2: Flow diagram for millet flour production
Pigeon Pea


~ r milling
y /
Fermentation h
\ Steepin soaking

Pigeon pea
(24,4 ,72,96hr)

Steaming 1
(24, 48, 2, 96hr)

(1OO°C, 8hrs)

Dry milling

(1OO°C 8hrs)

. Sievmg 1

1 1 /
Pigeon pea
Dry milling

S'eving I, \

Pigeon pea
Figure 3: Flow diagram for Pigeon pea flour production
3.2 Preparation of Blends
The cereal: legume combination was formulated from the pre-treated samples as shown
in Table 11 and Table 12. The nutritional quality of the different flour blends (Table 12) was
evaluated by rat feeding experiments, while other physico-chemical characteristics of flours were
also analyzed.

3.3 Analytical Methods

3.3.1 Proximate Analysis Moisture Content (A.O.A.C., 1990).
The air oven method was used in the estimation of the moisture contents of the flours. A
5.0g weight of sample in pre-weighed moisture dishes was dried to constant weight at 100°C
with intermittent cooling to room temperature in a desiccator and weighing.
% Moisture = Initial weight -Final weight X 100
lnitial weight Fat Content (AOAC, 1990)

The fat content of sample was determined according to AOAC (1990), method. A 5g
weight of sample was weighed into a thimble lined with a circle of filter paper. Thimble and
contents were placed into a 50ml beaker and dried in an oven for 6hr at 100 - 102OC. Thimble
and contents were transferred to extraction apparatus. Beaker was rinsed several times with
ethylether and the rinsings added to the thimble in the extraction apparatus. The sample
contained in the thimble was extracted with ethylether in a soxhlet extraction apparatus for 6 -
8hrs at a condensation rate of at least 3 -6 drops per second.
At the completion of the extraction, the fat extract from the extraction flask was
transfered into pre-weighed evaporating dish with several rinsings of ethylether. The evaporating
dish was placed in a h m e hood and with the fan on to evaporate off'the ethylether until no odour
of it was detectable.
Table 11: Proportions of different flour treatment in the composite blends.
Samvle Code Ratio Percentage
UPF+ UMF 70.30 70% UPF; 30% UMF
UPF+ FSMF 70:30 70% UPF; 30% FSMF
UPF + SSMF 70:30 70% UPF; 30% SSMF
FSPF + UMF 70:30 70% FSPF; 30% UMF
FSPF + FSMF 70:30 70% FSPF; 30% FSMF
FSPF + SSMF 70:30 70% FSPF; 30% SSMF
SSPF + UMF 70:30 70% SSPF; 30% UMF
SSPF + FSMF 70:30 70% SSPF; 30% FSMF
SSPF + SSMF 70:30 70% SSPF; 30% SSMF
Control 1OO:O 100% Control
Comrn. Diet 1OO:O 100% Comm. Diet.
UPF - Untreated Pigeon pea flour
FSPF - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
SSPF - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
UMF - Untreated Millet flour
FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
SSMF - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour
Control - Casein -casein
Comm. Diet - Commercial Diet.

The dish and contents were dried in an oven for 30minutes at 100°C. Dish plus contents \

were removed from oven, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The ether extract was calculated \\

Crude fat (ether extract)% = (W2 - WL) X 100
W1 - Weight of empty evaporating dish
W2 - Weight of evaporating dish plus contents after drying
S- Sample weight (g). Ash Content (AOAC, 1990)

A 5.0g weight of the sample was weighed into a weighed porcelain dish. The dish and
contents were transferred to a muffle hrnace and ignited at 500 to 600°C for about 8hr to a
greyish white ash. The dish and contents were removed from muffle hrnace, allowed to cool in a
desiccator and weighed. Result was calculated and expressed as % Ash.
Ash % = (B -C) X 100
A - Sample weigh (g)
B - Weight (g) of dish and contents after drying
C - Weight (g) of empty dish Crude Protein Determjnation (Nitrogen X 6.25) (AOAC, 1990)

A 2g weight of each sample was weighed into a digestion tube. A 15g weight of catalyst
(CuSo4: Na2So4 at 1:10) and 35ml of concentrated sulphuric acid were added. The digestion of
each sample was carried out and digestion stopped when solution was clear.
Tubes and contents were allowed to cool to room temperature. The clear digest of each
sample was transferred-into a lOOml volumetric flask with several rinsings of distilled water and
made up to the mark when the solution cooled. A 5ml volume of the diluted digest was pipetted
and transferred to the distillation apparatus and distilled for 5 minutes after adding 5ml of O.IN
&So4 solution with 6 -8 drops of mixed methylredlmethylene blue indicator (1:l) and 5ml of
40% NaOH.
The distillate was titrated against 0.02N NaOH solution to a permanent green end-point.
A black titration was carried out by titrating 5ml of O.lN H2S04with 0.02N NaOH.
Total Nitrogen % = (B - S) x 1.4007 x N x 20
Sample weight (g)
B = vol (ml) of NaOH solution used for black
S = vol (ml) of NaOH solution used for sample
N = Normality of NaOH
1.4007 = m.eq wt. of nitrogen (includes factors of 100 for %)
20 = Dilution factor (5ml of digest used out of 100ml).
Crude Protein % = Total Nitrogen % x 6.25 Crude Fibre Determination (AOAC 1990)

Crude fibre was determined according to AOAC, (1990) method. A 3.0g weight of the
sample was weighed into a 1L conical flask, defatted by Soxhlet extraction and hydrolysed with
200ml of boiling 0.255N H2S04for 30mins on a hot plate. The flask was removed from heat,
allowed to settle and decanted through a Buchner fimnel, applying gentle suction. The residue on
filter paper was washed into the flask with hot 0.313N NaOH solution and the filter paper
washed with 1% HCL to make it acidic. The remaining particles were transferred from conical
flask to the paper with water and the paper was washed with water until acid -free. The paper
was later washed with alcohol and diethyl ether until all water is removed. The residue was air
dried and transferred to previously incinerated and weighed crucible with the aid of a spatula.
Then, later dried in the oven, cooled and weighed. The loss in weight represented the crude fibre
% Fibre = Loss in weight fiom incineration X 100 \

Weight of sample before defatting Nitrogen Free Extract Determination

Nitrogen free extract content was determined by the difference in the sum of the
percentage moisture, fat, crude protein, ash and crude fibre from 100.
NFE=l00 - ( a + b + c + d - k e )
Where: a = Moisture
b = Fat content
c = Protein content
d = Ash content
e = Crude fibre Caloric Value Determination

The caloric value was determined using the Atwater quantification of the caloric (energy)
content of food as 4.0, 4.0 and 8.9 kcallg from carbohydrate, proteins and fat respectively (lkcal
= 4.186KJ) (Widdowson, 1987). Determination of True Protein

The true protein content of the sample was determined according to the method of
McDonald et al. (1973). A 50g weight of sample was subjected to heat coagulation to separate
non-protein nitrogenous compounds from true protein. The solution was then filtered and the
residue was subjected to Kjeldahl determination of protein (AOAC, 1990). A 2g weight of
sample was weighed into digestion tube and digested with 15g of catalyst (CuS04: Na2S04 at
1:lO) and 35ml of concentrated sulphuric acid, until sample solution became clear. Tubes and
contents were allowed to cool to room temperature. The clear digest was transferred into a 1001nl

volumetric flask with several rinsings of distilled water and made up to the mark when the
solution cooled. A 5ml volume of the diluted digest was pipetted and transferred to the
distillation apparatus and distilled for 5 minutes after adding 51111 of 0. IN H2SO4solution with 6

- 8 drops of mixed methylredlmethylene blue indicator (1 :I) and 5ml of 40% NaOH.
The distillate was titrated against 0,.02N NaOH solution to a permanent green end-point.
A blank titration was carried out by titrating 5ml of 0.IN H2S04 with 0.02N NaOfI. The protein
content was calculated thus.
Total Nitrogen % = (B-S) X 1.4007 X N X 20
Sample Weight (g)
B = Vol (ml) of NaOH solution used for blank
S = Vol (ml) of NaOH solution used for sample
N = Normality of NaOH
1.4007 = m.eq wt. of nitrogen (includes factors of 100 for %).
20 = Dilution factor (5ml of digest used out of 100ml).
True protein % = Total Nitrogen % X 6.25. Mineral Content Determination

The mineral content was determined using the wet digestion method as described by
Adyeye and Ajewole (1992). A 2g weight of sample was weighed into the beaker, 25ml HN03
and 5ml perchloric acid were added, covered with wash glass and allowed to stand. The sample
solution was heated till it became clear. A lOml volume of 6MHCL was added to the sample
solution and the mixture boiled for 5mins. The content was quantitatively transferred into 50ml
volumetric flask and made up to the mark. The content was then filtered.
The filtrate was used to analyze for Ca, Fe and Zn. The concentration of each mineral
was determined by its capacity to absorb light of a defined warelength while in the vapour state
with atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Dilutions were made where possible. Readings of
varelength were plotted against concentration.
p of the curve X dilution (if any) X original vol. of digest X 100%
Weight of the sample X lo6

3.3.2 Determination of Antinutritional Factors Determination of Hydrogen Cyanide Level.
Hydrogen cyanide level was determined using the quantitative method described by
lkediobi et al. (1980).
Sample extract was obtained by homogenizing 0.5g of sample with 32ml of distilled
water for 3min. The extract was centrifuged at 500 x g for 3minutes and the resulting supernatant .

used for analysis.

Linamarase Preparation: Thin brown outer skin of freshly harvested cassava tubers was
carehlly removed to reveal the underlying cortex. The cortex was removed and sliced into small
pieces. A lOOg of the sliced cortex was homogenized in 300ml of pre-chilled container and
filtered by suction through a lcm layer of kieselguhr. Filtrate was used to extract a second lOOg
batch of sliced cassava cortex as described above. The filtrate fiom the second extraction was
used to extract a third lOOg batch. This final extract was kept overnight at 4°C. About 2.3
volumes of cold acetone were added to the extract and solution swirled for 2 minutes several
times within a 2hr period. A pale green precipitate was recovered upon decantation. This
precipitate was extracted thrice with lOml portions of cold 0.1M acetate buffer of pH 5.5. The
extract was centrifuged at 500 x g for 5min at room temperature and the resulting supernatant
taken as the crude linamarase extract.
Quantitative Determination of Cyanide: A 0.5ml volume of sample extract was incubated
with I .Om1 of linamarase preparation for lominutes at room temperature in a tall-stoppered test
tube. The volume of the incubation mixture was made up to 2nd with 0.2M Sodiumphosphatc
buffer of pH 6.8. At the end of the incubation period, 5ml of alkaline picrate was added and
resulting solution was incubated in a water bath at 95OC for 5minutes. Following cooling to room
temperature, absorbance of the deip orange colour formed was read at 400nm in a
spectrophotometer. The cyanide concentration was extrapolated fiom a standard curve
previously prepared. Determination of Phytate Level

The phytate level was determined by the method described by Thompson and Erdman
(1982). A 0.5g sample was placed into a 500ml flat-bottomed flask, into which 100.0ml of 2.4%
HCL was added. The flask was stoppered and shaken for lhr at room temperature on a
mechanical shaker. The extract was decanted and filtered. A 5ml volume of the filtrate was
pipetted into a 50ml beaker, which was diluted to 25ml with distilled water. A IOml volume of
the diluted sample was pipetted and 15ml of O.1M sodium chloride was added to it. The solution
was passed through a 200 - 400 mesh to remove inqganic phosphorus and 15ml of O.7M sodium
chloride was added to separate phytate. Absorbance was read at 500nm by using water to zero
the spectrophotometer. A calibration curve was constructed and was used to calculate the
concentration of the phytate.
X x dilutions (if anv) x original vol. of digest x 100%
Weight of the sample x lo6
X = Value of the curve or optical density x reading from spec. Determination of Tannin Levels

Tannin level was determined by the method described by Price and Butler (1977). A
60mg weight of ground grain was shaken constantly for 60s with 3ml of methanol in a test tube
and poured into a Buchner hnnel with the suction already turned on. The tube was quickly
rinsed with an additional 3ml of methanol and content was poured at once into the filnnel.
Filtrate was mixed with 50ml of water and analyzed within an hour. A 3nd volume of 0.1M
FeCL3 in 0. IN HCL was added to the extract and 3ml of 0.008MK#c (CN)Gwas added. l'hc
optical density was read aRer lominutes in lcm glass cells at 720nm in a spectrophotometer that
was zeroed with water. Results were extrapolated from tannin standard curve.

3.3.3. Functional Properties ~etermination Particle Size Distribution
The method described by Ihekoronye and Oladunjoye (1988), was used in the
determination of particle size. A nest of six sieves (US 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 and 230 mesh screens,
corresponding to sieve openings of 850, 600, 425, 300, 150 and 6 3 p m ) was arranged in \ \

descending order. The upper sieve was provided with a cover and the bottom sieve with a
receiver. A 50g sample of the product was put in the top sieve, covcred with the lid and the nest
of sieves placed in a suitable mechanical sieve shaker. The material was sieved continuously for
5minutes and stopped. The nest was removed and the residue on each sieve transferred to a
tarred weighed dish using a brush. Each dish was weighed and the percentage of product retained
on each sieve was calculated as:
Mass of material retained on specific sieve x 100
Total mass of sample Viscosity
The viscosity of porridges from sample flour was determined according to the method
described by Sathe and Salunkhe (1981), using the Gallenkamp Universal Torsion Viscometer.
The viscometer is composed of a vertical torsion wire, a flywheel mounted above a graduated
scale and a cylinder suspended below the scale. Each sample was prepared at concentration of
2,4,6 and 10% ("/,). A 5ml of sample solution was poured into the viscometer cup. The flywheel
was rotated through 360" and then released. The damping effect of sample on the overswing of
the cylinder gave a measure of its viscosity. Porridges were kept in thermoflask to maintain the
serving temperature (40°C) during the determination. Viscosity was calculated relative to
distilled water as follows:

V1 = Viscosity of water at room temperature
VZ= Viscosity of sample to be determined.
dl = Density of water at room temperature.
d2 = Density of sample at room temperature.
tl = Flow rate of water at room tkmperature.
t2 = Flow rate of sample at room temperature. Water Absorption Index

The method described by Onwulata el a/.,(1998), was used in the determination of water
absorption index. A 1 .Og weight of sample was placed in a centrihge tube and lOml distilled
water was added. After standing for 15mins with intermittent shaking (5mins), sample solution
was centrihged for 15minutes at 1000 x g. Supernatant was decanted and the weight gain in gel
noted. Water Absorption Index was calculated as the weight gain of the gel dry weight.
WAI (Water Absorption Index) = W2- WI
Mass of material retained on specific sieve x 100
Total mass of sample Viscosity
The viscosity of porridges from sample flour was determined according to the method
described by Sathe and Salunkhe (1981), using the Gallenkamp Universal Torsion Viscometer.
The viscometer is composed of a vertical torsion wire, a flywheel mounted above a graduated
scale and a cylinder suspended below the scale. Each sample was prepared at concentration of
2,4,6 and 10% ("I,). A 5ml of sample solution was poured into the viscometer cup. The flywheel
was rotated through 360" and then released. The damping effect of sample on the overswing of
the cylinder gave a measure of its viscosity. Porridges were kept in thermoflask to maintain the
serving temperature (40°C) during the determination. Viscosity was calculated relative to
distilled water as follows:

V1 = Viscosity of water at room temperature.
VZ= Viscosity of sample to be determined.
dl = Density of water at room temperature.
d2 = Density of sample at room temperature.
tl = Flow rate of water at room timperature.
tz = Flow rate of sample at room temperature. Water Absorption Index

The method described by Onwulata et a/., (1998), was used in the determination of water \

absorption index. A 1.0g weight of sample was placed in a centrifbge tube and lOml distilled
water was added. After standing for 15mins with intermittent shaking (5mins), sample solution
was centrifbged for 15rninutes at 1000 x g. Supernatant was decanted and the weight gain in gel
noted. Water Absorption Index was calculated as the weight gain of the gel dry weight.
WAI (Water Absorption Index) = W2- W1
W1 = Original weight of dry sample
W2 = Weight of sample after absorbing water. Water Solubility Index

Water solubility index was determined by modifLing the method reported by Onwulata et
al., (1998). A 2g weight of sample was weighed into a weighed porcelain containing lOml of
water. The dish and content were heated in a water bath at 100°C for 30minutes. The slurry was
allowed to stand and cool to room temperature. The supernatant was decanted, evaporated to
dryness and weighed. Water solubility index was calculated as:

W1 = Weight of original sample
W2 = Weight of dry matter Least Gelation Concentration

The least gelation concentration of flour samples was determined according to the
method described by Ihekoronye (1986). Appropriate sample suspensions of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
14, 16, 18 and 20% (wlv) were prephred in 5ml distilled water. Test tubes containing these
suspensions were heated for lhr in a boiling water batb and then rapidly cooled under running
cold tap water. The test tubes were hrther cooled for 2hr at 4°C. Least gelation concentration
was determined as that concentration when the sample from the inverted test tube would not fall I

down or slip. Bulk Density Determination

The bulk density was determined by the method described by Nwanekezi et al., (2001).
Each sample was slowly filled into 5ml calibrated cylinders. The bottom of the cylinder was
gently tapped on a laboratory bench until there was no further lessening of the sample after
filling to 5ml mark. Bulk density was estimated as mass per unit volume of the sample taken.
The mean of the triplicate measurements was taken as the estimate of bulk density.
Bulk density (glml) = Mass of sample
Volume occupied by sample Reconstitution Time Determination

Reconstitution time determination was carried out using the method described by
Nwanekezi et al., (2001). A 2g weight of each sample was sprinkled on the surface of 50ml of
cold distilled water contained in 150ml cylinder. The time taken for each of the samples to
completely dissolve with stirring was recorded. The mean value of triplicate determinations was

3.3.4. Sensory Analysis

Laboratory preference test was done using a 30-man panel of judges, who ranked the
products using a seven point hedonic scale as described by Land and Shepherd, (1984). The
preference test was aimed at selecting the organoleptically preferred formulations.

3.3.5 Animal Bioassay

A 35 -day study that included a 28 -day growth and a 7 -day N balance period was
carried out. Forty-two (42) weanling dale rats weighing 45-556 were used for the study. The rats
were divided into 7 groups of six rats each on the basis of body weight. The animals werc
weighed prior to access to the test diets and at weekly intervals to determine the gain in body
weight. The rats were housed in individual metabolic cages and fed he diets and tap water for 35
days. Table 12 contains the composition of the experimental diets. The animals were fed their
respective diets for 28 days and their growth was determined. The same diets and groups of rats
were fed for an extra one week to study their N balance. Carmine red was fed on the morning of
day 28 and of day 35. The coloured feaces that appeared on day 29 were included in the pooled
feacal sample while those feaces that appeared on day 36 were excluded. Urine was collected
from morning of day 29 through to the morning of day 36 (7 days) and food consumption was
measured for the same 7 -day period for all groups of rats. HCL (Hydrochloric acid) (0.IN)
(Iml) was added and used as a preservative for individual urine collection (Okeke and Obizoba, ,
Bulk density (g/ml) = Mass of sample
Volume occupied by sample Reconstitution Time Determination

Reconstitution time determination was carried out using the method described by
Nwanekezi et al., (2001). A 2g weight of each sample was sprinkled on the surface of 50ml of
cold distilled water contained in 150ml cylinder. The time taken for each of the samples to
completely dissolve with stirring was recorded. The mean value of triplicate determinations was

3.3.4. Sensory Analysis

Laboratory preference test was done using a 30-man panel of judges, who ranked the
products using a seven point hedonic scale as described by Land and Shepherd, (1984). The
preference test was aimed at selecting the organoleptically preferred formulations.

3.3.5 Animal Bioassay

A 35 -day study that included a 28 -day growth and a 7 -day N balance period was
carried out. Forty-two (42) weanling hale rats weighing 45-55g were used for the study. The rats
were divided into 7 groups of six rats each on the basis of body weight. The animals were
weighed prior to access to the test diets and at weekly intervals to determine the gain in body
weight. The rats were housed in individual metabolic cages and fed he diets and tap water for 35
days. Table 12 contains the composition of the experimental diets. The animals were fed their
respective diets for 2.8 days and their growth was determined. The same diets and groups of rats
were fed for an extra one week to study their N balance. Carmine red was fed on the morning of
day 28 and of day 35. The coloured feaces that appeared on day 29 were included in the pooled
feacal sample while those feaces that appeared on day 36 were excluded. Urine was collected
from morning of day 29 through to the morning of day 36 (7 days) and food consumption was
measured for the same 7 -day period for all groups of rats. HCL (Hydrochloric acid) (0.1N)
(Iml) was added and used as a preservative for individual urine collection (Okeke and Obizoba, ,
Table 12: Composition on drv w e i ~ h tbasis (d100g) of millet, pigeon pea and
casein diets fed to rats.
Diets I I1 I11 IV V VI VII
Sources of Protein and ratios
Composition 70:30 70:30 70:30 70:30 7030 1oo:o
UPF 800.35 - - - - -
UMF 823.54 - - - - -
FSPF - 75 1.97 75 1.97 - - -
SSPF - - - 707.1 1 707.1 1 -
FSMF - 799.09 - 799.09 - -
SSMF - - 959.36 - 959.36 -

Casein - - - - - 302.88
Comrn. Diet - - - - - -
Oil 126 126 126 126 126 126
Mineral 88.2 88.2 88.2 88.2 88.2 88.2
Vitamin 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2
Fibre 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2
Corn Starch 3 15.755 352.17 .272.035 374.6 294.465 976.26
Sucrose 315.755 352.17 272.035 374.6 294.465 976.26
Total 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520
UPF: - Untreated Pigeon pea flour
UMF: - Untreated Millet Flour
FSPF: - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea I%x~r
SSPF: - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea flour
FSMF: - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
SSMF: - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour
Comm. Diet: - Commercial Diet
Casein: - Casein control.
At the end of the feeding experiment, N balance, body weight, protein efficiency ratio
(PER), N retention, net protein utilization (NPU) and biological value (BV) were assayed using
the method described by Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, (1 985).

3.3.6 Statistical Analysis

Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least
significant difference (L.S.D) to test the differences among the nutritional value of protein
mixtures. Similarly, protein mixtures were statistically analyzed to determine which protein
mixtures were significantly different in N intake, weight gain, N retention, biological value (BV)
and other parameters. The package used for the analysis is GenStat Release 4.23DE (PC\window
4.0 Results and Discussions
4.1 Nutrient Composition
4.1.1 Effect of Fermentation on Proximate Composition of Millet and
Pigeon Pea Flours:
Table 13 shows the proximate composition of the unfermented and fermented millet and
pigeon pea flours. The crude protein content of the unfermented millet was 9.18% while for the
various fermentation regimes, the protein contents were 7.45% (24hr), 8.19%(48hr),
9.46%(72hr) and 8.9%(96hr). Fermentation for 24hr and 48hr significantly (P<0.05) decreased
the crude protein level by 18.85% and 10.78% respectively. Furthemlore, fermentation for 96hr
showed a non -significant decrease in the crude protein level by 3.05% of that originally present
while 72hr fermentation showed a non-significant (P>0.05) increase in the crude protein level of
millet by 3.05% of that originally present. The increase in crude protein content of the 72hr
fermented millet suggests that 72hr is the optimum fermentation period for protein synthesis by
the sample fermenting microflora. The decrease in crude protein in the 96hr fermentation regime
is not in agreement with the observation of Obizoba and Egbuna (1992), who reported increase
in the protein content of bambara groundnut after 96hr fermentation. The protein value for the
unfermented pigeon pea was 22.04% while for the various fermentation regimes, the protein
contents were 18.40%(24hr), 17.5 1%(48hr), 23.46%(72hr) and 18.55%(96hr). Fermentation for
24hr, 48hr and 96hr decreased the crude protein content of the pigeon pea by 16.52%, 20.55%
and 15.84% respectively, while the 72hr fermentation regime increased the protein content by
about 6.44%. The high protein content of 72hr-fermented pigeon pea could be due to the release
of free amino acids for protein synthesis (Egbekun, 1998). The decrease in protein content at
96hr fermentation could be attributed to the fact that microorganisms used the nutrient for their
metabolism and growth (Ariahu et. al., 1999). A similar increase in protein content of limabcans
after 48hr fermentation was reported by Onuoha and Obizoba (2001). This was followed by a
reduction in value as fermentation proceeded. The fat content of the fermented millet varied from
3.7% at 24hr, 2.1% at 48hr, 4.5% at 72hr to 3.53% at 96hr, while that of unfermented rnillet was
1.5%. Fermentation significantly (K0.05) increased the fat content of fermented millet ('Table
13). 9
Table 13: Effect of fermentation time on proximate composition of millet and pipeon pea flours (% dry weight
Sam~les Crude Protein Crude fat Crude fibre Moisture content Ash Nitropen Free Extract Enerev
LSD (0.05) 0.957 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.32 1.002 2.901
Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF -Unfermented Millet Flour UPF - Unfermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMF24- 24hr Fermented Millet Flour FPF24 - 24hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMF48 - 48hr Fermented Millet Flour FPF41- 48hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMF72- 72hr Fermented Millet Flour FPF72- 72hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMF96 - 96hr Fermented millet Flour FPF96 - 96hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
Furthermore, the fat content of fermented pigeon pea also varied from 0.8% at 24hr, 0.5% at
48hr, 1.6% at 72hr to 1.3% at 96hr. The fat content of the unfermented pigeon pea was 2.7%.
Fermentation significantly (P<0.05) decreased the fat content of pigeon pea. The low level of fat
at 48hr fermentation (2.1%) for millet and for all fermentation periods for pigeon pea could be
due to the activities lipolytic enzyme which hydrolyzed the fat to glycerol and fatty acids. The
free fatty acids might have reacted with other products of hydrolysis to form esters resulting in a
decrease (Nnam, 2001). However, the increase in the fat content of millet with fermentation
could be attributed to increased activity of the lipolytic enzymes of the fermenting organisms in
releasing free fatty acids. This result compares with results reported by Obizoba and Atii (1994).
They reported an increase in fat content of millet with fermentation. The fermented samples
showed comparable (P>0.05) crude fibre content, which varied from 2.8% to 3.0% in millet and
1.8% to 2.1% in pigeon pea. The moisture level after 72hr fermentation of millet (6.6%) was
significantly (P<O.OS) lower than those of the other millet samples fermented for other periods.
Likewise, the moisture content (9.0%) of the 48hr fermented pigeon pea was also significantly
lower (P<O.OS) than those of other fermented pigeon pea sample. Moisture content of food
products are affected by different factors such as the type and amount of proteins and the type of
treatment given to the products. These factors may also have influenced the moisture content
observed in this study. There is a variation in the ash level of the fermented samples. The
carbohydrate level of fermented millet ranged from 71.20% to 75.49%. Millet fermented for 72hr
showed a significantly (P<O.OS) high carboliydrate value than the other millet samples fermented
for 24hr and 96hr. The carbohydrate level of fermented pigeon pea ranged from 61.36% to
69.92%. The 48hr fermented pigeon pea showed a significantly (P<0.05) higher carbohydrate
value compared to others. The reduction in carbohydrate content after 72hr fermentation in millet
and after 48hr fermentation in pigeon pea could be attributed to possible hydrolysis of complex
carbohydrate to simple sugars, which were used for metabolic processes (Nnam, 2001). Obizoba
and Atii (1991) reported a similar decrease in carbohydrate level of sorghum after 48hr
4.1.2 Effect of Sprouting on Proximate Composition of Millet and Pigeon
Pea Flours
The proximate composition of unsprouted and sprouted millet and pigeon pea is shown in
Table 14. The protein values for various sprouted millet samples were 7.88%(24hr),
7.45%(48hr), 7.59%(72hr) and 7.88%(96hr), which were significantly (P<0.05) lower than the
protein value for the unsprouted millet (9.18%). Sprouting for 24hr, 48hr, 7 2 1 ~and 96hr
decreased the protein value by l4.16%, l8.85%, I 7.32% and 14.16% respectively. The protein
content of the unsprouted pigeon pea was 22.04% and for all the sprouted pigeon pea, the protein
values were 24.85%(24hr), 18.1O%(48hr), 2 I .16%(72hr) and 20.14%(96hr). Pigeon pea sprouted
for 24hr had a significantly (P<0.05) higher protein content than pigeon pea sprouted for other
periods and the unsprouted pigeon pea (Fig 5). This high protein content at 24hr sprouting could
be attributed to the release of free amino acid for synthesis of protein as a result of the
breakdown of tannin -protein complexes (Chavan et al.,1981). The reduction in protein value at
48hr sprouting could be attributed to the loss of soluble protein and other nitrogenous
constituents in the soak water as observed by Obizoba and Atii (1991). It could also be attributcd
to the hydrolysis of protein to amino acids, which were then used by the sprouting shoots or
embryos for growth. In a previous study, Onimawo and Asugo (2004) reported a decreasc in
crude protein content of germinated pigeon pea. Similarly, Obizoba and Egbuna (1992) reported
a decrease in protein content of gepninated bambara groundnut. Akubor and Obiegbuna (1999)
reported that germination decreased the crude protein content of millet flour. 'I'he fat content
(Table 14) of sprouted pigeon pea was significantly (P4.05) reduced as the sprouting days

increased. The observed decrease could most likely be due to the activities of lipolytic enzymes,
which hydrolyzed, fat to glycerol and fatty acids, which form esters with other products of

hydrolysis bringing about a decrease. Previous study by Onimawo and Asugo (2004), also \

reported a decrease in the fat content of germinated pigeon pea. The fat content of millet
sprouted for 48hr (0.9%) was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the fat content of other san~ples
3.1% (24hr), 2.3% (72hr) and 2.1% (96hr). The increase in fat content after 48hr sprouting was
attributed to the synthesis of new lipids by microflora during metabolic activities (Nnam, 2001).
This observed increase in fat content compares well with the result of Obizoba and Atii (1991),
who reported an increase in fat content of sorghum due to germination. The crude fibre of 1
content sprouted millet varied from 1.8% to 3.2% while that of sprouted pigeon pea varied fioin
Table 14: Effect of sprout in^ time on proximate composition of millet and pipeon pea flours (% dry w e i ~ h t
Sam~les Crude Protein Crude fat Crude fibre Moisture content Ash Nitropen Free Extract Enerw
UMF 9.18 1.5 3.0 6.8 3.7 75.82 353.2
SMF24 7.88 3.1 3.2 8.2 3.7 73.88 353.3
SMF48 7.45 0.9 3.1 10.1 2.8 75.62 340.4
sW72 7.59 2.3 1.8 10.2 3.3 74.84 350.7
SMF96 7.88 2.7 2.6 6.8 3.9 76.62 357.2
UPF 22.04 2.7 2.2 9.7 1.3 62.06 360.4
SPF24 24.85 1.8 2.3 10.5 2.6 57.85 347.1
SPF48 , 18.10 1.2 2.1 11.1 1.1 66.37 349.0
SPFn 21.16 1.1 1.7 9.6 2.1 64.24 351.8
SPF96 20.14 0.2 2.2 12.5 1.2 63.79 337.2
LSD (0.05) 1.204 0.1 1 0.17 0.17 0.32 1.193 1.86
Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF -Unfermented Millet Flour UPF - Unsprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF24- 24hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF24- 24hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF48- 48hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF48- 48hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF72- 72hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF72- 72hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
ShfFg6- 96hr Sprouted millet Flour - 96hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
1.7% to 2.3%. The moisture content of the 96hr-sprouted millet (6.8%) was lower than the
24hr(8.2%), 48hr(lO. 1%) and 72hr(10.2%). Likewise, the moisture content of pigeon pea
sprouted for 72hr(9.6%) was also lower than those sprouted for 24hr(10.5%), 48hr(11 .I%) and
96hr(12.5%). Different factors affect moisture content of food products. The variation in
moisture content might be attributed to treatments, which caused changes in other nutrient
contents. The ash content varied amongst the samples. The carbohydrate value of pigeon pea was
increased by sprouting except for the 24hr-sprouted pigeon pea, which was significantly
(Pc0.05) low (57.85%), while the sprouted millet samples had comparable (P>0.05)
carbohydrate content with the unsprouted millet. The change in carbohydrate content was
attributed to the metabolic activities of the hydrolytic enzymes within the seeds during sprouting
(Nnam 2001).

4.1.3 Effect of Fermentation on Antinutritional Content of Pigeon Pea

and Millet
Table 15 shows the antinutrient content of unfermented and fermented millet and pigeon
pea. The tannin level of the unfermented millet was 2.80mdg and for the fermented millet the
values were 2.57mg/g (24hr), 2.56mglg (48hr), 2.49mgl (72hr) and 3.20mglg (96hr).
Fermentation had varied effects on the tannin level of millet when compared to the unfermented
millet. Furthermore, fermentation had no significant effect on the tannin level of fermented
millet. The tannin level of the unfermented pigeon pea was 2.7mglg while for the fermented
pigeon pea the values were 2.45mg/g (24hr), 2.60mglg (48hr), 2.26mglg (72hr) and 2.47mglg
(96hr). The tannin level of the fermented pigeon pea was lower than that in the unfermented
pigeon pea. However, fermentation of pigeon pea for 72hr significantly (Pc0.05) decreased the
tannin level. There was no significant (P>O.OS) difference in the tannin level of pigeon pea
fermented at other periods. The decrease observed in the fermented pigeon pea was as a result of
the treatment in which enzymes were produced which brokedown complexes to release fiee
tannins. The fiee tannins released were leached out resulting in a decrease (Obizoba and Atii,
1991). The phytate level of unfermented millet was 0.01 17mglg and the fermented millet varied
between 0.0044mglg (24hr), 0.0027mdg (48hr), 0.0028mglg (72hr) and 0.0018mdg (96hr),
D b l e 15: Effect of fermentation on antinutritional content of pipeon pea and millet.
Sarnnle Tannin (rndp;) Phytate (rnejg) Cyanide (rndg)
UMF 2.80 0.01 17 4.9
FMF24 2.57 0.0044 4.9
FMF4 8 2.56 0.0027 5.1
FMF72 2.49 0.0028 4.9
FMF96 .3.20 0.00 18 5.1
UPF 2.70 0.1 177 4.7
FPF24 2.45 0.0360 4.9
FPF48 2.60 0.0073 5.5
FPF72 2.26 0.0240 4.5
FPF96 2.47 0.0323 4.5
LSD (0.05) 0.4 15 0.00536 0.30
Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF -Unsprouted Millet Flour UPF -Unsprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF24-24hr Sprouted Millet flour SPF24-24hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF48-4hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF48-48hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF72-72hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF72-72hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMFg6-96hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF96-96hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour

However, fermentation significantly (P<0.05) reduced phytic acid content of millet by a

factor of 62.39%(24hr), 76.92%(48hr), 76.07%(72hr) and 84.62%(96hr) when compared to the
unfermented millet. The phytate level of the fermented pigeon pea ranged from 0.0073mglg to 1
0.036mglg which was significantly (W0.05) lower than the value (0.1 177mglg) in the
unfermented pigeon pea (Fig 6). The reduction in the phytate content of the fermented millet and
pigeon pea could be attributed to the activity of the microflora, which brokedown organic
complexes in the samples releasing phytate which was leached out into the surrounding
fermentation medium (Onuoha and Obizoba, 2001). Ariahu et al. (1999) reported a similar
decrease in phytate level of fermented soybean and breadfruit. Fermentation had varied effect on
the cyanide level of the fermented millet and pigeon pea. The cyanide level of unfermented
millet was 4.9mglg and the cyanide levels of the fermented millet ranged fiom 4.9mglg to
S.lmg/g (Table 15). The cyanide level of the fermented millet was not significantly (P>0.05)
different from the cyanide level in the unfermented millet. The cyanide level of the unfermented
pigeon pea was 4.7mg/g, while the cyanide levels of the fermented pigeon pea varied from
4.9mg/g (24hr), 5.5mg/g (48hr), 4.5mg/g (72hr) and 4.5ingJg (96hr). There was a significant
(P<0.05) increase in the cyanide level of the 48hr fermented pigeon pea, while fermentation at
other periods showed no significant (P>0.05) difference from the unfermented pigeon pea. The
increase in the cyanide levels could be attributed to the increased enzyme activity which led to
increased hydrolysis of more cyanogenic glycosides to HCN and reduced elimination of the
HCN (cyanide) from the system. It could also be that fermentation of raw seeds was not effective
in removing HCN which is distributed through out the kernel. Obizoba and Atii (1994), made
similar observation in the investigation they carried out on millet. The reduced level of cyanide
in pigeon pea could be attributed to the fact that fermentation increased the hydrolysis of
cyanogenic glucosides to cyanide by the activity of the enzyme present. The cyanide produced
was finally leached out (Obizoba and Atii, 1991).

4.1.4 Effect of sprouting on antinutrient content of millet and pigeon pea

Table 16 presents the antinutrient content of sprouted and unsprouted millet and pigeon
pea. 'The level of tannin in sprouted millet varied from 2.95mg/g (24hr), 4.05mg/g (48hr),
5.73mglg (72hr) to 5.12mglg (96hr), while the tannin level in the unfermented millet was

2.80mglg. Sprouting significantly (P<0.05) increased the tannin level of millet sprouted for
different periods except for the millet sprouted for 24hr which showed no significant (P>0.05)
difference from the unsprouted millet. The tannin level for unsprouted pigeon pea was 2.7mglg
and the tannin levels for the sprouted pigeon pea were 2.38mg/g (24hr), 3.07mgJg (48hr),
2.7mg/g (72hr) and 2.82mg/g (96hr). The increase in tannin level was attributed to reduced
elimination of the released tannin, which then formed new complexes with protein, therefore
resulting in an increase (Chavan et al., 1981). The decrease in tannin level of the 24hr sprouted
pigeon pea could be attributed to the hydrolytic activity of enzymes inherent in the sprouting
seeds. The enzymes hydrolyzed the tannin -protein and tannin -enzyme complexes to remove
tannins. The free tannins was leached out (Farhangi and Valadon, 1981). It has also been
Table 16: Effect of sprouting on antinutritional content of millet and ~ i ~ e o n

Samples Tannin (m&) Phylate (mgjg) Cyanide (m&)

UPF 2.70 0.1 177 4.7

LSD (0.05) 0.407 0.00396 0.49

Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF -Unsprouted Millet Flour UPF -Unsprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF24-24hr Sprouted Millet flour SPF24-24hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF48-4hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF48-48hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF72-72hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF72-72hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF96-96hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF96-96hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
observed that malting effectively lowers tannin value (Osuntogun et al., 1989), (Obizoba and
Egbuna, 1992). The phytate level of the sprouted millet ranged fiom 0.001Gmg/g to 0.0028mglg /
and the phytate content of the unsprouted millet was 0.01 17mglg. The phytate content of the
sprouted pigeon pea ranged fiom O.Olmg/g to 0.063mglg while the phytate content of the \ \

unsprouted pigeon pea was 0.1177mglg. Sprouting caused a significant (W0.05) decrease in the
phytate content of millet and pigeon pea. The decrease was attributed to the breakdown of
phytate complexes by phytase, releasing phytate which was then leached out, resulting in a
decrease. Singh (1991) also noted that sprouting can reduce or eliminate appreciable amounts of
phytic acid in legumes and hence improve mineral bioavailability. Similarly, decrease in phytate
level have been reported in germinated Faba beans (Youssef et al., 1987) and germinated soybean
and African breadfiuit (Ariahu et a!., 1999). Sprouted pigeon pea and millet had higher cyanide
level than the unsprouted pigeon pea and millet. The cyanide level in the sprouted millet ranged
fiom 5.3mg/g to 7.3mg/g while in the unsprouted millet, the level was 4.9mdg. Sprouting
significantly (P<0.05) increased the cyanide level of millet sprouted for different periods except
for 24hr sprouted millet which showed no significant (P>0.05) increase when compared to the
unsprouted millet. The cyanide level of the sprouted pigeon pea ranged fiom 4.7mg/g to 5.3mg/g
while in the unsprouted pigeon pea, the level was 4.7mg/g. Sprouting, significantly (P<0.05)
increased the cyanide level of 96hr sprouted pigeon pea while there was no significant (P>0.05)
increase in cyanide content of samples from the other sprouting periods. The increases observed
in the cyanide content of sprouted samples could be due to the increased activity of the enzyme
inherent in the developing embryo. Sprouting activates the enzymes in these seeds to hydrolyze
cyanogens to hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (Obizoba and Atii, 1994).
Germination and fermentation could be beneficially used to improve the nutritional
quality of cereals and legumes by reducing the antinutritional level of the grains (Egbekun,
Based on the antinutrient content and the proximate composition of the sprouted and
fermented millet and pigeon pea, samples SMF24,FMF72, SPF24 and FPF72 were selected for
hrther studies and for product formulation.

4.1.5 Effect of Steaming on proximate Composition of Fermented and

Sprouted Millet and Pigeon pea
Table 17 shows the proximate composition of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed
millet and pigeon pea flours. The protein content of sprouted steamed and fermented steamed
millet was 8.57% and 7.85% respectively. Steaming significantly (P<0.05) reduced the protein
content of fermented millet by 14.49% but the 6.65% reduction in the protein content of the
sprouted millet was not significant statistically. Sprouted steamed pigeon pea and fermented
steamed pigeon pea had protein level of 16.84% and 18.63% respectively. Steaming significantly
(P<0.05) reduced the protein content of sprouted and fermented pigeon pea by 23.59% and
15.47% respectively. There was a reduction in the protein contents of both sprouted steamed,
fermented steamed pigeon pea and millet when compared to the untreated pigeon pea (22.04%) v
and untreated millet (9.18%). This reduction might be attributed to protein denaturation due to
steaming and also to the formation of tannin - protein complexes, which resulted in reduced .
availability of protein (Chavan et al., 1981). The lipid contents of the sprouted steamed and
fermented steamed millet (7.03% and 4.8% respectively) were significantly (P<0.05) higher than
the untreated millet (1.47%). Sprouted steamed and fermented steamed pigeon pea had
significantly (WO.05) higher lipid contents (5.90% and 5.53% respectively) than the untreated
pigeon pea (2.67%). This increase in the lipid level could be attributed to the increased activity
of the lipolytic enzymes, which increased the release of more free fatty acids that may have
influenced the flavour of the product (Obizoba and Atii, 1994). Steaming significantly (P<0.05)
reduced the crude fibre content of the sprouted and fermented millet. The crude fibre content of
fermented and sprouted pigeon pea was comparable (P>0.05) to the crude fibre content of the
untreated pigeon pea. Steaming significantly (PC0.05) increased the moisture content of sprouted
millet but had no significant effect on the moisture content of the fermented and sprouted pigeon
pea. Obizoba and Atii, (1994), similarly observed an increase in moisture content of cooked
sprouted millet. There was a variation in the ash content of the sprouted steamed and fermented
steamed pigeon pea. Steaming significantly (Pc0.05) reduced the ash content of sprouted and
fermented millet. The carbohydrate content of sprouted millet was significantly (Pc0.05) reduced
by steaming while fermented millet had comparable (P>0.05) carbohydrate content with thc
untreated millet. Steaming significantly (P<0.05) increased the carbohydrate content of sprouted
pigeon pea but significantly (P<0.05) reduced the carbohydrate content of fermented pigeon pea.
The decrease in carbohydrate content could be attributed to increased activity of amyloytic
enzymes inherent in the products, which hydrolyzed the carbohydrate to simpler and much more
utilizable sources of energy (Obizoba and Atii, 1994).

4.1.6 Effect of steaming on the mineral content of fermented and

sprouted pigeon pea and millet
The mineral content of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed pigeon pea and millet is
shown in Table 18. The calcium content of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed millet was
5.85rneJg and 0.57mglg respectively. Steaming significantly (Pc0.05) increased the calcium
content of fermented millet, while significantly (P<0.05) reducing the calcium content of
sprouted millet. A similar decrease was observed iq sorghum sprouted for 48hr (Nnam, 2001).
Table 18. Effect of steaming on the mineral content of fermented and sprouted
pigeon pea and millet
Samples Calcium Iron Zinc
FSMF 5.85 6.44 47.00
UPF 10.30 4.90 28.20
SSPF 5.00 6.68 44.00
FSPF 4.70 7.05 44.00
LSD (0.05) 0.395 . 1.274 3.368
Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF - Untreated Millet Flour
SSMF - Sprouted Steamed millet flour
FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
UPF - Untreated Pigeon pea Flour
SSPF - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea flour
FSPF - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea flour

The calcium content of sprouted and fermented pigeon pea was 5.00mglg and 4.70mglg
respectively. Unlike in millet, steaming significantly (Pc0.05) decreased the calcium content of
both fermented and sprouted pigeon pea by 54.37% and 51.46% respectively, Onuoha and
Obizoba (2001), observed similar decrease in calcium content of fermented lima beans. There
was a significant (Pc0.05) decrease in the iron content of both fermented and sprouted steamed
millet. In contrast, there was significant (Pc0.05) incrcase in the iron contcnt of both fcrmcnted
and sprouted steamed pigeon pea. Similar increase has been made in germinated fenugrcck seed
by El Mahdy el al., (1982) and fermented soybeans by Van der Riet et a1.,(1987). Zinc contcnt of
sprouted and fermented millet and pigeon pea was significantly (P<0.05) increased by steaming.
This increase could probably be due to the removal of antinutrients that might have formed
complexes with zinc. Obizoba and Atii (1994) reported a similar incrcase in the zinc content of
cooked fermented and sprouted millet.
'Table 19. Effect of steaming on antinutritional content of fermented and
sprouted pigeon pea and millet
Samples Tannin Phvtate Cvanide
I [MF 2.80 0.01 17 4.9
SSMF 2.84 0.0075 4.9
FSMF 3.20 0.0030 4.5
(JPF 2.70 0.1 177 4.7 .
SSPF 4.62 0.0150 4.0
FSPF 4.50 0.0250 3.8
LSD (0.05) 0.546 0.00593 0.42
Mean values of triplicate determinations
I JMF - Untreated Millet Flour
SSMF - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour
FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
(JPF - Untreated Pigeon pea Flour
SSPF - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
FSPF - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea Flour

4.1.7 Effect of steaming on antinutritional content of fermented and

sprouted pigeon pea and millet.
The antinutrient content of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed millet and pigeon
pea is shown in Table 19. The tannin levels of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed millet
were 3.20mglg and 2.84mglg respectively. Furthermore, steaming had no significant (P0.05)
cffcct on thc tannin Ievcl of treated millet. The tannin lcvcls of fcrmcntcd steamed and sproutcd
steamed pigeon pea were 4.50mglg and 4.62mglg rcspectively, Howcvcr, steaming significantly
(PK0.05) increased the tannins levels of fermented and spouted pigeon by 66.67% and 71.1 1%
respectively. The observed increase in the tannin level could be attributed to the increased
formation of tannin -protein complexes by free tannins which was leached out, resulting in
decreased protein value and increased tannins level. The phytate level of the untreated pigeon
pea (0.1 18mg/g) was significantly (PK0.05) higher than the phytate level of the fermented 9

steamed (0.025mglg) and sprouted steamed (0.015mg'/g) pigeon pea. Steaming caused a
significant (P<O.O5) reduction in the phytate level of the fermented steamed millet (0.003mglg)
and sprouted steamed millet (0.0075mg/g), when compared to the untreated millet (0.012mg/g).
This reduction in the phytate level was due to heat treatment and the activity of the enzynics
which brokedown phytate-complexes to release phytate. The phpate was then leached out. 'l'he
cyanide levels of the untreated pigeon pea was 4.7mg/g and fbr the fermented steamed pigcon
pea was 3.8mg/g while for the sprouted steamed pigeon pea, it was 4.0mg/g. The cyanide level
of the untreated millet was 4.9mg/g and the fermented steamed millet was 4.5mdg while
sprouted steamed millet was 4.9mglg. From Table 19, it was evident that steaming significantly
(P<0.05) reduced the cyanide level of treated pigeon pea but not the cyanide level of treated
millet. This could be attributed to the fact that heat removes most HCN (Obizoba and Atii,

4.2 Functional Properties

4.2.1 Effect of Fermentation on Functional Properties of Millet and
Pigeon pea Flour
The functional properties of unfermented and fermented pigeon pea and millet flours are
shown in Table 20.
The viscosity of 6% concentration of the unfermented and fermented pipcon pea and
millet flours are presented in Table 20. The viscosity of the unfermented millet was 238cp while
that of the fermented millet ranged from 214cp(24hr), 218cp(48hr), 225cp(72hr) to 227.5(96hr). /

There was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the viscosity of fermented millet. This reduction is i
probably due to the activities of amylase that break starch down into simpler sugars, thus
reducing viscosity (Mensah el al., 1991). This reduction in viscosity duc to fermentation would
produce thin porridges, which would be good for infant formula. A similar reduction in viscosity
of fermented maize was observed by Mensah et al., (1991). The viscosity of unfermented pigeon
pea was 233cp while the fermented samples showed viscosities of 225cp(24hr), 228cp(48hr),
236.0cp(72hr) and 229.0cp(96hr). From the Table, it could be
Table 20: Effect of fermentation on functional properties of millet and pipeon pea flours
Functional Properties
Samples Viscosity Water Absorution Water Solubilitv Least Gelation Bulk Density Reconstitution
icp) Index (mug) Index (%) Concentration i%) idml) Timeis)
UMF 238.0 1.65 288.70 4.0 0.768 75.0
UPF 233.0 1.42
LSD (0.05) 11.16 0.264 11.393 1.20 0.0396 6.09
Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF -Unfermented Millet Flour UPF - Unfermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMF24- 24hr Fermented Millet Flour FPF24- 24hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMF48 - 48hr Fermented Millet Flour FPF48 - 48hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMF72- 72hr Fermented Millet Flour FPF72 - 72hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
FMFg6- 96hr Fermented millet Flour FPFg6- 96hr Fermented Pigeon pea Flour
deduced that fermentation showed no significant effect on the viscosity of the fermented pigeon
Water Absorption Index:
The water absorption index of the fermented millet compared with that of the
unfermented millet. Fermentation had no significant effect on the water absorption index of the
fermented millet. The water absorption index of the fermented pigeon pea ranged from 1.741nllg
to 2.19mllg. In contrast, fermentation caused a significant increase (P<0.05) in the water
absorption index of fermented pigeon pea. The increase was attributed to the fact that
fermentation enhanced the hydrolysis of starch, which invariably increased the water absorption
index of the samples (Onwulata et al., 1998).
Water Solubility Index:
The water solubility index of the fermented millet samples were 325.9% (24hr), 326.5%
(48hr), 328.9% (72hr) and 331.9% (96hr) respectively. The unfermented millet had a water
solubility value of 288.7%. Fermentation significantly (P<0.05) increased the water solubility
index of millet. The increase in water solubility index was attributed to possible
depolymerisation of the inherent starch and hence to a reduction in the molecular length of
amylose and amylopectin chains, giving rise to the observed incrcase in solubility (Onwulata et
al., 1998). The water solubility index of unfermented pigeon pea was 361.55%. Unlike millet,
there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the water solubility index of fermented pigeon pea.
The water solubility index of fermented pigeon pea ranged from 228.8%(24hr), 281.5%(48hr),
28 1.3%(72hr) to 28 1.5%(96hr) (Fig 4).
Least Gelation Concentration :
The least gelation concentration was determined as that concentration of a sample, which
did not fall down or slip on inversion cif the test tubes. The unfermented millet had a comparable
value of 4% with the fermented millet. This shows that fermentation had no significant (P0.05)
effect on the ability of millet to form stable gel. Fermentation of pigeon pea at different hours
caused a change in the least gelation concentration. The least gelation concentration was
observed to be same for both the unfermented and 24hr fermented pigeon pea (4%) but increased
significantly (W0.05) from this 4% to 6% (48hr), to 8% (72hr) and to 10% (96hr). This increase
in the least gelation concentration of fermented pigeon pea suggests that there is a decreased
ability of the fermented pigeon pea flour to form a stable gel. This observation was also noted by
Ihekoronye (1 986).
Bulk Density:
The bulk density of the unfermented millet was 0.768g/ml while that of the fermented
millet were 0.802g/ml (24hr), 0.801g/ml (48hr), 0.796g/ml (72hr) and 0.832g/m1 (96hr). The
bulk density of the unfermented pigeon pea was 0.877g/ml while that of the fermented pigeon
pea were 0.977g/ml (24hr), 0.947glml (48hr), 0.915g/ml (72hr) and 0.914g/ml (96hr). It was
observed that the bulk density of the unfermented pigeon pea and millet did not differ
significantly from that of the fermented pigeon pea and millet. Therefore, the comparable values
of the bulk density of both unfermented and fermented pigeon pea and millet could be attributed
probably to treatment.
Reconstitution Time:
All the samples reconstituted well in water. The rate of reconstitution of the unfermented
samples (pigeon pea and millet) was higher (66s and 75s respectively) than that of the fermented
samples. There was significant (P<0.05) difference in the reconstitutability of the fermented
sample compared to the reconstitutability of the unfermented samples, but there was no
significant difference between the reconstitution values of the fermented samples.

4.2.2 Effect of Sprouting on Functional properties of Millet and Pigeon

pea Flour
The effect of sprouting on the functional properties of pigeon pea and millet is shown in
Table 2 1.
Viscosity: ,

The viscosity of 6% concentration of sprouted millet varied from 221 Scp (24hr), 2 2 8 . 5 ~ ~
(48hr), 2 2 4 . 5 ~(72hr)
~ to 2 2 5 . 5 ~(96hr),
~ Sprouting significantly (P<0.05) reduced the
viscosity of millet flours. The reduction in viscosity in sprouted millet flours was as a result of
starch degradation caused by the action of alpha - and beta - amylases, that developed during the
germination process (Mosha and Svanberg, 1983). Marero et al., (1988) reported similar
decrease in viscosity of rice and corn due to germination. In contrast, sprouting of pigeon pea did
not show any such decrease in apparent viscosity except for the 96hr-sprouted pigeon pea that
Table 21: Effect of sprouting on the functional properties of sprouted millet and pigeon pea flours
Functional Properties
Samples Viscositv Water Absomtion Water Solubility Least Gelation Bulk Density Reconstitution
(CD) Index (mug) Index (Oh) Concentration (%) (dm11 Time(s1
UMF 238.0 1.65 288.70 4.0 0.768 75.0
sm48 228.5 1.68 293.20 4.0 0.676 5 1.O
SMF72 224.5 1.55 205.00 4.0 0.649 44.7
sm96 225.5 2.78 21Q.00 4.0 0.659 57.0
UPF 233.0 1.42 361.55 4.0 0.877 66.0
SPF24 233.5 1.78 376.70 6.0 0.943 63.O
SPF48 , 233.5 1.83 307.00 6.0 0.975 57.0
SPF72 233.0 1.99 313.70 8.0 0.987 51.0
SPF96 212.0 2.05 277.60 6.0 0.975 54.0
LSD (0.051 7.48 0.298 4.299 1.42 0.0536 5.55
Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF -Unsprouted Millet Flour UPF - Unsprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF24- 24hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF24- 24hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF48- 48hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF48 - 48hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF12 - 72hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPF12 - 72hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
SMF96- 96hr Sprouted Millet Flour SPFg6- 96hr Sprouted Pigeon pea Flour
exhibited reduced (I+-0.05)viscosity. However, this result agrees with the result of Marero et ul.,
(1988), who observed a reduction in the viscosity of germinated mungbean and cowpea after
Water Absorption Index:
The water absorption index of sprouted millet ranged from 1.55mllg to 2.78mllg while
that of unsprouted millet was 1.65mllg. Also, the water absorption index of sprouted pigeon pea
ranged from 1.78mVg to 2.05mllg while that of the unsprouted pigeon pea was 1.42mllg. The
water absorption index of sprouted pigeon pea increased as the hours of sprouting increased.
However, sprouting showed no significant (P>0.05) effect on the water absorption index of
millet except for 96hr-sprouted millet in which there was significant (Pc0.05) increase.
Furthermore, sprouting significantly (P<0.05) increased the water absorption index of pigeon
pea. Onimawo and Asugo (2004) reported a similar increase in the water absorption index of
pigeon pea due to germination. The high water absorption index could be attributed to either high
protein content or more of hydrophilic polysaccharides during the course of sprouting.
Furthermore, the high water absorption index indicates that the sprouted seed flour could be
useful in food systems, which require hydration to improve handling characteristics and to
maintain freshness.
Water Solubility Index:
The water solubility index for sprouted millet was varied. The water solubility index of
unsprouted millet was 288.7%while that of the sprouted millet varied from 315.6% (24hr),
293.2% (48hr), 205.0% (72hr) to 210.0% (96hr). Sprouting significantly (P<0.05)
increased the water solubility index of 24hr and 48hr sprouted millet. However, a significant
(P<0.05) decrease was observed as sprouting time extended beyond 48hr. This decrease could be
as a result of degradation of starch during sprouting. Gujska and Khan (1991), observed similar
decrease in water solubility index of extruded pinto bean flour. Furthermore, the water solubility

index of pigeon pea showed a similar trend as that of millet. The water solubility index of the
unsprouted pigeon pea was 361.5394, which was significantly (Pr-0.05) increased at 24hr
sprouting and this could as well be attributed to starch degradation during sprouting.
Least Gelation Concentration:
Gel formation is primarily related to the concentration of amylose in the flour starch.
Sprouting did not cause any significant change in the least gelation concentration of millet. The

least gelation concentration of unsprouted and sprouted millet was 4%. Sprouting caused an
increase in the least gelation concentration of pigeon pea. Unsprouted pigeon pea had a least
gelation concentration of 4% while the least gelation concentration of sprouted pigeon pea
increased to 8%. The increase in the least gelation concentration implies a decreased ability of
the pigeon pea flour to form stable gels. Onimawo and Asugo (2004), reported a similar increase
in the least gelation concentration of germinated pigeon pea of 10%. However, concluded that
the variation in the gelling properties of different legume flours in associated with the relative
ratios of different constituents such as protein, carbohydrate and lipids.
Bulk Density:
Bulk density is a reflection of the load the sample can carry if allowed to rest directly on
another. The bulk density values of both sprouted millet and pigeon pea is shown in Table 21.
The bulk density of the unsprouted millet flour was 0.768gml. Sprouting caused a significant
decrease (P<0.05) in the bulk density of millet except for millet sprouted for 24hr which had a
comparable value of 0.760glml. The decrease in bulk density could be attributed to the
processing method of sprouting. Balandran - Quintana et a1.,(1998) reported a decrease in the
bulk density of extruded whole pinto bean. However, sprouting significantly (P<0.05) increased
the bulk density of pigeon pea, when compared to the unsprouted pigeon pea, whose bulk density
value was 0.877glml. Onimawo and Asugo (2004), reported similar observation of increase in
bulk density of germinated pigeon pea, while, on the contrary, Akubor and Chukwu (1999),
observed a decrease in bulk density in African oil bean when fermented.
Reconstitution Time: '.
The reconstitution time for both sprouted pigeon pea and millet reduced when compared
to the unsprouted pigeon pea and millet. It could therefore, be said that sprouted samples
reconstituted well in water.
Table 22: Effect of steaming on functional properties of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed millet and
pipeon pea flours
Functional Pro~erties
Sam~les Viscosity Water ~bsorption Water Solubilitv Least Gelation Bulk Densitv Reconstitution
(CD) Index (mug) Index (%) Concentration (%) (dml) Tirne(s1
UMF 238.0
SSMF 220.0
FSMF 215.0
UPF 233.0
SSPF 228.0
FSPF 223 .O 1.65 3 17.40 10.0 0.789 60.0
LSD (0.05) 8.95 0.299 4.272 2.62 0.0238 4.42
Mean values of triplicate determinations
UMF -Untreated Millet Flour UPF - Untreated Pigeon pea Flour
SSMF - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour SSPF -Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour FSPF -Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
4.2.3 Effect of steaming on functional properties of fermented and
sprouted pigeon pea and millet flour:
Table 22 shows the hnctional properties of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed
pigeon pea and millet flours.
Result of the viscosity measurements of the fermented steamed and sprouted steamed
pigeon pea and millet is shown in Table 22. The viscosity of the.untreated millet was 238cp
while that of untreated pigeon pea was 233cp. The viscosities of the fermented steamed and
sprouted steamed millet were 215cp and 220cp respectively, while the viscosities of the
fermented steamed and sprouted steamed pigeon pea were 223cp and 228cp respectively. The
result showed that steaming significantly (PC0.05) reduced the viscosity of fermented and
sprouted millet and pigeon pea. Mercier et al., (1975) observed similar decrease in viscosity of
corn and rice due to extrusion cooking. The reduction in viscosity could be attributed to the
degradation of starch due to steaming.
Water Absorption Index:
Among the fhctional properties, water absorption index is irnportant because of the
hydrogen bonds formed between water and polar residues of protein molecules. Significant
increases (P<0.05) were observed in water absorption index of fermented steamed and sprouted
steamed millet and pigeon pea. Balandra-Quintana et a1.(1998) observed a similar increase in
water absorption index of extruded pinto bean. The increase was attributed to the increase in
temperature, which caused amylose and amylopectin separation, forming an expansible matrix,
which result in a higher water absorption index.
Water Solubility Index:
The water solubility index for the untreated millet was 288.7% while for the ferrnentcd
steamed and sprouted steamed millet was 368.2% and 366.5% respectively. Significant (P<0.05)
increase was observed in the water solubility index of fermented steamed and sprouted steamed
millet. This increase could be attributed to starch depolymerization at higher temperaturcs,
reducing molecular length of amylose and amylopectin chains. This result confirmed those of
Anderson (1982) who had extruded corn and sorghum. The water solubility index of untreated
pigeon pea was 361.55%. Steaming caused a significant increase (K0.05) in the water solubility r

index of sprouted pigeon pea. However, a significant decrease (K0.05) was observed in the
water solubility of fermented steamed pigeon pea. The observed reduction in the water solubility
index of fermented steamed pigeon pea, could probably be attributed to the denaturation and .
aggregation of protein due to steaming. Gujska and Khan (1991) observed a similar decrease in
water solubility index of extruded pinto bean flour. On the other hand, the observed increase in
water solubility index for sprouted steamed pigeon pea, could probably be attributed to minimal
denaturation of protein during processing. Balandran- Quintana el al. (1998), observed similar
increase in water solubility index for extruded whole pinto bean.
Least Gela tion Concentration:
The effect of steaming on the least gelation concentration of untreated, sprouted and
fermented millet and pigeon pea flours is shown in Table 22. The least gelation concentration of
untreated pigeon pea and millet was 4%. Steaming caused a significant (Pc0.05) increase in the
least gelation concentration of sprouted and fermented millet and pigeon pea, when compared to
the untreated millet and pigeon pea. Least gelation concentration was observed to increase from
4% for the untreated pigeon pea to 10% for both fermented and sprouted pigeon pea. It was also
observed to increase from 4% for the untreated millet to 10% for sprouted millet and 8% for
fermented millet. However, the increase in least gelation concentration by steaming could
probably lead to a decrease in the ability of samples to form gel. This decease in ability to form
gel, could be attributed to heat denaturation.
Bulk Density:
Steaming caused a decrease in the bulk density of both sprouted and fermented pigeon
pea. The bulk density of untreated pigeon pea was 0.877gIrnl while for the sprouted steamed
pigeon pea it was 0.794g/rnl and 0.789g/ml for fermented steamed pigeon pea. This decrease
could be due to starch degradation resulting in less expansion due to high temperature effect.
Steaming caused a decrease in the bulk density of fermented steamed millet, whose value was
0.735gIml but an increase in the bulk density of the sprouted steamed millet, 0.777g/ml when
compared to the untreated millet, 0.768glml.
Reconstitution Time:
All samples reconstituted well in water. There was a reduction in the reconstitution time
of the fermented steamed and sprouted steamed millet and pigeon pea when compared to the
, untreated samples.
4.3 Sensory Evaluation:
The mean sensory scores of the infant food formulations, casein and commercial diet are
shown in Table 23.
Colour scores ranged fiom 6.8 to 5.1. The commercial diet had colour score of 6.8 which
was significantly (Pc0.05) higher than those of the formulated and casein diets. Casein diet had
comparable (P>0.05) colour score of 5.8 with diets B (untreated pigeon pea flour + fermented
steamed millet flour) and C (untreated pigeon pea flour + sprouted steamed millet flour) (5.4) but
significantly (P<0.05) differed fiom the rest. Furthermore, among the formulated diets, there was
no significant (P>0.05) difference in terms of colour score.
Flavour scores ranged fiom 5.9 to 4.0. The commercial diet had the highest flavour score
of 5.9 while diet B (untreated pigeon pea flour + fermented steamed millet flour) had the lowest
flavour score of 4.0. However, the flavour score of the commercial diet did not differ (P>0.05)
fiom the flavour score of diets H (sprouted steamed pigeon pea flour + fermented steamed millet
flour) (5.8), F (fermented steamed pigeon pea flour + sprouted steamed millet flour) (5.7), I
(sprouted steamed pigeon pea flour + sprouted steamed millet flour) (5.9, E (fermented steamed
pigeon pea flour + fermented steamed millet flour) (5.2) and casein (5.6).
The commercial diet had significantly (P<0.05) higher consistency score compared to the
formulated and casein diets. On the other hand, casein diet had the lowest consistency score of
3.7. Diets A(4.4), B(4.4), C(4.1) and D (4.0) had comparable consistency score with casein.
Furthermore, diets E(5.5), F(5.2) and l(5.3) had comparable consistency score.
Reconstitution Time:
All samples reconstituted well in water. There was a reduction in the reconstitution time
of the fermented steamed and sprouted steamed millet and pigeon pea when compared to the
, untreated samples.
4.3 Sensory Evaluation:
The mean sensory scores of the infant food formulations, casein and commercial diet are
shown in Table 23.
Colour scores ranged fiom 6.8 to 5.1. The commercial diet had colour score of 6.8 which
was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the formulated and casein diets. Casein diet had
comparable (P>0.05) colour score of 5.8 with diets B (untreated pigeon pea flour + fermented
steamed millet flour) and C (untreated pigeon pea flour + sprouted steamed millet flour) (5.4) but
significantly (P<0.05) differed fiom the rest. Furthermore, among the formulated diets, there was
no significant (P>0.05) difference in terms of colour score.
Flavour scores ranged fiom 5.9 to 4.0. The commercial diet had the highest flavour score
of 5.9 while diet B (untreated pigeon pea flour + fermented steamed millet flour) had the lowest
flavour score of 4.0. However, the flavour score of the commercial diet did not differ (P>0.05)
fiom the flavour score of diets H (sprouted steamed pigeon pea flour + fermented steamed millet
flour) (5.8), F (fermented steamed pigeon pea flour + sprouted steamed millet flour) (5.7), I
(sprouted steamed pigeon pea flour + sprouted steamed millet flour) (5.9, E (fermented steamed
pigeon pea flour + fermented steamed millet flour) (5.2) and casein (5.6).
The commercial diet had significantly (Pc0.05) higher consistency score compared to the
formulated and casein diets. On the other hand, casein diet had the lowest consistency score of
3.7. Diets A(4.4), B(4.4), C(4.1) and D (4.0) had comparable consistency score with casein.
Furthermore, diets E(5.9, F(5.2) and l(5.3) had comparable consistency score.
Table 23: Sensory evaluation scores of the formulated products, commercial
diet and casein diet
Quality Attributes
Samples Colour Flavour Consistency Mouth Taste After- Overall
feel taste Acceptability
A 5.2 5.0 4.4 3.9 4.3 3.8 4.5
B 5.4 4.0 4.4 3.8 4.2 3.6 4.6
C 5.4 4.9 4.1 3.8 4.9 3.9 4.7
D 5.3 4.9 4.0 3.9 4.9 3.8 5.0
E 5.1 5.2 5.5 3.5 5.9 3.7 5.6
F 5.3 5.7 5.2 4.0 5.9 3.6 5.7
G 5.2 5.1 4.6 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.8
H 5.3 5.8 5.8 3.7 5.5 3.6 5.4
I 5.1 5.5 5.3 3.8 6.0 3.9 5.5
J 6.8 5.9 6.6 6.4 6.4 4.3 6.8
K 5.8 5.6 3.7 5.7 6.0 3.9 5.8
LSD (0.05) 0.42 0.73 0.76 0.79 0.62 0.92 0.72
Mean of 30 replicates
A-UPF+UMF . J - Commercial Diet
B - UPF + FSMF K - Casein Diet
C - UPF + SSMF UPF -Untreated Pigeon pea Flour
D - FSPF + UMF UMF - Untreated Millet Flour
E - FSPF + FSMF FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
F - FSPF +-SSMF SSMF - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour
G - SSPF + UMF SSPF - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
H - SSPF -t FSMF FSPF - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea Flour

Mouth feel:
Commercial diet had comparable (P>0.05) mouth feel score of 6.4 with those of casein
diet (5.7). On the contrary, commercial diet had significantly (W0.05) highcr mouth fccl score
than the formulated diets. Furthermore, there was no significant (PB0.05) difference among the
mouth feel scores of formulated diets.
The taste score ranged from 6.4 to 4.0. Commercial diet had the highest taste score of 6.4.
Furthermore, commercial diet had comparable (P>0.05) taste score with casein (6.0), diets I(6.0),
E(5.9) and F(5.9) but was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of other formulated diets. Diet
G(4.0) had the lowest taste score which was comparable to the taste. score of diets A(4.3) and
The aftertaste score ranged from 4.3 to 3.6. Commercial diet had the highest aftertaste
score (4.3) while diets B, F and H had the lowest level of 3.6. There was no significant (PB0.05)
difference in the aftertaste score of commercial, casein and formulated diets.
Overall Acceptability:
The overall acceptability of the diets were influenced by the organoleptic attributes of
colour, flavour, taste, mouthfeel etc. The overall acceptability score ranged from 6.8 to 4.5.
Commercial diet had the highest overall acceptability score of 6.8. There was significant
(P<0.05) difference in the overall acceptability score of the commercial diet to those of casein
(5.8) and formulated diets. On the contrary, there was no significant (P>0.05) difference in the
overall acceptability score between the casein diet (5.8) and those of diets F (5.7), E (5.6), I(5.5)
and H (5.4). Diet A had the lowest overall acceptability score of 4.5, which was comparable to
the overall acceptability scores of diets B(4.6), C(4.7), and D(5.0).
The preference for the commercial diet was not surprising. The panelists were familiar
with the organoleptic properties of gruels from commercial diet (Cerelac) which is popularly
used as complementary food in Nigeria, and is vade from only maize. Promotion will be \

required to popularize the composites from other sources of cereals and legumes which have a
lot of nutritional benefits over cereal complementary diet alone (Nnarn, 2001). Some of the
organoleptic properties of the infant food formulation can be improved by addition of edible
flavouring and colouring materials (Nwanekezi, 200 1).
Based on the organoleptic qualities-colour, flavour, mouthfeel and overall acceptability
of diets studied, samples A for negative control, E, F, H, I, J and K, were chosen for fkrther
studies. These samples were analysed for hnctional properties and subsequently used for animal
bioassay. For the animal bioassay diets A, E, F, H, 1, J and K were designated, 1, 11, 111, 1V, V, VI
and VII respectively.

4.4 Animal Bioassay

4.4.1 Proximate Composition of Diets used for Animal Bioassay
Table 24 shows the proximate composition of blends from pigeon yea and millet. The
proximate composition of the blends were compared with casein and a commercial diet. The
protein values for the different diets were diet I, 9.43%, diet 11, 9.43%, diet 111, 8.8%, diet IV,
8.70% and diet V, 10.50%. The protein content of diet I and I1 were comparable (DO.05) to the
protein content of the casein diet, 9.53% which is comparable to the FA0 standard protein value
of 10% (FAO, 1994). Furthermore, the protein content of diet V was significantly (K0.05)
higher than those of casein. It could be seen that the use of composite flours could serve as a
practical means of upgrading protein levels of millet flour, as the protein level of the composite
flours were influenced by supplementation (Nnam, 2001). Commercial diet had significantly
(P<0.05) higher protein value of 19.53%, than those of the composite, but it was con~parableto
the 15% FAO/WHO requirement for commercial diet. The casein diet had comparable (PB0.05)
lipid content (1 1.43%) with diets I (1 1.13%), IV (1 1.33%) and V (1 1.73%), which were
significantly (P<0.05) higher than the lipid value (8.4%) of commercial diet. Furthermore, diet I1
and 111 had significantly (W0.05) lower lipid content than those of casein diet. Casein diet had a
crude fibre content of 2.7% which is comparable (P0.05) to the crude fibre content of diet V,
but differs significantly (P<0.05) from those of other composite and commercial diets. Similarly,
commercial diet had comparable (P30.05) crude fibre content (2.47%) with diets I and 111. The
moisture content of the composite flour varied. Casein diet had comparable (P>0.05) moisture
content (1.5%) with those of diets 11, IV and V. On the contrary, commercial diet had
significantly (P<0.05) higher moisture content (7.63%), which was comparable to those of diet I
(7.27%). Commercial diet had a comparable (P>0.05) ash content (5.00%) with those of diet IV,
but was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of casein. Similarly, casein diet had a comparable
(P>0.05) ash content of 3.07% with those of diet V (3.4%). Commercial diet had significantly
(P<0.05) lower carbohydrate (56.96%) and energy (329.2kcaI/lOOg) levels than those of the
Table 24: Proximate composition of diets used for animal bioassay (% dry weight basis)
Samples Crude protein Crude fat Crude fibre Moisture content Ash Nitrogen Free Extract Enerw True motein
I 9.43 11.13 2.47 7.27 4.10 65.60 400.29 6.70
I1 9.43 9.80 2.40 1S O 2.60 74.27 423.OO 5.10
I11 8.80 9.67 2.47 4.35 2.60 72.1 1 4 10.67 5.37
n(r 8.70 11.33 2.50 1S O 4.80 71.17 42 1.45 4.90
V 10.50 11.73 2.70 1S O 3.40 70.17 428.25 7.07
VI 19.53 8.40 2.47 7.63 5.00 56.97 379.20 10.40
VII 9.53 11.43 2.70 1S O 3.07 71.77 428.07 7.30
LSD (0.05) 0.443 0.463 0.064 0.645 0.449 1.697 4.282 0.572
Mean of 30 replicate determinations
I - UPF + UMF UMF - Untreated Millet Flour
I1 - FSPF + FSMF UPF -Untreated Pigeon pea Flour
I11 -FSPF + SSMF FSPF - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
IV- SSPF + FSMF SSPF - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
V- SSPF + SSMF FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
VI - Commercial Diet SSMF - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour
VII - Casein Diet
composite flours. Unlike commercial diet, casein diet had a comparable carbohydrate content
(71.77%) with diet 111 (72.1I%), diet 1V (71.17%) and diet V (70.17%). Casein diet had high
energy level that was comparable (P0.05) to diet V. Similar to the crude protein, the true
protein content of commercial diet was significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of the composite
flours and casein

4.4.2 Mineral Composition of diets used for animal bioassay

The mineral content of the composite flour is shown in Table 25. There was a variation in
the calcium content of composite flours with diet V having the lowest level. The commercial diet
(4.58mglg) had comparable (P>0.05) calcium content with casein diet (4.63mdg). On the
contrary, diets 1(6.63mg/g), III(5.07mg/g), IV(4.97mgk) and 11(4.80mg/g) had significantly
(P<0.05) higher calcium content than those of casein and commercial diets. Commercial diet had
iron content (6.98mglg) that is significantly (PC0.05) higher than that of casein diet(4.76mdg).
Diet II(7.10mglg) had the highest iron content that was comparable (P>0.05) to those of
commercial diet and diet 111. However, casein diet had a low iron content that was comparable to
diet V (4.68mg/g). The composite diet had significantly (K0.05) higher iron content than those
of casein except for diet V. This could be compared to the work by Nkama and Malleshi (1998)
in which iron content was observed to be high in the diet formulated with rice, pearl millet,

cowpea and groundnut. The zinc content of composite flours ranged from 46.30mg/g (diet I), to
45.67mdg (diet III), to 45.00mg/g (diet V), to 43.33mg/g (diet 1V) to 29.00mglg (diet 11). Diets
I, 111 and V had comparable zinc content which were significantly (Pc0.05) higher than those of
casein and commercial diets (41.33mg/g and 40.0mglg respectively). Diet I1 had the lowest zinc
content, though it had the highest iron content. The increase in the zinc content of the formulated
diet could be compared to the increase observed by Nkama and Malleshi (1998) in zinc content
of formulated rice-cowpea and rice -cowpea - groundnut.
Table 25: Mineral Composition of diets used for animal bioassay
Samples Calcium (mglpr) Iron (mglg) Zinc (mglg)
1 6.63 6.66 46.30
I1 4.80 7.10 29.00
111 5.07 6.98 45.67
IV 4.97 5.00 43.33
V 1.03 4.68 45.00
VI 4.58 6.98 40.00
VII 4.63 4.76 41.33
LSD (0.05) 0.189 0.3 16 1.610
Mean values of triplicate determinations
I - UMF + UPF UMF - Untreated Millet Flour
I1 - FSPF + FSMF UPF - Untreated Pigeon pea Flour
111- FSPF + SSMF FSPF - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
IV - SSPF + FSMF SSPF - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
V - SSPF + SSMF FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
VII - Commercial Diet SSMF - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour
VII - Casein Diet

4.4.3 Functional Properties of Diets

The hnetional properties of diets fed to the animals are shown in Table 26.
Viscosity I
The viscosity measurements of the different composite flours varied. Commercial diet
had the highest viscosity value of 303cp while casein diet had the lowest viscosity value of
I, \

190cp. The viscosities of the diets were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of the
commercial diet and they ranged fiom 201cp (diet IV), 205cp (diet I), 207cp (diet II), 209cp (diet
V) and 210cp (diet 111). The viscosity of the composite blends was higher than casein diet but
lower than the commercial diet. Diet IV had the lowest viscosity amongst the composite blends.
The viscosity of the composite blends (Table 26) was lower (P<-0.05) when compared to the
viscosity of the fermented steamed and sprouted steamed flours. Nnam (2001) observed similar
lower viscosity in porridges f?om composite flours when compared to the control, fermented
sorghum flour. This low viscosity is a significant property in weaning formula because ,it
facilitates easier consumption, digestion and greater nutrient intake.
Water Absorption Index:
The ability to absorb water by the blends varied. The water absorption index of
commercial diet was low, 1.40mVg. Diet I11 had a high water absorption index of 1.83 mllg. Diet
I, 11, IV and V had a comparable water absorption index with casein diet of 1.57mllg. The water
absorption ability of the fermented steamed and sprouted steamed pigeon pea and millet flours
(Table 22) was higher than the water absorption ability of the composite blends (Table 26). This
reduction in the water absorption index of diets could be attributed to the complementing effects
of the proteins in the diets.
Water Solubility Index:
Commercial diet had significantly (P<0.05) higher water solubility index of 428.0% than
those of casein diet (369.5%). Casein diet had comparable (P>0.05) water solubility index with
diets I and V (370.5% and 376.0% respectively). Diet 11 and IV had comparable water solubility
index which are significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of the casein diet. Diet 111 had the lowest
water solubility index of 306.9%. The reduced water solubility index of formulated diets (JI, 111,
IV) indicates that the diets have easier digestibility when consumed.
Least Gelation Concentration:
The least gelation concentration of composite blend varied. The variation in least gelation
concentration of composite flours was from 4% (diet V), 6% (diet I), 8% (diets 1JI and IV) to
10% (diet 11). Commercial diet had a high least gelation concentration value of 12%. This
implies that its ability to form stable gel is low. Casein did not form gel up to 20%(w/v)
concentration range. This result suggests that gelation is not only the function of quantity of \

protein but also the type of protein(s) and the non-protein components as well.
Bulk Density Determination:
The bulk density of the composite blends varied. Commercial diet had the lowest bulk
density value of 0.641g/ml. Casein diet had comparable bulk density level with diets 111 and V,
0.828g/ml and 0.807dml respectively. Similarly, diet I and IV had comparable bulk density
level. Among the composite blends, diet IT had the lowest bulk density level of 0.773gIm1, but
which was significantly higher than that of the ~ommercialdiet.
Reconstitution Time:
All composite blends reconstituted well in water. Comn~ercialdiet had the longest
reconstitution time of 78s that was comparable to that of diet I11 (72s). However, diets 1, 1V and
V had lower reconstitution time of 63s, 69s and 69s respectively which compared with the
reconstitution time of casein (66s). Diet I1 had the lowest reconstitution time of 54s. The low
reconstitution time suggests that diet I1 was very dispersible, highly solublc and easily

4.4.4 Animal Bioassay:

Table 27 shows the result of food intake (g), gain in body weight (g), protein efficiency
ratio (PER), N intake (g), feacal N (g), Urinary N (g), digested N (g), retained N, biological
value (BV) and Net protein utilization (NPU) of rats fed mixed protein diets based on fermented
steamed and sprouted steamed millet and pigeon pea flours. There were differences in food
intake among the groups of rats. The higher food intake of the group of rats fed commercial diet
(173.54g) which was significantly (P<0.05) different from the rest, might bc attributcd to its
palatability. The surprisingly, high food intake (123.428) of group of rats fed diet 1V compared
to those rats fed other mixed protein diets could be attributed to the mutual supplementation
effects of the diet that promoted palatability. This is a common phenomenon as observed by
Obizoba (1990). The comparable food intake of groups of rat fed diets I11 and I1 as against casein
(1 13.5 lg, 11 1.34g vs 130.798 respectively) might be because of improved flavour or palatability
or both (Obizoba, 1990). The weight gain of rats in various groups differed. The group of rats fed
the commercial diet had the highest weight gain (56.82g), which was significantly higher
(P<0.05) than those groups of rats fed other mixed protein diet. The high maintenance body
weight of group of rats fed commercial diet showed that it contained desirable and adequate
essential amino acid, which these rats used to synthesize new body protein tissue (Ossai and
Malomo, 1988). On the other hand, the comparable value in maintenance body weight of rats fed
diet 111 (13.1 0g) and casein (15.968) indicates that when plant protein are mixed to complement
each other, it is possible to produce adequate protein that will be equal or higher than that of
animal protein (casein) (Ossai and Malomo, 1988). The low maintenance weight gain of groups
of rats fed diet I, could be attributed to poor protein utilization (Obizoba, 1986), or that the
Table 27: Food intake, gain in body weipht, protein efficiency ratio (PER), N intake, feacal N, urinary N,
di~estedN, retained N, biological value (BV)and net protein utilization of rats fed diets based on fermented
and sprouted millet and pipeon pea.
Diets I I1 I11 IV V VI VII
N ratios 70:30 70:30 70:30 70:30 70:30 100:O 100:O
Food intake (g) 90.89 111.34 113.51 123.42 102.08 173.54 130.79
Wt gain (g) 6.98 10.41 13.10 10.25 10.00 56.82 15.96
* PER 0.584 0.712 0.876 0.630 0.748 2.5 0.925
N intake (g) 0.322 0.364 0.372 0.471 0.364 0.756 0.514
Feacal N (g) 0.0182 0.01 19 0.0098 0.0101 0.01 82 0.0289 0.0209
Digested N (g) 0.3040 0.3525 0.3689 0.4609 0.3458 0.7271 0.493 1
Urinary N (g) 0.1081 0.1066 0.1080 0.1097 0.1083 0.1383 0.0785
Retained N (g) 0.1957 0.2455 0.2609 0.3512 0.2375 0.5888 0.4146
BV 64.42 69.73 70.72 76.20 68.68 80.98 84.08
NPU 60.77 67.45 70.13 74.57 65.25 77.88 80.66
*PER converted to that of casein standard (2.5) Means of 35 replicates
I - UMF + UPF UMF - Untreated Millet Flour
I1 - FSPF + FSMF UPF -Untreated Pigeon pea Flour
I11 -FSPF + SSMF FSPF - Fermented Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
IV- SSPF + FSMF FSMF - Fermented Steamed Millet Flour
V- SSPF + SSMF SSPF - Sprouted Steamed Pigeon pea Flour
VI - Commercial Diet SSMF - Sprouted Steamed Millet Flour
VII - Casein Diet
protein is deficient in one or more essential amino acids (Ossai and Malomo, 1988), or due to
type of legume and differences in essential amino acid content of proteins (Obizoba, 1990). The
higher food intake of diet IV as against that of diet V and their comparable maintenance body
weight indicate that both are equally good to maintain body N, even though diet IV had higher
food intake, and vice versa. The PER (protein efficiency ratio) values were converted to a value
of 2.5 for casein. There were variations in PER for all groups, which was an indication that PER
is influenced by weight gain and source of N (Obizoba, 1990). The higher (P<0.05) PER for the
group of rats fed commercial diet (2.5) might he associated with the higher food intake as well as
the maintenance body weight. The comparable PER value for groups of rats fed diet I11 and
casein (0.876 and 0.925 respectively), confirms the observation made over !he maintenance body
weight. The comparable PER of rats fed diets 11, IV and V (0.712, 0.6:30 and 0.748 respectively)
indicates that the three protein diets had comparable nutritive vidue. This is a common
phenomenon as observed by Okeke and Obizoba (1986). The 7-day N intake for all groups of
rats varied. The N intake of the groups of rats followed a trend towards higher values for those
rats with higher food intake, for example, the commercial diet group of rats that had the highest
food intake (174.54g), maintenance body weight (56.828) and PER (2.5) had the highest N
intake of 0.7568. Feacal N was a hnction of source of N and intake. The group of rats fed casein
diet had high N intake, high feacal N and also high digested N. Feacal N affects digestibility. The
lower feacal excretion of groups of rats favoured their increased N digestibility. The digested N
for all group of rats varied and was a hhction of N intake and feacal output. The group of rats
fed commercial diet had a significantly higher (P<0.05) digested N value (0.72718). which
indicated that it provided the essential amino acid required for high digestibility (Onuoha and /

Obizoba, 2001). The digested N value (0.4931g) of casein which was cdmparable (P>0.05) to
that of diet IV indicated that diet IV provided protein with desirable essential amino acids which \
were equal to that of casein and were equally digestible (Onuoha and Obizoba, 2001). The higher
digested N value of commercial diet (0.72718) indicated superiority over the lower digested N
values of diets I11 (0.3689g), I1 (0.3525g), V (0.34588) and I (0.304g) (Obizoba,1986). The
urinary N excretion for all groups of rats varied and might be due to biological variation of the
animals and protein quality (Obizoba, 1986). The groups of rats fed commercial diet had high
urinary N excretion of 0.13838, which adversely affected their retained N, biological value (BV)
and net protein utilization (NPU). However, the groups of rats fed commercial diet that had 1.

higher digested N and higher urinary N, also had higher N retention but reduced biological value
(BV) and net protein utilization (NPU), when compared to the group of rats fed casein diet.
Casein diet had high digested N but low urinary N, which resulted in high retained N, biological
value and subsequently net protein utilization (NPU). The retained N of the group of rats fed
formulated diets ranged from 0.1957g to 0.3512g. Diet IV had significantly (P<0.05) higher
retained N (0.35 12g) than those of other formulated diets, which resulted in high biological value
and net protein utilization. The groups of rats fed diets 11, 111 and V had comparable retained N
values of 0.2455g, 0.2609g and 0.2373g respectively. The retained N value, however, was a
hnction of food intake, N intake, feacal N and urinary N. The trend towards high net protein
utilization for group of rats fed diets 111, IV, commercial diet and casein diet suggests that the
protein source was of good quality. Similarly, it suggests that the diet combinations provided a
good pattern of essential amino acids, which the rats used for body tissue synthesis. As judged by
net protein utilization (NPU), diets IV and 111 were superior to others.
5.0 Conclusions, Recommendations and Suggestions for Further
5.1 Conclusions
The result of this study shows the formulation complementary (weaning) formula. The
production of this complementary formula was through simple but adequate processing methods
that can easily be adopted by many families. The findings of this study could be summarized as
Fermentation increased the protein content of pigeon pea from 22.04% to 23.46% and
millet fiom 9.18% to 9.46%. Sprouting also increased the protein content of pigeon pea from
22.04% to 24.85% but reduced that of millet fiom 9.18% to 7.88%. Fermentation reduced the
antinutrients-tannin (2.7mdg to 2.26mg/g), phytate (0.117mglg to 0.0018mglg) and cyanide
(4.9mg/g to 4.5mgJg) levels of millet and pigeon pea. There was a variation, however, in the
antinutrient level of sprouted samples. Steaming reduced the protein, calcium, phytate and
cyanide content of the fermented and sprouted pigeon pea and millet samples, but increased the
zinc, iron and tannin content. The protein content of the formulated products was comparable to
the protein content of casein diet (9.53%) and the FA0 standard protein value of 10%. Among
the most acceptable formulation (E, F, H and I which were designated as 11, 111, 1V and V
respectively) used for animal assay, group' of rats fed diet lV, had food intake (123.42g), digested
N (0.4609g) and net protein utilization (74.57), which were comparable with those of casein diet
(1 30.7913, 0.493 1g and 80.66 respectively).
It is evident fiom the results that the blending of fermented millet and sprouted pigcon
pea in the proportion used in the present study provides a formulation that compares favourably
with casein.

5.2 Recommendations
From the conclusion made in this research work we recommend the following:
Raw materials for food, especially, weaning food should be fermented or germinated and
steamed before formulation. This increases the nutritive quality.
A 72-hour fermentation period and a 24hr-sprouting period for millet arid pigeon pea may
be recommended for production of flour with high nutritive content.
Formulation of weaning formula from cereals like millet and legume like pigeon pea is
recommended to improve the protein quality of the cereals.
The diet IV fiom millet and pigeon pea blended in the ratio of 70:30 as shown in the
result of the animal bioassay is therefore recommended for use as weaning food for infants
particularly for the low income earners who can not afford commercial weaning foods.

5.3 Suggestion for Further Studies

Like all intellectual endeavours, this research work generates additional studies. Hence,
we suggest that hrther studies be conducted to ascertain the nutritional quality of millet and
pigeon pea that have undergone the dual process of germination and fermentation.
To evaluate the essential amino acids in a cereal and the particular legumc that could
complement it through an essential amino acid assay.
To assay the effect of the millet and pigeon pea mixed protein diets on the animal organs
through a histopathological analysis.
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'G 15

:1 -- -
Crude protein (millet)
, 10
a C ~ u d eprotein (P. pea)

0 24 48 72 96
Fermentation time (hour)

/ tcrude fat (Millet) I

1 C ~ a d efat ( P pea) 1

- .-

~ ,. ....-- .-

...- ..
r~ .~

..-T --- ... ~ ...

- 1

Fermentation time (hour)

tCrude fibre nille let)

I 1
1 Crude fibre (P. pea) 1

Fermentation time (hour)

Figure 1: Effect of Fermentation time on (A) crude protein, (B) crude fat and
(C) crude fibre content of millet and Digeon Dea.

~ r u d fat
e (millet)

Sprouting time (hour)


-- -- ---. -.--- --
2 &Crude fibre (millet)
a 1.5
.-a-Crude fibre (P. pea)
G 1
0 I I 1

0 24 48 72 96
Sprouting time (hour)

Figure 2: Effect of Sprouting on (A) crude protein, (B) crude fat and (C)
crude fibre content of millet and pigeon pea. ,
1 -+Tannin (millet) I

Fermentation time (hour)

I -+Phytate (millet) I

1 a- Phytate (P. pea)_1

0 24 48 72 96
Fermentation time (hour)

1% cyanide (millet) 1
Cyanide (P. pea) 1
1--t .. . -.

Fermentation time (hour)

Figure 3: Effect of Fermentation time on (A) Tannin, (B) Phytate qnd (C)
Cyanide content of millet and pigeon pea. ,rl
Sprouting time (hour)


P 0.1
E' 0.08 I-+ Phytate (millet)

g 0.06 16Phytate (P.

- pea)
0 24 48 72 96
Sprouting time (hour)

Sprouting time (hour)

Figure 4: Effect of Sprouting time on (A) Tannin, (B) Phytate and (C)
Cyanide content of millet and pigeon pea.
+Viscosity (Millet)
--m- -- --.
(P. pea) -

Fermentation time (hour)

+WAI (Millet)
*-WAI (P. pea)
.. 1
0 1 I I I I I

0 24 48 72 96
Fermentation time (hour)

1+WSI (Millet)
+WSI (P.pea)

Fermentation time (hour)

Figure 5: Effect of Fermentation time on (A) Viscosity, (B) Water Absorption

Index and (C) Water Solubility Index of millet and pigeon pea.
I-+-\liscosity (Millet) /
/ t ~ l s c o s i(P.
t ~ pea)i

Sprouting time (hour)

Sprouting time (hour)


0 24 48 72 96
Sprouting time (hour)

Figure6: Effect of Sprouting time on (A) Viscosity, (B) Water Absorption

Index and (C) Water Solubility Index of millet and pigeon pea.
No. of Rats -- 6
No. of Days - 28
Quantity of diets per day - 15 g/day
Total weight of diet: 6 x 28 x 15 = 2520
Plain of Nutrition (Protein level) = 10%
Based on 10% Plain of Nutrition, 7% of the protein in the diet will be supplied from pigeon pea) legume and 3%
protein from millet (cereal).

Protein Content:
Crude protein content of UPF = 22.04% @.in5
To calculate the quantity of UPF that will give 7% protein, this expression used:
22.04 = - 7
100 X
22.04~ = 700
x = -700
= 31.76
If 3 1.76 is equivalent to 7% protein level,
To calculate the weight of UPF from the Total weight:
31.76 x 2520
= 800.35 g/g sample

Crude protein content of FPF,, = 23.46% acir

To calculate the quantity of FPF7, that will give 7% protein, this expression b, used:
23.46 = -
100 X
23.46~ = 700
X = 700
x = 29.84
If 29.84 is equivalent to 7% protein level,
To calculate the weight of FPF,, from the Total weight:
29.84 x 2520
= 75 1.97 g/g sample

Crude protein content of SPFz4 = 24. 95%

To calculate the quantity of SPF24that will give 7% protein, this expression used:
24.95= 7
100 X
2 4 . 9 5 ~ = 700
X = 700
x = 28.06
If 28.06 is equivalent to 7% protein level,
To calculate the weight of SPF,, from the Total weight
28.06 x 2520
= 707.1 l g/g sample
Crude protein content of UMF = 9.18%
To calculate the quantity of UMF that will give 3% protein, this expression is used:
9 . 1 8 = 3-
100 X
9 . 1 8 ~ = 300
X = 300
x = 32.68
If 32.68 is equivalent to 3% protein level,
To calculate the weight of UMF from the Total weight:
. 32.68 x 2520
= 823.54 g/g sample

Crude protein content of FMF,, = 9.46% i+i~

To calculate the quantity of FMFZ4that will give 3% protein, this expression ,t, used:
9 . 4 6 = - 3
100 X
9 . 4 6 ~ = 300
X = 300
x = 31.71
If 3 1.71 is equivalent to 3% protein level,
To calculate the weight of FMFZ4from the Total weight:
. 31.71 x 2520
= 799.09 g/g sample

Crude protein content of SM17,, = 7.88% an5

To calculate the quantity of SMFZ4that will give 3% protein, this expression j\ used:
7 . 8 8 = 3-
100 X
7 . 8 8 ~ = 300
x = -
x = 38.07
If 38.07 is equivalent to 3% protein level,
To calculate the weight of SMF,, fiom the Total weight:
.: 38.07 x 2520
= 959.36dg sample

Crude protein content of Casein = 83.2%

To calculate the quantity of casein that will give 7% protein, this expression used:
83.2 = -10
100 X
83.2~ = 1000
X -
- 12.019
If 12.019 is equivalent to 10% protein level,
To calculate the weight of casein from the Total weight:
.: 12.019 x 2520

- 100
302.88 g/g sample
Fat content = 5%
To calculate the 5% weight of fat from the Total weight
.: 0.05 x 2520
= 126

Mineralcontent = 3.5%
To calculate the 3.5% weight of mineral fiom the Total weight
.: 0.035 x 2520
= 88.2

Vitamin content = I %
To calculate the 1% weight of vitamin from the Total weight
.: 0.01 x 2520
= 25.2

Fibre content = 1%
'To calculate the 1% weight of fibre fiom the Total weight
.: 0.01 x 2520
= 25.2

Energy = 100 - (Protein + fat + mineral + vitamin + fibre contents )

= 100- ( l O + 5 + 3 . 5 + 1 + I )
= 100- 20.5
= 79.5

Diet I =2520 - 1888.49

Sucrose and cornstarch supply energy,
. The value for Energy is divided by 2
To give values for cornstarch and sucrose
.: 631.5112 = 315.755

Diet I1 = 2520 - 1815.66

= 704.34
.: Energy value for sucrose and cornstarch
.: 704.34 I 2 = 353.17

Diet 111 = 2520 - 1975.93

= 544.07
.: Energy value for sucrose and cornstarch
.: 544.07 12 = 272.035

Diet lV = 2520 - 1770.8

= 749.2
.: Energy value for sucrose and cornstarch
. 749.2 12 = 374.6

Diet V = 2520 - 1931.07

= 588.93
.: Energy value for sucrose and cornstarch
. 599.93 1 2 = 294.465
Diet VII = 2520 - 567.48
- 1952.52
.: Energy value for sucrose and cornstarch
1952.5212 = 976.26


Name: Sex:
Dept: Age: 30-30
30 4 0
40 -50
Please taste the products presented and score them according to your degree of
acceptance using the scoring scheme provided.
Tick (4) to indicate acceptance
1 - 7 indicates the degree of acceptance; 7 = the highest, 1 = the least
A - K shows the number of sam~les

Neither attractive nor unattractive 4

Slightly unattractive 3
Moderately unattractive 2
Extremely unattractive 1
I Any other comment:


Extremely strong 7
Moderately strong 6
Slightly strong 5
Neither strong nor weak 4
Slightly weak 3
Moderatelv weak 2 I I 1 1 I I I I I I

Extremely weak 1
I Anv other comment: I

iii. FLAVOUR A B c D E F G J K -
Extremely thick 7
Moderately thick 6
Slightly thick 5
Neither thick nor thin 4
Slightly thin 3
Moderately thin 2
Extremely thin 1
I Anv other comment: 1
y<tremely smooth 7
Moderately smooth 6
Slightly smooth 5 -
Neither smooth nor gritty 4
Slightly gritty 3
Moderately gritty 2
Extremely gritty 1
other comment:

Extremely tasty 7
Moderately tasty 6
Slightly tasty 5
Neither tasty nor tasteless 4
Slightly tasteless 3
-Moderately tasteless 2
Extremely tasteless 1
LAny other comment:


Extremely strong 7
Moderately strong 6
Slightly strong 5 -
Neither strong nor weak 4
Slightly weak 3
Moderately weak 2
Extremely weak 1
LA~Y other comment: ..- --..--A


Extremelv acce~table
Moderately acceptable

Siightly acceptable 5
Neither acceptable nor unacceptable 4 -
Slightly unacceptable

Moderately unacceptable 2
Extremely unacceptable 1
l ~ n other
y comment:

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